
Kilosmorning all07:21
inetproKilos: you need more permissions for what?08:09
inetprooh and good mornings to all and sundry08:09
Kilosto be able to say wb to anyone anytime08:27
* inetpro lost him08:45
inetproKilos: please explain08:45
Kilosjust playing man08:50
Kilosi did wb to fly and he asked was he even away08:50
Kilosinstead of ty08:51
inetprohmm, ok08:52
* inetpro clearly failed to make the connection there08:53
Kilosold age catches all of us sooner or later08:54
inetpronothing serious, was just packet losses08:54
Kilosi have many of them so dont worry about your few losses08:57
Kilosuse wget -c to fill up gaps08:58
KilosMaaz coffee on10:38
* Maaz puts the kettle on10:38
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!10:42
KilosMaaz ty10:42
MaazYou are welcome Kilos10:42
inetproMaaz: dankie10:49
MaazGroot plesier inetpro my vriend10:49
inetproat least one persona always there to keep Kilos happy10:50
Kilosand before too long well have new ibids10:51
inetprohaha, says who?10:51
Kilosjust this debconf holding things up10:52
Kilosalready we have an ibid that uses ddg10:52
Kilossays me10:52
Kilosi have friends in high places you know10:53
inetprogoogle is still your friend as well10:54
Kilosnono your friend10:55
Kilosgoogle drives me crazy10:55
inetproask him anything, he'll have an answer for you10:55
Kilosyes it is a good search engine10:55
Kilosbut too tied in to everything10:56
inetproGoogle’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful10:59
inetproit's biggest search competitor is actually Amazon11:01
inetproI just wish people would stop to flock to Facebook for everything11:05
inetproit's such a bad platform for information, makes me want to run away11:06
inetprointerestingly the most severe forms of competition for Google is people simply asking their friends11:09
Kilosfacebook and youtube11:32
Kilospeeps put everything on youtube as well11:32
Kiloshi gremble 11:32
Kilosok ty and you11:33
grembleHey Kilos 12:00
grembleI am well thank you12:00
inetproKilos: what's wrong?13:43
Kilosmissed rwbx13:54
inetproyou know him?14:05
ashabadi_Greeting from #ubuntu-bd :)14:08
Kiloshi ashabadi_ 14:14
Kilosnope inetpro but i dont like missing new guys14:14
inetproKilos: I'm sure I've seen him before14:15
Kilosi dont remember14:15
=== ashabadi_ is now known as ashabadi
inetprotheblazehen: I found some nice reading re Linux VM Performance Tuning 15:44
inetprosee: https://lonesysadmin.net/tag/linux-vm-performance-tuning/15:44
theblazehenAh, ty inetpro15:50
theblazehenRE the RAM disk, using bcache with ssd there, using paravirtualized devices, don't have a swap file, and using relatime15:50
inetprowhat hypervisor are you using?15:51
theblazehenAnd lxd for containers15:51
inetprolxd inside a vm?15:51
theblazehenNah, on the host directly15:53
theblazehenGonna use docker inside a vm though15:53
theblazehenThat's not touching my main host15:53
inetproso when you say bcache, is that like a RAM disk?15:55
inetproand I guess you set vm.swappiness to zero?15:56
theblazehenbcache is a disk cache on ssd15:57
theblazehenAnd it won't swap without a swap file :)15:57
inetproah cool... so no need to set swappiness then?15:58
* inetpro likes the idea15:58
theblazehenYup. Although swap on ssd isn't bad15:59
inetproam still a newb when it comes to running stuff on VM infrastructure but am catching up16:00
theblazeheninetpro: Dunno if you can help me16:00
theblazehenSo I have a script that sources a virtualenv, then does a pip instal -r requirements.txt16:00
theblazehenIt works from a normal terminal16:01
theblazehenYet it doesn't work from a saltstack cmd.run16:01
theblazehenI've even done script /dev/null -c "sudo -i -u theblazehen bash -c 'env; cd /srv/www/dev/theblazehen/saleor/; . ./bin/activate; pip install -r requirements.txt'" 16:01
theblazehenTo make sure that it's not a weird tty issue16:01
theblazehenstill works from actual term16:02
theblazehenbut not saltstack16:02
theblazehenthe salt $TERM is shown as dumb, and even if I set local term to that then it still works16:02
theblazehenUnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 2470: ordinal not in range(128)16:02
theblazehenfrom google-i18n-address==1.0.716:02
theblazehenI checked, it is using correct python version16:03
inetprois it not a LOCALE issue?16:03
theblazehenI've compared output ov `env`16:03
theblazehennot a locale issue16:03
theblazehenIf I remove that module from requirements.txt it works. hmm16:03
inetprohave never used saltstack16:05
theblazehenWas thinking maybe a weird tty issue16:05
theblazehenIt also runs as the corrcet user16:05
inetprotheblazehen: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18649512/unicodedecodeerror-ascii-codec-cant-decode-byte-0xe2-in-position-13-ordinal16:07
theblazeheninetpro: I saw that16:08
theblazehenthing is, not my module16:08
theblazehenAnd why does it work from an actual shell?16:08
theblazehenand the script + sudo should result in identical terminals etc16:09
inetpromaybe any path issues?16:09
theblazehenBecause of the sudo -i it has the same startup environment16:10
theblazehenand all other modules get installed16:10
inetprotheblazehen: which version of python?16:16
theblazeheninetpro: 3.516:16
* theblazehen is trying to start an xterm over ssh forwarding..16:16
theblazehensee if it works16:16
theblazehenyay. finally loaded16:17
inetprohave you checked LC_ALL?16:18
superflytheblazehen: is that line the first one in your requires.txt?16:19
theblazehensuperfly: Nah, near the middle16:19
superflyK. Looks kinda like a BOM16:19
theblazehenoutput of `env` https://bin.snyman.info/mmmnqzmy16:19
inetproSalt sets the locale to LC_ALL=C but running on the minion directly had LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"...16:22
superflytheblazehen: did you check requirements.txt in an editor that shows you "hidden" characters? 16:23
inetprogood point... do 'cat -ev requirements.txt'16:24
theblazehen> sudo salt svn cmd.run "bash -c 'echo $LC_ALL'" /srv/www/dev/theblazehen/saleor/ runas=theblazehen 16:24
theblazehenNo output16:24
theblazehenvim shows hidden chars right?16:24
inetprocat -ev requirements.txt | less16:25
theblazehenAlso, was generated with pip-compile which should error out before?16:25
theblazehenNothing fishy there16:25
theblazehenAnd I've tried deleting venv etc of course16:26
superflyBTW theblazehen I was looking at asciinema the other day, what an awesome piece of software 16:27
theblazehensuperfly: Yeah, I love it. Perfectly complements our step by step instructions16:28
superflyI need to use it to do some tutorials on using mock16:28
theblazehenEasy to self host too16:28
superflyHrm, I was wondering about that 16:29
inetprolooks interesting16:29
theblazehenX forwarding over ssh with 120 ms latency :(16:30
theblazehenah theres an xterm16:30
theblazehenffs. Works in an xterm16:32
superflyI've installed Windows software on my headless Linux VPS like that 16:32
theblazehenI am NOT gonna run Xvfb and start an xterm for this16:32
magespawngood evening16:34
theblazehenhi Maaz16:34
theblazehenmagespawn: 16:34
inetprotheblazehen: have you tried setting LC_ALL explicitly to something like en_US.UTF-8?16:34
theblazehenwatching the slow output from an xterm over ssh forwarding..16:34
theblazeheninetpro: Let me give it a go16:35
theblazehenit worked via an xterm16:35
inetprodinnertime for me...16:35
* inetpro wbbl16:35
theblazehenalright, ty for the help inetpro16:35
magespawnwhat are you trying to do, theblazehen ?16:38
theblazehenmagespawn: Installing pip packages via saltstack16:42
theblazehenmagespawn: https://bin.snyman.info/mmmmgvdu16:42
theblazehenWorks via ssh16:43
theblazehenAnd xterm launched via ssh.. Which inherits environment..16:43
magespawni might not understand all of that16:43
magespawngive me something to go and read though16:44
theblazehenmagespawn: https://bin.snyman.info/mmmvwhvk16:45
theblazehenabove irc chat16:45
theblazehenOkay. Using an xterm launched via saltstack also gives the error17:02
theblazehenGetting somewhere. env -i ./dopip.sh fails17:07
theblazehenSeriously?! ex clears the display.. Back to ed then17:09
* theblazehen has 86 browser tabs open..17:19
Kilosnight all. sleep tight17:19
theblazehennight Kilos17:19
inetprotheblazehen: close them all and start again17:37
inetproyou'll never read them all anyway17:37
theblazeheninetpro: Got up to 92. did just that17:38
theblazehenso satisfying watching them all close17:38
captinezahi all17:42
theblazehenhey captineza17:42
captinezahey theblazehen .  need to figure out what machine i am connected to IRC on as captine...  annoys me using a second nick. lol17:46
theblazehencaptineza: Can't you GHOST it with nickserv?17:49
captinezano idea about that stuff.  dont know all the IRC things17:52
inetprowb captineza17:52
theblazeheninetpro: I finally got it18:01
theblazehenin saltstack $LC_CTYPE=C18:02
theblazehenwhereas in normal term it's unset18:02
theblazehenmagespawn: ^18:02
theblazehenhey paddatrapper18:02
theblazehenpavlushka: 18:02
theblazehenEvery time..18:02
pavlushkawhassup theblazehen !18:05
pavlushkaHello magespawn !18:05
pavlushkaAnd Hi everyone!18:05
pavlushkaHello inetpro !18:06
* pavlushka thanking theblazehen for making me laugh18:08
inetproyou see theblazehen, it's a locale issue18:08
theblazeheninetpro: Yeah..18:08
inetproso setting LC_ALL did not help?18:09
theblazehenWell, what I did was take output of `env` from salt stae18:10
theblazehenthen add it to my ./dopip.sh, and tried running it from my shell18:10
theblazehenAnd it feiled18:10
theblazehenSo I then removed them as needed18:10
inetprosetting LC_ALL overwrites all selections by the other LC_* variables or LANG18:13
inetproLocales and Internationalization https://www.gnu.org/savannah-checkouts/gnu/libc/manual/html_node/Locales.html#Locales18:16
theblazehenCool. Only took me like 4-5 hours..18:21
inetprotheblazehen: I think it was many years ago on Solaris when it was still the norm to compile everything from source where I remember spending hours and hours troubleshooting simple locale issues18:42
theblazeheninetpro: Ouch :(18:43
* theblazehen no longer wants to try Gentoo or LFS18:43
inetproit's only when you find the real solution in the end that you can kick yourself for wasting all the time18:45
theblazeheninetpro: Too ture.. Too true18:46
inetproback then, setting your enviornment to en_ZA was like looking for trouble18:50
theblazehenI still set it to en_US.UTF-818:51
inetprowhat do you guys say about this? Do Not Collect System Performance Data From Guest OSes https://lonesysadmin.net/2013/12/12/collect-system-performance-data-guest-oses/18:58
inetprolike one guy says, "just looking at the hypervisor, you will miss a ton of detail"19:00
theblazeheninetpro: Well, I think even if data is skewed it's better than no data19:27
inetprothat's what I was thinking, because it's about seeing the trends19:28
inetproanyway, tomorrow is another day, time to go recharge the batteries19:38
inetprogood night19:38
theblazehencheers inetpro19:38
pavlushkagood night inetpro !20:06
pavlushkaand cheers, :)20:07
pavlushkaMaaz: seen Kilos ?20:14
Maazpavlushka: Kilos was last seen 2 hours, 55 minutes and 11 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-06-11 10:19:24 PDT], and has been offline on freenode since 2016-06-11 10:19:38 PDT20:14
pavlushkatheblazehen: Good night then, and everyone!20:15
theblazehennight pavlushka20:16
magespawngood night all22:54

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