
LtLmadcatter: this is not a warez or file-sharing channel00:00
KimishLordcirth: ok the latest (EE) i can see says "AIGLX: reverting to software rendering"00:00
lordcirthKimish, see, that's useful.  Now look at the one before that.  By the way, use '/' to search forwards and '?' to search backwards00:01
KILLME1I f***ed up pretty bad...I was using dd to write an iso to a usb (the iso was 3.6G) and acciddentaly overwrote my main partition which was dm-luks encrypted. It's still on, I'm currently looking at my xfce desktop but I can't do sh**. How do I either save my OS or export all my important stuff to another storage device??00:02
srulii need a some help with a little bash script i have for iptables, the script inserts rules for iptables  V 4 & 6 so i execute 'for V in 4 6; do ip${V}tables' i have a function to remove the  '4' when it populates the rules for iptables v4 ip4tables() {iptables $@} however it doesnt seem to remove the '4' can anyone help me out here please?00:02
sruliKILLME1: is the machine frozen?00:04
KILLME1not entirely conky is still running and whisker-menu still works but can't access a file manager00:04
KILLME1or a terminal00:04
sruliKILLME1: can u view the files with ls in terminal?00:05
lordcirthCtrl-Alt-F2, maybe?00:05
lordcirthttys should be in RAM00:05
lordcirthyou might be able to copy data using utilities that don't happen to be in the wrong 3.6GB or are cached00:06
KILLME1yeah Ctrl-Alt-F2 brings me to the login, I can type but will not login00:06
lordcirthThis would be the "load backups" phase00:07
lordcirthWhich I'm guessing you don't have00:07
sruliKILLME1: the first 5 workds u wrtoe sums it up... i feel ur pain, been there00:07
KILLME1you mean previous backups of the system? Yeah should have done that *facepalm00:08
tgm4883Sounds like it overwrote credentials, which since you can't open a terminal and it's an encrypted partition probably means game over00:08
OerHekswhat bothers me, can one dd to an mounted encrypted partition/disk..00:09
tgm4883unless you have a backup of your luks headers, then maybe you could do something with that00:09
lordcirthOerHeks, dd works on files, some of which happen to be block devices.  Not part of it's mandate to look for mounts00:09
sruliis there a chance the luks headers have not been overwritten and still poss to back it up?00:09
tgm4883OerHeks: why not? dd is a pretty powerful tool, and it's reasons exactly like this why we have tools for making USB bootable stuff that isn't dd00:10
KimishLordcirth : (EE) screen0 deleted because of no matching config section " and before that "(EE) open /dev/fb0: no such file or directory"  what do u think is the problem ?????00:10
KILLME1well my boot partition was exactly 100MB and the iso was 3.6. I think it might have overwritten the headers but idk00:10
tgm4883sruli: not likely, but possibly worth a shot00:10
lordcirthsruli, seeing as he dd'd 3.6GB from the beginning, it's gone, assuming it's the first partition on the drive00:10
lordcirthKILLME1, and your / was right after /boot?  Yeah it's gone.00:11
tgm4883lordcirth: I was on the assumption he wrote to the disk, not the partition00:11
tgm4883but yea, gone either way00:11
KILLME1oh sorry yeah disk00:11
KILLME1I did sudo dd if=file.iso of=/dev/sda bs-1M00:12
KimishLordcirth; ????00:12
lordcirthKimish, ok, what graphics card do you have, and what driver were you using prior to it breaking?00:13
tgm4883KILLME1: it's times like this that a relevant yet unhelpful (post-dataloss) saying comes to mind. "If your data isn't backed up, it's not important"00:13
KILLME1lesson learned fml00:13
tgm4883KILLME1: yep, I think we've all been there at one point or another, missing something that we didn't back up00:14
srulican anyone help me with a little bash script i have for iptables, the script inserts rules for iptables  V 4 & 6 so i execute 'for V in 4 6; do ip${V}tables' i have a function to remove the  '4' when it populates the rules for iptables v4 ip4tables() {iptables $@} however it doesnt seem to remove the '4' can anyone help me out here please?00:14
lordcirthI nuked a 400GB Win7 partition once - which I was planning to do - once I moved my files off.00:15
KimishLordcirth ; am really a noob when it comes to hardware but i guess i have nvidia card00:15
abhisheknvidia-367 sucks00:16
lordcirthI didn't know 367 was out00:16
KimishLordcirth: any way to fix it ??00:17
OerHeksthanks _CoolGuy_ you spammed that here yesterday too.00:17
lordcirthKimish, I wish you could pastebin it.00:17
dax_CoolGuy_: #ubuntu is for technical support. Please don't link artwork here, especially not repeatedly. Thanks :)00:18
lordcirthKimish, Is there a line about "nouveau" ?00:18
Kimishlordcirth: i cant00:19
KimishLordcirth : where should i look for the line in the begining ?00:20
lordcirthKimish, you're using "less", right?  Type /nouveau <Enter> to search for it, and /<Enter> to go to the next00:21
superguest_On previous versions of Ubuntu, to install the flashplayer plugin for Firefox all I needed to do was to cp libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins00:21
superguest_Where should I copy libflashplayer.so to in 16.04?00:21
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as S-USAMakesItRain
OerHeksi thought you needed the flashplugin-installer, which is part of restricted-extras metapackage00:23
lordcirthsuperguest_, a word of warning, flash for linux firefox is deprecated and quite behind on security patches.  It's a bad idea.00:23
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ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash00:24
KimishLordcirth ; yes there are so many lines with nouveau00:25
lordcirthKimish, ok, well, nouveau is the graphics driver you are using.  So there is a decent chance that those lines will reveal your problem.00:26
KimishLordcirth: (II) UnloadModule: "nouveau"00:31
KimishSo what does that says ?00:31
kholdstayrewhere are the init scripts for network-manager stored in ubuntu?00:33
KimishLordcirth: ?00:33
superguest_OerHeks, the help page doesn't apply to 16.04.  Anyway, according to apt, flashplugin-installer is installed *but* youtube is still using html5 player00:35
OerHekssuperguest_, that is automatic preferred, on chrome and perhaps now firefox too00:36
KimishLordcirth:am not sure what is the problem ?00:36
OerHeksflash should die00:36
tgm4883kholdstayre: if you go to http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ does it say that flash is installed?00:37
superguest_tgm4883, yes it does.00:37
tgm4883superguest_: then you're done. Flash is installed00:37
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superguest_tgm4883, Now, how can I set youtube.com to use flash over html5 player?00:38
OerHeksmaybe you don't get the highest streams wwith webm/html5 ..00:38
tgm4883superguest_: that sounds like a question for youtube00:39
tgm4883superguest_: have you tried this https://www.youtube.com/html500:39
sruliin a bash script "for V in 4 6; do ip$Vtables .... done" how can i remove the '4' from the result?00:40
OerHeksabout:config media.mediasource.whitelist = true and media.mediasource.webm.enabled = false #this might push flash00:41
OerHeksreverse of http://askubuntu.com/questions/624171/html5-as-default-for-video-in-firefox-and-banishing-flash00:41
kimishLordcirth: are u still there ??00:43
lordcirth!patience | kimish00:44
ubottukimish: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:44
lordcirthkimish, Unloading is not an error, as usc00:44
lordcirthkimish, you want to look up a bit and see what triggered X to exit.00:44
kimishLordcirth: i remember it happened to me before wheb i wrote startx in the terminal , i got an easy fix at that time . But now the same problem but i dont know shat is causing it ?00:47
kimishLordcirth : how do i exit the log ??00:50
lordcirthkimish, 'q'00:50
lordcirthkimish, most likely there will be an error somewhere, between the X starting up and the X shutting down, that tells you the problem.00:51
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kimishAm not sure wht u mean by X , but should i look for it in the log that error ??00:54
lordcirthkimish, X = X11 = Xorg, same thing.  It is what gets started when you run "startx" or login graphically00:54
lordcirthkimish, it is starting up, then immediately shutting down.  /var/log/Xorg.0.log is it's log file, which will tell you why.00:55
gde33what is with that google chrome process with a name some 200 characters long?00:56
gde33is that normal?00:57
danang HexChat: 2.10.2 ** OS: Linux 4.4.0-21-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "xenial" 16.04 ** CPU: 4 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU       M 520  @ 2.40GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1,20GHz ** RAM: Physical: 3,7GiB, 65,9% free ** Disk: Total: 194,6GiB, 51,3% free ** VGA: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel MID29: ThinkPad EC - ThinkPad Console Audio Control ** Ethernet: Realtek00:58
danangSemiconductor Co., Ltd. CIe Gigabit Ethernet ** Uptime: 50m 30s **00:58
lordcirthgde33, is it causing problems?  Google does lots of wierd things00:58
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:58
lordcirthdanang, ^00:58
danangwrong button00:58
gde33lordcirth: I suppose it just looks hidious00:59
superguest_OerHeks, it didn't do the trick but thanks.00:59
lordcirthgde33, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯00:59
tgm4883gde33: so you're worried about something that you'll rarely see looking hideous?01:00
gde33looks more like 500 characters, no way to copy anything in system monitor?01:00
tgm4883if that's our biggest problem, I'd say we're doing pretty good01:00
gde33tgm4883: it looks like a bug, just wondering if it is normal01:00
tgm4883gde33: sorry, I just don't understand that at all01:01
lordcirthIt's strange, and ugly, but not important01:01
jn_jnhave anyone installed unity3d editor in ubuntu?01:02
lordcirth!help | jn_jn01:06
ubottujn_jn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:06
jn_jnah so, sry I got you, can I know if is possible get rid of the problem of "service not available, please try again later" for unity in ubuntu 16.04?01:07
somsipjn_jn: just ask your real question01:07
jn_jni'm speak about unity 3d, in the channel and in the forum they have no solution01:08
somsipjn_jn: and what is your real question about unity.01:08
lordcirthjn_jn, where and when does this message come up?01:09
somsipjn_jn: laaag - ignore last repeat01:09
lordcirthjn_jn, I wasn't aware that Unity3D had a linux version of the editor.  I don't see one on the site.01:11
somsiplordcirth: it's on a beta page01:12
lordcirthsomsip, where?  I'm on (a) beta page.01:12
somsiplordcirth: link here http://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/08/26/unity-comes-to-linux-experimental-build-now-available/01:12
lordcirthAh thanks01:13
oct14732Hi I'm having trouble installing Ubuntu (and any other distro--tried Lubuntu and Mint) on my HP probook 6465b. The installs seems to go fine, but each time I try to boot, I get dumped out to the BusyBox / initramfs shell. mostly without an error message. But when I try to book in recovery mode, sometimes, I'll catch a "Gave up waiting for root device" msg with a specific error message. "Missing modules (cat /proc/modules: ls /dev01:13
oct14732 ALERT  UUID=a641a2c8-11ae-40ff-9e09-ac07b4953 does not exist. Dropping to Shell. I've tried a bunch of different solutions as suggested on the forums and AskUbuntu, and none of them seem to work. I'm new to linux, so please assume that I'm an idiot/beginner for answers.01:13
jn_jnwhen i want start a new project in the login windows after wrote mail and psswd, a message say "service not available, please try again later" no error in output terminal, I can work with it running offline01:14
somsipjn_jn: that's something you may need unity support about then01:14
lordcirthjn_jn, are you sure this is linux/ubuntu specific?  Sounds like a Unity thing to me01:14
jn_jnlordcirth, yep isn't a unity bug01:15
somsipoct14732: something like this might be relevant? http://homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Jan.Holthuis/misc/uefi-madness/01:15
jn_jnsorry isn't a ubuntu bug01:15
lordcirthhttp://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201101-6954/  Certified hardware for 12.0401:16
somsipjn_jn: it's unsupported (here) and beta software. Issues are to be expected, but I know that's not helpful as such. Try unity support01:16
jn_jni'm searching for someone that know the problem, is a known issue, so don't worry nobody can help me, TY all anyway01:17
_CoolGuy_Is becoming a software architect a big deal?01:17
oct14732somsip, I'm not even trying to dual-boot windows. Just hoping to install 16.0401:17
lordcirth_CoolGuy_, yes, generally.  Why?01:17
_CoolGuy_I don't know.01:18
oct14732lordcirth, do you think that the issue is that I'm trying to install an OS that's too recent? Should I downgrade to 12.05?01:18
lordcirthoct14732, I doubt that's the problem, Ubuntu stable releases are supposed to work on all reasonable hardware01:19
somsipoct14732: the section 'some very bad uefi implementations' suggests that this laptop uses a very bad uefi implementation. Also noted later with "or HP for putting such a crappy UEFI implementation "01:19
_CoolGuy_can a software project run without a software architect?01:20
oct14732is a UEFI implementation something that can be changed?01:20
tgm4883!OT | _CoolGuy_01:20
ubottu_CoolGuy_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:20
somsip!ot | _CoolGuy_01:20
tgm4883Too slow :)01:20
lordcirthGood thing ubottu deduplicates01:20
somsipoct14732: not sure if BIOS upgrades would help, but it might give you something to research about01:20
somsiptgm4883: need more coffee :)01:21
jamesdoct14732: its not that old... but if you want to verify you can grab a copy of the last lts version... 14.04 of somethng.01:21
_CoolGuy_I ask because I prefer hearing from you.01:22
oct14732okay, I'll start looking into BIOS--in the meantime, anyone have any suggestions about that error message?01:22
tgm4883_CoolGuy_: it's not a support question, so you should take it to #ubuntu-offtopic01:23
oct14732I've completely wiped windows off the computer as well, and I haven't put any of my data on there as well--I've reinstalled Ubuntu onto the hard drive multiple times--nothing seems to fix this error01:23
lordcirthoct14732, boot from the installer, install smartmontools, and check the SMART health of the hard drive.01:24
tgm4883oct14732: I'd see if there is a bios/uefi update01:24
somsipoct14732: missed the error message first time I read your question. Quick search shows loads of replies, including http://askubuntu.com/questions/461564/ubuntu-14-04-boot-error and https://www.turnkeylinux.org/forum/support/20150819/error-after-reboot-alert-devdiskby-uuid574707ab-c5c5-4886-b289-7446226fdd90-d both referring to using boot-repair-disk01:26
lordcirthsomsip, but I think if you need to use boot-repair-disk right after install, something is wrong.01:26
somsiplordcirth: oh yes.01:27
=== needhelp is now known as Guest23179
Guest23179Is anyone using zoiper? When I drag the main window with my mouse, it tends to "delay"01:31
administradorHello. does anyone knows how to make a Windows USB for installation? I just cant find the right, way, I formated my USB to NTFS, FAT32 and still get this error message http://pastebin.com/qkV7fNsq01:31
ParlorMaAnyone using Steam (Game: Unturned) ?01:31
somsipadministrador: we dont support windows here, but try rufus. My last word on this.01:31
somsipParlorMa: what's your real question?01:31
ParlorMasomsip, game crashes while Loading (start up) - was curious if someone had some experience with it here. Since I can't find much on Google yet01:32
Guest23179@administrador open disks, go to your usb, restore image, select the iso01:32
somsipParlorMa: can you provide error messages01:32
daxGuest23179: doesn't work.01:32
Guest23179will erase your hard disk01:32
daxadministrador: There is no supported method for making Windows USB disks from non-Windows systems.01:32
Guest23179i mean usb01:32
ParlorMaand Steam Community (discussions) have many posts but not replies with fixes01:32
oct14732okay, i'm running boot-repair right now. hopefully that fixes the problem.01:33
ParlorMasomsip, one moment01:33
daxadministrador: #ubuntu also does not help with ISOs you get from interesting places on the internet01:33
somsipParlorMa: well, I know nothing about steam so cant help personally. Just trying to get you to a stage where someone might be able to help01:33
Guest23179I need help with zoiper having delays with dragging the main window all around the desktop. It tends to lag.01:33
Guest23179Or rather it doesn't "clip" properly on the mouse cursor01:34
somsip!info zoiper | Guest23179 (is it supported here?)01:34
ubottuGuest23179 (is it supported here?): Package zoiper does not exist in xenial01:34
ParlorMasomsip, http://pastebin.com/uPzWVYW0 that's the error message if I try to run it directly. (I appreciate it, though I don't expect much...)01:34
lordcirthParlorMa, a textbook unhelpful error message, I'm afraid.01:35
lordcirthParlorMa, does the game have a log?01:35
ParlorMalordcirth, tried to search for it - but no luck yet... I'll look again01:35
somsipParlorMa: I assume Unturned is the game you're trying to play? If steam works with other games, seems like Unturned publishers have done a Bad Thing01:36
mint1234Does every "checking for ..." have to result in "yes" when executing ./configure script?01:37
somsipmint1234: no01:37
administradordax, I have no CD drive, thats why I have a copy of the Windows legit  ISO01:37
somsipadministrador: still off topic here01:38
* tgm4883 doubts that01:38
XinZhaoWindows Legit Edition01:38
daxadministrador: which you got from somewhere interesting. and there is still no supported way of getting Windows on a USB stick from a non-Windows OS01:38
XinZhaoYou guys know that even pirates right now til the end of the month can get a legit windows 10 licence?01:38
somsip!ot | XinZhao01:38
ubottuXinZhao: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:38
daxso go ask ##windows if you want to poke at it further, but I strongly recommend just finding a Windows computer01:38
mint1234somsip: thank you01:38
administradorsomsip, Well, I am in Ubuntu 14.04, does Ubuntu does basic stuff like making a Windows bootable USB?01:39
lordcirthOr, you know, not installing windows01:39
XinZhaosomsip; I didnt bring it up someone else was talking about it ;D01:39
somsipXinZhao: you continued it, and now you're being asked politely to stop01:39
ParlorMasomsip, lordcirth - it's true, the devs must have done something wrong... Another game I installed works just fine. Anyway appreciate the feedback (As for the log... no luck)01:39
lordcirthadministrador, Windows USB format is not basic, it is undocumented and unstandardized.01:39
XinZhaolol yes sir01:39
administradordax, well, that sucks, eh?01:39
XinZhaoo lorde o commander01:39
daxadministrador: indeed01:39
somsipXinZhao: and mature a little while you're at it01:39
N8TheGr8_Hello all! Can anyone help me with an installation issue I'm having? I'm trying to get to learn how to use Linux properly, however I cannot seem to get it to install alongside Windows 10. My BIOS is UEFI but Alienware seems to have installed the OS as EFI....01:40
XinZhao!ot lordcirth01:41
XinZhao!ot administrador01:41
XinZhaoAt least my tip was actually interesting ;D01:41
XinZhao"USB FORMATS"01:41
daxN8TheGr8_: what's the actual issue you're seeing while trying to install Ubuntu01:41
XinZhaoN8TheGr8_; Windows 10 installed by default that way? weird..01:41
XinZhaoYou can do a clean install01:41
tgm4883ParlorMa: what's the output of "uname -a"01:41
daxXinZhao: (your connection lagged, all your messages just appeared at once, so the floodbot thwacked you)01:41
daxand as far as throwing !ot around goes, i think we all got the point and can stop poking at each other now01:42
tgm4883dax: you're assuming he didn't do that on purpose?01:42
Jordan_UN8TheGr8_: There is no such thing as installing Windows for "EFI" as opposed to UEFI. What problem are you having specifically?01:42
XinZhaoNah I am just an enter fiend. You should see my blog xD01:42
XinZhaoIll try to keep it succinct <301:42
daxtgm4883: correct, because it would make no sense and I assume good faith01:42
daxXinZhao: you sent 7 lines in one second ;)01:43
ParlorMatgm4883, it's linux-wide, not specifically ubuntu - just saying01:43
N8TheGr8_They installed Win8 on it originally, but my system is set to use UEFI with legacy oproms. When I run the installer I don't see the option to install Ubuntu alongside Windows. When I created a partition for Ubuntu, it would only successfully boot into Win10, Ubuntu never showed01:43
XinZhaodax; oh, that sucks, I thought id fixed my lag spikes with my new router ;((01:43
tgm4883ParlorMa: mostly I was asking since I just found a thread saying if you have a 32-bit OS that the game crashes on startup01:43
N8TheGr8_I'm sure I did something incorrectly, hence why I came here for help (which is much appreciated!)01:43
XinZhaoN8TheGr8_; Well that explains it, Win8 was often installed that way.01:43
ParlorMatgm4883, ah no... x64 here. I'll try google again...01:43
N8TheGr8_XinZhao oof...I fear a reinstall is headed my way?01:44
administradorteegee, Hi :)01:44
teegeeI set up a bridge on my 16.04 and am trying to configure the dns server but it won't accept it. I put dns-nameservers into /etc/network/interfaces and tried setting it via nmcli -p c modify br0 ipv4.dns but nothing works01:45
tgm4883ParlorMa: maybe try a newer (beta) or older (classic) or ancient (antique) veresion http://steamcommunity.com/app/304930/discussions/3/535151589888703229/01:46
teegeeI can modify /etc/resolv.conf but it'll be overwritten on boot?01:46
administradorGuest23179. thx for the advice, it looks like all files from the ISO are in the USB, I'll reboot now.01:46
Zhaohow is it even with fibre and a $500 router im still getting dropouts01:47
N8TheGr8_Lmao is that you, Xin?01:47
Zhaothis is not a thing that is supposed to happen01:47
Jordan_UN8TheGr8_: Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l".01:47
N8TheGr8_Hrm...I'm not able to get into Ubuntu...should I boot into the live version?01:47
N8TheGr8_(From USB)01:48
Zhaooh wait, windows 10 decided to ignore my ethernet connection and use wifi instead -_-01:48
Jordan_UN8TheGr8_: Yes.01:49
N8TheGr8_Alrighty, I'll have to disappear for a bit01:49
lordcirthteegee, resolvconf will overwrite it, yes.  Look for /etc/resolvconf01:49
teegeelordcirth: yes, I found that. it says it'll be overwritten too01:50
teegeelordcirth: at least all the bits in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/01:50
teegeelordcirth: or should I put it in the "tail"?01:51
tgm4883teegee: in tail01:51
teegeeand ifdown, ifup will load the changes?01:52
teegeealright, let's reboot01:52
lordcirthteegee, not for dns.  systemctl restart networking01:52
lordcirthor a reboot, ofc01:52
teegeeifdown; ifup made it work01:53
tgm4883teegee: "resolvconf -u"01:53
teegeewhy won't it accept the dns-nameserver line in interfaces?01:54
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lordcirthteegee, Ubuntu Desktop does weird things with networking.  Ubuntu Server uses /etc/network/interfaces quite cleanly.01:54
teegeelordcirth: I think I started with a server install but then I put the lubuntu package on. What do I have now? server or desktop?01:55
OerHeksweird? just disable networkmanager ..01:55
OerHeksor setup networkmanager correct01:55
tgm4883I wouldn't call it weird, network manager is managing the network connection01:55
tgm4883so if you want to put in custom DNS servers, put it in network manager01:56
OerHeksif you don't disable it, you script against a tiger :-D01:56
lordcirthIt would be more precise to say, things my server-focused self does not know.01:56
teegeetgm4883: I tried that with the nmcli01:56
tgm4883teegee: you couldn't add DNS servers via nmcli?01:57
ParlorMatgm4883, funny thing - I used SimpleScreenRec because something was popping up and I couldn't see it. Turns out the games loads to the StartScreen then the window closes & another one (black) opens up.01:57
teegeetgm4883: I could but it didn't seem to use it01:57
* tgm4883 goes back to read the original question01:58
teegeetgm4883: it showed up in nmcli -p c show br0 but host wouldn't look up anything01:58
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ParlorMaanyway, disregard my problem - prioritize other people instead ^_^01:58
N8TheGr8Hello, I'm back! What was the command that someone wanted me to run? :O01:58
teegee(it does now btw)01:58
tgm4883teegee: ah a bridge interface, I'm not sure that's in the scope of nm01:58
teegeeParlorMa: sorry for interfering01:58
teegeetgm4883: ic. I'll accept that and live on happily since it's working now.01:59
teegeeThanks for you help everyone01:59
OerHeksbridge can be done .. http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/wily/man5/nmcli-examples.5.html01:59
N8TheGr8XinZhao, are you still here buddy?02:01
teegeeI'm setting the bridge up in /etc/network/interfaces so I assumed I can just use it to configure the dns too02:01
teegeeI only tried doing it with nm afterwards when it wasn't working02:02
OerHeksnow you know why02:02
teegeebecause when we assume we make an ass out of u and me?02:02
OerHeksno, if we explain it right, you pass it on correctly02:03
OerHekssaves us a lot of time02:04
=== Guest26661 is now known as anupadkh
_44trentso i don't know if this is a good idea, but i'm trying to downgrade xorg to 1.17 so i can get fglrx to work on 16.0402:10
_44trenthow would i go about doing that?02:10
tgm4883_44trent: no, that would not be a good idea I think02:10
OerHeksyou will end up with 14.04.402:11
lordcirth_44trent, have you tried the new "amdgpu" driver?02:12
lordcirthor radeonsi02:12
_44trentcan't use AMDGPU on an R9 390 :/02:13
lordcirth_44trent, Gentoo wiki seems to disagree with you: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Amdgpu02:14
_44trentwell, actually02:14
daxdowngrading xorg in 16.04 is a terrible idea02:14
_44trentyeah if i compile my own kernel02:14
daxif you don't like the default driver in 16.04 for your card, your decent options are: 1) don't use 16.04, or 2) put up with it and see if a solution comes out at some point02:14
daxand by "decent" i mean things that will not break your system and render it unsupportable02:15
_44trentso what you're suggesting is i go to 14.04 or 15.10?02:15
OerHeks15.10 support ends with a month02:15
_44trent...so the previous LTS?02:15
daxi'd go with option (2) to be honest. 15.10 is only supported for nine months from release (so not long), and 14.04 is old and you can't use HWE because it'll end up with xenial xorg soon02:16
_44trenti'll just take a third option and get AMDGPU to work on R9 39002:16
_44trentall it requires it something enabled in the kernel...02:17
_44trentkernel upgrades are kind of risky though...02:17
daxif it involves kernel recompilation, #ubuntu doesn't support it. good luck, though02:17
lordcirth_44trent, Ubuntu generally keeps past kernels around02:17
dax(i do not know whether it does involve kernel recompilation, i haven't looked into it)02:17
_44trentyeah, it requires kernel recompilation. the gentoo wiki and arch wiki have good documentation on it02:18
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turbokrakenHello, I'm looking to install skype on 16.04. I have added a partner repository to download it but keep getting the error "unmet dependencies: skype-bin". Any suggestions?02:24
Guest95904curious anybody know what the difference are between  UHCI/OHCI/EHCI and the xhci for usb controllers are the protocals or spec's pretty much compatible from a software register point of view or does it take much to port a control from one to the other02:25
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OerHeksturbokraken, perform sudo apt-get install -f # this should fix dependencies02:26
Guest95904Basically what i am getting at is what are the major software programming differences02:26
somsip!ot | Guest9590402:26
ubottuGuest95904: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:26
turbokraken@0erheks, it stops then install completely due to the dependency missing. sudo apt-get install -f doesn't download anything. T_T02:27
OerHeksGuest95904, good start https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Host_controller_interface02:27
noraatepernosWhat is the role of the user ubuntu on aws’s Ubuntu image?  I noticed on DigitalOcean there’s no ubuntu user and I think this is a “sodoer” if I’m not mistaken.02:27
somsipnoraatepernos: sudo with no password02:27
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga02:27
noraatepernosI need to replicate the aws user on digital ocean.02:28
noraatepernossomsip: Awesome thanks.02:28
OerHeksugh, ugly wiki .. sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 ..02:28
turbokrakenYeah, followed the wiki and get the same results.02:29
OerHeksturbokraken, what is the complete error you get? paste in paste.ubuntu.com please02:30
tgm4883turbokraken: it might be best to use the web02:30
OerHeksskype app is indeed wonky02:30
turbokrakenI just need it for a job interview Thursday.02:31
turbokrakenIf the web will work with the cam and mic then I should be good.02:31
OerHeksturbokraken, sudo apt-get install skype-bin02:32
tgm4883turbokraken: I'm not sure the app works with cam and mic anymore. IIRC it's not been updated for awhile so some functionality doesn't work02:32
OerHeksreally odd that it does not get installed02:32
Guest95904anybody know what the irq mei_me is for what hardware on the computer uses this... I looked up and it say's its called Intel(R) Management Engine Interface02:34
Guest95904And say's its for allow remote administrators to login to the machine to do such things as apply patches, defrags, and other administrative tasks02:34
Guest95904But what exactly is the hardware for it / what hardware triggers it uses02:35
OerHeksGuest95904, how is this related to ubuntu support?02:35
OerHekstry the ##hardware channel02:35
Guest95904its part of the ubuntu os02:35
jamesdGuest95904: my guess its for the ilom, or a group of iloms so tools could allowed to orcestrate the install over pathes on 100's or 1000's or even 10's of thousands of boxes, i think HP latest servers support it.02:36
tgm4883Guest95904: no, it's part of your intel processor/chipset. It's not generally used in home applications. Further, among privacy experts, it's considered a security risk02:36
Guest95904where is it used and how does it work .02:38
Guest95904remote administration why would that need an interrupt02:38
jamesdthink google or amazon clouds, where they need to patch many boxes at once. but frankly MC would do a better job and safer.02:38
Guest95904so your saying is it part of the cpu internals or on the motherboard02:38
tgm4883Guest95904: yes02:39
jamesdcpu internals, that is accessed by the ilom ( out of band management)02:39
Guest95904ilom ?02:39
tgm4883Guest95904: https://libreboot.org/faq/#intelme02:40
deadmundI just installed kubuntu-desktop and purged unity, but when I boot my system I just got a black screen (no login manager) what should I do?02:41
jamesdGuest95904: its basicly a small computer insdiet the big one that monitors the big computer and allows you to see the console over a web interface, and crates virtual cdrom so you can install the system from anywhere.02:42
deadmundI can switch to TTY1 and run commands02:42
lordcirthdeadmund, install sddm?  I think that's what Kubuntu 16.04 uses02:43
deadmundlordcirth: I installed it and I will reboot.  I was using lightdm I think (I have been working without taking a lot of care to what commands I've been running)02:43
Guest95904so won't that be a privacy issue since a hacker or somebody could uses it to monitor all of what your doing on your own computer02:44
tgm4883Guest95904: well yes02:44
lordcirthGuest95904, yes, if they can get in, or steal Intel's backdoor keys02:44
tgm4883Guest95904: I mean, they would need to gain access to it first02:44
Guest95904I guess what was the many purpose for it or the big benifit for the addition02:44
tgm4883Guest95904: you'd have to ask Intel02:44
deadmundI installed sddm, tested the sytem, no luck. I purged and reins02:45
deadmundSeems to be working fine.  Moving on02:45
deadmundlordcirth: Thanks!02:45
lordcirthdeadmund, cool.  np.02:46
jamesdGuest95904: if you tie into the ilom, you can have pre-shared keys so everything sent accross the wire is encrypted, and you can use firewalls to keep traffic off the network and ilom traffic is supposed to limited to system management only no internet.02:46
Guest95904has any home users ever used it or does the any os kernel uses this its on an irq a LKM does exist  mei and mei_me02:46
Guest95904so the os must have some uses for it02:46
tgm4883jamesd: you can use the IME to gain access to the desktop session as well02:47
jamesdGuest95904: no a home user would use it, its faster to have windows updater or apt-get update/upgrade take care of it.  and most home users don't create there own packages.. so no real reason not to use the OS provided tools02:47
jamesdtgm4883: yeap probably helps some hell desk people.02:48
samy87for the life of me i cannot delete a folder even as root. i have checked lsof, restarted the server many times. shutdown all services with no avail. I keep getting permission denied. chmod is 0777, ownership is root. please adivse?02:48
jamesdbut really microsoft has remote desktop tools pretty well setup, just send a rdesktop invite or have them go to a website and take over .02:48
tgm4883jamesd: perhaps, although there are other tools for that. I'd much rather that IME didn't exist02:49
Guest95904so why are thos lkm loaded for it02:49
jamesdtgm4883: someone asked for it... probablty can be disabled without much trouble02:49
Guest95904if they dont have a purpose i should have no issues with other things not usesing it with rmmod02:50
tgm4883jamesd: well that's the rub. It's closed source proprietary stuff. Can it really be disabled?02:50
jamesdits probably an option in the bios or the ilom.02:50
b-yeezisamy87 did you look at lsattr? Make sure it is not an immutable file02:50
tgm4883jamesd: yes, there is an option for that, but I'm not sure I want to trust something so low level on the system that isn't open source02:51
samy87b-yeezi: no but lsattr says ----i--------e-- i don't know what this means!02:52
lordcirthsamy87, if you are sure you want to delete it, try 'chattr -i <file>'02:53
samy87never mind i understand02:53
samy87yes thank you,02:53
jamesdtgm4883: may i interest you in a opensource cpu, there are several out there, they aren't cheap but they are opensource.02:54
reisiothey aren't real competitive, either02:57
reisiobut they are open source :)02:57
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zykotick9tgm4883: <sidenote> https://libreboot.org/faq/#intelme </ot>03:27
BenderRodriguezrebelos: I thought you despised Ubuntu03:30
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=== plop is now known as plop_its_ellie
plop_its_elliehey has anyone here had issues connecting to wifi on ubuntu 16.04?03:46
plop_its_elliei ask cuz ive had 2 clients that have had issues connecting to their wifi03:47
uxfiis LAMP on 14.04 a good VPS isntane i can use if I dont want to et up a web server fully?03:48
plop_its_ellieLAMP=linux apache mysql php03:49
plop_its_ellieit sets up a web server plus the additional stuff03:50
plop_its_ellieawwww :(04:00
somsipplop_its_ellie: it's throttled04:03
tominatorIs there any way to add Mac compatibility to a portable ubuntu installation?04:06
tominatorLike updating grub so it works with mac?04:06
tominatorAnd PC04:06
somsip!mac | tominator04:07
ubottutominator: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages04:07
tominatorThis is more of an overarching Ubuntu question04:07
somsiptominator: and that's more of a general help page for mac-related issues04:07
tominatorAlright, thank you for the redirect04:08
tominatordo i put in #mac?04:08
plop_its_ellieubottu, i loaded ubuntu mate on a 5k imac the other day via live usb, it ran fine but it was so funny how tiny everything was04:08
ubottuplop_its_ellie: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:08
plop_its_elliewoops lol04:08
tominatorI did the same thing :P04:08
somsiptominator: there are also links on that page for other resources that might help04:09
tominatorAlright, I'll check it out, thanks04:09
plop_its_elliei was actually quite impressed tho that everything else seemed to be working fine04:09
tominatorsomsip: It answered my question. Thank you.04:15
somsiptominator: cool04:15
plop_its_elliehey i have another question for you guys04:32
XinWell, that was interesting04:33
Xinsomeone tried very hard to hack me04:33
plop_its_elliei was also telling a client today about file system snapshots and how it will help against ransomware04:33
plop_its_elliei gave her ubuntu 16.06, so realistically the most practical filesystem to put on her external hdd with snapshots would be btrfs04:33
plop_its_elliewould you guys feel comfortable giving clients btrfs?04:34
Xinplop_its_ellie; good advice, and yet you yourself go on irc not using a vhost04:34
somsipplop_its_ellie: it's more an opinion thing rather than support, so #ubuntu-offtopic or even #linux as a general FS question.04:34
jamesdplop_its_ellie: well hope another bug comes down from them.. they have had some pretty big showstoppers that destroy data, hope it doesn't destroy your relationship04:34
plop_its_elliewell i havent formatted any of her drives to btrfs but she is getting an external hdd for backups04:35
plop_its_ellieand i will try the offtopic chanal04:35
superguestHow can I install 3rd party software in Ubuntu 16.04?04:49
somsipsuperguest: like what?04:49
superguestI am trying to installing the Google Chrome deb package04:49
superguestand Ubuntu Software is not allowing me to do so04:49
somsipsuperguest: download it and sudo dpkg -i {file} which will also add a PPA so you can update it through apt-get in the future04:49
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superguestsomsip, thanks.  I am getting a sense that Ubuntu is starting to impose more restrictions.04:54
somsipubottu: why?04:54
ubottusomsip: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:54
somsipsuperguest: why?04:54
superguestsomsip, your solution worked btw.04:54
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=== WARDEN is now known as Sysop_WARDEN
ddnhhi all05:27
ddnhcan anybody read me?05:28
nicomachushas anyone ever used the webpage monitor 'urlwatch'?05:29
ddnhthan you Ben64, didn't know whether loging is needed or what05:29
ddnhcan anybody tell me how to configure power settings from CL as it is not present in graphical mode anywhere?05:30
Ben64system tools -> preferences -> power05:31
ddnhsystem tools -> preferences -> power is not there and system configuration has almost no icons05:32
ddnhif I could launch it from CL it could be done05:32
Ben64ddnh: you must have installed ubuntu in some weird way then05:36
=== jrusso is now known as MadcapJake
bownslUnable to install Ruby gem sqlite3 on xenial05:43
bownslI have downloaded ruby-full ruby-sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev and sqlite3 packages05:44
bownslBut it still fails to find sqlite3.h... header files05:44
FlipptoHey all. Does anyone have any experience with installing ubuntu on an eMMC drive ? My drive kicks me out when i try to install on my laptop.05:44
greydawgbownsl: that's not enough info mate05:45
greydawgyeah like a SD card?05:45
somsipbownsl: usually, you need a -dev package to get header files05:45
somsipbownsl: oh - you did. Ignore that05:45
greydawgbownsl: yeah05:45
bownslas I listed the libsqlite3-dev has the headers05:45
bownsli located the headers and it returns /usr/include/sqlite3.h05:45
greydawgfor python it's python-dev05:45
Flipptogreydawg> Yeah. I can partition and format fine. But when the installer runs, it just error out.05:46
bownslso for whatever reason there not being found by the gem install command05:46
greydawgthere you go05:46
greydawgwhat OS do you have ?05:46
greydawgFlippto: what os windowsl?05:46
Flipptogreydawg> Its native win10, but i deleted the drive and re-partitioned it.05:47
greydawgFlippto: so when does the error occur?05:48
NosophorusI had an strange problem here with my internet connection.05:48
Flipptogreydawg> When its done copying files over and starting the install. It says the drive is write protected.05:48
bownslwhats odd is `gem list sqlite3` returns sqlite3 in the list05:49
bownsland I can require it in irb05:49
NosophorusWhen using the Network Manager to connect to the web using my DSL connection, some websites took forever to load.05:50
NosophorusBut when I used the command "pppoeconf" to configure my DSL connection and connect to the web, the websites are loading flawlessly.05:50
NosophorusWhy did that happen?05:50
greydawgNosophorus: you can use manual configuration05:52
greydawgfor ipv405:52
Nosophorusgreydawg: Any link to a tutorial? :-)05:53
greydawgman copy your connection information05:53
greydawgand than edit your connection settings05:54
greydawgin the ipv4 tab enter information05:54
Nosophorusgreydawg: What is the command line to retrieve my connection information?05:58
tim241hi guys I have a problem: http://pastebin.com/y8zDC2EE I am following this tutorial: https://github.com/chenxiaolong/DualBootPatcher/blob/master/docs/BUILD-Android.md please help me or pm me05:58
greydawgdo you not have a GUI05:59
somsiptim241: contact the maintainer of that gihub package.05:59
Nosophorusgreydawg: Yes. I have the Network Manager GUI, but, right now, I'm connected through the command line "pppoeconf"05:59
brelodHey guys! have u ever tried mailpile?06:02
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atralhea-Hello, I want to set a system-wide DNS to be applied on every connection I have or I will have, and prevent any other DNS server to be used. I tried this: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/128220/how-do-i-set-my-dns-when-resolv-conf-is-being-overwritten/163506#163506 but I still have my previous DNS server beside the new one.06:14
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=== Guest66314 is now known as explosive
epifanio__ hi, i'm struggling with permision settings ..  how can i set the permision of a directory to be:  drwxr-xr-x+   instead of drwxr-xr-x ?06:32
Ben64the + means you have ACLs... what exactly are you trying to accomplish06:32
epifanio__I'm tring to setup a multi user service, jupyter notebook, which for each user will use the directory  ./local to store some settings related to extension to its interface  that uses the06:34
epifanio__i did this for one user, now i need to replicate it for other users06:34
epifanio__so i copied the  ./local from one user ..  inside the home of an other user06:35
tim241I have a problem when I am trying to build the apk from this tutorial:https://github.com/chenxiaolong/DualBootPatcher/blob/master/docs/BUILD-Android.md : http://pastebin.com/Bgj18urc06:35
epifanio__and now i got a 500 error06:35
Ben64./local isn't very specific06:35
epifanio__i checked the permisions .. between the 2 directory and they differ for the acl,  ./local/share/nameofthe application06:35
Ben64how about the owner06:36
epifanio__exactly this:  http://paste.debian.net/725377/ on top is the original directory on bottom the one i copied06:37
epifanio__i tried t assign the owner with chown but it didn't change06:37
epifanio__I have root access, but  i copied it with a normal user06:38
Ben64stop using "./local" it's impossible to tell the difference06:38
epifanio__ok, a generic directory06:38
Ben64....no give the full path06:38
Ben64do you see what you pasted? "here is ./local"  .... "and here is ./local"06:39
subuhi have installed ubuntu 16.04 and i then i install ssh server but from client conection refused06:39
brelodsubuh: r u on LAN?06:41
epifanio__Ben64, all the files in ./local/share/jupyter/* needs to change from -rwxr-xr-x to -rwxr-xr-x+06:41
Ben64the + by itself means nothing06:41
brelodsubuh: i mean are the client and the server on the same LAN network?06:41
subuhyes, i work localy fror my local server06:41
epifanio__Ben64, can you explain? I do not undrstand .. that's the main problem06:42
brelodsubuh: is there any firewall settings? everything is accepted?06:42
subuhmy local server ip's
Ben64epifanio_: it's still not clear to me what you're doing, maybe try explaining it more fully? and use full paths, not relative06:43
subuhmy pc ip's
epifanio__oh, i see. ok. in each $HOME of each user of my server there is a .local folder which has full path:  /home/$USER/.local/share/jupyter/*06:44
subuhi have tried to ping from my pc to my server, the result is reply06:44
epifanio__i copied it from one uswer to the other06:44
epifanio__cp -R /home/$USER_1/.local/share/jupyter/ /home/$USER_2/.local/share/06:45
brelodsubuh: try that: nc -vz 2206:45
epifanio__so now $USER_2 has :  /home/$USER_2/.local/share/jupyter   (as $USER_1)06:46
subuhbrelod ; Ok i'll try06:46
AleksejsHi. There are some programs that get regular updates (daily), and update for each is exactly 4Mb large. Programs are neovim, different tox clients etc. It's definitely a pattern here. Is it something I should worry about?06:46
epifanio__but whwen I try to load a webpage from the app that uses that folder, i got a error 50006:46
Ben64epifanio_: so each person has a webserver?06:46
studentHey, how to install growtopia?06:46
epifanio__Ben64, yes it is a multiuser service which uses PAM authentication to generate a per-user istance of the application06:47
Ben64epifanio_: does the user own everything within the folder06:48
epifanio__Ben64 yes06:48
brelodsubuh: if 'connection refused' -> is the service running? 'sudo service ssh status | grep active' -> running or dead in brackets?06:48
Ben64epifanio_: run getfacl on the directory with the +06:49
brelodsubuh: you should run this cmd on the server side06:49
atralhea-guys do you know a channel about networking stuff? specially iptables, I think it can be my answer06:49
studentNu-Gi-Oh is my favorite show on redtube :306:51
epifanio_Ben64 http://paste.debian.net/725407/06:52
Ben64then something else is the problem06:53
epifanio_tis is on the directoy without = : http://paste.debian.net/725408/06:54
Ben64epifanio_: well that's not normal06:56
Ben64epifanio_: are you on ubuntu?06:56
epifanio_on debian06:56
Ben64then use #debian06:56
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epifanio_ok  kid .. i'll ask your big brother06:57
tim241If I do su in the terminal: it asks me for a password, when I fill in my root account password it says su: Authentication failure06:58
tim241 but I can do sudo with the password of the roo account?failure06:58
Ben64!root | tim24106:59
ubottutim241: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:59
tim241why did they removed that? wtf07:00
Ben64it's been like that for a LONG time07:00
epifanio__Ben64, big brother debian said: remove the copy .. and copy it again using sudo07:00
epifanio__and that fixed it07:00
Ben64epifanio__: ok, don't come here for debian support07:01
epifanio__Ben64 OK .. I should not come here for anything related to unix then .. becouse those basic things are the same on all *nix OS07:02
epifanio__i thing you are a bit racist ..07:02
Ben64epifanio__: it's called #ubuntu ... if you want unix there is a channel for that, for general linux there is ##linux for debian there is #debian. use the proper channels, don't be dumb07:02
epifanio__Ben64, you are perfectly right. I tried .. is late, i'm still at work and I left my laptop at home which is logged on irc and on linux and unix you can't post if you are not authenticated .. thet's the reason of all those underscore with my username07:04
epifanio__anyway .. thanjks07:05
TheodoreDevAntoine what up friend07:27
tim241_where will android studio install the sdk? on linux07:35
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wmlkhow to use it07:49
wmlkwho can tell me how to use it07:50
tocHallo, I have problem with my Broadband modem. When I connect it I can not connect to internet I get the following error message : (1) Creating object for path '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/0' failed in libnm-glib.08:01
Tim241I have an error when building an apk from this tutorial: https://github.com/chenxiaolong/DualBootPatcher/blob/master/docs/BUILD-Android.md I tried to reinstall the SDk no luck :-( error: http://pastebin.com/TM9szkWK Please help me08:01
tocThe screenshots are here : https://www.justbeamit.com/ttte208:01
tocPlease help08:01
tocI have same problem with my both computers it appears on Lubuntu and Ubuntu08:02
tocI need to restart my computer just to make it work08:03
tocThank you08:03
tocI could not find fix in web...08:04
tocAnybody had same issue ?08:04
diverdudeHello. is it possible to make a user which can only log in via ssh and which only can view/read/write/execute content in his home directory and execute system programs? (Everything should be completely closed to the user)08:04
your_mirrorHello, Can somebody explain about c++ compile and drivers (alsa). I'm compiling pjsip library on Linux. All works good if I use default sound card, so there is sound. After that I connect a usb headphones and set as default sound card and there isn't sound in pjsip. Should I compile with connected headphones or what I should to do?08:15
guzzlefryIs there a recommended PPA for PHP7?08:18
diverdudeHello. is it possible to make a user which can only log in via ssh and which only can view/read/write/execute content in his home directory and execute system programs? (Everything should be completely closed to the user)08:21
ikoniadiverdude: you should look at chroot08:22
ikoniaand maybe look at policy kit and acl's depending on how far you want to push08:22
GnomethrowerHey everyone. I was wondering if anyone knows a tool like fuser or lsof that works on FUSE filesystems when they crash08:31
ikoniafuse file system ?08:32
ikoniait's not actually a file system, it's just how it's presented to the user over the network08:33
ikoniaeg: samba - is not actually a file system08:33
Gnomethrowerspecifically, if MooseFS or LizardFS or GlusterFS FUSE client crashes, with dir /storage/lfs as the mountpoint, I can't umount /storage/lfs until I kill anything using it. lsof and fuser however are useless in this scenario and do not work with crashed FUSE mountpoints08:33
Gnomethrowerikonia: in this case I'm talking about actual filesystems. I'm aware FUSE is for other stuff too08:33
ikoniaGnomethrower: what file system are you actually talking about then08:33
_peter_@search pease08:33
Gnomethrowerikonia: LizardFS in this case, but we've seen the same behaviour from Gluster and MooseFS08:34
ikoniaGnomethrower: isn't this the same situation as any remote userspace mount, as then the mount goes the userdata/status is lost08:34
ikoniaso when you remount tools like lsof won't show anything08:34
hotspotanybody know how to change channel on the ubuntu hotspot or some other software to create a hotspot without AP mode?08:35
ikoniaso you fix it on the server which the file system is not a userspace mount, it's a local file system08:35
Gnomethrowerikonia: I'm not worried about remounting losing the status08:35
Gnomethrowerikonia: I'm wanting to unmount it from a client, but it won't let me while for example nginx is running08:35
Gnomethrowerand usually lsof/fuser would tell you what to kill to be able to successfully umount08:36
Gnomethrowerbut lsof and fuser do not work on a crashed FUSE mountpoint08:36
Gnomethrowerokay, apparently this is a kernel limitation and there's really no easy solution08:36
Gnomethrowerso consider my question solved I guess08:37
diverdudeikonia, if i set up chroot for a specific user logging on via ssh, would that user still be able to run rsync from his home directory to a remote server?08:38
LJHSLDJHSDLJHhow can I copy/paste colored text from terminal into some sort of file format keeping the same coloring?08:38
diverdudeikonia, hmmm it seems chroot is very insecure and easy to break out from08:42
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arlekinhow can i couple hardware touchpad switch with software one in ubuntu 16.04 ?08:46
arlekini mean after restart os somehow remembers whether it had disabled touchpad, but hardware switch enables touchpad08:46
arlekinso now after clicking hardware (and even worse cause software too) touchpad switch08:47
arlekinit toggles state of touchpad (to enabled in ubuntu) but to disabled on switches08:47
arlekinin some previous ubuntu version this could be alleviated by changing keyboard shortcut for disabling touchpad08:48
arlekinbut i can't find it right now08:48
nancy077I have to migrate a database from my local computer in windows to a remote server which is in ubuntu. I have stored the database in a .sql file using mysqldump command. When i copy database to ubuntu server then only some tables of the database are copied. All tables in .sql file are not copied. What might be possible reason for this problem?08:51
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nancy077Hey I need some urgent help on this08:53
nancy077I have to migrate a database from my local computer in windows to a remote server which is in ubuntu. I have stored the database in a .sql file using mysqldump command. When i copy database to ubuntu server then only some tables of the database are copied. All tables in .sql file are not copied. What might be possible reason for this problem?08:53
hotspotnancy077: try a mysql channel08:53
nancy077hotspot: I am not able to connect08:54
nancy077hotspot: This is the error i get:  Cannot send to channel: #mysql08:55
hotspotnancy077: try the mysql help forum08:56
lyzenancy077, is your irc account registered?09:00
lyzeIt seems like that you need to have a registered account before you can write in there09:01
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode09:01
k1lnancy077: read the topic of that channel. some channels needs a user to be registered due to troll abuse. for mor help ask in #freenode (which is moderated sadly)09:01
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Tim241I have an error please help me: http://pastebin.com/s7X7XgPJ09:05
hateball!compile | Tim24109:05
ubottuTim241: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall09:06
k1lTim241: sounds like you should ask the people you got the stuff from you want to compile09:08
Tim241I did on github but no reaction09:08
ducasseTim241: then wait for an answer.09:08
sparky2145do you guys know how to fully boot an ASUS Eeebook X205TA09:09
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explosivesparky2145: fully boot?09:10
Guest13472i updated my 15.10 to 16.04 and i'm stuck at this /dev/sda7: clean, xxx/xxx files, xxx/xxx blocks in fsck check09:10
sparky2145yes like as main operating system09:10
explosiveGuest13472: try to boot without quiet splash in the grub kernel line09:11
explosivesparky2145: make a live usb and install ubuntu09:11
explosivesparky2145: dual boot or single?09:11
sparky2145wont work ive tried09:11
explosivesparky2145: what did you try09:11
explosivesparky2145: dual boot with windows or ubuntu only?09:12
k1lwhat is the exact issue?09:12
Guest13472explosive: how to start without splash using grub ?09:12
sparky2145um dual boot with windows 1009:12
explosive!nomodeset | Guest13472 follow the guide here but dont add nomodeset, just remove quiet splash09:13
ubottuGuest13472 follow the guide here but dont add nomodeset, just remove quiet splash: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:13
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Guest13472explosive: i did adavance ubuntu options from grub and opened it in recovery mode there is option of opening root terminal , it says enter root password for maintainece09:15
Guest13472explosive:when i enter my password it says wrong password09:15
sparky2145try toor09:16
explosiveGuest13472: that's not it, press e over ubuntu in grub09:16
Odd_BlokeCould someone who did a fresh desktop install from a xenial ISO pastebin their /etc/apt/sources.list for me?09:16
explosiveGuest13472: go to the line that says linux /boot/vmlinuz and remove quiet splash at the end and press ctrl+x09:16
explosiveOdd_Bloke: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17112254/09:17
Guest13472explosive: okay let me try09:17
explosiveGuest13472: it asks for root password cause you have the root account enabled, maybe disable it again once the issue is fixed09:18
Odd_Blokeexplosive: Thanks!09:18
explosiveOdd_Bloke: no problem09:18
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Guest13472explosive: in the end it is written quiet_splash $vt_handoff , what should i remove ?09:19
myeaglefliesdoes anyone use firebird under ubuntu? I cannot find SYSDBA.password file. Is it possible to change DBA's password without knowing previous one?09:19
explosiveGuest13472: quiet splash09:19
sparky2145yeah so can someone help me i want to switch to Linux becuase windows is a peice of S@#$ and i just cant dual boot my laptop09:19
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explosivesparky2145: you have to give info, what'd you try til now, any errors, etc09:19
Guest13472explosive:did it now waiting09:20
sparky2145when i make my usb to boot and try and restart igo onto the uefi and change the boot order i did that and i press save and exit but it doesnt read the usb09:20
explosivesparky2145: try to get a boot options menu and choose the usb09:21
irwissis there a reason for not turning ufw logging off? it seems spammy and i don't see any interesting information from random bot pokes to ssh/random ports, am i missing some crucial piece?09:21
explosive(on the fly menu)09:21
Guest4457hey guys dose anyone  know how i could remove a ".gtz "file?09:21
Guest13472explosive:a screen came with lot of logs written on it with [OK] badge09:21
explosiveGuest13472: any failed? anything interesting?09:22
Guest4457hey guys dose anyone  know how i could remove a ".gtz "file?09:22
sparky2145yeah ive read up on this and i have a 32 bit processor and a 64 bit os and it says you cant run it is this true?09:22
explosiveGuest4457: what's a .gtz file?09:22
explosivesparky2145: yeah, how do you have a 32bit processor though09:23
pvTYou mean Tgz ?09:23
explosivehow old is the laptop?09:23
Guest13472explosive: one with [FAILED] clean up any mess by 0dns-up and screen is stuck on [OK] started update UTMP about system runlevel09:23
Guest4457its a python file i tried to download but it doesn't work.09:23
sparky2145other way round sorry09:24
pvTlol XD09:24
explosiveGuest4457: rm /path/to/file09:24
sparky214532 bit os 64 bit processor09:24
Guest4457its python-3.4.4.tgz09:24
explosivesparky2145: it should still work, download a 64bit iso though09:24
Guest13472explosive:screen stuck on [OK] started update UTMP about system runlevel09:24
explosiveGuest4457: how did you attempt to run it? did you extract it?09:24
explosiveGuest4457: is it a python file or actually python itself?09:25
explosiveGuest13472: no idea09:25
hicoleriI have recently noticed that you can directly use apt instead of apt-get for installing stuff, the difference being that when I install files through apt instead of apt-get, there are colors and a progress bar of the actual installation process. Are there any other differences?09:25
Guest13472explosive: you did not made it worse ? did you ?09:26
Guest4457its python compiler.09:26
sparky2145ok ill try thanks09:26
explosivehicoleri: seems to be the same almost, the man page says apt isn't fit for scripts though09:26
explosiveGuest4457: which ubuntu are you using?09:26
explosivesparky2145: no problem09:26
hicoleriexplosive: okay09:26
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Theodoreanyone here use this os yet?09:36
Theodoreandroid on pc.09:36
anabainfreshly installed kubuntu 16.04: as root, ping google.com does not work, but ping does. What's going on? resolv.conf stuff?09:40
SwedeMikeanabain: "does not work" isn't a helpful fault description.09:42
SwedeMikeanabain: does it resolve google.com and tries pinging but you get no answer, or the resolvig of google.com to an IP address fails?09:42
anabainSwedeMike,  unknown host is the output from ping google.com as root09:42
SwedeMikeanabain: then you have a resolver problem, yes.09:43
anabainwhat's next, then, SwedeMike09:43
SwedeMikeanabain: http://askubuntu.com/questions/152593/command-line-to-list-dns-servers-used-by-my-system09:43
SpookanTheodore: It looks interesting.09:52
anabainSwedeMike, http://paste.ubuntu.com/17112612/09:53
anabainI wonder at what level am I Having this resolver problem...09:54
SwedeMikeanabain: so you have one resolver located in cogent network, one in Abrared in Madrid, one Google resolver09:55
SwedeMikeanabain: which one seems like it should be the one you use?09:56
anaranhi, can't ssh from my upgraded xenial to an old trusty host. Can I upgrade to ssh2 in trusty, as opposed to installing ssh1 in xenial?09:57
anabainSwedeMike, all other boxes at home are using the same config and the same version OS, so I don't know exactly and they work fine. Is it relevant?09:58
TheodoreSpookan yes im putting on a 16GB usb stick now10:00
Theodoregoing to install in a few here10:00
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Gobo708Hi All, just imaging a microSD with ubuntu mate on it and I was wondering why I have two kernal image files. kernal.img & kernal7.img present10:21
mint1234where to find information and source of acl library that is used by sed?10:22
Ben64Gobo708: can you be more specific10:23
Ben64mint1234: mint is supported in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org10:23
Gobo708Ben64, hi, yes so I have installed ubuntu mate on a raspberry pi microSD10:24
Gobo708Ben64, I am taking a backup image of the microSD from windows10:25
Gobo708Ben64, I browsed the MicrosSD, that had ubuntu mate installed on it... and noticed two files of the same size. Approx 3.7G10:25
Gobo708kernal.img & kernal7.img10:25
Gobo708Seems to me thats its duplicated the kernal image10:26
ogra_Gobo708, the two kernel files are a thing from broadcom, you have to ask in the rpi community10:26
ogra_ubuntu just uses their setup to boot the image10:26
Gobo708ok thanks10:26
Ben64well that has nothing to do with ubuntu, if they're 3.7GB it's likely a whole disk image10:26
akikGobo708: and it's never spelled kernal if you refer to the linux kernel10:27
Ben64that too10:27
Gobo708akik: Thanks for the spell check10:27
katharinamake my love go10:28
user1__problem with ssd to usb adapter on ubuntu 16.04 - http://paste.ubuntu.com/17113097/10:30
user1_no one here?10:32
Ben641930 people here10:32
user1_i meant none to answer my q? http://paste.ubuntu.com/17113097/10:33
acetakwasI'm having a distorted screen10:33
acetakwasIt happens every once in a while10:33
acetakwasWhat could be causing that?10:33
Ben64bad video card, bad video card drivers, something along those lines10:34
FikiI have to say Ubuntu is less stable than I hoped, I mean the problems I encounter are usually easily fixable but are annoying a bit I get things like: at decryption when I type in the password the CPU fan goes to max and it remains frozen, Ubuntu won't shutdown, interface freeze(though less regular than on 14.04)10:34
acetakwasI use LXDE, and it's never happened with Unity10:34
acetakwasHow could it be a bad video card?10:34
ikoniaFiki: the cpu fan goes to max as your cpu is probably working to decyrpt10:34
acetakwasFor some text on the screen to be missing10:35
Ben64weird things happening on screen .... usually you'd look at what is displaying it10:35
acetakwasBen64::  How do you mean please?10:36
Ben64i don10:36
Ben64't think i can explain it any simpler10:36
acetakwasOkay, thanks10:36
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acetakwasOnly got fixed after a reboot10:40
idevwhat is the minimal machine that can support 3 monitors?10:49
Hanumaanhow to know which package has to be installed to get the files /usr/lib/libhunspell-1.2.so.0             and         /usr/lib/libhunspell-1.2.so.0.0.010:50
somsip!find libhunspeall | Hanumaan10:51
ubottuHanumaan: Found: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 13 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libhunspeall&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all10:51
somsip!find libhunspell | Hanumaan10:51
ubottuHanumaan: Found: libhunspell-1.3-0, libhunspell-dev10:51
EriC^^Hanumaan: dpkg -S /usr/lib/libhunspell-1.2.so.010:51
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Hanumaanhow to install this package now? it seems not there any more: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17113618/11:06
Fikiikonia, yeah but that only happens when it doesn't work11:09
Fikiikonia, when it does it takes 2 sec max11:09
Snowiehi all. got thinking about security and decided to look for what open ports there are on my machine. for some reason it looks like wesnoth from the repositories is still running as a daemon, but it's no longer installed on my system. how do i go about hunting it down and killing it, or at least stop the port listening. is it worth being worried?11:11
curvianhi if software i downloaded requires later version of some lib than what is currently installed on my system, can i upgrade it without upgrading os?11:12
Fikicurvian, usually yes11:13
lyzeSnowie, if you are behind a firewall then nah ... normally not11:13
Fikicurvian, you just need to add the source where a newer package is available, and usually a ppa exists for all popular libraries11:13
lyzeyou should only be worried about that if you can access the computer via the itnernet11:13
curvianFiki: thanks11:13
Snowielyze: my WAN router is my firewall, that is all.11:13
lyzeSnowie, well is the port opened there?11:14
glass_iam trying to ssh to my local machine from a VM on my local machine?11:14
SnowieI have played wesnoth online so, i guess, yeah.11:14
OzwWulfHello all11:14
lyzeSnowie, well that's a outgoing connection and not a incoming probably since you have connected to a server and not people to your computer.11:14
lyzeglass_, set the vm to bridged11:15
Snowielyze: yeah, i see. makes sense. bugs me now that i've seen it though lol. ok, i'll stress less.11:15
Snowielyze: actually, the game has LAN support, which i guess is why it's listening, but that doesn't mean it will upnp configure the router for incoming right?11:16
glass_lyze i figgured it out, i was using -port for some reason instead of -p thanks11:17
x4u3nHi, i have installed lvm2 but not appear service into init.d? i need to restart computer?11:17
Red_Mx4u3n: lvm2 issssssssssssssssssss for volume management11:17
Red_Mits not a service11:17
lyzeSnowie, it should not! But I guess you can simply test it, http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ or something like that ^^11:17
x4u3nRed_M: how could i use lvm devices in ubuntu?11:18
ikoniaI suggest you research lvm11:18
Red_Mlook upo a guide11:18
ikoniait's a pointless question "how can I use them" if you don't even know wht it is11:18
x4u3nok let me, ty11:18
Snowielyze: closed, thanks lyze :)11:19
jinxiSysinfo for 'linux-cdh9': Running inside KDE Plasma 5.5.5 on openSUSE Leap 42.1 powered by Linux 4.1.12-1-default, CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4010U CPU @ 1.70GHz at 1700 MHz, RAM: 7391/7880 MB, Storage: 38/230 GB, 249 procs, 341.3h up11:20
x4u3nPlease i need documentation about how to configurate lvm in ubuntu, thank u in advance...11:23
glass_trying to move a file from one remote ssh to local box "mv (file location on remote" "location i want on local"?11:23
hateballx4u3n: do you want documentation or a guide?11:23
hateballx4u3n: this may be of interest https://www.howtoforge.com/linux_lvm11:24
Red_Mx4u3n: https://google.com11:24
Red_Mx4u3n: man lvm211:24
Red_Mglass_: man scp11:24
ikoniax4u3n: how can you need docs on how to configure it when you don't even know what it is11:24
glass_thanks red_m11:24
x4u3nikonia, i use lvm every day11:25
Red_Mthen why are you asking how to use it11:25
x4u3nbut i never configurate it in to a computer without it11:25
hicolerijoin #vim11:26
ikoniax4u3n: then how do you not know what it is and how do you knot know how to use it11:26
Red_Mx4u3n: https://google.com/search?q=how+to+use+lvm11:26
Red_Mor do you need a lmgtfy link11:26
x4u3ndont worry, i prefer do it by myself11:27
ikoniahe was on debian11:28
marlo_i've got a problem with apt that I cannot seem to resolve, I'm wonder if I could get some guidance; http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/17114114/11:34
ikoniathe hook to trigger the re-creation of initrd failed11:34
ikoniayou need to look at why11:35
marlo_ikonia, ok11:35
hateballmarlo_: is /boot full perhaps? df -h11:35
marlo_hateball, no http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/17114164/11:36
marlo_i've googled a half dozen times the initramfs-tool error but can't seem to find something relevant to this problem11:37
ikoniamarlo_: have you looked at the dpkg logs11:38
marlo_ikonia, no11:38
ogra_marlo_, dpkg -S  /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/vdfuse11:40
ogra_find out what package did put the broken hook script there11:40
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marlo_ogra_, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/17114278/11:42
ogra_marlo_, dpkg -S  .... not -A11:42
marlo_ogra_, dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/vdfuse11:43
ogra_did you put that file there by hnd ?11:44
marlo_dated feb 14th11:44
marlo_by root11:44
marlo_(this has been a problem for a while)11:44
ogra_well, something put it there ... and it wasnt a deb package11:44
marlo_on or about that time i went through my regular update procedures11:45
marlo_and it broke11:45
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ThelmaCan someone help me11:45
ogra_marlo_, https://sourceforge.net/p/vdfuse/tickets/1/11:46
marlo_ogra_, thanks, i'm not sure what i'm looking for11:48
ogra_marlo_, well, you apparently have some third party script or package in use that has put that file into place ... looking at that big above it seems like the hook isnt actually executable ...11:49
ogra_just read the bug comments11:49
marlo_i'm reading...11:49
marlo_i see in the comments11:49
marlo_i located that in my /home/mark/Downloads/vdfuse folder!11:50
marlo_i honestly don't know what that is... but i'm looking to see what i did11:50
marlo_or the next question would be how do i remove it?11:51
marlo_it's virtual box!11:51
marlo_no clue why it's in my home Downloads folder, except that I installed virtual box not from apt but that was some time ago11:52
marlo_how do i get rid of it?11:52
marlo_(not virtual box, the error)11:53
ikoniawhat is triggering the call to that script11:53
ikoniaI assume it's something within the custom initrd ?11:53
marlo_well, from what I've observed, updates to the system involve updates to initrd from virtualbox11:54
marlo_so that's part of it's typical function, beyond me11:54
marlo_but now something in there is broke with it, i cannot even remove --purge virtual box11:55
ikoniamarlo_: thats not how it should work11:56
ikoniawhy would you need something about virtualbox in the pre-boot environment ?11:57
marlo_ikonia, beats me11:57
marlo_i've downloaded and installed it for years11:57
ikoniayou won't be "purge" virtualbox as a package if you installed it as a non-package11:57
marlo_it always seems to hook something in to initrd11:57
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ikoniaso you may need to manually edit the initrd11:57
marlo_well, i download a deb and dpkg on it11:58
marlo_to install it11:58
=== sanika is now known as alberti
ogra_mv /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/vdfuse11:58
ogra_sudo update-initramfs -u11:58
ogra_done ...11:58
ikoniaogra_: thats a much nicer way11:58
ogra_ mv /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/vdfuse .11:58
akikmarlo_: the package name is probably virtualbox-5.011:58
marlo_it is11:59
akiki don't think vdfuse is a part of it(?). it was to do with mounting the virtual image files11:59
ogra_if it would have been ppart of any package "dpkg -S" would have known12:01
ogra_it definitely isnt12:01
marlo_ogra_, working now!  thank you, sir!12:01
marlo_that was driving me mental12:02
ogra_enjoy :)12:02
marlo_i'm imaging my virtual box is broken now?12:02
marlo_but no matter12:02
marlo_i can sort that one out12:02
alxpaFucked my only SD card trying to flash Linux on it from Mac....12:02
marlo_this was keeping me from upgrading anything12:02
zulfikar354hi all12:03
akikmarlo_: vdfuse is not part of virtualbox per se12:03
zulfikar354are there programmer in here ?12:03
marlo_akik, it is in my Downloads folder, and has some vb stuff in it12:03
marlo_so it must have come from that install?12:03
alxpaIt came up with Linux error when I booted off it and now it won't show up on any device...12:03
marlo_zulfikar354, i am a programmer12:03
zulfikar354hei nice to meet you marlo12:04
marlo_ogra_, ooo laa laa... it's nice watching my apt update once again12:04
akikmarlo_: no it's not part of virtualbox-5.012:04
zulfikar354what kind of programmer12:04
marlo_zulfikar354, c++12:05
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marlo_brb, i have to see if i can reboot this machine now... something else that broke in all this mess...12:06
alxpaIs there a way to fix a completely unrecognised SD card??12:07
alxpaWindows and Mac can't read it.12:07
alxpaYet I formatted it in Mac12:07
marlo_ogra_, yahooo! it reboots as well... i haven't rebooted this computer in months because of this12:10
marlo_thank you again so much!12:10
ogra_no problem :)12:10
alxpaOgra_ would u know about how to fix an SD card which was screwed up in the process of flashing12:11
marlo_i have one computer left in this office with windows through no choice of my own, i freaking love linux12:11
jattwith systemd is there a way to mount all partitions available in /etc/fstab12:12
ogra_alxpa, not really, no ... sorry12:14
alxpaNo problem ogra_12:14
ikoniajatt: that happens automatically at boot12:14
ikoniait's the equivilent of the old "mountall" init script12:15
wamph /wc12:29
BluesKajHey folks12:32
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R13oseI get this notification of the "important os and application updates are ready to be installed" but unsure what this is for, any ideas?12:40
ikoniaR13ose: it means there are updates available to you12:42
ikoniait would be wise to apply the12:42
R13oseikonia: yes but which updates?12:44
BluesKajit's exactly what it says important updates for your Operating System (os) , R13ose...the package manager doesn't lie :-)12:44
PiciI'm pretty sure the gui will tell you which ones once you click through that (although I don't use Ubuntu Desktop, so ymmv)12:44
R13oseHow do I get rid of failed ppa's when I update from the command line?12:45
mircx1Hello i  use with ubuntu 14.04 and i get error someone can please told me how i fix it or what i need to install for it please http://paste.ubuntu.com/17115794/12:46
BluesKajR13ose:  use the sudo apt upgrade command in the terminal too see what they are12:46
doublel93hey , someone knows how to see on which port is vnc4server running ?12:49
R13osethat works.12:50
Picidoublel93: I'd guess 5900, as thats the standard vnc port12:50
lyzedoublel93, netstat -tulpn12:51
doublel935901, I've installed vncserver and then vnc4server I feel so confused, vnc4server is telling me "connection refused by the host computer", any idea ?12:53
mircx1Hello i  use with ubuntu 14.04 and i get error someone can please told me how i fix it or what i need to install for it please http://paste.ubuntu.com/17115794/12:55
ikoniaR13ose: all of them12:58
sxperthave a small issue I can't find a solution in google for:12:58
sxpertI have this python app, and intend to use uwsgi to run it.12:58
R13oseikonia: Yes but I want to get rid of the packages and I thought there was a command for that.12:58
sxpertit seems there's a probleme with the system provided stuff12:58
sxpertas I'm getting some errors :12:58
k1lmircx1: cant tell you from that single output. ask the ones who gave you the code to compile what depencies that code got12:59
sxpertJob for uwsgi.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status uwsgi.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.\12:59
bory1timeI installed ubuntu on a dell d6000 but it wont connect via wifi how do i fix12:59
sxpertdo I have to modify the .service thing ?12:59
doublel93still with vnc4server ,  if I start it with "vncserver"  I can connect to it, but if I start with "vncserver -geometry 1280x720 -randr 1280x720" on the client sais connection refused by the host, why is that ?13:02
bdonnahuehey guys. new to ubuntu. how are people liking 16.04. should i upgrade from 14.0413:03
gulzarbdonnahue: wait for .1 release13:05
DJonesbdonnahue: Its difficult to say, it works for me, does everything I want with no bugs, but every user is different, maybe the best course of action isto create a live usb and try it to see if makes much difference13:05
mircx1what is mean13:06
mircx1i try run services irc and i get it error13:06
mircx1everything i try install13:06
mircx1i try install that apt-get install libconfig-dev13:06
sxpertthink I want to blame systemd for this crap again13:08
bdonnahuegulzar DJones thanks13:08
mircx1and i dont know what i need to do in here and how i fix it13:09
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Guest22397Hi I added a command to /etc/rc.local to disable ethernet device on startup but it doesn't work. When I execute it after login it works. What am I missing there ? Thanks13:18
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:19
Guest22397Sorry I thought kubuntu and ubuntu are different channels13:21
k1lmircx1: what code do you try to compile? are you sure you got al the depencies that code names?13:21
mircx1this what i try run https://github.com/oftc/oftc-ircservices/blob/master/INSTALL anyway something i need install and i dont know what13:23
k1lmircx1: that is to run an own irc network. are you sure you want to run an own irc network? this are not just bots you can run on other networks like oftc or freenode13:25
jimbotuxhello! Wondering if anyone could advise on something im trying to figure out with ulimits and differences between 1604 & 1404 LTS versions13:27
jimbotuxwhen making changes to /etc/security/limits.conf in 1604 it doesnt seem i need to add anything like "session required         pam_limits.so"13:28
jimbotuxto my common sessions for it to pickup the ulimit changes13:28
jimbotuxbut with 1404 without those changes the user in question wont get the limits edit...13:28
jimbotuxdoes anyone know if this is maybe something to do with systemd and logind..? i can see pam_systemd mentioned now in common-sessions as standard in 1604.13:29
jimbotuxAny help or advice would be great cheers.13:29
kapadneed help with setting up my touchpad. I'm using a Dell E7470. The touchpad is an ALPS device, but it is recognized only as a generic wheel mouse in xinput --list13:30
kapadanyone here use that same laptop, or fixed issues with alps touchpads before.13:30
kapadI've already scoured other sources (wiki/askubuntu and forums) but haven't yet come across a solution that worked for me.13:31
cyborg_ninjaHello guys. Anybody here who had completely installed dota 2 on ubuntu?13:31
ikoniajimbotux: interesting so are you seeing limits being updated real time ?13:32
sveinseI'm trying to get crashplan running on a NAS server running 16.04, and I keep getting not-found by stsremctl status crashplan, despite that a service has been installed to /etc/init.d. I thought systemctl evaluated legacy init.d services as well. What can I do to proceed the debugging?13:33
ikoniasveinse: no it won't13:33
jimbotuxikonia, so i make the change then sudo su - USERNAME and changes are there in 160413:33
ikoniasveinse: list the unit files13:33
ikoniajimbotux: ahh, that isn't a surprise13:33
ikoniaas that is a session parameter13:33
jimbotuxikonia, but 1404 nothing until i add the common sessions.13:33
sveinseikonia: ? list unit files?13:34
ikoniasveinse: yes the systemd13:34
ikoniasveinse: as /etc/init.d means nothing13:34
ikoniasveinse: I assume this is not coming from the ubuntu repo13:34
ikoniarather some 3rd party repo13:34
Xinevening all13:34
ikoniajimbotux: that sort of makes sense13:34
sveinseikonia: But why does ubuntu maintain /etc/rc*.d/ then? That is lecacy init.d isn't it?13:35
ikoniasveinse: yes, as some upstart scripts are wrapped13:35
jimbotuxikonia, Could you explain why please? Im scratching my head..am i missing something or has something changed. Thanks13:35
sveinseikonia: So why does systemd does not pickup crashplan as a startable service then?13:35
ikoniasveinse: because you have not created a systemd unit file for it - you're looking at legacy init files13:36
ikoniasveinse: where did this package from from13:36
Trent1Hello, my brightness controls and wifi controls (function keys) aren't working. Using Ubuntu 16.0413:36
sveinseikonia: official crashplan installation13:37
ikoniajimbotux: so as I understand it now, a new session is spawned - that is now controlled by systemd in terms of the enviornment13:37
ikoniasveinse: ok - so have they packaged and built it for systemd13:37
ikonia!info crashplan13:37
ubottuPackage crashplan does not exist in xenial13:37
sveinseikonia: I know it's their responsibility to fix, but it does not help me when ubuntu has changed to systemd :(13:37
ikoniasveinse: then you need to contact them13:38
ikoniasveinse: and ask them to fix their packages and maintain them13:38
ikoniaor you need to use software that is designed for the operating system you want to use13:38
Trent1Is there like a "keyboard driver" or something that I need to install to get my function keys back?13:38
jimbotuxikonia, cheers. I assumed it was systemd related. Might ask in systemd irc for more details13:38
rbasakikonia, sveinse: systemd does have backwards-compatible support for init.d scripts.13:39
ikoniajimbotux: yeah, I'd need to understand the session managment better (as I don't at the moment) but systemd will control the spawning of the new process - so it controls the env13:39
sveinseikonia: Sorry, not really helpful....13:39
ikoniarbasak: which you have to configure and maintain, you can't just drop it in13:39
ikoniasveinse: it is - as it's the real solution13:39
ikoniasveinse: you want to use 3rd party software that doesn't work on the ubuntu distro - it is the 3rd parties job to support and maintain it, you need to talk to them, or you need to pick software designed for the OS you are running13:40
rbasakikonia: I don't think it needs any special handling to Just Work, apart from telling systemd to reload after changing things.13:40
ikoniarbasak: it depends on the way the init script is written13:40
ikoniayou can load it in, but that doesn't mean it will work13:40
sveinseikonia: To ask otherwise: How can systemd be aware of an init.d service (because it is), but not be able to start it. As in, why do the legacy init.d system exist in the first place, and how come it works while this does not?13:40
Trent1Pls respond13:40
ikoniasveinse: I've told you why they exist13:40
ikoniasveinse: some scripts are wrapped by systemd13:40
sveinseikonia: So there is a systemd service dispatch that calls the rc*.d scripts. Is that it?13:41
ikoniasveinse: why the init script does ont work when loaded by systemd is something you will need to raise with crash plan support13:41
ikoniasveinse: basicaly yes, but the scrpits that are wrapped sometimes call a wrapper that calls them to fix the shortcomings/incompatabilities13:41
akiksveinse: did you read "journalctl -xe" to see if it contains errors about crashplan?13:42
Gnjuractotally  offtopic but is WebSkype buged atm cuz i cant login?13:42
sveinseikonia: Well, lets keep crashplan out of the equation for a second. I want to understand how the legacy init.d is supported and why it works for something, while not for others13:42
ikoniasveinse: you are using comercial business software - it doesn't work13:43
ikoniatalk to them13:43
ikoniawe are not here to support a comercials businesses lack of ability to support and maintain their own product13:43
sveinseikonia: Thats fine. Lets keep crashplan out of the equation as I said.13:44
ikonialets not13:44
ikoniatalk to crashplan to fix their problem13:44
tomaz__hi. does anybody know is there a way that i would LOCK access to server, but be able to show let say browser with some dynamic graphs?13:44
ikoniaif you want to debug their script - debug their script13:44
ikoniatomaz__: look at kios modes, setup a specific user profile, look at policy kit13:45
ikoniaassuming I understood what you want13:45
sveinseikonia: I got 78 services listed in /etc/init.d/. How come they apparently is capable of using the legacy init.d while others are not. Point is, this is not going the last time a service that use the legacy init.d is going to be used. Systemd is still new to many services (unfortunately)13:49
TrentHCan anyone help me with my function keys not working pretty please? I'm using an Acer Aspire One laptop & running Lbuntu13:50
ikoniasveinse: no idea, I'd have to look at the scripts, look at the error output of the script you're having a problem with13:50
ikoniabasically I'd have to debug it13:50
tomaz__ikonia: yes kiosk mode looks a way to go, except looking quickly over one article... the main purpose of this computer will be build server... and as i can see with kiosk mode usually they mention strip down distribution13:51
ikoniatomaz__: you don't have to strip it down13:51
ikoniathats just the common setup13:51
tomaz__i would still like to be able to login to the server13:51
ash_workzshould I be using a ruby-specific package manager to install ruby?13:52
tomaz__and do other tasks13:52
ikoniaash_workz: I don't believe so13:52
ikoniatomaz__: start an ssh daemon ?13:52
tomaz__but i would like to be able to lock the screen and "show" browser refreshing some graphs13:53
ikoniatomaz__: so you want a graph as a screen saver in reality13:53
tomaz__ikonia: ?13:53
beantaxiHi all. 14.04 here. Silly question ... just updateed, my current kernel version is kernel.org lists 4.6.2 as latest stable, and 3.18.35 as latest stable 3.x13:53
ikoniatomaz__: thats just not realistic13:53
tomaz__is this even posible13:53
ash_workzikonia: I tried to install jekyll and it said, "jekyll requires Ruby version >= 2.0.0." but `sudo apt-get upgrade ruby` leaves me with version "ruby 1.9.3p484 (2013-11-22 revision 43786) [x86_64-linux]"13:53
beantaxiAny idea why apt-get wants me on 3.13.x?13:53
tomaz__thought so13:53
ikoniabeantaxi: because it keeps you on a stable supported version for your release13:53
ikoniaash_workz: so the version of ruby shipped with your version of ubuntu is too old for the version of jekyll you are using13:54
tomaz__ikonia: to have sort of transparent LOCK SCREEN :)13:54
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ikoniatomaz__: it's just not realistic to work the way you want13:54
ikoniatomaz__: technically possible, just not realistic13:54
ash_workzikonia: shouldn't apt-get upgrade have taken care of that?13:54
ikoniaash_workz: no13:54
ikoniaash_workz: it will only upgrade to the versions ubuntu package repo offer you13:54
beantaxiikonia: So presumably that's the latest stable kernel for 14.0.4, but a later version of Ubuntu might pair with a more recent kernel?13:54
ikoniabeantaxi: correct13:55
ikoniabeantaxi: do you need a later version ?13:55
ash_workzikonia: okay... so to get a more recent version of ruby, should I be installing a ruby package manager?13:55
beantaxiFair question :) I get the sense that sticking with 14.0.4 is perfectly sane, but I'd be happy for other opinions13:55
ikoniaash_workz: no, I don't believe so13:55
ash_workzikonia: what should I do?13:55
ikoniabeantaxi: if you don't need a newer version, you'll just be chasing  version number and put your build at risk, just let ubuntu manage the versions for you and it will offer upgrades if and where available13:56
ikoniaash_workz: depends on you and a few things about how you want to move forward13:56
ikoniaash_workz: have you looked in the package manager for later versions?13:56
tomaz__ikonia: found this... will try it. http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man1/xtrlock.1x.html13:57
tomaz__thanks anyway for help13:57
beantaxiikonia: And no reason to leap to 16.04 from 14.04, as long as Trusty seems to be serving me well?13:57
ikoniabeantaxi: totally up to you - if you have a need to, or see something you think "yes thats worth it" then yes,13:58
ikoniabeantaxi: otherwise you have a few years of support left that you can just use your machine until you see that magic something that you think is worth the upgrade13:59
beantaxiikonia: Hmm, looking at ububtu releases (for the first time) ... is End Of Life for "HWE August 2016", and 15.10 is actually July 2016.13:59
ikoniabeantaxi: 14.04 has years left on it14:00
ikoniabeantaxi: its 2 years into a 5 year cycle14:00
doublel93anyone has problem on changing resolution on vpshere with ubuntu 16.04 LTS ?14:00
beantaxiK, so I can expect a followup to LTS; it's just not on the release page yet14:01
ash_workzikonia: ap https://gist.github.com/anonymous/088108a8639ef400e9f45d6b88d16790 -- would imply there is not a more recent release, right?14:01
EdwardMorbiushello. does ubuntu clock snap from the store work for you guys on the desktop? it doesnt start on my system14:01
ikoniaash_workz: no, it would imply there is no later version of that package name14:02
ikoniaash_workz: eg: if there are differing major versions they are often called a different thing, eg: ruby=1.9 ruby2 =2.014:02
beantaxiikonia: Ok, so I can expect a followup to LTS; it's just not on the release page yet14:02
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ikoniabeantaxi: correct14:02
ikonia!lts | beantaxi14:03
ubottubeantaxi: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04)14:03
ash_workzikonia: from ruby-lang.com https://gist.github.com/anonymous/cfdcba1e083aff73a94a8d32cc478b3d14:03
ikoniaash_workz: re-read whwat I said14:03
beantaxiikonia: Perfect. Thanks very much!14:04
beantaxiubottu: So from the List Of Releases (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases), the first 14.0.4 LTS was April 17, 2014. So it will live for 5 years from that date?14:05
ubottubeantaxi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:05
beantaxiHa ... newish to IRC; I did not know bots were a thing14:06
cscfbeantaxi, yes, the !lts command, piped to you, causes the bot to tell you a prerecorded explanation.  it saves a lot of time on support channels.14:06
ikoniabeantaxi: no, 5 years from iniital release14:07
ikoniaubuntu 14.04 was released in 04 201414:07
ikoniaso 5 years from that point14:07
beantaxiikonia: Thanks; that's what I said actually :)14:07
ikoniathe subsiquent releases are point releases and don't restart the clock14:07
beantaxiikonia: (To the bot that is)14:07
OzwulfHello can anyone help me I'm trying to  Decrease swappiness value but i can't because im not admin ? how can i make me admin ?14:08
ikoniaOzwulf: talk to the admin of the machine14:08
lyze!sudo | Ozwulf14:08
ubottuOzwulf: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo14:08
gulzarOzwulf: not possible. Only admin can make you admin14:08
beantaxicscf: Thanks ... I saw ikonias command, and thought (well that looks weird but I guess I'll try it)14:08
gulzarOzwulf: if you have root rights.Then try sduo/su14:08
ikoniagulzar: do not suggest that14:09
gulzarikonia: ok, Ozwulf : try sudo -i14:09
gulzarikonia: i forgot everyone have diff level of experience :)14:10
ikoniaif someone doesn't know how to use sudo at a basic level, they should not be messing with swapiness14:11
OzwulfWow thanks mate works14:12
ash_workzikonia: how did you know there was a ruby2.0 package14:12
Ozwulf<gulzar> thanks mate14:12
ikoniaash_workz: I looked14:12
ash_workzikonia: using what?14:12
ikoniaash_workz: the package manager14:13
lyze!find ruby214:13
ubottuFound: libruby2.3, libruby2.3-dbg, ruby2.3, ruby2.3-dev, ruby2.3-doc, ruby-ruby2ruby, ruby2.3-tcltk, uwsgi-plugin-rack-ruby2.3, W:, W: (and 21 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ruby2&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all14:13
ash_workzikonia: specifically14:13
ash_workzikonia: I want to adopt whatever mentality you used14:13
duryhi there channel :-)14:13
ikoniaash_workz: I opened the package manager and in the search box I typed "ruby"14:13
Piciash_workz: apt-cache search ruby   would be a good start14:13
lyzeash_workz, probably something like sudo apt-cache search <name>14:13
ash_workzokay.... but just doing apt-cache search ruby without knowing there might be a ruby2 yields an overwhelming number of results14:15
ikoniaash_workz: not really14:15
lyzethen search for ruby214:15
ash_workzwc -; = 108214:15
ash_workzwc -l14:15
ikoniaash_workz: if I can look in the package manager and see it - why can't you14:16
ikoniawhich is why I told you to "look" rather than just trying to upgrade the 1.9 package over and over14:16
ash_workzso the take home message is try the gui package manager first?14:17
ikoniayour take home message is to actually look at things and research14:18
arca_voragoOn 16.04, when trying to shutdown, hangs with message about libvirt guests on URI, but there are no running guests, so I have to do a hard reset... anyone seen this?14:19
ash_workzikonia: yes yes, you're totally right. But, also.... to look at things and research by way of the gui first, right?14:19
ikoniaash_workz: no14:19
ash_workzikonia: okay, so look at things and research by first.... ?14:19
ikoniaarca_vorago: open the consoles on the guest and just check they have shutdown, I've seen libvirt mark a host as shutdown before it's powered off properly14:19
ikoniaash_workz: what ?14:19
arca_voragoI don't have any guests running though14:20
ikoniaarca_vorago: re-read what I said14:20
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arca_voragoikonia: not trying to be difficult, but how do I open console on a guest that doesn't exist?14:23
ash_workzikonia: you want me to actually look at things and research; which I totally agree... the installer page on ruby-lang.org does not give any indication that there might be a ruby2 package; apt-cache search ruby yields 1080 lines of output; so if you are thinking about installing a package completely foreign to you and you wouldn't know the name of said package whether its xyz2, xyz-2 xyz_2,...14:23
ash_workz...xyznew, xyz-next, or whatever...  it seems like the the first thing *you* would do is try the gui package manager.14:23
ikoniaarca_vorago: ahh you don't have any at all - let alone any running14:24
ikoniaarca_vorago: thats different14:24
ash_workzikonia: trying to adopt whatever line of thinking got you to that point14:24
ikoniaash_workz: ruby-lang.org is nothing to do with ubuntu14:24
ikoniaash_workz: did you look at the ubuntu wiki, did you look at the package manager, did you read any of the ubuntu forums posts, did you read any of the mailing list archives14:24
ash_workzikonia: did you do any of that?14:25
ikoniaash_workz: what does it matter what I did14:25
ash_workzikonia: I am trying to adopt your train of thought14:25
ikoniayou asked how you needed to research, I'm offering you suggestions14:25
arca_voragolibvirt-guests isn't vital to normal operations is it?14:25
arca_voragoso I could just systemctl disable it14:25
ikoniaash_workz: forget me - I opened the package manager and searched for ruby - you are asking how to research wha tyou need14:25
ikoniaarca_vorago: nah, you can disable it14:26
arca_voragocool, gonna try that14:26
=== Guest96691 is now known as Temp_spe
tomaz__part of which package is AT utility?14:26
tomaz__does anybody knows that?14:26
ash_workzikonia: it just seems like you were able to conclude what I needed immensely faster than I was (or would have been attempting your suggestions)14:26
ikoniaash_workz: I did tell you to check the package manager14:26
ikoniayou didn't as there where too many results14:26
ikoniathe difference was, I DID check the package manager14:27
ikoniaash_workz: if there wasn't a package listed I would have checked out resources14:27
ikoniaeg: mailing lists, forums, documentation, wiki14:27
ash_workzikonia: awesome; so check the package manager first.14:28
ash_workz(which I assume is the gui?)14:28
tgm4883tomaz__: at14:30
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tomaz__nevermind stupid me... missed it14:30
ikoniaash_workz: you're approaching this wrong by focussing on pointless details14:32
ikoniaash_workz: basically research and work the problem through14:32
ubuntu__Hello To aLL!!14:35
backbox_how to port forward please ?14:35
Xinguys does anyone know a window manager for ubuntu that allows me to use hotkeys to snap windows into a grid?14:36
Xinmaxto on windows does it14:37
ash_workzikonia: sorry, part of the reason I am being persistent about this is because there is a lot of unturstworthy material on the internet that pretends to be an authority on the topic; it is very easy to be led astry by that kind of information; that's why I wanted to isolate your thought process; to try to protected against bad information.14:37
Xinor windows key + arrow key to snap to edges14:37
k1l_Xin: press and hold the windows button (called "super button"). that brings you a shortcut table14:38
Tag_hi lads14:40
Tag_i've faced a problem i don't know how to solve right now14:40
Xink1l_; ideally I want to define the grid myself14:40
Tag_i have a software which depends on libwnck2.20-cil, which was available on willy14:40
Tag_but not on xenial14:40
Tag_how could i install this package?14:41
ash_workzikonia: for example; googling `ubuntu install ruby` first gives the ruby-lang.org site, followed by 4 "ruby on rails" posts from gorails.com, followed by stackoverflow.com -- all possibly not what I need/want/bad info.14:41
naccTag_: don't depeend on that pacakge, it's been deleted from debian as well due to being abandoned14:42
k1l_Xin: unity offers a 2x2 grid and you can snap the windows with pushing them to the edges or using the shortcuts14:42
Tag_salut odroid, company14:42
ash_workzikonia: when you said <ikoniaash_workz: I opened the package manager and in the search box I typed "ruby"> was that the `ubuntu software center` ?14:42
XinI guess that'll do14:43
naccTag_: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=79756714:43
ubottuDebian bug 797567 in ftp.debian.org "RM: gnome-desktop-sharp2 -- RoQA; abandoned" [Normal,Open]14:43
ugur_Hi. I am using Kubuntu 16.04. I want to disable bluetooth on startup but putting "rfkill block bluetooth" to /etc/rc.local does not work. I have disabled KDE bluetooth integration but no help14:43
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alberto_80Hello everyone14:44
ikoniaugur_: what's launching it14:45
ikoniais it the kde desktop app, or the systemd init service14:45
ugur_ikonia: How will I know? I already disabled KDE bluetooth integration but something starts the service anyway14:48
alberto_80I need some help. I'm trying to install an older version of Flight Gear simulator, because my video drivers are too old for the latest release of the simulator. The thing is whenever I try to install the 3.00 version of the simulator, which is for Ubuntu 12.04, it installs the latest version instead... What am I doing wrong?14:48
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tritochhi, should [sudo] fdisk -l return something? mine does not14:50
Thinker_gnome sound recorder not working in ubuntu 14.04   Can anyone help?14:50
somsiptritoch: sudo will, without wont14:50
tritochsudo does not14:51
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somsiptritoch: paste the command and output14:51
tritochcommand: sudo fdisk -l14:51
tritochoutput: nothing14:51
tritochliterally nothing to paste, just the next shell prompt14:52
somsiptritoch: how have you booted - normally? livecd? recovery?14:52
tritochit's a virtual machine, booted normally as far as i know.  mount shows a device on /dev/14:53
tritochmount output first line: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17119204/14:55
mojtabaHi, I am trying to connect to a VPN, but it fails, how can I see the errors? (I am using the gui now)14:55
ikoniatritoch: is this a virtual machine/container14:56
tritochikonia: yes14:56
ikoniatritoch: so thats the reason, it's not a real disk and the /proc file system won't know aout it, I suspect it's a cpontainer ?14:56
tritochikonia: so if i'm having a 'disk space' issue, it's probably because of the container management?14:57
ikoniano, it's probably because you're using all your disk space14:58
tritochdf says 1% utilized, same for -i14:58
ugur_Hi I am using Kubuntu 16.04 on a Dell 7559 Skylake Nvidia GTX 960M. I am fine with Intel graphics and I want to disable nouveau completely. Because it prevents system shutdown with weird errors like CPU Stuck. What do you suggest? Thanks14:59
ikoniatritoch: why do you think you have disk space problems14:59
mojtabaHi, I am trying to connect to a VPN, but it fails, how can I see the errors? (I am using the gui now)14:59
ikoniatritoch: (its possible it's thin provisioned and there is no space on the hypervisor)14:59
Tag_thanks for your help nacc14:59
tritochikonia: "ENOSPC: No space left on device"15:00
ikoniatritoch: where ?15:00
tritochwhen running a node.js instance15:00
ikoniawhere though15:00
ikoniawhere is it writing to15:00
tritochfrom ~15:00
ikonianot from15:00
ikoniapastebin df -h please15:00
brelodmojtaba: have u tried with terminal?15:00
tritochikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17119397/15:01
mojtababrelod: how should I connect using terminal15:01
ikoniatritoch: hypervisor is screwed15:01
naccalberto_80: pastebin the command used to install and the output15:01
ikoniatritoch: probably a missing disk, or no space on a thin provision15:01
tritochikonia: i should contact provider?15:01
brelodmojtaba: are u using openvpn?15:01
ikoniatritoch: I would15:01
costahey, im new to ubuntu, new to linux. just installed 16.04 64bit on a core i3 laptop and bloomberg.com/live doesnt work, is this a flash problem?15:02
zub_I have chromebook with xubuntu installed with seabios (i.e. not chroot). When I ctrl+L to boot to legacy it just beeps and continues to the "Chrome OS is missing or damaged" screen. Is there a way to fix this without recovery? Apparently recovery wipes everything. I believe I just need shell access so I can re-enable flags15:02
Mordoc_Mysterycosta, Try opening the site with Chrome rather than Firefox. Chrome for Linux includes a updated Flash player.15:03
costathanks, i downloaded chrome but it showed up as chromium is that same thing?15:03
mojtababrelod: Yes15:03
costavery good, thank you very much, it did indeed work, thanks you15:05
Mordoc_Mysterycosta, Glad you are up and running. Enjoy!15:06
ugurI am using Kubuntu 16.04 on a Dell 7559 Skylake Nvidia GTX 960M. I am fine with Intel graphics and I want to disable nouveau completely. Because it prevents system shutdown with weird errors like CPU Stuck. What do you suggest? Thanks15:16
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blibMy 14.04 box does not have uinput module - how do I get it?15:28
BluesKajblib, which input module ?15:29
Melvin_Heey i need some help with the creation of an easy bash file that needs to run daily and copy files from a map and put them in another map with date+time.15:31
ikoniatry #bash channel15:31
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zerowaitstateif I want to create systemd unit files specific to a particular server, where do it put them? Is there a concept of a local directory for systemd unit files, or do you just put them in the same directory with the unit files provided by packages?15:39
pesarizerowaitstate: check this out https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.unit.html15:42
zerowaitstatethanks, that's what I needed15:44
BluesKajzerowaitstate, it was the first entry in google :-)15:44
zerowaitstateBluesKaj: actually, that wasn't in my google result list at all15:45
zerowaitstateBluesKaj: I got send to a different page on www.freedesktop.org15:45
BluesKajunit files15:45
zerowaitstateshort answer, the location is /etc/systemd/system, if anyone is curious. Probably not.15:46
akikzerowaitstate: aren't they linked from /lib/systemd/system into /etc/ ?15:47
akikzerowaitstate: when you enable a systemd service15:47
zerowaitstateakik: yeah, my question was whether you put your services in a different location from where package managers normally dump theirs. That's a typical pattern in Debian distros15:48
akikzerowaitstate: i would put them under /lib/systemd15:49
nacczerowaitstate: Other directories checked are15:57
nacc           /usr/local/lib/systemd/system and /lib/systemd/system.15:57
nacczerowaitstate: from `man systemd`15:57
zerowaitstateall I want is to run a script automatically when the network is available15:58
brunch875Jesus, I couldn't log in since keyboard would't input some keys15:58
brunch875(including password characters)15:58
brunch875then it magically fixed itself15:59
brunch875anyone experienced this issue recently?15:59
zerowaitstateno. sounds like a bad keyboard15:59
brunch875Laptop is relatively new :(16:00
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brunch875but it also explains why it got stuck on boot16:00
* brunch875 sighs16:00
nacczerowaitstate: you want to run a script or a service? i would think you'd only write a new unit if you're running a service16:00
zerowaitstatenacc: then where should I put it?16:00
Jakey3how do i turn up the volume over 100% in lub 16.0416:01
Jakey3for pulse audio16:01
nacczerowaitstate: oh i might have been wrong (reading), it seems you could use a 'oneshot' style service (which would be a script then)16:02
SnackerrHello, what is a simple GUI for formatting a USB drive to EXT4?  i use GNOME-DISKS  (but  that makes it read-only when i put it another laptop???!16:03
BluesKaj100%  should be enough for ant spaeker system that has it's vol turned up past  70%, Jakey316:03
xanguaSnackerr: gparted16:03
Jakey3BluesKaj, its not16:03
Jakey3BluesKaj, in vlc i can go past 100%16:04
Jakey3how do i do it system wide16:04
Snackerri think it has to do with "permissions"?  how do i make the Permerssions available for other laptops, when i format with GNOME-DISKS16:04
BluesKajJakey3, then you should checl alsamixer16:04
Snackerrinstead of "read-only"16:04
k1l_Snackerr: ext4 cant be read by windows. so most usbs have fat32 or ntfs on it16:04
Jakey3BluesKaj, hence why asking here16:04
Snackerrk1l_, thx, but i like EXT4,  ( and i'm looking at BTRFS or XFS, too)16:05
k1l_Snackerr: first make sure the ro mount is not due to an bad unmount. see dmesg on the other system where you try to mount it16:05
Snackerrxangua, thanks, but i like GNOME-DISKS, it shows an icon of  a USB stick, so it is less scary , that you format a HDD  :)16:06
BluesKajJakey3, open alamixer in the terminal , and crank the master and pcm volmes there16:06
Jakey3will have alook16:07
A5697-Guestk1l_’s whore mother spreads her legs during Ramadan, and imagines the piggy prophet Muhammad licking her smelly pu$$y  he fucks pigs like her :) k1l_ raped his own mother!!!16:07
A5697-Guest:)k1l_’s whore mother spreads her legs during Ramadan, and imagines the piggy prophet Muhammad licking her smelly pu$$y  he fucks pigs like her :) k1l_ raped his own mother!!!16:07
A5697-Guest.,k1l_’s whore mother spreads her legs during Ramadan, and imagines the piggy prophet Muhammad licking her smelly pu$$y  he fucks pigs like her :) k1l_ raped his own mother!!!16:07
Snackerrk1l_,  check for "bad unmount"  on the 1st computer , or 2nd laptop?16:07
hispeed67anybody know offhand what is a good channel for hardware?16:10
Picihispeed67: ##hardware16:11
cscf!alis | hispeed6716:11
ubottuhispeed67: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http16:11
k1l_Snackerr: did you unmount properly on the 1st system?16:11
k1l_Snackerr: see dmesg on the 2nd system where it doesnt mount properly16:11
Snackerrk1l_,  i think so, i pressed the "eject" icon in Thunar16:12
Snackerrk1l_,  i'm just wondering, if that is "normal" for GNOME-DISKS,  -- to make USB EXT4 sticks become "read only" on 2nd computers?   i.e.  do i have to do an extra step, to make it writeable?16:13
k1l_Snackerr: no. something is wrong16:13
Snackerrk1l_,   does the Linux Mint USB stick formatter do this "extra step" , that GNOME-DISKS doesnt do by "default"?16:13
k1l_Snackerr: no. are you trying to make a bootable usb?16:15
Snackerrk1l_,  okay, i'll try to repeat the whole procedure, when i have a 2nd laptop again , thanks16:15
Snackerrk1l_,  no. no bootable needed for now.  but that is the same program i use to make bootable disk:  GNOME-DISKS > "restore Image".   is that the "proper way"?16:16
sphrakhi folks, id like some advice on how to make a directory available (ro) for a friend over sftp and have the account restricted to only *that* dir I dictate. what would the best approach be? without using any program? im thinking /sbin/nologin?16:18
sphrak(other than sshd)16:19
ikoniasphrak: just chroot16:19
sphrakikonia: sorry if my english is bad - but if chroot - would that mean I have to change the ownership of the directory I want the other user to read from? Ive read some about the chroot dir needs to be owned by root?16:20
ikoniasphrak: no16:21
sphrakikonia: okay, so chroot via sshd_config and then match a group/user then? is that the method you are referring to?16:21
ikoniasphrak: basically16:22
tertiaryi created a new raid array and its currently in the state of "clean, degraded, recovering". does this mean that i didnt delete the old array properly, or can that happen on a new configuration?16:22
sphrakikonia: cool. thank you16:22
ikoniatertiary: it means it's building after having a problem16:22
tertiaryikonia: so if i stopped it  and rebuilt (zero superblocks)  the array would it do it again? i dont care about the data...16:23
ikoniatertiary: do what again ?16:23
tertiaryiknoia: hhmm, nevermind, thanks though. think ill just let it do its thing. is it safe to use the array when there is 1/6 disks rebuilding?16:26
ikoniatertiary: the more you use it, the slower it will be16:27
kimishHi there ! when i boot ubuntu i dont get to the login page i get directly a shel promt , pressing ctrl+alt+f7  doesnt get me back to the log in page , PLEASE HELP16:28
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ikoniano need to type IN CAPS16:28
ikoniayou don't need to type in caps kimish16:29
potato_farmerso you had no tips for him? just a comment about him using caps?16:30
k1l_Snackerr: burning an image to a usb can be done with several programs. i use the terminal command "dd" which is most failureproof since there is nothing making changes to the image.16:31
niklasanyone needs help?16:31
potato_farmerkimish, log in and type: startx16:31
nacckimish: have you ever gotten to the login page? did something change recently?16:31
potato_farmerdoes that do anything?16:31
OerHeksstartx is the old way, potato_farmer ..16:32
k1l_potato_farmer: ranting and giving bad advice is even worse16:32
k1l_kimish: dont run startx16:32
ioriabetter sudo systemctl restart lightdm.service16:32
sethjis seahorse broken in 16.04 for anyone else?16:32
OerHekssudo service lightdm start is working beter ..16:32
=== dis is now known as Gnjurac
kristijanzHi, I need assistance in resolving a radeon gpu problem on Ubuntu 16.04. In this doc I described the problem and linked some logs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15Vtw-gmDesxuHoJTYY8IqvhFBXv-dbQdRpnP6HLSn6k/edit?usp=sharing Thanks to anyone who takes the time to look at it!16:32
kimishnacc ; yes i was able to get to the log in page but i couldnt pass it i kept having loops and stuck in the login page , i tried some solutions found it in the nest and today morning i have lost access to the log in page completly !16:33
kristijanzbasicly, my radeon dgpu is not used by the os which uses Intel on board graphics instead and heats up my cpu over 100°C.16:34
OerHekskristijanz, if there is an bios update, go for it.16:34
nacckimish: it's hard to figure out what is wrong if you tried some solutions and didn't revert them. Are all the solutions you tried still in effect?16:34
potato_farmerk1l_: better to suggest something than just complain about someone's caps, and startx was just a suggestion to see if it would get a GUI, calm yourself16:35
k1l_kimish: sounds like a video driver issue. what video card is it and what driver in use?16:35
kristijanzOerHeks, I'll do that. Thanx16:35
kimishk1l ; nvidia card nouveau driver16:35
ioriakimish, sudo lshw -c Video | grep driver16:36
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blinkyb__Hi ppl16:42
blinkyb__I have problem installing Budgie since yesterday16:42
blinkyb__I deleted all PPAs and when I try insalling again it says 'broken packages'16:43
Bashing-omblinkyb__: Show the channel, in a pastebin ' sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade ' . See what the error is in the context .16:46
blinkyb__Bashing-om: http://pastebin.com/rdvqwhj316:48
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blinkyb__Bashing-om: the error when i do 'sudo apt-get install budgie-desktop16:49
k1l_blinkyb__: "sudo apt full-upgrade | nc termbin.com 9999"16:50
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blinkyb__k1l_: WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.16:52
k1l_blinkyb__: please link the url16:52
blinkyb__k1l_: http://termbin.com/igo316:53
k1l_blinkyb__: budgie desktop is not in the ubuntu repos. so you need a PPA for that16:53
k1l_blinkyb__: use this ppa: ppa:budgie-remix/ppa16:55
OerHeksyesterday you had more than one ppa added, now you removed all ppa's, start again with the one that is suited for 16.04 ..16:55
k1l_there are a lot of unmaintained ppas. this is the only maintained afaik16:56
IlmenHello everybody. I have Ubuntu LTS 14.04 64 bits, and tried several times to upgrade it to Xenial, to no avail. Everytimes it tells me something along the lines of "Cannot evaluate the upgrade. An unsolvable problem occurred during the preparation for the upgrade." Then it says it might be due either to an upgrade to or from a development version of Ubuntu, or unoffical packages.16:57
blinkyb__k1l_: http://termbin.com/b2fc16:57
blinkyb__k1l_: same issue, been doing this since yesterday16:57
ikoniaIlmen: do you have either of those two situations ?16:57
IlmenHow can I get more details on the cause of the upgrade failure?16:57
k1l_blinkyb__: what exactly?16:57
ikoniaIlmen: and how are you trying to upgrade as 16.04 should not be offered until 16.04.1 is available16:57
k1l_blinkyb__: last days you had a lot of different gnome3 and other PPAs. that will make a mess since they all change packages. so we need details what exactly is the error16:58
blinkyb__k1l_: check this: http://pastebin.com/Q7gvHzAg16:58
Ilmenikonia: I tried to allow upgrading to a development version, with "sudo update-manager -d" and alternatives commands16:58
ikoniaIlmen: so there you go then16:58
blinkyb__k1l_: i have removed all other PPAs16:58
IlmenBut why is that disallowed, @ikonia?16:59
k1l_blinkyb__: "sudo apt install budgie-core"16:59
ikoniaIlmen: why is what disallowed ?16:59
IlmenOr rather, why is that a cause of upgrade failure?16:59
ikoniablinkyb__: removing ppa repo files is very different than removing all the packages and dependencies they have installed16:59
k1l_!ltsupgrade | Ilmen16:59
ubottuIlmen: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.16:59
ikoniaIlmen: the development version is not 16.0417:00
ikoniathats stable now17:00
k1l_Ilmen: maybe some 3rd party or PPA package cant be updated. see the logs of the update-manager what the issue is17:00
OerHeksit is policy for LTS versions to get upgrade notice with the xx.yy.1 version, for years now17:00
blinkyb__k1l_: now this happened http://pastebin.com/ybkFiPWE17:00
Ilmenk1l_: Okay.17:00
k1l_blinkyb__: "sudo apt install libmutter0g"17:01
MrAristoWhat's the best way for editing a root read-only file?  I've had a resounding lack of success with sudo nano /path/to/file.17:01
ikoniaMrAristo: it's read only - you don't edit it17:01
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sphrakwhen using the internal-sftp directive in sshd_config - and it doesnt work - where do I find the logs of what went wrong?17:02
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MrAristoikonia, Yes, but...what if I want to?  It's an espeak-voice file - Nothing critical to the system.17:02
ikoniaMrAristo: you dno't17:03
ikoniait's not a "but I want to" situation, it's read only17:03
MrAristoOk, so why?17:03
ikoniawhy what17:03
blinkyb__k1l_: i made it this far http://pastebin.com/tHhQEbCQ17:03
plll 17:03
k1l_blinkyb__: "apt-cache policy mutter-common"17:03
=== para is now known as Guest42263
blinkyb__k1l_: http://pastebin.com/HwQsMh0e17:05
akikMrAristo: you can add write permission on the file with chmod +w17:05
ikoniano you can't17:05
ikoniathat will not change a read only file system17:05
Ilmenk1l_: I don't see anything relevant in /var/log/apt/history.log ; I guess I'd better wait for the official release date then.17:05
MrAristoakik, Thank you.17:06
k1l_blinkyb__: like i said: your packages from your gnom3 staging PPA, that are still installed. mess with your other PPA now.17:06
blinkyb__k1l_: what can i do?17:06
akikMrAristo: which file was it?17:06
k1l_blinkyb__: that is why you remove PPAs with "ppa-purge" and not just remove the repo link17:06
MrAristoikonia, It appears I was mistaken - It appears root has read/write permission.17:06
blinkyb__k1l_: can you guide me through please?17:07
ikoniaMrAristo: do you mean "you don't have permissions" rather than a read only file system17:07
MrAristoakik, It is the f5 file in /espeak-data/voices/!v/17:07
MrAristoikonia, Yes.17:07
DewinI seem to recall there being something like iostat that output only one line per device per update without the headers/etc being repeated.  Am I just imagining that?17:08
k1l_blinkyb__: try a "sudo apt-get --reinstall install mutter-common"17:08
ikoniaMrAristo: next time describe the problem rather than say the wrong thing17:08
akikikonia: mraristo did not mention a read-only file system17:08
borisetoI might get attacked since it's not a Ubuntu specific question, but I'll take my chances. Is there a way to make Chrome/Chromium open all *new window/tab* links be opened in Firefox?17:08
ikoniaakik: yes he did17:08
ikoniaahh he said file17:08
akikikonia: nope17:08
ikoniathen it's my fault for not reading it properly, apologies17:08
MrAristoikonia, I try not to make it a habit to say the wrong things.17:08
ikoniaMrAristo: not at all, it was my fault not reading it properly17:08
MrAristoHonestly, It's been a long time since I've messed around with stuff other than basic user material in Ubuntu.  I'm still bringing myself back up to speed.17:10
blinkyb__k1l_: http://pastebin.com/RuF76edL17:11
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Bashing-om!info mutter-common17:13
ubottumutter-common (source: mutter): shared files for the Mutter window manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.18.3-0ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 476 kB, installed size 3805 kB17:13
k1l_blinkyb__: "sudo apt remove mutter-common"   after that "sudo apt install budgie-desktop"17:13
k1l_blinkyb__: in future use ppa-purge to remove ppas. that will at least remove the messy packages17:13
blinkyb__k1l_: i think it's working bro17:16
=== Aria22|away is now known as Aria
MrAristoSo, trying to restart this accurately: Using sudo nano /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/espeak-data/voices/\!v/f5 and editing the file still results in a "Permission denied" message when attempting saving.  How do I go about properly editing the file?17:17
marlo_MrAristo, what are the mode flags on the file17:18
marlo_ll /usr/lib/x86_64... blablabla17:18
MrAristomarlo_, -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 425 Dec 22 18:10 f517:18
marlo_MrAristo, what about 'lsof | grep filename'17:19
akikMrAristo: how about the directory's permissions?17:19
blinkyb__k1l_: for some reason the Progress stopped %5017:20
goddardkdevelop doesn't find Qt libraries17:21
marlo_MrAristo, what is !v/f5  is there actually a '!' in your path?17:21
marlo_MrAristo, go to your f5 folder and 'touch test.txt' and see if you can create a file there17:23
marlo_or in your case, 'sudo touch test.txt'17:23
marlo_but do it in the folder17:23
marlo_and then try to nano your file there as well17:23
marlo_that ! in the path has me throwd off17:23
=== Aria is now known as Aria22
MrAristoSorry for the lack of response, phone call with client.17:24
blinkyb__k1l_: installed, now what? restart?17:24
marlo_check in the mail?17:25
phablethi all, using a tech gear keyboard and track pad on BQM10. Whenever I use the trackpad, scopes keep coming up. I take it it' some kind of gesture? Anyone know how I can turn it off? It's driving me mad!17:25
MrAristomarlo_, sudo touch.txt created the test file.  And yes, there is an actual "!" in the file path.17:28
ikoniasounds like it's not escaping it17:29
ikoniajust type the first few letters and hit tab and let it auto complete17:29
C_minusSince a kernel update the minimum backlight brighness has changed from fully-off to dim-but-still-on. How can I get this feature back, it's very useful.17:34
reisioprobably your off is now mapped to 0%17:34
reisiowhich is rounded17:34
reisiobetter to map it to just turning your screen off, rather than lowering lights17:35
reisiohow do you want it to work?17:35
C_minusSuch that minimum brighness turns the backlight totally off.17:36
C_minus(That's how it used to be)17:36
reisioC_minus: minimum brightness as accessed in what way17:38
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reisio...keyboard combination?17:39
meh__how can i  add some flags  to the chromium "rules"?,  my purpose is disable pepper "is closed source", widevine,  and  some google services17:40
clifferto create a dkim key, oficial amavis docs say: amavisd genrsa /var/db/dkim/example-foo.key.pem, but there is no command like this in ubuntu, how is it called?17:49
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Tadpole_JacksonI'm using php7 and apache2 under ubuntu server 16, and the php.ini file looks like it's for a windows version of php7. This is different than I usually find in a linux distribution. Is this to be expected?17:58
Guest26171Hi all17:58
reisioTadpole_Jackson: in what way does it look like it's for windows?17:59
reisioGuest26171: hi; /nick anythingelse17:59
Tadpole_Jacksonit references extensions as having .dll extensions, rather than .so extensions, and there are no lines present for .so extensions17:59
Tadpole_Jacksonthe .dll lines are commented out17:59
Tadpole_JacksonBut the ini itself references win32 in comments frequently.17:59
k1l_Tadpole_Jackson: is this the original ubuntu package?18:00
Guest26171<reisio>: do you use gtk# ?18:00
Tadpole_Jacksonk1l_, yes, i've installed from official media and downloaded from default apt repos18:01
naccTadpole_Jackson: what file are you referring to? what version of php7?18:01
naccTadpole_Jackson: looking18:01
Guest26171what about gtk# executing in windows?)18:01
naccTadpole_Jackson: i see .. "For instance on Windows..."18:02
naccTadpole_Jackson: it's direct from php source, should be the same in all distributions, pretty much18:03
naccTadpole_Jackson: nad immediatley following is a .so line18:03
Tadpole_Jacksonas en example, yes18:03
Tadpole_Jacksonbut I don't find the .so lines for enabling dynamic extensions18:04
Guest26171more precise, how good IL-files from linux run on Windows?)18:04
Tadpole_JacksonWhat i'm really trying to troubleshoot is that simple machines forum installer script indicates i have no database support, while i actually do.18:06
Guest26171is anybody knows about gtk# executing?18:07
OerHeks<Guest26171> "what about gtk# executing in windows"   yes, what about it??18:13
sleehi, this is driving me crazy, i'm trying to format a simple usb stick, i've tried Disks and gparted, each time i format them, perms are set for root18:20
tgm4883slee: what are you formatting it as?18:21
black-perlHi, I have set up a local domain alias `mothership.local`which resolves to my server IP by using hosts file of dnsmasq18:21
sleetgm4883, i've tried ext4 and ntfs compatible18:22
black-perlDig is resolving it correctly but google-chrome and other browsers are not18:22
sleei'd like to just format it as ext418:22
black-perlcan anybody help ?18:22
tgm4883slee: ok, well I'm not sure about NTFS, but ext4 that sounds correct. You'd need to set permissions on it after formatting18:22
sleetgm, i've did(chown -R<etc>, but then when i try to copy a file to it, it still tells me read only18:23
tgm4883slee: you'd have to show us the output of "ls -l <mountpoint>" before we can help at all18:24
zerowaitstatedoes anyone know if certbot is available yet via ubuntu repo's?18:29
tgm4883!info certbot18:29
ubottuPackage certbot does not exist in xenial18:29
MonkeyDustfind certbot18:30
zerowaitstate!info python-certbot18:30
ubottuPackage python-certbot does not exist in xenial18:30
OerHekszerowaitstate, it will be, in yakety yak 16.10 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-certbot18:30
zerowaitstatedon't talk back18:30
naccTadpole_Jackson: use phpenmod?18:30
Jack3k3_Hey, I'm getting an error compiling some software with make: i386 architecture of input file `/home/mike/Documents/QSOPT/QS/qsopt.a(qsopt.o)' is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output18:30
Mordoc_Mysteryblack-perl, have you tried nslookup? I know its on the way out, but you could specify what server you are querying with it.18:30
Jack3k3_Does this indicate that the qsopt.a library is not the correct one for my machine?18:30
MonkeyDust!info python-certbot yakety18:31
ubottu'yakety' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed, yakkety, yakkety-backports, yakkety-proposed18:31
MonkeyDusti give up18:31
tafbcan anyone help me install ddrescue-gui on ubuntu 16.04?18:31
tgm4883MonkeyDust: yakkety18:31
nacc!info python-certbot yakkety18:31
ubottuPackage python-certbot does not exist in yakkety18:31
sleetgm4883, http://storage3.static.itmages.com/i/16/0608/h_1465410683_7789876_722f5990f8.jpeg18:31
zerowaitstate!info python-certbot yakkety18:31
OerHeksnacc, proposed .. not in stable yet18:31
zerowaitstate!info python-certbot yakkety-proposed18:31
Mordoc_Mysteryblack-perl, I start it in interactive mode, enter server localhost or whatever and then query away18:31
ubottupython-certbot (source: python-certbot): main library for certbot. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.0-1 (yakkety-proposed), package size 135 kB, installed size 761 kB18:31
tgm4883slee: ok, but we need that for one more level up. The GUID folder18:32
Tadpole_Jacksonnacc, i don't know what that is18:32
sleetgm4883, ok, i think i see now, folder above: http://storage1.static.itmages.com/i/16/0608/h_1465410806_8894528_20b3ecf1fb.jpeg18:33
naccTadpole_Jackson: it's a command to enable modules in php (phpdismod is the opposite)18:34
tgm4883slee: ah wait. Have you tried not copying to lost+found? That is a special folder18:34
* tgm4883 isn't even sure if you can copy into that folder18:34
sleetgm4883, i made a new folder"test" and tried to copy to there, same result..."read only"18:34
black-perl@Mordoc_Mystery Thanks for replying. I got it working18:34
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sleetgm4883, even though you can see it's set for my perms(not root) and read/write perms18:35
tgm4883slee: well the fact that you can make a new folder means that it's not all read only :)18:35
tgm4883slee: if you make a new folder, what are the permissions on that folder?18:35
black-perl@Mordoc_Mystery  Actually the problem was the usage of .local domain i.e mothership.local ; these domains are handled by a service called as avahi-network manager18:36
naccTadpole_Jackson: i don't know what 'simple machines forum installer script' is, but i'm ugessing you are missing hte corresponding database module package18:36
black-perl@Mordoc_Mystery So there is supposed to be a layer between chrome and dnsmasq  which assigns such domains to avahi rather than dnsmasq :)18:36
sleetgm4883, created new folder: http://storage4.static.itmages.com/i/16/0608/h_1465411030_9698597_d99266446b.jpeg18:37
tgm4883slee: wth, that should work18:38
sleetgm4883, i know, this has been driving me crazy for the past hour18:38
tgm4883slee: did you make that folder on the USB drive, or did you make it somewhere else then copy it in?18:38
tgm4883slee: can you pastebin the results of the 'mount' command?18:39
sleetgm4883, on the usb drive18:39
sleevia thunar18:39
sleetgm4883, i'm not manually mounting it, i plug the usb stick in, thunar sees it18:40
tgm4883slee: right, but it should still show the mount options18:40
tgm4883slee: although I don't expect to see anything special there18:40
tgm4883slee: also, can you chmod 777 that tgm4883 directory then try copying stuff in there?18:41
sleeno, no options, i plug the stick in, it pops up as a drive on the left in thunar18:41
sleetgm4883,  same results, 'read only'18:42
tgm4883slee: any weird stuff in dmesg when you plug it in?18:43
sleetgm4883, nothing, drive just pops up in thunar like it should18:43
sleetgm4883, i'm gonna go try on a linux mint box, see if it works there18:44
tgm4883slee: ok18:45
tgm4883slee: have you also tried copying stuff in there from the command line? Not sure why that would matter but worth a try18:45
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Tadpole_Jacksonwhat php packages other than 7 are available in ubuntu 16?18:49
=== Guest26787 is now known as Jimoni
sleetgm4883, ok, plugged stick into mint box, file copied over with no prob, came back to this box, now it'll let me copy a file over...weird18:50
OerHeksTadpole_Jackson, apt-cache search php*18:51
tgm4883slee: thats super odd18:51
tgm4883slee: but i'm glad it works now !?!?18:51
sleeseems to be, thanks for the help18:51
MonkeyDust!find php | Tadpole_Jackson start with these18:51
ubottuTadpole_Jackson start with these: Found: dh-php, libapache2-mod-php, libapache2-mod-php7.0, php, php-all-dev, php-cgi, php-cli, php-common, php-curl, php-dev (and 537 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=php&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all18:51
Tadpole_Jackson>other than 718:52
=== CoolGuy_ is now known as _CoolGuy_
Tadpole_Jacksonthose are all php7 packages18:52
MonkeyDustTadpole_Jackson  if you want something from outside the repos, you need a ppa or a .deb or so, but that's not supported here18:52
k1l__CoolGuy_: this is #ubuntu. for debian you want to join #debian18:53
OerHeksk1l_, he is spamming for days now18:54
OerHeksTadpole_Jackson, you need to do some silly tricks to downgrade php .. https://by-example.org/ubuntu-16-04-xenial-downgrade-php-7-to-php-5-6/18:56
Tadpole_JacksonOerHeks, awesome, thanks.18:56
Tadpole_Jacksonyeah php7 apparently doesn't work with this18:56
MonkeyDustoh, an older version18:57
OerHekswhich breaks support anyway .. why don't you upgrade your scripts? eventually you should.18:57
naccTadpole_Jackson: php7 is the only supported php in 16.04 :)18:57
naccTadpole_Jackson: or run php5 in a container/VM running trusty18:57
Tadpole_Jacksonnacc, i'll take unsupported by working over supported but broken any day18:58
MonkeyDustwhat's the command again, to see a usb device being plugged in, pulled out in real time18:58
Tadpole_JacksonOerHeks, i didn't write the software18:58
Tadpole_Jacksonnacc, this 16 install is already a vm18:59
naccTadpole_Jackson: what doesn't work with php7?18:59
Tadpole_JacksonSimple Machines Forum and phpBB318:59
naccTadpole_Jackson: is the first an ubuntu package?18:59
naccTadpole_Jackson: what is the issue with the latter, presuming you are running the 'phpbb3' package?19:00
Tadpole_Jacksoni'm not using a package19:00
ioria!info phpbb319:00
ubottuphpbb3 (source: phpbb3): full-featured, skinnable non-threaded web forum. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.14-1ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 1330 kB, installed size 10220 kB19:00
nemithWhy is there no branches here after wily? https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager19:01
k1l_nemith: are you looking for this? https://launchpad.net/network-manager19:03
naccTadpole_Jackson: it's not broken for any arbitrary code to not support php7.19:03
zerowaitstateif I have a file mode set to 664, and I am a member of the correct group, why can I not delete a file?19:04
nacczerowaitstate: permissions on the directory in question?19:04
tgm4883zerowaitstate: mounted read-only?19:05
nemithk1l_: that doesn't really help though.19:05
zerowaitstatenacc: that's got it, thank19:05
tgm4883zerowaitstate: file is immutable?19:05
zerowaitstatetgm4883: no, parent dir did not have write bit set for group19:05
zerowaitstatei knew it was something stupid19:06
nemithk1l_: I am looking at rebuilding (or backporting) network-manager to xenial, and that should include ubuntu specific patches, etc.  I don't want mainline network-manager code19:06
tgm4883zerowaitstate: at least it's an easy fix :)19:06
nemithnetwork-manager seems to be developed differently that other packages?19:06
NytramHi everyone19:07
BluesKajwe have no problems with NM , it works just fine here both with ethernet conections and wifi and vpn servers with both19:08
naccnemith: backporting/rebuilding why?19:08
=== In4rtia is now known as In3rti4
NytramRecently installed Ubuntu 16.04 with Unity and have an issue with changing the default app to open things. When I right click the file and try to change it by clicking "File type options" Nothing happens. The expected options window does not open.19:09
NytramIs there another centralised place to change default apps?19:10
squintyNytram, right click on file name in file manager -> preferences -> open with19:11
ente_Hello everyone, I am running Ubuntu 16.04 with two different nvidia gpus and a skylake i7 6700. I want to use kvm/qemu to run a Windows VM with one gpu passthrough. When I try to create a VM using virtual machine manager (or xml files) I receive the following error: "vfio: error, group 1 is not viable, please ensure all devices within the iommu_group are bound to their vfio bus driver" I am not so experienced with linux/ubuntu, however I kno19:11
ente_w what this error means, but I do not know how to fix it. Maybe someone can give me some advices in particular for ubuntu, because most tutorials/posts I have found are for the arch kernel linux-vfio. Details: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17126955/19:11
nemithIs there a channel better for packaging questions?19:11
naccnemith: #ubuntu-devel, i'd say19:12
naccnemith: there might also be #ubuntu-packaging19:12
nacc!alis | nemith19:12
ubottunemith: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http19:12
nemithubottu: cheers :)19:12
k1l_nemith: #ubuntu-packaging19:13
Nytramsquinty that's only a temp solution, I'd have to do that every time I want to open a file.19:13
nemithSo yeah alis doesn't work.19:13
BluesKajnemith, you won't get much help if you question the written code for mature apps like network manager19:13
ioriaNytram, Properties -> Open with -> Set Default ?19:14
k1l_nemith: but that looks like its a debian sync anyway.19:14
nemithk1l_: oh interesting.19:15
nemithBluesKaj: "mature"19:15
k1l_!info network-manager19:15
ubottunetwork-manager (source: network-manager): network management framework (daemon and userspace tools). In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.0-0ubuntu0.16.04.2 (xenial), package size 2070 kB, installed size 10756 kB (Only available for linux-any)19:15
BluesKajyup. tried and true19:15
nemithEvery time i upgrade ubuntu my problems are always around network-manager.19:15
k1l_nemith: http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/network-manager19:15
squintyNytram, use the "set as default"  to set a default app for a particular file flavour19:15
Nytramioria that's what I'm trying to explain, I can right click a .avi for instance and select properties, but the "File type options" button does nothing when I click it. In Linux Mint it opens another option screen where you can change the default app to open the file.19:16
k1l_see the right side of the page. there it links the changelog and the maintainers.19:16
nemithPretty much nm says my bug is fixed in 1.2.2 and asked me to test. I would like to create my own 1.2.2 package and upload it to my ppa.  The instructions i have found don't work for nm19:16
BluesKajnemith, well you can always use thenetwork interfaces file and resolv.config and drop NM altogether19:17
nemithBluesKaj: It's a laptop, I connect to many networks.  I'd rather not19:17
nemithI'd like to patch the bug19:17
nemithjust i can't figure out how to properly build the sucker19:17
ioriaNytram, sorry, i don't get "File type options", not in my menu (unity) , or i'm blind ....19:18
nemithhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1573720  <-- bug in question if anyone cares19:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1573720 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Unencrypted private keys are insecure error reported even when key is encrypted" [High,Triaged]19:18
NytramAh! I changed the file manager to dolphin.19:19
Nytramso I get that option on right click perhaps19:19
nemithapparently fixed upstream19:19
de-factonemith "apt-get source <package>" then "apt-get build-dep <package>" then cd <package-dir> then drop your patch in debian/patches (and note it in debian/patches/series), maybe raise version in changelog then "dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc"19:20
de-factothat is from <package-dir>19:21
winston2kwhat is the difference between apt and apt-get ?19:21
OerHeksapt-get is old, apt is new19:23
OerHeksboth can be used in 16.0419:23
ioriawinston2k, https://www.maketecheasier.com/apt-vs-apt-get-ubuntu/19:25
winston2kioria: ty aswell19:25
NytramOK! Managed to fix my default file issue. Just reporting back that I now have to right click "open with - other" and check the "remember association" checkbox. Thanks to all who tried to help.19:26
virtuosojIn window spread in Ubuntu, is there a way I can show a smallish icon of the window's parent application in the bottom right of window?19:26
ioriaNytram, good19:27
xanguavirtuosoj: you mean expose? You could install compiz settings and try to tweak it19:30
virtuosojxangua: is it really the same thing as expose? unity's window spread seems smoother than the expose I used on mate-compiz19:31
kimishHi there , my ubuntu crashed and lost access to my files and now am using a live ubuntu , but when i try copying my files to a usb it says i dont have permissionn, what should to have root access over that partition19:32
kimishI keep getting permission denied19:33
kimishany Ideas19:35
_vikrant_kimish, i guess u need to be root to copy files to that pen drive19:36
_vikrant_u dont have write permission19:36
squintykimico_,  use the chroot method -> Update Failure -> points 1 to 7    you should be able to copy your files then19:36
squintykimish, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery19:36
the_trickycan I hide an app from Alt + Tab menu?19:49
reisiothe_tricky: why would you want to19:51
the_trickyreisio: I need to keep it open, but I access it very rarely19:51
MonkeyDustthe_tricky  with devilspie / gdevilspie ... it's called 'skip tasklist'19:51
the_trickybut use Alt + Tab a lot19:51
reisiothe_tricky: what's it?19:52
OerHekswindows rules is part of compiz-plugins-extra..19:52
the_trickyreisio: a password manager19:52
the_trickyOerHeks: that somehow doesn't work for me19:53
OerHeksyou might need to use full path, if that app is not in your %path%19:54
OerHeksor extend your %path%19:55
the_trickyexcuse me?19:55
the_trickywhere do I have to use that path?19:55
PiciOerHeks: $PATH, this isn't Windows ;)19:55
mangixanypne know how to build ubuntu packages? i would like to apply a patch to one package.19:58
OerHekshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables this old post should be still valid http://askubuntu.com/a/38196119:58
trOOppassword terminal blackbox?19:58
the_trickyOerHeks: do I need to do that to use window rules in compiz?20:00
ente_I would like to run a VM with gpu passthrough on Ubuntu 16.04 with kvm/qemu. Does anyone know a tutorial or up-to-date posts?20:01
OerHeksthe_tricky, if your instance of the app in compiz does not work without full path, yes20:01
OerHeksthe_tricky, i have no other clue why it shouldn't work20:02
Asad2005I have a nexus 6p phone, when i connect usb type-c cable with my ubuntu running 16.04 it is not detected. The usb cable is ok as i can connect with win7 pc. Do i need a driver for ubuntu?20:03
OerHeksAsad2005, you would need mtpfs20:07
=== CarlFK is now known as bri
MonkeyDust!info mtpfs20:10
ubottumtpfs (source: mtpfs): FUSE filesystem for Media Transfer Protocol devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-5 (xenial), package size 15 kB, installed size 74 kB20:10
=== bri is now known as CarlFK
nissin1 hi guys20:10
nissin1how do i run Python in shell with exact version20:10
nissin1>> python file.py20:10
nissin1it automatically lloads up python v220:11
nissin1i want v320:11
nissin1how can i specifiy20:11
tgm4883nissin1: python320:11
nissin1are you sure20:11
mangixAsad2005: there's an app that test if a type c to usb cable is good20:11
tgm4883nissin1: yes20:11
nissin1tgm4883: how do u clear terminal20:12
nissin1thanks it works20:12
Asad2005mangix: problem solved thanks20:13
Guest27696Hey folks, I'm trying to sync my ipod nano gen 5. Amarok is telling me I need to generate a hashinfo file. Anyone have any ideas?20:13
cihhanhi all, i m using a VM with Ubuntu 16 (on cloud). And I need one additional partition. However, there is one partition I can use which is the root and it is using lvm. Is there a way to shrink it while it is still running? Since it is / , I cant unmount it.20:14
mangixGuest27696: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/IPod#Generating_HashInfo_file20:15
oeslinhola, estoy probando esta aplicación20:17
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:18
Guest27696mangix: thanks20:23
chaotixhey.  I am having trouble getting Comodo Antivirus to start up, my os is Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit.  The package itself was for 12.04, and so there was a dependency problem preventing me from installing the 64 bit, so I installed the 32 bit.  It installed, but it will not run.  When I try to launch it from the terminal, it says: "error while loading shared libraries: libpam.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directo20:25
Ben64chaotix: don't run things for other versions20:26
Ben64chaotix: and you don't really need antivirus20:27
chaotixBen64: i didnt realize that was a problem running something for another version..  i know i dont need it, i just wanted to check it out20:27
Al3xG0./genymotion: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6: version `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by /home/usuario/Downloads/genymotion/libQt5Core.so.5)20:27
chaotixand then i got curious why it says "error while loading shared libraries: libpam.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", because i found libpam.so.020:28
OerHekschaotix, Comodo Antivirus is discontinued20:28
bpromptchaotix:    depending on the package and dependencies, you "can" run apps from other versions, but often times the older dependencies they may require, may not be available on the newer OS version, or may just not be installable even if you had it, due to a newer version or replacement lib20:29
chaotixok, so it was probably because is a newer version of the libpam..20:30
chaotixi just like testing out different software in my spare time, it's like therapy for me20:30
Ben64well try out software made for 16.0420:30
Ben64the ubuntu software center is a good place to look20:30
chaotixBen64: i do like the sofware center, and also OMG Ubuntu is nice...  and Alternativeto.net is nice for finding software I might not otherwise find..  such as menulibre or nylas n1, or Tomahawk...  all great options..  however, then we sometimes get compatibility snaffoos that wouldnt happen in the software center, so it is definitly the safer bet20:36
chaotixanyways thanks guys tty later20:36
goddardanyone tried the updated drivers with the cuda libs? https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=xenial20:38
=== mfilipe_ is now known as mfilipe
ente_I would like to run a VM with gpu passthrough on Ubuntu 16.04 with kvm/qemu. Does anyone know up-to-date tutorials or posts?20:52
daniele__Hi I've installed nvidia 361 driver but when I reboot I have only a black screen whitouth mouse coursor21:05
Al3xG0./genymotion: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6: version `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by /home/usuario/Downloads/genymotion/libQt5Core.so.5)21:06
Al3xG0how to solve is problem?21:06
MonkeyDustAl3xG0  start from the beginning, what are you trying to achieve, where/when does this error pop up21:08
MonkeyDustAl3xG0  and in which ubuntu version21:08
=== marklyford__ is now known as marklyford
OerHeksAl3xG0, it wants  gcc-4.9 (CXXABI_1.3.8)  install the required gcc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20357033/how-to-fix-program-name-usr-lib-x86-64-linux-gnu-libstdc-so-6-version-cxx21:12
pnwiseCan someone help me with WoL problem?21:17
pnwiseI can't make it persistent21:17
pnwiseIf I set it manually with "sudo ethtool -s enp3s0 wol g" it runs fine, just for the next boot21:18
Laurenceb__hi, anyone here used autopsy?21:18
Laurenceb__I'm trying to use it to recover files, but it can't seem to be able to open any directories21:18
Laurenceb__its very odd as the filesystem mounts ok on my system21:18
tewardpnwise: not sure if that is able to really be persistent, but you could put that command into /etc/rc.local maybe, without the 'sudo', and it may be able to make things persistent (because it runs every boot)21:19
pnwiseBut if I make systemd service it doesn't work, while ethtool still reporting that wol is on g mode(magic packet), but it doesn't work21:19
pnwiseteward, I will try that too, but I doubt it will make a difference21:20
tewardpnwise: I didn't say to use systemd.  If it refuses to be persistent, then perhaps check something deeper than the OS level - BIOS or Firmware - where WoL can be enabled21:20
pnwiseBut it is working if I type the command21:20
pnwisejust not if it is scripted21:20
OerHekspnwise, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WakeOnLan make sure you use the right ethernet adapter name21:21
superguestHow do I enable or disable the display of the grub menu?  In the initial version of grub.cfg (i.e. PRIOR to the first 'update-grub') the system does not show/display the grub boot menu21:21
pnwiseOerHeks, I am sure, when it is in systemd service ethtools is reporting it is enabled, but it doesn't work, if I disable the systemd service and type the command in terminal, it is working21:22
Bashing-omdanilonc: How did you install the driver ? Did you purge the old 1st ?21:23
pnwiselet's see if rc.local make any difference, and will be back21:23
m3n3chm0hello how to fsck a NTFS partition ¿? fsck /dev/sda721:24
m3n3chm0fsck de util-linux 2.27.121:24
OerHekspnwise, did you perform chmod a+x on the conf? a = all users21:24
Bashing-omsuperguest: If only a single instance of 'buntu is installed. not showing the grub menu is the expected behavior. Depending on the firmware (bios or EFI) ot is the shift key or the escape key to gain grub's attention to display the menu . One may edit /etc/default/grub to always show the menu .21:27
Bashing-omdanieli:  How did you install the driver ? Did you purge the old 1st ?21:28
pnwiseOerHeks, teward Thanks! It seems to be working fine in rc.local, have no idea why it doesn't work with systemd. Have to go ask poetering21:29
tewardpnwise: usually things like one-liners like that, I drop in /etc/rc.local.  Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but systemd has quirks ;)21:30
teward/etc/rc.local runs last I believe21:30
OerHekspnwise, i just see you missed this: did you perform chmod a+x on the conf? a = all users21:31
pnwiseIt might be something to do with the runlevels, but I am not so knowledgeable.21:31
pnwiseOerHeks, yes, I made it proper service, enable it, everything.21:31
pnwiseThanks again, I am going to lay some tf2 now :D21:32
posiSo can people give me a list of things and how to disable OOM, core dumps and all of that junk on my postgresql server21:33
OerHeksposi,  how about configure postresql properly ? putting a finger in a dyke does not prevent flooding21:35
posiI have core dumped postgresql recently21:35
posiit isn't perfect21:35
posiand it took out hte box trying to write core21:36
posiOerHeks: So, i think we have, i just need to not drop a 1TB core21:36
posiOerHeks: Or am i doing it wrong21:36
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voidvector0_anybody using gnome on ubuntu?21:37
xangua! Ask | voidvector0_21:38
ubottuvoidvector0_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:38
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voidvector0how can there not be a way to set transparency on the rest of gnome windows, but terminal works fine?21:40
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Jordan_Uvoidvector0: Because choices need to be made about what features are generally useful, and gnome-terminal explicitly enables alpha transparency (which is not the same as just making the whole window contents partially transparent).21:43
gleecobig Q:  turning off coredumps in ubuntu involves several steps it seems.  just wondering if i'm  hitting all:  a.) /etc/default/apport is set 'enabled=0' b.) /etc/security/limits.conf with a setting '* hard core 0'   and c.) /etc/sysctl.conf with setting 'fs.suid_dumpable=0'21:47
dreamaddictI've installed libshout3-dev, for the extras (including source headers/files)...but I can't seem to find where Ubuntu has put the source files.  Unless they don't come in the -dev version of the package...21:58
naccdreamaddict: `apt-file list` or `dpkg -L` will list files from a pacakge (the latter only for installed packages)22:01
naccdreamaddict: are you looking for libshout's source?22:01
dreamaddictyes, the .c/.h files22:01
dreamaddictfor use with a Lisp groveller22:01
dreamaddictI mean, not because I have to actually compile them, but because I need that kind of info for my code in another language...which might mean that I only need the .h files22:02
dreamaddictI still don't know where Linux "normally" puts this kind of thing because I haven't been using it for umpteen years :P22:02
dreamaddictalthough I must say, as a way to dip one's toe into the vast ocean of Linux, Ubuntu is by far the best distro I've seen22:03
dreamaddictthere's a shout.h in /usr/include...maybe I am assuming wrong that they will be named libshout3?22:04
naccdreamaddict: the files used to build a pacakge are obtained from the source package22:07
naccdreamaddict: `apt-get source pkgname`22:07
dreamaddictahhh there it is22:07
dreamaddictthat's the command I didn't know (source)22:07
naccdreamaddict: i don't know what a Lisp groveller is, so i'm not sure if that's what you're looking for :)22:07
dreamaddicta Lisp groveller goes through C headers/.so files to automatically create foreign function bindings...so that I can code in C without having to code in C :P22:08
naccdreamaddict: ah ok, bindings stuff22:08
naccdreamaddict: so the rough layout is, for lib* packages: lib* is the runtime library needed to run applications that depend on it. lib*-dev are the development headers needed to compile against that library. `apt-get source lib*` will get you the source for building that package.22:10
dreamaddictthank you sir!22:10
naccdreamaddict: yw22:13
Monthuhelp. Open source drivers not showing in 16.04? screenshot: http://imgur.com/HjSkKPF22:30
OerHeksMonthu, for what GPU ?22:31
OerHeksintel does not show indeed22:32
MonthuI have AmD22:32
Monthuintegrated graphic22:32
OerHeksoh, alternative driver .. from a PPA?22:32
Monthuusually it shows the open source driver (xorg) next to the proprietary one22:33
Ben6416.04 doesn't have proprietary amd driver anymore i believe22:33
OerHeksin your case, 'do not use the device' should roll back to the radeon driver i guess.22:33
Bashing-omMonthu: Release 16.04 then the only display driver now available is in the kernel .22:33
Monthu"Do not use" roll back to default open-source driver then?22:34
Ben64thats for your cpu, don't do that22:35
Monthuwhat should I do. I just need the open-source driver22:36
OerHeksoh amd cpu, not gpu ..22:37
OerHeksmy bad22:37
Ben64Monthu: you already have the open source driver22:38
Monthuhow to enable it?22:38
Ben64it's already enabled?22:38
Ben64can you explain what you're trying to accomplish22:38
OerHeksrun lshw -c video, and look for the line with  driver=22:39
OerHekslspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'22:40
OerHeks /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test --print22:41
Monthuin prior versions of ubuntu, i had the option to select the xorg driver. I don't have that option anymore22:41
Ben64right, as stated twice already, 16.04 doesn't have proprietary drivers anymore for amd22:42
Monthuwhen u look at the image, it says "2 proprietary drivers in use"22:42
OerHeks'xorg' driver would be the radeon driver22:42
Ben64and when you look closer at the image, it shows that one is for your wireless, and one is for your cpu22:42
MonthuI know. I'm talking about the cpu22:43
Monthuusually I get something like this http://www.aplikasipc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Update-Software-Ubuntu.jpg22:44
Ben64right, as stated thrice already, 16.04 doesn't have proprietary drivers anymore for amd22:44
OerHeksno fglx ..22:44
Ben64there isn't anything after "thrice" please don't make me repeat it anymore22:45
Monthu:) ok22:45
Monthuthanks for the help22:45
OerHeksupdated wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver22:46
Bashing-omMonthu: 16.04 release notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes ; " When upgrading to Ubuntu 16.04 from a previous release, both the fglrx driver and the xorg.conf will be removed, so that the system is set to use either the amdgpu driver or the radeon driver (depending on the available hardware)."22:46
rcw2hi ive been running xenial for a couple months without major issues but starting a few days ago especially chrome, firefox and thunderbird have been crashing over and over again.  im updated and upgraded.  any suggestions?  is there some major problem of note in recent pushes?22:46
popeyrcw2: what graphics card?22:46
popeyrcw2: I am on xenail and haven't seen crashes22:47
Monthuthanks Bashing-om22:47
MonthuI get it now22:47
thyriI'm back!22:48
Bashing-omMonthu: AND is working hard to give us what we asked for . A fully functional open source driver in the kernel.22:49
rcw2popey, yeah its bad, ive even had to use Windows! to complete some tasks... ughh! Using this, which is very mainstream: VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0b)22:52
thyriSo Ubuntu is still really new to me...  I managed to install Pidgin IM using the Ubuntu Software Center, but now I don't know how to open it so I can use it.  Help! Please...23:02
OerHeksalt f2 : pidgin23:03
OerHeksor scroll through the menus, it is an internet application [hint]23:04
thyriUm, OerHeks, can you be a little more specific with what you mean by scroll through the menus?23:05
bazhangthyri, have you had a read of the pidgin user guide, #pidgin channel can assist23:06
OerHeksdepends on what ubuntu version, for plain ubuntu hit the top left icon and search trhough the menus23:07
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OerHeksor alt f2 ..23:08
thyriYeah found it with alt f2.23:08
thyrialso found it with the top left button.23:08
thyriOk so what is that top left button called?  It seems to be the equivalent of the Windows Start menu.23:09
thyriAnd as I was searching Google yesterday I saw "Nautilus" mentioned but it didn't specify what it was.23:09
thyriI need Ubuntu for Dummies lol23:09
thyriI have v 14.0423:09
xangua! Manual | thyri23:10
ubottuthyri: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/23:10
bazhang!manual | thyri23:10
thyriis that a terminal entry?23:10
bazhang!rute | thyri23:10
ubottuthyri: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/95-799/rute.pdf23:10
thyriah there it is23:10
bazhanghttp://ubuntu-manual.org/ <----- thyri23:10
thyrilooks like I have a lot of reading to do lol23:10
OerHeksubuntu for dummies is an insult, grinn23:11
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rcw2_lately my browsers and thunderbird app have been crashing quite often... so often that ive needed to use another machine for some things for the interim.  i have this graphics card... what advise can anyone offer?  just assume its a bug in one of the latest pushes and wait until they identify and fix it?  using xenial.  all upgraded. this graphics card: VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0b)23:14
codfectionwelcome to ubuntu world. ^ rcw2_23:15
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rcw2_codfection, ive been using ubuntu for like 4 years and this is the first time things have crashed liked this... and for days on end23:15
codfectionwhere do you live? rcw2_23:17
rcw2_codfection, californ i a23:17
codfectionI have seen many peeps23:17
codfectionusing OS X23:17
codfectionin california23:17
codfectionI am not from US23:17
OerHeksthats helpfull, codfection23:18
codfection^ Could you offer some help? OerHeks23:18
rcw2_codfection, yeah, a lot of apples around here for sure23:18
bazhang!ot | codfection23:18
ubottucodfection: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:18
codfectionactually its not out of topic. he is asking why is ubuntu crashing and I am giving him options to solve23:19
OerHekshard to say why browsers crash, on what pages, tried to fix by deleted profile, and such23:19
bazhangcodfection, take the chat elsewhere23:19
codfectionchill ^23:19
codfectionI also keep getting sudden crash reports in 16.04 Xenial23:20
k1l_start the browser in a terminal and keep that terminal opened. than see what errors are written there when the crash of the browser happens23:21
codfectionk1l_, my firefox lags23:22
codfectionon ubuntu23:22
codfectiondo I need to re install it?23:22
codfectionchrome is smooth. maybe coz firefox was built in with the installation of ubuntu23:23
k1l_codfection: you can try to start with a clean profile and see if that helps.23:23
codfectionactually I didnt log into any profile.23:24
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k1l_codfection: talking about browser profiles. your browser creates one on first start.23:26
apb1963ubuntu 14.04 I can't get pidgin to recognize my sound card.23:26
chaotixhey.  in Ubuntu Mate 16.04, what is the setting where the window you are dragging becomes transparent called?  i want to enable this in compiz but i dont know what it is called23:27
chaotixnvm found it23:30
LordDragonhey all. is there an easy way to find out how many users are logging in to my ubuntu server via ssh ?23:37
Bashing-omLordDragon: 'who' ?23:38
LtLLordDragon: ssh in and type 'who'23:38
LordDragonah ok23:38
LordDragonperfect. thanks23:39
apb1963anybody know of an instant messenger client that works?  voice/video included?  works with yahoo?23:48
apb1963ubuntu 14.0423:49
thyriapb1963 Pidgin works with YIM and a bunch of others but I don't know if voice/vid works.  find it at the ubuntu apps site.23:53
nomoney4mehi all, I am trying to connect to an MSSQL database.  It seems that I can connect to 1 already.  but this 2nd one doesn't work, keep getting timed out, is it a driver issue?23:54
rcw2_nomoney4me, amazon?23:55
nomoney4mercw2_, not amazon, my own server that I am hosting on my network.23:55
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nomoney4meI am using this driver: libmsodbcsql-11.0.so.2270.0   it connects to oracle v11 just fine, but it's having connecting to oracle v1023:57
nomoney4mehaving problem*23:57
apb1963thyri:  Pidgin doesn't do voice/video yet... possibly with xmpp but YM is what I need today.23:57
nomoney4mehas there been reports of this?23:58
apb1963I have it installed, I've used it for months.. but no voice/vid23:58
Edistowhere do you disable the alt + clicking that moves windows in the ccms?23:58

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