
=== jorge is now known as Guest12115
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acosinfochromium can't starting on ubuntu mate04:07
acosinfohelp me please04:07
Nosophorushello, guys!05:47
NosophorusIs someone online here right now?05:47
NosophorusWhen using the Network Manager to connect to the web using my DSL connection, some websites took forever to load.05:50
NosophorusBut when I used the command "pppoeconf" to configure my DSL connection and connect to the web, the websites are loading flawlessly.05:50
NosophorusWhy did that happen?05:51
Caelim not sure if im missing something on Booting the latest LTS PPC Release on my old Powermac G5, aftre 2 mins hearing teh fans "Jet Engine" i see it thro wback to OpenFirmware saying " finished Quiencing OpenFirmware then FFFT Nothing (not even a black screen my display goes into a NoSignal Display.)06:07
Caelok using nouveau.modeset=0 im getting This Odd Display Corruption. http://i.imgur.com/hao6sUn.jpg06:25
darinHi all07:09
darinJust running ubuntu mate on pi 3b and encountered a few issues off the default install07:10
darinFirst task to do was update/upgrade07:10
darinBut twice now the system has crashed mid upgrade, and then failed to boot07:11
darinat boot it hangs at a wlan0 error07:11
darinwlan0 already exists07:12
darinTurns out that after waiting a very long time and with some very technical keyboard mashing, it has booted again on the third attempt at this07:13
darinI have yet to try and boot again to see if it comes up07:13
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Gallomimiahey uh... don't do that.07:35
Gallomimiaprobably got g-lined07:35
Gallomimiais there something you need help with?07:37
Gallomimiaor do you just need to show off your ascii talents?07:37
dunkan007when i am changing the volume (moving mouse to the "sound" icon and mouse scroll) the level of sound not shows immidiately07:38
dunkan007it takes default delay to display the info07:38
dunkan007i want it to show immidiately from the first scroll event!07:39
dunkan007i want it to be shown immidiately from the first scroll event!07:39
dunkan007that's all my conditions07:40
dunkan007and we will be good07:41
dunkan007OR i can make a hell here07:41
gordonjcpdunkan007: why do you think "make a hell here" will get anyone sympathetic to your problems?07:42
dunkan007gordonjcp: 8-E07:43
gordonjcpdunkan007: what does "8-E" mean?07:44
dunkan007gordonjcp: как же ты заебал07:44
dunkan007я не понимаю тебя!07:44
dunkan007тут всё через жопу07:45
gordonjcpenglish, please07:45
gordonjcpeveryone else in here uses it, even if it's not their first language07:45
dunkan007gordonjcp: i said the london is the capital city in UK07:46
gordonjcpLondon's the capital of England07:46
gordonjcpthe UK is a group of countries, it doesn't have a capital itself07:47
dunkan007gordonjcp: thanks!07:47
gordonjcpdunkan007: anyway, what was the problem with your volume control?07:47
gordonjcpthere's a delay between adjusting it and the volume changing?07:47
dunkan007gordonjcp: when you scroll the volume - the black info box, where you see the changes, it appears in few seconds!07:48
dunkan007and you dont know if first several "scrolls" were enough!07:49
dunkan007you didnt understand07:49
gordonjcpdoes the volume change immediately or does that take a few seconds too?07:50
dunkan007it works good!07:50
dunkan007when you move cursor on the volume control icon, it shows black info panel in one second?07:50
dunkan007where Output: 33%07:51
dunkan007-28,79 dB07:51
dunkan007Built-in Audio Analog Stereo07:51
gordonjcpwhat else is running, is the machine very heavily loaded?07:51
gordonjcpI can get mine to do that by getting it incredibly busy (compiling)07:52
dunkan007any ukranians here?07:52
gordonjcpdunkan007: #ubuntu-uk maybe?07:52
gordonjcpthey might be less into supporting MATE desktop07:53
gordonjcpbut fuck it, if you're going to call me an idiot I'm going to get on with something more fun07:53
gordonjcpgood luck with it, do let us know what the problem turns out to be07:53
=== rw is now known as Guest40882
mate|59875Hi there. I'm trying to find docs on how to install Ubuntu Mate retrospectively from a bare server install08:38
neillI downloaded ubuntu mate now I am unable to get wifi any help09:44
Gobo708Hi All, just imaging a microSD with ubuntu mate on it and I was wondering why I have two kernal image files. kernal.img & kernal7.img present10:19
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Gobo708nvm found it10:33
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Guest82457I seem to have forgotten the program that calls other programs, just by pressing ctrl+alt+space10:57
Guest82457anyone recall the name of the program?10:57
fenixHi. I'm using Ubuntu Mate as a LTSP server. Whenever a user prints something, all users get a notification bubble : i'd like to disable these. I understand that the bubbles come from dbus, and that cupsd (via /etc/cups/subscriptions.conf ? but I can't edit that one as it is rewritten by cupsd) and/or lp (but how?) are sending dbus these notifications, but I can't see where I should configure this.13:17
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ouroumovhi fenix13:23
ouroumovfenix, I know some people on the forum are using it as LTSP too, not sure about here on this channel though13:24
fenixouroumov, I'll give it a try then, thanks :)13:26
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest70997
=== rogerio is now known as Guest29466
Guest29466Hello guys17:22
Guest29466anyone have that nm applet bug?17:23
_Andrew_Hello, how do i get rid of the slow grub theme?17:25
_Andrew_or make it faster?17:25
_Andrew_when I press the arrow keys, it displays a gray ubuntu mate icon, then it slowly renders the text17:25
_Andrew_it takes like 2 seconds each frame17:25
pilnei personally use the ppa for "grub commander" whenever i need to start messing with grub stuff.17:33
Akuli_Andrew_, sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-mate-grub-theme17:38
Akulisudo update-grub17:38
Akuli_Andrew_, don't add a ppa just to remove a package17:38
pilnei don't think he wants the whole theme17:45
pilnejust to change the time of the fade17:45
pilneand there is nothing wrong with adding a gui tool IMHO. i would have never suggested it had he stated he wanted a package removed.17:46
patrick__does anyone know the issue of Asus laptops that they restart after a shutdown?17:49
pilnemy asus g74 does not do that with any linux distro i've tried.17:51
ouroumovpatrick__, you mean instead of getting a shutdown, you get a restart?17:52
patrick__sorry i wrote the wrong name i meant acer. Especially Aspire V517:52
patrick__i shutdown and the power goes off for about 5 seconds. after that it starts again. It's not excactly a restat.17:53
ouroumovSu typing "poweroff" in a terminal works even if you don't use the sudo prefix.17:54
ouroumovInteresting. Didn't know that.17:54
ouroumovpatrick__, have you try shutting down like that?17:55
patrick__i already tried "poweroff". I also read an entry in a forum about to write a script and integrate it into the system. Buti don't know excactly how to do it.17:55
ouroumovAnd have you also tried something more violent like "sudo init 0" ?17:56
patrick__yes. also did that.17:56
patrick__what works is when i type the foloowing: for i in /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/power/control; do echo on >$i;done . After that i can shutdown properly17:57
ouroumovHave you checked if you have power-management options in your BIOS?17:57
patrick__I checked for wake up on lan. But this was already turned off.17:57
ouroumovpatrick__, that command's weird :o17:58
ouroumovBasically your OS has power control off for no reason?17:58
patrick__I read it in a forum. It's written by a guy with the same problem, so i tried it.17:59
ouroumovWhat version of Ubuntu MATE are you using? 16.04?18:00
patrick__Do you know any solution for this?18:00
ouroumovpatrick__, no. Actually you're the first one to mention this problem. :/18:00
patrick__I recently bought a used Acer Aspire V5 and installed it on it. The Distro is great and I am happy with it. The only thing to complain is the shutdown issue.18:01
patrick__Do you think there is a chance a future kernel update could fix it?18:02
ouroumovWell, depends18:04
ouroumovIf the bug has been reported on launchpad or the linux kernel bug tracker, than yes18:04
ouroumovElse: no chance in hell18:04
ouroumovYou should search for a bug report matching your issue18:04
patrick__Can you tell me how i can report this problem?18:05
ouroumovIf you find one, mark yourself as affected to increase the chances someone will work on a fix18:05
patrick__Thanks a lot18:05
ouroumovpatrick__, here's the Ubuntu bug tracker: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu18:05
ouroumovSearch first, and create a new bug if you can't find one that matches your issue18:06
patrick__Thank you very much. I will do that.18:07
ouroumovSo patrick__ in the mean time18:14
ouroumovYou hack something simple to create a shutdown button in the panel if you want18:14
patrick__Sorry i don't understand excactly what you mean.18:15
ouroumovSorry, I meant "you can hack"18:15
ouroumovAnyway, for instance here's a script that should work:18:16
ouroumovIf you save that to a text file, say under ~/bin/poweroff.sh18:17
ouroumovmake it executable using chmod +x ~/bin/poweroff.sh18:17
patrick__Thanks. That's great. So i habe to make it executeable. And then just double click it?18:18
ouroumovThen add a "custom application launcher" in your panel by right clicking on it18:18
patrick__Another thing i forgot tió mention. I think i need to run a root-terminal for this order i wrote you.18:18
patrick__Because I already tried something like that., but if irun my script i am asked to type in my password and then nothing happens.18:20
ouroumovAnd I'm pretty sure you can't make a setuid script :/18:22
ouroumovAny chance you know a little system programming in C ?18:22
patrick__No, I'm sorry.18:23
patrick__Do you think this could help me? http://superuser.com/questions/440363/can-i-make-a-script-always-execute-as-root18:33
ouroumovYes, specifically the C program wrapper18:36
ouroumovHowever, I don't know how to make it so that you're the only one that can use the setuid program18:38
ouroumovMeaning, potentially any user on your system will be able to call it and shut down the machine18:39
ouroumovIs that a problem for you or not?18:39
patrick__No I am the only user.18:53
patrick__Excuse me i didn't answer sooner. Are you still there?18:57
ouroumovopen a terminal18:58
ouroumovnavigate to your home folder using the command "cd"18:58
ouroumovthen create a bin folder in your home: mkdir -p bin18:59
ouroumovgo inside it using cd bin18:59
ouroumovopen that folder in the file explorer (caja)18:59
ouroumovcreate a file named shutdown.c, copy the C code from that superuser answer, and chance the path to your script to /home/you/bin/shutdown.sh19:00
ouroumovcreate a script file shutdown.sh in the same folder, and use the code I gave you earlier19:00
ouroumovcompile the C executable using gcc shutdown.c -o shutdown19:01
fifty-sevenCHow didddly ddo neeighbor19:01
ouroumovchange the executable so the owner is root: sudo chown root shutdown19:03
ouroumovRemove write access to the executable for other users: sudo chown o-w shutdown19:03
ouroumovSet the setuidbit on the executable: sudo chown +s shutdown19:04
ouroumovoh wait, that one was wrong19:04
ouroumovSet the setuidbit on the executable: sudo chmod +s shutdown19:04
ouroumovidem for the previous one: sudo chmod o-w shutdown19:05
ouroumovThen do sudo chmod o+x shutdown19:05
ouroumovThen it should be good to go19:05
ouroumov...I think19:05
patrick__WOW. That's great. I am really grateful.19:05
ouroumovWait to see if it works before being grateful xD19:06
patrick__And this file i can add to my panel?19:06
ouroumovCreate a panel launcher yes, and use the absolute path to the file: /home/you/bin/shutdown19:07
ouroumov(in the "command" part of the launcher)19:07
patrick__Cool. I can test it tomorrow and will try to tell you if it worked.19:09
_CoolGuy_I was kicked out for share an image of debian that is almost lost on the internet...19:52
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lunaticusI'm new20:31
__CoolGuyIs there a good book about IRC?20:47
ouroumovA book about IRC?20:49
ouroumovWhat for?20:49
__CoolGuyI don't know, to learn a little...21:04
__CoolGuyTo learn the basics.21:04
ouroumovYou can read the RFC21:07
ouroumovIt's basically a chat protocol so old it was there before MSN21:08
__CoolGuyOk, thank you.21:35
staeksaucewhen I apply themes form gnome-look, a lot of the time they don't look like the screenshots. Why is that? Specifically the top part of windows will look different a lot of the time21:48
Monthuhelp. Open source drivers not showing in 16.04? screenshot: http://imgur.com/HjSkKPF22:25
ouroumovI take it it's up to date?22:26
Monthuhow do I get the open source drivers (xorg)22:27
ouroumovdunno, ask the forums?22:28
tadcantrying to install language pack for libreoffice, but getting a missing dependency. sudo apt-get install libreoffice-help-en-gb22:31
ouroumovtadcan, why only for libreoffice? Wouldn't it be easier to go to "Language Support" settings and install the new language?22:32
tadcanouroumov, thanks it works now.22:36
staeksauceif I want to use a theme likes this: https://github.com/daniruiz/Super-Flat-Remix-GNOME-theme do I have to be running regular Ubuntu?22:41
JollyGreenDragonHey all - having issues with my left-mouse button no longer working suddenly. Restarting temporarily fixes it. Is this potentially an issue with chromium and compiz?22:57
nomiccheck the mouse (1st)22:58
ouroumovJollyGreenDragon, you're the first reporting it afaik, but Compiz is notoriously buggy22:58
JollyGreenDragonI saw several references to it on StackExchange, is why I asked.23:03
JollyGreenDragonJust wasn't sure if it was still popping up, as they were 1-2 years old23:03
Jason-ToddHelp Please? as a Patreon I got the email to upgrade and now I have Half sound. Meaning my system sounds work (like clicking on the start button gets a sound) but none of my apps have sound (VLC of chomium, etc..)23:16
Jason-ToddI can't even open sound settings23:16
ouroumovJason-Todd, you mean the MATE 1.14 ppa?23:18
ouroumovI haven't tested it yet, but you can ask about that on the forums :/23:18
Jason-Toddis there anyway to reverse this install? or do I need a fresh new install?23:20
Jason-Toddor is there a way to boot in a safe mode?23:21
ouroumovI don't know about safe mode boot, but you other question though is a very good one that you should definitively ask on that thread: https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/mate-desktop-1-14-for-ubuntu-mate-16-04-is-available-now/672223:22
ouroumovAnd if you don't ask, I'm probably gonna do it myself before testing 1.1423:22
Jason-Toddthanks for the info I will poke around23:23
ouroumovNote that there's some info on there specific to mate-volume-control23:23
Jason-Todddamn I think this was my problem23:24
Jason-ToddIf you see the following prompt during the upgrade, then press Enter to accept [default=N]:23:24
Jason-ToddI picked Y23:25

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