
pilnea lot of the other ubuntu family are getting quite critical reviews from dedoimedo, i wonder if mate would fare any better?00:23
staeksaucecritical about what00:24
ouroumovwhat's dedoimedo?00:24
pilnea guy that does somewhat "everyday" reviews of linux distros00:25
pilneor gal, but the writing comes across as very "guy"00:25
staeksaucewhat are they critical of00:26
ouroumovApparently, samba00:27
ouroumovrealtek driver goodness00:28
pilnei mean, i don't use that stuff, but i can understand how they are considered "basics" these days00:30
ouroumovI'm not a big fan of that gal/guy's review style00:31
pilneneither am I as a whole, but it is one of the few sites to actually have reviewed a few 16.04s00:31
ouroumovYeah, Ars Technica only showed screenshots for Kubuntu and Ubuntu MATE, like two screenshot each and one paragraph, I was disappointed00:32
ouroumovI don't get why he's spending so much of the review talking about problems in the ubuntu base, isn't he repeating himself?00:34
pilneyeah... lol00:34
ouroumovAlso what's the point of doing a review before the first point release is out?00:35
ouroumovThe software updater hasn't even advertised the new LTS to people using old version00:36
pilnethey kinda make the point that the LTS should be solid when it comes out00:36
pilnebut i see yours as well.00:36
ouroumovSomeone should also tell him that Kubuntu only has 3 years support00:37
pilnei looked into the requirements for sending them an email... PITA, so nope00:40
* nomic just installed 14.04 .. cos xchat is the old V (this is xubuntu) .. I run mate on the pi3s .. use the pi3s as server/media / development ... 14.04 runs out april next year .. wil l upgrade sometime .. is easy , just do it in the background -- did that with the pi3s - 15.04 to 16.04 mate .. while playing a film & working -- none of this win 10 upgrade business (log off, "shedule" ,, multiple reboots "will reboot se00:47
nomicseem to have an NFS problem on 16.04 anyway, fstab, mount doesn't work00:48
nomicpi3s are great desktops if you use omxplayer for media -- avoide the browser .. browsers are hugely buggy resource hogs -- not suited to raspberry pi/mate00:49
nomicso I run browser on laptop -- drift mouse cursor across to pi3 desktop, using x2x00:49
nomicomxplayer  = optimised player for pi3 .. it seems that much software is having to be written to run on arm00:49
nomicmplayer / vlc -- will not work on pi300:50
nomiconly omxplayer - that which is written for the pi3/mate00:50
nomicnot sure if its just mate .. but works briliantly -- I have sky news live stream on the pi3, in HD .. never had that with a pi300:51
nomic    livestreamer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y60wDzZt8yg best --player omxplayer --fifo --player-args "{filename}"   <- will stream sky news in HD window00:51
nomiclivestreamer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y60wDzZt8yg best --player omxplayer --fifo --player-args "--win \"1000 600 1920 1200\" {filename}"   <- will stream sky news live in HD In a little window, bottom right corner00:51
nomicso cool00:51
nomicpeople trying to get browser , youtube working .. its not on .. not with 1gb ram .. it would work if the browser were completely rewritten for arm00:53
nomicyoutube plays in firefox -- but theyres lag (it doesn't sync (sound,video))00:54
santoHi,I need help01:45
ouroumovhi santo01:45
santoSteam does not launch. I installed from the sotware center (did not work), I have installed from the steam web page (did not work), I installed manually (did not work)01:47
ouroumovWhat software center?01:47
ouroumovDo you mean the Software Boutique?01:47
ouroumovHave you subscribed to welcome updates?01:51
santoi guess not01:52
santosorry for my ignorance where do I suscribe?01:56
ouroumovWhen you launch "Welcome", there's a check box01:56
ouroumov(System -> Welcome)01:56
ouroumovIt's in the top right corner I think01:56
=== hey is now known as Guest62130
santolibGL error: unable to load driver: r600_dri.so02:33
santolibGL error: driver pointer missing02:33
santolibGL error: failed to load driver: r60002:33
santolibGL error: unable to load driver: swrast_dri.so02:33
santolibGL error: failed to load driver: swrast02:33
santoSteam does not launch02:33
santomy software is updated.02:34
ouroumovRun the fixes from the software boutique (last icon on the right)02:34
ouroumovThen make sure you've gone through the "Driver & Firmware" step of the "Getting Started" section of the Welcome splash screen02:34
=== cam is now known as Guest88417
stoojHi - my 8GB card only has 7.4GB of writable storage. Is there any special trick I can do to the r-pi mate image to squash it on there? There's juuust not quite enough room03:01
nomicyou can't squeeze mate image into 8gb?03:04
nomicits far smaller03:04
ouroumovnomic, actually no03:05
nomicive got mate 16.04 on a micro ssd (pi3) , here which is using 5.2gb03:05
nomicmax. thats other stuff03:05
ouroumovThe compressed image is smaller03:06
nomicthe image (mate for pi) , is smaller03:06
nomicyou can get it in 7.403:06
ouroumovThe uncompressed image has a bunch of zeros03:06
nomicwith heaps to spare03:06
nomicuse gparted to squeeze your storage03:07
nomicor release, after having written the image03:07
nomicwhen you have written the img, the image needs to be squeezed, releasing up the space03:07
nomicthats the "special trick"03:07
nomicyou mount your ssd from a laptop03:07
nomicrun gparted03:07
nomicand you then can unlock the partician .. there is a bar which indicates the free space -- you move the bar towards the pi image, releasing the free space into a general pool03:08
nomicyou then commit or write the change03:08
nomicforgot -- the 8gb card will be fully used, until you do that03:08
nomictool = "gparted" ouroumov03:08
ouroumovI don't really care, I don't have an rpi :o03:09
stoojSorry, not quite following. Where does an SSD come into it? Do I need to write the iso to a spare hard drive, then squeeze that, then dd that drive to a sdcard?03:11
stoojCouldn't I mount the image somehow as a loopback device, I think?03:12
stoojAh, grand. Thanks ouroumov03:14
julian_hi, can anyone help me with setting up VNC server?05:05
julian_I followed the raspberry pi instructions to install tightvnc but when I try to run the command it says "server already running" or something05:06
julian_and I can't connect to the server from client05:06
ouroumovDo you have a firewall running?05:07
julian_not sure about on ubuntu, this is a fresh install05:08
julian_and I ticked the option to add exception for Windows Firewall on my client05:08
ouroumovThis is Ubuntu MATE right? There's an "activate firewall" step in the Getting Started sequence of the Welcome application. If you toggled that then you're droping inbound packets by default05:08
julian_yeah I'm using MATE, I will take a look at that05:09
ouroumovAlso you should check your network setup.05:10
ouroumovAre your client and the server on the same LAN? that sort of things.05:10
julian_well I've used remote desktop between two Windows computers05:11
julian_I'm new to using VNC so it's probably something I did(n't) do05:11
ouroumov<julian_> well I've used remote desktop between two Windows computers -> That tells us nothing of your network setup :o05:12
julian_also the firewall is disabled05:13
julian_what do you need to know about the setup? the pi is plugged in through ethernet and my laptop is Wi-Fi?05:13
julian_also I checked the pi's IP address in the network list thingy05:13
ouroumovAre the laptop and the pi on the same network? (Like, say, your home router's network)05:14
ouroumovAnd you can ping the pi from your laptop?05:14
ouroumovOr ssh into it?05:14
ouroumovI gotta go take a shower, bbl05:15
julian_didn't install ssh yet but I will try cmd ping05:15
julian_ping command in windows command prompt works when I type in the Pi's IP address05:16
ouroumovOkay julian_. What are those instructions you followed for tightvnc setup?05:26
julian_I followed these ones: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/vnc/README.md05:27
julian_it's just when I try to make a new server and I do :1 it says a server is already running there, but I need to actually be able to specify the -geometry argument since my client has a smaller screen than this monitor the Pi is plugged into05:28
ouroumovYeah, see, I suspect those instructions are the problem05:28
ouroumovYou're running Ubuntu MATE version 16.04 or 15.10 ?05:28
ouroumovThose instructions are for 15.10, under 16.04 Ubuntu has moved to systemd as an init system05:30
ouroumovTry and adapt the how to from Digital Ocean. I checked and they're up to date05:30
julian_I see, I will try those instructions instead then05:31
ouroumovDrop the stuff related to xfce however05:31
ouroumovthat's not the same DE as in Ubuntu MATE05:31
ouroumovjulian_, if you don't find a solution here you can search and ask in the community forums too05:33
ouroumovI'm leaving for work, byebye05:34
julian_yeah I will skip the xfce step05:34
questGood day, i am using the recent ubuntu mate and i have been trying to install updates for a while now. Every time i try to install updates, i get the trying to install untrusted message. Can anyone help? Please07:07
pannenkoekcould you copy-paste the message?07:08
questThe message: Requires installation of untrusted packages - This requires installing packages from unauthenticated sources.07:12
pannenkoekyh but you need to find out which sources you have added07:13
pannenkoekand then make sure the key is added or the source deleted :p07:14
ouroumov_pannenkoek, fyi there's a "Fixes" section in the software boutique07:39
pannenkoekah, today I learned :)07:40
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AkuliDoes ubuntu mate connect here automatically if someone opens hexchat?08:48
ouroumov_Akuli, I'm not sure this is the default channel when one open HexChat from the menu.09:23
ouroumov_But from the welcome app: yes09:23
Akuliat least linux mint does it both ways09:23
Akulithe welcome app and the menu09:24
AkuliThere was someone needing help with a driver issue on facebook, and i was just thinking if he's told to open hexchat will he end up here09:24
ouroumov_I'm thinking he might have landed on #ubuntu09:25
Akulilet's see09:29
zebedeeHi, I saw a post on google+ that Mate 1.4? was now available.   Will this download automatically or will I have to choose to install it.  Thanks in Advance.10:18
zebedeeMy Bad - I suppose I should have checked the Forum first  :P10:22
manosHi i got a little problem. I add Greek language to my layouts but shortcuts doesn't work (Super + Space)11:05
manosAlso I go keyboard Layout Option and "key(s) to change layout" isn't exist11:07
ouroumov_hi manos11:24
ouroumov_manos, I think that's a bug that's been reported on launchpad11:25
ouroumov_The key-switch thingie11:25
ouroumov_manos, have you completed the install of Language Support?11:25
manosI am not sure !. I am not install any language so i i think i have not install Language Support11:26
ouroumov_Go to System -> Preferences -> Personal -> Language Support11:29
manosi did it11:31
ouroumov_Hey flexiondotorg - this morning a Patron was there saying 1.14 had broken his sound settings. You didn't add the bit about mate-volume-control in the mail I think and he picked "Y"11:32
ouroumov_manos, ok11:33
manos"key(s) to change layout" still not exist . Requires reboot ?11:33
ouroumov_You can try but I'm not sure that stuff has been fixed yet11:33
ouroumov_manos, you can also change keyboard layout using a terminal command11:33
flexiondotorgouroumov, Thanks.11:34
ouroumov_manos, haven't tried it for Greek but I think it'd work the same11:34
flexiondotorgDisabling Indicators, then enabling them again should correct it.11:34
manosi try this  " setxkbmap -option grp:alt_shift_toggle us,gr " and works11:35
ouroumov_flexiondotorg, maybe add it to your forum announcement?11:35
manossetxkbmap -option grp:super_space_toggle us,gr  doens't work11:36
ouroumov_manos, then I think the easy way would be to add a command applet to one of your panels11:36
ouroumov_That's weird manos11:37
ouroumov_I'm using super+space as my synapse shortcut so I don't think it's already in use by anything11:38
manosNever mind thanks :)11:38
ouroumov_hope you'll figure it out11:39
ouroumov_Or that it'll be fixed by 16.04.111:39
manosfirstly i will try reboot11:39
manosThanks again11:40
acharya_rTried installing AppGrid, got his error. Any help?13:00
acharya_rThe following packages have unmet dependencies:13:00
acharya_rappgrid: Depends: app-install-data-partner but it is not going to be installed13:00
acharya_r         Depends: policykit-1-gnome but it is a virtual package13:00
acharya_r         Depends: python3 (>= 3.4) but 3.5.1-3 is to be installed13:00
acharya_r         Depends: python3-oauthlib but it is not going to be installed13:00
ouroumov_hi acharya_r13:06
ouroumov_acharya_r, make sure you're subscribed to Welcome Updates13:06
ouroumov_(Top Right corner of the welcome screen)13:07
ouroumov_Then go to the software boutique, run the "Fixes" (last icon on the right)13:07
ouroumov_Then try installing again13:07
meygahmannhi everyone =) just installed, is there a way to launch apps from a search13:35
ouroumov_Head over to MATE Tweak13:35
ouroumov_Under "Interface"13:35
ouroumov_Check "Enable Launcher"13:35
ouroumov_You'll notice a new indicator in the top right corner13:35
ouroumov_This is Synapse13:36
meygahmanni dont have enable launcher13:36
acharya_rouromov_, it didn't work.13:36
ouroumov_MATE Tweak -> Interface -> Panel Features13:36
meygahmanni have version 15.10 if it helps13:36
ouroumov_meygahmann, why did you install that one? :)13:36
meygahmannbecause i have amd radeon 8xxx13:37
ouroumov_acharya_r, you've run the fixes, then made an update?13:37
acharya_rnone of the apt-get or apt commands are working. Not even sudo apt-get install update.13:37
ouroumov_meygahmann, ok13:37
meygahmanncan i still use that keyboard launcher ouroumov?13:38
ouroumov_meygahmann, plan B then13:38
acharya_rI ran the fixes but the update command threw the same error.13:38
ouroumov_meygahmann, I'm not sure13:38
ouroumov_meygahmann, it's called "Synapse"13:38
ouroumov_meygahmann, check in the software boutique if you can set it up there13:38
meygahmannwheres the software boutique, srry i'm really new hehe13:38
ouroumov_meygahmann, there's an alternate way though13:39
ouroumov_(I think)13:39
ouroumov_meygahmann, try the following:13:39
ouroumov_Right click on a free space in the top panel13:39
ouroumov_Select Add to panel13:40
ouroumov_Then pick the thing called "MATE menu"13:40
ouroumov_You can trigger the menu (which has a search box that is auto-focused) using the shortcut Super+Space13:40
ouroumov_(Super is the key with the freaking windows logo usually)13:41
meygahmannyeah ive been using that but its not exactly what i want13:41
ouroumov_What exactly do you want then?13:41
meygahmanni want something where a little box pops up and i type, and it finds, then launches when i hit tenter13:41
meygahmanni used kubuntu in 2010 and it had it13:42
meygahmanni searched for "synapse" in synaptic package manager and i found 3 things13:42
meygahmanncan i install from there?13:42
meygahmannthere is synapse, synapse-dbg13:43
ouroumov_So, try and install Synapse (warning: I've no idea if it works in 15.10)13:43
ouroumov_synapse fires with CTRL+Space I think13:44
meygahmanni'm trying to find an install button and cant lol13:44
ouroumov_you can try and type in a terminal: sudo apt install synapse13:45
meygahmannE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)13:46
meygahmannE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?13:46
meygahmann^ when i tried to use terminal13:46
ouroumov_You have to close synaptic before typing the command13:47
acharya_rouromov_, sudo apt isn't working13:47
ouroumov_acharya_r, do you have a specific error message?13:47
acharya_runable to locate package <package_name>13:49
ouroumov_acharya_r, sudo apt update isn't working?13:49
meygahmannyes this is exactly what i was looking for13:49
ouroumov_meygahmann, that was probably the same program in kde13:50
ouroumov_meygahmann, I take it it's working?13:50
meygahmannyeah the only thing is have to launch it from the menu13:50
meygahmanni just need to set it up so that i can launch synapse with a keyboard shortcut13:51
meygahmannlike cntrl+space13:51
ouroumov_open the synapse window13:51
ouroumov_Click the little bullet in the top right corner of that window13:51
ouroumov_You should get access to the preferences13:51
acharya_rsays the same for sudo apt-get install update as well. Unable to locate package update.13:52
ouroumov_acharya_r, please don't invent commands :)13:52
ouroumov_acharya_r, the correct command is:13:52
ouroumov_sudo apt update13:52
ouroumov_just that13:52
meygahmannok perfect i guess it was already set up that way13:53
meygahmannawesome thanks ouroumov_13:53
meygahmannouroumov do you ever use chrome?13:54
ouroumov_I have it installed, but I don't use it for anything else than reproducing bug reports13:54
meygahmanni installed it from the website and noticed it's buggy13:55
ouroumov_meygahmann, you should install it from the software boutique13:55
ouroumov_System -> Welcome -> Software13:55
ouroumov_meygahmann, what's buggy specifically?13:56
meygahmannok besides the settings thing some websites like zoho mail that i open in new tab will also just display blank pages13:57
ouroumov_meygahmann, can you please remove it and reinstall it from the software boutique?13:58
meygahmannwhen i launch it from synapse it starts with a bunch of new tabs but they are not in the tab bar, there are a bunch of new tabs in boxes in the web page area13:58
meygahmannhow do i uninstall it?13:58
ouroumov_How did you install it?13:58
meygahmanni went to chrome website and click on a link13:58
meygahmannwhen i clicked on the link it brought up a little box on my screen where it downloaded and installed13:59
Akulimeygahmann, sudo apt-get remove google-chrome-stable13:59
Akulimeygahmann, then right-click a folder somewhere, choose 'open as administrator', go to /etc/apt/sources.list.d and remove any google stuff13:59
Akulimeygahmann, then run sudo apt-get update, and chrome and the google repo it added are gone14:00
meygahmanni cant get the 'open as administrator'14:01
meygahmanni'm right clicking on home folder on desktop14:02
Akulimeygahmann, in that case press Alt+F2 and type this: gksudo caja14:02
Akulidid you already do the apt-get remove thing?14:02
meygahmannyeah the apt-get remove thing worked and chrome is gone14:03
Akulinow you have the google repository, lets remove that too :)14:03
meygahmannok i removed the one google file from /etc/apt/sources.list.d14:04
meygahmannrun sudo apt-get update now?14:05
meygahmannthen sudo apt-get chrome14:05
meygahmannok im not sure what to do now14:05
Akulidid you remove the .save file too if you had one?14:06
Akulii guess you didn't, so run "sudo apt-get update" and you're done :)14:07
meygahmannin that folder '/etc/apt/sources.list.d' there was only one file trash:///google-chrome.desktop14:07
meygahmannor maybe thats the desktop shortcut i manually deleted14:08
meygahmannanyways in that folder you pointed me to there was only one file and i deleted it14:08
meygahmannok im running 'sudo apt-get update' what is that anyways like a system update?14:10
meygahmannit finished but i still dont have chrome14:10
Akulisudo apt-get update checks for updates14:12
Akuliand also refreshes a bunch of stuff14:12
Akulisudo apt-get upgrade installs the updates that update has found14:12
meygahmannok i ran the update only, now what do i do?14:14
meygahmanni still dont have chrome14:14
Akuliyou're done removing it :)14:14
meygahmannok great! :) thanks14:15
meygahmannnonw i need to get it14:15
ouroumov_So go to the software boutique14:15
ouroumov_System -> Welcome -> Software14:15
meygahmanni was uninstalling it because it was buggy and the other guy said it was because i donwloaded it from the chrome website14:15
ouroumov_I said it might be because of that :]14:16
ouroumov_Actually I hinted at it ~~14:16
meygahmannyup yup14:16
ouroumov_In the software boutique there's a "Internet" icon14:16
ouroumov_Click there, you should see Google Chrome in the list14:17
meygahmanncool im installing now14:17
meygahmanngot a pop up with a big red circle saying Failed to download repository information14:17
meygahmannCheck your Internet connection.14:17
meygahmannW:Failed to fetch http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/dists/stable/Release  Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-i386/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)14:18
meygahmann, E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.14:18
ouroumov_In the software boutique, last icon on the right, run the fixes14:18
ouroumov_Then try again14:18
ouroumov_Also, please tell me you haven't installed the 32 bits version of Ubuntu MATE. u_u14:19
acharya_rouromov_, got it.14:19
meygahmannnope the 64 bit14:19
ouroumov_acharya_r, so you've got the greek language installed?14:19
acharya_rgreek language? I've got the update command running.Lol.14:20
meygahmanni dont see a last icon the right to run fixes14:21
ouroumov_acharya_r, sorry I failed to remember while you were there xD14:21
ouroumov_acharya_r, I mistook you for someone with another problem that was here earlier14:21
ouroumov_meygahmann, should look like a wrench14:21
ouroumov_meygahmann, have you subscribed to Welcome Updates?14:22
acharya_rouromov_, it's okay. I have this weak WiFi issue as well. Could you possibly help me with that as well?14:22
ouroumov_meygahmann, please launch Welcome again: System -> Welcome and do tell if you have a check box in the top right corner14:22
ouroumov_acharya_r, do you know how to get infos on your card and driver?14:23
acharya_rouromov_,I'm hardly 3 feet away from the router and I get only 2 bars of signal strength.14:23
meygahmannno check box in top right14:23
ouroumov_meygahmann, do you remember there ever being one?14:23
meygahmannit looks the same from when i first installed mate14:24
ouroumov_So I guess the "Fixes" section wasn't there in 15.1014:24
meygahmanngeez its only one version back14:24
ouroumov_Yes but things have been moving fast14:24
ouroumov_Actually, it's amazing how fast14:25
acharya_rouromov_, no. You had linked me to a forum the last time I had the same problem. Whatever was working, stopped working.14:25
ouroumov_acharya_r, that was the very long thread about some realtek card?14:25
acharya_rI reinstalled the OS again.14:26
ouroumov_Did you go to the end of the thread? (Sorry I remember it was very long)14:26
ouroumov_So meygahmann14:27
ouroumov_I'm not sure what to do next u_u14:27
Akulimeygahmann, are you sure you removed all google files there?14:28
meygahmannwell the folder is empty akuli14:28
acharya_rouromov_,I ran the commands suggested at the begining, as I was reading through, I had to reboot once. Did that and bam! No wifi indicator, didn't detect any of the available wifi(s). Had to re-setup everything.14:28
Akulimeygahmann, run this and paste output here: nc termbin.com 9999 < /etc/apt/sources.list14:28
meygahmannin terminal?14:29
Akulimeygahmann, yes, in terminal14:29
meygahmannoh wait14:29
meygahmanni just checked that folder and that file is back14:30
meygahmannits called google-chrome.list14:30
Akuliremove it14:30
meygahmannok did it14:30
Akuliremoving the file and chrome has always been enough to me14:30
Akulinow sudo apt-get update14:30
Akuliand if it comes back again i have no idea what to do14:30
ouroumov_acharya_r, I seem to remember the first propositions on that thread weren't working for some users14:31
ouroumov_And only one of the last ones seemed to do the trick14:31
meygahmann  well the file is still gone14:32
meygahmannill try to install from the software boutiquee again14:33
meygahmannit failed again and that file is back14:34
Akuliso you want to install chrome?14:36
Akulifirst get rid of it one last time :)14:36
Akulithen try chromium: sudo apt-get install chromium14:36
Akuliif you don't like chromium, download chrome like you did.14:36
Akulichrome is the only program that should be installed by downloading14:37
Akulion ubuntu14:37
meygahmanncant i just do 'sudo apt install chrome' or something like that14:40
Akulichrome is not in the repos14:41
AkuliBut you can once you have downloaded it once :D14:41
Akuliits actually really easy to download, im sure you've installed software on windows, it goes the exact same way :)14:42
Akulidownload the package, double-click it, click install :)14:42
meygahmannah yeah that what i did the first time14:42
Akuliand you got the errors now, i know i know14:42
Akuligoogle screwed up their repo, but they've fixed it now14:43
meygahmannyeah i heard chrome doesnt like linux14:45
meygahmannhey i have this hex chat opened in another desktop, how do i move it back to my main desktop14:46
meygahmannnevermind figured it out14:47
acharya_rcan someone help me with this weak wifi reception issue?14:48
ouroumov_acharya_r, do you still have the thread handy?14:49
acharya_rI'm afraid I lost it after I wiped my system. Wasn't logged in to sync the bookmark either.14:50
meygahmannok thanks for all the help akuli and ouromov_ have a nice day14:50
Akulimeygahmann, if you have a 64-bit ubuntu which you likely do you can still download it, but a they dropped the 32-bit version14:50
Akuliwhatever :D14:51
ouroumov_so acharya_r let's find it again: open a terminal and type "inxi -N"14:53
acharya_rNetwork:   Card-1: Realtek RTL8723BE PCIe Wireless Network Adapter14:54
acharya_r           driver: rtl8723be14:54
acharya_r           Card-2: Realtek RTL8101/2/6E PCI Express Fast/Gigabit Ethernet controller14:54
acharya_r           driver: r816914:54
ouroumov_there we go: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=230460714:54
meygahmannoh heys guys i just wanted to say after i installed chrome from the website i went to the software boutique and now chrome shows options to remove and reinstall14:56
meygahmannso i think its the same thing14:56
ouroumov_acharya_r, so apparently their fix is to recompile the driver14:56
ouroumov_acharya_r, that's not trivial14:56
ouroumov_meygahmann, okay thanks. Do you still have the same issue?14:57
meygahmannthe settings is working now14:57
ouroumov_Well, magic.14:57
ouroumov_When it happens, it's fun. =)14:58
meygahmannand also when launching from synapse it does have all those new tabs either14:58
meygahmannyeah :)14:58
meygahmannits not having those buts anymore14:58
meygahmannalright have good day :)14:58
acharya_rouromov_, no other workaround?14:59
ouroumov_At least14:59
ouroumov_Not that I found14:59
ouroumov_I can guide you through the compile steps, but it'll take a while14:59
acharya_rIt'd be great if you did. Using it this way is a pain.15:02
ouroumov_Okay, you can connect through cable in the mean time?15:03
ouroumov_Anyway, start by typing "sudo apt install git" if you're reading me15:04
ouroumov_Then "sudo apt install ubuntu-make"15:04
acharya_rGot no cable :/15:04
acharya_rshould I still proceed?15:04
ouroumov_You don't really have a choice anyway x)15:04
acharya_rlol, I just hope I don't get stranded like last time without any WiFi at all. At least something is better than nothing :P15:05
ouroumov_What kind of machine is it btw?15:05
acharya_rIt's a laptop. Got a new one recently, hp pavillion notebook.15:07
ouroumov_oh btw I gotta leave to take my bus15:07
ouroumov_I'll be back in something like 1H3015:07
ouroumov_You'll be there?15:07
acharya_rI'll try to be here then.15:07
ouroumov_cu soon15:08
acharya_rThanks anyway :D15:08
meygahmannhi :) what desktoop does mate 15.10 use?15:26
=== norbert is now known as Guest55966
Akuliby the way, the distribution is ubuntu mate, and the desktop environment is mate15:26
meygahmannubuntu mate15:26
AkuliI have no idea why you would get 15.10 though15:27
Akuli16.04 is released15:27
meygahmannbecause i have an radeon 8xxx gpu15:28
meygahmannit came on my laptop15:28
meygahmanni originall installed 16.04 but it was laggy15:28
meygahmannthen i found out theres issues with amd15:28
meygahmannim just looking on synaptic package manger and they have stuff for gnome desktop and kde desktop and xfce but no mate15:31
meygahmannalso i clicked on more wallpapers and i got to website that has gtk2 themes gtk3 themes and gnome 3.x themes and gdm themes and i dont know which to use15:32
meygahmannnot sure what all this even means15:32
Akuliuse gtk 2 themes in mate15:39
Akulisome apps run gtk 3, so if possible, choose a theme that supports both.15:39
Akuligdm themes are for gnome display manager, but ubuntu mate uses lightdm instead so you don't need gdm themes15:40
meygahmannis there a way to see those pop ups that happen after things like installing software incase you couldnt finish reading them?16:02
meygahmanni installed syncthing from the welcome screen but can't find it anywhere16:07
ouroumovhello minecraft-kid16:38
=== freebsd1 is now known as renegadevi
LangleyHi, my laptop dims the screen after being idle for like 10 seconds even though I disabled it in Power options, what do I do18:24
LangleyRunning 16.0418:25
LangleyNevermind think I fixed it by enabling and disabling it again18:26
schischahi com.. im super new to linux (ubuntu mate).. but im afraid my pc wont "see" my amd r7 370 :( can someone help plz? or is it just that i have to w8 for a newer amd/ati driver ?18:27
LangleyNevermind again it still does it, after a minute or so18:27
Langleyschischa, what do you mean "see"?18:28
LangleyThat it cant use it at all?18:28
schischahm i dont know^18:28
schischaif i check the hardware info.. it just says i have a amd a107850k but never says anything about my graphicscard18:29
LangleyBut you've plugged your monitor to the R7, right? Then it should be fine18:30
schischay right into r7 370 via hdmi.. but im not sure if this will work with the "full" performance of it.. :D18:31
LangleyAs long as you can run the full resolution of your screen, it should work 100%. But if you want more performance you might want the AMD driver instead, though I don't know if it's supported in Ubuntu anymore18:33
schischahm.. last thing i just read in a paper was.. that amd has no updated driver for ubuntu at the moment.. but might have it after there new cards (polaris) comes in maybe next month ^^18:34
schischaother question: how can i make a "desktop" shortcut?18:40
LangleyA what..?18:41
schischaok i got it :)18:47
AndassaranI know my issue might be something 'easy' to fix... but I'm on Ubuntu MATE 16.04 using the Mutiny layout, and I wish to disable the inbuilt window preview list in favor of the compiz thumbnails. I just can't find anywhere on how to disable that19:57
Andassaranhttps://goo.gl/photos/Drq7F7c2hEpfNhRA9 <-- I want to disable those in favor of the ones in compiz19:58
=== James is now known as Guest79133
Guest79133Hi, I have many audio issues I can't figure out. (My fault I installed web8update multi band) and now I can't get any audio back. can I re-install without loosing my home directory?  I do have all my partitions separated correctly21:35
Guest79133so in short will I be ok to install again and not loose my data?21:38
meygahmannhello there :)23:06
meygahmannmy laptop battery is draining really fast is there a way to extend it23:15
nomicmaybe the battery is at end of life23:30
nomicthere is power settings on mate23:30
meygahmannyeah i looked at that23:30
nomicscreen dimmer23:30
meygahmanndoes ubuntu mate support google drive like windows does23:52
meygahmanni mean can synch your file explorer with your google drive account23:53
meygahmannlike windows google drive sync23:53
* nomic woulda liked a drive (cloud), as volume23:53

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