
q2r6thg7r8i5 min00:05
wxlit's important, too, that you're a member of the vbox users group. usually that happens on install of the guest additions, but it depends. either way, you'll need to log out and back in for it to take effect.00:06
q2r6thg7r8iNow they oracle have problems the guest additions are not install on the Linux version 16. But in version 15 installing guest additions didn't help, the folder is visible but no access. In Debian by install the guest additions you need to use the commands in the terminal for have use this folder (disk). Now I use the built-in guest additions in Lubuntu, in the section additional drivers. The network drive is visible, but when op00:16
q2r6thg7r8iNow I use in 16 Lubuntu the built-in guest additions in Lubuntu, in the section additional drivers. The network drive is visible, but when opening this disk (name sf_T_DRIVE) says00:17
q2r6thg7r8isays no access00:17
q2r6thg7r8iIn Debian as I understand, only installed the guest additions not enough you need to use the commands to have access to the folder (Lan Disk).00:22
q2r6thg7r8iwindows to wondows ok have only install guest aditions00:23
q2r6thg7r8iwindows to windows or not need install guest aditions for lan disk -  I don't remember exactly.00:26
q2r6thg7r8iWhat you have to look possible to fix, no sound in VB is not on Lubuntu 15, not 16. Folder network drive is visible in lubuntu and in Xu, but no access. That's what I wanted to tell00:36
q2r6thg7r8iI use Linux only in VB.00:39
sdfsdfTwo questions02:14
sdfsdf1. What should I do for my R9 270x02:14
sdfsdf(I just did a fresh install)02:14
sdfsdf2. Where can I get nice dark themes02:14
sdfsdfI'm going blind.02:15
sdfsdfLubuntu is a little too bright02:15
sdfsdfI'll just sit here and wait02:18
sdfsdfhopefully someone isn't dead02:18
Unit193'Numix' isn't specifically dark, but is a bit darker at least.  Also like the Elementary-xfce-dark icon set.  You could do MediterraneanNightDarkest, though the support for ever changing GTK3 isn't always the best.02:20
Unit193(Get the SASS branch, compile it, drop them in ~/.themes/(02:20
sdfsdfTearing isn't too bad02:20
sdfsdfI have a bit of tearing02:20
sdfsdfR9 270x02:21
Unit193Could try the compton compositor.02:22
sdfsdfI'm using the FOSS drivers aparently02:24
sdfsdfI'm always split between Windows and Linux for my daily driver02:24
sdfsdfI want to use Linux but I grew up windows02:24
sdfsdfAll my needs are perfectly satisfied by windows02:24
sdfsdfBut I use Linux on servers02:25
sdfsdfCan I GPU passthrough to a VM?02:32
sdfsdfwith my only GPU02:32
frankenminthi, how do i report an issue to the developers?03:36
frankenmintsuper low priority but03:36
frankenmintI notice that I can't send shutdown acpi shutdown signal from virtualbox into lubuntu guest vm03:36
frankenmintby the way I LOVE this distro :)03:38
frankenmintits been lightweight but powerful as a sandboxing distro03:38
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.03:48
davlefouHi, how can desactivate screensave in file user?10:33
leszekYou want to disable the screensaver ?10:35
leszekI think xscreensaver is in use. This features a gui to configure. Otherwise if you are on a laptop and want to disable suspend of the monitor you can change settings by right clicking the battery icon which should lead you to the xfce4-power-manager10:38
davlefoui can't use graphic interface for that!10:39
davlefouIt what have put my question!10:39
leszekdavlefou: you could remove xscreensaver10:42
davlefouleszek, good idea10:49
swift110hey all14:49
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femtogramhey guys, it seems like lightdm will only automatically login if there is a monitor connected?16:13
femtogramthis is on lubuntu 16.04 64 bit with the proprietary nvidia driver.16:14

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