
sirriffsalotDoes the microKORG have any software-support in ubuntustudio?08:55
sakrecoersirriffsalot: not that i know, except for midi of course... the new ones have usb?11:18
sirriffsalotsakrecoer, sure do11:18
sakrecoersirriffsalot: i'd be disapointed if it wasn't wasn't recognized as a midi-device.11:20
sakrecoerif you are looking for a specific editor to run under GNU/Linux, you should write to korg. they have shown to be rather linux friendly in the past :)11:21
sakrecoersirriffsalot: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korg_OASYS11:22
sirriffsalotsakrecoer, if I have to write to them that'd be ages until one surfaced anyway11:27
sirriffsalotsakrecoer, interesting11:28
sirriffsalotBut I can't really invest in another synth :P11:28
sirriffsalothttp://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Autism honestly this is some of the funniest stuff I've read in a long time11:29
sakrecoersirriffsalot: that was just to illustrate their interest. That synths linux part is realy just a built in DAW running in a custom linux.11:29
sirriffsalotYeah, I got it :) Pretty neat11:30
sakrecoersirriffsalot: are you planning on buying a microkorg?11:31
sirriffsalotsakrecoer, already did, haha11:31
sirriffsalotsakrecoer, I got 500e for free from a "free-fund" foundation here in Norway11:32
sakrecoersirriffsalot: what os are you running?11:32
sakrecoeri mean linux distro11:32
sirriffsalotWe felt we needed a synth, so now I'm tweaking away11:32
sirriffsalotUbuntustudio mostly11:32
sakrecoerwell... why don't you plug it in and check?11:32
sakrecoeri am assuming the usb-port can be used for audio aswell? i for one would be happy to know if it is recognized...11:33
sirriffsalotsakrecoer, I'll try later, but what I wanted to know whas if the software for the korg has any linux support11:34
sirriffsalotThe editors and all that11:34
sakrecoerhehe, you lazy sirriffsalot you :p11:34
sakrecoersirriffsalot: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=2841711:37
sirriffsalotsakrecoer, ooh11:41
sirriffsalotsakrecoer, I guess wine covers everything then..11:41
sakrecoersirriffsalot: i'd be disapointed if the korgs physical interface didn't cover everything aswell. if it didn't, i'd be inclined to hook a physical midicontroler to it, or just use a software synth/vocoder11:44
sakrecoeri'm a bit distrubed by the hardware makers taste for hybrid sillutions...11:44
sirriffsalotsakrecoer, what do you mean?11:45
sakrecoeri feel its a hype thing. and it maks hardware synths prone to early obsolecence: what if they stopp updating the drivers or the necessary editor? what if they go bankrupt and a new version of OS wont accept the old driver?11:46
sakrecoerbasicaly, by doing that, they can force you to buy the latest rebranding of their hardware synth, by simply stopping to update drivers for it.11:47
sakrecoerof course, it wouldn't be the case if they provided opensource stuff, but they mostly don't11:47
sakrecoer^ sirriffsalot11:47
sakrecoerin the particular case of the microkorg, it works perfectly without a computer, so you are safe...11:48
sakrecoerbut some newer HW synth have half their USP in the box..11:48
sirriffsalotsakrecoer, yeah, I was kinda wondering how this made sense in my case :P But I see your point11:48
sirriffsalotsakrecoer, are there not certain rules within law as to what extent they can project planned obselesence into their products?11:49
sirriffsalotEither physical wear-down or software-osbolesence11:49
sakrecoersirriffsalot: sure, but its impossible to stipulate regulation that would make consumers fully safe from that. to stop produceing drivers isn't building in planed obsolecence..11:50
sirriffsalotsakrecoer, no, but that was kinda my point. surely with all the ridiculous solicitor-work that gets done these days, there should be some regulation on such an obvious cash-grab11:50
zequenceOnly problem with wine is no usb support (at least last time I checked)11:51
zequenceMidi units need to be controlled with midi11:51
sakrecoersirriffsalot: maybe... i'd be happy to read legal code covering that :) i read such texts like others do sudoku :D11:52
zequenceI have a Roland xv-5050 and I can use the editor with it, if I use midi I/O. The midi port works with ALSA midi, but not with wine11:52
sakrecoerzequence: i have more problems with wine than that :D but i'm done ranting for the day :D11:53
zequenceSure, there are many other problems with wine, like Java support, etc11:53
zequenceMost things can be fixed by simply adding dll's. I like to use PlayOnLinux to create wine environments11:54
sakrecoerhehe... i haven't ever tried it. i'd rather install a pirate copy of XP :D11:54
zequencewine is all free software, after all11:54
zequenceWell, not the dll's you add. Those are just "for free", many of them11:55
sakrecoeris the software you run with wine freesoftware?11:55
zequencesakrecoer: Yes, but those are not a part of wine11:55
zequenceThose you add, if you have to11:55
sirriffsalotsakrecoer, please do... keep me posted :D11:55
sakrecoerthats my point: i don't have to! others may do as they please of course :D11:55
zequenceAnyway, PlayOnLinux is by far the easiest way to manage Windows applications in Linux11:56
zequencesakrecoer: You only have to, if you want to run an application and it requires a dll that isn't a part of the core wine11:56
zequenceAnd, not all the dll's you add are non-free11:56
sakrecoerzequence: yes, and that wont be happening, like, ever, here in fraglerock :D11:57
sakrecoerfraglerock *studios Uncorporated that is :D11:57
zequencesakrecoer: You do use non-free drivers on your Linux though. Not much different11:57
zequenceJust different names11:58
sakrecoeri know, hence i don't need to add to it :D11:58
zequenceThere are free applications that will only work in Linux with wine11:58
zequenceIt's not one-dimensional, you know11:59
sakrecoeri know, like i said: anyone is free to do like they want. me personaly, i haven't ever ran in a situation where i couldn't find a FOSS alternative for my music production.12:00
sakrecoerhence, i never needed to use wine. I'd rather write a motivational email to some free-VST dev to port to linux, then install wine.12:00
zequenceWell, pretty common problem with synth editors (which don't include free software, btw)12:00
zequenceI mean, the synths are neither free software or hardware12:01
sakrecoeryes, that is what i was telling sirriffsalot above12:01
sakrecoerits problematic to me, especially since newer hardware are more and more computer dependent.12:01
sakrecoerzequence: my sollution to it is informed buying, and simply not even considering stuff that won't at least provide a linux version of the editor if the editor is part of the machines USP12:03
sakrecoerbut i regularily send emails to constructors too. :D12:04
sakrecoeri wish my computer was free hardware too :) so do i wish for my hardware synths. at least, the music i make with them is libre.12:05
zequenceIt's a slimy sea, and we are all swimming in it12:17
zequenceI mean, just try to work with people and now use mp3's, for example12:20
zequenceThat's not free either12:20
zequenceAnd, to just deepen the discussion. These terms, licenses, etc. It's not like trees grow around them. They are all artificial.12:21
zequenceSo, it's all bit loose, no matter which foot you stand on12:22
sakrecoeri don't understand what you are saying zequence ? what is artificial? and how doesa tree grow around a license?12:23
zequenceArtificial is opposite of natural, right?12:23
zequenceTrees don't know about licenses12:23
zequenceIt's all in our heads12:23
zequenceI was being less than literal12:24
sirriffsalotsakrecoer, I do think the distinction between the artificial from the natural is a very artificial distinction12:24
sakrecoeroh, right. yeah sure. right is a construct.12:24
sakrecoergood pont sirriffsalot :D12:24
zequencePeople follow rules, if they want to. It's not like rules rule the world, after all.12:25
sakrecoervery true.12:25
sirriffsalotsakrecoer, I do so wish it were practical to be totally free software, but as you see even the free software people have polluted it with "open source", to the great despair of stallman himself. Working with other musicians without using mp3 or whatever is just impossible.. you become a whackjob still. Picking one's battles is always the best bet you have12:26
sirriffsalotsakrecoer, I'm just glad we have the smarter segment of the population working on our stuff, not the other way round ;)12:26
zequenceI think what people who like FLOSS really want is distribution of power, but so often you get a bit of tunnel vision, especially if you're involved in different projects.12:27
zequenceNon free licenses are a form of oppression12:27
zequenceBut, so are many free licenses, in some way12:27
zequenceAt least, a bit12:28
zequenceSince software becomes more and more important, it makes sense to do battles on that front, for sure12:29
sakrecoerof course, the purpose of a licenses is to limit freedom. but it is obviously an necessity in the world we live atm...12:29
zequenceThere are couple of licenses that pretty much don't limit anything12:29
zequenceWhich means you can put that code in your closed source, and not share12:29
sakrecoerlike sirriffsalot oxymoronic point about artificial/natural... a free license is limiting you from the freedom of making it non-free :D12:29
sakrecoerhaha! yeah, the DWTFYW license :D12:30
sakrecoerwtfpl :D12:30
zequenceThe MIT license is pretty permissive too12:31
zequencesirriffsalot: Done any more metal recordings since last time12:38
sirriffsalotzequence, kinda, yeah12:42
sirriffsalotzequence, not as much as working on my calmer stuff though, as the band I'm working in now don12:42
sirriffsalotdon't prefer it that much12:42
sirriffsalotzequence, how's that album coming along??12:42
zequencesirriffsalot: I'm working on a new project before I start with that one. Started a blog on it http://zequence.net/preparing-for-the-renegade-project/12:44
zequenceWill post some videos too, and the music will be released with a free license. Also, the ardour project, and all channels will be available as wav files as well12:45
zequenceKind of dry reading, probably, but I'm not too worried about any audience at this point. Just documenting what I'm doing, basically12:46
zequenceLearned some new important things about compression lately12:46
zequencesirriffsalot: Try using the Calf mono compressor. It has 4 saved settings. 2 for snare, and 2 for vocals12:47
zequenceI've never seen anyone do it that way, or explain why. And, whenever I've tried quick release, I haven't liked it. But, now, it just makes a lot more sense12:48
zequenceThe compressor becomes more like a limiter, really12:48
zequenceAnd, it changes the way the snare and the kick sounds quite a lot12:48
zequenceSo, a good tip there12:48
sirriffsalotzequence, Getting way ahead of myself there, but I'll keep it in mind :)12:50
zequenceConverting mp3p's to wav atm, btw12:50
sirriffsalotzequence, what a curse... :P12:51
zequenceCan't import them to ardour otherwise12:52
zequenceaudacity chain. Nice tool they have there12:52
sirriffsalotzequence, yeah it sucks, I wish my sony recorder for rehearsals and jams recorded in ogg or something lol12:54
sirriffsalotconverting hours of mp3... ugh12:54
zequenceanother time waster, yes12:55
sirriffsalotzequence, gonna check it out in my breaks by the way13:07
sirriffsalotzequence, if you're itching to put drums on something I'd have a ready song for it, not heavy though ^^13:07
sirriffsalotCan a vocoder be set so you can sing in to the microphone with the normal voice sound while another synth is being used?13:22
sirriffsalotBe a might shame if it's not possible =(13:22
zequencesirriffsalot: YOu mean control the vocals with the synth?13:36
zequenceOr a midi keyboard, is what I mean13:37
sirriffsalotzequence, nono, I can use the vocoder function already13:40
sirriffsalotI just wish I could sing with a plain vocal sound with the built-in microphone function WHILE playing another synth13:40
sirriffsalotI can get a clean normal sound, but it has to be set to that specific function... which strikes me as odd13:41
zequenceIf you're talking about a hardware device that you own, I have no idea13:42
sirriffsalotzequence, hehe ok. The microKORG case you were curious13:45
sirriffsalotzequence, did you recently boot this website?15:31
zequencezequence: No, but I haven't used it at all for about 3 years16:54
sirriffsalotzequence, aha. Later all!18:07
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