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bzoltansil2100: robru: may i get a kick on this https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/xenial/landing-014/excuses.html08:59
sil2100bzoltan: looking08:59
sil2100Oh, that one again08:59
sil2100dbarth: hey! This silo needs to be switched to a triple landing and re-built for yakkety: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/134409:02
sil2100dbarth, jibel: ^ I suppose such action shouldn't require any re-testing?09:02
oSoMoNubuntu-qa: hi guys, any chance silo 3 will be validated today?09:29
rvroSoMoN: Yes09:33
pstolowskiuh, no silos available..09:49
pstolowskirobru, hey, it would be nice to display a 'no silos avail' message in the Status of the silo, it stays at 'New' if Assign fails09:52
sil2100dbarth: ping10:53
bzoltansil2100:  may I ask for an other kick - https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/xenial/landing-014/excuses.html11:10
sil2100Done o/11:15
bzoltansil2100:  thank you, this time the unity8 was acting up :)11:17
dbarthsil2100: pong11:55
sil2100dbarth: did you see my message above about the silo?11:58
dbarthsil2100: hmm, nope, just automated queuebot messages; what's up ?12:01
sil2100dbarth: so https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1344 this would need to be converted to a triple-landing silo12:02
sil2100SInce I can't release it as it is now12:02
sil2100So changed to a trio-landing and the yakkety packages built (with a re-build)12:02
sil2100This *shouldn't* require a QA re-test I would expect12:02
dbarthsil2100: ah ok, i will do the change and rebuild12:07
sil2100dbarth: thanks12:15
ChrisTownsendsil2100: Are you able to kick stuck britney jobs?  The i386 job for https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/xenial/landing-051/excuses.html has already been re-tried once, so I'm not sure what is going on.12:21
ChrisTownsendsil2100: Also, when it comes time to land that silo, we will need coordinate deprecating the ubuntu-pocket-desktop metapackage and the -pd channel in general.  We will need to see python3-libertine-chroot in the ubuntu image at that time.  But that landing will remove the libertine-demo package.12:24
sil2100ChrisTownsend: ok, I have powers to re-try, not sure if I can do anything else12:24
ChrisTownsendsil2100: ok, thanks12:25
ChrisTownsendsil2100: Also, about -pd, ubuntu-app-launch already pulls in xmir, so that is already in the main ubuntu channel.12:25
sil2100ChrisTownsend: as for PD - ok, in case I miss the silo landing, could you poke me as well once everything is ready for the ubuntu-pd channel deprecation?12:25
ChrisTownsendsil2100: Absolutely!12:25
sil2100Yeah, saw that last time I checked12:25
sil2100THanks :)12:25
ChrisTownsendsil2100: k, cool12:25
ChrisTownsendsil2100: thank you too!12:26
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ChrisTownsendsil2100: Sorry to bother you again, but have you tried to kick https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/xenial/landing-051/excuses.html ?  I ask because I have to see it show up in http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running.shtml.12:42
sil2100ChrisTownsend: I couldn't deal with it myself, didn't manage to find a way of doing that, but pitti re-scheduled it just now13:00
ChrisTownsendsil2100: Ok, thank you13:09
bzoltansil2100:  I am not sure if the previous attempt has finished already or it is a new flakiness -> https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/xenial/landing-014/excuses.html13:19
sil2100bzoltan: *sigh* I would expect it to be a new thing already13:46
sil2100Let me retry once more13:46
rvroSoMoN: ping14:16
oSoMoNrvr, hey, I just saw your comment on silo 3, testing again, I’m pretty sure it was working for me when I tested with a bt keyboard14:17
rvroSoMoN: I also tried with an USB keyboard with the same result14:17
oSoMoNrvr, just tested on arale with a bt keyboard, and Ctrl+- and Ctrl+0 work, Ctrl++ doesn’t because the + is on the second level of the key (shift), but I suspect that’s a bug somewhere else in the stack14:24
rvroSoMoN: With my USB keyboard, none work: +, - and 014:29
oSoMoNrvr, and with your bt keyboard?14:30
rvroSoMoN: Neither14:31
oSoMoNrvr, mmm… it would be interesting to see if those shortcuts work in a simple QML scene14:33
oSoMoNrvr, if I send you a simple test app, can you test in on your device?14:33
rvroSoMoN: of course14:33
oSoMoNrvr, okay, give me a moment, I’ll create that for you14:34
oSoMoNrvr, it’s taking me longer to create that test app than I expected, but I’m on it15:24
rvroSoMoN: Ack15:26
=== robru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train trouble? ping trainguards | CI problems? Use JenkaaS: http://bit.ly/jenkins-docs | Train: http://bit.ly/1hGZsfS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known issues: low on silos, please ping trainguards if your ticket fails to assign
aweping trainguards, need some assistance with https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/146216:20
robruawe:  hi16:21
awehey...  it's me again16:21
robruawe: what's up?16:21
aweI seem to be in a rock in a hard place, whenever it comes to landing NM16:21
aweso, the silo is marked for triple landing16:22
awehowever I've only uploaded vivid and xenial versions to the silo16:22
awefor reasons previously described, I can't triple land the same code in all three places16:22
robruawe: ok16:22
awe( and note, this will need to be discussed in the context of our PPA becoming a "generic" stable overlay PPA16:23
awebut that's another conversation I'll pickup on the UES ml16:23
robruawe: what?16:23
robruawe: I'm not sure what you're needing help with but as far as I can see on the ticket, you need to get britney & qa approval, then I can copy those packages into the overlay ppa.16:24
aweso just trying to figure out how to get britney approval16:24
awedavmor2 is waiting to test16:25
awerobru, I wasn't sure whether or not the lack of a y package, would cause the britney approval to stall; also this is one part of the landing process that I don't fully grok16:26
robruawe: yeah I'm not sure how a missing yakkety package will affect britney. I think it'll just look at yakkety, see there's nothing there, and approve it because it's a no-op.16:27
robruawe: so the thing about britney is that it iterates over each ticket in series, which is quite slow. last run took an 72 minutes. but that finished 20 minute ago, which means the new run should have picked up your ticket.16:28
awedavmor2 ^^16:28
robruawe: davmor2: so at some point in the next 50 minutes it should pop up with a result16:28
davmor2awesome news16:29
robruawe: davmor2: however if there are autopkgtests, that means it'll only just have *started* the autopkgtests.16:29
awedavmor2, guess I should've approved it last night!  That said, I wanted to ensure I had the Y mp submitted first.  hindsight...16:30
robruawe: davmor2: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/log_20160608_161001.txt here's the log if you want to watch it live, eventually you should see -077 in there.16:30
davmor2awe: hindsight is always 20/20 vision :)16:31
bzoltansil2100:  I know it is annoying... flaky tests are horrible. Would it be possible to kick only the vivid and yakketi tests?16:33
bzoltanxenial is now clean... and now the other two are acting up16:33
dobeyrobru: hrmm, seems like the new build stuff only takes the first line of commit messages now?16:41
robrudobey: yes, wasn't it always like that?16:41
dobeyi don't think so16:42
robrudobey: there was a build time option for "TAKE_WHOLE_COMMIT_MESSAGE" but the default thing was to truncate. I guess it truncated at the first blank line rather than just the first line.16:42
robrudobey: anyway that value gets passed in to dch which forcibly re-wraps it, so passing in multiple lines probably isn't what you want.16:43
robruor rather, probably won't do what you want16:43
dobeywell what i want/expect is for each line to be a new "* foo" line in the changelog.16:44
robrudobey: hmmm16:44
dobeywell, non-blank line starting after each newline or something16:44
dobeynot sure how feasilble that is, given the tooling16:45
robrudobey: well I mean I could iterate over the lines of that field rather than just truncating to the first line, I'm just wondering if your expectations match everybody else's though, that behavior might be quite a surprise to everybody else.16:45
robrudobey: oh, no, that won't work, because it scans the source branch for linked bugs, and it would have no way to know which linked bug goes with which line of the commit message field. so you'd get "* foo (LP: #1)\n* bar (LP: #1)\n* grill (LP: #1)" in your changelog16:47
dobeyrobru: well, it could only add it to the first line or something16:48
robrudobey: if you're wanting tighter control of how your changelog comes out, you're better off just writing it yourself and leaving the commit message field blank. then it'll use debcommit so the bzr commit message matches what you wrote in the changelog16:48
dobeyrobru: on the other hand, there's another issue where if the commit message has (LP: #foo) in it already, train still adds it to the end :)16:49
robruyeah, so stop writing (LP: #foo) in your commit message field :-P16:49
dobeywell, i didn't16:49
dobeyi just noticed that, when someone else did16:49
dobeyi have long been an advocate of not duplicating that data in the commit message, since bzr has meatadata for storing it in the history16:50
dobeyoh well16:51
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robruawe: yeah, so autopkgtests are running now https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/vivid/landing-077/excuses.html17:38
robruawe: the blank yakkety result shouldn't interfere with the overall outcome.17:39
awethanks robru; been keeping an eye on it too17:40
robruawe: you're welcome.17:41
robruawe: sorry if I didn't explain it well before, when I said "you should see a result within 50 minutes", that includes "autopkgtests have started running" as "a result"17:42
robruawe: not that it would be *completed* within those 50 minutes17:42
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jhodapprobru, koza could use a hand in figuring this issue out with his silo: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/137622:18
robrujhodapp: you mean destination version missing?22:18
robrujhodapp: or the britney failure?22:18
jhodappbritney failure22:19
jhodappI just gave it a quick glance, so maybe it's something simple22:19
jhodapphe's newer to the landing process though22:19
robrujhodapp: so what it's saying there is that the destination version is newer than the silo version.22:19
robrujhodapp: so this upload was published from a different silo but hasn't merged yet: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/0.4+16.10.20160606-0ubuntu122:20
robrujhodapp: you'll need to wait for that to merge and then rebuild22:20
jhodapprobru, cool thanks, I'll pass along the info22:21
robrujhodapp: once it merges the silo status will say "needs rebuild due to new commits"22:21
jhodappyeah makes sense22:21
jhodappthanks robru22:21
robrujhodapp: you're welcome. yeah here's the ticket that was just published: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/150722:21
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