
VinceNGood Evening03:34
VinceNGood evening, I'm hoping someone can help me with what appears to be a very simple but maddening issue.  I am attempting to change my hostname.  I have done so and now am attempting to update the /etc/hosts file but none of the command line utiliities such as VI are working correctly and Pluma will not start in ADMIN mode.04:04
VinceNin VI keys just randomly stop responding or produce nonsensical output, (only in the VI program, works fine in other programs:)04:04
VinceNPuma displays a GTK error when starting under SUDO but NOT when starting in usermode.04:05
he1kkiHi. Looking solution for error "gtk-Message: Failed to load module "topmenu-gtk-module""05:16
he1kkirandall: thanks05:30
VinceNWhy does Firefox not render that menu?05:37
VinceNReferencing Randal and he1kki above.05:37
randallI dunno, I've never had he problem he1kki described05:39
randallI just did a quick google search05:39
pompysyaifulhelloo all07:07
=== rw is now known as Guest41355
SkyWayguys, i'm very new on ubuntu mate + raspberry. i've used osmc, openelec, but now trying to change over to mate because the web browser. But still a major issue, no movie player...09:04
SkyWayhas anyone installed kodi ?09:04
SkyWayhow to ?09:04
gordonjcpSkyWay: well, Kodi runs on the raspberry pi...09:18
=== jack is now known as Guest80447
Guest80447hi, i am running ubuntu mate on a pi 3, with a monitor connected via a hdmi to vga adaptor. I am having trouble geting sound from the audio jack on the pi 3. Does anyone know how i can get the sound to work?10:27
homeHey, its ssh by default active on ubuntu mate? And can i first boot with ssh ohn raspberry?11:54
=== john is now known as Guest16250
ivansatrianihi somebody speak spanish????16:33
ouroumovnot me16:34
ouroumovther's a spanish section on the forum16:35
ivansatrianisomeone can tell me if it is posible remove the icon plank?16:35
jason_Open up the tool Mate Tweak. Select "Interface". Change the panel layout to something you like better. That's the easy way.16:38
ivansatrianiok i dont want remove the plank dock, only try to remove the icon plank, its posible???16:39
jason_I am not sure I understand the difference between a "plank dock" and an "icon plank."16:42
pilnethe plank icon on the plank dock?16:44
pilnei think you can right-click it or the dock for some config options16:44
jason_Ah, you said the "icon plank" the first time. Different connotation. You want to remove the "plank icon" from the "plank"?16:46
ivansatrianisorry my english its no very good,  yeah try  remove the icon plank from plank dock16:48
jason_That's okay. I don't know the answer, but hopefully someone will be able to answer that. I don't use the plank myself.16:49
ivansatrianiok anyway thank you so much16:54
ivansatrianihave a good day16:54
=== lowe_ is now known as jowelboy
=== marcelo is now known as Guest12322
megamanx1978I am trying to use the ubuntu 16.04 mate live dvd but when I boot the live dvd my tv shows a blank screen and says "unsupported mode"19:09
megamanx1978How do I fix that?19:09
tewarduse a real monitor instead of a TV.19:10
teward"Unsupported Mode" is the TV saying that what it's receiving is not compatible19:10
tewardand usually you have to do standard setup *first*19:10
tewardand get drivers and all19:10
tewardthen set up the external TV19:10
megamanx1978I only have a TV no Monitor19:11
megamanx1978Is ther any way to set live dvd boot options or setup my tv so my tv will work?19:13
megamanx1978Is ther any way to set live dvd boot options or setup my tv so my tv will work?19:20
user2635If I've just installed an application through the terminal, how long should it take to appear in the main MATE menu?22:21
user2635well I don't see it22:26
user2635will restarting mate-panel make a difference?22:26
user2635or do I have to log out and log in again22:26
randallno, if it's a gio app it'll just be there, if it's a cli app it won't22:35
randallgui app22:35
user2635randall, it is a gui app but its not there22:39
randallwhat's the app?22:46
randallgimme a few minutes22:50
randalluser2635, look under education22:55
user2635randall, I know why23:06
user2635the advanced menu doesn't have Education23:07
randallahhh, that would explain it23:07
user2635maybe it should23:07
user2635I need to report it so they can make a decision23:07
user2635or maybe theres a way to add it but I don't know how23:08
ouroumovSearch the forums? If you don't find anything create an issue on the MATE Menu bitbucket23:08
user2635I'm going to ask on askubuntu23:10
user2635in the meantime I can just create it as a custom item23:11

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