
cmaloneyJust took weather spotter training.00:45
cmaloneywoo woo00:45
rick_h_time to chase tornados?00:46
cmaloneyHells no00:49
cmaloneyThat's for JoDee00:49
rick_h_well booooo :P00:55
jrwreni just cut a ton of tree down using only a saw and an axe. Literally, a ton by my estimation, well maybe only 3/401:24
rick_h_jrwren: power of tools01:45
_stink_cmaloney: class provided by oakland county?02:30
_stink_up in pontiac or waterford or something?02:30
cmaloneyFor the SE Michigan area02:30
_stink_every year i think about taking that02:30
_stink_never manage it02:30
cmaloneyThey did it online this time around02:31
cmaloneyso I was eating dinner learning about weather02:31
cmaloneyand about how every fucking conference call starts the same02:31
_stink_ah neat02:31
_stink_about online02:31
_stink_not the call02:31
cmaloneyHow goes?13:04
rick_h_ not bad, now that the camper is here in the driveway I can run away from the houes cleaners inside there13:05
rick_h_so pretend camping from the driveway working on work13:05
cmaloneyhah, nice.13:07
wolfgerdriveway camping \o/15:08
wolfgerGah. Why is  perl -e not working?15:12
jrwrenyou forgot the -i?15:13
jrwrenand the -p ?15:13
wolfgerpie sounds good...15:14
wolfgerbut I've never needed more than just -e before15:14
jrwreni was j/k, it depends on what you are doing.15:14
jrwrenperl -e 'print "works for me";'15:15
wolfgerat this point, I'm just trying to do Hello World15:15
wolfgerstrawberry perl on win 7 (i know, i know, off topic for here)15:15
wolfgeralso my first time trying Strawberry instead of ActiveState fwiw15:16
greg-grick_h_: I totally use the RV in the driveway as a get-away sometimes18:25
rick_h_greg-g: :)18:42

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