[07:01] o/ [07:07] Morning [07:08] Why does this not exist? http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_stable_kio/ or http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_kio/ [07:09] same for some other basic things early in the build chain for 'stable' [07:11] then get things in KCI like baloo failing to build in stable as build-deps can't be met [07:35] Daily ISO seems installable again LP: 1587555 & LP: 1577540 [07:35] Launchpad bug 1587555 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Installer crashed during installation" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1587555 [07:35] Launchpad bug 1577540 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Yakkety) "ubi-console-setup failing on yakkety images" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1577540 [07:47] acheronuk: there is no "stable" for frameworks because they don't get any bugfix releases [07:48] nobody of use seems to get how they get copied from unstable though [07:52] so kio here https://launchpad.net/%7Ekubuntu-ci/+archive/ubuntu/stable/+packages?field.name_filter=kio&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter= [07:52] hi ho [07:53] any way to dpg -i some bleeding edge kmail package? [07:53] I'm starting to hate current kmail version :-( [07:54] yofel: is destined to stay at 5.19 for xenial and absent from yakkety, and instead depend on whatever point release goes into the main archive instead? [07:54] acheronuk: no, CI should be using CI packages - that doesn't seem to work though [07:54] "yofel> nobody of use seems to get how they get copied from unstable though" I'm trying to [07:55] OTOH, for stable the regular packages might make sense... [07:55] sitter: what was the intention here? ^ [07:55] yes, I was going back and forth between the 2 in my mind [07:56] as said, I noticed a fait amount reasonable early on in the build chain was failing with dep issues [07:56] *fair [08:00] and found there were not jobs/tasks (or whatever term KCI uses) for some of those deps [08:12] yofel: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kio/32/console -> "15:29:49 Not doing a package copy because the component is not "frameworks" nor is the name whitelisted ["qca-qt5", "qapt", "debconf-kde"]" [08:12] aaaaaaah [08:12] thanks [08:12] a selection of unstable builds are copied from unstable into stable upon success [08:12] notibly the ones without a stable version [08:13] and component depends on the namespace? [09:42] sitter: and component depends on the namespace? [09:43] I don't know what a namespace is [09:43] component is the release package a thing is in, which loosely translates to the directory of the repo on git.debian [09:44] s/package/set [09:48] sitter: yes, I meant the repo directory [09:49] that explains a few things :) [09:50] sitter: can they be classifed within Jenkins rather that picking it up from the dir on Debian git? [09:54] I don't see how you would do that in jenkins given jenkins is a passive actor WRT job construction. but sure, with sufficient amounts of code you can do anything [10:04] holy cow [10:07] Howdy all [11:55] actually... [11:56] isn't the component specification also stored in kdesrc-metadata or however that's called? [11:56] I really wonder why we're not using that at all [11:57] clivejo: out of curiosity: did you manage to register for the eu referendum? ^^ [13:22] does anyone remember the kde-l10n script we used to packge the l10n stuffs? [13:24] ah nvm [14:04] yofel: manage to register? [14:07] clivejo: just read an article about how the registration website for being able to vote didn't work 2 days ago or so. But that seemed more about generally unregistered people [14:07] if you were already on the electoral role there was no need [14:08] *roll [14:10] yeah, doesn’t surprise me with eGov services, but I’m already on the electoral roll [14:10] "Users reported a page displaying the message "504 Gateway Time-out" instead of the online registration form." [14:12] LOL I was getting that trying to do my self assessment [14:13] but then I do tend to leave it to the last minute [14:22] o/ [15:25] hmm. daily iso still has plasma-desktop 4:5.5.5-0ubuntu1 http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/yakkety-desktop-amd64.manifest [15:26] thats weird [15:27] 5.6.4 still in proposed https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-desktop/ [15:33] * clivejo rolls eyes [15:38] kactivities blocking it? I can't recall to be honest [16:02] clivejo: enabling proposed http://paste.ubuntu.com/17174183/ === acheronuk is now known as acheronuk_ === acheronuk_ is now known as acheronuk [17:13] http://www.androidauthority.com/samsung-foldable-phones-coming-soon-697791/ [17:13] i have this feeling it will be like a to hot candy bar in the pocked :) [17:15] sounds about as good an idea as 'wobbly windows' [19:33] anyone dev'ing/hacking? [19:35] playing with containers using one eye, watching soccer with the other :P [19:35] thats multitasking! [19:39] has anyone else tested apps 16.04.1 [19:40] Waiting for backports ;) [19:40] push the button Marcin [19:44] You can do it! :D [19:45] I cant [19:45] Have faith :) [19:45] its against my religion [19:46] Having faith in own skills? [19:46] look and plan to the future [19:46] learn from the past [19:47] 16.04 is past, 16.10 is future [20:01] keep seeing 'package-must-activate-ldconfig-trigger' on KCI failures, and for a lot are listed as overridden here https://lintian.debian.org/tags/package-must-activate-ldconfig-trigger.html [20:02] and neo has overrides [20:02] *neon [20:03] I wonder can those be actually fixed somehow [20:04] other than adding a lintian override you mean? [20:05] yeah, it must be warning for something [20:07] sgclark's comment https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kded/5.22.0-0ubuntu1 [20:08] yeah we can override it, but Debian warns for a reason [20:09] many which they override, so obviously consider spurious or not worth fixing [20:11] ? [20:12] sorry, I just referred clive to a comment you made on lintian overrides, and used your IRC name without thinking [20:12] clivejo: acheronuk if those are about kdeinit* overrides, nothing can fix, those are very special as sitter put it [20:13] no worries [20:13] very special [20:13] I think the point is that they're actually plugins for kdeinit, so get explicitely loaded without having to be in the so cache [20:15] clivejo: point was neon have put them in for things like http://packaging.neon.kde.org/cgit/plasma/kactivitymanagerd.git/tree/debian/kactivitymanagerd.lintian-overrides [20:16] but I don't have the rationale behind such a decisionhttp://packaging.neon.kde.org/cgit/plasma/kactivitymanagerd.git/tree/debian/kactivitymanagerd.lintian-overrides [20:17] even ones like Kcalc are filing on them http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kcalc/37/parsed_console/ [20:17] *failing [20:19] neon again overrides http://packaging.neon.kde.org/cgit/applications/kcalc.git/tree/debian/kcalc.lintian-overrides [20:19] acheronuk: feel free to submit merge requests to fix them :) [20:23] acheronuk: the system has a library cache so libs can be loaded fast when needed. Normal libs that are properly versioned etc. get recognised as such and dpkg automatically adds that trigger. [20:24] There here are plugins for plasma though, and don't get properly recognised as libs - as they are not proper libs [20:24] non proper libs [20:24] IMO these files should not be in the public library path - which would solve the issue as dpkg wouldn't care about them. But nobody upsteam seems to care [20:26] so that is lintian is warning that "this may not be recognised"? [20:27] yep. But in our case it doesn't matter [20:28] just an annoying false positive [20:28] so from what yopu say should be overidden for these ones? [20:28] yes [20:28] yes got that. I was slower typing than you [20:28] ^^ [20:29] great. if I understand the logic of the override in this case, that makes me happier [20:32] clivejo: yes, I can go over likely candidates tomorrow and sort changes/merges for them [20:34] * acheronuk is tired [20:34] rough day? [20:36] not really. just think not quite enough sleep with warm/humid nights eventually catches up with you [20:36] weekend will set it right I'm sure [20:36] yeah this weather is draining [20:40] KCI seems to be very slow today [20:40] still 200 packages in the queue [20:43] plenty to do without [20:49] sitter, ScottK: would you guys object against moving the man page you have written for kubuntu into our repo proper? [20:49] I mean it's GPLv2+, but it's fair to ask anyway :) [20:52] Sput: please do [20:54] ScottK: thx! [21:03] what man page? [21:04] quassel I assume [21:08] ah [21:10] urgh. if I need something to finish off sending me to sleep, the debian policy manual looks an excellent candidate [21:16] yofel: as a temp measure could we kopy frameworks from unstable to stable PPA? [21:53] helloz :D [21:53] anything exciting? [21:53] Hey there jimarvan [21:53] I'm just chillin mostly [23:09] gn! ;)