
Kiloshi svij05:51
svijhi Kilos05:51
Kiloshi dholbach06:30
dholbachhi Kilos06:30
svijmorning dholbach06:31
dholbachhey hey svij06:32
davidcalledpm: coordination!13:06
dpmdavidcalle, I'm a bit lost for the context, but yeah! \m/13:20
davidcalledpm: ~same email ~same time13:21
dpmoh, lol13:21
* dpm and davidcalle independently sent an e-mail to sergiusens about the same thing13:22
dpmyou won by 2 minutes, though, I hadn't refreshed my e-mail13:22
marcoceppijcastro: what's you leaf count?14:49
jcastronot a good one14:49
davidcalledpm: oh, also, showdown winners are now directly in touch with stefanie for shipping details15:35
dpmthanks davidcalle15:36
davidcalleHave a nice eod all o/16:08
dpmmhall119, how's the trip preparation going?16:18
knomemhall119, dholbach: any updates to when any action re: docs team leadership request is being acted upon?16:19
mhall119dpm: I'm only a day behind schedule :/16:26
mhall119knome: dholbach just brought that up again in our team meeting yesterday, so "soon" I would say16:26
mhall119knome: sorry we haven't acted faster on this, we will do our best to correct that16:30
knomewell i understand time is tight and that it isn't an easy thing to resolve16:30
dholbachall right.. I need to run16:33
dholbachsee you guys tomorrow!16:33
svijdpm: are you actually currently in the sponsorship brochure? I want to finally publish it now17:10
dpmsvij, I am now, but I thought you had resolved all comments with mhall119 already?17:11
svijyeah, just saw that you're in the document17:12
svijdidn't want to randomly publish if when you're currently looking in it anyway17:12
dpmsvij, ok ok17:13
dpmI can have a final look if you want, but don't block on me17:14
svijif you do it now, I'll wait ;)17:14
dpmactually, just spotted a typo17:14
dpmok, give me 5 mins then, and I'll re-read17:15
svijthanks :)17:15
dpmsvij, "Drinks and food for all attendees included" <- I think we should tone that one down to set expectations, not that everyone thinks we're giving out free lunch and dinner :)17:18
svijwe didn't say that the event will be free^^17:18
svijnot sure if we should add that17:19
dpmright, but that might set higher expectations -> catered lunch instead of sandwiches17:19
svijany suggestion how I could write that down, so that it doesn't sound weird?17:20
knome"a small amount of free snacks for attendees available"17:21
knomei don't think it's bad to be realistic/accurate17:21
svijthanks knome17:21
knomealso reading that nobody comes there expecting to eat their stomach full17:22
svijwell it will be a buffett like thing… not sure show much/well that be.17:22
knomewhich means the snacks will likely last for longer17:22
knomeyou can update websites and stuff when you know better17:22
dpmsvij, looks good to me now17:25
svijyay, thanks17:25
dpmgood work!17:25
svijnote to self: Procrastinate more often, so dpm will fix my spelling errors…17:25
svijor continue to procrastinate \o/17:26
* dpm hugs svij :)17:26
* svij hugs dpm back17:26
svijdpm: should I upload it to the "global"  sponsor site? http://ubucon.org/en/sponsors/ or to a sub page of ubucon europe?17:27
dpmsvij, perhaps to a subpage for now. I created a global Sponsors page for all UbuCons, but it got lost when the site got wiped a couple of months ago. I'm planning to re-create that page at some point, but no need to wait on that17:29
mhall119svij: put it under the UbuCon Europe page, since UbuCon LA is in the sponsor gathering stage currently as well we should use the global sponsor page to direct people to the right event17:29
svijmhall119: oh right17:30
svijdpm: ok!17:30
svijnow I just need to know what text should I put next to the pdf on that site…17:32
svijcan anyone of you have another look if this is OK? http://ubucon.org/en/events/ubucon-europe/sponsors/17:42
svijdpm: ^^17:56
* dpm looks17:56
* dpm logs in first17:57
dpmsvij, what do you think?18:10
svijdpm: great18:11
svijdpm: thank you! :)18:11
* svij publishes18:16
=== chalcedny is now known as chalcedony

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