
diddledando they?00:01
* diddledan stands back from the leeky sheep00:01
zmoylan-piyou've obviously never been in a field with leeky sheep00:01
zmoylan-pido you not remember the poster 'loose leeks, sink sheeps'00:03
* zmoylan-pi gets comfy to try and get my 4 hours of sleep....00:05
* diddledan tries to get zmoylan-pi baaing of sheep00:05
zmoylan-pi4 hours of sheep would be a whole other issue...00:05
diddledanzmoylan-pi: baa00:06
diddledanterminator sheep sound scary00:06
zmoylan-pibaa humbug00:06
diddledan\o woolly sheep baa00:07
diddledanyou WILL dream of electric sheep00:07
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=== mappps is now known as mapps
mappsfinale of americans..yay05:41
mappssuch a good showw06:15
diploMorning all :)07:17
SwitchesMorning. Coffee time!08:09
davmor2Morning all08:11
* zmoylan-pi pushes bran flakes around a bowl...08:35
TwistedLucidityHow curious...Defraggler on Windows is recognising an SSD as a HDD and trying to defrag it; that's not good.08:37
SuperMattit's *not* not good08:39
SuperMattall it will be doing is move the data around on the disk08:39
TwistedLucidityI know08:39
SuperMattthat's not a problem per-se08:39
TwistedLucidityIt's not good because you don't defrag an SSD08:39
TwistedLucidityExcessive delete/writes08:40
TwistedLucidityWhat it should do is issue a TRIM08:40
TwistedLucidityMake me wonder if Windows has a driver issue. Again.08:40
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:43
JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Thursday, and happy Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day! 🙌09:03
davmor2diddledan, JamesTait: thinking outside the box for this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UQK-UcRezE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zedq1VhaS90 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RciM7P9K3FA :D09:25
* zmoylan-pi pictures parcel force worker sprinting towards Laney's place and then dropping and punting the parcel the last 50 yards... :-P09:33
JamesTaitVery good, davmor2.09:34
JamesTaitBonus points for Roobard and Custard.09:34
davmor2JamesTait: rhubarb was always going to be the issue :)09:35
zmoylan-pia perfect tv show that should be shown on kids tv at 0600 on sundays for kids with parents who have hangovers09:36
JamesTaitThis should be the alarm call: https://youtu.be/cQsYXG1ONaM?t=1m52s09:38
TwistedLucidityzmoylan-pi: All you seem to get these days is a "Sorry we missed you" card (even when you're home) and then you have to drive to the depot.09:39
zmoylan-pidelivered by postal ninja09:40
LaneyI'm scared to have the radio on in case I miss them :(09:42
Laneywhat kind of cruel torture is a 5 day delivery window anyway?09:42
diploAmazon Prime, sat in bed last night at 22:40, ordered something, notification at 02:22 out for delivery, delivered to my work place already09:47
diploOnly just signed up to it, but can see why people like it and stay09:47
diploDidn't even want the item that quickly09:47
* Laney releases bees in diplo's pants09:47
diploAnd it's not even for me :P09:48
zmoylan-piafrican, japanese or european bees?09:48
TwistedLucidityAs we both telecommute, there's no need for us to fuss over Prime. I really must stop using Amazon so much.10:01
MyrttiPrime is great for special occasions10:05
Myrttiwe got the Prime 30-day trial 29 days before our wedding last year10:05
zmoylan-1ithey deliver brides on time? :-P10:06
Myrttino, Arduino parts, hair combs, power cables, etc.10:06
zmoylan-1ieverything the modern bride needs :-)10:08
Myrttiwell I did :-D10:08
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
zmoylan-pithat's all that matters10:08
Myrttihttps://www.instagram.com/p/zgCTZpAul0/ :-D10:15
Myrttican just about see the wire jumble inside the lampshade10:15
zmoylan-pihopefully carefully preserved somewhere now10:15
Myrttiin a vase, on the bookcase, high, high above mundane life10:16
Myrtticharged and ready to use :-D10:16
zmoylan-piemergency bridal give aways happen so often... :-P10:16
Myrtti(ie. present to curious friends and colleagues)10:16
Myrttihubby did a show and tell at his work after he returned to work, with a side dish of IKEA princesscakes10:17
zmoylan-piwhen all else fails, bribe them.. :-)10:19
Myrttimade it a bit easier to give them a taste of our wedding cake :-D "Thanks IKEA"10:19
foobarrynew ghostbusters looks bad11:57
zmoylan-piit's a remake of a near perfect classic... was it ever going to be great?11:58
Myrttimy impression of it based on one of the trailers was that it's perhaps been made with more humorous take on things than the originals11:59
foobarryfemale humour though11:59
foobarrythe main difference between the sexes11:59
foobarryapart from the nether regions11:59
Myrttiobviously I don't have anything against that, but I don't know if I'd have pushed the boat out quite as far in general11:59
MyrttiI don't know if I'm making any sense, I've slept two hours last night and I'm staying awake only to sign off amazon parcels I'm waiting12:00
zmoylan-piif you're doing a remake or a sequel it has to be incredible compared to the original or else it will forever be remembered as a failure12:00
zmoylan-pihow many sequels/remakes can you think of that are better/as good?12:01
MyrttiEmpire Strikes Back12:01
MyrttiTerminator 212:01
MyrttiHarry Potters12:01
zmoylan-pibut they are the exceptions12:02
zmoylan-piexcept terminator 2, not as good as the original in my mind12:02
MyrttiHome Alone 212:02
zmoylan-pii mean even ghostbusters 2 is considered terrible12:04
DJonesEwwww, IT expert with an unusual problem ..... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-east-wales-36490546?12:21
zmoylan-pii did have a printer brought in after customer complained it smelled... dead mouse guillotined by the dot matrix printer...12:22
TwistedLucidityGhostbusters 3 look like career suicide. Why did it need a reboot?12:24
zmoylan-pimy boss with a massive head cold was sent to get it.  it had been left in back store room in hot sweltering summer... my other boss jumped out first story window to get away from the smell whilest i went out back window onto extension...12:24
DJonesStrange request from my wife (a community nurse) "Can you put some Elvis Presley & Jim Reeves music on cd to make one of her terminally ill patients happy in the last days"....Of course13:08
Myrttislip in a Swedish House Mafia song13:11
Myrttior Skrillex13:11
DJonesI'm more likely to slip in some napalm death or virgin prunes13:11
zmoylan-picrikey... nurses enabling music piracy...13:15
DJonesWewll yeah, but all in a good cause13:15
zmoylan-pii'm sure the various music mafia lawyers will see it that way13:16
TwistedLucidityI am shocked an horrified that the NHS is so lax it enables this illegality!13:25
* TwistedLucidity calls the Daily Mail13:25
DJonesI think its available on prescription13:27
zmoylan-pithey could get around this terrible ip infringement by insisting on only sony cd players as they are crap with cd-rs13:27
* diddledan checks the clock to be sure it’s not tomorrow yet14:00
diddledanoff on horror day in the morning14:02
diddledanI’m wondering whether I should take a chromecast in case there’s nowt on the telly (that’s what holidays are for: watching tellybox)14:03
awilkinsI used to preload my tablet with a long stretch of transcoded box-set14:04
foobarryplus a usb hard drive with otg cable14:08
Laneybloody tease14:10
Laneydelivery driver knocks, I get all excited14:11
Laneyparcel for next door :@14:11
diddledanthat’s mean14:11
foobarrylooking for new job. wondering whether homeworking would work for me14:11
foobarrymost homeworkers seem so excited by the sign of a UPS truck, i'm a bit concerned14:11
foobarrymind you, if i got a rmeote work job, the first thing i'd job is install a massive log cabin house at the bottom of my garden14:12
Laneyif I were in an office I'd be getting excited about every email from reception instead14:13
Laneythat or punching the post room boy when he brings a TPS report instead of a new phone14:14
Laney*or* spending my evenings driving to sorting offices on depressing industrial estates14:14
foobarrystalking any person in red shorts and a satchel14:16
popeyI put post-it notes on my door to the delivery man14:17
diddledanpopey: do they say “I have a very secial set of skill that I’ve honed over a long career, I don’t care who you are, or why you didn’t wait for me to answer the door, I will find you and I will kill you.14:19
popeyno, usually "sign this"14:19
diddledanaww, you’re no fun :-p14:20
diddledanare we netsplitting or was that d/c just me?18:22
zmoylan-pia few others but not a netsplit i don't think18:23
zmoylan-pimy web has been a bit wonky today as well.  not just irc though.18:26
marshmnI'm back to using Unity instead of Gnome Shell19:16
marshmnI still really like Gnome Shell, but I was really struggling to get it to work with an external monitor connected to my laptop as a second display :(19:16
marshmnit doesn't seem to handle the fact that they are significantly different resolutions very well :(19:17
marshmnUnity seems to be much better at that19:17
marshmnperhaps also at handling high DPI displays in general?19:17
marshmnthe way that Gnome Shell handles its virtual desktops is so great though... I'm really going to miss that...19:18
marshmnlove that Gnome Shell creates virtual desktops dynamically as I need them19:19
marshmnUnity could learn from that19:19
popeymarshmn: do you play go?19:24
marshmnI'm officially 4 Kyu19:29
popeythought I recognised the name. haven't seen you for years :)19:31
marshmnI've been around19:32
marshmnhere and there19:32
marshmnnow and then19:32
marshmnI was hoping that you were going to say that you'd taken up Go :(19:33
popeynever tried19:33
zmoylan-pithis is what will happen after a brexit... seagull tikka masala... http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-3649055220:50
daftykinshey folks \o i return from the 28 deg C heat of southern Spain D: (where i was, at least)20:51
daftykinsnaturally i bring pics20:52
zmoylan-pididdledan is buggering off to wales soon i think so it's good timing...20:52
daftykinsmy my20:54
daftykinsearly night for me, travels are tiring! \o21:05

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