
pittiGood morning05:40
seb128good morning desktopers06:10
pittibonjour seb128 !06:16
seb128hey pitti, happy friday! how are you?06:17
pittiseb128: très bien, merci ! et toi ?06:17
seb128ça va bien, merci !06:17
flocculantmorning pitti seb12806:18
seb128hey flocculant06:18
seb128pitti trying to unblock y-proposed things it seems ;-)06:37
pittiseb128: yeah, my morning round through excuses.html, arguing with britney :)06:37
* pitti is heavily annoying mvo about snapd too06:37
* pitti hugs mvo06:38
seb128what did he broke? ;-)06:39
* mvo hugs pitti06:39
pittiseb128: oh, I was just wondering if I can help him to get some more green on http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/s/snapd/ :)06:39
seb128ah :-)06:39
mvolets say yakkety is a bit on the unstable side still ;)06:39
mvoAKA "nothing-works"06:40
seb128mvo, is there known issues with snapd on yakkety? just asking because robert_ancell had some problem with fonts in snap and asked if there are differences between xenial and yakkety (I don't think it's a snap issue he's having, more that our desktop snaps somehow rely on the host depends, but asking in case)06:40
mvoseb128: snapd is *exactly* the same, however in adt on yakkety we get all sorts of strange errors. and in xenial its quite happy06:41
seb128mvo, yeah, I know snapd is the same, the toolchain it builds on is not though06:43
seb128so you never know06:43
seb128also the host lists might have different versions06:43
Laneymoin moinoinoin08:04
pittihey heyheyhey Laney!08:04
seb128hey Laney08:06
seb128how are you?08:06
seb128how is the gtk css fest going?08:07
Laneyppppppppppppretty good08:07
LaneyI installed 3.20 and the new theme at like 18.10 last night08:08
seb128the channel is pretty quiet since you spent you day in the gtk cave :p08:08
Laneysee what happens when I boot with it08:08
* Laney hasn't turned that machine on yet08:08
seb128spend your days*08:08
Laneyhow are you?08:08
seb128go for it, press the power button!08:08
seb128good, it's friday and weather is nice ;-)08:08
seb128though they forecast rain starting this w.e and for the next week :-/08:08
willcookehey ho08:09
seb128hey willcooke!08:09
willcookeStarting to think this cold is actually hay fever08:09
willcookeNever suffered from it before08:09
davmor2willcooke: any rapeseed nearby?08:10
willcookedavmor2, ahh, yes.  Loads08:10
seb128crazy world08:11
davmor2willcooke: rapeseed is more potent than most pollen so it might be that, just grab some one a day hayfever tablets from your supermarket of choice should start suppressing it after 30 minutes or so if it is08:12
willcookedavmor2, ta - might as well try it08:13
hikikois it possible to create a ppa with 2 different programs? eg a compiz and a unity branch?08:17
seb128hikiko, hey, sure, you upload whatever you want in a ppa08:18
seb128it's a small archive08:19
seb128you never used those?08:19
hikikoI tried to make one last week...08:19
hikikobut it was for 1 package only08:19
seb128you never used any as an user?08:19
seb128anyway, yes you can upload the packages you want08:19
seb128like the CI train silos usually include sets08:20
seb128when Trevinho does a landing he includes compiz/unity/bamf/...08:20
hikikoseb128, are there any instructions on how to create 1 from scratch for noobs?08:21
hikikothe other time I just pressed create packaging recipe but this way I couldn't add extra files I think08:22
hikikoextra branches*08:22
seb128dunno how to use that launchpad feature08:22
seb128I usually build packages and dput08:22
seb128hikiko, https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Uploading08:22
hikikoI'll do the same then :) thanks a lot seb12808:23
andyrockmorning all08:33
seb128hey andyrock, happy friday! how are you?08:34
andyrockhey seb128 ready to leave Stockholm08:34
seb128oh, nice08:35
seb128for good? or just for the summer holidays?08:35
andyrockI'm still deciding08:42
pittiLaney: hmm, lcy01 now repeatedly times out for ssh on xenial images08:45
pittiLaney: this cloud drives me nuts..08:45
seb128andyrock, where do you go next? back home for the summer?08:45
andyrockseb128: few days in London than back home than I don't know :D08:46
seb128enjoy London!08:46
Laneypitti: bah!08:47
Laneywhat's different about this one?08:47
Laneydifferent DC/version of openstack/something?08:47
pittino idea yet, just saw the worker failure emails, and mvo asked about why snapd still is running08:47
LaneyI mean lcy01 vs lgw0108:48
Laneyseems much more flaky in general08:49
pittiit is, yes08:49
=== CrazyMelon is now known as CrazyLemon
pittiLaney: hm, that might actually be snapd's fault08:54
Laneywhite titlebars, weird08:55
pittithe initial boot works, but ssh is dead after installing the test deps08:55
pittior wait, it's not even getting that far08:55
pittibut why does in only affect snapd08:55
Laneyand are these all snapd?08:55
pitti[[0;32m  OK  [0m] Started OpenBSD Secure Shell server.08:56
pittiin console-log08:56
pittiand yet ssh fails08:56
Laney[[0;1;31mFAILED[0m] Failed to start Raise network interfaces.08:57
pittioh, that would be it08:57
Laneysounds bad indeed ;-)08:57
pittiit's not like this is a recnet image08:57
pittithis installs a new kernel08:58
pittimaybe this triggers update-grub and removes cloud-init's net.ifnames=0 or whatnot08:58
pittiright, affects other packages too, it's xenial/lcy01 in general09:01
pittiwait, *beta2*??09:02
pittilgw has ubuntu/ubuntu-xenial-daily-i386-server-20160606.1-disk1.img09:02
Laneyi thought you were expecting that09:03
Laneyfrom the lack of reaction09:03
pittiyeah, all our recent tests use the beta2 image, WTF -- tehre' subuntu/ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-20160516.1-disk1.img09:04
pittiah, I know why09:05
pitti| name                       | ubuntu/ubuntu-xenial-16.04-beta2-amd64-server-20160322-disk1.img |09:05
pitti| updated                    | 2016-05-23T15:19:20Z                                             |09:05
pittiso it considers that newer than the 0516 one09:05
pitti| created                    | 2016-05-23T15:18:49Z                                             |09:06
pittithat actually, but same value09:06
pittiI suppose I'll create a custom xenial image on lcy01 to work around that09:06
pitti... if it lets me, that is *sigh*09:07
Laneyhikiko / andyrock: Where does the colour used to draw titlebars come from?09:10
Laneymy new gtk breaks non-csd titlebars (they get white)09:10
hikikommm marco knows that... let me get a look Laney09:11
hikikoLaney, check the panel/PanelMenuView.cpp09:14
hikikoand unity-shared/DecorationStyle.h maybe09:15
hikikothis has the rendering though, maybe you need PanelController.cpp too (that's where the panel operations start from)09:17
Laneythe panel is actually right, it's window titlebars09:19
hikikooh sorry09:22
LaneyDecorationStyle looks good though09:22
hikikoin unity-shared we have all the settings09:23
hikikoUnityWindowStyle maybe?09:24
hikikosorry I've never done gtk stuff...09:24
Laneyit's okay09:27
Laneythought you might know this, no worries09:27
Laneywill poke or wait for marcoooOOOOOoooooOOoooooooooo09:27
pittimvo, Laney: looking better now, I see e. g. gvfs test survived the reboot09:32
pittimvo: hah, and http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running.shtml#pkg-snapd is in tests09:32
Laneypitti: nice, you got an image built?09:32
pittiLaney: yeah09:32
pitti(one amd64, one i386)09:32
pittibut from this case I'm unsure what to learn from it and improve09:33
pittiI kind of have to trust the "created:" stamps, there's no obvious way how I can sort by image name only09:33
pittianyway, the "ssh timed out" worker failures should hopefully stop now (a few of stragglers probably still come, though)09:35
pittiseb128: do you know if anyone is working on the poppler transition?09:40
pittihttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/yakkety/update_output_notest.txt still has an awful lot of broken packages09:40
seb128pitti, I doubt it09:41
seb128typical robert_ancell cowboy start of transition09:41
seb128to be fair he reuploaded rebuild of rdepends09:41
seb128but that's probably entangled with some other transition09:41
seb128gdal it seems09:42
pittiall "depends: poppler" on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#poppler are valid candidates09:43
pittiso gdal indeed09:43
pittiall these are valid candidates too, though09:44
pittiand so is gl2ps09:44
pittitinyxml2 too09:44
pittigosh, how did this get so entangled09:44
seb128seems like it needs octave09:46
seb128Not considered09:46
seb128Depends: octave glpk (not considered)09:46
seb128Depends: octave suitesparse (not considered)09:46
seb128goes to suiteparse it seems09:47
seb128which might need to main promotion09:47
pittiseb128: ah indeed, thanks for spotting09:48
pittilibmetis5 is in main09:49
pittierr, what09:49
pittirmadison says universe, apt-cache says main09:49
pittiah, it was on component-mismatches this morning, I think09:50
seb128so already fixed?09:50
pittihm, so how can stuff depend on the new suitesparse if that never built09:50
pittino, it's back to universe, it apparnetly was mis-NEWed or whatever09:51
seb128it built for some reason09:51
seb128it's built, just not installable09:51
pittioh right, built, but not installable09:51
pittieffing "build aginst universe"09:51
pitti"but this makes things soo much easier" :/09:51
pittithanks, so that's it09:52
seb128"progress" they said, right?09:52
seb128well, to be fair without universe it would be depwait09:54
seb128which isn't much different09:54
seb128well, I guess it would block other things that picked the binaries at build09:54
seb128but it would still be the same MIR needed09:54
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=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
ximionLaney: is it okay to prepare a new patch for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/appstream-glib/+bug/1576780 which breaks the stock icons support again (as it was before) and attach it?11:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 1576780 in appstream-glib (Ubuntu Xenial) "Needs to implement the full DEP-11 icon spec for compatibility with 3rd-party repos" [Medium,Fix committed]11:32
Laneyhi ximion11:32
ximionhughsie has fixed the actual bug in GNOME Software, but it's a pretty invasive change and I am not sure if it's easy to backport - it would definitely be a bit more risky11:32
Laneyyou want to revert the change?11:33
ximionno, I will just break loading stock icons again ^^11:34
ximionGS has a bug ahich makes it fail to load stock icons and the immediately ignores the app, which leads to the regression in that bug report11:34
ximionahich -> which11:35
LaneyI remember11:35
Laneywhy would it be okay to expose that bug again?11:35
ximionpreviously, nobody noticed the bug, because asglib itself failed to load stock icons, so no stock icons where there to trigger the GS bug. I fixed that bug by implementing full DEP-11 compatibility for icons, and accidetally triggered the GS bug that way :P11:36
ximionif I stop loading stock icons, the GS bug won't be triggered, and GS will simply load the icons from the appstream iconcache, which are guaranteed to be there11:36
ximionthe alternative would be fixing the GS issue, which is more invasive11:37
ximiondrawback of not fixing the GS bug is that GS will never show the correctly-themed icons in the overview in case someone decides to change the default icon-theme11:37
ximionwhich isn't the case at time anyway, since this is already broken11:38
Laneywhat if a repository wants to have stock and not cached icons?11:39
ximionthen they are screwed11:40
ximionbut the AppStream spec disallows that anyway11:41
ximionand they are screwed already, because this is broken in Xenial anyway11:41
ximionfor the patches needed to fix this in GS11:43
ximionhughsie decided to refactor all of the icon-loading :P11:43
LaneyI remember11:44
Laneyok, attach away11:44
ximionmy first patch which breaks a feature intentionally :D11:47
ximionLaney: do I need to bump the version number?11:47
ximion(I guess so)11:49
* Laney broke unity12:31
* Laney wins/loses12:31
willcookeLaney, \o/12:55
Laneydidn't break unity, it's an abi break in compiz(?)13:36
Laneyi built unity on yakkety and installed it on a system with xenial's compiz13:37
TrevinhoHello people13:44
willcookelike magic, Trevinho appears13:44
willcookemorning Trevinho13:44
TrevinhoLaney: ah.... So you  broke something! Welcome to the club13:44
Trevinhohi willcooke13:44
TrevinhoLaney: as far I remember there has been no abi break yet....13:47
davmor2Laney: man and you didn't even get to the "Caaaaaaaaats HO!"13:51
pittiLaney: *grumble* suuure! now that xenial is fixed, lcy01 wets its pants on the yakkety images..14:07
* pitti declares this a post-weekend problem14:07
LaneyTrevinho: well unity built on y breaks against x's compiz14:19
* Laney just upgraded compiz for now14:19
Laneydidn't actually get to test my fix yet though14:19
LaneyTrevinho: going to need your help next week on 3.20 stuff though if you have time please14:19
TrevinhoLaney: ok, what you need just to be prepared?14:20
LaneyTrevinho: it breaks the background14:20
Laneyso some nautilus problem14:20
Laneyor so14:20
LaneyIIRC I tried nautilus 3.20 and that didn't fix it14:20
TrevinhoLaney: mh, thre was some changes in that from muktupavels IIRC on that14:21
Laneyalso would be good to have a backup person for random theme problems too14:21
Laneythere's bound to be issues there14:21
Laneyanyways will upload it to ppa later today14:21
TrevinhoLaney: ah... and also that change broke the API yeah....14:21
Trevinhowell, the ABI14:21
Laneyif this titlebar thing isn't fixed then i might need help there14:21
TrevinhoLaney: I can helop in theme too... but I'm getting busy :)14:22
Laneywell maybe just the unity stuff at first :P14:22
TrevinhoLaney: this was the change http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~compiz-team/compiz/0.9.12/revision/401314:23
Laneygoing to poke a bit more today14:25
Laneyotherwise will ask for help next week14:25
* Laney needs to go to shop now and get sim card cut to a nano sim14:25
* Laney is too scared to do it himself14:25
pittiLaney: I was scared too, but there's actually quite some tolerance14:26
pittiI just cut it with a normal pair of scissors, has worked fine ever since14:26
pittiyou just can't put it back into the old phone then :)14:27
TrevinhoLaney: mh, ok... Andrea also changed something, but probably I'lll have to redo the unity ccs14:48
LaneyTrevinho: hopefully just the selectors15:34
Laneypitti: the guy in the shop said that this was an old type of sim card so he'd have to cut into the actual connector and that might break it15:35
Laneyso I got sent to an actual shop for my provider and had to get a whole new one15:35
Laneyhi seb128!16:10
Laneydid you just change country again?16:10
seb128hey Laney, how is the gtk hacking going?16:10
Laneyspent a while debating some api with hughsie instead, so not much progress today16:10
seb128Laney, yeah, not the same part of France, in the north ... was supposed to be an easy drive but got stucked in friday's traffic16:10
Laneyjust built gnome-keyring16:10
Laneyto fix some problems in unity greeter16:11
LaneyT_revinho is going to help with unity stuff next week16:11
Laneyseb128: are you going to watch some football up there? ;-)16:12
seb128France is playing tonight!16:13
seb128keyring is acting in the greeter?16:13
seb128or is that theming?16:13
Laneyso i can run lightdm --test-mode16:14
seb128that bug16:15
ximionLaney: regression workaround added to LP: #1576780 - it just needs testing now16:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 1576780 in appstream-glib (Ubuntu Xenial) "Needs to implement the full DEP-11 icon spec for compatibility with 3rd-party repos" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157678016:16
ximionI wasn't really sure about the wording in the changelog - it intentionally introduces a bug :D16:16
ximion(so I added some more exmplanation, to not make users scratch their head when reading it)16:17
attentepopey: hey, i'm trying to edit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/ubuntu-system-settings#Language_.26_Text, but getting an Immutable Page despite being logged in. is there another team i need to join to get edit perms?16:17
popeyattente: being in ~canonical should be enough, but IS are working on modifying the wiki permissions right now, so it might need you to wait, sorry.16:19
popey(or logout, login, make sure ~canonical is ticked in U1 SSO ,then refresh the browser, click the ubuntu logo top left, sacrifice a chicken etc etc)16:19
Laneyximion: 'k, will look next week probably unless a sponsor beats me to it16:27
Laneyunlikely but you never know16:27
willcookeswimming lessons with boy #1 -bbl16:28
ximionLaney: thanks!16:28
ximionsince nobody requested the regression to be fixed faster, this is fine, I think16:29
Laneyright, happy weekend!17:05
seb128Laney, same to you!17:07
seb128it's the friday dance!17:31
willcooke /o/17:34
* Sweet5hark show his age by doing a moonwalk and assuming this to be cool.17:44
willcookewhat? it *is* cool.17:44
willcookenight all18:59
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