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pittiGood morning05:58
seb128good morning desktopers06:51
seb128hey pitti06:51
pittibonjour seb128!06:52
seb128wie gehts?06:52
pittiseb128: much better, thanks!06:57
didrockshey seb128, pitti07:15
willcookemorning all07:20
willcookeseb128, did you and robert_ancell meet yet?07:20
willcookeerm, github down for anyone else?07:26
pittiwillcooke: confirmed07:27
pittiwas still working 30 mins ago07:27
willcookepitti, thx07:27
pittihttps://status.github.com/ says "all operational", though07:27
willcookeyeah, that loads for me too07:27
willcookebut is lies07:27
pittibut the graphs clearly say otherwise :)07:28
pitti(the spike/drop at the end)07:28
willcookethis is where it turns out the "All systems operational" is just a PNG07:28
willcookeevening robert_ancell07:29
willcookerobert_ancell, just going on the school run, brb07:29
willcookepitti, back now07:30
willcookegithub that is07:30
robert_ancellwillcooke, so the schoolrun didn't take 1min?07:32
robert_ancellAre you homeschooling your kids?07:32
willcookerobert_ancell, @ home school - hell no.07:54
robert_ancellseb128, back yet?07:55
didrockswillcooke: it was temporary (on gh issue)08:03
didrockswillcooke: just at the time I was pushing some code, ofc! :)08:03
willcookedidrocks, lol, of course :)08:03
didrocksomg, it's me /o\08:04
didrockshey Laney08:04
willcookemorning Laney08:04
seb128robert_ancell, hey08:04
robert_ancellseb128, willcooke, hangout?08:05
seb128if you want08:05
Laneywhat up08:05
robert_ancellI think it will be faster08:05
willcookeseb128, robert_ancell - https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/will?authuser=008:05
robert_ancellwhoops, wrong paste08:05
seb128robert_ancell, willcooke, I'm coming, google is just giving me the 2fa finger08:07
seb128hey Laney, how are you?08:35
Laneymeow seb12808:35
seb128using your new outside desk? ;-)08:36
Laneygoing to work on a 3.20 pkg in a minute08:36
Laneyit looks colder today08:36
seb128here too08:36
Laneyhow are you?08:36
Laneygood hangout?08:36
seb128I just closed a bit the windows08:36
seb128woke up early, had time to morning catchup and then to go out for coffee before the hangout08:37
seb128yeah, summary is that we are going to do moar snaps!08:37
robert_ancellseb128, willcooke bug 159067908:38
ubot5bug 1590679 in Snappy "Apps can't own session bus names (unity7 interface)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159067908:38
seb128robert_ancell, thanks08:38
willcookethanks robert_ancell08:38
Laneyattente: is there a mir patch needed for gtk 3.20?08:41
seb128willcooke, triaged it and asked for input from tyhicks and jdstrand08:41
willcookethank you!08:43
* Laney eyes lcy0110:08
Sweet5hark1whoa, Microsoft just forked FreeBSD -- and non-hostile at that.10:21
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willcookeSweet5hark1, blimey!10:55
ogra_non-hostile ? how evil of them !11:00
pittiLaney: still that effing Python bug (bug 1584147)11:12
ubot5bug 1584147 in cloud-images "cloud-init hangs on boot as Python waits for sufficient randomness to start" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158414711:12
pittiLaney: fortunately at least half of the fix landed upstream yesterday11:12
Laneypitti: oh right, I thought you worked around this11:15
Laneywhy is it only lcy?11:15
pittiLaney: because that's the one which fails to build adt images in 95% of the cases11:17
pittiLaney: "my" adt images have booted before and thus have a /var/blabla/random_seed thingy11:18
pittibut as lcy01 mostly times out on create-image, it uses the standard cloud images which don't have a pre-existing random_seed11:18
pitti(for good reasons :) )11:18
* Laney cries11:21
Laneypitti: thanks for the info11:21
mdeslauranybody know why xenial shows a muted volume notification when I get to lightdm, and right after logging in?11:29
pittiLaney: life is fun, isn't it :-/11:30
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seb128mdeslaur, no ... is that new? plain xenial? or using unity8 overlay?11:58
mdeslaurseb128: plain xenial, since I upgraded my wily laptop to xenial last week, I get those when I get to lightdm, and when my session opens12:00
mdeslaurseb128: none of my volumes are muted12:00
mdeslaurI'm not sure why it's appearing12:00
seb128unsure, tedg might have an idea?12:04
ogra_no pulse in the lightdm session =12:05
seb128well, it's not doing it for me and that's the first time I saw it reported12:05
seb128new indicator displays notifications on devices changes though12:06
seb128like if you connect an headset12:06
seb128so I wonder if there is some kind of device change event on mdeslaur's system?12:06
ogra_must be that /usr/bin/nsa-listen-on-mic service that blocks the audio device ;)12:07
mdeslaurhaha :)12:08
ogra_check if other security team members see it too ;)12:08
mdeslaurthey'll be pretty disappointed to record me farting and badly singing along to a taylor swift song12:08
seb128mdeslaur, best to ask xavigarcia he's on #ubuntu-devel12:16
seb128he's maintaining indicator-sound nowadays I think12:16
mdeslaurseb128: ok, thanks12:16
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dgadomskihello everyone12:43
dgadomskido you know if there are any chances that bug 1314587 is going to be fixed?12:44
ubot5bug 1314587 in unity (Ubuntu) "Windows slow/stall/freeze when minimizing/restoring/etc in Unity 7 (14.04 and 14.10)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131458712:44
ogra_definitely not for 14.1012:46
willcookedgadomski, not likely, but maybe Trevinho can comment when he's online ^  (he's at a sprint though)12:48
dgadomskithanks willcooke, Trevinho: I would appreciate your feedback on this12:48
seb128dgadomski, can you reproduce? is that still an issue in 16.04?12:50
dgadomskiseb128: unfortunately I can't, I also wasn't able to reproduce it myself with 14.0412:51
seb128k, what I though12:51
seb128it would probably be fixed if it was easy to trigger/work on12:51
dgadomskiI will keep trying with some different configurations12:53
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Trevinhohey dgadomski13:15
seb128hey Trevinho13:16
dgadomskiTrevinho: o/13:16
Trevinhohey seb12813:16
Trevinhohow is going?13:17
seb128Trevinho, good! how is Canada? having fun at the hackfest?13:18
Trevinhoseb128: I'm enjoying canada a lot13:18
Trevinhoseb128: unexected north america.... :-)13:18
seb128first time there?13:19
Trevinhoseb128: I've been in Toronto before, but I've to admit that French people did the right thing here :-D13:19
TrevinhoI mean, quebec area has that european touch which make me feel more at home13:19
seb128I like Montréal better as well13:19
Trevinhoseb128: have you been to Quebéc too?13:20
Trevinhoeh, that's reaaallly nice. Tiny, but nice.13:20
Trevinhowell, not so tiny... But old city is13:20
seb128one for next time then!13:20
Trevinhoseb128: as for the sprint, going well... Getting busy too. I expect this cycle to be full of stuff13:21
qenghoHas anyone seen a machine lose its link route (but preserve default route!) on DHCP expiration and re-lease?13:22
willcookeqengho, link route as in layer 2?13:29
* willcooke googles link route 13:29
willcookethe route13:30
qenghowillcooke: like, the locally-connected network is Foo. No IP routing to be done, just dump on the wire.13:30
qengho$ route -n; echo -e \\ncompare to\\n; route -n |grep -v ^[123456789]13:33
qenghoNot a Desktop thing. I'll take this elsewhere.13:34
Trevinhodgadomski: mh, I'm not seeing that issue I've to say...13:38
willcookeqengho, are you using ip v6 at all?13:47
dgadomskiTrevinho: can you think of any useful logs that an affected user could provide to shed more light on it?14:07
Trevinhodgadomski: is the way to replicate the bug still the same?14:08
dgadomskiI believe so, ues14:08
Trevinhodgadomski: also is unity running fully accelerated to you, right?14:08
Trevinho for being sure /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p14:09
Trevinhoor ~/.cache/upstart/unity7.log14:09
dgadomskiTrevinho: I need to ask for this data14:09
dgadomskiTrevinho: is there anything else that could be useful to ask for at this point?14:11
Laneythe people or the food?14:15
Laneyshan't say14:16
pittidesrt: give them a hug from me!14:16
pitti. o O { am I the only one who finds it crazy to do work IRC on a phone in a restaurant? }14:17
desrtpitti: attente says "that was horrible"14:17
larsuhi pitti!14:17
larsuhi Laney!14:17
attentelol i didn't know14:17
seb128hey desrt, larsu, attente14:18
larsuhi seb128!14:18
larsuToronto \o/14:18
Laneyhi there14:18
Laneyhmm that hackfest14:18
Laneyit's not too late for me to go14:18
larsuya Laney, come!14:18
desrtLaney: come!!!14:18
seb128larsu, sorry but I've to be with Trevinho on this one, he picked Montreal :p14:18
larsuyeah wrong choice, clearly14:19
larsuno Keg, for one14:19
Trevinholarsu: there's Keg14:19
Trevinholarsu: close to the hotel too...14:19
larsuTrevinho: not the good one ;)14:19
desrtTrevinho: there is no keg mansion14:19
seb128there is a "kek" here14:19
Laneykey encryption key14:19
seb128but yeah, the keg mansion is nice14:19
seb128I've to say14:19
TrevinhoWell, not sure it was the right one... but... well it was good http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7268/27404668711_54c29605b7_b.jpg14:21
Laneyit's a hard life this sprinting lark14:21
larsuTrevinho: the food is probably just as good - the one in Toronto is just at a really nice location14:22
Laneylarsu: what are you hackfesting on?14:22
Laneythought you were out of gtk stuff these days14:22
Trevinholarsu: ah, i've seen a pic, yeah.. it seems nice14:22
Trevinhoso bad I missed it when I was there14:22
Trevinhosome people is travelling there after sprint, though14:23
Trevinhowell, after grand prix14:23
larsugrand prix?14:23
TrevinhoYes, there's the F1 grand prix on Sunday here14:23
larsuah, F114:24
larsumeh :)14:24
* Trevinho not attending it... but there are Ferrai guys in the hotel with us14:24
didrocksbetween football and italians, I don't know where to go those days to escape sport discussion…14:25
didrocks"the horror begins"14:25
Trevinhodidrocks: no worries... We'll have to discuss a lot during this European cup... :-)14:26
Trevinhoor maybe not... We've just a shitty team since some years14:26
didrockssee, it begins…14:26
Trevinhoseb128: are you already ready for tomorrow night?14:26
Trevinhodidrocks: i wouldn't have done... :_)14:27
didrocks /o\14:27
Trevinhoif... you didn't remember14:27
seb128Trevinho, easy warm up round14:27
Trevinhoseb128: easy... The easiest are the hardest14:27
seb128yeah, let's see14:27
* Trevinho imagines Seb with the french flag make up14:27
didrockshe has to support 2 teams now though!14:28
ogra_didrocks, just take a vacation in the US ... (then you can instead experience the copa america)14:29
* didrocks press F5 on https://github.com/ubuntu/snappy-playpen/wiki/Known-issues and see that seb did the work I was planning to do :)14:29
didrocksogra_: I'm not *that* desperate :)14:29
qenghowillcooke: no global v6 addresses, though v6 link is everywhere. It's v4 that's missing on re-lease.14:32
seb128didrocks, that would be 3, forgot germany :p though .nl didn't qualify for the euro this time14:45
seb128didrocks, :-)14:45
seb128didrocks, yeah, dholbach pinged me about it, there is probably a bit more to add14:46
seb128ok, time for grab something to eat and enjoy a bit the nice weather17:10
seb128have a nice evening desktopers!17:10
willcookecheers seb128!17:11
Laneylaters from me too17:25
willcookenight Laney17:30
willcookeand with that... away17:30
willcookenight all17:30
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