
geirdalAutumna;"geirdal perhaps might be interested in pitching in there?". sakrecoer:" i hope geirdal will" Hi I will just tell me what I can do :)03:06
sakrecoerautumna: feature tour "video"...? thats.... new to me :D07:21
sakrecoeri just read the wiki07:21
sakrecoerautumna: so, do i understand it right: feature tour is now called "Discover", and it is a taxonomic category?07:22
sakrecoerand you want 3 different videos; one per workflow highlighted?07:23
sakrecoermy spontaneous reaction is: this is going to take a looooooong time to do :D07:23
sakrecoermy second thought is: how do we integrate the video smoothly in wordpress.07:24
sakrecoeri'm going to edit out "Category: Discover" for "Feature tour" and put the "Content: Video on <workflow> highlights" into brackets in the bottom of the list. Unless you already working on those videos and have a clear vision of how they will be presented on the page of course07:26
sakrecoeri can see video for the feature tour, thats about how sexy it could be, but given our time and resource, i think one covering all workflows is enough07:27
sakrecoeror... are you thinking: front-page=feature tour?07:27
sakrecoerand: highlights=tutorials ?07:28
sakrecoeri wont edit anything until you answer.07:30
sakrecoergeirdal__: what we need is background images illsutrating the 3 workflows, "graphics, audio, video" i remember autumna saying she had a few ideas, so make sure you synchronize with each other properly, or you guys might end-up doing double work.07:32
sakrecoerautumna: i think i understand now. its pretty neat. i just think 1 video per workflow highlight is a bit overkill atm.07:40
sakrecoerbut i can see a video in the feature-tour. (i am assuming that you think of the feature tour as the front page, which makes much sense [at least to me])07:41
sakrecoeri'd be willing to create comething for that, but i will need you guys help with narative...07:41
sakrecoerunless you want a very crazy robot with many arms doing something insane, just like a creative robot wants creative humans to do :D07:42
sakrecoeryou know... sort of like a story-board.07:43
sakrecoerif we have a voice-over, i think it would be good to record that first, to set the length...07:44
geirdaldo you have some image that I can refer to? so  Iam understanding you correctly?08:07
geirdaland where will this go?08:07
geirdalAutumna we need to talk about this!08:08
geirdalif it is ok :)08:09
sakrecoergeirdal: this is the staging site: http://autumna.zequence.net/08:11
sakrecoeras far as ai remember, it was supposed to go towards something like this: http://sakrecoer.com/ubuntustudio/tour/08:11
sakrecoer(it's just a draft... but there you can get a glimpse of he kindof background... preferable less noise then the ones i picked [older default wallpaper])08:12
sakrecoerand yeah... as you can see, i didn't even manage to find a dummy picture for graphics :D08:13
geirdalis it a new website?08:13
sakrecoeryes, we've been working on it for sometime, but also, we are way over due, so it would be nice to have that done with soon :)08:13
sakrecoergeirdal: take a moment to read this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/FeatureDefinitions/WebsiteXenial :)08:14
sakrecoerwhen ever you have some time for that :)08:14
sakrecoer\(^^,)/ so glad you popped in geirdal!08:16
geirdalim going to work so i will not be here to talk ;)08:16
sakrecoerok :)08:16
sakrecoerhere is a HD version of the tutorial title card: http://sakrecoer.com/ubuntustudio/graphicsintro.mp4 i'm rendering a loss less version to use when we add it to our tutorials.08:19
sakrecoer(the one above  being quite compressed)08:20
zequencesakrecoer: Looks a lot better now. I still don't particilarly like the font on the second part.09:18
zequenceAlso, wondering if Upper Case is better09:19
zequenceNot sure why I wrote with upper case U and C there09:19
zequenceLooks really good, other than that. Very nice.09:20
zequencesakrecoer: Maybe enough to just write "Graphics Tutorials"?09:21
zequenceThe less, the better09:21
zequenceWould be nice to also incude the title for the tutorial09:22
zequenceThe second slide or a third one could do that09:22
zequenceLike "AUDIO TUTORIALS" - "The Basics of the Sound System"09:24
zequenceIf adding that to the second slide, there is a matter of redispositioning, which I'm sure you are aware of.09:24
zequenceThree slides has a different rhythm. So, I would try using the same theming for it, but might also be useful to have an entirely different theme for it.09:25
zequenceThe sound should stop at the second slide in either case09:26
zequenceThat's a definite transition point for me09:26
zequenceWe're of course going to use a different sound (but it's nice to have something there, just to get an idea)09:31
autumnasakrecoer: I don't want anything, its more I assumed that's what you were doing, since you had 3 title cards?09:32
autumnageirdal: I think sakrecoer was mentioning it would be good to have some illustrations to some of the pages and I was wondering if you would be interested in that. 09:32
zequenceautumna: Those are for the tutorials. The feature tour thing is just a show case for Ubuntu Studio itself09:32
autumnathanks for clarifying that zequence09:33
autumnaok no video for each section *chuckles*09:33
zequenceRight. I do think the first slide could be used for that (the same as for the tutorials)09:34
zequenceHowever, no jingle at the beginning. It needs music and a voice would be good.09:34
zequenceNone of us are native English speakers, except for Ross09:35
autumnathat is not a huge problem through09:36
zequenceNo, you are right. 09:36
zequenceThough, the quality of the voice and the recording does matter.09:36
autumnaof course09:36
autumnawell I am here if you guys decide you want a female voice. 09:36
zequenceWhy not. We should try that. sakrecoer ^09:37
autumnabtw sakrecoer: geirdal: small correction. the stage is at: http://www.ubuntustudio.zequence.net/09:38
zequenceautumna: Do you have a decent microphone, or do you know someone who has one?09:38
autumnadefine decent microphone? I have a zoom H1.09:39
zequenceLet me check that one09:39
autumnawhich can both be categorized as a decent microphone and not decent microphone based on what level of decent09:39
autumnazequence its this09:40
zequenceautumna: That one is more for recording live sessions, in general. Stereo small diafragm.09:41
zequenceIt might work, but it would be better to have a single large diafragm mic.09:41
autumnaI use to record vocals etc. but yeah I know it sounds a bit.. flat for the lack of better term09:41
autumnaonly other mic I have is your garden variety mono voice mic. 09:42
sakrecoeryeah, so the individual title of each tutorial will be done in inkscape. i plan to push a inkscape template for that to the doc repo.09:42
autumnaas in, you know the one you would use in stage? (except it is very cheap and probably has much worse sound quality)09:43
zequencesakrecoer: ok09:43
sakrecoerto add the title in the animation, would take rerendering the animation each time, if the title gets too long for example09:43
autumna(oh btw geirdal thanks for helping out.)09:43
sakrecoerautumna: the title cards are for tutoirals, not the website09:43
zequencesakrecoer: Shouldn't be necessary. Too much work, yes.09:43
zequencesakrecoer: I think autumna was referring to the feature tour video we talked about some while ago09:44
sakrecoerzequence, autumna: ok, i missed that discussion about a feature tour video09:45
autumnayup saw your explanation. sakrecoer. I just misunderstood what you were doing. as for the "discover" section. I thought we had discussed to have more detailed information on each workflow (as sections of feature tour) so as not to clutter the webpage too much? depending on how much information we can all squeze it in into the front page, have multiple or single "discover" or "feature tour" page?09:45
autumnawe can always do the feature tour video later, but I think having a small commercial like video (as zequence put it back when we discussed this) could be useful09:46
autumnapeople like to see what they are downloading. 09:46
autumnabut then again09:47
autumnaat this point we can delay it, and aim to do it for yakkety09:47
sakrecoer(zoom h1 is awesome stuff! i wouldn't buy an expensive mic just for this)09:49
sakrecoeri think a smaill video "commercial" would be awesome... we just need to find a good "scenario" for it :D09:50
sakrecoerre: audio quality, the quality of the sound in my video tutorials is awfull. it's the video cam mic. 100times worse than a h109:51
sakrecoerbut i think it is ok... maybe audio tutoirals need a real nice audio, since those who watch that probably mind it a lot more09:51
autumnadon't get me wrong I love my h1 zoom. it just is a jack of all trades that does 50 things reasonably ok, rather than one-two things amazingly well09:51
zequencesakrecoer: The audio was not great, but it works on your video. I have a headset you could borrow, if you want, though.09:51
autumnawhich for my level of dealing with audio, is plenty09:51
sakrecoeri wish i had one! i would bootleg so many concerts, log my friends drunken bullshit (while loggin my own of course)09:52
zequenceThe headset is more for live use. It's Shure09:52
sakrecoeroh man.. so many possiblities :D09:52
zequencesakrecoer: I don't use the headset ever, so you could borrow it indefinitely09:53
sakrecoerzequence: ..? headset..? i microphone?09:53
sakrecoer*a microphone09:53
zequencesakrecoer: Yes, one of those that artists use who dance while singing09:54
autumnasakrecoer re commercial btw. I would think it is less like. here use this. more like a video feature tour.09:54
sakrecoerright! *autofacepalm*. well... why not? :D09:54
sakrecoerautumna: yes, but we still need some sort of script, like voice-over and order of presentation.. you know09:55
sakrecoerzequence: re: headset.. maybe i should just get myself a proper micstand. that would improve the sound a lot..09:56
zequencesakrecoer: But, do you have a proper mic?09:57
sakrecoernot that my mics are super (sm58) but they are probably better then the one on my old camcorder09:57
zequenceWell, a dynamic will for tutorials, no problem09:57
zequencewill <work>09:57
zequenceWould sound the best if you had it to your mouth at all times, of course09:58
zequenceYou need three arms09:58
sakrecoeri know :D09:58
zequenceOr, someone hiding under your desk, holding the mic for you09:58
autumnayou can make a stand from legos. 09:58
* autumna is only half joking09:58
* sakrecoer added 8 arms, 3 helping elves and a pair wings to xmas list09:59
zequencesakrecoer: Don't forget the lego kit09:59
sakrecoerright!!! :D09:59
sakrecoerok, i'll be back in a moment. gotta eat!10:07
sakrecoerzequence: http://sakrecoer.com/ubuntustudio/audiocard.png11:47
geirdalAutumna: Just tell me what to do!20:13
geirdalthis is not easy task the audience are very demanding ;)20:19
geirdalI will start with something crasy ;)20:36
geirdaland let you guys tone it down :)20:43
autumnageirdal let me get back to you on that? 21:16

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