sakrecoer | autumna (and everybody really): here you can write down any ideas or other relevant insights, addition, potential changes that strikes your powerfull mind after feature freeze, so that we remember them for next one. | 15:20 |
autumna | yay! | 17:20 |
OvenWerks | sakrecoer: we need to remove menulibre from ubuntustudio. It comes in through the import of xubuntu's desktop meta. menulibre just does things wrong. | 17:48 |
OvenWerks | I can not suggest a replacement as alacart has it's own troubles | 17:49 |
autumna | fyi the related bug is already filed with menulibre | 19:44 |
autumna | and I though alacarte also used to break things | 19:44 |
autumna | not sure in 16.04 | 19:44 |
* autumna needs to finish reading before replying | 19:44 | |
OvenWerks | alacart does things correctly for what it knows... what it knows is to expect a broken system menu file so it puts new application launchers into "other". | 20:23 |
OvenWerks | The menu hierarchy is not easy to understand... it is complex, which is why so many people get it wrong :P | 20:24 |
OvenWerks | The main thing gnome/xfce/lxde seem to have forgotten... is that the user should be able to change/override anything. KDE gets this one thing right... but has problems with other things. | 20:25 |
OvenWerks | Right now our menu bundle works against kde, xubuntu (not xfce), studio (of course). | 20:26 |
autumna | yeah I am just not sure not having any menu editor is the right solution, because then, we get "I can't edit the menu" problems | 20:28 |
OvenWerks | I did file bugs with everyone else and they were rejected. | 20:28 |
OvenWerks | better an uneditable menu than a broken one. | 20:28 |
OvenWerks | Maybe we should try kmenuedit :) | 20:36 |
* autumna stays quiet | 20:40 | |
autumna | :D | 20:40 |
autumna | jokes aside I don't have a brilliant idea or strong opinion on this | 20:40 |
OvenWerks | I am installing kmenuedit and menu I will create a new user and play. I do not trust any menu editor at this point with my own home. | 20:41 |
* autumna waits curiously the results | 20:41 | |
OvenWerks | It may be a while I have to close a lot of applications... and maybe finish some started work first. | 20:42 |
autumna | no worries | 20:42 |
autumna | oh dear somebody actually tried my old workaround | 20:44 |
autumna | that was for 14.04 | 20:44 |
autumna | easiest way to restore the menu back 16.04 is to remove the menu file created from .config/menus (if I remember correctly) (not a workaround though) | 20:55 |
autumna | created in* | 20:55 |
OvenWerks | Well, that was an adverture. | 21:28 |
OvenWerks | the application menu is for things that do not work with xdg... i suspect for pre xdg stuff. | 21:29 |
OvenWerks | kmenuedit, is as bad as menulibre. It does not check what the structure is that the system is using, but uses it's own idea of what it thinks it should be. | 21:30 |
OvenWerks | alacart seems to be the best, least wrong, menu editor out there. | 21:49 |
OvenWerks | It seems to have gotten better since last I looked. | 21:49 |
OvenWerks | Our menu shows in the right order. | 21:50 |
autumna | oh? | 22:05 |
autumna | what happens when you edit? | 22:06 |
OvenWerks | I didn't play that far. | 22:06 |
autumna | :D | 23:25 |
autumna | oh well (also I am off to sleep) | 23:25 |
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