
acheron_ukclivejo: is that attica MISSING from here? https://quickgit.kde.org/?p=attica.git&a=commitdiff&h=d262b645ee0d7fdd32dcab57553a60bfcb32dd3606:32
acheron_ukremeoved - ProviderManager::parseProviderFile(const QString &xmlString, const QString &url)06:32
acheron_ukadded instead - ProviderManager::parseProviderFile(const QString &xmlString, const QUrl &url)06:33
acheron_ukwhich looks like one of the other symbols additions? maybe?06:35
acheron_ukamd64 builds of kconfigwidgets & kjsembed red due to unpackaged locale files in the arch-indep data packages that get done in the amd64 builds?07:46
acheron_ukthey look like fairly mainstream locales to me so I guess they should go in?07:48
yofelacheron_uk: parseProviderFile(const QString &xmlString, const QUrl &url); is private in attica ProviderManager, so that's fine08:06
acheron_ukthanks. that failure is blocking a lot, if I read the dependency-waits correctly08:09
acheron_ukyofel: + _ZN6Attica15ProviderManager17parseProviderFileERK7QStringRK4QUrl@Base 5.23.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.10~ppa108:12
yofelThe version should be 5.23.008:12
yofelwithout all the packaging suffix08:13
acheron_ukis the 5.23.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.10~ppa1 some other problem there? Or is that to be expected?08:13
acheron_uktoo slow...08:13
acheron_ukinstinct said it wasn't right... but I'm on the edge of my knowledge with symbols files.08:14
yofelthat's the default, you can tell batchpattch to use a different version, so I usually always pass -v explicitely08:15
yofelbut IIRC it also asks you what to use?08:15
acheron_ukyeah. I was just going to try patch to see what outputs I got08:16
acheron_ukonly done it once and I did use -v for that.08:16
acheron_ukyofel: version jump also puzzles me, as was 4.96 in all previously. https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/attica/tree/debian/libkf5attica5.symbols?h=kubuntu_yakkety_archive08:24
yofelacheron_uk: the symbol says in which version of the software the symbol was added. So it's always the oldest possible version for a symbol08:25
yofelthe idea is that dpkg-shlibdeps can use that information to make properly versioned dependencies for libraries08:26
acheron_ukso jump from 4.96.0 to 5.23 for those few would imply no new ones until the latest frameworks. then those came in08:27
acheron_ukgood. that's clear. thanks08:28
clivejoyofel: RE: https://code.launchpad.net/~acheron/kubuntu-packaging/+git/attica/+merge/296760 Should the version in symbols file be 5.23.0 or is 5.23 ok?09:36
acheron_ukyes I had just that minute noticed and started chaging it09:43
yofelclivejo: whatever is set as version in the changelog. That should match09:43
clivejoId prefer 5.23.009:44
yofel(although it technically doesn't matter)09:44
clivejobut not sure if it makes any difference09:44
acheron_ukI'm resubmitting with 5.23.009:44
clivejoI know the scripts act badly if I dont include the .009:44
yofelit doesn't. You would have "Depends: foo (>= 5.23)" vs "Depends: foo (>= 5.23.0)"09:44
yofelyes, but the scripts don't care about the symbols file09:45
acheron_ukthe top of original symbols file said '-# SymbolsHelper-Confirmed: 5.21.0 amd64 i386'09:46
acheron_ukso for consistency if nothing else, I'm matching that09:47
* clivejo is learning stuff too09:47
acheron_ukclivejo: done. see what you think09:56
clivejoso I have reviewed and approved it10:00
clivejodoes the merge happen automatically?10:00
* acheron_uk basks in the glow of 'approval'10:00
acheron_uknot a clue10:00
clivejomust have to do something else ?10:11
acheron_ukdefinitely not right10:12
clivejoI thought after review and acept that would happen automatically10:12
acheron_ukit's just added my repo/branch to kubuntu-packagers as a separate item, rather than merged with the branch requested10:13
clivejoI dont see it10:14
acheron_ukis that what it automatically did? or was that you trying?10:14
clivejoyou see it here?10:14
clivejooh I can see it there10:15
* clivejo is confused10:15
acheron_ukbug in LP?10:18
clivejono idea10:18
clivejoits new to me10:18
acheron_ukmy merge requested ~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/attica:kubuntu_yakkety_archive with the ~10:19
acheron_ukthough not sure why it should matter if everything else seems the same on both urls10:20
clivejoLP URL's confuse me10:20
acheron_ukwait packagERS on one, packagING on the other10:22
clivejooh yofel 10:23
clivejoyo yo Phil, we need your help :)10:24
acheron_ukI did let LP search find your branch as I thought that was safest10:24
acheron_ukthe merge request I did is directer at kubuntu-packagING10:26
clivejo~kubuntu-packagers is owner/team10:27
acheron_ukthe notes say for git     [url "git+ssh://USER@git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/"]      insteadof = kubuntu:10:27
acheron_ukso I cloned from that10:29
acheron_ukwhen I searched for the repo to merge to, LP gave me this: http://i.imgur.com/HGQA2FY.png10:35
* acheron_uk knew it was too simple10:40
acheron_ukback in an hour or so10:44
yofelclivejo, acheron_uk: the kubuntu-packagers one is the correct merge target10:59
yofelor what was the question again?10:59
acheron_ukLP finds http://i.imgur.com/HGQA2FY.png11:01
acheron_ukand I accepted the top one obviously11:02
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> Plasma 5.7 beta next week ...11:06
acheron_ukand https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/+git itself lists the attica repo as lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/attica11:06
acheron_ukbut it ended up here as a separate repo https://code.launchpad.net/kubuntu-packaging/+git11:07
acheron_ukmarcinsagol: requires QT 5.6? which we don't have?11:09
yofelacheron_uk: it *is* a seperate repository - owned by you11:13
yofelthe ~kubuntu-packagers page shows all repositories owned by the team11:14
yofelthe kubuntu-packaging page shows all repositories belonging to the project - *regardless* of owner11:14
acheron_ukah. I get you11:15
acheron_ukdidn't realise it would appear there11:16
acheron_ukso I presume from that someone still has to do the actual merge?11:16
yofelyes, doesn't look like auto-merging is implemented yet11:18
acheron_ukseems not. sorry, I saw that there and jumped to conclusions11:18
acheron_ukshort sharp lesson in LP structure though ;)11:20
yofelOk, LP detects pushing the merge at least11:21
acheron_ukyep, just got that email11:23
yofelHm, now we need to figure out how to manage review notifications11:24
yofelso far that mail goes to all direct members of packagers. Which is a fairly short list11:24
yofelmaybe we should direct the mail to -devel...11:25
acheron_ukdid you merge that from LP website? if so, clivejo probably wants to know how, as I don't think he could see an option earlier11:25
yofelno, I did: git clone kubuntu:attica; cd attica; git checkout kubuntu_yakkety_archive; git remote add acheron lp:~acheron/kubuntu-packaging/+git/attica; git fetch acheron; git merge acheron/kubuntu_yakkety_archive11:26
yofelgit push auto-closes the review at least11:26
acheron_ukwas looking at the LP docs eralier, and even on the bzr side I couldn't find instructions for completing the merge on the web. that just pointed you to bzr command line11:28
acheron_ukso not surprised at all with git11:29
acheron_ukOK. so at least I can carry on doing some others later if I have the time. I'll know I'm not send patches into a 'black hole'11:30
acheron_ukthank you11:32
acheron_ukoh, is it safe to delete my repo now merged?11:35
yofelyes it is11:49
acheron_ukgreat. couldn't see why it shouldn't be, but it's too late to ask once already done11:54
acheron_ukthanks again for your patience11:54
ahoneybunthank you for your work acheron_uk :)11:59
acheron_ukahoneybun: I've used and benefited from kubuntu for many years, so it is a pleasure to give even a little back :)12:07
ahoneybunthat's great to hear acheron_uk 12:08
BluesKajHey folks12:32
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
clivejoacheron_uk: can you fix kconfigwidgets - 5.23.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.10~ppa1 ?13:17
clivejosorry, Im in and out today, but I am reading the backlog and Ive uploaded your fix as attica-kf5 - 5.23.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.10~ppa213:18
acheron_ukattica seems to have built13:25
acheron_ukif it's ok for the new man page language file to go into kconfigwidgets, then yes that seems fixable 13:28
acheron_ukclivejo: not sure about kconfigwidgets14:38
acheron_ukhttps://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kconfigwidgets.git&a=commit&h=2b55dc1cfbed5dbf08dfa534517db9c0dc26e54b and https://todo.kde.org/?controller=task&action=show&task_id=52014:39
acheron_uksuggests to me that they are moving over some translated man pages to the main package tarballs14:40
acheron_ukand perhaps renaming them i.e. preparetips.1 to preparetips5.114:41
acheron_ukbut I'm wary of the situation I half recall before, where they were still in the main translations as well (at least until the other packages caught up)14:43
yofelmanpages shouldn't be an issue (esp. not with a rename), and I don't see any translations there14:48
yofelwhen you find actual translations then those might need to be removed from kde-l10n at the same time14:48
acheron_ukare these not translations? http://paste.ubuntu.com/17119034/14:49
yofelah yeah, they are. But with the rename that's fine14:50
acheron_ukthere is a libkf5configwidgets-data.manpages files, so naive logic would say they are specified in there?14:52
clivejolooks like they need to go in not-installed too - https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/kconfigwidgets/tree/debian/not-installed?h=kubuntu_yakkety_archive14:58
clivejoand here https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/kconfigwidgets/tree/debian/libkf5configwidgets-data.manpages?h=kubuntu_yakkety_archive14:59
acheron_uklooks like it14:59
acheron_ukand presumably they use the same format in the .manpage file as the existing 'debian/tmp/usr/share/man/man1/preparetips5.1'15:01
clivejoI dunno how that works though15:02
acheron_ukno. this wasn't presicely helpful https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/dother.en.html#manpages15:03
acheron_ukso lacking any other rationale, just a change like http://paste.ubuntu.com/17119699/15:12
clivejoacheron_uk: worth a try!15:46
acheron_ukjust trying in pbuilder for the hell of it15:48
acheron_ukclivejo: no missing files warning this time - but looking at the produced .deb with an archiver, can't see those man pages in there either  16:01
clivejoacheron_uk: I pushed those changes to LP to see what would happen and it gone orange16:16
clivejojust a Lintian warning - libkf5configwidgets-data: manpage-has-bad-whatis-entry usr/share/man/man1/preparetips5.1.gz16:16
acheron_ukyes. that's precisely what I got in my pbuilder16:17
acheron_ukQuestion is.... Did those man pages end up in the .debs?16:18
clivejothey look to be zipped16:18
acheron_ukthat's just one. where are the translated ones?16:21
clivejowhat does ./usr/bin/preparetips5 do?16:23
acheron_uknot a clue16:23
clivejoblind leading the blind here !16:23
acheron_ukumm. in my pbuilder deb ./usr/share/man/man1/preparetips5.1.gz is in Ukranian16:24
clivejodid you ever join the #debian-qt-kde channel on Freenode?16:24
clivejoI have to go get some tea, but Ill try and ask there later16:25
clivejoIve just poked LP to rebuild16:26
acheron_ukthe rest of the stuff seems to be filtering through16:26
clivejokjsembed - 5.23.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.10~ppa1 seems to be the same man page issues as kconfigwidgets16:27
clivejokwayland is a missing file, you want to do up a git diff or pull request for that?16:27
clivejoif you dont have time or dont want to, just let me know.  Im just trying to give you practice :)16:28
acheron_ukYour deb from LP has that man page in Ukrainian as well - so I guess it just substituted the last one in the list -./usr/share/man/uk/man1/preparetips5.116:30
acheron_ukI looked a kwayland, and wasn't sure why that was only in amd6416:31
acheron_ukI have time to spare today :)16:33
acheron_uk"Plasma now depends on Qt 5.6.1" https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/release-team/2016-June/009489.html16:53
acheron_ukclivejo: think I understand now17:00
mamarleyI guess when Plasma 5.7 is released it will be necessary to use the Qt from the landing PPA in order to get it to compile.17:00
acheron_ukgoing to have to do something as there is only one more possible 5.6.x17:01
acheron_ukafter that its 5.7 or nothing17:02
clivejotheres LP down again17:38
acheron_ukclivejo: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man1/dh_installman.1.html17:45
acheron_ukseems that is see all those files as not translations, so it's put them one after the other in the default location, overwriting each time so you still end up with just one. That last one, hence Ukranian17:46
acheron_ukon kwayland I presume you need this? https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/kwayland/commit/?h=kubuntu_unstable&id=d17acdbca5e8c53472faae11e02bae1a71c8c02917:48
acheron_ukmaybe adding as well http://packaging.neon.kde.org/cgit/frameworks/kwayland.git/commit/?h=Neon/unstable&id=6c2f280bc0eabb133d553c94a414e8e5975c5e5317:48
clivejosure, can you do me up a debdif or pull reuest?17:49
acheron_ukclivejo: sent as merge to give you practice as well ;)18:11
clivejothanks so much :P18:12
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> mhall119 ping18:47
jimarvanhelloz :D18:52
clivejohi jimarvan18:53
acheron_ukpodcast in a few mins?18:53
clivejoyup :)18:53
jimarvani have some nice chill trance music this time :P18:53
acheron_ukI'm reading lots about man pages. Not much helps, so the podcast will be nice18:53
acheron_ukI can hear you ;)19:05
clivejoacheron_uk: join #kubuntu-podcast19:06
acheron_ukwhoops forgot about that19:07
mhall119IrcsomeBot: pong19:51
mhall119or ovidiuflorin pong19:51
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> We've had some technical problems, but now we're back. We're live on this link: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-ChyPPcJSMUw2au2UyIKwQ/live19:51
ahoneybunmhall119: we're busy with the podcast now 19:52
mhall119IrcsomeBot: ovidiuflorin: I'm building kdevelop right now and my computer hates me :/19:52
ahoneybunnot sure what he wanted tbh19:52
ahoneybunsnap wise?19:52
mhall119ahoneybun: yeah19:52
mhall119also, that video requires flash :-P19:52
mhall119ahoneybun: yeah, I need to show you how to build with snaps this weekend19:53
ahoneybunmm not sure about snaps tbh but I'll listen19:53
ahoneybunmhall119: would you like the Nexus7 to have OTA11/Stable?19:53
clivejomhall119: do you know the team working on Qt in Ubuntu?19:54
mhall119ahoneybun: yeah, that's new enough19:55
mhall119clivejo: yes19:55
clivejoany idea on the status of Qt 5.6.1?19:56
ahoneybunalright cool I grabbed the image this morning and will have it installed before tomorrow19:56
mhall119clivejo: it's kind of split between the SDK developers and d_ed I think19:56
mhall119clivejo: we're not even on 5.6 yet are we? Xenial is still 5.4 I think19:56
clivejobut it looks like Plasma 5.7 will need Qt5.6.119:57
mhall119clivejo: if you join #ubuntu-app-devel, the SDK devs are usually in there19:57
mhall119you can ask bzoltan or Mirv and they might be able to tell you timeframes (or blockers if that's the holdup)19:57
mhall119maybe t1mp19:58
clivejowhat other projects use Qt?19:58
mhall119I honestly don't know who's building our QML and who's maintaining Qt these days19:58
mhall119clivejo: you mean other than the Ubuntu SDK and KDE?19:58
clivejoyes, do any other flavors use it?19:58
ahoneybunLubuntu is working onit19:59
ahoneybun* on it19:59
mhall119oh, right, I think they are going ot try and switch to LXQT for 16.1020:00
* ahoneybun is very looking forward to SELF20:01
mhall119me too20:01
mhall119ahoneybun: I won't be there until mid-day Friday though, so can you help Jose setup and run the booth?20:02
ahoneybunyea sure with my 4 or so hours of sleep XD20:02
mhall119clivejo: I think some 3rd party commercial apps use qt, but they probably bundle their own version20:02
ahoneybunof course though20:02
mhall119ahoneybun: you driving up late tomorrow?20:02
mhall119I have to be at the airport by 6:30 on Friday, which means I'll be out the door by 5:30 :/20:03
ahoneybunmhall119: sorry was writing something20:13
mhall119no worries20:13
ahoneybunmhall119:  leaving for the road around 4pm20:13
mhall119oh lord, that's like a 12 hour drive isn't it?20:14
ahoneybunKeith is driving till he needs a break20:14
ahoneybunyea we did that last year20:14
mhall119ok, at least you're taking shifts20:14
ahoneybunyea we have 4 people this time over 220:14
mhall119well drive carefully, I-95 is always under construction20:14
ahoneybunyea Keith is very good at that20:15
ahoneybundriving lol20:15
mhall119ahoneybun: do you have a slimport adapter for your N7?20:16
ahoneybunI have one in general from the N4 days20:17
mhall119does it work with the tablet?20:17
ahoneybunit works but I've had some stable issues20:17
mhall119man, building kdevelop takes *forever*20:18
acheron_ukI only tried it once20:18
clivejomhall119: did you create a snap for krita?20:18
ahoneybunsomeone did20:19
mhall119clivejo: yup, and I thought that one took a long time, but kdevelop is even bigger20:19
clivejodo you use debian packaging ?20:19
mhall119krita was a multi-person effort, sgclark hade started it, I ran with it from there and got help from upstream20:19
mhall119clivejo: for all of it's dependencies, yeah20:19
mhall119which isn't great, because it's using qt 5.4 instead of 5.6.120:20
clivejowhere did you get it?20:20
mhall119get which?20:20
clivejothe packaging?20:20
mhall119sgclark had started on a snapcraft.yaml, she gave me what she had and I continued it20:21
ahoneybunI think he means the source20:21
clivejooh right20:21
mhall119oh, the source is from upstream's git20:21
mhall119the 3.0 branch20:21
clivejoI was working on Krita3 packaging - https://launchpad.net/~clivejo/+archive/ubuntu/krita/20:21
mhall119clivejo: someone from usptream had 3.0 pre-release builds in a PPA20:22
clivejojust wondered where the packaging came from20:22
mhall119I used build and runtime dependencies20:22
mhall119I used those to find the build and runtime dependencies20:22
clivejoare you calling it krita3 ?20:23
mhall119my snap? no20:24
mhall119just krita20:24
clivejoknow anyone would sponsor me to get it into yakkety?20:25
clivejothe packaged version 20:25
mhall119I'm sure we can find someone20:26
clivejoand also updated calligra20:26
mhall119clivejo: do you not have upload rights?20:26
clivejoIm newbie20:26
mhall119oh, ok20:26
mhall119right, it's yofel who has upload rights I think20:27
mhall119clivejo: if you ask in #ubuntu-devel during US/Europe workday times tomorrow you can probably get some help20:27
acheron_ukclivejo: this seems to work in pbuilder for kconfigwidgets http://paste.ubuntu.com/17128475/20:27
acheron_ukoops thought you had finished20:28
clivejostill listening to the podcast20:30
acheron_uksame here20:30
clivejomhall119: is there anyone could act as a mentor/sponsor?20:32
mhall119clivejo: it will depend on who has time20:32
mhall119clivejo: I would recommend asking dholbach for help, he's on the community team but he works closely with the ubuntu developers and tracks upload sponsorship requests20:33
mhall119he can't sponsor it himself, but he would know who can 20:33
mhall119if he's not in #ubuntu-devel tomorrow, he will be in #ubuntu-community-team20:34
clivejoso many channels!20:35
mhall119heh, you have no idea :)20:35
* mhall119 has 169 channels or PMs open 20:35
* clivejo gulps20:35
mhall119most of them get ignored though, but they take up so little room in irssi I just never bother to /quit20:36
sgclarkmhall119: is there not some sort of mentors list like debian has for clivejo getting sponsored? This is really a bigger problem as I too had that issue when looking into going for ubuntu developer.20:54
sgclarkand Krita would be NEW so I don't think even yofel can sponsor it.20:55
clivejois it new?20:55
clivejoI know the source is new, but the binary packages are same20:56
sgclarkkf5 port of Krita? yes that would be new.20:56
acheron_ukonly the kf5 version?20:56
sgclarkHow on earth can the binaries of new source not be new?20:56
sgclarkmaybe I am confused20:57
clivejowhen I chatted to Debian guys they said to just use the old package names etc20:57
mhall119sgclark: if there is such a list, I don't know about it20:57
clivejo!info krita20:57
mhall119like I said, dholbach is a better contact for that than me20:57
ubottukrita (source: calligra): pixel-based image manipulation program for the Calligra Suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.9.7-0ubuntu13 (yakkety), package size 7959 kB, installed size 32002 kB20:57
clivejoso the new kf5 version is 1:3.0.020:58
sgclarkclivejo: krita is no longer bundled with calligra. Everything about it will be new.20:58
sgclarknames of binaries is irrelevant in this case.20:58
clivejoI know, but they said to just use the old packaging20:58
clivejolike kdeconnect20:59
mhall119OMG! kdevelop finally finished building20:59
sgclarkmhall119: wow, didn't you start that like a couple hours ago?21:00
mhall119sgclark: not quite that bad, I had to re-start it a couple times to fix build dependencies21:00
mhall119but...it did take a while21:00
goddardwho is in charge of KDevelop package?21:00
sgclarkmhall119: can you do a pull request on my packaging with the changes? I would appreciate it.21:01
sgclarkgoddard: anyone that wants to package it.21:01
mhall119sgclark: yup, will do21:01
mhall119sgclark: only very minor changes so far21:01
sgclarkmhall119: the only thing I could get get sorted was templates.21:03
sgclarkcould not*21:03
mhall119sgclark: darn, got an error about plugins when trying to run it21:04
mhall119Could not find any plugins, aborting21:04
sgclarkoh I think I had to devmode it too21:05
mhall119I did too21:06
mhall119are any of the plugin included in the snap?21:06
mhall119I wonder if you have them on your system already, and that's why it's not complaining to you21:06
sgclarkthat is entirely possible21:07
sgclarkI think I need to make a clean empty system to snap stuff it seems21:07
sgclarkmhall119: output of ls -l /snap/kdevelop/current/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/ ?21:18
sgclarkand you had the qt5-launch script?21:19
clivejoacheron_uk: merged21:26
acheron_ukTY :)21:26
clivejosorry I took so long, was listening along in the Podcast incase they needed something21:26
clivejouploaded to PPA21:27
acheron_ukno probs21:27
clivejodo you think that your fix for man pages is working?21:27
acheron_ukbuilt I think21:30
clivejois it installing all the man files?21:30
acheron_ukseemed ok in pbuilder. the man pages went in the right place. 21:30
acheron_ukIf I looked in the deb and extracted the italian one, it was in italian21:31
clivejocould you do a merge request for that?21:31
acheron_ukonly thing is it did away with the .manpages file21:31
acheron_ukbut it would work while that was being used for me21:32
acheron_ukfound a couple of other source packages with similar scheme to one I used though21:33
acheron_ukI'll submit a merge later or in the morning, and people can have a look. If they throw it out, no harm done21:34
mhall119sgclark: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17130197/ is /snap/kdevelop/100001/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins22:31
mhall119which I also verified is $QT_PLUGIN_PATH22:32
mhall119and yes, it was launching via the qt5-launch script22:33
sgclarkmhall119: ok, I have tons more than that, but I was buillding a ton more frameworks at one point. I am building cleanbuild now and will fix it up.22:35
sgclarkthanks for testing lol22:35
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> o/22:36
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> @acheron_uk yes Plasma 5.7 will depend on Qt 5.6.1 from what I read on ml22:38
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> So it seems we can't start building it without this Qt version :(22:38
mamarleyYou can probably copy it from one of the landing-YYY PPAs, just for the purposes of staging/testing, since it isn't going to officially be in Yakkety for months, or in Xenial at all.22:41
sgclarkthat is what we always did, kubuntu has not packaged qt for a long time22:42
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> So it won't land in Yakkety?22:42
mamarleyI meant that as opposed to just waiting until it was available in the official repository.22:42
sgclarkit will land there eventually I reckon.22:43
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> But if this won't happen before Yakkety release, than we can't have new Plasma 16.10?22:44
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> *in 16.1022:44
mhall119sgclark: did you notice this when building kdevelop as well? https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/159059922:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1590599 in Snapcraft "snapcraft prerequites are slow to resolve" [Undecided,New]22:59
sgclarkmhall119: using cleanbuild it cannot even find C compiler lol23:03
mhall119sgclark: ah yes, I did the same mistake with krita, add build-essential to build-packages23:25
sgclarkmhall119: ok ty23:26

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