
ali1234the trouble with PPA is it makes reporting bugs unnecessarily difficult. which is totally not your fault, i've been asking for launchpad/apport to support bug reports against PPAs for years00:26
ali1234on balance a PPA is probably the most sensible way still00:27
Unit193Can't use an apport hook to re-assign it?00:43
ali1234i don't know. all i know is "ubuntu-bug" will refuse to submit a report if you are using ppa packages00:46
ali1234not for everything, just for the packages from the ppa and stuff that depends on them00:46
ali1234also you can't report bugs against a ppa because launchpad doesn't have a way to assign them like that00:47
ali1234it must be an official package or upstream project hosted on launchpad00:47
Unit193Right, and by the looks of it at least it's not easily done, no.00:48
knomeis there a simple tool that could submit bug data to bugzilla?00:49
ali1234before MATE was official they had a PPA and an empty project, and told people to go to the project age and click "report a bug" for everything. and then they'd triage that manually00:50
knomeor alternatively, we could just write a small (set of) script(s) to gather data we want in the reports for certain components and dump then in an archive or concat into a single file00:50
Unit193apport-collect with the bug reported to the project does even, right?00:50
ali1234knome: i believe debian has "debian-bug" which presumably talks to DBTS, but i 've never used it00:50
ali1234i dont know about bugzilla... maybe fedora has something i think they use bugzilla?00:51
knomei don't know either, but is there any reason why we wouldn't want reports directly upstream (xfce bugzilla)?00:51
Unit193I'd presume less people have accounts.00:52
ali1234no, it's just relatively hard to get good bug reports that way compared to "ubuntu-bug <package>"00:52
Unit193Also, I've used 'bugz' in the past, but that's not exactly what you're looking for either.  Just a CLI interface using the API. :/00:52
knomeless xfce people follow LP...00:52
bluesabrewe could patch ubuntu-bug in our PPA01:47
Unit193Ahaha. :D01:50
bluesabreI think that might be a valid solution here01:53
ali1234would be a good idea to talk to the launchpad devs if you are serious about that01:55
bluesabreor fork us a xubuntu-bug or ppa-bug01:56
flocculantbluesabre Unit193 - just because *we* happen to be the ones doing this gtk3 stuff and in a ppa, doesn't actually follow that the bugs need to be on LP - they're not xubuntu bugs are they06:37
flocculantat least not until they're in Xubuntu06:38
flocculantso why not tell people to report to bugzilla06:38
Unit193They are if I screwed up the packaging. :P06:38
Unit193But aye.06:38
flocculantUnit193: ubiquity is working btw06:40
flocculanthah - I see knome said the same thing 06:51
Unit193Oh nice, missed that but means I should respin.07:26
flocculantkind of why I mentioned it :)07:26
Unit193bluesabre: https://sigma.unit193.net/~unit193/appfinder.png20:09
Unit193Fun times, nice crash of /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/xfce4/panel/wrapper-1.0 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/xfce4/panel/plugins/libxfce4powermanager.so 19 23068698 power-manager-plugin Power\ Manager\ Plug21:21

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