[00:21] pitti: i've sent the php-imagick merge to rbasak to review, it builds fine with dh-php (once demoted to universe). I'm working on testing it now [00:22] autopkgtest'ing it, that is [00:29] looks like the tests pass [00:30] kees, send a patch? I haven't looked yet at this [00:35] nacc: I can have a look in a bit, if you can point me to what needs bootstrapping. [00:41] infinity: yep, let me provide you a set of clean steps (it's short) [00:43] nacc: Sure, just pastebin it or something, and I'll have a gander after I eat dinner. [00:48] infinity: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17193377/ [00:49] just real tight loop of deps that is preventing phpunit from updating === JanC is now known as Guest3405 === JanC_ is now known as JanC === juliank is now known as Guest19311 === juliank_ is now known as juliank [04:59] Hi, I would like to get bug 1585928 nominated as SRU for xenial, on #ubuntu-bug I was not able to reach someone doing it for a week now, can anybody here help? It is fairly trivial change, but helps a log. [04:59] bug 1585928 in llvm-defaults (Ubuntu) "[SRU] llvm-defaults 0.33ubuntu4 [was: lldb package does not provide a lldb-server symlink to the current default version]" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585928 [09:45] jhenke: done [09:48] ginggs thanks! [09:50] so I hope it will go into xenial soon, maybe next week [10:20] jhenke: are you going to attach a debdiff to the bug? [10:21] I don't know how to [10:22] jhenke: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing [10:25] but I can't update the changelog for the SRU yet? [10:27] jhenke: sorry, i don't follow [10:28] the page says you should update the packge's changelog with dch [10:28] but I think the changelog should be done by the person uploading? [10:31] infinity: raspi2> I can reproduce the bug, retries don't help; if it's urgent, hint it, otherwise I'll fix the bug and retry afterwards [10:31] no, you can prepare the complete upload including the changelog. The person doing the upload is essentially just sponsoring what you have prepared [10:31] bdmurray: restart tgt> recycle icon on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/wily/update_excuses.html [10:31] jhenke: ^ [10:31] nacc: yay [10:32] okay, so something like "no change upload to xenial"? [10:32] slangasek: ack; seems it's all good now, after the gammaray demote-to-proposed it all landed \o/ [10:34] jhenke: no, i think you should start at 0.33ubuntu3 and apply just the fix you need. call it 0.33ubuntu3.1 or similar (it has to be lower than what is in yakkety) [10:34] okay [10:36] jhenke: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure point 5 - 1 [11:25] ginggs thanks, I'll try to do it [14:32] pitti: curious, why did gammaray need demoted to proposed? (it's certainly made it back into yakkety now) [16:36] slangasek, pitti: i think the gammaray's arm64 and i386 binaries needed to be removed [16:36] at least update_excuses explicitly mentioned arm64 [16:50] infinity: were you able to get to the bootstrap? just checking in, if the instructions were ok [18:17] ginggs: but I had removed those already :) [18:17] ginggs: and it looks like they are gone so all is well [18:22] does anybody have experience about ocaml transition? [18:22] I can't figure out what needs rebuilding for that [18:56] LocutusOfBorg: you might want to mine the history of lp:~ubuntu-transition-trackers/ubuntu-transition-tracker/configs/ for past examples [18:57] LocutusOfBorg: or maybe http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/ which points to ocaml will already tell something :) [21:13] slangasek, I know the permanent transition, but I don't know how the ABI changes propagate :)