GWMurtha | Greetings all. | 00:01 |
dbarros | any workaround to make a persistent USB live disk from 16.04 - already made flash ? | 00:01 |
neredsenvy | Anyone know how I could debug my wifi issues. I installed WICD than uninstalled it however now I can only connect to WIFI when I first login if I want to change the wifi network I have to reboot my PC every time. | 00:01 |
neredsenvy | If I logout/sleep it drops connection and I cannot select any networks anymore | 00:02 |
neredsenvy | It shows WIFI as enabled yet no networks are listed | 00:02 |
neredsenvy | It won't connect to those that are listed | 00:02 |
sendq | how can I distribute software using a package name that is already used by Ubuntu in my own repository properly? | 00:07 |
sendq | the result I'm seeing now is that the original debian package is being pushed as a "downgrade" everytime I upgrade a system using my repo? | 00:08 |
danmulvey | my ctrl key has stopped working, any ideas? | 00:08 |
sendq | remap it to caps lock | 00:10 |
danmulvey | sounds good | 00:10 |
HappyNewYear13 | has anyone of you read Crime & punishment? is it good? should i read it? | 00:10 |
danmulvey | any ideas what could cause it to stop working other than the key just being broken though? | 00:11 |
sendq | there is a command that will list all the X keybinings, but I would think you should know if it was remapped for some reason | 00:11 |
nacc | sendq: you will need to provide a newer version at all times | 00:11 |
nacc | sendq: but why are you doing that? | 00:11 |
sendq | danmulvey: does it work in terminal? | 00:11 |
sendq | nacc: the version is newer | 00:12 |
nacc | danmulvey: try xev to see if the key press is seen | 00:12 |
notadrop | Hi, which argument do I pass to apt-get to install security updates and new versions of my installed packages? would it be $ sudo apt-get update? | 00:12 |
notadrop | I'm new to apt-get, familiar with pacman | 00:12 |
sendq | nacc: i'm not, i'm asking on behalf of someone who does which is breaking my systems | 00:12 |
nacc | notadrop: `apt update; apt upgrade` will do it | 00:12 |
notadrop | thanks :) | 00:12 |
sendq | nacc: but the package is newer | 00:12 |
danmulvey | sendq: doesnt seem to be, no | 00:12 |
OerHeks | !distupgrade | 00:12 |
ubottu | A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention. | 00:12 |
nacc | notadrop: presumign you have security enabled, that is (default is yes) | 00:12 |
notadrop | nacc, what is the difference between update and upgrade? | 00:13 |
lordcirth | notadrop, 'update' refreshes package lists, (checking for updates) 'upgrade' will install them | 00:13 |
terminalrecluse | !upgrade | 00:13 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at - see also | 00:13 |
nacc | notadrop: update just 'updates' the package listsl ocally | 00:13 |
notadrop | nacc, yes. I'm actually on trisquel but it's derived from Ubuntu | 00:13 |
notadrop | oh okay thanks! | 00:13 |
notadrop | same as pacman -Sy | 00:13 |
lordcirth | notadrop, yes, same as -Sy and -Su respectively | 00:13 |
danmulvey | nacc: nope not picking it up in xev either | 00:13 |
nacc | sendq: can you provide me the debian version, ubuntu version and your version strings? | 00:14 |
notadrop | usually a system update on pacman is just -Syu to fetch the newest lists and update everything | 00:14 |
notadrop | I find that much simpler than apt | 00:14 |
terminalrecluse | how would one upgrade a server install of 16.04? | 00:14 |
terminalrecluse | is there a non-graphical version ? | 00:14 |
teward | terminalrecluse: erm, do you have 16.04? | 00:14 |
notadrop | s/update/upgrade anyway thanks guys | 00:14 |
teward | terminalrecluse: or do you have 14.04? | 00:14 |
terminalrecluse | i'm on xenial | 00:14 |
terminalrecluse | and am looking towards the future | 00:14 |
teward | terminalrecluse: there's nothing to 'upgrade' to | 00:14 |
terminalrecluse | the next release | 00:14 |
teward | terminalrecluse: #ubuntu+1 for those questions | 00:14 |
danmulvey | nacc: neither the left or right ctrl key is picking up which is what makes me think something is wrong other than just a broken key | 00:14 |
terminalrecluse | ahh | 00:15 |
terminalrecluse | thanks | 00:15 |
nacc | danmulvey: hrm, if xev says it's not seeing it, then that implies X isn't seeing it | 00:15 |
knob | Hello everyone. I am trying to run rsnapshot. I have modified the rsnapshot.conf, yet when I run rsnapshot -t hourly it returns not present (yet), nothing to copy | 00:16 |
knob | Any idea what I am doing wrong? | 00:16 |
nacc | danmulvey: you might see if evemu-record says anything (supposedly taht replaced evtest, which is what i was about to recommend) | 00:16 |
nacc | sendq: feel free to pastebin; the implication to me is the versioning is wrong | 00:16 |
sendq | ok give me a moment | 00:17 |
danmulvey | nacc: thanks ill check that out, gonna try restarting the computer real quick first just in case its something stupid though | 00:17 |
danmulvey | brb | 00:17 |
notadrop | apt upgrade is asking if I want to keep my own version of GRUB or get the maintainer's version. I'm inclined to keep my own, so that I can boot into my system tomorrow morning...? | 00:19 |
teward | notadrop: If it's asking about the /etc/defaults/grub and you haven't made any revisions there yo ucan get the maintainer's version. Grub will always rebuild the list of things that it can boot to | 00:20 |
filter85 | updating it will only update the current version of Grub and won't affect the boot process, still the same | 00:20 |
teward | so you won't get 'locked out' of your system | 00:20 |
teward | notadrop: it won't actually affect booting | 00:20 |
notadrop | teward, hold on I'll look into which file it wants to replace | 00:21 |
teward | notadrop: regardless, it won't affect your ability to boot | 00:21 |
teward | there's likely an update to grub that SHOULD be applied | 00:21 |
notadrop | oh yeah. for some reason I read that as grub.cfg and was scared. haha/ | 00:21 |
teward | :p | 00:21 |
notadrop | time for coffee or a snack clearly | 00:21 |
teward | notadrop: grub.cfg is always regenerated, even on kernel installs :p | 00:21 |
filter85 | I just had coffee and I think I need another one lol | 00:22 |
filter85 | how are you today guys | 00:22 |
notadrop | excellent, thanks... how are you, filter85? | 00:23 |
filter85 | all good, I'm gonna need another coffee though, just finished my 50km bike ride for today, so stoked... | 00:23 |
knob | Any idea what could be going on with the rsnapshot message? | 00:24 |
knob | First time using it, and reading a lot of pages, yet I can't even get the first test-run to work. | 00:24 |
sendq | nacc: | 00:25 |
sendq | how is versioning supporsed to be handled in a case like this? | 00:25 |
nacc | sendq: sorry, hard to read, let me make sure i understand | 00:26 |
nacc | sendq: debian version is 6.2.1-1nodesource1~jessie1 | 00:26 |
nacc | sendq: actually, can you pastebin something clearer for me to follow? like 3 lines: 'debian version is ...\nubuntu version is ...\nmy version is ...\n" ? | 00:27 |
sendq | nacc: see PM | 00:27 |
nacc | sendq: what version of ubuntu is this? | 00:28 |
sendq | nacc: also, how are you viewing the page I linked? | 00:28 |
nacc | sendq: i mean, i see it, it's the same as you pm'd me | 00:28 |
sendq | it's a text/plain ASCII text file | 00:28 |
nacc | i'm saying that's not exaclty the cleaest thing to communicate over | 00:29 |
nacc | i don't really care about the versions of random stuff, or dpkg output :) | 00:29 |
nacc | i just want to see the version strings | 00:29 |
nacc | as i'm 99% sure they are not correct for your case | 00:29 |
nacc | it only slows me down to have to extract them myself :) | 00:29 |
sendq | hmm.. I see all 3 in both the link and what I pasted to you, they are lines starting with "Version: " | 00:29 |
nacc | and it's not clear to me from the output which is the 'problematic' one and which is the expected ones | 00:29 |
nacc | sendq: yes, i can see all that | 00:29 |
nacc | but i am lacking any and all context what the bug is, so you need to give me 'better' information than just the raw outputs :) | 00:30 |
sendq | ok let's talk less, tell me how to get what you want | 00:30 |
nacc | sendq: my undersatnding is: you have 3 version in play, 1) debian version, 2) ubuntu version, 3) your version | 00:30 |
nacc | sendq: is that correct? | 00:30 |
Anitaa | what? | 00:31 |
nacc | sendq: also what ubuntu release are using as our common discussion point? | 00:31 |
sendq | i deleted the ubuntu system i tested this on an only have local debian machines | 00:31 |
sendq | i'll setup the ubuntu server if you promess it'll be worth 15 minutes of my typing and your waiting | 00:32 |
sendq | :) | 00:32 |
nacc | sendq: this is seen on an ubuntu system? what version was it seen on? | 00:32 |
sendq | i think 14.01 | 00:32 |
nacc | sendq: right now, i don't know why you think anything in what you pasted would be 'after' 6.2.1-1nodesource1~jessie1 | 00:32 |
nacc | sendq: 6.0.0~dfsg-1 is clearly before | 00:33 |
nacc | (6.0.0 < 6.2.1) | 00:33 |
nacc | sendq: and so is 0.10.29~dfsg-2 | 00:33 |
sendq | nacc: try it if you can, | 00:33 |
nacc | sendq: so ... that page says support for said repository is via github | 00:34 |
nacc | sendq: i'm willing to help generally, but that takes us offtopic for this channel :) | 00:34 |
sendq | nacc: sorry, I'm a bit behind your analysis, what do you mean by "I think anything should be after 6.2.1" ? | 00:34 |
nacc | sendq: so the way apt works is it uses the version strings to determine an ordering on packages | 00:35 |
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nacc | sendq: what version do you want to have installed and what version is being installed? | 00:35 |
Sysop_WARDEN | nacc: i apoligize for being off topic a bit, but would you happen to know anything about owncloud? | 00:35 |
nacc | Sysop_WARDEN: it's being removed from debian? :) | 00:35 |
nacc | (and so from ubuntu eventually, i'd think) | 00:36 |
sendq | nacc: 6.2.1 is installed, apt-get upgrade DOWNGRADES to the distro's release | 00:36 |
Sysop_WARDEN | nacc: i am running ubuntu server 10.04 | 00:36 |
nacc | sendq: `apt-cache policy nodejs` from that system | 00:36 |
Sysop_WARDEN | 16.04 | 00:36 |
nacc | Sysop_WARDEN: i don't know anything specifically about owncloud, but you might ask your question about it and see if anyone else does | 00:37 |
sendq | | 00:37 |
nacc | Sysop_WARDEN: and depending on the question, i might know an answer :) | 00:37 |
_CoolGuy_ | someone gave me a script that uploads images to And it doesn't work. | 00:37 |
nacc | sendq: so it's trying to install the 0.10 version? | 00:37 |
sendq | _CoolGuy_: check google, if not search for code on | 00:38 |
Sysop_WARDEN | well basically i am not familiar with configuring ssl to see the error msg i get you can goto | 00:38 |
Guest49920 | is any body here? | 00:38 |
sendq | nacc: yeah. | 00:38 |
nacc | sendq: see the priorities? | 00:38 |
Sysop_WARDEN | @nacc | 00:38 |
nacc | sendq: said user has said that the m.k.o mirror is a higher priority, i think | 00:38 |
sendq | nacc: yes, I see them | 00:38 |
sendq | said user has said that? | 00:39 |
Guest49920 | i found that ubuntu16.04 can't compile android L | 00:39 |
nacc | sendq: 'said user' being whoever that person's system owner is | 00:39 |
nacc | sendq: they ahve told apt that m.k.o is the highest priority mirror | 00:39 |
sendq | 500 jessie/main amd64 Packages | 00:39 |
nacc | sendq: i belive that will prefer package versions from there | 00:39 |
sendq | 00:39 | |
jakesyl | Hey, I'm trynig to install ubuntu. I uninstalled windows and tried once, but now it wont boot. When I tried to bootup I get grub rescue> When there's no usb in and I run ls I get (hd0), when I put the usb in I get (hd0)(hd1)(hd1,msdos1), how can I boot? | 00:39 |
sendq | hmm, here I installed on a testing/dev debian release: | 00:40 |
nacc | sendq: is this all about debian? shouldn't you be asking #debian? | 00:41 |
nacc | sendq: ack, that system is configured normally | 00:41 |
sendq | what is the usual priority in ubuntu for the default repository (selected at install time) | 00:41 |
nacc | sendq: 500, iirc | 00:41 |
sendq | no i tested this on both but am using debian locally and have no ubuntu | 00:41 |
Sysop_WARDEN | I only asked my question in here as i have ubuntu installed and noone is answering in #owncloud | 00:42 |
sendq | nacc: ok! | 00:42 |
jakesyl | I can't even run a help command from the grub rescue shell | 00:42 |
sendq | I'm happy with the apt-cache policy nodejs output, thanks a lot for your patience, it's much appreciated. | 00:42 |
nacc | sendq: generally one shouldn't be mucking with priorities for apt | 00:42 |
nacc | sendq: as in, apt knows what to do generally given multiple versions all at the same priority | 00:42 |
nacc | sendq: the only use-case i have seen actively for priorities is to use testing over unstable, e.g., in debian | 00:43 |
nacc | sendq: but in ubuntu, i don't think that'd be too common to see configured | 00:43 |
sendq | well, here's what I think is weird, I own these systems and have different policies on a few of them | 00:43 |
nacc | :) | 00:44 |
nacc | it would appear that was done at some point (apt-preferences, i am guessing) | 00:44 |
sendq | nacc: just keep on feeding me with dpkg related commands, they're helping me a lot | 00:45 |
sendq | o apt-preferences is not a command? | 00:45 |
nacc | sendq: `man apt_preferences` | 00:46 |
nacc | sendq: also | 00:46 |
sendq | kk, i tried with - | 00:46 |
nacc | sendq: yeah, my fault | 00:46 |
sendq | you type a lot | 00:47 |
nacc | sendq: the man-page is quite clear about how priorities work, etc. | 00:47 |
thenewone | i have one simple question why ubuntu sucks | 00:51 |
thenewone | no comment have a nice day | 00:52 |
erasmus | bye | 00:52 |
winston2k | thenewone what are you trying to say | 00:53 |
nacc | winston2k: don't feed the trolls. | 00:53 |
winston2k | was aware they had left | 00:54 |
systemfive | Hello | 01:07 |
jakesyl | yeah, the grub rescue isn't working | 01:08 |
Bashing-om | hello systemfive ... an ubuntu issue ? | 01:08 |
=== richard is now known as Guest80331 | ||
systemfive | Hello, Yes, I have an issue | 01:12 |
Bashing-om | !ask | systemfive | 01:12 |
thenewone | systemfive, belive me stop using ubuntu it's fully with issues | 01:12 |
ubottu | systemfive: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 01:12 |
systemfive | bashing-om I am trying to download ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso but I keep getting a Network Timeout Error | 01:12 |
thenewone | systemfive, don't just use debian | 01:13 |
thenewone | ubuntu become like windows | 01:13 |
thenewone | sucks | 01:13 |
thenewone | don't bother your self with a stupid os | 01:13 |
thenewone | i mean distro | 01:13 |
manots | ... thenewone even though i agree with you lets not troll these guys and be dicks k? | 01:13 |
thenewone | i don't care | 01:13 |
systemfive | It's for a class project unfortunately so I'm just doing it for a course. | 01:13 |
thenewone | because i'm telling the truth | 01:13 |
thenewone | oh | 01:13 |
thenewone | systemfive, who is your stupid teacher | 01:14 |
thenewone | systemfive, tell him there is more important distros | 01:14 |
Bashing-om | systemfive: This URL : ? or some other flavour ? | 01:14 |
manots | thenewone: this is not funny dude | 01:14 |
thenewone | systemfive, like Arch Gentoo | 01:14 |
thenewone | manots, it's look like i have fun | 01:14 |
=== nardev is now known as dranve | ||
thenewone | i get pist | 01:14 |
thenewone | when i used ubuntu | 01:14 |
manots | at whose expense thenewone? | 01:14 |
thenewone | :D | 01:14 |
thenewone | systemfive, what is the project ? | 01:15 |
thenewone | manots, plz let me express my self | 01:15 |
manots | thenewone: isn't this kinda behavior discouraged by ramadan? | 01:15 |
thenewone | what ramadan mean ? | 01:16 |
t0x | hay | 01:16 |
thenewone | hay | 01:16 |
t0x | السلام عليكم .. :-) | 01:17 |
notadrop | How can I tell which version of Ubuntu's repos I am using? | 01:17 |
thenewone | t0x, sorry i couldn't read this | 01:17 |
notadrop | I'm on Trisquel so I'm not technically using Ubuntu | 01:17 |
notadrop | But I sort of am. | 01:17 |
thenewone | Debian better 1000000-----00000000000 times than ubuntu | 01:18 |
notadrop | actually, if I just knew how to perform a keyword search for packages in apt or apt-get, that would be great. in pacman it's just "pacman -Ss foo bar" | 01:18 |
Bashing-om | notadrop: the source file /etc/apt/sources.list will reveal all . | 01:18 |
thenewone | notadrop, yep | 01:18 |
notadrop | thenewone, yeah, I know :/ | 01:18 |
thenewone | notadrop, apt-cache search ( your stuff ) | 01:18 |
notadrop | thanks :) | 01:18 |
thenewone | notadrop, welcome but belive me man use debian that will be better and more secure | 01:19 |
thenewone | i'm leaving guys have fun with this slow and unsecure distro | 01:19 |
notadrop | heh | 01:19 |
_CoolGuy_ | Here's an image: | 01:20 |
notadrop | it's a shame that the FSF-endorsed distro based on Debian has next to 0 users or support now. Gnewsense | 01:20 |
lordcirth | notadrop, what's wrong with Trisquel? | 01:20 |
notadrop | lordcirth, I miss pacman, so I'm going to try making a mix of Antergos and Parabola. | 01:21 |
notadrop | I used to like Arch but I cba doing the install by hand | 01:21 |
=== Schnabel- is now known as Schnabeltierchen | ||
lordcirth | notadrop, Parabola is great. I used it for several months. | 01:22 |
notadrop | lordcirth, there is some issue with PGP signatures not working now. | 01:22 |
jakesyl | so, how can I boot from that screen? | 01:22 |
lordcirth | jakesyl, do you still have the Ubuntu installer? Boot it and run this: | 01:23 |
reisio | lordcirth: the distro? | 01:23 |
notadrop | I wish #parabola and #antergos weren't so dead | 01:23 |
lordcirth | reisio, yes | 01:23 |
jakesyl | lordcirth, the ubuntu installer won't boot | 01:23 |
reisio | talking about all the arch derivatives in #ubuntu? :p | 01:24 |
notadrop | uh | 01:24 |
notadrop | sorry :$ | 01:24 |
lordcirth | jakesyl, then how did you try the first install, without an installer? | 01:24 |
jakesyl | I'm just stuck at the grub rescue> screen. Live usb, and yeah I really don't know why it worked before and not now | 01:24 |
lordcirth | jakesyl, so you booted off the USB, ran the installer, rebooted, and you get grub-rescue with or without the USB plugged in? | 01:25 |
jakesyl | yep | 01:26 |
jakesyl | only difference with or without the usb plugged in is what ls from grub rescue shows | 01:26 |
OerHeks | maybe set your bootpriority to the correct hdd? | 01:27 |
jakesyl | done. it's definitely booting the usb | 01:28 |
lordcirth | jakesyl, did you verify the installer when you booted it first? | 01:28 |
jakesyl | Don't think so. I checked the hash before I burned it though | 01:29 |
jakesyl | guess that wouldn't be too much help | 01:29 |
lordcirth | It's always good to do, you never know. But it's probably not the problem. | 01:29 |
lordcirth | jakesyl, are you sure you told the installer to use the right hard drive, and put the bootloader on it? I forget if Ubuntu installer shows the USB or not. | 01:30 |
lordcirth | It really sounds like what happens when you install the bootloader pointing to the wrong partition | 01:30 |
jakesyl | alright, let me try something | 01:31 |
_CoolGuy_ | Here's an image: | 01:33 |
=== reisio_ is now known as reisio | ||
lordcirth | _CoolGuy_, nice. | 01:36 |
_CoolGuy_ | :-) | 01:38 |
OerHeks | that was cool, 3 years ago | 01:39 |
lordcirth | OerHeks, why would art suddenly stop being cool? | 01:40 |
asdddddddd | I have an A4Tech mouse with some macros recorded in it, any way I can erase them in linux so my mouse becomes functional again? oscar editor wont detect mouse with wine | 01:42 |
reisio | the tangible isn't art; what makes it art is its strangeness to the consumer | 01:42 |
lordcirth | asdddddddd, why isn't it functional right now? Does it only show up as generic HID when it's clean? | 01:42 |
asdddddddd | lordcirth: because my buttons are mapped to macros, mouse1 is not mouse1, xbutton is not xbutton and so on | 01:44 |
asdddddddd | this kind of mouse has an internal memory for that | 01:44 |
lordcirth | asdddddddd, ah ok. | 01:44 |
OerHeks | asdddddddd, it is on the wishlist | 01:44 |
asdddddddd | lordcirth: any idea? | 01:44 |
OerHeks | even wine gives dll errors .. | 01:44 |
asdddddddd | wine doesnt detect my mouse | 01:45 |
asdddddddd | but the program doesnt give any error | 01:45 |
lordcirth | asdddddddd, do you have another mouse to use for a few minutes? | 01:45 |
asdddddddd | nop | 01:45 |
asdddddddd | but im handy with tiled window managers | 01:45 |
asdddddddd | what can i do | 01:45 |
lordcirth | asdddddddd, well, I'm not sure if you can do it entirely without mouse (practically) | 01:45 |
OerHeks | deprogram it in windows | 01:45 |
lordcirth | But you can passthrough a USB device to a Windows VM | 01:46 |
asdddddddd | i have no windows OerHeks | 01:46 |
lordcirth | that being your mouse, and clear it | 01:46 |
asdddddddd | lordcirth: i have virtualbox but I read somewhere virtualbox passes a virtual mouse driver? | 01:46 |
asdddddddd | do you think it may work? | 01:46 |
lordcirth | asdddddddd, normally yes, but you can choose to passthrough usb directly | 01:46 |
asdddddddd | that would be nice | 01:47 |
asdddddddd | going to try, thanks | 01:47 |
lordcirth | The downside being that the mouse will not work on your host until you reboot or close the VM | 01:47 |
lordcirth | So actually you could do it without a mouse | 01:47 |
lordcirth | Just shutdown the VM when you're done, and it *should* return | 01:47 |
asdddddddd | lordcirth: do I have to do something before starting up windows in the vm? | 01:48 |
asdddddddd | like in settings | 01:49 |
lordcirth | asdddddddd, start it up (already installed, make sure it has internet, etc) | 01:49 |
lordcirth | asdddddddd, then bottom right of the VM window, there should be a USB icon | 01:49 |
lordcirth | You can check off any USB device the host has, to detach and passthrough. | 01:49 |
asdddddddd | lordcirth: no usb devices connected | 01:53 |
lordcirth | asdddddddd, that's strange, I've done it before. | 01:55 |
lordcirth | Try plugging in a USB stick and see if it shows up | 01:55 |
asdddddddd | I got no usb stick | 01:56 |
lordcirth | asdddddddd, Oh I forgot | 01:57 |
lordcirth | sudo adduser USERNAME vboxusers | 01:57 |
lordcirth | logout & login | 01:58 |
lordcirth | asdddddddd, Gives your user permission to do it | 01:58 |
asdddddddd | what you mean logout | 01:58 |
asdddddddd | my cpu is at 80Cº | 01:58 |
asdddddddd | and this room must be easily at 50ºC | 01:58 |
lordcirth | asdddddddd, well, that's not good, but not related to this either. | 01:59 |
jamesd | better open a window or install an exhaut fan/vent | 01:59 |
lordcirth | asdddddddd, you need to run that command, then log out & back in to apply the changes | 02:00 |
asdddddddd | i can't logout now | 02:00 |
YankDownUnder | Morning - trying to configure some extra functionality on a laptop with a touch-screen - have been researching this, but little info. Anyone have an ideas? | 02:00 |
lordcirth | asdddddddd, as in, you have things open, or you literally can't? | 02:01 |
asdddddddd | yes, things opened | 02:01 |
asdddddddd | i won't be able to logout in 8 months | 02:02 |
asdddddddd | this is a server | 02:02 |
lordcirth | asdddddddd, logging out shouldn't stop your services? What is running in your login session that needs uptime? | 02:02 |
OerHeks | asdddddddd, so no way to check if legacy-usb support is enabled in the bios? | 02:03 |
lordcirth | How are you running your server's critical services in a way that will be stopped if you log out of X? | 02:04 |
asdddddddd | OerHeks: it's enabled, I can move the cursor, the computer detects the mouse | 02:04 |
lordcirth | (And why does a server have X?) | 02:04 |
asdddddddd | lordcirth: and if I fix this I will gladly explain to you all those things you are curious about | 02:05 |
=== shah` is now known as shah | ||
asdddddddd | but right now this room is at 80Cº | 02:05 |
asdddddddd | haha 50ºC, 80º and I'd be dead | 02:05 |
lordcirth | If it's actually 50C, that's hardly healthy either | 02:07 |
neredsenvy | Anyone know how I could debug my wifi issues. I installed WICD than uninstalled it however now I can only connect to WIFI when I first login if I want to change the wifi network I have to reboot my PC every time. | 02:07 |
neredsenvy | If I logout/sleep it drops connection and I cannot select any networks anymore | 02:07 |
somsip | s/C/F maybe... | 02:07 |
neredsenvy | It shows WIFI as enabled yet no networks are listed | 02:07 |
neredsenvy | If I logout/sleep it drops connection and I cannot select any networks anymore | 02:07 |
asdddddddd | lordcirth: I drink two bottles of water an hour | 02:08 |
asdddddddd | if I open a window this'd get full of fking mosquitos | 02:08 |
lordcirth | asdddddddd, good. Anyway, are you sure you can't log out of X? | 02:08 |
asdddddddd | and I'd rather suffer a suffocation than being bitten | 02:08 |
asdddddddd | yes i am sure | 02:08 |
=== me is now known as Guest30919 | ||
lordcirth | asdddddddd, ok... you can try this: Close Vbox completely. In a terminal, run "newgrp $USER" and then "virtualbox" | 02:10 |
lordcirth | Vbox *may* inherit the permissions correctly from bash without a new login. | 02:10 |
lordcirth | Sorry, that's " newgrp vboxusers " I meant | 02:11 |
asdddddddd | processor was at 95C, had to shut down vbox so i don't burn it | 02:12 |
lordcirth | asdddddddd, ... your "server" has problems | 02:12 |
asdddddddd | i can't trust in a *may* | 02:12 |
lordcirth | But ok, give it a break then try it | 02:12 |
dongcarl | Hey guys, I'm writing a bash script right now, wondering if there's a way to check if apt-get has been updated in the last 5 mins and only update if it hasn't | 02:12 |
lordcirth | asdddddddd, it shouldn't do any harm if it doesn't work | 02:12 |
asdddddddd | every time i open the virtual machine and the temperature goes up i'm risking a million dolar operation | 02:13 |
asdddddddd | that's why i asked you before if i needed to setup something first | 02:13 |
asdddddddd | brb | 02:13 |
asdddddddd | need fresh air | 02:13 |
lordcirth | "Million dollar operation" with a single, 0-redundancy, overheating server. I am having trouble believing this. | 02:15 |
OerHeks | yeah, milliondollaroperation but wonky cooling solutions | 02:15 |
lordcirth | And 1 mouse. | 02:15 |
lordcirth | Million Zimbabwe dollars? | 02:15 |
OerHeks | get a $.99 mouse @walmart | 02:15 |
dubin | homfolder if it's installed on the root partition rather than on a individual partition | 02:18 |
dubin | Is it easier to mange a home folder if it's installed on the root partition rather than on a individual partition | 02:18 |
dubin | Is it easier to mange a home folder if it's installed on the root partition rather than on a individual partition | 02:18 |
dubin | Is it easier to mange a home folder if it's installed on the root partition rather than on a individual partition | 02:18 |
dubin | Is it easier to mange a home folder if it's installed on the root partition rather than on a individual partition | 02:18 |
Gallomimia | yes it is, but it's better in the long run to have it on a separate one | 02:19 |
Gallomimia | in case you fill up either. or if you want to reinstall your system | 02:19 |
lordcirth | Gallomimia, he got kicked | 02:20 |
Gallomimia | i'm ok with that | 02:20 |
Gallomimia | but for those who might be listening | 02:20 |
lordcirth | Just letting you know | 02:20 |
lordcirth | Oh ok | 02:21 |
Gallomimia | i saw the +q but not the kick | 02:21 |
lordcirth | It was enough to trigger Freenode | 02:21 |
=== nerd is now known as Guest53585 | ||
Gallomimia | i've had several instances where i was very glad to have my /home in a separate LVM | 02:21 |
Gallomimia | hah. that's brutal yes | 02:22 |
fwm | YOU'RE A FUCKING WHITE MALE! | 02:23 |
lordcirth | ? | 02:23 |
fwm | | 02:24 |
lordcirth | Gallomimia, I keep /home on / but mount a data partition, with symlinks for ~/Documents and ~/Downloads | 02:24 |
Gallomimia | oh that's a good idea | 02:24 |
lordcirth | fwm, pretty sure that's offtopic on #ubuntu | 02:24 |
fwm | i just keep everything on a single partition | 02:24 |
Gallomimia | i do also mount a data partition, but i keep it dedicated to... uh. well i don't know anymore | 02:25 |
Gallomimia | it's no longer big enough for my videos. so maybe just music | 02:25 |
lordcirth | Gallomimia, yeah, a habit I got into when distro-hopping, since /home changes per distro and DE | 02:25 |
Gallomimia | yes. that's a pain | 02:25 |
lordcirth | Gallomimia, I recently migrated my data partition to a 2TB zpool. It's great. | 02:25 |
Gallomimia | i changed my root from ubuntu-unity 14.04 to ubuntu-mate 16.04 and had plenty of grief. just renamed my home | 02:25 |
Gallomimia | zfs? | 02:26 |
lordcirth | I also have /NAS nfs mounted from a NAS, which is also a zfs volume, 4TB | 02:26 |
Gallomimia | i looked into that but decided to avoid, despite having a raid | 02:26 |
Gallomimia | i myself have a few NAS devices but none of them have free OS's. been trying to jury rig that | 02:27 |
lordcirth | The server is 3x2TB raidz. The local one is just the spare disks that the server was using before, plus the hard drive I built my PC with originally | 02:27 |
Gallomimia | not much success on account of not being attached to my own network. always someone else's | 02:27 |
lordcirth | Now root is an SSD and the first 1TB of each (1TB, 1.5, and a 2) are ZFS. Pretty sketchy but ZFS handles it well. | 02:28 |
* lordcirth starts a scrub | 02:28 | |
lordcirth | I actually scrubbed pretty recently because we had a power outage. | 02:29 |
lordcirth | Even ZFS sometimes doesn't like hard shutdowns. But it was fine. | 02:30 |
arooni-mobile | hey folks; im on an ubuntu 14.04 laptop and id like a bitter vnc viewer than vinagre. when i connect to my mac mini that has two 1920x1080 displays i am either too far zoomed in or out. i'd like to view only one display at a time via vnc. how can i do this? | 02:30 |
reisio | arooni-mobile: move the cursor over to the left? | 02:31 |
dongcarl | arooni-mobile: Not sure how you'd do this using software, but you can get headless HDMI dongles and set custom resolutions there | 02:31 |
arooni-mobile | according to realvnc; you can view only one display | 02:32 |
arooni-mobile | | 02:32 |
lordcirth | arooni-mobile, and you've done this, and it's not working? | 02:32 |
arooni-mobile | well i was wondering if there was a way without me having to install two new vnc packages; but i guess thats the onlyway | 02:33 |
jamesd | disk is cheap :-) | 02:33 |
lordcirth | Oh. Well it seems that it's a server, not client, option. I don't think VNC is aware of monitors | 02:33 |
asdddddddd | fixed mouse issue with vmware | 02:34 |
asdddddddd | as usual, 'free' turned out to be 'bad' | 02:34 |
asdddddddd | : P | 02:34 |
lordcirth | I would love/hate to know what his server is supposed to be doing. | 02:35 |
Gallomimia | lordcirth: it's called a UPS | 02:38 |
lordcirth | Gallomimia, ? Not sure how that would help the various other problems he has | 02:38 |
Gallomimia | he? i was talking to you | 02:38 |
lordcirth | Oh that was a while ago, sorry, confused | 02:39 |
Gallomimia | power loss causing problems with your filesystem? don't have that problem. | 02:39 |
lordcirth | Gallomimia, yeah, well, that would cost money. | 02:39 |
lordcirth | I've never actually lost data that way, and I don't expect to. I scrubbed just in case. | 02:39 |
Gallomimia | so does having your system fail or die because of power problems | 02:39 |
lordcirth | Most traffic is reads, anyway | 02:40 |
Gallomimia | aye | 02:40 |
Gallomimia | i just really don't like having momentary power loss cause my computer(s) to shutdown. or even my network | 02:40 |
jamesd | that is why they make UPS' | 02:40 |
Gallomimia | that is the topic yes | 02:40 |
jamesd | your disks hate momentary power loss | 02:41 |
lordcirth | Yes, I had my desktop die in the middle of playing Stellaris twice in the last 2 weeks. Quite annoying | 02:41 |
Gallomimia | even a cheap UPS only costs around 60 bucks | 02:41 |
Gallomimia | doesn't need to run everything. just the tower so that it doesn't shut down. press pause if the monitor goes out | 02:42 |
lordcirth | Gallomimia, and I plan on buying one, some weeks after I start getting paid. | 02:42 |
Gallomimia | obv better if you get one that does run everything. server, desktop, monitor(s) network appliances | 02:42 |
Gallomimia | ah yes. familiar with that problem | 02:42 |
Gallomimia | very | 02:42 |
lordcirth | Network doesn't take much to run anyway, so yeah, it'd be the first thing I'd put on the UPS. My desktop might use a lot, depending on what I'm doing. | 02:44 |
Gallomimia | yeah | 02:44 |
Gallomimia | my UPS is a little more pricey. it has a nice built-in watt meter so i can view the draw of everything plugged in | 02:44 |
jamesd | don't bother putting monitors on ups, if you have a laptop you can use while power out. | 02:44 |
lordcirth | ~140W CPU if I actually maxed it out | 02:45 |
reisio | Gallomimia: does it connect to the computer via phone/usb? | 02:45 |
somsip | jamesd: except you cant close down if you cant see... | 02:45 |
lordcirth | Gallomimia, that's pretty handy | 02:45 |
Gallomimia | monitors on UPS are only useful if you need to power them down, don't have setup | 02:45 |
jamesd | i have a 1300 kva, and it was like $110 with usb cable for monitoring and server shutdown when power is less than 30% | 02:45 |
lordcirth | somsip, press power button. ACPI poweroff | 02:45 |
Gallomimia | reisio: it has a USB connection, but i don't have that setup. not sure of drivers | 02:45 |
Gallomimia | jamesd: is that easy to get configured under linux? | 02:45 |
somsip | lordcirth: = orphaned swap files in vim | 02:45 |
jamesd | apcd i think it called can monitor ups'... | 02:45 |
somsip | anyway - how off topic is all of this :-) | 02:45 |
Gallomimia | only a little | 02:46 |
Gallomimia | oh really | 02:46 |
lordcirth | somsip, which is why when you go to edit, vim sees them and asks what you want to do. | 02:46 |
Gallomimia | thanks for that info jamesd | 02:46 |
lordcirth | Or you could run 'locate *.swp' | 02:46 |
somsip | lordcirth: off topic and we all have our ways of doing things. Let's move on to support | 02:46 |
jamesd | Apcupsd UPS control software | 02:46 |
Gallomimia | right on. let me get my linux notebook and write that down | 02:47 |
neredsenvy | I uninstalled wireless-regd and wireless-tools this reset my graphics and made my mouse stop working | 02:47 |
neredsenvy | what can I do now | 02:47 |
neredsenvy | I havr no mouse i cant install those back because ethernet does not work | 02:48 |
Gallomimia | er... :/ | 02:48 |
Gallomimia | wifi? firewire network? | 02:48 |
neredsenvy | so no internet connection over either | 02:48 |
lordcirth | Gallomimia, firewire network? Who uses that? | 02:49 |
Gallomimia | people whose ethernet isn't working? | 02:49 |
lordcirth | fair point | 02:50 |
lordcirth | But what would one plug the other end in to? | 02:50 |
neredsenvy | I tried thethered connection over usb now | 02:50 |
Gallomimia | another way you can get the files you need to install neredsenvy is to put them on a USB stick | 02:50 |
neredsenvy | does not work | 02:50 |
neredsenvy | recognizes tbe phone | 02:50 |
Gallomimia | lordcirth: another computer with internet. then natd | 02:50 |
Gallomimia | perhaps, the one he's using to talk to us now? | 02:50 |
neredsenvy | im on an android phone right now | 02:51 |
lordcirth | hah I win. jk | 02:51 |
Gallomimia | oh. ouch | 02:51 |
Gallomimia | no one wins when you irc from a phone :( | 02:51 |
lordcirth | Too true. Anyway, yeah, I'd go with a USB stick if you have one | 02:51 |
neredsenvy | I dont understand how my mouse is gone | 02:51 |
Gallomimia | perhaps you can get internet thru the phone connection? beware it will burn your data plan | 02:51 |
Gallomimia | neredsenvy: try unplugging it and reconnecting it. other ports | 02:52 |
Gallomimia | i've had that problem a few times before | 02:52 |
Gallomimia | sometimes it's just an error in initialization | 02:52 |
neredsenvy | I gave plenty of data on my mobile plan but now its not recognising my thethered conn over usb | 02:52 |
Gallomimia | mice don't just quit working. and their drivers are pretty universal | 02:52 |
Gallomimia | is it optical? does it light up still? | 02:53 |
neredsenvy | trackpad | 02:53 |
Gallomimia | oh well that has a driver that can quit | 02:53 |
neredsenvy | tried usb mouse does not show up either | 02:53 |
Gallomimia | well, i'm not much for advice in that case. but perhaps you can check with the X11 modules that deal with input devices | 02:54 |
Gallomimia | i had a nasty problem with some version mismatches. they would cause X to crash | 02:54 |
Gallomimia | hang. not crash | 02:54 |
neredsenvy | cursor appears after login for few seconds than puff | 02:55 |
oaulakh | will anyone help why this error is coming when i try to put memory card in ubuntu | 02:58 |
Gallomimia | neredsenvy: yes that's the same problem i was having. does keyboard work? | 02:59 |
oaulakh | can anyone help me with this error | 02:59 |
lordcirth | oaulakh, what is supposed to be on /dev/sdb? | 02:59 |
OerHeks | oaulakh, what is the output of fdisk -l ? if that partition is exfat, you will need to install some tools | 03:00 |
oaulakh | lordcirth, OerHeks card is in ntfs and its on /dev/sdb/ | 03:00 |
oaulakh | lordcirth, OerHeks i put lsblk too in my paste | 03:01 |
neredsenvy | Gallomimia yea kb works | 03:01 |
OerHeks | oaulakh, then it is closed inconsistent .. check the filesystem perhaps? | 03:01 |
oaulakh | OerHeks, how? | 03:02 |
lordcirth | oaulakh, install ntfsprogs | 03:02 |
oaulakh | OerHeks, i dunno how to play proper with fstab | 03:02 |
Gallomimia | ah, not the same error. my display was completely locked up. no keyboard or mouse. anyway, i have nothing to add. | 03:02 |
lordcirth | Then fsck.ntfs /dev/sdb1 | 03:02 |
oaulakh | lordcirth, ok | 03:02 |
neredsenvy | I go to my network settings all i have is Network proxy setting | 03:03 |
oaulakh | lordcirth, what no no i can format it still without that installation, it was working awesome but i dunno when i try to backup my files i remove card from phone and try to mount in system it throw that error, before it was working good on ubuntu | 03:03 |
oaulakh | lordcirth, so this timi dont want to format and i want to backup data | 03:04 |
oaulakh | anyone ? | 03:04 |
OerHeks | oaulakh, waiting for fsck.ntfs /dev/sdb1 | 03:05 |
oaulakh | OerHeks, it will format my card sorry not going to do that, thanks for your help | 03:06 |
oaulakh | OerHeks, wait wait | 03:06 |
oaulakh | OerHeks, is that chdsk like windows? | 03:06 |
oaulakh | OerHeks, but fs is for format! right? | 03:07 |
OerHeks | filesystemcheck .. | 03:08 |
oaulakh | OerHeks, not available! | 03:10 |
OerHeks | !info ntfsprogs | 03:12 |
ubottu | Package ntfsprogs does not exist in xenial | 03:12 |
oaulakh | OerHeks, told u :( | 03:12 |
neredsenvy | My ifconfig showa only lo | 03:13 |
neredsenvy | What he shit | 03:13 |
neredsenvy | I there a way to revert apt-get purge ? | 03:19 |
lordcirth | oaulakh, command is "ntfsfix" instead. | 03:20 |
oaulakh | lordcirth, thanks it worked bro :) | 03:22 |
lordcirth | oaulakh, you're welcome | 03:24 |
oaulakh | :) | 03:24 |
neredsenvy | This is why linux will never beat win : / | 03:24 |
lordcirth | neredsenvy, it already is :) But that's offtopic | 03:25 |
neredsenvy | not by a lo g shot | 03:26 |
=== a1 is now known as unlike | ||
lordcirth | neredsenvy, you are thinking only of desktop :) The majority of phones and nearly all infrastructure run on Linux. | 03:27 |
lordcirth | neredsenvy, did you get those packages reinstalled yet? | 03:28 |
neredsenvy | No cuss there s noway to get the mouse working or to get a working internet connection | 03:28 |
neredsenvy | over thethered usb or wifi | 03:29 |
Jeaux | Good evening | 03:29 |
reisio | evenin' | 03:29 |
lordcirth | neredsenvy, you don't have a USB stick either? | 03:29 |
neredsenvy | i have it but dont have another pc or a linux pc | 03:30 |
neredsenvy | or a usb stik with linux install | 03:30 |
lordcirth | unfortunate | 03:30 |
lordcirth | You are IRC'ing from your phone? | 03:31 |
neredsenvy | yup | 03:31 |
lordcirth | neredsenvy, and what prevents USB tethering? | 03:32 |
neredsenvy | not sure worked before i plug i in and nothing | 03:32 |
neredsenvy | i wanted to check if wrd connection is enabled | 03:32 |
lordcirth | neredsenvy, well, you could try putting it in /etc/network/interfaces | 03:33 |
neredsenvy | but no mouse this is what bugs me the most by what logic does removng a wifi package disablemouse | 03:33 |
neredsenvy | lol | 03:33 |
neredsenvy | lordcirth how ? | 03:33 |
lordcirth | neredsenvy, try this, two lines: "allow-hotplug usb0" "iface usb0 inet dhcp" | 03:34 |
lordcirth | I am also puzzled as to why your mouse is affected. Are you sure it didn't remove dependencies? Not that I understand why that would matter either | 03:34 |
lordcirth | neredsenvy, then "sudo systemctl restart networking" | 03:35 |
OerHeks | wireless mouse ? | 03:35 |
lordcirth | After plugging in phone, enabling tether, etc, obviously | 03:35 |
neredsenvy | i have nothing under interfaces just add a .conf file qith those 2 lines | 03:35 |
neredsenvy | ah wat you mean the interfaces file | 03:36 |
lordcirth | neredsenvy, yes, /etc/network/interfaces | 03:36 |
lordcirth | the .d directory would work the same | 03:36 |
neredsenvy | Done tho nothing | 03:39 |
neredsenvy | when i type ifconfig i only get lo | 03:39 |
lordcirth | neredsenvy, ok, do " ifdown usb0" then "ifup usb0" and see what the error is | 03:40 |
neredsenvy | for down i get | 03:42 |
neredsenvy | interface usb0 not configured | 03:42 |
neredsenvy | for up cannot find device usb0 | 03:42 |
neredsenvy | checked the interfaces file i have | 03:43 |
neredsenvy | auto lo, iface lo net loopback, allow-hotplug usb0, iave usb0 inet dhcp | 03:44 |
neredsenvy | those 4 lines lordcirth | 03:44 |
lordcirth | neredsenvy, *iface ? | 03:44 |
lordcirth | neredsenvy, and the phone is all set up properly to tether? | 03:44 |
neredsenvy | phone mistake no spelling mistake in file | 03:45 |
neredsenvy | yes | 03:45 |
neredsenvy | s | 03:45 |
neredsenvy | tried rebooting pc now taking a bit : / | 03:45 |
lordcirth | neredsenvy, hanging on bringing up interfaces? | 03:46 |
neredsenvy | could be rebooted now | 03:46 |
neredsenvy | lets see | 03:46 |
neredsenvy | ok back in | 03:48 |
neredsenvy | tried up n down again same issue | 03:48 |
lordcirth | ok | 03:48 |
lordcirth | neredsenvy, leaving the phone connected, disable and re-enable tethering on the phone, while running "dmesg -w" in a terminal | 03:50 |
lordcirth | neredsenvy, actually, run "ip link" first | 03:50 |
lordcirth | If this is a deterministic naming problem... | 03:51 |
lordcirth | neredsenvy, anything in "ip link" ? | 03:53 |
neredsenvy | just lo ... | 03:54 |
lordcirth | neredsenvy, ok toggle with dmesg then ^ . If there's no output, then I dunno. | 03:56 |
ToHellWithGA | what command must i use to choose a different video driver for the x server? | 03:56 |
neredsenvy | I have dmsg runing i get .. New USB device fiund .... strings Mrf 1 product 2 serialnumber 3 | 03:57 |
neredsenvy | device number is 11 | 03:57 |
neredsenvy | nothing special no errors or | 03:58 |
lordcirth | ToHellWithGA, Dash Menu, search "driver" | 03:58 |
lordcirth | ToHellWithGA, "Additional Drivers" | 03:58 |
neredsenvy | lordcirth says usb device number 11 could this mean i would have to set usb0 to usb11 | 03:58 |
neredsenvy | nah | 03:59 |
lordcirth | neredsenvy, no that's a different ID | 03:59 |
neredsenvy | I get output no errors | 03:59 |
neredsenvy | not sure what else to try | 04:01 |
neredsenvy | guessing ubunt does not have native revert/restore | 04:02 |
lordcirth | neredsenvy, if you installed/updated these packages, they might be in cache, actually | 04:02 |
lordcirth | but I gtg | 04:02 |
neredsenvy | how can i install them | 04:03 |
neredsenvy | from cache | 04:03 |
Moop_ | Hi, I am having an issue trying to boot Ubuntu 16 from an .iso I burned to USB | 04:16 |
Moop_ | I am having the issue even when booting from the USB | 04:16 |
Moop_ | The default desktop background shows and then an "Ubuntu has encountered an internal error" message keeps rapidly flickering | 04:18 |
Jordan_U | Moop_: Start by doing an integrity self check at boot as explained here: | 04:21 |
Jordan_U | Moop_: If the integrity test passes, tey some of the other kernel parameters listed there and see if you get better results tgat way. You may also get better results with a non composited desktop like Xubuntu. Also, if you can, look at the detailed report of what "internal erroe" jappened. | 04:23 |
daveguard | Hi all, I’m looking for help understanding lftp mirroring and the lftp man says: “If the target directory ends with a slash (except the root), the source base name is appended to target directory name. Source and/or target can be URLs pointing to directories”. Can someone help to explain what happens if I leave the slash off the end? | 04:47 |
=== Anonymous is now known as Guest70278 | ||
daveguard | IOW, assuming my source is the dir ~/localsource and the target is the dir ~/remotetarget, if I want everything in ~/localsource copied into ~/remotetarget… do I put the slash on or leave it off? | 04:52 |
hari | hi | 05:01 |
=== hari is now known as Guest95428 | ||
issac_ | h | 05:04 |
issac_ | tt | 05:06 |
issac | b | 05:06 |
syeekick | how to add line numbers to nano.rc file? thanks | 05:10 |
syeekick | i've got syntax highlighting i just need the line numbers nano -c didn't work | 05:11 |
somsip | syeekick: | 05:11 |
issac | 了 | 05:13 |
syeekick | ## Constantly display the cursor position in the statusbar. Note that | 05:15 |
syeekick | ## this overrides "quickblank". | 05:15 |
syeekick | # set constantshow | 05:15 |
syeekick | ## (The old form, 'const', is deprecated.) | 05:15 |
syeekick | const appears to be depricated somsip | 05:15 |
syeekick | should i use it anyway? | 05:15 |
somsip | syeekick: I don't really care. You have your answer in that rc file by the look of it | 05:15 |
syeekick | Ok thanks for your help :) | 05:15 |
pennTeller | guys i've found while using two monitors that if am playing a youtube video while in fullscreen on one of them the terminal in the other gets messed up | 05:16 |
pennTeller | has anybody had anything like this happen? | 05:16 |
pi | hello | 05:20 |
kknight | how to fetch the no. of ubuntu download? | 05:27 |
somsip | kknight: your question is not clear - can you rephrase | 05:27 |
anddam | hi, I've got two non-connected ubuntu hosts with 14.04, can I download updates aside and make the hosts locally see those? | 05:28 |
Bashing-om | No longer having fun, so retiring for the eve . G nite . | 05:29 |
somsip | anddam: AIUI, it would be overkill for what you describe, eg: | 05:29 |
somsip | !offline | anddam (or maybe this) | 05:31 |
ubottu | anddam (or maybe this): If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD | 05:31 |
=== ron____ is now known as romber | ||
anddam | the machine are not actually non-connected, but the network policy is "we only authenticate windows client since that's what we know how to admin" | 05:45 |
anddam | so I have a ubuntu host that connected to the LAN receives an IP address by DHCP server but won't be routed outside of the lan | 05:45 |
anddam | but, the oddest thing, it's able to resolve any name | 05:46 |
anddam | I looked the bound ports and saw 53 was local dnsmasq process but I wasn't be able to figure how it was configured and to what address it was redirecting queries it received | 05:46 |
anddam | dnsmasq's config in /etc was empty (possibly default, I never used it) | 05:46 |
shikinami | hello | 06:10 |
mang | hello | 06:10 |
shikinami | where are you from? | 06:10 |
mang | i am from indonesia. | 06:12 |
vlt | anddam: What does /etc/resolv.conf look like? | 06:27 |
fwm | vlt: what do you mean | 06:33 |
fwm | what does it look like? | 06:33 |
fwm | i don't understand the question | 06:33 |
fwm | fdkgjfdlkglkfdsg | 06:33 |
vlt | fwm: The contents of that file. | 06:36 |
somsip | vlt: note - difference username may not be related to original op | 06:36 |
vlt | somsip: ? | 06:37 |
somsip | vlt: read back. Or don't. | 06:38 |
vlt | :D | 06:38 |
vlt | somsip: anddam asked a question, I answered. Then fwm asked one and I asnswered ;-) | 06:41 |
vlt | -s | 06:41 |
* somsip faceplams | 06:41 | |
somsip | palms too. Anyway, enough | 06:41 |
* nicomachus lol's from his perch | 06:41 | |
mladoux | geez, I was trying to get sound to work in wine in a 32-bit environment, joined here to ask, remembered how to do it as soon as I joined, didn't work, app had all sounds muted by default (facepalm) | 06:42 |
* vlt doesn’t get it, apparently | 06:42 | |
justTHISonce | Hey all, I know this is not the place and I checked with wikimedia channel but thought to just check here as well: | 07:12 |
justTHISonce | Hey everyone, does anyone know if you can set "WikiEditor" to edit directly in preview mode, or any other extension that can make this available besides VisualEditor(+Parsoid)? | 07:12 |
daggs-work | greetings, I've upgraded a fresh installation of 12.04 i686 to 14.04 i686 and I need to install libfile-find-rule-perl, I can see it on but I cannot install it on my system, I get "Package libfile-remove-perl is not available, but is referred to by another package.". what am I missing? | 07:14 |
akik | !info libfile-find-rule-perl | 07:15 |
ubottu | libfile-find-rule-perl (source: libfile-find-rule-perl): module to search for files based on rules. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.34-1 (xenial), package size 27 kB, installed size 65 kB | 07:15 |
daggs-work | akik, but I don't use xenial, I use trusty | 07:17 |
akik | !info libfile-find-rule-perl trusty | 07:17 |
ubottu | libfile-find-rule-perl (source: libfile-find-rule-perl): module to search for files based on rules. In component main, is optional. Version 0.33-1 (trusty), package size 28 kB, installed size 108 kB | 07:18 |
akik | not sure why it's not found | 07:18 |
daggs-work | akik: is the a way to maybe reset apt somehow? | 07:18 |
akik | i think so | 07:19 |
akik | but did you try "sudo apt-get update" | 07:19 |
daggs-work | akik: ofcourse | 07:19 |
akik | how about "sudo dpkg --configure -a" and "sudo apt-get -f install" | 07:20 |
daggs-work | akik: sec, trying. | 07:21 |
DevAntoine | hi | 07:22 |
akik | daggs-work: "sudo apt-cache policy libfile-find-rule-perl" ? | 07:22 |
daggs-work | akik: sec please, the first two cmds you've offered didn't worked. | 07:22 |
daggs-work | akik: the output of the command is none installed, no cadidate and the version table is empty | 07:23 |
akik | daggs-work: has the package name been changed to libfile-find-rule-perl-perl ? | 07:26 |
akik | | 07:27 |
akik | !info libfile-find-rule-perl-perl trusty | 07:27 |
ubottu | libfile-find-rule-perl-perl (source: libfile-find-rule-perl-perl): Perl module for searching Perl things. In component main, is optional. Version 1.13-1 (trusty), package size 10 kB, installed size 62 kB | 07:27 |
akik | might be a different package | 07:27 |
OerHeks | both packages should show up with apt-cache | 07:28 |
daggs-work | sec, testing | 07:28 |
akik | daggs-work: the download for the deb is there if you really need it now | 07:28 |
OerHeks | maybe you are not runnin trusty, but mint or other fork? | 07:28 |
daggs-work | akik: I'd rather not install a direct deb, but use the pkg mgr. | 07:29 |
daggs-work | OerHeks: it is a fresh installation of 12.04 lts updated to 14.04 lts, the machine is 32 bit | 07:29 |
daggs-work | OerHeks: lsb_release -d returns "Description: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS" | 07:30 |
DustyNuts | good morning | 07:35 |
daggs-work | ok, removing /var/cache/apt and /var/lib/apt/lists followed by running update fixed it. | 07:35 |
daggs-work | thanks | 07:35 |
OerHeks | daggs-work, this makes no sense .. if this was the fix, you should have noticed with all previous commands .. even apt-cache .. | 07:37 |
daggs-work | OerHeks: maybe the upgrade didn't handled this | 07:38 |
square1 | Hi. I'm installing from usb drive, tested it and it was ok - on the drive selection screen i leave the default options picked and click Continue, then I select the drive I want to use and choose "Install Now" but nothing happens, well it refreshes the screen but it doesn't mvoe on | 07:56 |
Yuri4_ | Hi, Guys! COuld someone point me to the right direction? I have a wp multisite on Bluehost. with ip and with ip. Now I'm moving WP multisite to VPS. How do I set up VPS for DNS properly? | 07:58 |
=== cyborg is now known as Guest74891 | ||
=== aswi is now known as zero_coder | ||
zero_coder | hi, cant find network manager in my gnome arch deskop. PS: its freshly installed | 08:00 |
DustyNuts | press windows button | 08:00 |
explosive | zero_coder: arch linux? | 08:00 |
DustyNuts | search network manager | 08:00 |
Yuri4_ | DustyNuts, ubuntu network manager? | 08:00 |
zero_coder | explosive, yep. | 08:00 |
explosive | zero_coder: /join #archlinux | 08:01 |
zero_coder | sorry, wrong channel | 08:01 |
zero_coder | explosive, i am really sorry | 08:01 |
explosive | it's not installed by default | 08:01 |
zero_coder | i type the wrong box | 08:01 |
explosive | no problem | 08:01 |
zero_coder | explosive, i was an ubuntu user till last day. still ubuntu on this machine | 08:01 |
zero_coder | but arch on my new machine | 08:01 |
DustyNuts | should be the same | 08:02 |
DustyNuts | as you are using gnome desktop | 08:02 |
Lope | does anyone know how the /etc/subuid file works? | 08:02 |
explosive | hmm :) | 08:02 |
DustyNuts | | 08:03 |
=== me is now known as Guest58866 | ||
DustyNuts | or just ctrl alt t | 08:04 |
DustyNuts | man subuid | 08:04 |
Lope | DustyNuts: the man page is too short, it doesn't explain anything: | 08:05 |
DustyNuts | you are right | 08:06 |
Lope | what is a user ID count? | 08:06 |
Lope | How many ID's does 1 user need? | 08:06 |
explosive | Lope: what are you trying to achieve anyways? | 08:06 |
Lope | There are no examples anywhere (that I've been able to find) with an explanation. | 08:06 |
Lope | I want mongodb in my containers to have the same uid as mongodb on my host? | 08:07 |
DustyNuts | Why do you want too do that? | 08:07 |
Lope | so that I can admin the container's data from the host. | 08:07 |
Lope | and have different servers able to read the same data, without needing to chown anything from inside a container. | 08:08 |
DustyNuts | There is a way to do this | 08:09 |
DustyNuts | You are talking about synchronizing uids | 08:09 |
Lope | yes | 08:10 |
=== athairus is now known as afkthairus | ||
Yuri4_ | Hi, guys! Is there a document that indicates, where Ubuntu places important files? | 08:12 |
explosive | !hier | Yuri4_ this is a start | 08:12 |
ubottu | Yuri4_ this is a start: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at see also: man hier | 08:12 |
Yuri4_ | explosive, thank you! | 08:12 |
explosive | Yuri4_: no problem | 08:13 |
Yuri4_ | what's hier?) | 08:13 |
explosive | hierarchy | 08:13 |
Yuri4_ | oh... | 08:13 |
DustyNuts | | 08:14 |
explosive | looks german or something | 08:14 |
DustyNuts | read that Lop | 08:14 |
DustyNuts | maybe it helps | 08:14 |
tribalman | I'm struggling with permission on a web app and see to my astonishment that folders that should be owned by the apache user is owned by "games" | 08:22 |
tribalman | its a VM, surely it could not have been pawned | 08:22 |
neredsenvy | Why wont ubuntu mount any usb | 08:31 |
neredsenvy | no network or anything | 08:31 |
neredsenvy | not even on boot | 08:31 |
neredsenvy | gparted does not even see the stick | 08:31 |
neredsenvy | USB stick confirmed working | 08:32 |
OerHeks | that no network issue is your own action, neredsenvy | 08:33 |
OerHeks | time to reinstall | 08:33 |
neredsenvy | Cant | 08:34 |
neredsenvy | since the bloody pc wont even detect or mound the usb | 08:34 |
neredsenvy | wrll it detects the drive in dmesg | 08:35 |
neredsenvy | tho does not mount it or show it in gparted or in disks | 08:35 |
neredsenvy | or in boot menu on start what the shit | 08:36 |
neredsenvy | tried another usb | 08:36 |
neredsenvy | same | 08:36 |
DustyNuts | navigate to the /dev/ dir | 08:37 |
DustyNuts | then hit ll | 08:38 |
DustyNuts | what do you see | 08:38 |
neredsenvy | DustyNutc crap ton of ttys | 08:39 |
neredsenvy | vcs.. | 08:40 |
neredsenvy | normal stuff | 08:40 |
zamil | hi | 08:40 |
neredsenvy | no sda or sdb | 08:40 |
neredsenvy | just shm and snd | 08:40 |
OerHeks | you won't find sda in /dev/, try /dev/disk/by-uuid | 08:42 |
danmulvey | anyone know if there is a way to set the default zoom level in firefox to be something other than 100 percent (i know you can in chromium) | 08:42 |
danmulvey | i cant seem to find it | 08:42 |
neredsenvy | OerHeks I got 3 uuids | 08:43 |
neredsenvy | Weird if i go to by uuid i get 3 entries if i go to partlabel i get one EFI/x20System... | 08:45 |
neredsenvy | and by-id i get 6 entries two diff | 08:46 |
neredsenvy | even with usb unplugged | 08:46 |
OerHeks | time to reset your laptop/desktop bios | 08:51 |
OerHeks | or question your usb test, as you stated it works on an other machine | 08:51 |
neredsenvy | works everywhere tries bios reset still same | 08:52 |
neredsenvy | could be its becaus it usb 3.0 tho why | 08:52 |
neredsenvy | but all ports are also 3.0 | 08:53 |
OerHeks | if that is so, how did you install ubuntu in the first place? | 08:54 |
neredsenvy | same | 08:54 |
OerHeks | anyway, usb3 could be the culprit | 08:54 |
neredsenvy | stick | 08:54 |
=== root_ is now known as weizhengxing | ||
neredsenvy | its the same usb from the first install | 08:54 |
neredsenvy | This is why I could never have our enterprise servers running linux | 08:55 |
OerHeks | or you used an other usb-2-port during install, or used another method | 08:56 |
neredsenvy | no usb2 only port on this | 08:56 |
neredsenvy | How very annoying usb now shows up at boot if in bios i use legacy and yet wont boot | 09:02 |
weizhengxing | part | 09:04 |
=== csyogi1 is now known as csyogi | ||
zzarr | hello! | 09:27 |
zzarr | I'm having problems with the network on a device | 09:28 |
zzarr | if I write auto eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0 I append about 5 mins to the boot time but get no network | 09:29 |
tinkerer | Hi all. I just had a quick question. From the point of view of an application, what folders are read/writable on an Ubuntu phone? I'm aware of the application's own personal folder in "~/.local/". Are there any others? | 09:29 |
brunch875 | From my understanding, anything which belongs to root (needs sudo) is readonly | 09:30 |
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zzarr | tinkerer, I think you'd better ask in #ubuntu-app-devel | 09:31 |
=== MuTaKa is now known as KpuCko | ||
brunch875 | #ubuntu-touch is a good place to ask for utouch related stuff | 09:31 |
MrElendig | zzarr: cat /proc/1/comm | 09:31 |
MrElendig | zzarr: if you are using systemd then I suggest using networkd instead | 09:32 |
Crackpotmark | I seem to have a broken cgroupfs-mount and I can't force purge it. Is there another way to remove it? | 09:33 |
Crackpotmark | the purge fails because the service does not respond to a stop request | 09:34 |
zzarr | MrElendig, okey, the output is systemd | 09:35 |
zzarr | MrElendig, how do I setup networkd? | 09:36 |
davesidious | Hey folks - anyone here using budgie? | 09:36 |
davesidious | I don't seem to have a quick launch panel thing... | 09:36 |
zzarr | note: I have no network | 09:36 |
MrElendig | zzarr: most of it is distro agnostic, also see the man page | 09:44 |
zzarr | thank you MrElendig | 09:45 |
MrElendig | zzarr: you ofcourse have to disable any other network service you might have | 09:47 |
neredsenvy | Windows servers 15 year runtime 0 critical issues flawless uptime lnux 8month 800 critical issues : P | 09:48 |
Frede___ | How do i disable a network interface and keep it down? If I do "sudo ifconfig wlan0 down" it just comes straight back up when NetworkManager figures it out. | 09:51 |
MrElendig | Frede___: ifconfig died a decade ago, stop using it | 09:53 |
MrElendig | Frede___: just tell networkmanager to not bring it up | 09:54 |
MrElendig | Frede___: | 09:54 |
zzarr | MrElendig, | 09:57 |
zzarr | upps, MrElendig yes, I understand that | 09:57 |
Guest15790 | Hi, I have upgraded my openssl version to latest one, still CVE-2016-2107 is not fixed | 09:59 |
Guest15790 | i am using Ubuntu 14.04 | 09:59 |
Guest15790 | openssl - 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.19 | 10:00 |
k1l_ | | 10:00 |
Guest15790 | am i missing something / | 10:00 |
k1l_ | Guest15790: restartet? | 10:00 |
Guest15790 | yes, rebooted | 10:00 |
Guest15790 | am running container that too is upgraded and restarted | 10:00 |
square1 | Can anyone help? | 10:01 |
k1l_ | Guest15790: how do you test it? it should be fixed | 10:02 |
Guest15790 | using url - | 10:02 |
k1l_ | Guest15790: are you sure your container works correctly? that fix was shipped end of april already and should be fixed by the update | 10:07 |
Guest15790 | yes, container is working | 10:08 |
k1l_ | Guest15790: "lsb_release -d | nc 9999" run that on that server and show the terminal output please" | 10:09 |
Guest15790 | | 10:10 |
k1l_ | Guest15790: "apt-cache policy openssl | nc 9999" | 10:11 |
=== csyogi1 is now known as csyogi | ||
Guest15790 | | 10:12 |
=== crussell is now known as Testing123 | ||
=== Testing123 is now known as blah-de-blah | ||
k1l_ | Guest15790: that is fixed. make sure you restarted the ssh service and the url shows to the correct server. | 10:13 |
Guest15790 | Yes, i restart the system | 10:14 |
=== alexandr2 is now known as alexandros_c | ||
Guest15790 | but the verification url given above is still says not fixed | 10:14 |
k1l_ | Guest15790: it does for ubuntu systems. i tested it. so i think there is something wrong on your container setup | 10:15 |
Guest15790 | let me run same command inside container | 10:15 |
XinZhao | Hi all | 10:16 |
XinZhao | When I go to software center | 10:16 |
XinZhao | it shows 6 updates | 10:16 |
XinZhao | but theres no button to.. update | 10:17 |
XinZhao | lol | 10:17 |
Guest15790 | K1l_: it is not fixed even without container | 10:19 |
Guest15790 | i tried on another server where container is not running, there too is says not fixed | 10:20 |
LibertyWeNeed | how do i move the task bar to the bottom. I heard you can do this in 16.04. | 10:22 |
k1l_ | XinZhao: run "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" in terminal | 10:22 |
k1l_ | Guest15790: did you run the commands i gave you on the container that your are testing with the url check? | 10:23 |
XinZhao | yeah I can do it using terminal | 10:23 |
XinZhao | but its more like, its a pretty basic thing to be able to do lol | 10:23 |
Yuri4_ | If I sudo tar -zcvpf /1.tar.gz / | 10:28 |
Yuri4_ | and untar it on another server will I have identical server with all packages , services and settings? | 10:29 |
hicoleri | why isn't zsh exporting my environment variables even though I'm placing them in zshrc? | 10:31 |
Andy_m | hello there | 10:32 |
hicoleri | hm? | 10:32 |
Andy_m | I needed help with my ubuntu installation | 10:32 |
hateball | Too bad they did not wait | 10:34 |
Guest15790 | K1l_: Yes, same result | 10:39 |
Guest15790 | no difference in host and container output | 10:39 |
Bear10 | Anyone here use atop before? I'm attempting to use atopsar to find out what is causing my CPU to spike to 100% in a given moment | 10:40 |
Bear10 | and I was looking for the recommended approach to figuring this out | 10:41 |
LibertyWeNeed | anyone got an answer to my question? | 10:41 |
hateball | LibertyWeNeed: You may need to repeat it, what with joins/parts | 10:43 |
LibertyWeNeed | how do i move the task bar to the bottom. I heard you can do this in 16.04. | 10:45 |
k1l_ | | 10:46 |
LibertyWeNeed | thanks :) | 10:47 |
rbasak | LibertyWeNeed: | 10:50 |
=== Nilesh_ is now known as kokane | ||
=== kokane is now known as Nilesh_ | ||
zzarr | MrElendig, I followed this guide but I wrote "eth0" instead of "enp3*" when configuring DHCP, but I still can't get the network up and running | 11:06 |
OerHeks | Systemd-network | 11:08 |
OerHeks | There is currently no text in this page | 11:08 |
brunch875 | when I shut down my computer with some program open, it will wait 1:30 minutes to shut down | 11:09 |
brunch875 | can I immediatly kill some way? | 11:09 |
zzarr | sorry wrong link | 11:09 |
OerHeks | systemd-resolved to be deployed in Ubuntu 16.10 | 11:11 |
zzarr | OerHeks, I don't get an IP number | 11:12 |
zzarr | the router don't recognize the device ether | 11:14 |
zzarr | how do I check what driver that is used? | 11:15 |
neredsenvy | I have a fresh ubuntu install from software app i ran system update clicked install it finished and reappeard clcked install again same thing | 11:15 |
neredsenvy | i reboot my pc login shows but aftee i login | 11:16 |
neredsenvy | ui does not load | 11:16 |
neredsenvy | just desktop background | 11:16 |
zzarr | neredsenvy, running unity7/X11? | 11:17 |
zzarr | neredsenvy, "sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool" "unity-tweak-tool --reset-unity" | 11:18 |
neredsenvy | zzarr yes | 11:18 |
neredsenvy | cant access terminal or any app | 11:18 |
zzarr | that solved the problem once for me | 11:18 |
neredsenvy | mouse is there but thats i | 11:18 |
OerHeks | alt + f2 : terminal | 11:19 |
zzarr | [ctrl] [opt] [F1] and login | 11:19 |
neredsenvy | shortcuts not responding | 11:21 |
zzarr | ctrl + alt/opt + f1 ?? | 11:22 |
zzarr | it should take you to a terminal | 11:22 |
BluesKaj | Howdy folks | 11:22 |
neredsenvy | could be due to fn | 11:23 |
neredsenvy | can i access termi al at login | 11:23 |
neredsenvy | uu in terminal | 11:24 |
neredsenvy | wuu we are back | 11:29 |
neredsenvy | dpkg -co figure -r did the trick | 11:29 |
Crackpotmark | I seem to have a broken cgroupfs-mount and I can't force purge it. Is there another way to remove it? | 11:30 |
titouan_ | Hi, I try to make my NVIDIA card to work, but unfortunately, I experiment a lot of problem. I tried this link | 11:38 |
titouan_ | it seems to work, prime-select query return me nvidia | 11:38 |
titouan_ | but when I start the soft nvidia-settings | 11:39 |
titouan_ | I've this output : | 11:39 |
titouan_ | in this screenshot, a lot of options are missing | 11:39 |
titouan_ | it is the output from : | 11:39 |
titouan_ | this means probably that my nvidia card is not set up correctly | 11:40 |
titouan_ | If you have any suggestion | 11:40 |
zzarr | how do I list the drivers? | 11:40 |
int-main | I'm on Xubuntu and few MP4 files are giving cracking in audio in VLC but fine with other players. The same files work fine with VLC on Fedora | 11:40 |
int-main | Any hints? | 11:40 |
bindi | stop using vlc? :) | 11:41 |
int-main | That isn't a really nice fix | 11:41 |
bindi | try mpv | 11:41 |
hateball | titouan_: what nvidia chipset do you have? | 11:41 |
hateball | titouan_: and what version of ubuntu are you using? | 11:42 |
titouan_ | hateball: GTX 960M, I've installed nvidia 352 drivers | 11:42 |
titouan_ | Linux titouan-PE60-2QE 3.16.0-38-generic #52~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri May 8 09:43:57 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 11:42 |
titouan_ | this is my uname -a | 11:42 |
ggo062 | fpm | 11:43 |
hateball | titouan_: the chipset is very new, so you'll want a newer driver probably | 11:43 |
titouan_ | I've no idea of what driver to choose | 11:43 |
hateball | titouan_: you can install an unsupported from !ppa with this oneliner: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nvidia-367 | 11:43 |
titouan_ | I've tried to install the 364 | 11:44 |
ioria | titouan_, you are using the old utopic lts .... maybe you can try the xenial lts for trusty | 11:44 |
titouan_ | because it is the recommended driver from ubuntu-drivers devices | 11:44 |
titouan_ | but, I did reboot into a shell and remove the driver because I had a black screen | 11:45 |
ioria | !linux-generic-lts-xenial trusty | 11:45 |
ioria | !info linux-generic-lts-xenial trusty | 11:45 |
ubottu | linux-generic-lts-xenial (source: linux-meta-lts-xenial): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 27 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf; arm64; ppc64el; powerpc) | 11:45 |
titouan_ | hateball, how did you know that 367 is a good driver ? | 11:46 |
hateball | ioria: there was some driver revisions where hybrid gpu was broken, but I think that is fixed in 367. like ioria says you may want to install a newer kernel as well tho | 11:46 |
hateball | titouan_: I use that driver myself, but I do not use hybrid gpu so I am not 100% it'll work | 11:46 |
titouan_ | for the kernel, my distro is linuxmint, so I'm not sure if I can update the kernel | 11:46 |
hateball | ugh :| | 11:46 |
ioria | °_° | 11:46 |
hateball | !mint | titouan_ that changes things | 11:47 |
ubottu | titouan_ that changes things: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on | 11:47 |
tomp | msg nickserv identify baRN32 | 11:47 |
BluesKaj | tomp, in the server textbox , not here | 11:47 |
titouan_ | I usually fix the linux mint problem with the ubuntu forum | 11:47 |
tomp | sorry damn keyboard ate the escape | 11:48 |
titouan_ | so I install nvidia-367 and I swith to it with prime-select ? | 11:48 |
titouan_ | and everything will work ? | 11:49 |
HackerII | titouan_: the kernel 4.3.4 usually fixes mints graphics problems, no guarantees | 11:49 |
osl | heey people | 11:50 |
titouan_ | I can install nvidia-367 without update my kernel ? | 11:50 |
osl | yeah u can | 11:50 |
titouan_ | update kernel seems to be painfull | 11:52 |
osl | how exactly are u doing it | 11:52 |
=== root is now known as Guest54049 | ||
titouan_ | I've just seen some tutorial on internet | 11:54 |
osl | yeah some of those never really work | 11:55 |
titouan_ | I'll firstly install linux mint rosa, that swith kernel to 3.16 to 3.19 | 11:55 |
Ben64 | just so you know, mint isn't supported here | 11:55 |
titouan_ | unbutn and mint are not so different | 11:56 |
ioria | titouan_, idk mint, but i have an utopic lts trusty box and the current kernel is 3.16.0-71-generic, you have 38 | 11:56 |
Ben64 | different enough to not be supported here. they have their own support channel. use that | 11:56 |
ioria | titouan_, btw, not sure related to your nvidia-setting issue | 11:57 |
titouan_ | So, my primary goal is to make webgl to work | 11:57 |
Ben64 | titouan_: mint is supported only in #linuxmint-help on | 11:58 |
titouan_ | but firstly I'd like to make nvidia to work correctly | 11:58 |
titouan_ | Ben64, I got it | 11:58 |
Ben64 | you don't seem to have gotten it since you're still saying things here | 11:58 |
bananabob | Anyone know how i can invoke the "reboot requried" msg on a users computer. From a sysadmin perspective? | 11:59 |
yu_ | 111 | 12:00 |
yu | ?? | 12:00 |
yu | @yu_ wow this id sounds interesting | 12:01 |
hateball | bananabob: notify-send | 12:02 |
ducasse | bananabob: i think you need to create /var/run/reboot-required | 12:02 |
hateball | oh, if it is that specifically | 12:02 |
bananabob | Thanks guys, what i need is the graphical notification bar "reboot required" | 12:03 |
bananabob | preferably with a custom msg | 12:03 |
bananabob | you know if that is possible? | 12:03 |
=== InertiaCalling is now known as in4rtia | ||
ioria | bananabob, you can use a lot of tools, notify-send, javascript pop-up, or a gtk or pygtk window... | 12:08 |
ioria | bananabob, or zenity | 12:08 |
bananabob | ioria: What im after is to use the built-in restart required notification applet that will show red power off. Zenity is a little detached and will only show the window. adding a reboot-required file will pop up a banner when ssh:ing but wont actually trigger the behaviour in unity | 12:10 |
bfig | hello, I'm having issues installing rabbitmq on ubuntu 16 | 12:14 |
bfig | jun 07 09:04:35 leb systemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: Manages RabbitMQ server. <- this is the error message and this seems to be the related issue:, it seems this has to do with systemd changes over versions | 12:14 |
Ben64 | bfig: install how and which version of ubuntu exactly? | 12:15 |
bfig | <- following this install guide. Fails at step sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server | 12:16 |
Ben64 | well then you should seek support from them, since that is a 3rd party repository | 12:17 |
bfig | 16.04 the version | 12:17 |
ioria | bananabob, check this | 12:17 |
bfig | Ben64: this seems to be a systemd configuration settings issue, can you point me in some direction for support/information? | 12:19 |
Ben64 | i suggest you use the version of rabbitmq-server that comes in the standard ubuntu repostories | 12:19 |
bfig | Ben64: ok, thanks for the info. How do I remove the repository and the package info to go back to the previous setup? | 12:20 |
Theodore | hi | 12:21 |
Ben64 | if you ran what it said on that page, remove the line(s) from the file you added | 12:21 |
Theodore | can i get help | 12:21 |
bfig | ok | 12:21 |
hateball | !help | Theodore | 12:22 |
ubottu | Theodore: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 12:22 |
=== me is now known as Guest62099 | ||
bfig | thanks Ben64, think I got it working now | 12:25 |
Ben64 | great | 12:25 |
zzarr | I don't get an IP using DHCP with systemd-networkd | 12:27 |
titouan_ | just to tell you, I've updated my kernel, my nvidia driver, and everything works well :D | 12:28 |
zzarr | how do I check what driver that is used with the link? | 12:28 |
titouan_ | even webgl work | 12:30 |
Ben64 | titouan_: thats great, but still offtopic | 12:30 |
Ben64 | zzarr: "lshw -c network" ??? | 12:30 |
titouan_ | Ben64, I just give feed back for people who help me, no offence | 12:31 |
zzarr | thanks Ben64 it's a kernel driver | 12:32 |
zzarr | actually lsmod shows nothing | 12:33 |
Ben64 | zzarr: i'm not sure what you're asking | 12:33 |
zzarr | I'm having problems setting up the network on a device, so I'm trying to understand the problem | 12:34 |
zzarr | it don't seam to be the driver | 12:34 |
Ben64 | so you should check what network card it is, what driver it is using, and make sure those are correct first | 12:34 |
numnum | how do i transfer fies from my ubuntu mechine to my ipad 2? i am trying to move a PDF file | 12:35 |
Ben64 | then set a static ip and see if you can access the network | 12:35 |
zzarr | it's a SoC and the driver is in the kernel | 12:35 |
Ben64 | what network card, what driver | 12:35 |
numnum | excuse me kind fellas. | 12:35 |
numnum | what do i do if i want to move a PDF file to a ipad? from ubuntu? | 12:36 |
Ben64 | numnum: be way way more patient | 12:36 |
numnum | i can do that | 12:36 |
zzarr | | 12:36 |
Ben64 | zzarr: what system is this | 12:38 |
zzarr | it's a Atmel SAMA5D2 development board and the system is Ubuntu 16.04 | 12:38 |
MrKeuner | hi, how can I remove a package and all depend on it? | 12:39 |
Ben64 | zzarr: might want to give #ubuntu-arm a shot | 12:39 |
numnum | alt-f4 | 12:39 |
k1l_ | MrKeuner: sudo apt purge package | 12:39 |
k1l_ | MrKeuner: after that run sudo apt autoremove. | 12:40 |
MrKeuner | k1l_, doesn't seem to help. apt-get remove --purge apache2 removed a metapackage | 12:41 |
MrKeuner | autoremove doesn't do a thing | 12:41 |
k1l_ | MrKeuner: then maybe there are other packages that are still using it | 12:41 |
numnum | how do i get my ubuntu to work with ipad 2? | 12:41 |
numnum | i want to transfer a PDF | 12:41 |
MrKeuner | k1l_, any ackage that uses apache2 I'd like to remove temporarily | 12:41 |
k1l_ | MrKeuner: removing apache2 should have done that. so please be more specific what you think the real issue is | 12:42 |
zzarr | Ben64, okey | 12:44 |
zzarr | Ben64, thanks | 12:44 |
=== huwjr_ is now known as huwjr | ||
numnum | how do i transfer files to my ipad? | 12:47 |
k1l_ | numnum: put usb cable in, transfer the files with the filemanager. | 12:48 |
k1l_ | and dont run irc as root | 12:48 |
numnum | i cant find the ipad on my devices | 12:48 |
HackerII | send it to yourself through the mail, lol. | 12:49 |
numnum | i cant see my ipad on devicees when i connect it with a usb... what to do? | 12:53 |
aedigital | numnum maybe airmore app itś good for | 12:57 |
zzarr | Ben64, I don't get any response in #ubuntu-arm, but I doubt that it's a hw specific problem | 12:58 |
zzarr | the reason being that it find's the device | 12:59 |
unix4linux | after installing ubuntu, I run "sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall" in order to get my nvidia drivers going to support 4k, etc. It prompts me to select gdm or lightdm. I choose gdm since I am running ubuntu gnome but after the updates, I can't ever get my display to work anymore (ubuntu 16.04) | 13:01 |
numnum | what does in mean when i get error code status 1 when trying to install somthing from the cli? | 13:04 |
ikonia | numnum: what are you trying to install and how | 13:05 |
zzarr | lshw -c network says that link=no can I activate the network device? | 13:06 |
ikonia | zzarr: why ? if there is no link what are you going to activate ? | 13:07 |
numnum | i am trying to install transmission with the command "sudo apt-get install transmission" | 13:07 |
zzarr | why are there no link? (the cable is connected) | 13:07 |
ikonia | numnum: and what is the exact message you get back (use a pastebin if it's a long line) | 13:08 |
ikonia | zzarr: is there a link light on ? | 13:08 |
zzarr | ikonia, yes | 13:08 |
ikonia | zzarr: does ethtool show a link | 13:08 |
numnum | how do i paste bin the outpot? | 13:09 |
zzarr | ethtool is not installed | 13:09 |
ikonia | numnum: cut the text and put it in then share the link with us | 13:09 |
numnum | ok.. gime a min | 13:09 |
zzarr | I have no NetworkManager I use systemd-networkd | 13:09 |
ikonia | zzarr: can you show me the output of uname -a please | 13:10 |
zzarr | yes | 13:10 |
zzarr | Linux arm 4.5.0-sama5-armv7-r1 #1 Tue May 24 15:54:14 CEST 2016 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux | 13:10 |
ikonia | thats not an ubuntu kernel | 13:11 |
ikonia | what distribution is this | 13:11 |
numnum | i cant copy from terminal... | 13:11 |
hateball | numnum: ctrl+shift+c | 13:11 |
zzarr | ikonia, it's a kernel for the SAMA5D2 SoC from Atmel | 13:12 |
ikonia | it's not ubuntu | 13:12 |
numnum | nopoe | 13:12 |
ikonia | ok - then it's not supported here | 13:12 |
numnum | where do i find the comtrol configure for my terminakl | 13:13 |
zzarr | ikonia, where could I get help? | 13:13 |
ikonia | zzarr: from the vendor | 13:13 |
zzarr | ikonia, the vendor don't respond | 13:14 |
ikonia | zzarr: not really ubuntu's problem | 13:14 |
zzarr | ikonia, okey, you are sure it has to do with the kernel? | 13:15 |
numnum | i cant copy with sifht control c | 13:15 |
numnum | where do i change the keybindings? | 13:15 |
zzarr | ikonia, I'm asking because I need to know where the problem is | 13:16 |
blinkyb | Hi. I just installed 16.04 on my laptop, how can I disable the Unity Launcher and put icons on toolbar? Similar to Lucid Lynx 14.04 | 13:16 |
numnum | hello? | 13:16 |
zzarr | ikonia, is there a way to build a Ubuntu kernel for the device? | 13:17 |
ducasse | zzarr: have you tried any linux/arm channels? you would probably have better luck there. | 13:17 |
ulkesh | Anyone happen to know why when using custom theme/icons in Unity, that the launch animation of the launcher icons no longer works (pulse or blink)? I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 and up to date | 13:18 |
jat-clone | blinkyb: use xfce or gnome instead of unity | 13:18 |
zzarr | I tried #ubuntu-arm | 13:18 |
zzarr | ducasse, I will try another arm channel | 13:18 |
ikonia | zzarr: you're not using ubuntu OS | 13:19 |
ikonia | the problem is not with ubuntu - it's with your specific distro | 13:19 |
ikonia | talk to the people who make that distro for support | 13:19 |
ikonia | #ubuntu-arm will not support this - it's not ubuntu | 13:19 |
zzarr | okey, thanks ikonia | 13:19 |
zzarr | the guide I followed said it was and it says "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS arm ttyS0" when bootinhg | 13:20 |
zzarr | booting* | 13:21 |
ikonia | zzarr: different distro, sorry | 13:23 |
ikonia | zzarr: talk to the distro vendor | 13:23 |
Crackpotmark | I seem to have a broken cgroupfs-mount and I can't force purge it. Is there another way to remove it? | 13:23 |
zzarr | I will do ikonia, thanks, | 13:24 |
root_ | i cant figure out how to copy paste from the terminal for the life of me... | 13:36 |
zykotick9 | root_: terminal meaning an xorg terminal, or from linux console (F1-F6)? | 13:37 |
=== EriC^^ is now known as explosive | ||
root_ | ctrl alt t trminal xD | 13:37 |
ulkesh | root_: CTRL+SHIFT+c and CTRL+SHIFT+v is usually what I have to do if not using a mouse | 13:39 |
root_ | well fuk | 13:40 |
alexander_ | asd | 13:41 |
cscf | root_, just so you know, pretty much every Control-Letter combo, like ^C, is a special command, some of which will really mess up your terminal | 13:42 |
root_ | well ctrl shift c just outpot ^C | 13:44 |
=== Bruh is now known as ily | ||
zykotick9 | root_: (if you have a mouse) you can try highlighting the text (leaving highlighted) and middle mouse clicking to paste (but this Xorg built in copy/paste) has been disabled in at least one popular DE (perhaps more?) | 13:45 |
root_ | i dont have a mouse | 13:45 |
root_ | how do i axxess my keybindings on the terminal? | 13:45 |
explosive | root_: what are you trying to do? | 13:46 |
zykotick9 | root_: you could look into screen or tmux's copy paste perhaps? good luck. | 13:46 |
root_ | can i just upload an imge insted? | 13:46 |
explosive | of what? root_ | 13:46 |
root_ | copy paste keybindings | 13:47 |
zykotick9 | root_: another alternative might be | 13:47 |
zykotick9 | ^ if you're trying to paste something online | 13:47 |
BuenGenio | guys, USB SuperSpeed USB doesn't work after resume from S3 sleep | 13:53 |
rwb | Hi, anybody know of a reliable 4G LTE modem that will run in kubuntu? So far I have had bad luck with Huawei E397B. can't get that to even show up on lsusb sometimes... | 13:53 |
BuenGenio | dmesg says: usb 2-3: USB disconnect, device number 2 | 13:53 |
GivenToCode | Hi I have an upstart service that has a start on stopped foo, but it is clearly running before foo finishes... | 13:53 |
BuenGenio | and is not detected until full poweroff (not reboot) | 13:53 |
cscf | BuenGenio, rebooting doesn't fix it, but powering off and on does? | 13:54 |
rigo88 | hi. it's lame. i've given the command rm instead of mv. is that undoable anyhow | 13:54 |
BuenGenio | cscf, yup | 13:54 |
cscf | rigo88, generally not. What did you delete? | 13:54 |
BuenGenio | at least sometimes | 13:54 |
BuenGenio | it's a 2015 Macbook Pro 12,1 | 13:54 |
cscf | BuenGenio, sounds suspiciously like a BIOS bug. | 13:55 |
rigo88 | hold on. about 2Tibs of movies | 13:55 |
cscf | rigo88, oh dear. | 13:55 |
rigo88 | lol | 13:55 |
cscf | rigo88, there are some data recovery tools, but most likely you'd only get bits and pieces. If the video is publically available, probably just download again. sorry. | 13:56 |
cscf | rigo88, actually, give this a shot: | 13:56 |
cscf | rigo88, package name "extundelete" | 13:57 |
zykotick9 | rigo88: there is also photorec (for more than photos!) which is part of the testdisk package | 13:57 |
rigo88 | i'll give it a try | 13:57 |
rigo88 | i'll try | 13:59 |
rigo88 | thanks | 13:59 |
cscf | iirc photorec is a file carver, where extundelete reads ext journal. I'd try extundelete first | 13:59 |
akik | rigo88: 1st rule. stop writing to the disk | 13:59 |
cscf | ^ | 13:59 |
* zykotick9 has never tried extundelete before... so can't say... he actually just considers deleted files gone and says DOH! a lot | 14:00 | |
cscf | zykotick9, yeah, me too. | 14:01 |
cscf | Although I have found it happening less often lately | 14:01 |
cscf | Also, zfs snapshots. | 14:01 |
* cscf needs to remember to snapshot when he gets home | 14:02 | |
akik | photorec works | 14:04 |
akik | i've even used it to read a sd card which was unreadable in windows | 14:04 |
cscf | Yeah, file carvers can do great things | 14:04 |
cscf | but bigger files tend to be fragmented and they usually can't do much with that | 14:04 |
BuenGenio | is there anything I can pass to usbcore or xhci_hcd to stop that? | 14:05 |
BuenGenio | or at least find out what's causing it | 14:05 |
cscf | BuenGenio, does your BIOS have a "fastboot" option? | 14:05 |
cscf | Turning it off might help. | 14:05 |
dny | i have a problem connecting to the wifi here at work. it works with other networks (e.g. home). the network-manager status tells me the following: any ideas? | 14:06 |
rigo88 | 270 hours | 14:15 |
HackerII | install kodi | 14:15 |
HackerII | oops, wrong room sry | 14:15 |
Ntemis | hi | 14:16 |
Ntemis | i just had ntpd crash | 14:16 |
Lenni | Hello dudes. Anyone here, who can help me with terminator terminal= | 14:16 |
Lenni | ? | 14:17 |
lyze | !ask | Lenni | 14:19 |
ubottu | Lenni: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 14:19 |
Guest10203 | my error | 14:21 |
lyze | Guest10203, there's no space left | 14:22 |
Guest10203 | i am trying to run sudo apt0get install transmission and getting this error | 14:22 |
Jordan_U | !pastebin | Guest10203 | 14:23 |
ubottu | Guest10203: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 14:23 |
Guest10203 | i have about 100gig on my mechine | 14:23 |
Guest10203 | comoN! i was trying my hardest | 14:24 |
Guest10203 | what could make the terminal think it has no space left? also i am able to install outer things from the terminal. like xgalaga | 14:25 |
ducasse | Guest10203: /boot is full, get rid of old kernels. | 14:26 |
Jordan_U | Guest10203: Do you have a separate /boot partition? | 14:26 |
Guest10203 | wtf that mean boy? | 14:26 |
Guest10203 | maybe.. | 14:26 |
Guest10203 | it WAS an windows mchine | 14:26 |
\9 | !language | 14:26 |
ubottu | The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit | 14:26 |
k1l | Guest10203: run "df -h | nc 9999" and show the output url here | 14:26 |
\9 | post the output of df -h | 14:26 |
Guest10203 | will do | 14:27 |
joko | Hello, is anyone having root on ZFS? | 14:27 |
Jordan_U | joko: Please simply ask your actual question. If anyone can help they will. | 14:29 |
Guest10203 | it dosnt retun a url... | 14:30 |
k1l | Guest10203: then put the output of "df -h" manually on | 14:33 |
winston2k | when is the next community q&a ? | 14:33 |
k1l | winston2k: the topic of #ubuntu-on-air got a link to the schedule in it | 14:34 |
romistrub | okay, hi everyone... I'm trying to figure out a way to place shortcuts on the top bar in Ubuntu 14.0.4 | 14:34 |
winston2k | k1l ty | 14:34 |
Guest10203 | apperently i ave a pettition called sda1 wich is ifact 100% full.. who knews xD | 14:35 |
stefan_BV | ov | 14:35 |
Guest10203 | now.. how do i get to sda1 | 14:35 |
k1l | Guest10203: please upload the output to and show the new url here. we need facts to help you | 14:36 |
Guest10203 | i cant! | 14:37 |
Guest10203 | again.. i CANT past from the terminal also the df -h does not work with nc 999 | 14:38 |
Guest10203 | 999* | 14:38 |
Guest10203 | 9999* | 14:39 |
brunch875 | it's pastebin, not pastbin | 14:39 |
brunch875 | and I thought the one you'd send via 9999 was termbin | 14:39 |
brunch875 | echo 'hello' | nc 9999 | 14:39 |
Guest10203 | was it | 14:40 |
k1l | yes. i gave him the correct command. if he changes that its his fault | 14:40 |
Guest10203 | you are absolotly right | 14:40 |
Guest10203 | | 14:40 |
Guest10203 | boom | 14:40 |
Guest10203 | guess i need to edit my petitions | 14:41 |
Guest10203 | fuck | 14:41 |
=== Guest10203 is now known as numnum | ||
k1l | !language | numnum | 14:41 |
ubottu | numnum: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit | 14:41 |
numnum | i am sorry | 14:41 |
numnum | :( | 14:41 |
k1l | "ls -al | nc 9999" | 14:41 |
numnum | huh? | 14:42 |
k1l | wait sorry | 14:42 |
k1l | "ls -al /boot | nc 9999" | 14:43 |
numnum | | 14:43 |
=== ShaRose_ is now known as ShaRose | ||
Deuns | hello | 14:44 |
numnum | hi | 14:44 |
k1l | run "dpkg -l | grep linux-image" and remove the old kernel packages with "sudo dpkg -r packagename" | 14:45 |
Deuns | I tried to install Ubuntu 16.04 alongside CentOS but Ubuntu removed my CentOS LVM. Is there a way to recover ? | 14:45 |
Deuns | it seems only the partition has changed | 14:46 |
numnum | k1 what does each command do? | 14:46 |
k1l | the first lists installed kernel packages. the last one will remove "packagename" which you need to exchange with the one you want to remove from the list the first command gives you | 14:46 |
numnum | how do i exchange then? wont removing old kernal pacges is kinda,, risky? | 14:47 |
BuenGenio | cscf, it's a Macbook Pro | 14:47 |
BuenGenio | no bios | 14:47 |
k1l | numnum: no. you need to remove old kernels since you dont have enough space on your partitions setup | 14:48 |
RSpliet | in an attempt to install the libgmp debugging symbols for my system (ehh... "trusty"), I followed this guide and then attempted to run apt-get install libgmp10-dbgsym | 14:48 |
RSpliet | this guide being | 14:49 |
RSpliet | unfortunately, the output is E: Unable to locate package libgmp10-dbg | 14:49 |
RSpliet | or E: Unable to locate package libgmp10-dbgsym | 14:49 |
RSpliet | or... any other variation on the name I could come up with (including the one listed in ) | 14:49 |
RSpliet | why does APT not find the package I require? | 14:50 |
Deuns | RSpliet: apt-get update ? | 14:51 |
sevenup__ | try apt-file search | 14:51 |
RSpliet | Deuns: of course I did, as was part of the guide ;-) | 14:51 |
Zparx | Hey there! They're advertising with Telegram as one of the apps for Ubuntu ( ), still you can't find it in their Software store/ Apps directory (Link on the page).. Is that on purpose? | 14:51 |
RSpliet | sevenup__: I don't know the exact file name of the file that is supposed to provide these debugging symbols to GDB | 14:51 |
numnum | k1 ok i have the list now do i remove ALL of the things or.. what? | 14:53 |
k1l | RSpliet: there is libgmp10 but not -dbg in the repo | 14:53 |
Deuns | RSpliet: which architecture ? | 14:53 |
k1l | numnum: no. just the oldest | 14:53 |
RSpliet | Deuns: x86_64 | 14:53 |
RSpliet | ... oh, looking through the packages built for Trusty on that launchpad page reveals the package libgmp10-dbgsym is not built for Trusty. Wily and newer have it though | 14:54 |
numnum | oldest as in 1 of them or ALL of the past ver? | 14:54 |
RSpliet | where else could its debugging symbols be hiding? | 14:54 |
k1l | numnum: remove 2-3 of the oldest one to make enough space to get the new updates | 14:54 |
numnum | kk thinx going to eat now be back in about 30m ty so much | 14:54 |
Deuns | RSpliet: perhaps you could rebuild it from sources with symbols enabled ? | 14:54 |
k1l | numnum: as you can see you have 6 kernels installed. that is too much for your too small /boot partiiton | 14:55 |
spitzi | Hello. Using 14.04 for programming and quite a few OS keyboard shortcuts take precedence over the same keyboard shortcuts in my IDE. Is there some tool for disabling keyboard shortcuts in Ubuntu? Shortcuts in system settings were too few, and compiz config didn't help. Thanks. | 14:55 |
blinkyb | anyone installed Budgie Desktop? | 14:55 |
blinkyb | cannot do it on my laptop, after i do 'sudo apt-get install budgie-desktop' it says (you have broken packages) | 14:56 |
RSpliet | Deuns: that kind of sounds like a last resort tbh... are we sure the symbols aren't just hiding in a different package for trusty? | 14:56 |
Jordan_U | blinkyb: Please pastebin the complete output. | 14:56 |
blinkyb | Jordan_U: | 14:59 |
Jakey3 | when creating keys for with easy rsa is it possible to 4096.pem? | 15:04 |
blinkyb | Jordan_U: any luck? | 15:06 |
Jordan_U | blinkyb: Please use for text. | 15:06 |
blinkyb | Jordan_U: ok | 15:06 |
Jakey3 | instead of 2048 | 15:06 |
blinkyb | Jordan_U: http://pastebin,com/JbXawrSh | 15:07 |
blinkyb | Jordan_U: use this please | 15:08 |
newbie|2 | Is it possible to recover the /home/user data from, let's say /dev/sda7 (and equally from /dev/sda8) from another distro on /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda2? | 15:13 |
=== newbie|2 is now known as StNicolas | ||
StNicolas | And if it is possible, let's say, I have a usb key, is there a way to copy or move /home/user to the usb key? Like a command ... | 15:15 |
nacc | StNicolas: `cp` ? | 15:19 |
nacc | StNicolas: I mean, mount /dev/<usb device partition> /mnt/somewhere; cp -aR /home/user /mnt/somewhere/ ? | 15:20 |
Sockseven_1 | Afternoon all. Anyone know of a way of mounting /var using a tmpfs? | 15:21 |
nacc | Sockseven_1: i mean, you'd lose /var over reboots, then... | 15:23 |
nacc | Sockseven_1: no? | 15:23 |
Sockseven_1 | yea. its kinda complicated. Ive got / as readonly, but certain programs are getting pissy about it. I figured if i can get /var (specifically /var/lib) on a tmpfs i'd get it to behave | 15:24 |
Sockseven_1 | but i also need to somehow get the contents to match what is in var at boot time | 15:25 |
goldbr_ | hello everyone | 15:25 |
goldbr_ | I have a problem afret installed ubuntu 14 from 12. Nomachine is unable to connect again. Any idea? | 15:26 |
nacc | Sockseven_1: ? | 15:28 |
root_ | k1 how do iremove a dpkg again? | 15:29 |
Sockseven_1 | nacc: hmm, so mount the tmpfs elswhere, clone /var over the top and then bind mount. that could work | 15:30 |
Sockseven_1 | if i did that at a point during boot before anything else would notice the bait and switch, it'd probably work | 15:30 |
=== jmayerz_ is now known as jmayerz | ||
stormchaser3000 | i seem to have some trouble with switching to my dedicated graphics card | 15:32 |
root_ | k1 are you here? | 15:32 |
stormchaser3000 | (apparently an nvidia gtk 970 or 970M (i don't remember) | 15:33 |
stormchaser3000 | ) | 15:33 |
root_ | that nvidia card is all fine and dandy.. but can it run minesweaper? | 15:33 |
blinkyb | Jordan_U: any luck? | 15:33 |
Sockseven_1 | root_: depends if the planets are aligned or not usually. ;-) | 15:33 |
stormchaser3000 | root_: i would expect so | 15:34 |
root_ | lool | 15:34 |
k1l | root_: use "tab" to let nicks autocomplete so the user get a highlight. | 15:34 |
k1l | root_: and again: dont run irc as root. that is bad! | 15:34 |
stormchaser3000 | i hate using nvidi graphics cards but this gaming laptop my uncle gave to me has one in it | 15:34 |
root_ | i cant chnage it! arrghhh | 15:34 |
k1l | root_: what program do you use? | 15:34 |
root_ | irssi | 15:35 |
k1l | root_: then dont start it with sudo | 15:35 |
root_ | i dont | 15:35 |
k1l | then dont run a root shell. that is not how ubuntu is setup | 15:35 |
root_ | i have root as the only user on this mechine | 15:35 |
cscf | root_, don't start it as root | 15:35 |
root_ | xDDDD | 15:35 |
stormchaser3000 | root_: log in with your normal non too user then run irssi | 15:35 |
cscf | root_, then make a user for IRC and other network things. | 15:35 |
stormchaser3000 | non-root* | 15:35 |
root_ | i dont have a normal non root account | 15:36 |
root_ | root all the things i guess? | 15:36 |
stormchaser3000 | root: adduser command | 15:36 |
k1l | root_: then this is not a ubuntu install. | 15:36 |
root_ | it is | 15:36 |
k1l | root_: no. ubuntu is setup without root account in use. | 15:36 |
root_ | maybe i changed the start terminal thing... so i alwweys get root? | 15:37 |
k1l | root_: stop pretending. you dont run ubuntu. | 15:37 |
root_ | yes i do! | 15:37 |
root_ | its 14,.04 | 15:37 |
root_ | 14.04 * | 15:37 |
k1l | root_: then you would have known what you changed exactly. since ubuntu installer doesnt support setting it up with root account only. | 15:38 |
Sockseven_1 | k1l: ive seen plenty of custom ubuntu installations that do it the old way. | 15:38 |
cscf | You have to mangle a few things to run as root, you can do it, but I think one would remember doing so. | 15:38 |
root_ | look i used to be much better.. i didnt touch linux in like 5 years so .,.. xD | 15:38 |
k1l | and which spoils all the ubuntu setups. since ubuntu is build around using sudo and having a non-login root account. | 15:38 |
stormchaser3000 | root_: if you don't have another user to log into use the adduser command to create a user. then use passwd to set the password of that user | 15:39 |
stormchaser3000 | then login as that user | 15:39 |
BitManiac | Hi, is it possible to run kexec in a secure boot enabled environment? I am using Ubuntu 14.04 with 3.13 kernel | 15:39 |
goddard | anyone know if it is possible to get this device's ethernet port working? | 15:39 |
k1l | root_: running everything as root is not secure and not recommended in here. | 15:39 |
goddard | I believe the port is a Realtek RTL8153 | 15:40 |
goddard | so far I have been unable to detect it | 15:40 |
root_ | anywey.. if i use another user (?) will i be able to run all the things still? is an install a user specific on linux? | 15:40 |
goddard | root_: you can install either way | 15:40 |
goddard | root_: most package managers install global though | 15:41 |
root_ | like if i install a proggram on root will i be able to use it on a non root account? | 15:41 |
stormchaser3000 | root_: when you make your username. you may wish to add your new user to the sudoers file in /etc/sudoers | 15:41 |
k1l | root_: yes of course | 15:41 |
cscf | root_, yes, users can use all packages except root-only utilities | 15:41 |
cscf | stormchaser3000, I think it's simpler to add yourself to group "sudo" | 15:41 |
nacc | Sockseven_1: yeah, i'm not sure anything else would do what you want | 15:42 |
root_ | ok cool | 15:42 |
k1l | root_: in general you need "sudo" permissions to install programs. but every user can use them after install. the user data and configs are put into the users /home. | 15:42 |
k1l | root_: that is the way since the first ubuntu release. | 15:42 |
stormchaser3000 | csxf: oh lol good point | 15:42 |
Sockseven_1 | nacc to be fair, what im doing is pretty "hacky" as it is. Im TRYING to make linux power loss tollerant. | 15:43 |
root_ | brb switching accounts | 15:43 |
Sockseven_1 | almost everything is set to ro, except for 1 partition which is coppied from another partition that IS ro at boot. | 15:44 |
nacc | BitManiac: i think there is work in that area, but i'm not sure it's even in mainline yet | 15:44 |
nacc | Sockseven_1: ah, i see | 15:44 |
Sockseven_1 | and is discarded at poweroff | 15:44 |
Sockseven_1 | but libvirt and archipel are being all huffy about it. | 15:44 |
Sockseven_1 | i suspect i need some sort of rootfs or something. | 15:45 |
stormchaser3000 | anyone know how to enable the nvidia graphics card in a config gui? | 15:45 |
BitManiac | nacc: can you direct me to it? | 15:45 |
Sockseven_1 | stormchaser3000: you wouldnt happen to be using optimus/primus would you? | 15:46 |
nacc | BitManiac: | 15:46 |
BitManiac | nacc: Yes, I read that one. I dont think its in mainline yet | 15:46 |
nacc | BitManiac: a bit dated, but that was a discussion i recall, maybe it's merged, but i don't know if it owuld have been backported to the ubuntu kernel even so | 15:47 |
stormchaser3000 | Sockseven_1: i do not believe so | 15:47 |
nacc | BitManiac: | 15:47 |
stormchaser3000 | but i might be able to answer that if i knew what those were | 15:47 |
BitManiac | nacc: Is there any alternative to switch kernels without rebooting in a secure boot environment? | 15:47 |
Sockseven_1 | hmm, if its a laptop i bet thats the issue. The reason you cant use the Dgpu is cus your screens arent actually connected to it | 15:47 |
Sockseven_1 | they're on the iGPU. | 15:47 |
camroncade | what does 16.04 use for the bootup screen and graphics? I know 14.04 used plymouth but I can't find any info on 16 | 15:48 |
Sockseven_1 | to use 3d rendering you invoke another program using primusrun/optirun | 15:48 |
nacc | BitManiac: i don't know, sorry | 15:48 |
Sockseven_1 | then your programs graphics are rendered on the "real" gpu and the framebuffer is copied accross to the igpu for displaying | 15:48 |
BitManiac | nacc: no problem, thanks for the help | 15:49 |
stormchaser3000 | Sockseven_1, so i need to open the laptop to reconnect stuff? | 15:49 |
Sockseven_1 | nope. its all done in software | 15:49 |
noroot | am i still root? | 15:49 |
Sockseven_1 | i'd find you links and explain but im at work | 15:49 |
Sockseven_1 | instead | 15:49 |
=== noroot is now known as numnum | ||
Sockseven_1 | google "nvidia optirun on ubuntu <version here> | 15:50 |
stormchaser3000 | ok | 15:50 |
numnum | amd is the new nvidia | 15:50 |
Sockseven_1 | the installation process can be a bit iffy sometimes. | 15:50 |
numnum | k1 am i still runing as root? | 15:50 |
Sockseven_1 | if you're running a game, say schored3d youd invoke it as "primusrun scorched 3d" | 15:50 |
Sockseven_1 | with steam games you change the games run parameters to "primusrun %command%" | 15:51 |
Sockseven_1 | that should get you going. ;-) | 15:51 |
numnum | ok so i guess i am not runing as root anymore? | 15:54 |
numnum | any admin online? | 15:54 |
neredsenvy | Does ubuntu have any touchscreen support | 15:56 |
nacc | numnum: admin of what? | 15:56 |
nacc | neredsenvy: yes, depending on what you mean :) | 15:57 |
numnum | am i runign root now?\ | 15:57 |
neredsenvy | fine pointing, draging, multi finger support, auto keyboard, sensor support | 15:57 |
neredsenvy | I have a Yoga 3 Pro and MS Surface Pro | 15:58 |
nacc | neredsenvy: i think it will depend on the touchscreen, but dragging works here (yoga 900) and so do sensors. I think i disabled the auto keyboard | 15:58 |
neredsenvy | nacc: Did you have to install anything special | 15:58 |
neredsenvy | sensor/draging/rotation does not work | 15:59 |
nacc | neredsenvy: no, not in 16.04 (well, iio-sensor-proxy, but that's a shipped pacakge) | 15:59 |
neredsenvy | is there a tablet mode or something i missed | 15:59 |
neredsenvy | you are on < 16.04? | 15:59 |
nacc | neredsenvy: no, i just said 16.04 | 15:59 |
neredsenvy | ah | 15:59 |
neredsenvy | nacc: you are using iio-sensor-proxy | 16:00 |
numnum | so i am trying to remove some old kernal stuff. k1 helped with me with some commands | 16:01 |
numnum | is he here? | 16:01 |
nacc | neredsenvy: yes | 16:01 |
nacc | neredsenvy: rotation and such don't work otherwise | 16:01 |
nacc | neredsenvy: iirc | 16:01 |
nacc | numnum: use *tab* after a nick, as you were just told, to autocomplete. k1l is who you are looking for | 16:02 |
brunch875 | I want to alias python3 as py3. Where should I put it? .bashrc? .profile? | 16:02 |
numnum | k1 are you ehre?\ | 16:03 |
nacc | numnum: k1<tab>! | 16:03 |
numnum | i need your help buddy | 16:03 |
akik | brunch875: there's .bash_aliases which is loaded from .bashrc | 16:03 |
brunch875 | ...oh! | 16:03 |
brunch875 | thanks a lot | 16:03 |
k1l | numnum: | 16:04 |
k1l | he is gone anyway.... | 16:04 |
nacc | k1l: yeah ... | 16:06 |
neredsenvy | nacc: Remember maybe how you installled it I ran first than ./configure .... but trying to run make or make install | 16:08 |
neredsenvy | gives no make file and | 16:08 |
ulkesh | Anyone happen to know why when using custom theme/icons in Unity, that the launch animation of the launcher icons no longer works (pulse or blink)? I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 and up to date | 16:08 |
root_ | i have a dependecy problemo when removing dpkg.. its an old one.. how do solve? | 16:09 |
Pici | root_: why would you remove dpkg? | 16:09 |
nacc | neredsenvy: it's an ubuntu package | 16:09 |
neredsenvy | hm | 16:10 |
neredsenvy | sc ill try aptget | 16:10 |
nacc | root_: why did you login as root again? | 16:10 |
root_ | it takes to much storage space | 16:10 |
root_ | it only lets me do -r with root | 16:11 |
blinkyb | guys i have problem installing Budgie | 16:11 |
neredsenvy | nacc: After installing do I need to reboot or anything speciall | 16:11 |
blinkyb | it says broken packages | 16:11 |
neredsenvy | tried rotating pc but screen orientation does not change | 16:11 |
nacc | neredsenvy: i don't recall. note depending on your kernel level, sometimes i didn't get the rotation until i suspend + resumed once (acpi issue, i think). Also, you might have your screen locked for rotation, if you are using gnome | 16:12 |
xangua | blinkyb: contact the repository maintainer | 16:12 |
nacc | root_: i assume you are trolling, if you think dpkg takes too much space. And that you are ignoring advice on using sudo instead of being root. | 16:12 |
pburdick | join #malibuka | 16:18 |
nacc | pburdick: /join | 16:18 |
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ralph_ | hello world | 16:21 |
camroncade | where are plymouth theme configuration files located on 16.04? I can't find anything about this | 16:22 |
mc0e | Can someone help me figure out what's happened to a system which has suddenly stopped finding encrypted partitions at boot. After some updates, including initramfs, boot now dumps me to initramfs busybox with neither root partion or /boot mounted. I'm finding a whole bunch of supposed solutions for the "gave up waiting for root device error", some of which might be relevant, and some of which are probably outdated. I'm unclear what's changed now that might be i | 16:23 |
k1l | blinkyb: run "sudo apt install budgie-core" and show the output please | 16:23 |
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TheNoobC | tell | 16:34 |
TheNoobC | Hi guys | 16:35 |
CannedSpinach | can anyone help with installing PyCharm Community from .tar.gz? | 16:41 |
craigbass76 | adduser... it creates an entry in /etc/passwd and /etc/group, and creates a home directory. Anything else? | 16:43 |
craigbass76 | I'm wondering becuase I've got to move users from one server to another one. Didn't know if I could just rsync passwd and group (in /etc/ and /home and be done | 16:44 |
genii | craigbass76: It takes a look at /etc/skel and uses that as a template for what to put in their home dir | 16:44 |
craigbass76 | genii, but those are just defaults, right? rsync-ing /home/* should do me? | 16:45 |
akik | craigbass76: the password is in /etc/shadow | 16:45 |
genii | craigbass76: It alters /etc/password /etc/shadow /etc/group | 16:46 |
craigbass76 | genii, so if I copy /etc/ passwd, shadow, and group, and home/*, will I have grabbed everyrthing I need ot move users from one box to another? | 16:46 |
genii | craigbass76: Should only copy the lines in those files containing references to users with /home/theirname directories. Because different systems will have different names for users like apache or mysql, etc | 16:48 |
root_ | i installed yransmission with sudo apt-get install transmission but when i type transmission in the command line i get command not found, also cant find transmission in ths search | 16:48 |
root_ | transmission* | 16:48 |
mircx1 | Hello i need help i use with ubuntu version 14.04 and i have a error how i fix it please libstring_a-pcre_exec.o | 16:49 |
Dewin | CannedSpinach: I believe the Pycharm docs are pretty comprehensive (though I can go check), also, excellent choice of tools. (I own the professional version). | 16:50 |
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root_ | i installed yransmission with sudo apt-get install transmission but when i type transmission in the command line i get command not found, also cant find transmission in ths search | 16:51 |
nacc | !patience | root_ | 16:51 |
ubottu | root_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 16:51 |
Dewin | CannedSpinach: In fact, has an Installation Instructions link that pops it up right there. ;) | 16:51 |
MonkeyDust | root_ try transmission-gtk | 16:51 |
root_ | ok | 16:51 |
mircx1 | ? | 16:52 |
MonkeyDust | mircx1 when, where does that error come up | 16:53 |
mircx1 | after i do make | 16:53 |
MonkeyDust | mircx1 start from the begining, what are you doing | 16:54 |
mircx1 | i run services irc from ubuntu 14.04 and i get a error | 16:54 |
mircx1 | cc1: all warnings being treated as errors | 16:55 |
MonkeyDust | mircx1 what is the exact command | 16:55 |
xangua | root_: transmission-gtk , or just auto complete the command with tab | 16:55 |
mekhami | hi, anyone familiar with vsftpd? The ubuntu ftp package? I'm trying to understand why, when I transfer a file onto the FTP server, it gets permissions -rw------ and i can no longer access it | 16:56 |
mircx1 | configure | 16:56 |
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nacc | mekhami: umask? | 16:56 |
guedressel | hi there | 16:56 |
mekhami | nacc: not sure what that means | 16:56 |
mekhami | nacc: i'm not a sysadmin by any stretch | 16:56 |
nacc | mekhami: ftp server's umask may be set more restrictive, particularly for ftp | 16:56 |
mekhami | i'm a developer trying to put out fires for a company that doesn't have one | 16:56 |
nacc | mekhami: `man umask` for the C api | 16:57 |
mekhami | nacc: historically, there's a cron job that runs that puts these files onto the server | 16:57 |
guedressel | is the date in Ubuntu 16.04 (server) controlled via systemds timedated? | 16:57 |
mekhami | nacc: and it puts the files on the server with -rw-rw-rw | 16:57 |
nacc | mekhami: or `man ftp`, search for umask | 16:57 |
MonkeyDust | mircx1 what are you trying to achieve | 16:57 |
Guest29106 | hello | 16:58 |
mekhami | nacc: ideally i just want to find a file and delete it | 16:58 |
l0n3rB0n3r | no matter what i do i always get the error: "System program problem detected"\ | 17:00 |
l0n3rB0n3r | what the hell am i doing that is causing ubuntu to crap out on me every time | 17:00 |
nacc | l0n3rB0n3r: that's just apport reading your logs and seeing errors it might want to report (iiuc). Not always an actual problem (ime) | 17:01 |
nacc | mekhami: so it only sometimes shows up with 0600 permissions? | 17:01 |
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l0n3rb0n3r | shit sorry i had a connection error | 17:02 |
l0n3rb0n3r | so what the hell am i doing that's causing ubuntu to crap out on me every time? | 17:02 |
nacc | l0n3rB0n3r: that's just apport reading your logs and seeing errors it might want to report (iiuc). Not always an actual problem (ime) | 17:03 |
l0n3rb0n3r | i think there might actually be something wrong because i have a lot of windows that i have to close | 17:03 |
Dewin | Out of curiosity, what is the reasoning behind the aptitude/apt restriction of "You can only show changelogs of official Ubuntu packages"? (as opposed to something in a PPA) | 17:04 |
nacc | Dewin: apt-get changelog just uses, PPAs aren't publisehd there? | 17:05 |
nacc | Dewin: it's not d/ling the package or anything, it's using a webservice | 17:05 |
l0n3rb0n3r | nacc: how can i know what is wrong with my system? | 17:05 |
l0n3rb0n3r | i'm not a computer expert :( | 17:05 |
nacc | l0n3rb0n3r: define 'lots of windows' ? | 17:05 |
Dewin | nacc: Ahh. Yet you can get changelogs for PPA packages on Launchpad, also without downloading them. | 17:06 |
l0n3rb0n3r | like you either have to hold enter or press x for a while | 17:06 |
nacc | Dewin: that's because the PPA system extracts that for you | 17:06 |
l0n3rb0n3r | or press enter a lot of times | 17:06 |
l0n3rb0n3r | there are that many windows | 17:06 |
l0n3rb0n3r | but i reinstalled | 17:06 |
l0n3rb0n3r | no matter what i do i always end up getting that error =( | 17:06 |
nacc | l0n3rb0n3r: what kind of windows? you mean the warning pop-ups? | 17:07 |
Dewin | I wonder if there's any existing solution that seamlessly integrates the two... | 17:07 |
l0n3rb0n3r | those system program error windows | 17:07 |
nacc | Dewin: ... doesn't seem so (yet) | 17:08 |
nacc | Dewin: do you find yourself perusing changelogs that often? just wondering | 17:09 |
Dewin | nacc: Sometimes for mission-critical things, or cases of a "I don't want to go through the hassle of an update unless it contains a fix to a bug I know of." | 17:10 |
nacc | Dewin: but 'mission-critical' and PPA seem to not go together | 17:11 |
Dewin | though one of those cases is gone with Xenial (since zfs is now standard and the PPA doesn't even have Xenial builds) | 17:11 |
Dewin | nacc: It's more that it happens often enough to be an annoyance. | 17:12 |
nacc | Dewin: i see | 17:12 |
nacc | Dewin: well, like I said, I don't think there's any way to do waht you want, currently. The tooling on launchpad statically extracts (I think) the last changelog entry, but doesn't expose it over any webservice that `apt-get changelog` can use. You could wrap it inyour own tool that understood PPAs, i guess | 17:13 |
Dewin | Changelogs of all versions are available on launchpad by the looks of it, but you have to retrieve them individually. | 17:14 |
etropes | hi there | 17:15 |
voot | I think my IRC client is broken. Can anyone hear me? Is anyone talking? | 17:18 |
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genii | voot: It works | 17:18 |
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voot | thanks genil! | 17:18 |
voot | this room seems pretty quiet for having 2k users | 17:19 |
Dewin | voot: Last I checked, Ubuntu installs (by default) join people here. And a lot of people lurk. | 17:19 |
Bashing-om | voot: Support channel .. chat is #ubuntu-offtopic , | 17:19 |
voot | ah, that makes sense | 17:22 |
voot | It would be great if Ubuntu would include an official FreeRADIUS 3 package in stable releases, btw | 17:23 |
voot | anyone have experience with FreeRADIUS on Ubuntu? I'm not getting anywhere on #freeradius | 17:24 |
Pici | voot: you may want to ask #ubuntu-server as well | 17:24 |
voot | Pici: thanks, I'll try them | 17:25 |
Pici | but keep in mind this is around lunchtime in the US, so there may not be an instant response | 17:25 |
IamARobit | hello friendos | 17:25 |
nacc | !latest | voot | 17:26 |
ubottu | voot: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. | 17:26 |
nacc | voot: in this case, freeradius in debian is only at 2.2.8 | 17:26 |
unix4linux_ | how can I change the resolution from 1920x1080 to 3840x2160 30hz. My graphics card supports it but the highest resolution I see is 1920x1080 (ubuntu 16.04) | 17:27 |
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l0n3rb0n3r | are you fucking blind though because sanders supporters go up and beat the shit out of trump supporters just because they have different views... how is this okay to you? | 17:30 |
ikonia | unix4linux_: does your monitor support it though, thats the key thing | 17:30 |
ikonia | unix4linux_: the other thing is your monitor advertising that it supports that resolution | 17:31 |
ikonia | (which is where ubuntu gets the list of resolutions to allow you to use, it's called EDID) | 17:31 |
unix4linux_ | ikonia: yep. Using a 4k tv as a xbr830c (43") | 17:31 |
ikonia | unix4linux_: if you have a look at the xorg log you'll probably see it offer a load of modes, I suspect it's not advertising the full resolution to ubuntu | 17:31 |
ikonia | unix4linux_: you may have to configure it manually | 17:32 |
ikonia | unix4linux_: what video card are you using | 17:32 |
unix4linux_ | Intel 3rd gen (4000 hd) | 17:32 |
ikonia | unix4linux_: so there should be no/little need to tweak that as a device | 17:33 |
ikonia | unix4linux_: I suspect it will be a manual xorg config that will need to be created to force the video resolution you want | 17:33 |
unix4linux_ | hmm, ok...I'll look into that...thank you :) | 17:33 |
unix4linux_ | I found that xorg.conf doesn't exist on ubuntu 16.04. What file does it actually use? | 17:35 |
Fuchs | unix4linux_: none is needed for the default configuration, you can create one if you need to, though | 17:35 |
ikonia | it doesn't, | 17:35 |
Fuchs | unix4linux_: what do you need to set? | 17:35 |
Rexodus | You can | 17:35 |
ikonia | you need to create one if you want a custom configuration | 17:35 |
Snackerr | Hello guys, in Ubuntu, why isn't the Firewall enabledy by default? | 17:35 |
Rexodus | It's an overruling file | 17:35 |
Fuchs | also /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ can be used for most things | 17:35 |
baizon | Snackerr: why should it be? | 17:35 |
Snackerr | what are the downsides to doing: "sudo ufw enable" | 17:36 |
unix4linux_ | Fuchs: I need to set my resolution to 3840x2160 @30Hz | 17:36 |
baizon | Snackerr: you have to manage your connections | 17:36 |
Rexodus | 30hz? | 17:36 |
Fuchs | unix4linux_: and xrandr doesn't list that mode? | 17:36 |
Snackerr | baizon, Lots of guides say to enable the firewall-- i'm not sure exactly why? but if it is SOOO good, why not on by default? | 17:36 |
Snackerr | baizon, oh, so it might block something you want? | 17:36 |
unix4linux_ | Fuchs: I only checked the Displays settings under preferences | 17:36 |
unix4linux_ | didn't try with xrandr | 17:36 |
baizon | Snackerr: yes | 17:37 |
unix4linux_ | never used it before | 17:37 |
Snackerr | baizon, do you have "UFW ENABLE" ? | 17:37 |
baizon | Snackerr: it will most probably block | 17:37 |
baizon | Snackerr: yes i do | 17:37 |
Rexodus | 30hz is bullcrap | 17:37 |
baizon | Snackerr: but only @home, not @work | 17:37 |
Fuchs | unix4linux_: should be the same | 17:37 |
Fuchs | unix4linux_: what GPU and what driver? | 17:37 |
unix4linux_ | Intel 3rd gen 4000 HD | 17:37 |
Fuchs | unix4linux_: because you can probably use ModeLines, but depending on the driver and GPU there might be other actions needed, such as overriding the EDID | 17:38 |
Snackerr | baizon, so for home laptops, would you recommend: "UFW ENABLE"? | 17:38 |
Fuchs | unix4linux_: then a ModeLine should do the trick, if the resolution is not available yet. That's a somewhat odd refresh rate, mind (3d, or other odd reasons?) | 17:38 |
nodz | Hello, is it safe to add jdk/bin directory to PATH instead of update-alternatives? | 17:38 |
baizon | Snackerr: it depends of your knowledge and your network configuration | 17:38 |
Rexodus | nodz: Why? | 17:39 |
unix4linux_ | Fuchs: for the driver, I am using "Using processor microcode firmware for Intel CPUs from intel-microcode (proprietary) | 17:39 |
baizon | Snackerr: i also recommend gufw if youre not familiar with ufw | 17:39 |
Fuchs | unix4linux_: yeah, just the standard intel driver, would only have mattered on Amd and nvidia | 17:39 |
unix4linux_ | k | 17:40 |
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nodz | Rexodus: I'm just wondering why not | 17:41 |
Snackerr | baizon, hmmm, okay. i am setting up a laptop for a Grandpa. So i guess i won't "enable" ufw.. sounds like it may cause problems | 17:41 |
baizon | Snackerr: indeed, that could cause problems if he can't debug it | 17:42 |
Rexodus | nodz: you can. No problem. My queation is still: why ;) | 17:42 |
baizon | Snackerr: don't worry, ubuntu is pretty save by default, just upgrade your system | 17:42 |
nodz | Rexodus: why why? | 17:43 |
Snackerr | baizon, and friends: so i want a very simple way for a Grandpa to keep system updated & clean: So i made a Launcher on his Desktop ,including this command: sh -c "sudo apt dist-upgrade -V ; sudo apt-get -f install ; sudo dpkg --configure -a ; sudo apt autoremove --purge ; sudo apt autoclean" | 17:44 |
Guest22795 | I'm trying to install an older version of Flight Gear, because my video card is old and can't run the latest version... How can I completely uninstall the latest version and downgrade to an older one, that used to work? I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 | 17:44 |
unix4linux_ | Fuchs: so with Intel I should only need Modeline settings? | 17:44 |
Snackerr | baizon + friends: is that good ^ ? | 17:44 |
baizon | Snackerr: which ubuntu version | 17:44 |
Snackerr | baizon, Xubuntu | 17:44 |
Rexodus | nodz: I'm not sure what you want. | 17:44 |
Guest22795 | sudo apt-get purge flightgear doesn't do the trick | 17:44 |
baizon | Snackerr: which version? | 17:44 |
Snackerr | 16.04 | 17:44 |
Snackerr | baizon, Xubuntu 16.04 | 17:44 |
Fuchs | unix4linux_: assuming the setting is not already available: yes | 17:44 |
explosive | Snackerr: apt dist-upgrade? | 17:45 |
explosive | Snackerr: that doesn't exist | 17:45 |
baizon | explosive: for new kernels | 17:45 |
explosive | Snackerr: it's apt-get dist-upgrade | 17:45 |
baizon | explosive: it does exist | 17:45 |
explosive | or apt full-upgrade | 17:45 |
explosive | baizon: it doesn't learn to read | 17:45 |
Snackerr | also, for a LAUNCHER command that runs in the Terminal-- how to do you keep the Terminal open , after it finishes? (i.e. prevent the window from closing, so you can see what it did) | 17:46 |
Snackerr | explosive, sudo apt dist-upgrade # that is how i update my system, you can try it now | 17:46 |
explosive | Snackerr: you can run bash after it | 17:46 |
=== Guest22795 is now known as alberto_80 | ||
explosive | hmm, must be knew, it was upgrade / full-upgrade for apt, and upgrade / dist-upgrade for apt-get | 17:47 |
Snackerr | explosive, what do you mean "run bash after it"? | 17:47 |
akik | Snackerr: you can run "read ok" in back to get for example an enter press | 17:47 |
explosive | apt's man page doesn't even mention it | 17:47 |
akik | Snackerr: in bash | 17:47 |
cjhackerz | list | 17:47 |
explosive | Snackerr: i'd recommend running apt upgrade before those commands | 17:47 |
explosive | i mean apt update | 17:47 |
Snackerr | explosive, i thought "apt update" runs in the background everyday? so no need to add it | 17:48 |
explosive | Snackerr: what does the -V switch do? man page doesn't mention it | 17:48 |
Snackerr | explosive, it mentions the versions upgraded to ( -V) | 17:48 |
unix4linux_ | Can I simply run: "xrandr --output SCREEN0 --mode 3840x2160 --rate 30" to set my resolution to that desired state? | 17:48 |
explosive | Snackerr: oh ok, maybe add -y so no interaction is needed | 17:49 |
unix4linux_ | Trying to understand all of these xorg and xrandr settings...sigh | 17:49 |
mattecapu | hey | 17:50 |
explosive | Snackerr: you can do gnome-terminal -e "bash -c 'apt-get .......;......etc; bash'" | 17:50 |
brunch875 | unix4linux_ just you wait when MIR comes out :P | 17:50 |
mattecapu | can anyone help me with a driver issue? :( | 17:51 |
Bashing-om | !details | mattecapu | 17:51 |
ubottu | mattecapu: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. | 17:51 |
explosive | Snackerr: maybe there's a .desktop file option you can use to leave the terminal open too | 17:51 |
Amm0n | unix4linux_, give it a shot, xrand settings are not persistent | 17:51 |
unix4linux_ | ok | 17:51 |
cjhackerz | guys where can i learn about arm based linux kernal and its assembly language? | 17:53 |
mattecapu | after the last system update (i'm on 16.04) my touchpad has lost any multitouch capability, and it's listed anywhere as a "generic mouse". I don't really know how to tackle the problem... can anyone help? | 17:53 |
ikonia | cjhackerz: kernel mailing list | 17:53 |
ikonia | cjhackerz: kernel docs | 17:53 |
explosive | Snackerr: ps maybe stick with apt-get instead of apt, the man page mentions it being sort of unstable for scripts | 17:53 |
Snackerr | akik, AWESOME, thanks!!! | 17:53 |
cjhackerz | i am looking to build linux based os for raspberry pi 2 | 17:54 |
ikonia | cjhackerz: this isn't the channel for it | 17:54 |
jatin30 | Hi! I was trying android rom dev from source to end and when installing the JDK i am stuck at this from a while . I tried this 2-3 times same problem. please help | 17:54 |
MonkeyDust | cjhackerz maybe #ubuntu-arm is more what you want | 17:54 |
IamTrying | - Ubuntu developers must watch this video. He made a Ubuntu video making my LOL | 17:54 |
ikonia | no it's not | 17:55 |
ikonia | ubuntu-arm is for ubuntu, not "I want to build my own distro" | 17:55 |
ikonia | IamTrying: we don't want to see that sort of thing please | 17:55 |
ikonia | jatin30: your own machine does not appear to be resolvable | 17:55 |
ikonia | actually - it's trying to resolve random hostnames | 17:56 |
ikonia | eg: a hostname of "sudo" | 17:56 |
ikonia | thats never going to work | 17:56 |
jatin30 | ikonia: I did not get you. can you elaborate? | 17:56 |
IamTrying | ikonia: you must watch this man. lol | 17:56 |
ikonia | jatin30: look at the commands you are typing, they are using commands as hostnames / urls, eg: http://sudo | 17:57 |
Snackerr | akik, so i added: echo -- ALL DONE! -- ** Press Enter to Close this Window** ; read ok | 17:58 |
jatin30 | ikonia: I am following this tutorial and what should i do to make it work? | 17:58 |
akik | Snackerr: you're welcome | 17:58 |
Snackerr | akik, perfect, thanks, i was searching forever for that! | 17:58 |
ikonia | jatin30: talk to the people who wrote that tutorial | 17:58 |
ikonia | jatin30: but look at the commands, | 17:58 |
ikonia | jatin30: that guide is for ubuntu 13 | 17:58 |
ikonia | it's very old | 17:58 |
jatin30 | yes I am using ubuntu 16.04 | 17:59 |
ikonia | yes, but the guide is not for 16.04 | 17:59 |
Snackerr | explosive, okay, i'll switch it to "apt-get" , i didnt know 'apt' was unstable, thanks! | 17:59 |
jatin30 | ikonia: thank you! | 17:59 |
explosive | Snackerr: no problem | 18:00 |
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Rexodus | Is there a windows community like this? | 18:00 |
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Fuchs | ##windows exists, yes | 18:00 |
Fuchs | for future requests: you can search for channels with alis, see /msg alis help list. /msg alis list *searchterm* looks for channel names containing searchterm. /msg alis list * -topic *searchterm* looks for channel topics containing searchterm. | 18:01 |
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Rexodus | Like this | 18:01 |
Fuchs | yes, like this | 18:01 |
Rexodus | somehow | 18:01 |
cscf | Rexodus, /join ##windows | 18:01 |
Rexodus | No way! | 18:01 |
Rexodus | ;] | 18:01 |
Rexodus | Been there | 18:02 |
Rexodus | Done that | 18:02 |
ikonia | then please stop discussing it | 18:02 |
Rexodus | I didn't | 18:03 |
Rexodus | never | 18:03 |
excal | hello brains trust; running ubuntu server 12.04 - after some hypotheses as I am investigating high CPU usage on a box that is essentially a LAMP stack. top shows root occasionally spawning 'find' processes that consume 25-35% CPU each; this has caused my host to shut down the server | 18:07 |
excal | right now I am monitoring manually and killing the processes as they are spawned | 18:07 |
excal | would be interested to hear thoughts on *what* could be causing ROOT to spawn 'find' | 18:07 |
ikonia | your host shuts a server down because it easys %25 cpu ? | 18:07 |
ikonia | get off that host | 18:08 |
akik | excal: easy solution is to run ps in a tight loop and check the parent pid of find when it starts | 18:08 |
excal | ikonia - well, after about 5-6 of them spawn........ | 18:09 |
nacc | excal: so ... are you saying your server can't handle the load? | 18:09 |
excal | nah, the VPS host has an automatic service suspension for servers that run at 100% CPU over some time threshold | 18:10 |
excal | which is fair enough | 18:10 |
Rexodus | Blij dat ik deze "load" niet meer heb. Ik leef nu voor mezelf. Tijd dat jullie "beheerders" daar eens over gaan nadenken. Ipv je hypotheek! | 18:11 |
excal | akik: my linux-fu is already stretched; what do you mean by a tight loop? I'm only familiar with ps in the context of ps aux and piping through grep | 18:11 |
barba_tryk | moi | 18:12 |
ikonia | excal: do a while loop grepping and logging for find | 18:12 |
barba_tryk | että mitähän vittua | 18:12 |
ikonia | then track the parent pid | 18:12 |
explosive | !finland | barba_tryk | 18:12 |
ikonia | or just check obvious things, eg: crontabs, at dameon et | 18:12 |
ikonia | etc | 18:12 |
Snackerr | Hey, i have a weird problem: when i insert a USB stick from one Xubuntu Laptop, to another (with just TEXT files on it) it is READ-ONLY in one of the Laptops. why?? | 18:12 |
akik | !fi | 18:12 |
ubottu | Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-) | 18:12 |
explosive | !finnish | barba_tryk | 18:12 |
explosive | Snackerr: check dmesg | 18:13 |
excal | root 30513 33.1 0.0 745676 734604 ? R 04:09 0:53 find /var/lib/php5/ -depth -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -cmin +24 ! -execdir fuser -s {} ; -delete | 18:14 |
explosive | Snackerr: ah, you might have it mounted with a certain user and need privileges to write to it | 18:14 |
excal | where do I find the parent pid? although I can surmise the source based on that... | 18:14 |
akik | excal: ps -ef shows it | 18:14 |
cosmicfires | my menus on xfce are showing all the catagories that show in the menu editor | 18:14 |
ShekharReddy | is there a Github app for ubuntu like there is one for windows through which we can easily push the repositories to github account | 18:14 |
cosmicfires | any suggestions on where to look? the missing items aren't set to hidden | 18:15 |
tgm4883 | ShekharReddy: like 'git'? | 18:15 |
explosive | Snackerr: try gksu nautilus from a terminal | 18:15 |
unix4linux_ | ok, so I think I am close. I was able to see my new 3840x2160 in the display settings but after a reboot, it disappeared. Also, this is a laptop and I keep the lid closed and only use the 4k display so not sure if my "Monitor0" settings should be "Monitor1" instead? | 18:15 |
excal | akik ah right no | 18:15 |
excal | oh* | 18:15 |
Snackerr | explosive, yes, it works with GKSU. but i'd rather not have to do that. | 18:16 |
explosive | Snackerr: mount it from the file manager | 18:16 |
explosive | not sudo mount .. | 18:16 |
excal | akik and basically following the breadcrumbs from PID -->PID? | 18:16 |
tgm4883 | Snackerr: what filesystem is on the usb stick | 18:16 |
explosive | ^ and that | 18:16 |
excal | that looks like it comes from cron....... hmmm | 18:16 |
Snackerr | explosive + friends, all i did was format a USBstick to EXT4, in GNOME-DISKS, + put some text files on it + stuck that USBstick into a 2nd laptop with Xubuntu also | 18:16 |
ShekharReddy | tgm4883: git is more likely operated from command line but i need one we can dag and drop or atleast browse repo to app and simply do a push | 18:17 |
akik | excal: that find command seems to be looking for processes in some dir | 18:17 |
ShekharReddy | dag -->*drag | 18:17 |
tgm4883 | Snackerr: so your UID's don't match then across systems | 18:17 |
explosive | Snackerr: you have to use gksu then or chown all the dirs and files to the user you want to let write to | 18:17 |
tgm4883 | ShekharReddy: I'm not aware of one, but one might exist | 18:17 |
Snackerr | explosive + friends, and the 2nd Laptop, is saying the TEXTfiles are READONLY, (unless, i run Nautilus/gedit with ROOT of course) | 18:17 |
tim | help | 18:17 |
explosive | Snackerr: an alternative would be to format as fat32 or ntfs so when you mount from the filemanager it has the current user as the owner | 18:17 |
tim | if I do cmake do a debug built this is the errorl | 18:17 |
tim | Warning: Overwriting existing alias androiddebugkey in destination keystore | 18:17 |
tim | CMake Error at cmake/Dependencies.cmake:9 (message): | 18:17 |
tim | MBP_ANDROID_ENABLE_CCACHE is enabled, but ccache was not found | 18:17 |
tim | Call Stack (most recent call first): | 18:17 |
tim | CMakeLists.txt:150 (include) | 18:17 |
explosive | !paste | tim | 18:18 |
ubottu | tim: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 18:18 |
tgm4883 | Snackerr: right. Your files are owned by one UID, then when you take it to that other computer, your UID isn't the same as the one that the files are owned by | 18:18 |
tgm4883 | Snackerr: it's quite simply a permissions issue | 18:18 |
unix4linux_ | also not sure if I can set DefaultDepth to 32? is the DefaultDepth for the different bit modes? | 18:18 |
excal | akik: urgh, it's virtualmin | 18:18 |
akik | excal: the parent pid is the third column in ps -ef (PPID) | 18:18 |
excal | awstats and webalizer | 18:18 |
excal | yeah, I figured that much | 18:18 |
akik | excal: what's virtualmin? | 18:19 |
excal | that explains the pattern of the damn thing coming back | 18:19 |
excal | oh, it's a LAMP stack on webmin | 18:19 |
Snackerr | explosive, tgm4883 hmmmm, ok, thanks | 18:19 |
ShekharReddy | tgm4883: the one like this for ubuntu | 18:19 |
excal | LAMP stack management* that's built on webmin....think of it as a free cPanel | 18:19 |
ikonia | think of it as junk security risk | 18:20 |
excal | or that | 18:20 |
tgm4883 | ShekharReddy: idk, I use the command line | 18:22 |
tim | ok | 18:22 |
excal | I'm all ears if you know of something that'll let me manage apache/bind/mysql easily | 18:22 |
ShekharReddy | tgm4883: cool i'll try in #git and #github | 18:22 |
tim | help pleasee | 18:22 |
excal | (on a domain by domain basis) | 18:23 |
ikonia | with what ? | 18:23 |
Donovan_ | hi all, I've just made a fresh install with ubuntu 16. I've installed the proprietary nvidia drive and now I'm no longer able to log in. THe syslog i see "org.gtk.vfs.daemon: a connecton to the bus can't be made" any idea what could be wrong? | 18:23 |
explosive | Donovan_: try to boot recovery mode and purge the nvidia driver and see if it works | 18:24 |
akik | excal: look up where that find is started and then try to search for a bug report about it | 18:24 |
excal | akik: I just killed the crons - I don't need them | 18:24 |
tim | sorry | 18:24 |
=== tim is now known as Tim241 | ||
reeson | How can I block some IP from ssh command? | 18:27 |
ikonia | iptables ? hosts_deny, sshd_config ignore | 18:28 |
reeson | ikonia: currently is just one IP | 18:29 |
ikonia | reeson: then block it ? | 18:29 |
Donovan_ | explosive: thx, seems to work again (after purging the nvidia driver). however, the gui is slow as hell.... (that was the main reason I've installed the nvidia driver). any idea how I can speed it up? | 18:29 |
Snackerr | heyyyy, so if you drag&drop bookmarks from Chromium, to the Desktop, it creates a URL Launcher. COOL!! ---now, my question is: how do you make it use the SAME ICON, for the Desktop Launcher. (that the bookmark uses for an icon)? | 18:30 |
explosive | Donovan_: is something using the cpu a lot? try "top" in a terminal | 18:31 |
ikonia | Donovan_: because it's not able to use the nvidia card now | 18:31 |
Donovan_ | explosive: not really, compiz is at 15% CPU load | 18:31 |
ikonia | Donovan_: so it's working hard to render the desktop, you've just crippled your graphics capability | 18:31 |
explosive | Snackerr: get the name of the icon and point it to it, might be a hardwired thing though | 18:32 |
Donovan_ | ikonia: well, what alternative do I have? when I install the driver I can't login anymore. without nvidia driver its slow as hell... :-/ | 18:32 |
explosive | Donovan_: try sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall | 18:32 |
explosive | how did you install the nvidia driver? | 18:32 |
ikonia | Donovan_: define "can't login" | 18:32 |
Snackerr | explosive, IIRC, windows does this exact thing automatically (creates a URL shortcut with the correct icon) | 18:32 |
Donovan_ | ikonia: "org.gtk.vfs.daemon: a connecton to the bus can't be made" | 18:32 |
explosive | Snackerr: iirc windows != linux | 18:33 |
Donovan_ | I get logged out after I enter the PW | 18:33 |
Snackerr | explosive, LOL | 18:33 |
Donovan_ | explosive: via the additional driver thing (GUI) | 18:33 |
ikonia | Donovan_: I suspect your home directory has some files owned by root | 18:33 |
ikonia | after you've done something with sudo | 18:33 |
ikonia | so the session data is owned by root | 18:33 |
ikonia | and you're not root so you can't read/write to it when you login | 18:33 |
explosive | ikonia: he purged nvidia from recovery and got his desktop back | 18:33 |
ikonia | create a new user, install the nvidia drivers, then log out as your current user, and login as a new one | 18:34 |
ikonia | explosive: yes ? | 18:34 |
explosive | Donovan_: did you have multiple options there or just 1 driver? | 18:34 |
Donovan_ | explosive: just one (well two, the nvidia and the ubuntu one) | 18:34 |
Donovan_ | sec | 18:34 |
explosive | ikonia: i'm saying it's not a xauthority/etc. issue since he after purging his nvidia driver he got access to his desktop back | 18:34 |
ikonia | explosive: I didn't say xauthority | 18:34 |
ikonia | (I know where you are going) | 18:35 |
ikonia | the nvidia drivers have some additional extensions | 18:35 |
Donovan_ | explosive: I have "NVIDIA binary driver - version 361.42 from nvidia-361" and "using x.ORG X server" | 18:35 |
explosive | ikonia: he did mention a dbus.gtk.vfs... unable to connect error earlier | 18:35 |
explosive | in case that's useful to the problem | 18:35 |
ikonia | explosive: yes, thats why I said what I did | 18:36 |
Donovan_ | explosive: I'm now running "ubuntu-drivers autoinstall"... and get "your system has UEFI boot enabled blabla" | 18:36 |
Donovan_ | "disable UEFI secure boot? yes / no" | 18:36 |
explosive | Donovan_: ok try yes | 18:36 |
unix4linux__ | can someone give me a hand with my video settings: I am able to see 3840x2160 as an option when I manually set xrandr but I can't actually set the screen to that resolution. When I reboot, the option in the display settings is completely gone | 18:37 |
reesson | ikonia: sorry, I think my connection failed | 18:37 |
curlyears | query: is there a voice recognition package available for ubuntu, and is a Pi3 gutsy enough t use it, and still be able to do other things? | 18:37 |
Donovan_ | explosive: ok, ubuntu-drivers autoinstall is done. looks like it has installed nvidia_361. should I try to login + out? or reboot? | 18:38 |
reesson | ikonia: I added a IP like this: sshd: d.z.y.x to/etc/hosts.deny | 18:38 |
explosive | Donovan_: try 2 things before you leave | 18:38 |
explosive | Donovan_: first, uname -r && dpkg -l linux-headers* | 18:39 |
explosive | check if the headers for your current running kernel (first line in the output) is installed | 18:39 |
MonkeyDust | curlyears start here | 18:39 |
explosive | second, type find ~ ! -user $USER , and check if some files aren't owned by your user to test ikonia's theory | 18:40 |
Donovan_ | explosive: hmmm what do you mean? which kernel? -> | 18:40 |
curlyears | thqnks, MonkeyDust | 18:41 |
explosive | Donovan_: ok, they're installed (4.4.0-22) | 18:41 |
Donovan_ | explosive: cool, regarding your second question: "find ~ ! -user $USER" doesn't return anything, so I guess thats fine? | 18:42 |
explosive | Donovan_: yes | 18:42 |
Donovan_ | good, should I try a reboot? or login / logout? | 18:42 |
MonkeyDust | explosive neat command | 18:42 |
explosive | Donovan_: try a reboot | 18:42 |
excal | okay I'm a bit of a complete newbie with linux networking; another server, running LTS 14.04. can shell in but I can't see m to get it to resolve anything once on the box. thus, things like apt-get are problematic. It smells like a DNS problem but I'm not entirely sure where to start with that. This is a completely fresh install | 18:43 |
Donovan_ | explosive: I just logged out, and I'm no longer able to log in (via gnome). should I still try a reboot? | 18:43 |
teward | excal: static IP, or does it get the IP automatically from the router? | 18:43 |
Donovan_ | explosive: syslog says "a connection to the bus can't be made"... so same error... also, I see "gnome.sessions-binary: CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. Sorry..." | 18:45 |
Donovan_ | looks like I have zoo in my desktop PC? ;) | 18:45 |
explosive | Donovan_: haha | 18:45 |
excal | teward: it's in a VPS in a datacentre; cat /etc/network/interfaces reads like it's static | 18:45 |
excal | an address and netmask is defined for that interface | 18:46 |
excal | I get the feeling something is missing there... | 18:46 |
Ben64 | excal: so whats in /etc/resolv.conf | 18:46 |
excal | it's empty | 18:46 |
Donovan_ | explosive: so, any suggestion what I should do? reboot? or try to fix it somehow (how? :-/ ) | 18:46 |
Ben64 | excal: try adding "nameserver" | 18:47 |
excal | and I take it i'll need to restart networking? | 18:47 |
Ben64 | no | 18:47 |
excal | that did the trick - thanks :) | 18:48 |
explosive | Donovan_: try to upload /var/log/Xorg.0.log in case it has more info, there's a bug report here unfortunately it's not solved yet but you could add info to it | 18:48 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1571206 in gvfs (Ubuntu) "org.gtk.vfs.Daemon[1025]: A connection to the bus can't be made" [Medium,Confirmed] | 18:48 |
Ben64 | excal: :D | 18:48 |
Ben64 | excal: does the top of the file say DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND? if so, it might get overwritten next boot | 18:49 |
explosive | Donovan_: how much ram does the pc have? | 18:49 |
Donovan_ | explosive: 32GB | 18:50 |
explosive | Donovan_: also check ~/.xsession-errors for clues | 18:50 |
Donovan_ | explosive: xorg.0.log: (I don't see anything "worrying" there) | 18:52 |
Donovan_ | explosive: .xession-errors: "openConnection: connect: No such file or directory" | 18:52 |
Donovan_ | and then "gnome-session main process terminated with status 1" | 18:52 |
explosive | Donovan_: searching for "nvidia-361 back to login screen" brings up a lot of forum threads, not suggesting a rtfm, there's a lot of stuff that might be useful in that search query though | 18:52 |
Donovan_ | explosive: ok.... will give it a try.... | 18:53 |
=== rubick_ is now known as rubick | ||
explosive | Donovan_: do you have nvidia-prime installed? | 18:55 |
Donovan_ | explosive: apperently, I'm about to remove nvidia-* and apt asks me if "nvidia-prime*" should be removed as well | 18:55 |
Cablegunmaster | question trying to acces my pi through Wan, how to configure my sshd_config? | 18:56 |
explosive | Donovan_: one of those threads says to install nvidia-364 if available, worth a shot i guess | 18:57 |
Donovan_ | yep, will try that right now | 18:57 |
Donovan_ | funny thing is, I had similar troubles when I've installed ubuntu 14... looks likey these kind of troubles always reappear? :-/ | 18:58 |
explosive | Donovan_: yeah, needs a little tinkering to get it working right | 19:00 |
Donovan_ | explosive: installed.... rebooting... *drummrolls* | 19:01 |
explosive | Donovan_: it's just typical linux, when things work straight out of the box you be surprised not the opposite :D | 19:01 |
Donovan_ | explosive: no luck :( | 19:02 |
explosive | !info nvidia-current | 19:02 |
ubottu | nvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-304): Transitional package for nvidia-current. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.131-0ubuntu3 (xenial), package size 4 kB, installed size 19 kB (Only available for i386; amd64) | 19:02 |
explosive | Donovan_: what's the exact model of your card? | 19:03 |
=== Ntemis_ is now known as Ntemis | ||
Donovan_ | explosive: NVIDIA GTX 980 | 19:05 |
thyri | Erm, hello everyone. | 19:06 |
Donovan_ | explosive: some googlers suggest disabling secure boot. I tried that before, but couldn't find that option in my bios | 19:06 |
Donovan_ | explosive: "Secure Boot might block the nvidia driver from loading" <- would that be possible? | 19:07 |
explosive | Donovan_: i also saw you might need to explicitly enable nvidia in the bios (?) | 19:07 |
explosive | Donovan_: yes | 19:08 |
thyri | I'm brand new to Linux Ubuntu, and I'm having a hard time finding thorough answers to my questions when I search them on Google, so I thought I'd come in here to see if someone could help... This laptop used to be a Windows machine, and I'm pretty sure it came with more than the 56.9 GB the Properties menu shows is available when I rightclick File System. | 19:09 |
Cablegunmaster | how to test ssh routes? As in verbose command? debugging? | 19:10 |
bekks | thyri: So take a look at "sudo fdisk -l" | 19:10 |
explosive | thyri: open a terminal and type "sudo parted -l" and paste the output in | 19:10 |
Cablegunmaster | to see where I could open something up ? I got a port 8081 forwarded to 22 for ssh on a orangepi | 19:10 |
Cablegunmaster | but no clue if it works, internally ssh works | 19:10 |
thyri | Crap. It's asking me for a password. | 19:10 |
bekks | Cablegunmaster: Those statements doesnt make much sense. What are you actually trying to do? | 19:11 |
explosive | thyri: use your user's password | 19:11 |
bekks | thyri: So enter it. | 19:11 |
thyri | is there a default password? My papa didn't tell me he put a password on here. | 19:11 |
Cablegunmaster | bekks: ssh on 192.domain works ssh on Wan network fails me. | 19:11 |
explosive | thyri: yes, it would be the password he used when first installing | 19:11 |
thyri | I didn't have to enter a password when I turned the laptop on. | 19:11 |
thyri | ugh. | 19:11 |
bekks | Cablegunmaster: What is "192.domain"? | 19:11 |
MonkeyDust | thyri the password you used to login | 19:11 |
explosive | thyri: that'd be the autologin | 19:11 |
OerHeks | thyri, ask him | 19:11 |
Cablegunmaster | bekks: local adresses (intern network) | 19:12 |
Cablegunmaster | bekks: wanna use the external ip. | 19:12 |
bekks | Cablegunmaster: And whats the particular problem in doing so? | 19:12 |
bekks | Cablegunmaster: And which external IP of what? Of your router? | 19:12 |
Cablegunmaster | yep | 19:12 |
Donovan_ | explosive: so, in the bios I see two options: "Secure-boot-status: enabled" and "typ of the operating systems: windows-uefi-mode" | 19:12 |
Donovan_ | I can't change the first option, only the second | 19:13 |
Cablegunmaster | bekks: trying to use router : 8081 - > internal ip :22 | 19:13 |
bekks | Cablegunmaster: Then you need a box outside of your network, you cannot test that from being inside your network. | 19:13 |
thyri | Texted him. Grr. | 19:13 |
explosive | Donovan_: try to set an admin password for the bios, then the option might be usable | 19:13 |
CannedSpinach | anyone here use Geany? | 19:13 |
thyri | So what's sudo, anyway? | 19:13 |
Cablegunmaster | bekks: using thether internet from phone no problem | 19:14 |
bekks | Cablegunmaster: Which is technically "outside" of your network, | 19:14 |
k1l | thyri: sudo is to grant the command root permissions. | 19:14 |
thyri | oh ok. | 19:14 |
Cablegunmaster | bekks: 3g of the provide not using same network | 19:14 |
Donovan_ | explosive: I just defined a password.... rebooted.... now I get a pw promt when entering the bios, but I can't enter a password. | 19:17 |
Donovan_ | #failed | 19:17 |
ioria | CannedSpinach, sometimes ... what's the problem ? | 19:18 |
root_ | s | 19:18 |
root_ | i am still root hu... | 19:18 |
OerHeks | !rootirc | 19:18 |
ubottu | It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet. | 19:18 |
CannedSpinach | I'm just trying to figure out if I can get the "Documents" view to automatically show all .py files from a certain folder | 19:18 |
CannedSpinach | instead of having to manually select them | 19:18 |
k1l | root_: stop trolling in here. | 19:18 |
root_ | i tryed sudo -i .... got me 3 insted of $.. tought that was it | 19:19 |
root_ | # | 19:19 |
root_ | i honestly tryed | 19:19 |
k1l | !sudo | root_ | 19:19 |
ubottu | root_: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: | 19:19 |
explosive | Donovan_: O.o | 19:19 |
Donovan_ | explosive: I'm doomed... | 19:20 |
bekks | Donovan_: Just reset your BIOS. | 19:20 |
explosive | Donovan_: which laptop model is it? | 19:20 |
thyri | *sigh* No answer yet. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to wait until later and call... | 19:20 |
explosive | thyri: type "lsblk" in a terminal | 19:20 |
Donovan_ | explosive: motherboard is ASUS X99-DELUXE | 19:21 |
* Donovan_ tries to find the doc | 19:21 | |
bekks | thyri: Given you got that info - how does it help you to know wether the disk is bigger than you thought? | 19:21 |
thyri | I didn't get the password. And the disk is *smaller* than I thought, not bigger. | 19:21 |
thyri | lsblk helped, thank you explosive. | 19:22 |
bekks | thyri: You are looking at one filesystem until now. | 19:22 |
thyri | what do you mean, until now? | 19:22 |
MonkeyDust | thyri for more details, type lsblk -f | 19:23 |
explosive | MonkeyDust: needs sudo unfortunately | 19:23 |
explosive | nevermind | 19:23 |
MonkeyDust | explosive no it doesnt, blkid does | 19:23 |
thyri | MonkeyDust that didn't give me anything helpful. | 19:23 |
akik | root_: so sudo -i worked for you. remember to log out of that shell when you've done your work | 19:23 |
explosive | MonkeyDust: yuppers, it used to, as lsblk uses blkid :) | 19:23 |
thyri | sda is blank, sda1 has a / under Mountpoint, sda2 is blank, and sda5 has [SWAP] under Mountpoint. | 19:24 |
Cablegunmaster | error: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host | 19:24 |
Cablegunmaster | how to prevail this message and be victorious bekks any idea :)? | 19:24 |
bekks | Cablegunmaster: ssh -v, ssh -vv, ssh -vvv :P | 19:24 |
explosive | Donovan_: maybe if you remove the battery and hold the power button for a little it might work somehow? | 19:25 |
explosive | pretty strange.. | 19:25 |
ioria | CannedSpinach, the only way i found it's selecting all the files ... | 19:26 |
thyri | Going to drive across town to my friend's house. Maybe by that time Papa will get back to me. Ciao for now! | 19:26 |
CannedSpinach | you can't save the files you've selected as a project? | 19:26 |
CannedSpinach | seems like kind of a basic feature to include in an IDE | 19:26 |
CannedSpinach | but I'm new to this | 19:26 |
Cablegunmaster | bekks: it says allot of keys. but no idea how to load one and be verified on both pc's . guess it all comes down to encryption keys | 19:28 |
Cablegunmaster | how can I disable looking for keys xD | 19:29 |
Donovan_ | explosive: it's even more easy, there is a reset button :P | 19:29 |
bekks | Cablegunmaster: It basically comes to down read the output and investigate why you get the error. | 19:29 |
explosive | Donovan_: great :D | 19:29 |
Cablegunmaster | thanks bekks :) | 19:29 |
Cablegunmaster | gonna investigate *puts on sherlock helmet* | 19:30 |
Donovan_ | explosive: <- omg | 19:30 |
explosive | Donovan_: haha, was just reading that and thinking the same | 19:30 |
explosive | looks like from the future | 19:31 |
Donovan_ | explosive: so, did I understood it correct: I need to backup some "secure boot keys" to a USB stick and then delete them from the motherboard? | 19:31 |
explosive | Donovan_: follow the guide i guess | 19:33 |
Donovan_ | explosive: good... I will try that tomorrow... it was a long and terrible day with upgrading windows, reinstalling ubuntu, then reinstalling windows, then buying a new windows 10 license and reinstalling windows 10 again, fighting with nvidia driver... and now messing up the bios | 19:34 |
Donovan_ | explosive: thx for your help anyway! | 19:34 |
explosive | Donovan_: alright, no problem! | 19:34 |
werner__ | hi my linux has to update but says it only have minimal space left while the there is like 280gb open do I correct this? | 19:35 |
noroot | am i still root? | 19:36 |
LtL | noroot: no | 19:37 |
Bashing-om | werner__: 'df -h ; df -i ' to show the dosk space usage . Maybe the /boot partition is full ? | 19:38 |
OerHeks | noroot, maybe | 19:38 |
noroot | comon | 19:38 |
SnoopyD | hi | 19:38 |
SnoopyD | how do I register at freenode? | 19:38 |
LtL | noroot: type in your irc client; '/exec whoami' | 19:38 |
OerHeks | noroot, what says: whoami | 19:38 |
noroot | whoami? | 19:38 |
noroot | lol | 19:38 |
werner__ | can i move this to another partition | 19:39 |
In4rtia | SnoopyD: try /msg NickServer REGISTER yourpassword youremail | 19:39 |
noroot | it says noroot | 19:39 |
werner__ | bashing=om | 19:39 |
OerHeks | !register | 19:39 |
ubottu | Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 19:39 |
noroot | !register | 19:39 |
noroot | ? | 19:39 |
SnoopyD | In4rtia, thank you! | 19:40 |
In4rtia | You are welcome dude! :D | 19:40 |
Bashing-om | werner__: Show in a pastebin the commands return of 'df -h ; df -i ' can then give better advise . | 19:40 |
werner__ | Bashing-om ??? new here where do i find this? | 19:41 |
SnoopyD | In4rtia, it doesn't work | 19:41 |
In4rtia | why not? | 19:41 |
MonkeyDust | werner__ ctrl-alt-t to open a terminal, type it there | 19:41 |
SnoopyD | >NickServer< register | 19:42 |
SnoopyD | * NickServer :No such nick/channel | 19:42 |
LtL | nickserv | 19:42 |
werner__ | 'df -h ; df -i ' | 19:43 |
Bashing-om | werner__: Then a easir wayd .. in terminal do : ' df -h | nc 9999 ; df -i | nc 9999 ' . The result is a URL pack in terminal; pass that link back here and we can access the files . | 19:43 |
werner__ | werner@Werner-HP-ProBook-4520s:~$ df -h ; df =i | 19:44 |
werner__ | Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on | 19:44 |
werner__ | udev 3,8G 4,0K 3,8G 1% /dev | 19:44 |
werner__ | tmpfs 777M 1,4M 775M 1% /run | 19:44 |
werner__ | /dev/mapper/ubuntu--studio--vg-root 285G 8,8G 262G 4% / | 19:44 |
werner__ | none 4,0K 0 4,0K 0% /sys/fs/cgroup | 19:44 |
MonkeyDust | werner__ next time, use a pastebin ... | 19:45 |
OerHeks | !paste | 19:45 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 19:45 |
=== alexandr2 is now known as alexandros_c | ||
ioria | CannedSpinach, try Tool -> Plugin -> File Browser ans select it in the side bar instead od Document | 19:47 |
=== In4rtia is now known as In3rti4 | ||
seymour | j§ú | 19:51 |
seymour | hi | 19:51 |
kovacs | HI grills | 19:54 |
* alkejl4jtgajdfsk | 19:59 | |
alkejl4jtgajdfsk | quit | 20:00 |
niklas | hi | 20:00 |
kirill | quit | 20:03 |
kirill | disconnect | 20:03 |
lordcirth | kirill, /quit | 20:03 |
kirill | thx) | 20:04 |
=== bildramer1 is now known as bildramer | ||
gauri | hello | 20:09 |
lordcirth | gauri, hi | 20:09 |
gauri | I am unable to shift my window to other workspace | 20:10 |
gauri | I am using shift + ctrl + atl + arrow keys | 20:10 |
* stormchaser3000 is still having trouble figuring this out | 20:10 | |
gauri | I have hp elitebook 8440p, and using 16.04 | 20:10 |
stormchaser3000 | i can't get my MSI gaming laptop to recognize my nvidia graphics card | 20:11 |
gauri | lordcirth, Is there a fix ? | 20:11 |
lordcirth | gauri, can you switch workspaces with ctrl-alt-arrow? | 20:11 |
Gallomimia | stormchaser3000: did you install any drivers? | 20:12 |
stormchaser3000 | Gallomima: yes supposedly the ones for my graphics card | 20:12 |
stormchaser3000 | and that did nothing | 20:12 |
Gallomimia | from where? | 20:12 |
gauri | lordcirth, I can switch workspaces | 20:12 |
gauri | with that combination | 20:12 |
lordcirth | gauri, did you update Ubuntu? | 20:13 |
gauri | yes | 20:13 |
gauri | just now | 20:13 |
lordcirth | gauri, go to keyboard shortcuts and set it. I had the same problem once. | 20:13 |
lordcirth | I think they unset the keybind in 16.04 | 20:14 |
stormchaser3000 | the nvidia-361 from just a sec i am trying to open the software sources thing | 20:14 |
gauri | but pressing the super key still shows the shortcut | 20:14 |
stormchaser3000 | Gallomimia, | 20:14 |
lordcirth | gauri, well, I'm not sure that that text loads the actual set keybinds, I think it's static | 20:15 |
Gallomimia | stormchaser3000: what kernel are you using? | 20:15 |
Gallomimia | what distro | 20:15 |
gauri | lordcirth, ohh | 20:15 |
stormchaser3000 | Gallomimia: ubuntu | 20:15 |
lordcirth | gauri, there's already an option in shortcuts for the feature, you just need to select it and do the keybind you want | 20:15 |
Gallomimia | stormchaser3000: that doesn't answer the question | 20:15 |
lordcirth | stormchaser3000, he probably wants your kernel version | 20:16 |
stormchaser3000 | i kno | 20:16 |
stormchaser3000 | i know* | 20:16 |
stormchaser3000 | i am trying to find that out | 20:16 |
gauri | lordcirth, name of the shortcut ? | 20:16 |
Gallomimia | not the kernel version. just the ubuntu version | 20:16 |
Gallomimia | 14.04 probably needs PPAs for the drivers. but 16.04 has them in the default repos | 20:16 |
stormchaser3000 | Gallomimia: ubuntu 16.04 | 20:16 |
Gallomimia | excellent | 20:17 |
Gallomimia | so, you could probably remove that PPA, and the driver | 20:17 |
Exagone313 | Hi, is it possible to edit the grub scripts (that are used upon update-grub) and be sure it won't break with an update? | 20:17 |
Gallomimia | and simply: apt install nvidia-xxx where xxx is the version of drivers recommended for your particular card | 20:17 |
Gallomimia | Exagone313: it's never possible to be sure. but there's ways of editing the scripts. there's some that should be edited and some that shouldn't. i'm not sure which | 20:17 |
Gallomimia | more in the manuals, or maybe the folks in #grub can help (i've never gotten much response) | 20:18 |
lordcirth | gauri, dash, search "keyboard", shortcuts, navigation | 20:18 |
lordcirth | gauri, there's a set of 4 to move in each direction | 20:18 |
Exagone313 | Gallomimia: the problem is about Ubuntu updates, not grub | 20:18 |
Gallomimia | oh! | 20:19 |
Gallomimia | yeah, those are often a problem if you have non-standard settings | 20:19 |
Exagone313 | if there is an update, it will check diff of files right? | 20:19 |
Gallomimia | eh, hard to say | 20:19 |
Exagone313 | ok, I'll make copies | 20:19 |
Gallomimia | depends what update. normal kernel updates usually respect your changes. | 20:19 |
Gallomimia | or they auto-find any other OS you have and include that | 20:20 |
Exagone313 | if I use new names, it will be easy to check if new files appeared | 20:20 |
Exagone313 | is grub updated? | 20:20 |
Gallomimia | i think you know more about the grub-update scripts than me | 20:20 |
Gallomimia | yes | 20:20 |
gauri | lordcirth, I think my keyboard cant register more than 3 keys at once | 20:20 |
lordcirth | gauri, oh. Some older keyboards do have that problem. But didn't you say it worked before? | 20:20 |
Gallomimia | stormchaser3000: can you describe in some more detail how you installed these drivers? | 20:21 |
gauri | it never worked | 20:21 |
Gallomimia | cause there's a couple right ways to install nvidia drivers, and a hundred wrong ways | 20:21 |
gauri | lordcirth, I have newly installed it | 20:21 |
lordcirth | gauri, I thought you said you just upgraded Ubuntu? | 20:21 |
stormchaser3000 | Gallomimia: well i apparently have a hybrid graphics setup. intel and nvidia | 20:22 |
stormchaser3000 | so i installed optimus | 20:22 |
stormchaser3000 | and bumblebee | 20:22 |
Gallomimia | yes. that's some trouble. there's a way to select it. not familiar with it | 20:22 |
El | Hello. Anyone knows how to disable the software updater popup that constantly asks me o reboot my computer? | 20:22 |
Gallomimia | bumblebee is deprecated. or so i've heard | 20:22 |
=== ludkiller is now known as paresh | ||
stormchaser3000 | but they didn't see my graphics card either apparently | 20:23 |
Gallomimia | El: yeah there's a setting under software updates | 20:23 |
gauri | lordcirth, Ooh! limitations of text, No I have not upgraded from older version of ubuntu, I have newly dual booted my computer with ubuntu 16.04 and win 10 | 20:23 |
Gallomimia | uh... can't remember exactly | 20:23 |
lordcirth | gauri, ah, you upgraded *to* Ubuntu. I see. | 20:23 |
lordcirth | gauri, well, if your keyboard doesn't support it, you can either get a better keyboard or change the keybinding to something simpler. | 20:23 |
El | Gallomimia: I tried fiddling with settings but came up with nothing | 20:23 |
Gallomimia | stormchaser3000: you should be able to simply install the driver in question and it will take care of the rest. all those extra packages aren't required. and you still haven't told me how you installed these drivers taht don't work | 20:23 |
gauri | lordcirth, Yup, Is there a way to register more than 3 keys from the existing keyboard ? | 20:24 |
stormchaser3000 | i added the ppa and then installed them using the apt-get command | 20:24 |
Gallomimia | El: i'm sorry i forget where it is exactly; not in front of ubuntu machine. the program where it lets you select mirrors and which repos has a tab for updates. changing that setting should be fine | 20:24 |
lordcirth | gauri, it's a USB keyboard? | 20:24 |
Gallomimia | stormchaser3000: ppa is not required under 16.04 | 20:24 |
stormchaser3000 | i know i removed the ppa and am reinstalling the driver | 20:24 |
Gallomimia | alright. here's hoping | 20:25 |
gauri | lordcirth, No, I am talking about the inbuilt one | 20:25 |
Gallomimia | uh, a reboot is required, you know this? | 20:25 |
lordcirth | gauri, oh, it's a laptop? | 20:25 |
OerHeks | El this works .. .. after reboot | 20:25 |
stormchaser3000 | yeah | 20:25 |
OerHeks | :-D | 20:25 |
stormchaser3000 | i know | 20:25 |
stormchaser3000 | XD | 20:25 |
gauri | lordcirth, Yes, it is a laptop | 20:25 |
Gallomimia | k making sure :) | 20:25 |
Gallomimia | good luck | 20:25 |
lordcirth | gauri, ah. Then I'm not aware of a way, seems like a hardware limit. | 20:26 |
Gallomimia | hey channel are there any tutorials on how to work with a hybrid graphics system? nvidia-intel | 20:26 |
gauri | lordcirth, I see , Then I guess I will change the shortcut to something 3 key-ed | 20:26 |
Gallomimia | i'm interested to know if the 3 key limit persists under other OS's or the bios | 20:27 |
gauri | lordcirth, thanks :) | 20:27 |
lordcirth | gauri, np | 20:27 |
El | Gallomimia: OerHeks : thanks I'll try this one. The one you told me last time didn't work :Ó | 20:27 |
El | :þ | 20:27 |
OerHeks | El should be the same one | 20:27 |
stormchaser3000 | Gallomimia: does it matter that lspci doens't see the graphics card? | 20:28 |
lordcirth | Gallomimia, nvidia Optimus? | 20:28 |
Gallomimia | that, i'm not sure. it doesn't see any card at all? | 20:28 |
Gallomimia | is it desktop or laptop? | 20:28 |
k1l | show the output of "lspci" in a pastebin | 20:28 |
stormchaser3000 | laptop | 20:28 |
stormchaser3000 | and no it does not see any card at all | 20:28 |
Gallomimia | if the driver isn't functioning, it should at least say unknown vendor | 20:28 |
OerHeks | maybe an bios option, nvidia disabled? | 20:28 |
Gallomimia | hrm. | 20:28 |
stormchaser3000 | at least no nvidia card | 20:28 |
Gallomimia | what k1l said | 20:29 |
El | OerHeks: you told me about the no-show-notifications one, if I remember correctly. I don't have that hide-reboot one, I'll create it and try. Thanks | 20:30 |
OerHeks | El: ah correct indeed | 20:30 |
stormchaser3000 | Gallomimia, | 20:30 |
prabhari_ | hi everyone, having problems connecting to usb ethernet connection. was working fine earlier. | 20:30 |
Gallomimia | under ubuntu? | 20:31 |
prabhari_ | yes | 20:31 |
stormchaser3000 | Gallomimia, yes this is under ubuntu why? | 20:31 |
Anthaas | How do I change my DNS server in 14.04? | 20:31 |
stormchaser3000 | oh XD | 20:32 |
Gallomimia | i was asking prabhari_. | 20:32 |
Anthaas | My current DNS is for some stupid reason incorrectly resolving only 1 IP address... | 20:32 |
Gallomimia | anyway, the nvidia card really isn't in there | 20:32 |
prabhari_ | i told you sir | 20:32 |
prabhari_ | its ubuntu | 20:32 |
Gallomimia | so, you had ethernet USB nic working under ubuntu, and now it's not? | 20:33 |
lordcirth | prabhari_, does the ethernet device appear under " ip link " ? | 20:33 |
curlyears | Anthaas: clarification please: is it only resolving 1 (one) IP, and that incorrectly, or is it resolving most IPS, EC@EPT for that one? | 20:33 |
rco | Hey all, is there any way to start an upstart service in the forground? | 20:33 |
prabhari_ | it appears alright but says unmanaged. i try to connect nothing happens | 20:33 |
curlyears | an "upstart" service? Do yu mean a "start up service?" | 20:34 |
Anthaas | I dont know what the second part of your sentence means, BUT, I am trying to download a package for Sublime Text - and for some reason it is resolving incorrectly. | 20:34 |
Anthaas | If I use Google's DNS, it resolves it correctly. | 20:34 |
k1l | stormchaser3000: look into the bios if the nvidia card is disabled thre | 20:34 |
lordcirth | curlyears, I would guess that he is talking about the Upstart init system Ubuntu used to use in 14.04? | 20:34 |
stormchaser3000 | Gallomimia: i am wondering how to do that. i go into the bios but i don't see any option for it | 20:34 |
Anthaas | The IP it resolves to, when I use traceroute, ends up at my ISP's "Page not found" page. | 20:34 |
stormchaser3000 | k1l* | 20:35 |
stormchaser3000 | sorry poinged the wrong person | 20:35 |
stormchaser3000 | pinged* | 20:35 |
Gallomimia | stormchaser3000: i'm at a loss what to do next. seems like it's switch off somehow. either there's a BIOS option, or maybe you need a driver for your mainboard to turn it on? perhaps a google search for your laptop's model and ubuntu + nvidia can help | 20:35 |
curlyears | DNS system has it's weaknesses, Anthaas, and one of them is DNS servers that are sometimes oout of synch with the rest of the system | 20:35 |
k1l | stormchaser3000: well, that depends on the make and model. i know some laptops have that settings | 20:35 |
stormchaser3000 | k1l: MSI GT72 2QD Dominator | 20:36 |
curlyears | lordcirth: I see...was unaware of that system | 20:36 |
Anthaas | curlyears, Yeah, it seems this is most likely the case - hense why I tried Google's to see if it would work. I believe any phishing attempt would have returned the same results for both? | 20:36 |
Anthaas | Hense why I am asking how I can change my machine to use Google's DNS. | 20:36 |
Gallomimia | Anthaas: if you're using GUI, under network connections there's a tab for DNS. can add whatever servers you want | 20:37 |
Gallomimia | as for command line, that always throws me for a loop | 20:37 |
curlyears | I bellieve you go into the System Setting page, select Networking, and step through there until you find what you're looking ofr. | 20:37 |
calimero_82 | hi guys | 20:37 |
stormchaser3000 | anyway i have got to go | 20:38 |
Belldandu | Why is this still an issue :| | 20:39 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1321955 in postfixadmin (Ubuntu) "postfixadmin dependencies not well defined (requires mysql-server or postgresql, removes MariaDB)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 20:39 |
k1l | !nomodeset | stormchaser3000 try that | 20:39 |
ubottu | stormchaser3000 try that: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See on how to use this parameter | 20:39 |
Belldandu | 2 freaking years | 20:39 |
Belldandu | and still its an issue | 20:39 |
Belldandu | i legit broke mysql earlier because i forgot about this bug when trying to install it again | 20:40 |
Belldandu | mariadb is a Dropin replacement for mysql | 20:40 |
Belldandu | so postfixadmin should NOT be removing it | 20:40 |
Belldandu | I honestly do not understand how NO one has fixed this by now | 20:41 |
Belldandu | especially since there have been several ubuntu releases since then | 20:42 |
Belldandu | and several users have reported it as a bug | 20:42 |
OerHeks | | 20:42 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1530625 in postfixadmin (Ubuntu) "postfixadmin (Trusty) depends on outdated postgresql-server package atom." [Undecided,New] | 20:42 |
Belldandu | | 20:42 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1321955 in postfixadmin (Ubuntu) "postfixadmin dependencies not well defined (requires mysql-server or postgresql, removes MariaDB)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 20:42 |
Belldandu | its not new | 20:43 |
OerHeks | Belldandu, no fix yet, you might want to confirm one of these bugreports | 20:43 |
Belldandu | i did | 20:43 |
Belldandu | | 20:43 |
Belldandu | Its been like this for 2 years | 20:43 |
Belldandu | the bug is not new | 20:43 |
Belldandu | it has been confirmed WAY too many times | 20:43 |
OerHeks | ugly :-( | 20:43 |
explosive | you know what else is not new? the fact that linux is free | 20:44 |
prabhari_ | does anyone help me fix my usb ethernet connection please | 20:44 |
hhee | hey guys is Audacious has progress bar for song? | 20:44 |
Belldandu | yeah linux is free and yet the fix for this mariadb crap is so easy its sad it hasnt been fixed yet | 20:44 |
Belldandu | 2 years for a simple fix | 20:45 |
Belldandu | and no one has done it | 20:45 |
LtL | hhee: it has a timer, forget if it has progress .. i think so | 20:45 |
Belldandu | and new bug reports for it just KEEP coming | 20:45 |
ericrajuin | hehe: yes it does | 20:46 |
explosive | you can't expect anything | 20:46 |
OerHeks | Belldandu, nothing we can do about it here.. tried #ubuntu-server too ? | 20:46 |
hhee | LtL, timer i see | 20:46 |
hhee | ericrajuin, where is it? | 20:46 |
tgm4883 | Belldandu: so fix it? | 20:47 |
calimero_82 | it's better to install lubuntu 16.04 or 14.04? | 20:47 |
LtL | hhee: in the playlist | 20:47 |
calimero_82 | i've lubuntu 15.10 | 20:47 |
alejandro_ | hola | 20:48 |
LtL | hhee: winamp 2 skin is nice fyi | 20:48 |
ericrajuin | yeah love the classic winamp UI | 20:49 |
curlyears | Belldandu: uif the fix is so simple, why haven't YOU submitted it? | 20:50 |
curlyears | just sitting around carping because someone else isn't giving gheir work away to you for frere, is what you're doing | 20:50 |
curlyears | s/frere/free/ | 20:51 |
Anthaas | Ok guys, I think I found the problem. I have no idea how to fix it though. | 20:51 |
curlyears | Anthaas: ? | 20:51 |
=== vitor_ is now known as Guest98512 | ||
Anthaas | For some reason, Sublime Text is attempting to use my Uni network proxy, despite the fact I have no network proxy set on the machine (I just checked in Network > Network Proxies). | 20:51 |
curlyears | hmmm | 20:52 |
NightSmoke101 | hello everyone | 20:52 |
Anthaas | Its connecting because its an outward facing IP, BUT the network itself isn't letting me forward because Im not on campus. | 20:52 |
curlyears | I have no experience in that end of networking, sorry | 20:52 |
lordcirth | Anthaas, and non-sublime traffic works correctly? | 20:52 |
NightSmoke101 | how are u guy's ? | 20:53 |
lordcirth | NightSmoke101, hi, good, thanks. | 20:53 |
NightSmoke101 | ur welcome :) | 20:53 |
NightSmoke101 | i'm new here =) | 20:54 |
Anthaas | lordcirth, It seems so yes | 20:54 |
MeMReS | ns identify thematrix | 20:54 |
lordcirth | NightSmoke101, yes I guessed that :P Did you need help with something, or just hanging out? | 20:54 |
lordcirth | Anthaas, that's interesting. Do you use a different interface when on campus? | 20:54 |
Anthaas | When I am using a specific wi-fi network on campus, I have to use a specific network proxy. | 20:55 |
NightSmoke101 | both, i'm exploring IRC for the first time so i'm trying to see how it works, and what is can do, and in the same time trying to learn something else in other fields :) | 20:55 |
Anthaas | Off-campus, I tend to use my own network with no proxy etc. I am currently off-campus. | 20:55 |
=== ily is now known as Bruh | ||
lordcirth | Anthaas, ok, but you use the same wifi interface for both. | 20:56 |
Anthaas | In terms of NIC, yes. | 20:57 |
lordcirth | Anthaas, have you checked Sublime's settings for proxy stuff? | 20:57 |
Anthaas | lordcirth, One moment - I will try to work out how to do that now. | 20:58 |
lordcirth | A few programs keep their own proxy settings. | 20:58 |
xploshioon | hello, is there anyone that can help me with this? is an ubuntu 14.04 | 20:59 |
xploshioon | a problem with | 21:00 |
superguest | I am trying to install an Ubuntu package ( but the author did not package his software for Xenial (16.04) | 21:06 |
Anthaas | lordcirth, Seems I am buggered :/ | 21:06 |
Anthaas | lordcirth, Quite frustrating really... | 21:07 |
lordcirth | !language | Anthaas | 21:07 |
ubottu | Anthaas: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit | 21:07 |
lordcirth | Anthaas, So nothing about proxies in sublime settings? | 21:07 |
Anthaas | Oh sorry, thats not really considered a bad word where I am from :/ | 21:07 |
Anthaas | Nothing :/ | 21:07 |
lordcirth | It is in many places | 21:07 |
=== hellboy is now known as Guest52828 | ||
superguest | But he did package for Quantal | 21:07 |
lordcirth | Interesting problem | 21:07 |
superguest | Will I be able to install the Quantal package on Xenial (16.04)? | 21:08 |
lordcirth | Anthaas, have you rebooted since connecting to off-campus wifi? | 21:08 |
Anthaas | lordcirth, Yes, I have only just booted the machine up (just, as in when this problem arose) | 21:08 |
lordcirth | ok | 21:08 |
Anthaas | lordcirth, I tried adding nameserver and into my resolv.conf as a temporary solution, but my network is still using for DNS. | 21:09 |
Anthaas | s/network/machine | 21:10 |
lordcirth | Anthaas, many networking things in ubuntu desktop ignore those sorts of settings in favor of their own, unfortunately | 21:10 |
lorddoskias1 | hello, i'm trying to allow my user to start qemu without requiring a password, this is the line in my sudoers file i added: nbor ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 | 21:10 |
lordcirth | Anthaas, did you restart networking after, though? | 21:10 |
lorddoskias1 | however it still requires a password | 21:10 |
Anthaas | Shall I try restarting the machine? | 21:11 |
explosive | lorddoskias1: did he log out and back in? | 21:11 |
lorddoskias1 | explosive: nope | 21:11 |
explosive | lorddoskias1: he has to | 21:11 |
lorddoskias1 | is there a way to do it without logging out | 21:11 |
explosive | lorddoskias1: hmm, actually i dont think he needs to | 21:12 |
explosive | lorddoskias1: what happens when he types sudo -l ? | 21:12 |
lordcirth | No, sudo should check each call | 21:12 |
Anthaas | lordcirth, I didn't specifically restart it, didn't realise I'd need to - should I try restarting the machine instead? | 21:12 |
lorddoskias1 | User nbor may run the following commands on fisk: | 21:13 |
lorddoskias1 | (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 | 21:13 |
lorddoskias1 | (ALL : ALL) ALL | 21:13 |
lordcirth | Anthaas, no it's fine. Just run "sudo systemctl restart networking" and see if that applies settings | 21:13 |
explosive | lorddoskias1: ok, what's the command he's trying to run exactly? | 21:13 |
Anthaas | lordcirth, Don't have systemctl | 21:13 |
Anthaas | apt-get? | 21:13 |
lordcirth | lorddoskias1, that looks correct. Also in future don't paste multiple lines to channel, please, use pastebin | 21:13 |
lorddoskias1 | ok | 21:13 |
lordcirth | Anthaas, "service networking restar" | 21:13 |
lordcirth | t* | 21:13 |
=== Kaimas is now known as Village\ | ||
=== Village\ is now known as Village | ||
lordcirth | Sorry, 15.04 and later have systemd | 21:14 |
lorddoskias1 | so this is the command : | 21:14 |
HackerII | wouldnt it be "sudo service network-manager restart" ? | 21:14 |
Anthaas | lordcirth, stop: Job failed while stopping start: Job is already running: networking | 21:14 |
lorddoskias1 | which qemu-system-x86_64 returns: /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 | 21:15 |
ubuntu | Hi | 21:15 |
lordcirth | Anthaas, did you use sudo? | 21:15 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest21456 | ||
Anthaas | lordcirth, I did. | 21:15 |
Guest21456 | Hello, I'm new in Ubuntu. | 21:15 |
lordcirth | HackerII, yes, I forgot to be specific | 21:15 |
lorddoskias1 | explosive: any ideas? | 21:16 |
Guest21456 | :( | 21:16 |
lestus | o/ | 21:16 |
lordcirth | Guest21456, hi | 21:16 |
explosive | lorddoskias1: nope | 21:16 |
lorddoskias1 | huhz, rather strange indeed | 21:16 |
Guest21456 | I want to lean about Linux. | 21:16 |
lorddoskias1 | maybe it depends on the way the rules are executed | 21:16 |
explosive | lorddoskias1: try giving it the full path to the bin | 21:16 |
lorddoskias1 | i have already given it the full path to the bin | 21:17 |
explosive | sudo /usr/bin/qemu.... | 21:17 |
Guest21456 | Buy, I don't know how to do it. | 21:17 |
explosive | lorddoskias1: no i mean in the actual command | 21:17 |
lorddoskias1 | i see | 21:17 |
Bashing-om | !manual | Guest21456 | 21:17 |
ubottu | Guest21456: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. | 21:17 |
lordcirth | Guest21456, I have a link for that, 1 sec | 21:17 |
lordcirth | Or that | 21:17 |
lorddoskias1 | explosive: it worked | 21:17 |
explosive | cool (kind of odd though) | 21:18 |
lorddoskias1 | thanks, but now it works even without the full path | 21:18 |
xploshioon | hello, is there anyone that can help me with this? is an ubuntu 14.04 | 21:18 |
explosive | ..plot thickens | 21:18 |
Guest21456 | :) Bashing-om I have other problem too. I don't know very much English Language. | 21:18 |
lorddoskias1 | explosive: maybe something got updated by a timeout | 21:18 |
Guest21456 | I only know Spanish. I'm studying English. | 21:19 |
Bashing-om | Guest21456: Just ask .. If I canot understand .. we can direct you to a channel in your native language . | 21:19 |
bekks | xploshioon: install the missing library. | 21:19 |
explosive | lorddoskias1: maybe | 21:20 |
lordcirth | bekks, he appears to have it, that's the question | 21:20 |
Anthaas | lordcirth, One of the main contributors to Sublime Text is helping too - he has directed me to the network settings for the package that is failing - there are no proxies set.... | 21:20 |
lordcirth | xploshioon, perhaps you need the 32bit libpulse? | 21:20 |
Anthaas | So where on earth is its attempt at using an old proxy coming from... | 21:20 |
bekks | lordcirth: He has a 64bit version of the library. | 21:21 |
xploshioon | I installed it and its there but in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/, not in the /usr/lib/ | 21:21 |
xploshioon | with ldd `which pulseaudio` | 21:21 |
lordcirth | xploshioon, you installed it through APT? | 21:21 |
bekks | xploshioon: so you installed the 64bit version. What are the requirements of that "Velneo Server"? | 21:22 |
xploshioon | its here => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f2304630000) | 21:22 |
xploshioon | yes, with apt-get install... | 21:22 |
Anthaas | lordcirth, think I have found the problem. | 21:22 |
Anthaas | lordcirth, My network proxies are environment variables, ST3 is picking these up at start, and won't remove them unless I remove them from data in python environment. | 21:22 |
lordcirth | Anthaas, your proxies are in bash environment variables? | 21:23 |
Anthaas | lordcirth, Not by my choosing - this laptop was configured for me by a "technician". | 21:23 |
Anthaas | Im a post-grad researcher - apparently we aren't allowed to do this stuff ourselves... | 21:23 |
Guest21456 | I need a friend native from U.S for practice English Language. I'm foreing and I want to learn your language. | 21:24 |
deweydb_ | hi, i have some scripts that send system mail. When i finish reading this mail, i get a message like "Saved 77 messages in mbox". Where are these saved? when i run 'mail' again it says 'No new mail for username'. when i look at /var/mail/username the file is there but 0 bytes. so where do these mail's get "saved" to? | 21:24 |
Anthaas | lmfao | 21:24 |
Anthaas | Charming | 21:24 |
lordcirth | Anthaas, Ah, I see. So, you should be able to do "env - sublime" | 21:24 |
lordcirth | Or whatever the ST3 command is | 21:25 |
Guest21456 | Is there someone that want to be my study partner? | 21:25 |
Anthaas | You want someone native from the U.S to practice English - what about English people? | 21:25 |
Anthaas | lordcirth, I am not familiar with that? | 21:25 |
lordcirth | Anthaas, "run the following command with fresh environment" | 21:25 |
lordcirth | That may or may not clear the proxy settings | 21:25 |
xploshioon | @bekks there was a lot, it gives me 6 errors untill now, I just installed the missing packages and everything worked, but with this didn't work | 21:25 |
lordcirth | depending on where they are set | 21:25 |
lordcirth | Otherwise, use "unset" to clear them | 21:26 |
bekks | xploshioon: What are the requirements of that "Velneo Server"? | 21:26 |
Anthaas | lordcirth, You mean: "env -subl" ? | 21:26 |
Guest21456 | :( | 21:26 |
Guest21456 | I only want to learn something. | 21:26 |
lordcirth | Guest21456, that is offtopic here, sorry | 21:26 |
lordcirth | Anthaas, no, '-' is a complete argument to 'env' in this case | 21:27 |
bekks | Guest21456: This is an Ubuntu ssupport channel, maybe you can ask in #ubuntu-de-offtopic | 21:27 |
Guest21456 | All information about informatic is in English. | 21:27 |
Anthaas | Ahh ok | 21:28 |
xploshioon | @bekks this is the content of the | 21:29 |
bekks | xploshioon: What are the requirements of that "Velneo Server"? | 21:29 |
lordcirth | xploshioon, all that does is exec the ./vServer executable | 21:30 |
Anthaas | lordcirth, It works | 21:30 |
lordcirth | Anthaas, awesome! | 21:30 |
lordcirth | Anthaas, if you would like Sublime to launch from a desktop icon, you can probably edit the .desktop file to have the modified command., | 21:31 |
xploshioon | @bekks, I don't know, how can I know the dependencies? | 21:31 |
Anthaas | lordcirth, Thanks man - Im wondering if this would have any other consequences on the running of sublime text though - Im sure not. | 21:31 |
bekks | xploshioon: We are not talking about the dependencies. We are talking about the official requirements as published by the author of Velneo Server. | 21:32 |
xploshioon | for the moment the error i get is this ./vServer: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 21:32 |
Anthaas | I know, for example, sublime text does need to access $PATH | 21:32 |
bekks | xploshioon: If you dont know the requirements, look them up please. | 21:32 |
lordcirth | Anthaas, $PATH will be correctly set, it's part of the basic stuff. As for the rest, well, you'll find out :P But I think it will be fine. | 21:35 |
HappyHobo | Who is the main op here? I believe I spoke with them the other day considering a sound issue. | 21:37 |
lordcirth | HappyHobo, does your IRC client not keep logs? | 21:38 |
k1l | !logs | 21:38 |
ubottu | Official channel logs can be found at . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meeting logs from meetingology at | 21:38 |
Apteryx | My screenlock settings won't stick. No matter what I do in the Unity settings. Anything I should look into? | 21:38 |
lordcirth | Oh right I forgot there was official logging | 21:39 |
HappyHobo | I don't remember who it was lordcirth so I don't know who to look for. I spoke with a few people that day. I need to apologize and get banned. | 21:39 |
lordcirth | wat | 21:39 |
lordcirth | HappyHobo, well, just look through the logs looking for your own name, and you'll find it | 21:39 |
bekks | HappyHobo: So you can search the logs. | 21:39 |
HappyHobo | Was it you lordcirth? | 21:39 |
lordcirth | HappyHobo, I doubt it, as I remember nothing. | 21:40 |
=== norm is now known as Guest43961 | ||
HappyHobo | Demmit. | 21:40 |
tgm4883 | one wonders why you need the "main op" | 21:40 |
HappyHobo | I've been feeling guilty for days now. | 21:40 |
k1l | HappyHobo: either you look into the logs the bot just linked you or you just ask your technical question :) | 21:40 |
HappyHobo | I realize I will be banned and I expect that. I respect that decision but before I do I want to apologize. | 21:41 |
nacc | ... is this a guilty spamming situation? like you are going to apologize and then spam the channel, HappyHobo? | 21:42 |
HappyHobo | I am running chatelOS which is xubuntu with scripts in opt that are more than tied in than I thought. I didn't realized how much they are tied in to the other night. Prior to this I thought it was mostly xubuntu and I should get help here. Well it really isn't and I am very sorry. | 21:43 |
nacc | HappyHobo: i don't think you'd get banned for asking a question in the wrong channel ... | 21:43 |
tgm4883 | HappyHobo: so you lied the other day about running Xubuntu and wasted a bunch of people's time? | 21:43 |
HappyHobo | Those scripts in opt have nothing to do with audio but still chatelos is chatelos not xubuntu. | 21:44 |
HappyHobo | Those scripts only affect style and theming but not audio. | 21:44 |
HappyHobo | So I was kind of right but mostly wrong for my fraud. | 21:44 |
HappyHobo | tgm4883: YOU ARE HIM! DUDE I AM SO SORRY. | 21:45 |
tgm4883 | HappyHobo: sounds like you were completely wrong and reinforced why the rules exist in this channel | 21:45 |
HappyHobo | You can ban me now. | 21:45 |
LaylaStorm | Lol | 21:45 |
tgm4883 | HappyHobo: I don't think it was me... and I'm not going to ban you | 21:46 |
HappyHobo | I need to be banned. | 21:46 |
tgm4883 | HappyHobo: why? | 21:46 |
LaylaStorm | XD | 21:46 |
k1l | HappyHobo: ok, thanks for apologizing. now please lets focus on ubuntu support again in here. | 21:46 |
HappyHobo | If not I'll just sit here and glean without asking another question. I feel guilty though. | 21:47 |
HappyHobo | I need revolution. | 21:47 |
LaylaStorm | LOL | 21:47 |
LaylaStorm | This guy is hilarious.. | 21:47 |
HappyHobo | absolution? | 21:48 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
HappyHobo | I can help with so much though. I have a lot of knowledge I gleaned from my 13 years of experienced. | 21:50 |
bazhang | HappyHobo, please stop the chit chat here | 21:51 |
bazhang | HappyHobo, this is ubuntu support only not chat | 21:51 |
HappyHobo | You're not he bazhang. Sorry ma'am. | 21:51 |
HappyHobo | bazhang: I'm trying to apologize and offer my support at the same time. This is not chit chat or chat chit. | 21:53 |
tgm4883 | HappyHobo: ok, enough chat then. As retribution for your past deception, you've got to stay in here and assist users with questions they have | 21:53 |
blinkyb | guys i have problem installing Budgie i get this, i''ve tried everything but no luch | 21:53 |
k1l | blinkyb: sudo apt install budgie-core | 21:54 |
HappyHobo | sudo apt install aptitude first which would seem to be the better choice in resolving this problem then sudo aptitude install budgie-core just saying | 21:56 |
=== CoolGuy_ is now known as _CoolGuy_ | ||
blinkyb | k1l: "The Following Packages have unmet dependencies" "Unable to correct problems, you have broken packages" | 21:57 |
bekks | HappyHobo: Why would aptitude resolve problems "better"? | 21:57 |
nacc | hrm, why would one want to run packages from a PPA that announces it is deprecated? | 21:57 |
bekks | HappyHobo: The way to go nowadays is "apt". | 21:57 |
k1l | blinkyb: please put all the outpu into a pastebin | 21:57 |
blinkyb | k1l: budgie-core : Depends : libmutter0g | 21:57 |
blinkyb | ok | 21:57 |
HappyHobo | It breaks loops and dependency issues better in my opinion still. | 21:57 |
bekks | HappyHobo: Better than apt? Did you try? | 21:58 |
HappyHobo | I have using ubuntu mate trying to get icewm | 21:58 |
blinkyb | k1l: | 21:58 |
bekks | HappyHobo: Did you compare apt and aptitude? | 21:59 |
nacc | blinkyb: why are you using that ppa rather than ? | 21:59 |
blinkyb | nacc: i am completely new to this, dont know really | 21:59 |
nacc | blinkyb: i only ask because the ppa you are using explicitly says to use the other one... | 21:59 |
nacc | | 21:59 |
nacc | not sure why you wouldn't follow their advice :) | 21:59 |
nacc | blinkyb: ok, i'd try with the recommended path, if nothing else | 21:59 |
blinkyb | nacc: so which sudo should i use? | 21:59 |
HappyHobo | I was trapped in a loop. It showed 3 dependencies using apt and it showed when I tried to installed this dependency it said it couldn't because of the other dependency then tried that one it said the one before back and forth until I tried aptitude which just fixed it. | 22:00 |
nailsom | Boa noite | 22:00 |
bekks | HappyHobo: Did you compare apt and aptitude? | 22:00 |
HappyHobo | Yes bekks | 22:00 |
nacc | blinkyb: since you tried to use the deprecated PPA to start, follow the instructions at | 22:00 |
nacc | blinkyb: under 'PPA description' | 22:01 |
HappyHobo | the two are so similar but they aren't. | 22:01 |
nailsom | alguem conhece o Droidcam? | 22:01 |
nacc | blinkyb: you'll need to add the newer ppa and purge the old ppa | 22:01 |
nacc | blinkyb: i'm not saying this because i know it will work, though, i'm saying what the relevant maintainers are recommending on their page | 22:01 |
HappyHobo | I've dreamed of a day when aptitude was installed by default and there was a gui to use it. | 22:02 |
k1l | !br | nailsom | 22:02 |
ubottu | nailsom: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. | 22:02 |
bekks | HappyHobo: And you are not mixing up apt-get and apt, are you? | 22:02 |
HappyHobo | I don't believe so bekks. | 22:02 |
HappyHobo | Aren't apt and apt-get the same thing?\ | 22:02 |
tgm4883 | If they were the same thing, we wouldn't call them different things... | 22:03 |
lordcirth | HappyHobo, no, they are different programs which do the same things | 22:03 |
lordcirth | In slightly different ways | 22:03 |
lordcirth | 'apt' being the most recent | 22:04 |
HappyHobo | Good googa mooga. I'm sorry. I thought apt and apt-get were the same thing. I thought the only alternative being aptitude. | 22:04 |
* HappyHobo has egg on his face. | 22:04 | |
lordcirth | And, the package management system, in general, is called "APT". Confusing, I know. | 22:05 |
blinkyb | nacc: same error | 22:06 |
HappyHobo | apt, apt-get, aptitude all install but each does it in its own way all resolving dependencies and such in a unique way | 22:06 |
HappyHobo | Is there another? | 22:06 |
* stormchaser3000 just figured out why he can't use his nvidia graphics card :( | 22:07 | |
lordcirth | HappyHobo, well, dpkg is a basic tool for installing individual packages. then there are the gui tools, some of which use aptitude or dpkg under the hood. | 22:07 |
lordcirth | stormchaser3000, why's that? | 22:07 |
stormchaser3000 | i have to have windows installed to switch from my intel graphics card to my nvidia graphics card as it is not possible to switch them through the bios menu | 22:07 |
stormchaser3000 | >:( | 22:07 |
tgm4883 | lordcirth: wouldn't that be dpkg no APT? | 22:07 |
HappyHobo | So no one uses aptitude anymore? | 22:08 |
* HappyHobo is feeling old and odd. | 22:08 | |
bekks | HappyHobo: Basically, thats correct. :) | 22:09 |
lestus | HappyHobo: same.. | 22:09 |
lestus | HappyHobo: wouldn't happen to be your birthday? | 22:09 |
lordcirth | tgm4883, as I understood it, APT is the standard, which dpkg implements? | 22:10 |
HappyHobo | Nope, still feeling old. | 22:10 |
lestus | HappyHobo: whic of the three do you prefer | 22:10 |
HappyHobo | dpkg-reconfigure things fixes things like say you have gdm and lightdm and you watch to switch | 22:10 |
hggdh | lestus, HappyHobo: please stop with the non-support chat in this channel. User -offtopic, or -discuss for that | 22:10 |
HappyHobo | want to switch | 22:11 |
nacc | lordcirth: .deb is the standard, dpkg knows how to install them; apt is a management interfaace over dpkg | 22:11 |
lestus | hggdh: already did | 22:11 |
HappyHobo | I still prefer aptitude even though it is cli. | 22:11 |
HappyHobo | hggdh: I am on topic. | 22:11 |
hggdh | HappyHobo: no, you are not. You are giving out an opinion. You are actually repeating the same opinion again and again. Please stop. | 22:12 |
HappyHobo | I thought I was. sorry hggdh | 22:13 |
lordcirth | #ubuntu channel is unusually specific, being focused only on support, where most distro channels allow most distro-related chat. Presumably because Ubuntu has so much more traffic. | 22:13 |
MonkeyDust | lordcirth we have -offtopic for that | 22:14 |
lestus | lordcirth: yea that's certainly unusual, they forgot the 'community' element of support? | 22:14 |
HappyHobo | I'll listen | 22:14 |
tgm4883 | lestus: with ~2000 users in the channel, chat can be very disruptive | 22:14 |
blinkyb | nacc: now what? | 22:14 |
lestus | indeed, topic closed | 22:14 |
nacc | blinkyb: now what? you follow the instructions at the ppa through the ppa-purge? Try `apt install budgie-desktop` i think | 22:15 |
nacc | blinkyb: it should use the one from budgie-remix | 22:15 |
blinkyb | nacc: 'Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock' | 22:17 |
nacc | blinkyb: sudo, of course, sorry | 22:17 |
blinkyb | nacc: 'is another process using it?' | 22:17 |
nacc | blinkyb: follow theinstructions on the ppa, that is listed there | 22:17 |
=== nerd is now known as Guest9046 | ||
xangua | blinkyb: did you already contact the repository maintainer? | 22:22 |
blinkyb | nacc: done exactly whats there, same issue | 22:22 |
blinkyb | xangua: no, just came from outside | 22:22 |
nacc | blinkyb: pastebin the output from all 4 commands | 22:22 |
feve | fun this project | 22:23 |
Atlantic777 | Hi! I need help configuring xdg-open. I use a tool which is opening .dot files with xdg-open. Currently it opens libreoffice. I want to use some other tool, gv in example. | 22:23 |
nacc | blinkyb: fwiw, i just spun up a container with stock 16.04 and it worked fine to go through those steps to install 'budgie-desktop'. Are you on 16.04? | 22:24 |
blinkyb | nacc: yes | 22:24 |
squinty | Atlantic777, file manager -> right click on file name -> open with maybe? | 22:26 |
HappyHobo | is Emmabuntus supported? | 22:26 |
blinkyb | nacc: | 22:26 |
NightSmoke101 | hello | 22:26 |
NightSmoke101 | i'm back :D | 22:26 |
NightSmoke101 | if someone cares ^^' | 22:27 |
nacc | blinkyb: hrm, you are using a lot of PPAs. Ok, now that you've purged the fossfreedom PPA, can you pastebin the output of `apt update; apt install budgie-desktop` ? | 22:27 |
VlinkZ3 | Hello? | 22:28 |
reisio | VlinkZ3: hi? | 22:28 |
OerHeks | blinkyb, your issue is evolve-os ppa | 22:28 |
blinkyb | nacc: sure | 22:28 |
k1l | !flavors | HappyHobo | 22:28 |
ubottu | HappyHobo: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE | 22:28 |
HappyHobo | Thanks | 22:29 |
Atlantic777 | squinty: my application isn't listed. | 22:29 |
NightSmoke101 | hello everyone | 22:29 |
NightSmoke101 | is anyone here ? | 22:29 |
Atlantic777 | squinty: btw, I don't use unity (just i3 wm). I hope that this solution would work without nautilus and unity, too. | 22:30 |
blinkyb | nacc: | 22:30 |
reisio | NightSmoke101: nope, just you; lonely, what what? | 22:30 |
NightSmoke101 | yes lonely LOl :D | 22:31 |
squinty | Atlantic777, you can migrate to where the app is installed and add it from there. OK, I don't use i3 wm so maybe someone else will chime in. | 22:31 |
nacc | blinkyb: it would seem that the ppa in question is still installed. Can you try running the ppa-purge again? | 22:31 |
nacc | blinkyb: just as an FYI, mixing PPAs like this is not generally supported here ... nor are PPAs really. You should contact the PPA owner if you want to use a PPA's packages and have issues. | 22:31 |
mustmodify__ | reading the logs for du, it seems like there is basically no way to know which units are being shown. | 22:32 |
Atlantic777 | squinty: i3 wm shouldn't be problem as long as we find solution which works for xdg-open. :) Btw, if by migration you meen that I can navigate to /usr/bin/ I may be tired, but I don't see how. :D | 22:32 |
mustmodify__ | Can I force it to be mb or something? | 22:32 |
=== mustmodify__ is now known as mustmodify | ||
OerHeks | blinkyb, you added but that one was for older budgie stuff , remove it from softwaresources | 22:32 |
k1l | mustmodify: use the -h | 22:33 |
mustmodify | k1l: nice thanks | 22:33 |
mustmodify | don't know why I couldn't find that in the man page. | 22:33 |
squinty | Atlantic777, ok,,, using nautilus here which may have different options than the file manager you are currently using. | 22:33 |
blinkyb | nacc: Didnt work | 22:34 |
blinkyb | OerHeks: how can i remove it? | 22:34 |
Atlantic777 | squinty: I started nautilus. Here's what I see. Btw, I'm still on the 14.04. | 22:37 |
=== richard is now known as Guest24703 | ||
squinty | Atlantic777, maybe try nautilus -> file name -> properties -> open with and see if your perfered app is listed there | 22:41 |
Atlantic777 | squinty: installing xdot + login/logout fixed the problem. Thank you kindly anyway! :) | 22:42 |
squinty | Atlantic777, good to hear :-) | 22:43 |
sulfasal | need a calculator to convert hex, dec, bin back and forth including signed numbers. What should I use? | 22:46 |
lordcirth | sulfasal, The default Ubuntu calculator, switch to Programming mode | 22:48 |
OerHeks | sulfasal, standard calculator is just fine, see programming or advanced | 22:48 |
waterdrop | Hi, I'm on ubuntu 12.04, and whenever I try to install a package I get the following errors - | 22:50 |
waterdrop | Anyone know a fix? | 22:50 |
lordcirth | waterdrop, something in /etc/sources.list or .d is corrupted | 22:51 |
sulfasal | started calculator from menu but nothing about switching modes can I see | 22:51 |
sulfasal | Says calculator across the top only words on the thing | 22:52 |
squinty | waterdrop, iirc the medibuntu is dead | 22:52 |
lordcirth | sulfasal, it's in the titlebar, which in Ubuntu Unity will be at the top of the desktop | 22:52 |
k1l | waterdrop: remove the medibuntu repo, its dead since some time | 22:52 |
OerHeks | waterdrop remove medibuntu | 22:52 |
waterdrop | okay thanks | 22:53 |
sulfasal | lordcirth: thanks, not used to this unity thing yet | 22:54 |
lordcirth | sulfasal, yeah it's pretty different | 22:54 |
mustmodify | ok this is craziness. | 22:57 |
mustmodify | ls /var/log/nginx shows many logfiles, most of which have .gz extensions. | 22:57 |
mustmodify | sorry, sudo ls /var/log/nginx | 22:57 |
mustmodify | but sudo ls /var/log/nginx/*.gz says "no such file or directory" | 22:57 |
mustmodify | as does sudo ls /var/log/nginx/* | 22:58 |
mustmodify | ??? | 22:58 |
lordcirth | mustmodify, iirc, globbing is done by bash, which in this case is running as you, and passing the expansion to 'sudo ls' | 22:58 |
OerHeks | ls -la /var/log/nginx/ | 22:58 |
mustmodify | Hunh. | 22:59 |
tgm4883 | lordcirth: +1 | 22:59 |
lordcirth | mustmodify, try "sudo -s" then " ls /var/log/nginx/* " | 22:59 |
lordcirth | Just remember to exit the root shell when you are done. | 22:59 |
mustmodify | yeah, that's what I just did. | 23:00 |
mustmodify | lordcirth: good thinking. | 23:00 |
squinty | sulfasal, fwiw... system settings -> apperance -> behaviour -> show the menu for a window -> in the windows title bar (if you prefer the menu to be display per window rather than in the top panel) | 23:00 |
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lordcirth | mustmodify, thanks. It's a fun one, eh? | 23:01 |
pascal | hi, here is my screenshot of gnome 3 as you can see I'm a fan of irssi IRC client :) | 23:03 |
reisio | he says, from an IRC client other than irssi :p | 23:04 |
lordcirth | pascal, either you posted the wrong link or you're trolling | 23:05 |
Conna | halo | 23:05 |
lordcirth | Conna, hello | 23:06 |
toc | Hello, I have this problem and I can not find decent fix. (1) Creating object for path '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/0' failed in libnm-glib | 23:13 |
toc | I am using Mobile Broadband | 23:13 |
Conna | give we screen shot for help you bro | 23:13 |
toc | I have two laptops and on both of them I have this same problem | 23:14 |
toc | (1) Creating object for path '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/0' failed in libnm-glib. | 23:14 |
toc | This is what the error says all the time | 23:14 |
toc | Conna, after restart it works, but if it disconnects for no apparent reason, I need to unplug modem, and restart laptop to make it work again | 23:15 |
toc | and also if I try to edit connection it gives me this error : settings/nm-settings-connection.c.955 - Connection didn't have requested setting 'ppp'. | 23:16 |
toc | I have tried to find answer online but haven't found one that would work | 23:16 |
toc | Same problem on ubuntu and lubuntu | 23:17 |
toc | Anybody could help ? :( | 23:17 |
toc | very annoying problem :( | 23:18 |
lordcirth | toc, where exactly does this error print? | 23:18 |
lordcirth | toc, could it be this bug? | 23:19 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1438003 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "(1) Creating object for path '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/0' failed in libnm-glib." [High,Triaged] | 23:19 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
abhishek | hi guys! | 23:28 |
abhishek | I was getting some errors on boot | 23:28 |
abhishek | checking the log file: abhishek log $ ls -lh syslog -rw-r----- 1 syslog adm 5.3G Jun 8 04:57 syslog | 23:29 |
abhishek | Is this normal for log to be so huge? | 23:29 |
lordcirth | abhishek, that is pretty big. | 23:29 |
reisio | not really, not unless it's from 20 years back | 23:29 |
reisio | your logging level is probably absurd and/or something is erroring out 24/7 | 23:29 |
lordcirth | Doesn't Ubuntu have logrotate by default? | 23:29 |
* reisio shrugs | 23:30 | |
reisio | you know about logrotate, so it doesn't really matter if it has it by default | 23:30 |
reisio | rotation isn't deletion, anyway | 23:30 |
abhishek | lordcirth, Not that I aware of. I am using kubuntu 16.04 | 23:30 |
lordcirth | Yes but it would be a separate file. | 23:30 |
lordcirth | abhishek, well, use tail and find out what's spamming it | 23:30 |
abhishek | lordcirth, it taking too long for tail. | 23:31 |
lordcirth | heh | 23:31 |
abhishek | it=it's | 23:31 |
lordcirth | Yeah, it will have to read 5.3GB off the disk, I guess. There should be a tool that skips that | 23:31 |
abhishek | lordcirth, you know any? | 23:32 |
lordcirth | It will do it, though, and 5.3GB shouldn't take more than a few minutes | 23:32 |
lordcirth | I do not | 23:32 |
abhishek | should I remove the logfile and rerun to check errors? | 23:33 |
abhishek | rerun-reboot | 23:33 |
reisio | removing or moving the log file would fix the space issue | 23:33 |
lordcirth | abhishek, I would move it, instead | 23:33 |
reisio | you'll have to investigate to know why it's so large | 23:33 |
reisio | to prevent it in future | 23:33 |
lordcirth | move to syslog.old | 23:33 |
lordcirth | Moves, thankfully, are instant | 23:33 |
Kimish | Hi there i need help i have lubuntu 15,04 and i cant login am stuck in a login loop Please help | 23:34 |
abhishek | syslog records the log at the boot and shutdown only or through when the system is running.? | 23:34 |
Kimish | Help please !!!!!! | 23:35 |
=== lpotter_ is now known as lpotter | ||
lordcirth | Kimish, when you try to log in, what happens? It just drops you back to a log in screen? | 23:35 |
lordcirth | abhishek, syslog generally records constantly | 23:36 |
Kimish | Lordcirth : exactly | 23:36 |
lordcirth | Kimish, hit Ctrl-Alt-F2 and login | 23:36 |
lordcirth | Then read /var/log/Xorg.0.log to find out what broke | 23:37 |
Kimish | Lordcirth: done ! | 23:37 |
lordcirth | Kimish, are you reading the log? | 23:37 |
Kimish | What log am in a shell now am loged from shell i want to login to desktop | 23:39 |
abhishek | lordcirth, I cleaned and check again. This is what I got | 23:39 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1588428 in linux (Ubuntu) "PCI bus error on startup while booting into login screen (Kubuntu 16.04)" [Low,Incomplete] | 23:39 |
Kimish | Lordcirth; ?? | 23:39 |
lordcirth | Kimish, read your X log with: " less /var/log/Xorg.0.log " | 23:39 |
lordcirth | Kimish, so you know what broke, and you can fix it | 23:39 |
Kimish | Ok | 23:40 |
lordcirth | Kimish, look for the last error (EE), generally | 23:41 |
abhishek | any ideas on the issue? | 23:43 |
lordcirth | abhishek, doesn't look good. Sounds like a PCI device is misbehaving, repeatedly | 23:43 |
lordcirth | abhishek, looking at the bug, did the pci=nomsi workaround prevent the log spam? | 23:46 |
Kimish | Lordcirth : yes there are so many errors infront of (EE) | 23:47 |
abhishek | lordcirth, what does that do? Does it just tell the kernel to stop logging? | 23:47 |
lordcirth | abhishek, I have no idea, I just saw it on the bug report. | 23:48 |
lordcirth | Kimish, pastebin the log file for us. | 23:48 |
dtech12 | Hey | 23:49 |
lordcirth | dtech12, hello | 23:49 |
Kimish | First error is " failed to load module "nvidia" ( module does not exist,0) | 23:50 |
Kimish | Lordcirth its too long and am in my phone now | 23:50 |
abhishek | lordcirth, the guy in the bug report told me to remove it. Though it fixed the issue. I think it just stops logging. I rather fix the issue. | 23:50 |
lordcirth | Kimish, the computer with the error doesn't have internet? | 23:51 |
Kimish | Yes it doesnt | 23:51 |
lordcirth | Kimish, ok. Well, look for the last error, since that is generally the one that caused the crash. | 23:52 |
Kimish | Lordcirth ; have u seen the first error it has smt to do dith nvidia ??? | 23:53 |
lordcirth | Kimish, yeah, it didn't find the nvidia proprietary driver, so it goes on to the next one, as normal. | 23:54 |
abhishek | what is ideally I should do in this situation? | 23:56 |
abhishek | Is it related to kernel, should I ask there? | 23:56 |
lordcirth | abhishek, the bug thread you already have is probably the best way. | 23:57 |
madcatter | !new Kathi Daley - [Zoe Donovan Mystery 10] - Turkeys, Tuxes, and Tabbies (epub).rar | 23:58 |
ubottu | madcatter: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 23:58 |
madcatter | !new Kathi Daley - [Zoe Donovan Mystery 11] - Christmas Cozy (epub).rar | 23:59 |
ubottu | madcatter: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 23:59 |
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