
axwwallyworld: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5045/02:30
wallyworldok, ta02:30
wallyworldaxw: while i'm looking, here's a small one http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5046/02:39
axwwallyworld: okey dokey02:39
wallyworldaxw: i wonder if migration should fail if the model credential does not exist in the target controller - should that check be done? i think so?02:55
axwwallyworld: yeah, there's a TODO in NewModel to check that02:56
wallyworldah right02:56
axwwallyworld: intending to do in a follow up, can do in this branch if you prefer02:56
wallyworldfollow up fine02:56
wallyworldit's all stuff immentently in progress02:56
thumperwallyworld: got a few minutes?03:07
wallyworldthumper: sure, just finishibg a review, give me 503:07
thumperwallyworld: ack, I'll jump in 1:1 and wait03:07
wallyworldaxw: i left a few questions / suggestions03:14
menn0thumper: found one typo. otherwise LGTM.03:15
axwwallyworld: I was copying "CloudRegion() string" above in core/description. I can change both to ...Name() if you like, but IMO it's clear enough as it is03:15
wallyworldaxw: ok03:15
thumpermenn0: awesome03:15
axwwallyworld: please see replies03:36
wallyworldaxw: lgtm, we should think about the cloud config issue though03:39
axwwallyworld: okey dokey. perhaps we could/should separate clouds.yaml management from the core representation of clouds/regions03:40
axwwallyworld: maybe move clouds.yaml management into jujuclient? and then config-free version in cloud03:41
axwjust a thought... need to think through more03:41
wallyworldyep, i was thnking similar03:41
thumperbah humbug03:53
thumperwallyworld: where has the password gone from agent.Config ?03:54
wallyworldthumper: the api password? the one that used to be old-password?03:54
thumperthere is no an old password, and no other passwords03:55
wallyworldit's in accounts.yaml03:55
thumpernot on machine-003:56
wallyworldno, i think it was removed, but i'd need to check03:57
wallyworldi'm late for vet but i'm pretty sure it was removed from agent config because it's just not needed there03:58
wallyworldit is stored in the accounts yaml of the person who bootstrapped03:58
thumperit is03:58
wallyworldand others get access via register03:58
thumperfor the agent to connect over the api03:59
thumperscrew users03:59
thumperI'm talking about agents03:59
wallyworldagents have the password elsewhere i thought03:59
wallyworldbut can't recall offhand03:59
wallyworldbut gotta run, bbiab03:59
thumperI should just be using APIInfo()04:04
mupBug #1525030 changed: 'ERROR while removing instance' when destroying lxd environment <2.0-count> <juju-release-support> <juju-core:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1525030>04:34
mupBug #1531719 changed: Runaway memory allocation in jujud unit agent <2.0-count> <juju-core:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1531719>04:34
mupBug #1525030 opened: 'ERROR while removing instance' when destroying lxd environment <2.0-count> <juju-release-support> <juju-core:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1525030>04:43
mupBug #1531719 opened: Runaway memory allocation in jujud unit agent <2.0-count> <juju-core:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1531719>04:43
mupBug #1525030 changed: 'ERROR while removing instance' when destroying lxd environment <2.0-count> <juju-release-support> <juju-core:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1525030>04:46
mupBug #1531719 changed: Runaway memory allocation in jujud unit agent <2.0-count> <juju-core:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1531719>04:46
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
wallyworldaxw: been looking at removing ControllerUUID() from environs.Config(). if it's to be done, it will need to involve constructing the Environ with the controller UUID, which means environs.New() and EnvironProvider.Open()  will change06:37
axwwallyworld: I think it's only needed by StartInstance and Destroy?07:03
axwwallyworld: I was thinking we'd just add it to StartInstanceParams, and add a new DestroyAll(controllerUUID string), or something like that07:04
wallyworldaxw: AllInstances needs it as well (for openstack at least)07:08
wallyworldand likely ControllerInstances() for others07:08
axwwallyworld: ControllerInstances shouldn't need it, I'm pretty sure it's expected to be called on the controller Environ anyway07:10
wallyworldControllerInstances() on openstack needs it07:10
axwwallyworld: AllInstances shouldn't need the controller UUID either. I think we can change the openstack code07:11
wallyworldok, i'll look to see if openstack is the only one where AllInstances needs it07:11
frobwaredimitern: I tried http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5040/ - LGTM but will test a little more with LXD this morning. If it's all OK I'll dump the distinction between multi and single NIC configs we talked about on Friday07:43
dimiternfrobware: great! thanks07:44
dimiternfrobware: I'm going to remove the legacy AC-FF code today as well07:45
frobwaredimitern: need to sync with CI folks too as tests on their end should vanish07:45
dimiternfrobware: yeah, there's one affected test IIRC07:46
wallyworldaxw: i think ec2 provider is broken for ControllerInstances() - it adds a filter based on model uuid not controller uuid. it may be that we only call it with the controller model environ so it works by fluke07:53
axwwallyworld: pretty sure that's the only place we ever call it07:53
axwwallyworld: I think we could reasonably restrict it to that07:53
axwthe caller can arrange to open the correct Environ, rather than requiring more of the provider07:54
wallyworldaxw: yeah, we seem to call it to get an api connection from an env made from bootstrtap config07:54
wallyworldso i could change openstack to use ModelUUID and it would fix the current issue07:54
wallyworldbut seems quite fragile07:55
wallyworldi could throw an error if cfg doesn't include a controller uuid attribute07:55
wallyworldthat would stop any inadvertant usage slipping through07:56
axwwallyworld: isn't the proposal for all configs to be that? :)07:56
wallyworldnot model configs07:56
wallyworldmodel configs obtained from state will not include controller uuid07:56
axwwallyworld: I thought the goal was to remove controller-uuid from environs.Config altogether07:57
wallyworldand i'd like to totally from controller uuid from from end processing too07:57
wallyworldyes, but we still need it at the front end at bootstrap07:57
wallyworldfor now07:57
wallyworldit's a huge change07:57
axwok, I'm just saying if we intend to remove it eventually, it doesn't make sense to add more code dependent on its presence (or lack thereof)07:58
wallyworldbut for now, if we just call ControllerInstances() to get api info (as a backup) then we need to assume controller uuid comes from coonfig07:58
wallyworldi could pass uuid to controller instances07:58
wallyworldthat would work07:59
axwwallyworld: sure, works for me07:59
wallyworldyay, more yak shaving07:59
wallyworldaxw: and maas still appears to use the provider state file for ControllerInstances(), so we may be able to clean that up also08:00
axwwallyworld: eep :/08:01
axwwallyworld: I thought thumper was adding the tags support. I guess he didn't get there yet08:01
wallyworldnot enough friday afternoons08:02
axwheh :)08:02
wallyworldbut maas only *just* got tags support in 2.008:02
wallyworldmaybe that bit was left out08:02
wallyworldie tags are added but that code didn;t get fixed08:02
axwyep I know, prereq for shortening the names though I thought08:02
axwactually.. no, because we use agent-name08:02
axwso just for getting rid of reliance on maas storage08:03
wallyworldwell maas storage is still used for the provider state file08:03
wallyworldso maybe *now* we will be rid of it08:03
wallyworldyep, maas is all that uses it08:04
wallyworldso there'll be a bit deletion coming up08:04
voidspacedimitern: dooferlad: babbageclunk: firefox being slow, omw09:03
voidspacedimitern: frobware: dooferlad: babbageclunk: I'm in - I can hear but can't see anyone and no icons so I can't unmute yet...09:04
dimiternfrobware: standup?09:04
babbageclunkI should really get a headset with a mike - recommendations?09:05
frobwareI keep getting kicked out as soon as it connects09:05
dimiternfrobware: try firefox?09:06
frobwarestart without me09:07
voidspacebabbageclunk: http://thewirecutter.com/reviews/best-usb-office-headset/09:08
frobwaredimitern: (et al) can't connect, which is weird since I just had a 1:1 with jam for an hour...09:11
frobwaredimitern: keep on dropping again... :(09:22
dimiternfrobware: are you using chrome?09:22
frobwaredimitern: yep, but tried FF. Just seems anything google-y. gmail and/or hangouts09:23
dimiternfrobware: I've seen this happen on Mondays usually :/09:25
frobwaredimitern: first call was fine; for standup call I had to do the auth dance, now I repeatedly get kicked out09:26
dimiternfrobware: I'd guess signing out completely and removing cookies might help (or try in an incognito window?)09:27
babbageclunkvoidspace: Thanks, those sound good (ha). Have you got one of them?09:27
voidspacebabbageclunk: no, I have some crappy old ones that need replacing09:28
babbageclunkvoidspace: aspirational then09:28
voidspacebabbageclunk: I'll buy the jabra I think09:28
voidspacebabbageclunk: I trust the wirecutter though09:28
babbageclunkvoidspace: I'm probably leaning towards the microsoft ones for better music sound.09:29
voidspacebabbageclunk: ah right - yeah, I don't use them for music09:30
voidspacebabbageclunk: I have 7:1 audio in my man cave09:30
babbageclunkvoidspace: ooh, nice. I assume it's all just ride of the valkyries then.09:31
babbageclunkvoidspace: And a fan to blow your hair back while you code.09:31
voidspacebabbageclunk: hehe, nice idea09:31
mupBug #1591939 opened: juju failed unmarshal the /server/{server_id} api  response body <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1591939>09:53
mupBug #1591940 opened: juju failed unmarshal the /server/{server_id} api  response body <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1591940>09:53
=== admcleod_ is now known as admcleod
babbageclunkvoidspace, dimitern, frobware: I'm trying to add a card to the Sapphire board for the application workload version work (well, the first part of it), but I get a permission error (maybe Leankit thinks I'm not on the team?).10:52
dimiternbabbageclunk: your should have access now10:53
babbageclunkdimitern: Thanks! I'm looking at your change btw.10:54
dimiternbabbageclunk: thank you :)10:54
babbageclunkdimitern: Hmm - I can't assign the card I just created to myself.10:56
dimiternbabbageclunk: try reloading lkk ?10:59
babbageclunkdimitern: Yeah, that's it - thanks again!10:59
dimiternfwereade: hey, do you mind skipping our 1:1 ?11:32
mupBug #1401423 changed: networker should handle joyent-specific network config better <compatibility> <joyent-provider> <network> <juju-core:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1401423>11:38
mupBug #1591962 opened: be able to set juju management network <canonical-bootstack> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1591962>11:38
fwereadedimitern, np at all, I'd completely forgotten11:38
frobwaredimitern: /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0.cfg --<<< on MAAS images. I thought that had gone away.11:52
thomnicoHello team can someone give #1591488 and/or #1591499 some love .. it is blocking preparing demos for next week events with partners .. (we are already late as partners sits on top of openstack)11:59
mupBug #1591488: Can not bootstrap on private openstack juju 1.25 or 2.0 <cpe-sa> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1591488>11:59
mupBug #1591499: Bootstrap timeout and fail on private cloud <cpe-sa> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1591499>11:59
dimiternfrobware: is this on trusty?12:06
mgzthomnico: those look less like bugs and more like a cry for help12:06
frobwaredimitern: ah yes12:06
thomnicowon't can not bootstrap for days qualify ??12:07
mgzthomnico: he just doesn't have image metadata set properly12:07
thomnicoit does12:07
dimiternfrobware: is it missing when you disable cloud-init's networking?12:07
thomnicohence the bug12:07
mgzthomnico: I can see from the log it's not, falls back to cloud-images.ubuntu.com12:07
frobwaredimitern: don't know because we never do that for a MAAS image12:07
thomnicoyes this IS the buf12:08
mgzthomnico: so, there's certainly some help needed12:08
mgzthomnico: see bug 1591225 etc12:08
mupBug #1591225: Generated image stream is not considered in bootstrap on private cloud <juju-core:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1591225>12:08
mgzthomnico: for this one, it seems like image-metadata-url is just not set in environments.yaml or the streams have been incorrectly referenced12:09
thomnicomgz, SO ??12:09
mgzwhich is what cheryl suggested12:10
thomnicoI have been bootstraping juju on openstack for 3 years and helped customer doing it12:10
dimiternfrobware: you're testing my PR? does that eth0.cfg mess things up?12:10
thomnicoexpect a recent change it is not a pebkac pb as far as I can tell12:10
mgzthomnico: we haven't released a new 1.25 recently12:10
thomnicoin 1591488 the cli tells juju to read the metadata and juju ignored it12:11
mgzthomnico: as far as I can see, image-metadata-url is not set12:11
mgzit must be.12:11
thomnicothat is new12:12
thomnicoand not documented as far as I can tell12:12
mgzit's what howto-privatecloud tells you to do12:13
thomnicoonce set and checked I have : 159149912:13
frobwaredimitern: no, was going back to http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4969/12:13
frobwaredimitern: that it would be painless and quick (ha!)12:13
dimiternfrobware: ah :)12:14
mgzthomnico: does mean the same thing from the machine being brought up in the private cloud?12:15
mgzif it can't route there it won't work12:15
frobwaredimitern: the problem with switching to ip route commands is we have no unit tests - we didn't before, but we were /only/ calling ifup/down12:15
thomnicoI use a jumpserver and they share the private network12:15
mgzthomnico: then you're probably into needing to set custom loglevel with trace for juju.environs.simplestreams then12:16
thomnicoI cheked it can be reached from the started VM12:16
dimiternfrobware: we can use the PatchExecutableAsEchoArgs (or the newer PatchExecHelper natefinch did recently)12:17
frobwaredimitern: for?12:17
thomnicocan you copy paste the way to do that ??12:17
frobwaredimitern: oh, tests.12:17
frobwaredimitern: sure12:17
frobwaredimitern: however, the implementation is python.12:17
dimiternfrobware: I guess that will make it easier (at the slight expense of introducing non-go tests :)12:19
frobwaredimitern: we still have the option of going back to ifup/down in light of some understanding around the boot failure12:19
mgzsomething like export JUJU_LOGGING_CONFIG="<root>=DEBUG;juju.environs.simplestreams=TRACE"12:21
dimiternfrobware: I don't recall the ifup/down was tested?12:21
frobwaredimitern: it wasn't. my point is that we were doing significantly less12:21
thomnicothanks mgz will update the bug asap12:21
frobwaredimitern: and was there / is there any value in validating that we call a command ifup/down?12:22
dimiternfrobware: I guess not much12:22
frobwaredimitern: now we have lots of commands with varying args and we don't have much validation that we haven't changed something12:22
dimiternfrobware: but why go back to ifup/down when we know the boot slowdowns and issues ?12:23
mgzthomnico: remember --keep-broken stops juju taking the bootstrap machine down if it fails12:23
thomnicogreat to know too :)12:23
frobwaredimitern: separation of concerns. re my email a week ago: why don't we get the root cause fixed12:23
thomnicossh tail -f to local file was working too12:24
thomnicoFYI if it helps I can provide access to the evenrionment12:24
dimiternfrobware: ideally, we'll wait for the root cause to get fixed12:25
dimiternfrobware: however, judging by the comments on that ifupdown bug about restarting networking, it's highly unlikely12:25
thomnicowill need 1h or so to reproduce and collect traces .. cheers,12:26
* dimitern whew... all tests pass again, after removing >7700 lines12:39
redelmannhi there, anyone from juju resources?, have a short question13:03
redelmannif anyway to set a default resource in metadata.yaml?13:03
redelmanni'm looking to set a resource from local charmdir on deploy13:04
redelmannmy python workaround: mypath = resource_get(name) or os.path.join(charm_dir(), name)13:07
dimiternmgz: ping13:24
mgzdimitern: yo13:27
dimiternmgz: hey, I'm about to propose a PR which removes the legacy address allocation code13:28
dimiternmgz: once it lands, the CI job on AWS that uses the feature flag will no longer pass13:29
mupBug #1591499 opened: Bootstrap timeout and fail on private cloud <cpe-sa> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1591499>13:29
mgzI'll mkae it 1.25 only13:29
dimiternmgz: ok, thanks!13:30
mgzso, for now aws containers are just not addressable right?13:30
dimiternwith the fan everywhere PoC though, we should get addressable containers by default13:31
mupBug #1591499 changed: Bootstrap timeout and fail on private cloud <cpe-sa> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1591499>13:32
mupBug #1591499 opened: Bootstrap timeout and fail on private cloud <cpe-sa> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1591499>13:41
dimiternfrobware, voidspace, babbageclunk: here it is - http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5048/, please have a look13:45
frobwaredimitern: do you think there's any value in having a branch to CI test this change?13:46
dimiternfrobware: we can do that, but I doubt it's necessary13:47
frobwaredimitern: sure - just posing the question. And then I read the scrollback with mgz - so seems fine13:48
mgzfrobware: yeah, I just disables/version-selected the ci jobs in advance13:51
dimiternvoidspace: if you can also have a look at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5040/ will be great ;)14:03
babbageclunkfwereade: The service -> application change - do you know if there's still stuff being done on it?14:33
babbageclunkfwereade: My understanding is it was just made to things that were externally visible (to make it vaguely manageable). If I'm making changes to internal things that are still using the old name, is it reasonable to also convert them to the new name at the same time?14:35
natefinchdimitern, frobware: where are we with the lxd container networking issues?  my lxc to lxd conversion branch (where we drop lxc support) can't land until we have parity with the old abilities to network lxc containers.14:54
alexisbnatefinch, we will not achieve complete parity give functional changes in netowrking of lxd15:00
alexisbnatefinch, there was one specific bug we needed to address for CI15:01
alexisbnatefinch, let me see if I can find it15:01
fwereadebabbageclunk, yes please, do convert as you can15:02
babbageclunkfwereade: ok, thanks15:02
mgzalexisb: dimitern has proposed a change that just pulls out the old feature flag path completely15:03
alexisbmgz, yep I see it15:07
voidspacedimitern: ping15:08
katcoredir: standup time15:09
thomnicohello again folks  Bug #1591499 updated with trace15:14
mupBug #1591499: Bootstrap timeout and fail on private cloud <cpe-sa> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1591499>15:14
alexisbkatco, redir is sprinting this week I am pretty sure15:21
katcoalexisb: ah ok15:21
dimiternvoidspace: pong15:25
dimiternnatefinch: we have a few known lxd issues, most of which are in progress of getting fixed15:26
dimiternnatefinch: apart from those, I believe we have feature parity with lxc15:28
natefinchdimitern:b awesome :)15:29
voidspacedimitern: I'm (still) trying to understand link layer device parent references15:29
voidspacedimitern: when generating increment ops we attempt to parse the name as a global key first - to see if it's a reference to another machine15:30
voidspacedimitern: as far as I can tell, parentname is only *ever* set to a device name on the same machine15:30
voidspacedimitern: am I missing something?15:30
dimiternvoidspace: ParentName can be a allowed to be a global key only in 1 case15:31
voidspacedimitern: where is the code for that?15:31
voidspacedimitern: (and what is that case)15:31
voidspaceif it's at all possible I'll have to allow for it I suppose15:31
dimiternvoidspace: when ParentName = "m#42#d#br-eth0" the child device will be e.g. m#42/lxd/0#d#eth115:32
voidspacedimitern: right, but where in the code is that parent name generated15:32
voidspacedimitern: in the machiner it looks like it's only ever set to device name15:33
mupBug #1592031 opened: update-clouds does not create public-clouds.yaml if public-clouds.syaml matches compiled-in values <compatibility> <jujuqa> <update-clouds> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1592031>15:33
dimiternvoidspace: assuming machine 42 is the host machine of a container 42/lxd/0, and "eth1" is the container ethernet device connected to the "br-eth0" bridge device on the host machine15:33
dimiternvoidspace: yeah, the only place that uses the above scenario is SetContainerLinkLayerDevices, called in the provisioner15:33
dimiternvoidspace: ParentDevice returns the device itself, if it's set15:34
voidspacedimitern: ah, the provisioner15:34
voidspacedimitern: I did miss that - thanks15:34
dimiternvoidspace: yeah, but there are state tests as well15:35
dimiternnatefinch: btw my monstrous branch removing the legacy address allocation (http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5048/) will conflict with your lxc removal branch, but hopefully not too badly, as it's mostly removals15:37
natefinchdimitern: yeah, we'll see... I don't think it'll be a big deal... probably just resolving you changed it vs. I deleted it, and vice versa.15:41
natefinchdimitern: between our two branches we deleted like 13,000 lines of code :D15:42
dimiternnatefinch: yeah, and it feels great! :D15:42
natefinchcmars: is your npipe branch ready to go?15:43
frobwaredimitern: ping, you about? Wanted to catch up regarding fe80:: addrs15:45
dimiternfrobware: yeah15:45
dimiternfrobware: it's not a big deal, I remembered reading about it and though it might be causing some of the issues perhaps15:46
frobwaredimitern: but does it definitively happen?15:46
natefinchcmars: I'm gonna answer that for you and say no it's not :)  at the very least there's some commented out code in there... ping me when you think it's good to go, or if you need me to take it over and get it to a landable state.15:47
natefinchalexisb: ^15:47
frobwaredimitern: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/17293984/15:48
natefinchcmars: we want to try to get that landed today, so if me taking it over is what it'll take, that's fine.  Just wanted to make sure you don't have local changes or anything.15:48
dimiternfrobware: I haven't t tested it specifically15:49
frobwaredimitern: so that ^^ PB seems to propagate the fe80 addrs15:49
dimiternfrobware: yeah, looks ok15:50
dimiternbabbageclunk: thanks for sending that mail btw15:55
babbageclunkdimitern: Cheers - wasn't sure what info to put in. It was ok?15:56
rick_h_dimitern: frobware dooferlad call?16:04
frobwarerick_h_: omw16:04
dimiternoops, omw16:06
ericsnowfwereade: ping16:20
dimiternbabbageclunk: you've covered all the important bits I think16:32
babbageclunkdimitern: cool16:32
dimiternfrobware: so about http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5040/ ..16:33
dimiternfrobware: should I leave it for tomorrow I guess?16:33
frobwaredimitern: can I sleep on that one; I have a fix for my other review16:33
frobwaredimitern: it may be that it's sensible to land your patch but only with a subset of my patch16:34
frobwaredimitern: sound ok?16:35
dimiternfrobware: ok we can sync tomorrow then; and the other one ? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5048/16:35
frobwaredimitern: I would need to review but no real concerns there; we should update the release notes to say it has gone completely now16:36
dimiternfrobware: yeah, good point - I'll add a comment on the docs planing doc16:36
dimiternok, I should be going16:40
bdxhey has anyone hit this yet, or know a way around it -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/159210117:47
mupBug #1592101: Error connecting with cached addresses <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1592101>17:47
mupBug #1592101 opened: Error connecting with cached addresses <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1592101>17:57
mupBug #1592101 changed: Error connecting with cached addresses <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1592101>18:09
mupBug #1592101 opened: Error connecting with cached addresses <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1592101>18:15
mupBug #1588574 changed: Session already closed in state/presence <blocker> <ci> <intermittent-failure> <juju-core:Fix Released by dave-cheney> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1588574>19:34
mupBug #1590065 changed: container/lxd: One rename too far -> "application", "restart", "lxd-bridge" <regression> <juju-core:Fix Released by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1590065>19:34
mupBug #1588574 opened: Session already closed in state/presence <blocker> <ci> <intermittent-failure> <juju-core:Fix Released by dave-cheney> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1588574>19:43
mupBug #1590065 opened: container/lxd: One rename too far -> "application", "restart", "lxd-bridge" <regression> <juju-core:Fix Released by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1590065>19:43
mupBug #1588574 changed: Session already closed in state/presence <blocker> <ci> <intermittent-failure> <juju-core:Fix Released by dave-cheney> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1588574>19:46
mupBug #1590065 changed: container/lxd: One rename too far -> "application", "restart", "lxd-bridge" <regression> <juju-core:Fix Released by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1590065>19:46
alexisbnatefinch, in our 1x1 hangout when you are ready20:00
natefinchalexisb: omw20:01
thumperfwereade: call?20:03
fwereadethumper, joining20:06
natefinchahh, tests running against mongodb on windows.  my favorite20:15
natefinchsinzui, mgz: is there a trick to getting the windows tests to run?  I get a million of these errors:   cannot replace tools directory: cannot update tools symlink: rename C:\\Users\\Nate\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\check-6656273794189705274\\365\\var\\lib\\juju\\tools\\tmpfilea49d086a-99df-452f-8dda-3a7f0bd811b8 C:\\Users\\Nate\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\check-6656273794189705274\\365\\var\\lib\\juju/tools/machine-0: The system cannot find the file20:26
natefinchmgz, sinzui: (this is the cmd/jujud/agent tests, for reference20:26
natefinchahh... I think the answer is "run the tests as administrator"20:30
frobwaredooferlad: if you're about can you take a peek at my updates to http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4969/20:38
dooferladsorry frobware: not interruptible right now20:40
mupBug #1592155 opened: restore-backup fails when attempting to 'replay oplog'. <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1592155>20:46
thumperdavechen1y: this is the bug you are working on yes? https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/158814321:43
mupBug #1588143: cmd/juju/controller: send on a closed channel panic <blocker> <race-condition> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1588143>21:43
perrito666this error is completely nonsensicall: state changing too quickly; try again soon21:47
perrito666what is the user going to do to try that again soon?21:48
perrito666and what is more, state is not changing too quickly, the assertion is just plain broken21:48
wallyworldnatefinch: how goes the lxc->lxd branch landing?21:51
* perrito666 ponders learning to crochet something while running state tests22:02
thumpercherylj: the api explicit tagging branch landed22:13
natefinchwallyworld: I think I'm still blocked on the networking stuff. It's a little unclear.  I made a fix friday so we'd treat lxc containers defined in bundles as lxd.  That was easy, thankfully.  Worked on the npipe bug today: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1581157  there's a fix proposed, but it needed some major work, so I've been working on that.  will try to get it landed tonight.22:15
mupBug #1581157: github.com/juju/juju/cmd/jujud test timeout on windows <blocker> <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged by dave-cheney> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1581157>22:15
wallyworldnatefinch: i'm told this morning that christian had fixed the bug already?22:16
wallyworldso we need to land the work if we can if we are sure the bug is fixed22:16
natefinchwallyworld: oh, I may have been confused22:17
wallyworldit was apparently a network related issue22:18
wallyworldand the saphire guys were onto it, or that's my understanding22:18
wallyworldso may just need a retest to confirm and then you can land22:18
alexisbnatefinch, you have a green light to land22:34
natefinchalexisb: thanks22:36
natefinchalexisb: rebased and doing some tests now22:36
natefinchI guess it works?22:41
natefinchare we supposed to be able to get to services deployed inside lxd from the outside?22:41
natefinchbecause, this is not super promising: public-address:
mupBug #1592179 opened: Juju2 with MAAS2, log shows errors after having created a controller <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1592179>22:43
natefinchbut I dont' think that worked with lxc either, so I guess that's fine22:46
natefinchlanding now22:56
perrito666you shouldn't fly and chat :p22:57
wallyworldrick_h_: did we need to catch up about settings?22:57
natefinchafk for a bit, putting kids to bed22:57
=== natefinch is now known as natefinch-afk
bdxhey whats up everyone? - Quick question on the manual provider .... is `juju enable-ha` supported for manual provider?23:02
natefinch-afkbdx: I think you can do it with add-machine and then juju ensure-availability --to23:13
natefinch-afkbdx: I haven't tried it though23:13
natefinch-afkbdx: no reason it shouldn't work, in theory23:13
bdxnatefinch-afk, yeah, accept ensure-availability isn't a command anymore ... its now 'enable-ha'23:14
natefinch-afkbdx: oh, I was looking at juju1.. for 2, not sure23:14
bdxyea ... I don't think the functionality is there ....23:15
perrito666  wallyworld anastasiamac axw redir brt23:15
wallyworldbdx: the only difference in 2.0 is that the command has been renamed. enable-ha --to shoudl work for manual23:16
bdxwallyworld: yea, even after I add a machine to my 'controller' model, so I have 0 and 1 ... I run 'juju enable-ha --to 1' and get -> ERROR failed to create new controller machines: use "juju add-machine ssh:[user@]<host>" to provision machines23:17
wallyworldbdx: you need 3 or 5 or7 etc machines for ha23:17
axw--to 1,2 I think?23:18
wallyworldso you need to add at least 2 additional machines23:18
bdxooooh, let me try23:18
bdxwallyworld: good call23:19
bdxnatefinch-afk, wallyworld: thanks!23:23
rick_h_wallyworld: sure, got time?23:45
wallyworldrick_h_: join us in https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/tanzanite-stand if you want23:46

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