[07:46] morning all [07:46] power just came on since 4.45 this morning [07:49] eish some keys not working [10:33] hmm... [10:39] hey Kilos [10:39] hi theblazehen [11:12] good afternoon [11:12] hi magespawn [11:13] bit cold today hey/ [11:13] ? [11:13] yeah [11:18] top of the shopping list next month is slippers [11:18] haha [11:19] i sit on my feet to warm them [11:19] i have problems sitting like that now, the hips complain when i get up [11:19] there are many things you need here that you dont need in natal [11:19] eish [11:20] that is true, but i am still enjoying it up here [11:20] eeeek [11:21] still getting used to this idea that i have weekends [11:21] lol [11:22] anyone using Edbrowse? [11:22] good mornings [11:22] hi inetpro [11:22] a Command Line Editor Browser http://edbrowse.org/ [11:23] in, fact a combination editor, browser, and mail client that is 100% text based [11:23] in fact, * [11:26] nope, only just found out about it [11:27] * magespawn goes to have a look [11:27] looks interesting [11:29] that it does [11:32] some learning to get going though [11:32] * inetpro forgot everything about ed a long time ago [11:32] just installed it, i will let you know how it goes [11:33] assume there is a man page for it [11:39] obligatory https://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/ed-msg.html [11:40] > Date: 11 Jul 91 03:17:31 GMT [11:43] 1991? internet dark ages [12:00] the first thing i look up in the man pages when using a new cli program is how to quit [12:01] lol [12:02] magespawn: For me ^C, ^D, :q, ^Z; jobs -l; kill -9 $pid has never failed [12:03] hey pavlushka [12:03] Got your name right this time [12:04] theblazehen: thanks a million, :p [12:04] hi pavlushka [12:04] Hello Kilos ! [12:04] and inetpro and everyone! [12:04] and magespawn [12:04] and chesedo [12:05] and cryterion [12:05] and mazal [12:05] and superfly [12:05] where you see cryterion? [12:05] I am expecting him [12:05] ah [12:06] and paddatrapper [12:06] hey pavlushka [12:06] and drussell ! [12:06] hello magespawn ! [12:07] I am here for a sorty before Iftar! [12:08] ok [12:46] Hey pavlushka [12:48] ah frogboots you still alive [12:49] keep on smiling [12:50] Hello paddatrapper ! how are you? [12:51] Lol hey Kilos [12:51] pavlushka: I'm good thanks. You? [12:51] paddatrapper: I am fasting, thanks, [12:53] Kilos: any news of the guys interested in helping with that translation project? [13:08] paddatrapper when you and nuvolari_ have time [13:09] Ok. Well I'm on vac now, so the next 2 weeks will be focused on my various dev projects [13:09] and ibid? [13:14] paddatrapper how long do you think the recording will take [13:14] we could maybe hook nuvo over a weekend [13:16] Kilos: ibid, translations and another 1, yeah. We could probably record in a weekend, but would need to finalise the script before then [13:17] just shout at him when you are ready [13:18] Ok cool [16:11] Hi, bye, hi pavlushka [16:12] lol, Hi theblazehen ! [16:13] theblazehen: Just back from Ramadan Prayer! [16:13] theblazehen: So what's up? [16:24] pavlushka: Not much, just been busy working :) [16:24] Using django now. Pretty neat [18:54] hmm... [19:40] night all. sleep tight [19:48] good night alll