
toms_I have Xubuntu, LinuxMint, and Manjaro on a Dell GX620.  When grub updates I can't access Manjaro.  Grub shows /boot/intel-ucode.img  but not /boot/initramfs-3.18-x86_64.img01:54
=== xangua_ is now known as xangua
xubuntu42wanyone with a lenovo T460 out there ?07:30
blingrangBig problem, just noticed my touchpad has stopped working... Its enabled in settings.07:43
blingrangdell Inspron 15 3000 series07:43
blingrangxinput under core pointer shows:07:46
blingrangVirtual core XTEST pointer and DLL0651:00 06CB:298507:47
=== Thomas_ is now known as Guest43657
Guest43657i have a trouble10:17
Guest43657I can't open software center10:17
Guest43657when I click it, nothing happen10:17
Guest43657please help me! thank you very much10:18
Guest43657because I need install a packet .deb10:18
Noruxhi guys17:02
pavlushkaHi Norux17:04
NoruxI have a quick question; I switched from ubuntu and I'm really happy about the faster OS, but I am missing the Menu Bar in the Title of the Window. Is there any option to "re-enable" it or make it appear below the title bar?17:05
flocculantNorux: which apps - some are gtk3 and don't actually have a 'menu bar'17:07
flocculantand when you say 'switched' - was that a reinstall or an install of xubuntu-desktop?17:07
flocculantthat might possibly make a difference17:08
Noruxflocculant: I installed xubuntu-desktop.17:11
Noruxflocculant: I am talking about various apps, e.g. Google Chrome, HexChat (although I found a way to enable the title bar here), Thunderbird...17:12
flocculantnot a clue with chrome - but tbird should have one - suspect some odd behaviour if ubuntu was originally installed - did you get rid of ubuntu packages at all?17:18
Noruxflocculant: no I didn't, in case I didn't like xubuntu17:31
flocculantmmm - well I'm not sure what's causing it - I'd suspect one of the unity packages17:33
Noruxso by default the menu bar is still there??17:33
flocculantNorux: yup17:35
flocculantI'd be fairly sure it's whatever makes ubuntu lose menu bars :)17:35
flocculantespecially if you've got both installed17:36
Noruxflocculant: which ubuntu packages can I safely remove?17:45
flocculantNorux: I can't asnwer that any more - there used to be a site with the information17:46
flocculantsomeone else might be able to help you - hang around for a while17:47
Noruxflocculant: what about that? https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/alternative17:48
flocculantNorux: never followed that so can't be sure :)17:49
flocculant*looks* right though17:49
flocculanthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/17124722/ is what unity packages I have on a normal(ish) xubuntu17:50
flocculantignore the xubuntu stuff :)17:50
flocculantquick look and it's *not* standard xubuntu being left behind at that site - we use mousepad and don't default with synaptic anymore17:52
shadowLinkflocculant, you're asking about the `File Edit View...`  menus under the title bar of applications right?17:52
flocculantshadowLink: I'm not asking about anything :)17:52
shadowLinkah, haha, sorry, Norux17:53
shadowLinkat least for Chrome / Chromium, the menu bar was done away with I believe17:54
shadowLinkyou used to be able to access it by hitting -alt-, now across OS's i think it's gone. you can set the title bar to use the system theme in Chrome settings, but no menu bar17:55
NoruxshadowLink: alt doesn't work for me17:56
shadowLinkit will work in browsers like firefox, for Chrome the menu is no longer part of the program17:57
NoruxshadowLink: oh, okay.17:58
Noruxwhat about thunderbird?17:58
shadowLinktry F1017:59
NoruxshadowLink: hmm, good. But auto showing the menus is not possible18:01
flocculantfrom the menu *menu*?18:01
shadowLinksorry, dont have it installed, if it's not an option in the 'view'  menu probably not18:01
shadowLinkthe designers are trying to get away from that menu bar for some reason..18:02
NoruxshadowLink: thanks a lot! Found it!18:02
shadowLinkno problem18:02
NoruxshadowLink: also, is it safe to uninstall ubuntu-mono?18:03
shadowLinkyou can use this command to help check18:04
shadowLinkapt-cache rdepends ubuntu-mono18:04
shadowLinkin a terminal, it'll list what packages you have installed are using it.18:04
NoruxshadowLink: so, when uninstalling, those will be not working anymore?18:05
shadowLinkright, or they'll be uninstalled with it since they depend on mono18:06
shadowLinkmono shouldn't cause any harm though, unless you're trying to free up drive space18:06
NoruxshadowLink: what about the other ubuntu packages18:06
shadowLinkthe command from the link you posted looked fine to me18:08
NoruxshadowLink: okay thanks ;)18:08
Noruxanother simple question: what does this circle button in the title bar do18:16
shadowLinkhere's an explination http://askubuntu.com/questions/625746/stick-button-behavior-in-title-bar18:18
shadowLinkalso shows how you can get rid of it18:18
Noruxthank you :)18:18
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