
rcamposhi, the new version kubuntu, is possible i to use the yumi for to make a usboot with kubuntu 16.04?04:02
user|64309will there be a backport of kde applications 16.04 for Xenial?06:30
hateballuser|64309: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports06:37
user|64309hateball: on kubuntu backports there are no kde applications for Xenial06:55
hateballuser|64309: ah yes, that's correct06:57
hateballuser|64309: more might be known in #kubuntu-devel06:57
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konradosmornming. somehow, someday, I changed something and now I can middle click a task bar window item to close it - now I don't want this behavior, but I can't remember where it was, does someone know?11:05
acheronukkonrados: on Plasma 5 - In systemsettings, under Window Management >> Window Behaviour >> TitleBar Actions tab11:14
konradosacheronuk - thank you!11:15
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BluesKajHi folks11:40
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jubo2bubble says "A new version of Kubuntu is available"13:48
jubo2usually it just mumbles something about security upgrades being available13:49
jubo2hmmm.. no upgrades found by 'sudo apt upgrade'14:01
jubo2that was weird14:01
jubo2Kubuntu16.06 ?14:01
rattkingwhat version are you on now?14:02
rattkingthat is weird then..14:03
BluesKaj16.10 is the next release, but not until Oct14:04
BluesKajjubo2,there are 2 releases /yr,  april and oct14:05
jubo2I totally saw the buble reading "A new version of Kubuntu available"14:05
jubo2BluesKaj: I know, I know14:05
jubo2Was some weird bug14:05
jubo2system thinking there a newer version14:06
BluesKajno point release til july 2114:06
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konradosMorning :)14:21
obelikszKubuntu 16.04 (graphical) installation has stuck on 90% for at least half an hour.. any suggestions?14:21
obelikszi have checked the mp3, etc. to be downloaded packages at the beginning14:21
konradosI was checking my browsing history on Chrome, and I noticed "someobdy"14:22
konradosagain I'll try :)14:22
obelikszis there a way to check out what is going wrong there in the background, i can only see a the progress bar and "installing system 90%"14:23
konradosI was checking my browsing history on Chrome on my Company PC, and I noticed "somebody" (or something) visited (according to Chrome) google.com twice on Saturday - it was impossible it was me. And it's also rather not possible that it was a human. I also checked my logs/kern.log and syslog - and yes, it looks like the PC was running (I'm 99% sure I have put it into sleep mode, besides even if I didn't what made those visits in Chrome o_O). Is there any14:27
konradosother explanation than the one with a human starting my PC?14:27
obeliksznot really14:28
obelikszare you signed in with that Chrome?14:29
obelikszif yes, maybe you could find some log information from Google like list of access dates14:29
konradosobeliksz - thanks, yes I am signed, will do it, although I already know date & time - last Saturday, 05:58 AM.14:33
obelikszmaybe someone by accident pressed your power button/moved your mouse and the sleeping browser refreshed the google page already open in the browser14:35
obelikszand then the computer because of the inactivity entered in sleep mode again14:35
obelikszprobably you should be able to get logs on the desktop session start/stop times14:36
konradosobeliksz - thanks again, but my computer is password protected (although my coworkers know the password). Anyway - could Chrome refresh those google.com pages without entering the password?14:37
obelikszI think it shouldnt but try it out14:38
konradosobeliksz oh, OK, didn't think about it:)14:40
konradosanyway, thanks again and have a nice day :)14:41
obelikszthanks, you too14:43
obelikszis there a way to check out what is going wrong there in the background when installing Kubuntu 16.04? I can only see the progress bar and "installing system 90%"14:44
D-rexanyone having trouble viewing files on phone with kde connect and 16.04? getting invalid object path error and sometimes a cannot mount filesystem device not repsonding error15:08
allesz_hi guys. I have a little usability question. how can I change the mouse icon to be visible while using konsole or terminator. I am using a black background for konsole and cant see the mouse. are ther any solutions to this?16:14
Smurphyallesz_: It actually is the default on konsole. I see it.16:17
SmurphyChanged nothing special.16:17
SmurphyBut - what you can do is go on Konsole -> Settings -> Appearance - and choose a color-scheme that works.16:18
allesz_Smurphy: thanks I will give it a try16:20
allesz_Smurphy: I ahd played around with the settings and I guess either I change the mouse icon set or the actual app like (terminator or konsole).16:22
allesz_Smurphy: I had played around with the settings and I guess either I change the mouse icon set or the actual app like (terminator or konsole).16:22
Smurphykonsole is actually pretty neat. I use it all the time.16:30
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allesz_Smurphy: I love terminator because of the tiling feature17:56
allesz_Smurphy: and the possibility to resize the tiles with shortcuts17:56
Smurphyallesz_: I use tabs in Console.18:40
SmurphyDon't need tiles.18:40
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user|36051j'ai un problème avec kubuntu19:10
Smurphyah, nous, en en a pas :)19:13
Smurphypose ta question, au lieu de dire que t'as un prob.19:18
focusdriver-wikubuntu 16.04 and scanner function of cannon mg5300: does that work together ?  I always get msg like "can not open scanner database .19:39
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akaisora__does any know why my kde apps looks like gtk?23:14
akaisora__even when I change them from system settings, restarting the app will cause it to take the horrible gtk ui23:14
jimarvanakaisora__: come on whisper ;)23:53

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