
=== Metacity|uh-oh is now known as Metacity
Nate_Hi, anyone know why my audio will not work? I have just wiped chromeos off my chromebook and replaced it with Kubuntu 16.04 LTS.02:06
nantz /nick nantz04:12
nantz hi04:12
=== kubuntu is now known as iambatman
iambatmanhey guys.. quick question.. I am attempting to install kubuntu and I REALLY screwed things up04:26
iambatmanI had a free space partition on my SSD which also had my windows on there04:26
iambatmansuffice to say I think my files are ok but...04:26
iambatmanbootloader is gone04:26
iambatmanI made a swap boot, and normal partition04:27
iambatmanand selected the boot partition to install the boot files to04:27
iambatmanWill I be able to boot into kubuntu with that? Will I be able to boot into windows with that?04:27
iambatmanAlso.. install seems to be 'stuck' at 33% - "Creating ext2 file system for /boot in partition #5 of SCS1 (0,0,0) (sda)04:29
iambatmananyone? Ideas?04:29
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AGZany mouse software where i can enable the middle wheelbutton ? and the scrolling is also very slow.10:13
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leuveghey there :D11:53
leuvegi need an answer of the question: i have installed Kubuntu 15.10 and run update and so on. the most ok. But why i get the info, that a newer Version of Kubuntu is availabel (16.04 LTS)?11:55
leuvegi think it is not a good idea to switch between normal and LTS, hm?11:55
leuvegi need an answer of the question: i have installed Kubuntu 15.10 and run update and so on. the most ok. But why i get the info, that a newer Version of Kubuntu is availabel (16.04 LTS)?12:06
leuvegi think it is not a good idea to switch between normal and LTS, hm?12:06
gopalaKIt is a good idea to move to LTS(Long Term Support)...It is more stable than the normal release12:15
BluesKajHiyas all12:33
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=== tudor123 is now known as l1meon
=== liu is now known as delight
delighti want to get pinyin running in kubuntu 16.04 ... anyone with some experience on this topic ?14:41
delightchinese input14:41
delightdon't know how to integrate ibus into plasma 514:42
BluesKajdelight:  have you considere d kykin, the chinese ubuntu release?14:47
BluesKajdelight:  http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/ubuntu-kylin14:49
BluesKajaltho it doesn't use the kde/plasma desktop14:49
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delightBluesKaj: I15:10
delightI'll have a look ... although I really want kde :)15:10
=== tudor123 is now known as l1meon
BluesKajdelight:  there may be a way to integrate kde/plasma in kylin...seems it's worth a try15:12
=== liu is now known as delight
AgenomotoI want to scan and auto fix ALL problems  in disk wherever possible. Can anyone tell the fsck command? its ext4 FS? sudo fsck -AayVr /dev/sda4 ?16:27
=== leinlawun is now known as leinlawun_
AGZis there an terminal command to check what linux version i'm running ?16:33
eleziumlsb_release -a16:34
AGZthanks =)16:34
eleziumuname -a if you want to see the kernel version16:34
irctc156Hi I can't get into kubuntu it just comes up with a _ and won't boot I have googled that but no use anyone had this before?16:51
BluesKajirctc156, drop to a vt/tty , ctl+alt+F1-F6 , login and update and upgrade with apt, then reboot if any packages are installed or upgraded , that's a start.16:56
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=== leinlawun is now known as leinlawun_
=== leinlawun is now known as leinlawun_
nadleyhi all20:51
nadleyI'm thinking about using kubuntu as I'm looking for a good kde distribution. But I have one question, does Kubuntu 16.04 use X, Mir or Wayland. What are the plans ?20:53
soeenadley: hi, it uses X and Kwin for effects etc.21:00
nadleysoee: ok and do you know more about the futur plan ?21:01
soeeWhen Plasma will fully support Wayland, than it will switch to Wayland21:01
nadleythx a lot21:01
soeeyou can try also project Neon21:01
soeeit has latest Plasma and is based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS21:01
nadleyNeon what is the diffrence with Kubuntu ?21:01
soeeit has also dev ISO and wayland-session ISO21:02
soeenadley: https://neon.kde.org21:02
nadleygonna look to this too then but I think I prefered the kubuntu project stability21:07
MomoeHello all, I'm new to Kubuntu, and just made the exodus from Windows after those lovely forced updates to Windows 10. Just wanted to introduce myself21:39
BluesKajHi Momoe, welcome to Kubuntu :-)22:01

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