magespawn | good morning | 04:57 |
superfly | Good evening | 05:08 |
Kilos | morning all | 05:50 |
anton_may | 0/ | 05:50 |
Kilos | still struggling with neotel anton_may ? | 05:51 |
anton_may | yup | 05:51 |
Kilos | has it all of a sudden just got worse? | 05:52 |
Kilos | hi inetpro ambo_ aquarat captine Cryterion magespawn superfly paddatrapper theblazehen TinuvaMac en die res ook | 05:54 |
Cryterion | mornings | 05:54 |
Kilos | anton_may do you tweet? tweet them here and see if you get any reply @NeotelZA | 06:11 |
anton_may | Havebeen doing that | 06:18 |
theblazehen | hi Kilos | 06:21 |
theblazehen | nlsthzn: It worked in the sense that it made noise. Didn't in the sense that I slept through my phone alarm *and* listened to the beep for maybe 30 min before parents woke me up to ask what the sound is | 06:22 |
theblazehen | Next step: Hook it up so that it shocks me with a decent amount of electricity. Maybe I wear something around leg | 06:22 |
theblazehen | Something based on erhaps | 06:23 |
Kilos | lol | 06:24 |
theblazehen | Kilos: You know this electronics stuff. What would be the best way to do that? | 06:27 |
Kilos | hmm... | 06:30 |
Kilos | the connector would be the problem | 06:30 |
Kilos | you will most likely lose it when tossing and turning over | 06:30 |
theblazehen | Kilos: Something like one of the dog collars that shock when they go over line perhaps? | 06:35 |
theblazehen | I can maybe get one and then trigger the senser manualy somehow | 06:36 |
Kilos | lol | 06:36 |
Kilos | get a wireless one and trigger it from your pc | 06:37 |
theblazehen | Yeah, what I was thinking | 06:37 |
Kilos | farm alert siren screening | 07:00 |
Kilos | another attack near by | 07:00 |
Kilos | sigh | 07:00 |
theblazehen | hi andrewlsd | 07:13 |
magespawn | chat later | 07:14 |
nlsthzn | theblazehen, the good thing is you got up :) | 07:14 |
nlsthzn | hi all | 07:14 |
Kilos | hi nlsthzn | 07:15 |
andrewlsd | hi theblazehen, Kilos et all | 07:16 |
theblazehen | hey nlsthzn. yeah. eventually.. | 07:16 |
Kilos | morning andrewlsd | 07:16 |
nlsthzn | :) | 07:16 |
theblazehen | nlsthzn: You think the shock thing would work? :D | 07:16 |
theblazehen | @andrewlsd so I literally slept through 33 min of while:; do; sudo beep; done this morning | 07:19 |
* andrewlsd is away from this screen | 07:20 | |
nlsthzn | theblazehen, I am sure you can set something up and let us know :p | 07:21 |
theblazehen | nlsthzn: yeah. Hook up an IV with caffiene? :D | 07:23 |
theblazehen | Or just stop taking stuff that puts me to sleep | 07:23 |
nlsthzn | theblazehen, nah, I want you to shock yourself but live stream if over the internet | 07:25 |
nlsthzn | for science | 07:25 |
Kilos | i go let sheep out | 07:25 |
Kilos | wbb | 07:25 |
theblazehen | nlsthzn: I can do that. 220V ac? Or do like that usb killer, really high voltage? | 07:26 |
nlsthzn | well, high voltage low ampere is the way to wake-up alive as opposed to waking up dead :p | 07:29 |
theblazehen | Yeah, but if I put it at bottom of leg I wouldn't expect more than scorch marks worst case :D | 07:29 |
nlsthzn | well if you are into such things go for it : | 07:30 |
nlsthzn | :p | 07:30 |
theblazehen | nlsthzn: Haha, you have no idea.. (Not in the way you think though | 07:36 |
theblazehen | ) | 07:36 |
theblazehen | Maaz: Coffee please | 07:42 |
Maaz | theblazehen: There isn't a pot on | 07:42 |
theblazehen | Maaz coffee on | 07:42 |
* Maaz puts the kettle on | 07:42 | |
Maaz | Coffee's ready for theblazehen! | 07:46 |
theblazehen | ty Maaz | 07:47 |
anton_may | Can do with a polisie-koffie | 08:13 |
Kilos | popwer gone | 09:30 |
Kilos | power | 09:30 |
anton_may | Kilos needs to farm more spinach | 09:30 |
magespawn | yup could set a solar setup for him | 10:03 |
magespawn | hi Kilos, that was quick | 10:13 |
Kilos | they stuffin around i think | 10:14 |
Kilos | very frustrating | 10:14 |
magespawn | how about a small solar setup to keep you online? | 10:15 |
Kilos | saving every penny for aus trip so solar gotta wait | 10:16 |
mage-work | hey | 10:25 |
theblazehen | hey Maaz | 10:25 |
theblazehen | mage-work: | 10:25 |
magespawn | io finally got irrsi on cygwin working | 10:25 |
magespawn | mage-work is the windows pc at work | 10:25 |
theblazehen | ah. nice. Why not ssh into a vps running irssi in screen? | 10:26 |
anton_may | So just a quick update re Neotel, they picked up crc errors on their shitty Neo one router. They hard coded the speds on the if, lets see now | 10:37 |
magespawn | theblazehen: no reason, no vps perhaps | 11:14 |
theblazehen | magespawn: Then ssh to pc at home? | 11:15 |
magespawn | always have just run it locally, no internet at home | 11:15 |
magespawn | Home KZN, is on a mobile connection, and nothing at the flat/room i am renting in JHB | 11:20 |
chesedo | afternoon all | 14:43 |
Kilos | hi chesedo all good? | 14:44 |
chesedo | hi oom Kilos, yes wrote exam again today and self? | 14:45 |
Kilos | still flu but ok | 14:45 |
Kilos | this flu dont wanna die | 14:45 |
chesedo | yeah and guess being active seems to not help either | 14:46 |
Kilos | nope i crashed all avy | 14:46 |
chesedo | oh, you aren't layering too much then? | 14:47 |
Kilos | no still sort sheep and fences morning and late avy | 14:47 |
Kilos | keeping fences whole aint easy when pliers and side cutters are so easily stolen | 14:48 |
Kilos | why use roads and gates when cutting fences makes handy shortcuts | 14:49 |
Kilos | often fences are cut within 5 metres of a gate | 14:50 |
Kilos | sigh | 14:50 |
chesedo | lol | 14:51 |
magespawn | home time | 16:20 |
Kilos | supper time | 16:59 |
Kilos | hi pavlushka | 17:25 |
pavlushka | hello Kilos ! | 18:06 |
theblazehen | hey paddatrapper | 18:06 |
theblazehen | pavlushka: | 18:06 |
pavlushka | lol | 18:07 |
* pavlushka rolling on the ground laughing... | 18:07 | |
pavlushka | Hello theblazehen ! | 18:08 |
Kilos | whats so funny pavlushka | 18:09 |
pavlushka | Kilos: theblazehen: made the same mistake like me today again, :p | 18:10 |
Kilos | ah | 18:12 |
pavlushka | I was doing like maaz / magespawn | 18:12 |
Kilos | lol | 18:12 |
Kilos | Maaz seen mazal | 18:13 |
Maaz | Kilos: mazal was last seen 2 days, 59 minutes and 47 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-06-08 10:13:24 PDT], and has been offline on freenode since 2016-06-08 11:59:24 PDT | 18:13 |
Kilos | inetpro lyk my jy het sy hart gebreek | 18:16 |
pavlushka | hey theblazehen , did you mind? | 18:16 |
inetpro | nonsens Kilos | 18:16 |
Kilos | lol | 18:16 |
theblazehen | pavlushka: It's cool :) | 18:16 |
pavlushka | theblazehen: ok, then you mind and its cool, you want to say? (just pulling your legs for the last time today, swear, :p) | 18:17 |
Kilos | lol | 18:18 |
theblazehen | pavlushka: Haha don't mind | 18:18 |
Kilos | pavlushka did you fix the modem on xfce | 18:18 |
pavlushka | Kilos: sakis3g works on xfce, my complain was "why not network-manager?" | 18:19 |
Kilos | yes did you get nm working | 18:19 |
Kilos | lsusb should show the modem | 18:19 |
pavlushka | when the network-manager works for the same modem in Ubuntu & Ubuntu-MATE | 18:19 |
Kilos | if it does try this | 18:21 |
pavlushka | Kilos: lsusb will show every usb device (supported or unsupported) | 18:21 |
Kilos | sudo nano /etc/rc.local | 18:21 |
Kilos | Now add this line above exit 0 | 18:21 |
pavlushka | Kilos: I am talking to you using sakis3g script for my modem. | 18:21 |
pavlushka | Kilos: copy | 18:22 |
Kilos | (while :; do nmcli -t nm wwan on; sleep 1; done)& | 18:22 |
Kilos | then ctrl+o | 18:22 |
Kilos | and ctrl+x | 18:22 |
pavlushka | Kilos: and then? | 18:23 |
Kilos | i dunno | 18:23 |
Kilos | you the clever guy | 18:24 |
Kilos | reboot i spose | 18:24 |
Kilos | with luck nm will connect | 18:24 |
* Kilos hates 3g issues | 18:27 | |
* pavlushka sayonara then, its hard to say goodbye, see you on another boot session | 18:32 | |
Kilos | lol ok | 18:32 |
Kilos | wb chesedo superfly | 18:44 |
superfly | who says I left? | 18:46 |
Kilos | you were afk | 18:48 |
Kilos | and im allowed to say wb arent i | 18:48 |
Kilos | inetpro i need more permissions | 18:49 |
pavlushka | Kilos: no avail, :( | 19:05 |
Kilos | aw | 19:07 |
Kilos | does nm not recognise the modem at all | 19:08 |
theblazehen | pavlushka: Does it show in `ip link`? | 19:09 |
pavlushka | Kilos: no | 19:10 |
pavlushka | theblazehen: "ip link" ?? | 19:10 |
theblazehen | pavlushka: Yeah, in terminal | 19:11 |
pavlushka | theblazehen: all I can say is in terminal it shows that sakis3g make the modem work under ppp0 | 19:13 |
pavlushka | using usb_modswitch | 19:13 |
Kilos | so the modem isnt switching | 19:15 |
Kilos | with nmk | 19:15 |
Kilos | nm | 19:15 |
theblazehen | pavlushka: | 19:16 |
Kilos | good luck guys | 19:18 |
Kilos | i need to sleep | 19:18 |
Kilos | coughing lungs out here | 19:18 |
Kilos | night all. sleep tight | 19:18 |
pavlushka | theblazehen: the modem switches automatically, the lsusb result is same just after boot and after running the script. | 19:27 |
theblazehen | pavlushka: Okay | 19:28 |
theblazehen | Yeah, I don't really know the magic network manager does | 19:28 |
* theblazehen is more of a do it manually guy | 19:28 | |
theblazehen | More reliable | 19:28 |
theblazehen | even on desktop, just systemctl enable dhcpcd | 19:28 |
pavlushka | I used to do it manually on 8.04, 9.04, 9.10 with wvdial but its not working on 16.04 | 19:29 |
pavlushka | it says invalid dial command, the configurations are of 2.5g's actually , cant find the 3g version of the wvdial config, :( | 19:31 |
pavlushka | theblazehen: actually as I have alternate options and got sakis3g before searching extensively for 3g config for wvdial. | 19:35 |
theblazehen | pavlushka: Hmm | 19:41 |
theblazehen | I find that an old android phone + usb tethering works with no issues | 19:41 |
pavlushka | theblazehen: yes but I have only one old android phone and I am using that for calls and I was using the phone in the same method but to avoid extra hassle I started using the modem. | 19:50 |
theblazehen | Okay | 19:56 |
pavlushka | Night guys! | 20:35 |
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