brobostigon | morning boys and girls. | 08:39 |
resa | hi everyone | 12:59 |
daftykins | ah, more driveby greetings | 17:09 |
* daftykins pew pews at diddledan, diddledan_ and zmoylan-pi | 17:09 | |
* zmoylan-pi breaks open the nerf cabinet and locks and loads the shotgun.... | 17:12 | |
daftykins | :D | 17:13 |
daftykins | these silly iPad things are proving to be more difficult than they should be, after spending a while cleaning up the remaining adhesive from the last ones edges... with acetone... the newly affixed screen is fine on 3 sides, but not on half of the last one :/ | 17:14 |
daftykins | totally usable, but not my idea of a professional job | 17:14 |
daftykins | | 17:18 |
daftykins | hmm trying a reheat of that side followed by more compression | 18:01 |
daftykins | i've gotta nail this! :) | 18:01 |
zmoylan-pi | fingers crossed.... | 18:03 |
daftykins | yep | 18:04 |
daftykins | anywho, got a nice working internet connection over WiMAX set up down in the south of Spain :) 20/6 Mb | 18:05 |
zmoylan-pi | but you have to learn to not be a perfectionist... that way can lead to madness... :-) | 18:06 |
daftykins | well it doesn't matter for my mate who owns these, as she's getting it done practically at cost... but her boss was going to go into a local co. and pay £150 for his to be done | 18:07 |
daftykins | i offered £100 for the same, but if i did it and a side was popping up, it wouldn't be very professional :) | 18:07 |
zmoylan-pi | of course if their toaster breaks down in the next 10 years it'll be your fault as you fixed their ipad... :-P | 18:08 |
daftykins | :D absolutely | 18:08 |
daftykins | i put in a new router for the cleaner lady of a client, next day her roommate's TV stopped working, as did the whole building... turned out a whole island transmitter had gone down, but naturally i got the blame from her roommate XD | 18:09 |
ali1234 | that's why you have a call out fee | 18:20 |
daftykins | ah i didn't get contacted thankfully | 18:21 |
daftykins | she just told me when i next saw her | 18:21 |
daftykins | oh the landlord told me when he paid me actually | 18:35 |
velus | popey, you about? | 18:55 |
daftykins | o0 | 18:55 |
popey | velus: wassup? | 20:34 |
velus | can i pm you please | 20:38 |
velus | its ok ill talk in ogg camp | 20:38 |
popey | sure, pm any time | 20:39 |
lopta | How hard is it to configure Ubuntu (Ubuntu Server?) as a simple file server for some Windows desktops? | 21:16 |
daftykins | depends if you're referring to a workplace setup with permissions | 21:17 |
daftykins | home use? configure and go | 21:17 |
lopta | daftykins: It's replacing a server with a single share and about 121 Gbytes of document files | 21:20 |
lopta | more or less r/w for everyone. | 21:20 |
lopta | I wouldn't ordinarily consider Linux for this but I've hit a roadblock. | 21:20 |
daftykins | oh? | 21:21 |
daftykins | i've got a large RAID setup with ubuntu server 14.04, sharing to a couple of users | 21:21 |
* lopta nods | 21:21 | |
daftykins | sometimes seem to find permissions hassles between the two so i haven't perfected it, but it does the job mostly | 21:22 |
lopta | This server has RAID but I can put it in jbod mode if that helps. | 21:22 |
daftykins | totally depends how comfy you are with the install really, the one i have RAID on i run the OS from a single disk so it's totally out of the equation | 21:24 |
MooDoo | evening all | 21:59 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | 22:05 | |
lopta | Hello MooDoo | 22:06 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | hi is there some kind of app or something that can open up | 22:06 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | and I guess even extarct | 22:06 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | extract | 22:06 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | tar .gz es | 22:07 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | tar gz files | 22:07 |
lopta | SebthreeBQM10HD: Yes. | 22:08 |
lopta | SebthreeBQM10HD: How large is your .tar.gz file? | 22:08 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | lopta, uhmm dont know its got images in it though | 22:09 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | what can I open that up with properly | 22:09 |
lopta | SebthreeBQM10HD: I'd make a copy of the file somewhere, so that you can go back to it if you need to... | 22:09 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | lopta, uh I thught this was the ubuntu touch channel | 22:09 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | I guess not | 22:09 |
lopta | SebthreeBQM10HD: ...then you can gunzip it and untar it using the command line. | 22:10 |
lopta | SebthreeBQM10HD: I have no idea about Ubuntu Touch. | 22:10 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | lopta, command line stuff might work with ubuntu touch hmm | 22:10 |
lopta | SebthreeBQM10HD: ...I've never even seen it. | 22:10 |
daftykins | yeah, sadly Seb is tricking us with touch talk | 22:10 |
daftykins | SebthreeBQM10HD: also, not sure we need to know what you're on in your name :P | 22:10 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | no | 22:11 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | not quite | 22:11 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | just the client had this channel on some kind of auto join | 22:11 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | I thought I was messaging in the other channel | 22:11 |
daftykins | hmm not a very good client if it doesn't say :) | 22:12 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | daftykins, whatever to the name thing, for now it's interesting having one of those devices, even though for cerain things and maybe opening up tar gz files and extracting images that's one of them to for now, a standard linux distro would be better | 22:12 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | it did say but that's two channels with ubuntu in the name | 22:12 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | and x chat gnome isnt that good anyway :d | 22:13 |
daftykins | bit of a teenage response? | 22:13 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | default one you get to try liberitne | 22:13 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | I prefer konversation otherwise | 22:13 |
daftykins | g'night all \o | 22:13 |
* SebthreeBQM10HD might have to go up stairs and use the computer to do what wanted to do uh, but it's probably hardly even worth going up the stairs for the computer to do that | 22:14 | |
daftykins | do those things really not have a terminal? | 22:14 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | daftykins, I dohave the terminal app installed, but not sure the commands to deal with tar.gz | 22:16 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | but yes may be able to extract it on the command line | 22:17 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | probably could do that | 22:17 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | but as I put I don't know the commands | 22:17 |
lopta | SebthreeBQM10HD: gunzip foo.tar.gz&&tar xvf foo.tar | 22:17 |
lopta | (probably) | 22:18 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | gunzip hmm is that something thats meant to be installed or on a normal system anyway? | 22:18 |
lopta | SebthreeBQM10HD: On Linux? I would hope so but I could easily be mistaken. | 22:18 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | what is gunzip sounds vaguely familr, but I am not sure | 22:18 |
lopta | GNU Unzip, iirc. | 22:19 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | oh right ok | 22:19 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | lopta, ok so cd into the directory I guess, and use the command you gave me except for changing foo to the name of the file I guess? | 22:19 |
* lopta nods | 22:20 | |
* SebthreeBQM10HD has been trying to do most things with Ubuntu Tablet for a few weeks now that would otherwise be using a computer for, and well so far so good, but I haven't been doing any virtualisation recently for example so of course | 22:20 | |
lopta | SebthreeBQM10HD: Like I said, make a copy of the .tar.gz file first. | 22:20 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | well it's just some images I want to extract so I can hoepfully get my vote in on that :d | 22:21 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | in time | 22:21 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | the images are in a tar .gz | 22:21 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | your command makes a copy? | 22:21 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | lopta, ok thanks for your help or attempted help :), but I have found or figured out another way to do what I waned that worked :D | 22:27 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | like a eureka moment even in a way | 22:27 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | I guess | 22:28 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | lopta, for some reason even though the Ubuntu devices are aimed currently only really at developers and early adopters, they do not come with a terminal by default right, but also a file manager. but there is one in the app store I just installed it, and there was an extract option | 22:29 |
SebthreeBQM10HD | oh that person is gone just left | 22:29 |
* SebthreeBQM10HD is leaving this channel now as well | 22:30 | |
SebthreeBQM10HD | 23:03 |
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