zequence | sakrecoer: Very nice. I like it. | 11:49 |
sakrecoer | :) cool! | 11:50 |
sakrecoer | then i'll go ahead and render them in lossless | 11:50 |
sakrecoer | this i pretty neat: http://www.thregr.org/~wavexx/software/fgallery/index.html | 14:30 |
sakrecoer | next release maybe? :) it seems to be packaged in debian: https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=fgallery | 14:30 |
sakrecoer | next as in 17.04, since feature freeze is way past... | 14:31 |
sakrecoer | been in touch with darktable guys to improve the "export to webgallery" function anyways. | 14:31 |
autumna | nice | 14:49 |
autumna | sakrecoer: I'd say we have enough work to do for 16.10. is it too early to begin planning for 17.04 through? like can we begin listing package wishlist for 17.04 so that we don't forget as we find things? | 14:51 |
autumna | re gallery thing: it looks nice. my only concern is if this thing works with search engines, since the whole navigation seems to rely on javascript | 14:52 |
sakrecoer | autumna: no idea about the SEO of that script.. | 14:56 |
sakrecoer | check this one out tho: https://github.com/Jack000/Expose | 14:56 |
sakrecoer | autumna: well... of course, you are welcome to keep wishlists, as long as it doesn't interfer with the current process i'd say. | 14:59 |
* autumna bookmarks the gallery script for further investigation | 14:59 | |
sakrecoer | i mean, discussing things is a good thing always :) discussing things while other things should be discussed is less good maybe :D | 14:59 |
autumna | sakrecoer: I highly doubt that keeping a wiki page somewhere would do any harm. ;) | 14:59 |
autumna | so that people can braindump, that way when the time comes for discussion, we don't realize 2 days before the feature freeze: oh wait, we were also discussing doing x y and z last december. | 15:00 |
autumna | which sort of what happened this time around :D | 15:00 |
autumna | (not that it was a disaster, since it was before the deadline and not after) | 15:01 |
autumna | its up to you *shrugs* | 15:01 |
sakrecoer | not sure what you refering to autumna ? | 15:02 |
sakrecoer | nor what is up to me, neither what happened this time around... | 15:02 |
autumna | huh? | 15:05 |
autumna | the request for writing meta? | 15:05 |
autumna | plume creator etc | 15:06 |
sakrecoer | autumna: still don't get it. | 15:07 |
autumna | also the discussion about the adding of the audio setup to controls. - hmm | 15:07 |
autumna | sakrecoer: what do you mean? | 15:08 |
sakrecoer | i mean: what are you talking about? | 15:08 |
sakrecoer | the writing meta request came in before deadline, right? | 15:08 |
autumna | yes. | 15:09 |
sakrecoer | so, what are you suggesting is up to me to do? | 15:09 |
autumna | I am.. not suggestion something that is up to you to do. | 15:09 |
sakrecoer | "17:01 < autumna> its up to you *shrugs*" | 15:10 |
autumna | I am saying a page or a list somewhere to keep track of this ideas might be a good idea if we aren't doing it already, rather than relying to remember it when time comes to put up feature requests | 15:10 |
autumna | oh I meant, the decision is yours | 15:10 |
autumna | :D | 15:10 |
sakrecoer | :D haha | 15:10 |
autumna | what did YOU think I was saying? or shall I not ask | 15:10 |
autumna | :P | 15:10 |
sakrecoer | well, i had no idea :D | 15:11 |
autumna | lol | 15:11 |
sakrecoer | well, atm we should focus on what has to be done for this release, according to what was agreed in the feature definition process. | 15:12 |
autumna | ok | 15:12 |
autumna | by the way when you said we needed illustration for website pages | 15:12 |
sakrecoer | but its a good question you ask autumna | 15:12 |
autumna | what were you meaning? | 15:13 |
sakrecoer | images for the feature tour | 15:13 |
autumna | (heh, process review is always an ongoing thing) | 15:13 |
autumna | OK | 15:13 |
autumna | oh so background images, and icons etc? | 15:13 |
sakrecoer | exactly :) | 15:13 |
autumna | gotcha | 15:13 |
autumna | geirdal was asking me what was needed, last night at which point I realized I had no idea if we had an immediate illustration request | 15:14 |
sakrecoer | yeah, i saw that. i guess this discussion would be way better suited in an email thread... | 15:15 |
autumna | good point | 15:15 |
autumna | you want to start the thread or should I? | 15:15 |
autumna | I know what I am doing, I am going to get the support page text done since that is one of the critical items. are we still drafting content in stage? | 15:16 |
sakrecoer | yes, i think you can go ahead and do it in stage | 15:17 |
sakrecoer | re: email, i can do it unless you realy want to :) but i'm kindof writing something else atm so it will come later tonight. | 15:18 |
autumna | I think it might be better for you to do it when you get the chance. | 15:20 |
sakrecoer | ok :) | 15:40 |
geirdal | I dont need to do anything :) but if I can help I will! | 20:20 |
geirdal | If there is nothing for me to do! THats also ok ;) | 20:21 |
geirdal | but Im here to help :) | 20:39 |
sakrecoer | geirdal: i guess i have to write it in a mail, i get the feeling i don't come through very clear about those graphics here in IRC. | 20:55 |
geirdal | ok | 20:55 |
sakrecoer | i mean, i am putting in it in a mail.. :) | 20:56 |
geirdal | :) | 20:56 |
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