
johandutoit2000Hallo. Just performed a fresh install of Lubuntu on my new NUC5CPYH. I also installed Kodi. How do I get the audio out set to HDMI. I can either set it up only in the desktop or only in Kodi. As soon as I launch Kodi full screen again, the PulseAudi set goes back to Analog.05:50
lynorianjohandutoit2000, on desktop I would select pavucontrol05:51
tsimonq2beat me to it by like 10 secs lynorian ;)05:51
lynorianbut not sure if that works in kodi05:51
johandutoit2000Hi. Thanks, but pavucontrol is PulseAuido Volume Control right? That is what I am using. The problem is that output jumps back to analog out once I go into Kodi and launch full screen.05:54
johandutoit2000So I can get Kodi audio working over HDMI and I can get Desktop audio working over HDMI, but not switch between Kodi windowed and full screen, then it looses hdmi out setting.05:55
johandutoit2000Correction. I cant get Kodi to keep the audio to HDMI out as soon as I full screen.06:16
SillyTalkerhow can i get compiz working for lubuntu please?11:39
SillyTalkerthere is so many wrong information on the net that i cannot find the good information.........11:39
SillyTalkerits chaos for a decade now aroudn beryl, compiz, compizfusion, ......, this is getting annoying11:40
SillyTalkeroh, and fusion-icon (whatever the hell that is supposed to be) comes back with a segmentation fault11:44
SillyTalker*raises both thumbs for the quality*11:44
Cursarionwhy's there two different website? lubuntu.net and lubuntu.me?12:07
SillyTalkerlubuntu.net is licensed by Mario Behling under CC By and kindly supported by our friends at OSUOSL and FOSSASIA. Thank you! Ubuntu is a trademark of Canonical12:30
SillyTalkerLubuntu.me is a registered trademark of Red Wolf (Rafael Laguna). Ubuntu is a registered trademark of Canonical Ltd.12:30
SillyTalkeri guess both are unofficial12:30
SillyTalkerCursarion, lubuntu.net seesm to be linked there12:32
Cursarionhmm, okay12:32
CursarionI used the link on lubuntu.me12:33
SillyTalkerit probably does not matter12:33
Cursarionyeah, it pointed to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/xenial/release/lubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso12:34
Cursarionso I guess it's official etc12:34
SillyTalkeralso i found the compiz problem, theres only 3 window decoraters supported12:34
SillyTalkerso i just removed the crap and use kwin12:34
Cursarionimma install lubuntu on a brand new desktop12:36
SillyTalkernot the first time i assume?12:39
Cursarionwith lubuntu yes12:41
Cursarionwith installation no12:41
fluitfriesjust fyi lubuntu 14 i hade hibernation and xserver intel support and with 16 i have no hibernation and have to manually install xserver-xorg-intel in order to get a gui12:41
CursarionI'm hoping Lubuntu's decent for gaming12:42
Cursarionif not, I might pick something else12:42
Cursarionand still considering what to do with my secondary desktop12:42
Cursarionif I like what I'll see I might put Lubuntu on both12:43
cefnHi all. I have been attempting to boot a Dell Latitude D505 using the Lubuntu LiveCD image on a USB stick. The same stick has been successfully used to install another laptop (with nomodeset). However, in the case of this laptop, I can't load any of the graphical installers at all - they all finish with a single flashing cursor top-left, even with acpi=off nomodeset noapic forcepae, without showing any X menus at all. Is there another ro19:59
Cursarionnngh, installation froze at UEFI mode complaining about possible BIOS installations20:19
Cursarionthe "Force UEFI installation?" dialog doesn20:25
Cursarion't react to anything20:25
Cursarionthis installer is kinda retarded20:45
CursarionI make a partition whose size is 100 MB20:45
Cursarionand it shows up as 98.6 MB in the list20:45

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