
wallyworldperrito666: in standup now00:03
cmarscan i make LP:#1585005 a blocker so i can land a fix for it? :)00:06
mupBug #1585005: list-* commands should be aliases for what they're listing <usability> <juju-core:Fix Committed by macgreagoir> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585005>00:06
thumperalexisb: ping00:07
thumperalexisb: we know what the problem is for the network address issue00:08
thumperwe know why it fails00:08
thumperwe know where the bad data gets in00:08
thumperwe don't know WHY the bad data gets in00:08
thumperthat is what we are looking at now00:08
thumperwe know how to avoid the problem, but we are trying to work out why the problem is happening00:08
alexisbthumper, ok, please keep the bug updated00:09
thumperI'll go add that to the bug00:09
mupBug #1588574: Session already closed in state/presence <blocker> <ci> <intermittent-failure> <juju-core:Fix Committed by dave-cheney> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1588574>00:11
davecheney^ fix comitted !!00:11
alexisbsweet davecheney!00:12
davecheneythumper: i punted on two issues which I'll work on today00:12
davecheneyso we could land this00:12
davecheneyalexisb: well, don't open the champaign yet, let's see if I got the fix right :)00:13
thumperdavecheney: which two issues are those?00:13
thumpercannot resolve URL "cs:trusty/apache-flume-syslog-4": cannot resolve charm URL "cs:trusty/apache-flume-syslog-4": cannot get "/trusty/apache-flume-syslog-4/meta/any?include=id&include=supported-series&include=published": Get https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v5/trusty/apache-flume-syslog-4/meta/any?include=id&include=supported-series&include=published: dial tcp: lookup api.jujucharms.com on read udp>00:19
thumper127.0.1.1:53: i/o timeout00:19
thumperthis error is shown to the user when deploying charms00:19
davecheneythumper: wow, that is incredebly subtle00:26
davecheneythe mgo issue00:26
thumperkinda shit00:27
davecheneythumper: first issue is https://launchpad.net/bugs/159016100:27
mupBug #1590161: apiserver/client: panic: Session already closed <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1590161>00:27
thumperwe are going through mgo with logging now00:27
davecheneythe second issue is a followup requested by william to make the presence watchers implement worker.Worker00:27
davecheneyi'll do that first then tackle https://launchpad.net/bugs/159016100:27
davecheney31:     jujunames "github.com/juju/juju/juju/names"00:32
davecheneyyou're killing me00:32
mupBug #1590205 opened: list-actions should produce tabular output <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1590205>00:36
mupBug #1590205 changed: list-actions should produce tabular output <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1590205>00:42
mupBug #1590205 opened: list-actions should produce tabular output <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1590205>00:48
davecheneymenn0: here is a simple one to warm up on https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/556300:50
* thumper -> dog walk00:55
axw_wallyworld: free to chat now?01:01
wallyworldaxw_: give me a few, just doing a review01:02
axw_wallyworld: sure, ping me01:02
natefinchmongo continues to impress: https://engineering.meteor.com/mongodb-queries-dont-always-return-all-matching-documents-654b6594a827#.k7ljsk6fv01:10
axw_natefinch: :o01:15
natefinchaxw_: right?  It's a race condition that should be unlikely, especially in a tiny DB like ours, but still...01:15
menn0davecheney: sorry, I've been on calls - ship it!01:19
davecheneymenn0: ta01:23
menn0davecheney: one thing, are you aware of the helpers in the worker/workertest package?01:24
menn0davecheney: there's something in there which negates the need for that separate assertStopped in the presence package01:25
davecheneyi was not01:25
menn0i'm not fussed if you leave it in this case, but it's a good package to know about. there's lots of good stuff in there (all by Will)01:25
menn0it's fairly new01:25
davecheneyworker.Stop(w) does the job01:25
wallyworldaxw_: sorry, just finished doing review, have 30 minute meeting, will ping when i can01:26
axw_wallyworld: np01:26
menn0davecheney: take a look at worker/workertest/check.go. Those helpers handle the case of Stop/Wait not returning.01:28
=== menn0 is now known as menno-afk
davecheneymenno-afk: in my case, they have to return, otherwise the mongo driver will panic01:29
wallyworldthumper: i'd love a second look at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4973/ when you're back01:29
wallyworldaxw_: standup ho?01:57
axw_wallyworld: be there in a mo01:57
davecheneymenno-afk: thumper next cab off the rank, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/556402:02
davecheneynatefinch: wow, that blog post, what garbage02:05
natefinchdavecheney: yuuup. kick you right in the assumptions02:07
thumpernatefinch: got 5 minutes to hear weirdness?02:30
natefinchthumper: I love weirdness02:31
thumpernatefinch: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/onyx-standup?authuser=002:32
=== menno-afk is now known as menn0
menn0davecheney: looking02:39
thumpermenn0: confirmed it is mgo bug02:43
thumperon the way in to mgo, it is a bson.D02:43
thumperwhen it is applying finally, it passes through a bson.M02:44
thumperso it futzes the ordering02:44
thumperI've got a bunch of extra logging02:44
thumperhave all the flusher logging too02:44
menn0but you haven't found the exact place yet?02:44
menn0thumper: it's so weird that we can't find the bson.M usage in the code02:48
thumpermenn0: when it needs to run02:49
thumperit hits a queue02:49
thumperof four02:49
davecheneythumper: urg02:50
davecheneythis pinger api02:50
davecheneyit's like pulling out the pin on a hand grenade then loosing it in the couch02:51
menn0davecheney: haha02:52
menn0davecheney: so you've dealt with the panics that occurred during the tests... are you sure the recover() wasn't hiding panics in production too?02:52
menn0davecheney: apart from that concern the change LGTM02:53
menn0davecheney: i'd be a bit happier if the pinger kept it's own Session rather than trying to copy the one attached to the pings collection every time it wanted one02:54
davecheneymenn0: all the bugs are in tests02:55
davecheneytheir shutdown behaviour is weaksauce02:55
menn0but we wouldn't know if there were panics in production that the recover was hiding right?02:55
menn0I agree you've dealt with the test issues.02:56
davecheneyi'm not interested in having a discussion about stability by hiding panics02:56
davecheneythis code was added ages ago when we didn't understand what was causing the problem02:56
davecheneyyou cannot take that as a basis for it being the "right" thing, and I am proposing something more dangerous02:56
davecheneypanic => test or production, we find hte cause and fix that, not paper over them02:57
davecheneythis isn't just a philosophical argument02:57
menn0i see where you're coming from but a panic in production is still a panic02:57
davecheneypanics can break lock invadiants02:57
davecheneymenn0: that's why we have upstart to restart processes that die02:57
menn0i'd like another person to take a look, but apart from this concern the change looks good02:59
davecheneyfunc (s *MachineMockProviderSuite) SetUpTest(c *gc.C) { // Change to environ that supports HasRegion s.commonMachineSuite.SetUpTest(c)03:54
davecheney^ wtf,03:54
mupBug #1590237 opened: juju2 usability: removing cloud makes list-credentials behave weird <landscape> <maas> <usability> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1590237>03:54
mupBug #1590239 opened: juju2 usability: I can import credentials of the wrong type, but can't list them/use them. <landscape> <maas> <usability> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1590239>03:54
davecheney        go func() {03:55
davecheney                c.Check(a.Run(nil), jc.ErrorIsNil)03:55
davecheney        }()03:55
davecheney        defer func() { c.Check(a.Stop(), jc.ErrorIsNil) }()03:55
davecheneythe call to a.Stop() acn happen _after_ the call to a.Run!!!03:55
natefinchgoroutines, how do they work?04:01
davecheneyRun(c *cmd.Context) error04:04
davecheney^ sign of a bad API, every call to this method is passes nil!04:04
davecheneyfunc (a *machineAgentCmd) Run(c *cmd.Context) error { machineAgent := a.machineAgentFactory(a.machineId) return machineAgent.Run(c)04:10
davecheneyfunc (a *machineAgentCmd) Run(c *cmd.Context) error { machineAgent := a.machineAgentFactory(a.machineId) return machineAgent.Run(c)04:10
davecheneyhow does this help ?04:10
wallyworldaxw_: i have to go get car. here is a wip, based in part on your work yesterday (to pass in and store the cloud name against a model) http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5012/  needs more tests and i haven't gone through it all yet but i need to head out for an hour or so04:49
axw_wallyworld: okey dokey. about to have lunch, will look soon04:50
wallyworldnp, ty, bbiab04:51
natefinchaahhh stupid frigging slow ass tests05:01
natefinchI think this test never fails, it just waits for ever05:15
natefinchhey, naked receive on a channel, thanks, tests.05:19
natefinchwallyworld: test failures are killing me.  I'm going to have to pick this up in the morning.05:40
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
wallyworldaxw_: off to soccer photos, changes pushed, still got some tests to fix, but only minor changes to come07:40
axw_wallyworld: ok, will look shortly07:41
dooferladfrobware, dimitern: hangout time!09:01
dimiternoops omw09:01
dooferladfwereade, jam: standup today?09:03
jamdooferlad: thanks, just finishing the other meeting09:04
wallyworldjam: would love to catch up about a couple of things, did you want to talk later, maybe an hour's time?09:07
jamwallyworld: sure.09:08
wallyworldok, will ping after dinner09:08
axw_menn0: actually it was block devices that I fixed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/146187109:13
mupBug #1461871: worker/diskmanager sometimes goes into a restart loop due to failing to update state <canonical-bootstack> <storage> <juju-core:Fix Released> <juju-core 1.22:Fix Released by axwalk> <juju-core 1.24:Fix Released by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1461871>09:13
axw_sorry, clearly I should have emailed the list :/09:13
menn0axw_: all good. the fact that it's happened twice just means we need to prevent it happening again :)09:14
axw_menn0: +109:14
ejataxw_: can u help me with bug 159017209:45
mupBug #1590172: ERROR cmd supercommand.go:448 autorest:WithErrorUnlessStatusCode POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/fb30bf07-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-02ef08680fb9/oauth2/token?api-version=1.0 fa iled with 400 Bad Request <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1590172>09:45
axw_ejat: I'll try. just checking, did you redact the UUID in the URL there?09:49
axw_or is that verbatim09:49
ejataxw_: yups .. i edit it09:50
ejatbcause its my tenant-id09:51
axw_ejat: yep just checking that it wasn't like that in your credentials file09:51
ejataxw_: its in full in my credentials file09:52
axw_ejat: hmm, so I *think* that the only reason why would get a 400 is if the application, subscription or tenant ID is invalid09:52
axw_ejat: you'll get a 401 if they're valid but the password is invalid09:52
axw_(which is kinda poor security practice)09:52
ejatic ..09:52
axw_ejat: do you have the azure CLI on your laptop?09:53
ejataxw_: yes i am09:53
axw_ejat: can you please confirm the tenant and subscription IDs in ~/.local/share/juju/credentials.yaml by comparing with the output of "azure account show"09:54
ejatyes .. its the same09:55
axw_ejat: and then please compare application-id to the "AppId" field for the application you created, by running "azure ad app list"09:59
axw_ejat: I can confirm that if I change the application-id to something invalid, I get the same error message10:00
ejati think that might cause me a problem ...10:04
ejatmay i ask why need to Create an Azure Active Directory (AAD) application ?10:05
ejati mean .. its in 2.0 not in 1.010:05
ejatand what is the best --name, --home-page, and --identifier-uris based ? project / models ?10:06
axw_ejat: that's just what MS/Azure says what we (Juju) are supposed to do10:07
axw_ejat: it doesn't really matter, anything will do10:07
axw_ejat: BTW there's docs here, they don't seem to be linked very well at the moment: https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/help-azure10:07
ejatokie ... noted ... at least i can tell the MS here the same as what u told me :)10:08
ejataxw_: yeah im refering to that doc10:08
axw_ejat: also, you may run into this after you get past the 400 issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/158989010:09
mupBug #1589890: juju2 azure fail with error 409 network conflict <cpe-sa> <juju-core:Incomplete by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1589890>10:09
ejaterror:   'ad' is not an azure command. See 'azure help'.10:11
axw_ejat: what version of the CLI do you have? you may need to update it. I'm on 0.10.1, and it exists there10:12
ejatso in short , juju2 not working atm with azure?10:13
ejatok let me try to update it10:13
wallyworldjam: you free now? https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/tanzanite-stand10:13
axw_ejat: it is working, see comment #1. you just need to run a few extra azure CLI commands for Juju to work properly10:16
* ejat update n create ad 1st .. 10:19
ejatthanks for the guiding10:19
babbageclunkdimitern: What's workload-status? It's always unknown for the applications in the maas-spaces model.10:26
ejatPS C:\Users\Lenovo> azure --version10:26
ejat0.10.1 (node: 4.2.4)10:26
ejatPS C:\Users\Lenovo> azure ad app create --name "informology" --home-page "http://www.informology.my" --identifier-uris "http://www.informology.my" --password $APP_PASSWORD10:26
ejaterror:   'ad' is not an azure command. See 'azure help'.10:26
dimiternbabbageclunk: that's always unknown, unless set by the charm with e.g. 'status-set active "Ready"'10:26
dimiternbabbageclunk: i.e. depends on the charm10:27
babbageclunkdimitern: ahh. So maybe these charms just don't set it?10:27
dimiternbabbageclunk: yeah10:28
babbageclunkdimitern: although I guess that might also mean that they're not actually working.10:28
dimiternbabbageclunk: that's why it's unknown - we just don't know :)10:28
babbageclunkdimitern: How can I check? haproxy's listening on port 80, but in the public space.10:29
axw_ejat: maybe you need to run "azure config mode arm"?10:29
dimiternbabbageclunk: ssh in and check the logs for errors?10:31
babbageclunkdimitern: yeah, I'll try that10:32
babbageclunkdimitern: How could I make a web request to the running haproxy? Do I need to create an interface on the same vlan on the host machine?10:33
dimiternbabbageclunk: or just open haproxy's public address as a webpage10:33
dimiternbabbageclunk: if you can't access the public ip directly10:34
babbageclunkdimitern: I tried that, nothing.10:34
dimiternbabbageclunk: try using sshuttle10:34
babbageclunkdimitern: Hmm, ok10:34
mupBug #1590362 opened: azure: Azure API errors do not contain information about the cause <azure-provider> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1590362>10:34
dimiternbabbageclunk: e.g. `sshuttle -r maas-hw`10:34
dimiternbabbageclunk: maas-hw is configured in my ~/.ssh/config to be Host:, User: maashw, and I can ssh with my pubkey10:35
ejataxw_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17113187/10:36
dimiternbabbageclunk: the ranges after that match any maas subnets you want to access (but otherwise can't except when on the rack machine)10:36
babbageclunkdimitern: Ok.10:36
axw_ejat: hrm. did you do "azure login" again after changing the config mode?10:39
ejataxw_: yups10:41
ejataxw_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17113282/10:42
axw_ejat: ok, well I guess azure just doesn't let you do that. I'm not sure what we can do about that10:43
ejataxw_: i need to contact Azure ?10:43
axw_ejat: worth a try. it may be that it's a limitation of BizSpark10:44
ejataxw_: Your question was successfully submitted to Microsoft Support using your Azure Subscription Management Support plan. A Microsoft support professional will contact you within 2 hour(s).10:51
axw_ejat: that's better than I expected :p10:52
axw_ejat: I need to head off shortly, could you please update the bug with the outcome? or leave me a PM here, either way10:52
ejatthats from azure portal .. or else .. i need to ask favor from MS SG @ MY to expedite10:52
ejatokie will do .. thanks a lot .. will pm you once get feedback from Azure10:53
ejataxw_: i've updated the bug10:59
axw_ejat: thank you. I'm heading off now, good night!11:03
babbageclunkdimitern: I can't juju ssh to any of the machines in my model - I can ssh to them directly using the IPs of the physical interfaces from the MAAS UI (192.168.150.*), but not with the IPs in juju status (192.168.10.*). Is that what sshuttle fixes?11:04
dimiternbabbageclunk: yeah, it should fix that11:04
babbageclunkdimitern: ok, thanks11:05
dimiternbabbageclunk: alternatively, you can add static routes for all maas subnets on your local machine, but sshuttle makes it a lot easier11:05
babbageclunkdimitern: ok, I think that makes sense - I was kind of fumbling towards realising that it was because of missing routes, but good to have it confirmed.11:07
babbageclunkdimitern: ok, I've got sshuttle running and it says it's connected. I still can't juju ssh to the machines - should I be able to?11:14
dimiternbabbageclunk: try passing -v at the end of juju ssh ..11:16
dimiternbabbageclunk: also try ping <haproxy-public-address>11:16
babbageclunkdimitern: nope. Maybe the maas controller can't get to the hosts either?11:18
babbageclunkdimitern: That seems like it would explain it.11:18
jamwallyworld: sorry about the delay, are you still around?12:02
wallyworldjam: ?12:10
babbageclunkdimitern: are you around?12:40
dimiternbabbageclunk: yeah12:40
babbageclunkdimitern: I can't ping the mysql host on its db space IP from the mediawiki host. But I can ping it on its .150 ip (default space)12:41
babbageclunkdimitern: The routes look right, I think12:42
dimiternbabbageclunk: how is mysql deployed? bindings?12:42
babbageclunkdimitern: yeah - from the bindings defined in the demo bundle12:43
babbageclunkdimitern: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/17115770/12:44
dimiternbabbageclunk: and for mysql?12:46
babbageclunkdimitern: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/17115875/12:48
dimiternbabbageclunk: btw it might be worth updating to the tip of master and rebuilding, so you can take advantage of my fix of yesterday; that e/n/i with addresses on both the bridge and the underlying NIC, e.g. ens3.10 might be causing issues12:49
babbageclunkdimitern: Hmm, ok12:49
dimiternbabbageclunk: wait a sec12:50
dimiternbabbageclunk: can you paste that last one again, but with the output from 'ip route show' please? I'm not quite sure, but it looks like there are no gateways for the vlan subnets12:51
babbageclunkdimitern: ok, gathering12:52
voidspacedimitern: babbageclunk: http://fabriclondon.com/club/listing/129412:52
babbageclunkdimitern: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/17116157/12:53
dimiternvoidspace: ooh nice! thinking of going?12:53
voidspacedimitern: yep12:54
babbageclunkvoidspace: not all of us will be away from our families and going all rumspringa!12:54
voidspacebabbageclunk: your choice... :-)12:54
mgzyou're not having a networking meeting in fabric...12:54
voidspacemgz: hah, it would be appropriate...12:54
dimiternvoidspace: well, I'd love to go actually.. brush up some degrading social skills :D12:55
voidspacedimitern: :-)12:55
dimiternbabbageclunk: ok, it looks fine; and you can't ping from ?12:57
babbageclunkdimitern: nope - just get destination host unreachable.12:58
babbageclunkdimitern: Do you think I should rebuild and rebootstrap?12:58
dimiternbabbageclunk: can you ping both of those IPs from maas?12:58
dimiternbabbageclunk: it will help, but let's try to see if something else is wrong first12:59
babbageclunkdimitern: nope, can't get to either of them from maas13:00
babbageclunkdimitern: I haven't got the vlans on the maas controller.13:00
dimiternbabbageclunk: well, that's why then :)13:01
dimiternbabbageclunk: maas needs to be on those vlans13:01
babbageclunkdimitern: that's why can't get to them from the maas controller. But does that also affect the connection from mediawiki to mysql?13:02
babbageclunkdimitern: (I mean, I was going to fix the maas vlan issue, particularly so sshuttle would work, but I still don't understand the other bit.)13:02
dimiternbabbageclunk: yeah, since maas is the gateway for all subnets, if maas itself cannot reach them they won't be able to either13:03
babbageclunkdimitern: Oooooooooooooh13:03
dimiternbabbageclunk: :)13:03
babbageclunkdimitern: ok, that makes a lot more sense. Sorry for extreme dumbness!13:03
dimiternbabbageclunk: my e/n/i on maas looks like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17116341/13:03
dimiternbabbageclunk: np :)13:04
* dimitern steps out for ~30m13:08
TheMuevoidspace: ping and hello13:18
=== katco` is now known as katco
TheMueor anyone else available, need an information13:25
dooferladTheMue: hello13:26
TheMuedooferlad: hey, hello13:27
TheMuedooferlad: I need the e-mail address of the HR department (or somebody there) for the request of a special official paper.13:28
TheMuedooferlad: sadly I've got no access to mail directory anymore, hehe13:28
dooferladTheMue: ok, will PM you in a momenty13:29
TheMuedooferlad: great, thanks13:29
TheMuedooferlad: and juju is doing well?13:29
dooferladTheMue: yep13:30
TheMuedooferlad: great, I'm missing my time at Canonical13:31
dooferladTheMue: you are missed!13:36
TheMuedooferlad: am I?13:37
dooferladTheMue: more hands, more brains, more code :-)13:38
dooferladTheMue: and knowledge of Whisky of course13:38
TheMuedooferlad: sadly I don't see an according job offer13:38
dooferladTheMue: you are looking?13:38
TheMuedooferlad: would start immediately13:38
TheMuedooferlad: yep, I do13:38
dooferladTheMue: I will keep my ear to the ground for you13:39
TheMuedooferlad: had no luck with my last employer13:39
dooferladTheMue: :-(13:40
TheMuedooferlad: bad climate, and also lost one important customer when I started, so we only worked halftime. and then they kicked the last employed three. *sigh*13:41
dooferladTheMue: that sucks. I am sorry to hear that.13:42
TheMuedooferlad: already have some new contact, will see13:45
mupBug #1590468 opened: Controller machine log contains worker errors <cdo-qa> <cdo-qa-blocker> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1590468>14:53
natefinchyou know a test is probably doing something wrong when you see atomic.StoreUint3214:54
natefinchs.checkStartInstanceCustom(c, m, "pork", s.defaultConstraints, nil, nil, nil, false, nil, true)14:58
natefinchno wonder fixing tests takes 3x as long as implementing the feature14:59
katcoredir: standup time15:07
dimiternbabbageclunk: hey, did you manage to sort out the vlans stuff?16:15
babbageclunkdimitern: not yet - was at code club. Trying to change the script to link the subnets at the same time as it adds the vlans to solve the rerun problem I was seeing.16:19
dimiternbabbageclunk: ok16:21
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
alexisbfwereade, ping17:03
alexisbyou still around?17:03
alexisbvoidspace, you still around?17:13
voidspacealexisb: yes17:13
mupBug #1590520 opened: failed to prepare container "0/lxc/2" network config: model "default" networking not supported (not supported) <cdo-qa> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1590520>18:57
=== alexisb is now known as alexisb-afk
redirkatco: ericsnow natefinch would one of you have time to make sure I am understanding the build transaction convention in state in about 30m?19:14
redirabout to have lunch19:14
=== redir is now known as redir_lunch
ericsnowredir_lunch: sure19:14
katcoericsnow: redir_lunch: wouldn't mind sitting in on that just as a refresher19:15
redir_lunchOk. I'll ping you both after I hoover some stew19:18
natefinchif at first the test does not succeed... delete the test19:36
=== redir_lunch is now known as redir
marcoceppiI have a question about the API, why do I need to specify the model UUID when connecting to a controller? Why can't I just connec to the controller with user/pass?19:44
natefinchmarcoceppi: that's a thumper question, I think19:51
redirping katco ericsnow19:53
redirericsnow is gonoe19:53
katcoredir: he's probably just restarting or something19:54
rick_h_marcoceppi: because of stuff :P19:54
redirwatch ericsnow status19:54
marcoceppirick_h_ natefinch it's a really freakin bummer for libjuju library design19:55
rick_h_marcoceppi: I htink it's because there's possibility that it's not clear in future uses19:55
rick_h_marcoceppi: and the UUID is required to help make sure it finds its way to the api server correctly19:55
marcoceppiesp since we're not connecting to a controller at that point, we're connecting to a Model, so the idea of a Controller object is really moot19:55
marcoceppiI would have expected: connect to Controller, get list of models my user has, connect to model19:56
redirI agree w/ marcoceppi I would think I'd connect then switch to a model. or connect to model@controller which might do it all at once19:57
rick_h_marcoceppi: redir yes, but I think part of the thing is the way we did controllers was a bit "easy route" in that it's just a model that we treat special and it takes the same api calls as models19:58
rick_h_so it's just not in all the calls to make it pulled out different and not require it19:58
marcoceppibut controllers are very special cases19:58
marcoceppihow do I do ensure-ha? it's not against a model, it's a controller level feature19:58
marcoceppilist me all your controller endpoints, as another example19:59
rick_h_right, I'm +1 on trying to design the lib to hide that, but technically that's how it works is you happen to ask one of the dozen models a special question and he answers20:00
redirrick_h_: understood that's how we did it, just saying it isn't how me the user would expect it to be.20:05
rick_h_redir: I know, I'm +1 on trying to hide it as an implementation detail as much as we can20:05
rick_h_redir: but the api is the api so there will be limits20:05
katcorick_h_: i think maybe what redir and marcoceppi are trying to say is that it would be nice if the api were designed differently :)20:09
rick_h_katco: I know, and I know alexisb-afk would fly to my house and mount my head on a pike if I suggested changing it atm so a bit stuck20:10
rick_h_I like my head /me inserts "attached to it" joke here20:10
katcorick_h_: yes. yes she would. i don't think anyone is blaming you or anyone who implemented it. them's the constraints we were working under.20:10
alexisb-afkrick_h_, whats up?20:12
* alexisb-afk reads back scroll20:12
rick_h_alexisb-afk: nothing, just noting that I don't want you to kill me :P20:12
alexisb-afkand gets he axe ready20:12
* marcoceppi ducks20:12
alexisb-afkrick_h_, this discussion should have taken place back in october20:14
alexisb-afkthere were qs that went around20:15
rick_h_alexisb-afk: well it goes back before that and yes I agree. It goes back to how it was originally implemented20:15
alexisb-afkthumper/menn0  would have details on the reasons for final outcome20:15
rick_h_alexisb-afk: but nothing for it atm20:15
rick_h_marcoceppi: arosales did our call go away?20:16
natefinchso we're agreed that thumper will fix it for 2.0, yes? ;)20:16
marcoceppirick_h_: I'm sprinting this week on vpil stuff20:16
thumperheh, wat?20:16
redirkatco: :)20:16
alexisb-afkthumper, marcoceppi has a questions for you20:16
thumpero/ marcoceppi20:17
alexisb-afkand with that I go back to not being here20:17
rick_h_marcoceppi: ok, do you have any time to chat? i need to get this SoW finished up and want to make sure I've got your feedback.20:17
rick_h_marcoceppi: I can run with your comment int he doc, but think it'll be more than "not do it"20:17
marcoceppirick_h_: sure, we moved it to thursday20:17
marcoceppirick_h_: in that, we have a vpil engineering sync that's pretty sparse20:17
marcoceppibut we can chat now if you'd like20:17
arosalesrick_h_: did the SoW need to get in today, or can we get the VPIL bits in tomorrow?20:19
natefinchI just dumped backscroll context for thumper... but I think the consensus was "yes it's suboptimal, but that's how it has to be for now, yes20:19
thumperI have 10 minutes if someone wants to jump on a hangout and explain more, marcoceppi?20:20
natefinchI feel like dimiter has been here: TestProvisioningInfoWithSingleNegativeAndPositiveSpaceInConstraints20:31
katconatefinch: being serious, what's wrong with that name? it's not like you have to call that method from anywhere, and it's descriptive... so... better than ~TestConstraints isn't it?20:33
natefinchkatco: kinda annoying to type with check.f  *shrug*  mostly it's just hard to read and parse20:35
katconatefinch: i like Test<funcName>_<testDescription>20:36
natefinchkatco: I'd probably call it TestNegativeAndPositive ... assuming it's in a reasonably named test suite (which it's not)20:36
katconatefinch: but test negative and positive what? and against what?20:37
natefinchso like func (s ProvisioningInfoSuite) TestNegativeAndPositiveSpace20:37
katconatefinch: TestProvisioningInfo_PosNegSpace maybe?20:38
natefinchkatco: well, all the tests in the suite are about turning constraints into provisioning info structs20:38
katconatefinch: ah20:38
natefinchbut really, a nice daffodil yellow really makes the shed stand out from its surroundings20:39
redir+1 natefinch20:42
=== natefinch is now known as natefinch-afk
mupBug #1589670 changed: backups does not implement Backups for non linux OSes <ci> <regression> <windows> <juju-core:Fix Released by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1589670>21:16
mupBug #1589670 opened: backups does not implement Backups for non linux OSes <ci> <regression> <windows> <juju-core:Fix Released by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1589670>21:19
marcoceppithumper: sorry, at a sprint, we're about to EOD21:23
thumpermarcoceppi: np21:23
marcoceppitl;dr it's weird that I have to give a model UUID for logging into a controller, would have though I give API endpoint + user + pass, then I can issue commands like ListModels, and initiate switches to other models from there21:23
marcoceppiin libjuju we're expecting to have a python object for Controller to do things like list all the valid api endpoints, to ensure_ha over the api, etc21:24
=== alexisb-afk is now known as alexisb
=== Spads_ is now known as Spads
mupBug #1589670 changed: backups does not implement Backups for non linux OSes <ci> <regression> <windows> <juju-core:Fix Released by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1589670>21:28
redirwhat does "state changing too quickly; try again soon" mean? Is this a known uh, thing?21:36
perrito666redir: its an error produced when an attempt loop for a transaction fails every time21:38
perrito666it is making an assumption that I dont especially like21:39
redirperrito666: would that fit errors.IsNotFound?21:40
perrito666yes, iirc the retries only happen if the failure is a assertion error so I guess that if you have an assert for doc missing it would yield that completely unrelated error21:41
redirperrito666: thanks. I can almost imagine a better error message.21:42
redirand my mileage varied. It doesn't satisfy errors.IsNotFound.21:43
perrito666ahh I did not understand your question21:43
perrito666no it wont21:43
redirtx perrito66621:45
thumpermarcoceppi: you don't need a uuid to log into the controller21:45
perrito666yw, I did literally nothing21:45
thumperand you can list models without specifying a uuid21:45
thumperI made sure this works21:45
* redir takes a break and walks around.21:45
redirperrito666: well at least you didn't do nothing alone.21:46
thumpermarcoceppi: your libjuju Controller should work21:46
thumperbtw, I have some interesting python code you might like21:46
thumperthat I started with my pylibjuju21:46
thumperthat went nowhere21:46
redirI know I should sleep in the state tests!21:48
* redir ducks21:48
perrito666too late, dave already sent someone to kill you21:50
redirericsnow: yt?21:52
ericsnowredir: yep21:53
rediris now a good time?21:53
redirericsnow: ^21:53
ericsnowredir: sure21:53
ericsnowredir: moonstone?21:53
redirkatco: ^21:54
katcoredir: sure21:54
=== Spads_ is now known as Spads
=== Spads_ is now known as Spads
=== Spads_ is now known as Spads
perrito666I wonder why my windows spends 23 minutes heavily reading the hd each time I boot it22:28
mupBug #1590598 opened: ipv6 interfaces on a machine (in maas) are not added to lxc containers deployed to that machine <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1590598>22:52
menn0thumper: here's that sort bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/159060523:43
mupBug #1590605: juju debug-log sort may exceed MongoDB's limits <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1590605>23:43
mupBug #1590605 opened: juju debug-log sort may exceed MongoDB's limits <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1590605>23:46
thumpermenn0: thanks23:48
thumperI should file a few bugs I noticed over the last few days too23:48

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