[07:38] Morning o/ [07:43] yo [14:55] pleia2: knome have asked IS to re-use https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-community-wiki-editors (given it already exists and has knome as an admin) for wiki editorship. We can add admins to that as appropriate. [14:55] Made sense to re-use that as it's already used for that purpose, rather than make a whole other team [15:37] popey: please don't, that's a special team that the documentation team has a process for joining [15:38] it allows rename and delete, which are admin tasks that we don't grant to everyone [15:39] edits aren't recoverable, so we really, really need to trust the folks we give that admin power to [15:40] s/edits/deletes [15:41] ah [15:41] bum [15:42] sorry [15:42] it's ok, I guess I was unclear, I thought we had discussed creating a new team [15:42] will let them know [15:42] thanks [15:42] we did, and i requested that, but they found that one and it seemed good, no worries, we'll get there 😃 [15:44] if you read the description of that launchpad team it links to joining criteria, which we've been pretty strict about (which is why there are only 7 members :)) [15:45] and now, off to work! [15:45] o/ [16:25] popey, what exactly would be the criteria to join this new group? [16:27] people have suggested that the requirement level would be something between the ubuntu membership and the ubuntu-etherpad team membership, and that sounds about right, but leaves a lot of space for interpretations [16:27] I think we can work that out, but basically someone who is looking to become a member (because this blocks them) or someone who has some obvious track record of contribution [16:27] yes [16:27] +100 [16:30] what we should do is to get as many sensibly moderated contributor teams as subteams... [16:30] for example, the xubuntu team very moderated, and there's no reason why everybody there shouldn't get the edit permissions [16:31] and by adding subteams we ultimately help ourselves with individual moderation [16:31] but of course, this can't be "every team there is" as it would again open up a lot of possibilities for spammers to be included [16:40] I would be exceptionally cautious of adding _any_ team at all to this one. [16:41] At least to start. [16:41] Given ~ubuntumembers and ~canonical are on it. [16:42] my gut feeling says any team that grants upload permissions to the archive should be safe to include at least... [16:43] Perhaps. Some careful thought needed. Maybe we should make an etherpad with a list we think might be useful. [16:43] Need to be super careful that they're all teams that people can't self-join or coerce people to join [16:43] I agree ones like core dev which are quite nailed down seem like good candidates [16:43] indeed, all the teams included should be moderated [16:44] and not only moderated technically, but socially too [17:25] czajkowski: glad I'm not the only one doing two talks about ubucon eu :) [17:25] s/about/at [17:37] pleia2: you are going to UbuCon Europe? \o/ [17:39] tsimonq2: yes :) [17:39] pleia2: I hope to be there too :) [17:39] great [17:46] yay [17:53] Looking forward to that, a bunch of people are going [17:53] a bunch of /cool/ people are going [17:53] and me! [17:54] haha popey <3 [17:55] might get an opportunity to go out for one of those beers I saw photos of in your stream recently pleia2 :) [17:56] \o/ [17:56] the only time I've been to germany I was on schedule to get my gallbladder removed so I couldn't drink D: [17:57] ouch [17:57] it was indeed sad [17:57] but I did learn that darmstadt had a booming in house root beer brewing trend, so that was nice :) [17:57] hehe [17:59] ooooooo [17:59] i looooove root beer [18:02] i quit alcohol but i adore a good handcrafted soda [18:02] i got this caramel cola the other day that was sublime [18:03] that does sound interesting [18:04] http://www.amazon.com/Retro-Brownie-Caramel-Cream-Root/dp/B009YN8BQO%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q%26tag%3Dduckduckgo-d-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB009YN8BQO [18:05] ugh come on amazon [18:32] oooh [18:38] There's a few people in the Ubuntu community who are fans of boutique colas. ikonia and directhex spring to mind [18:40] * wxl creates ~ubuntu-soda-jerks [18:40] (not really) [19:18] XD [19:18] wxl: ever have bacon soda? [21:01] popey: could somebody with access clarify http://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/support/irc/ to indicate that #ubuntu-us isn't used pretty much at all anymore? [21:07] probably someone in the US should confirm that [21:08] pleia2? [21:09] wxl: can you confirm the above? [21:10] I would imagine a brief look at the logs would reveal that :) [21:11] (if it was logged) [21:11] but it isn't :P [21:11] I have logs [21:11] i didn't even know it was a thing [21:11] wxl: yeah, I thought the US team was one thing at one point? [21:12] yeah well so were a lot of things :) [21:12] :) [21:12] wxl: so would it be safe to say that we should NOT recommend it? [21:13] like on http://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/support/irc/ [21:13] i think it might be wise, but i don't know [21:41] knome: people come by about twice a year to ask for help with their state-based loco, so I keep it open and lurk in there, but the project itself isn't proactively doing work anymore [21:41] and it's not a general support channel, it's specific to loco work [21:51] mhm [21:51] isn't the idea of loco support a different language anyway [21:51] well, mostly.. [21:57] not really [21:57] the support aspect of it [21:57] the uk loco is mostly offtopic, and a bunch of support from known people and randoms [21:58] for some reason international people find the uk loco channel very easily and get support there [21:58] we often point them at #ubuntu of course [21:58] but our loco does a fair amount of support [21:58] i understand that there are some potential local(e) issues, but for the most part, it's just normal questions in the local language [21:59] i guess uk is different because en_gb.. [21:59] sure; what i mean that the main reason to point people to say #ubuntu-fr is the support in french [21:59] so if somebody comes asking for help in #ubuntu in english, there is no real need to point them to the UK channel even if they are from the uk... [22:00] indeed [22:00] so that's probably why #ubuntu-us isn't high traffic :) [22:00] at least partly... [22:00] especially as there are those state channels [22:01] it's kind of similar to #ubuntu-nordic... which is REALLY quiet === jj is now known as Guest40432