
KilosQA tell pavlushka You have been very scarce lad. is everything ok there?16:44
QAKilos: Okay, I'll tell pavlushka on freenode16:44
pavlushkaHell Dear Kilos , how are you?18:06
pavlushkaKilos: I was busy with practicing and with frequent power cuts.18:07
Kilosas long as you ok thats good18:39
pavlushkaKilos: same applies to you, :p18:40
Kilospavlushka whats wro ng with the modem18:52
Kilosor nm18:52
pavlushkaubuntu, ubuntu-MATE works with it in the same machine but not in Xubuntu, works with both 32/64 bit but not in Xubuntu 16.04!18:53
Kilosdoes it see the modem there18:56
Kilosok so what doesnt work18:57
pavlushkathe network manager of Xubuntu cant find the device where the network-manager of ubuntu, ubuntu-MATE finds the device and been able to connect with that for the later systems.18:59
Kilosdid you try sakis3g on xubuntu19:01
pavlushkaKilos: Though I can make the modem work in Xubuntu with sakis3g script but why not the network-manager, so I filed a bug against that.19:02
Kilosgood luck with that. nm issues can be painful19:07
Kilosi go sleep now19:07
Kiloslook after yourself19:07
pavlushkanight night Kilos and ok thank you, :)19:07
pavlushkaand you toolook after yourself Kilos 19:08
Kiloswill do19:08

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