
adymitrukhow do I add the contents of a custom field into a portfolio view00:35
adymitrukusing jupter theme00:35
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chinmoyFrom where one can download latest binaries of kf5?05:45
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SmurphyKF5 ?09:02
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user__hi all10:04
user__how to know from which repository was installed each package, even this repo doesn't exists in the sources lists anymore?10:06
user__is it possible?10:07
g105bHi, I would like to try kubuntu for the first time, but I can't work out how to install it. I'm using the ubuntu minimal install, starting from having nothing installed, but apt install `kubuntu-plasma-desktop` doesn't match any packages. What could I be doing wrong?10:16
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Hi there10:20
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> have a look with this command10:20
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> apt cache search kubuntu10:20
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Sorry my bad I mean10:21
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> apt-cache search kubuntu10:21
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> I think the pacakge you're after is10:21
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> kubuntu-full - Full Kubuntu Plasma Desktop/Netbook system10:21
g105bIt feels like I'm missing some packages. Like apt doesn't know about anything todo with kubuntu. There is nothing returned from searching kubuntu in 16.04 Ubuntu Minimal.10:23
sick_rimmitWell apt-cache search kubuntu should return a list of several packages10:24
sick_rimmitkubuntu-full is what you want I believe10:24
g105bit only returns one; unity-scope-home10:24
g105bam I missing some sources or something?10:24
g105bI've done an apt update10:24
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.kde.org | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:25
g105bmaybe ubuntu minimal doesn't know about meta packages?10:25
sick_rimmitcan you run the apt-cache search command10:25
sick_rimmitthen use the pastebin link the bot just gave you and I will take a look10:25
g105bhow can I pastebin on a terminal-only computeR?10:25
g105bI need to redirect into a txt file10:26
g105b(thinking out loud, sorry)10:26
sick_rimmitthere is also a cli pastebin tool10:26
sick_rimmitcan't remember what its called, just looking now10:27
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com10:27
sick_rimmitThere it is10:27
sick_rimmitHmm interesting10:28
g105bthe command was: apt search kubuntu10:28
sick_rimmitah ha10:28
sick_rimmittry apt-cache search kubuntu10:29
g105bI meant, apt-cache search kubuntu10:29
sick_rimmitAlright cool10:29
g105bapt search kubuntu returns nothing10:29
sick_rimmitOK can you paste bin you sources and I will compare with my own10:29
g105bjust sources.list?10:30
sick_rimmitOK I think we have it10:31
sick_rimmitworking on a solution for you10:31
sick_rimmitstand by10:32
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.kde.org | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:33
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acheronukthere are the 'kubuntu-desktop' and 'kubuntu-settings-desktop' packages I think?10:34
acheronukpulls in a the rest needed10:34
sick_rimmitOK I think you should add universe, then update then try again10:37
sick_rimmitsudo add-apt-repository universe10:37
acheronukerr. yes. you'll need that nowadays in the sources I think10:37
sick_rimmitI don't think you'll need multiverse at this stage10:38
sick_rimmitbut lets see how you get on with universe first10:38
sick_rimmitstanding by...10:38
g105bsick_rimmit: this might take a while, bear with me10:46
sick_rimmitNo worries, I writing news post for the website at the moment, nudge me if you need me10:46
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slawekhello world10:53
slaweksorry for beeing straightforward - I've got some problematic issue with my kubuntu10:53
sick_rimmitOK, sup ?10:54
slawekafter upgrading (installing updates i mean) and restarting kubuntu (it asked me to do that) i've discovered that my user password does not work anymore in plasma10:54
slawekand i can't log in10:54
slawekive changed it via passwd10:55
slawekand the issue repeated once more10:55
slawekit is a bit pain in azz to change it after any restart/update10:56
sick_rimmitWhat version did you upgrade from ?10:57
slaweksick_rimmit upgrade i meant apt commend "upgrade"10:59
slawekso in fact it was just an update10:59
slawekand as i know linux_headers were updated, so it asked me to restart what i did10:59
acheronuksounds a bit similar to https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?70337-sddm-forgetting-or-not-recognizing-my-password-issue11:00
slawekacheronuk - yes it does11:02
slawekbut anyway there is only a temporary solve, that i have already mady11:02
slawekthe problem continues after updates11:02
acheronukhave 2 machines on that and another couple of VMs, and can't say I've seen anything similar on those myself.11:04
acheronukv odd11:04
slaweki check if it repeats when no updates installed11:05
slaweki'm back11:08
slawekeverything worked just fine11:08
BluesKajHiyas all11:08
slawekhi BluesKaj11:09
BluesKajhi slawek11:09
sick_rimmitslawek: Perfect news11:21
sick_rimmitThat's great11:21
* sick_rimmit waves to BluesKaj11:21
* BluesKaj waves back at sick_rimmit11:23
sick_rimmitThere is coffee in the pot, if you want some11:26
BluesKajme heads for the coffee pot, thanks11:29
* BluesKaj waits for yakkety to freeze again, hard to track down the cause, the logs don't show much...suspect it might be a FF mem leak11:31
slawek@BluesKaj some time ago I've accidantely upgraded my Kubuntu to yakkety - and the thing I was waiting for is unfreezing of that sh** :)11:46
slawekso believe me - I know your pain11:46
BluesKajslawek, fortunately I have Xenial as my main OS on another partititon, so not so painful :-)11:48
slaweklucky u11:48
BluesKajnot luck just experience with testing dev OSs , one needs a backup11:49
AGZwhen i went to bed last night i had dual screen. i still got it but now it's mirrored, how the hell did i manage to get that and there is nowhere to see those setting either.13:34
AGZand i can see my two taskbars also at the buttom, laying over each other.13:36
BluesKajAGZ:  gpu?13:50
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AGZBluesKaj, nVidia. Have made a new xorg.conf file now.14:24
AGZhope it will work14:24
AGZgot no idea how it was deleted in the first place at all14:24
BluesKajAGZ: dunno much about multimonitors, just know that they can be buggy on kubuntu14:25
AGZahh, well. googeling helped me this time. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=137357614:26
AGZran trough some of those steps14:26
user|35210hello everone15:05
user|35210ı wana ask some question15:05
user|35210firstly ı installed kubuntu 16.0415:05
user|35210and now I am not setting the wifi configuration15:06
user|35210how can ı handle it?15:06
mparilloWhen you click on the wifi icon in the lower left does it show you the available netoworks?15:12
user|35210ı can't see wifi icon anywhere15:16
BluesKajuser|35210:  it's usually in the power right beside the clock in the system tray15:22
user|35210in the system tray beside clock ı see etharnet connection, sound, bluetooth power and clipboard conents15:25
BluesKajuser|35210:  which wifi chip? If you're connected via ethernet then the wifi symbol won't show15:26
slawekuser|35210 check if you havent got wifi disabled on hardware (if any wifi button is not pressed down on your notebook)15:50
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encolpeHow to debug a systemctl cycle ?15:57
encolpeMy system doesn't want to finish the boot process on a systemctl cycle and I must use a live USB to access my system (chroot)15:58
slawekenclope, I used to reinstall kubu :)16:00
encolpeJust no16:02
encolpeI take two days to setup a double encryption with option that *buntu is stil not able to manage16:03
encolpeThen, I need to debug systemctl, in a chroot or in a container16:04
encolpeIt seems that systemctl refuse to run some command in a chrooted env16:05
liuHi, I was wondering about the chinese keyboard layout ... don17:11
liudon't know how to get it working right17:12
liui selected it but it still prints out only english (latin) letters17:12
liuam I missing something ? kubuntu 16.0417:12
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delightanyone with experiences on an chinese keyboard ? any hint is apreciated17:25
MrokiiHello. I'm new to Kubuntu and would like to know how to install skype. I've found something about addint the canonical-partner repository, but the info is about Kubuntu 14.04. Is this still correct info for 16.04?17:48
infrared16.04 (upgraded from 14.04): Muon and plasma-discover-updater do not display change lists for any packages at all - muon occasionally decides to display a 404 html page (not parsed, just as text) instead. apt-get changelog <pkg> works fine, though with a lot of waiting first, and /etc/apt/sources.list seems fine.17:54
mparilloMrokii: I followed these instructions (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype) and they have worked for me.18:12
Mrokiimparillo: Thanks, that worked!18:24
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Irish_canonAnyone have a way to remove the locky virus19:59
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abhishekhi guys!20:50
abhishekI upgraded my kernel to 4.4.0-24-generic, my function keys for volume up and down have stopped working20:51
abhishekI am using kubuntu 16.0420:51
bpromptabhishek:    check BIOS, see if somewhat they got disabled, I think they're called.... Smartkeys or special keys something, you can enable/disable them there20:54
slawekhi #kubuntu21:30
slawekhas anybody affected an issue of permanent "incorrect password" while logging in to plasma after restarting?21:31
bpromptnot me21:31
slawekI have to change my password via recovery21:32
slawekeach time21:32
dmattslawek: maybe your keyboard layout changes21:44
slawekdmatt I use a pass that the layout shouldnt influence on21:45
slawekanyway the issue appeared couple days ago - centuries after installing or upgradung kubuntu21:46
slawekso I don't get why the layout should change anyway21:46
dmattslawek: what about caps lock, num lock or other possible interference?21:47
bpromptslawek:     I'd toss the account, and create a new one21:48
bpromptslawek:   you can always just make a new one you know, if the issue may be in the account properties or some arguments21:49
slawekdmatt - nope, I've tried multiple times with all combinations21:49
bpromptslawek:   or make a new one, and test if it happens to the new as well21:49
slawekbprompt - allright, worth to be tried - but I would have to wait with testing that to next update - it happens only when updates are installed21:50
dmattslawek: try setytingf something totally simple first, and try setting new account as bprompt advised(without deleting the old one) to test if it is the same with new account21:50
dmattslawek: first determine, if it happens after restart or after update21:51
slawekok, rebooting - brb21:52
slawekhi - I'm back21:55
slawekdmatt - the login went okay - no problems with password21:55
dmattslawek: if your password works from command line with sudo and for graphical applications, your account should ne OK21:59
dmattslawek: or samobody did a prank on you22:00
slawekdmatt - i doubt - I've got that issue twice - w/o going afk22:01
dmattslawek: under /var/log/apt/ you find history.log showing what was installed or updated na when, check it if you find anything connected to ligging22:05
slawekdmatt - can kernel update be an issue somehow?22:11
slawekit appeared after update to 4.4.0-24 linux headers22:12
dmattslawek: it is highly improbable, i would still suspect issues with keyboard22:15
dmattslawek: it may be hardware related like stuck shift or double writing...22:16
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