
dobey"The reference within the target repository that the source will be merged into." <- huh? is this supposed to be "master" ? or what?19:17
cjwatsonYes, we need a proper combined picker to make that less unclear19:19
cjwatsonOn the to-do list19:19
cjwatsonProbably also slightly less nerdview; I should probably have written "The branch name ..." at least19:19
dobeyyeah, if it said branch, it would have been clearer for non-git people like me19:21
cjwatsonThere is a slight technical difference but it's mostly irrelevant19:23
cjwatsonAnd even given that technical difference branch is probably more accurate ...19:23
nacccjwatson: in theory, does the merge tool handle any ref?19:23
cjwatsonYeah, but it's unlikely to be meaningful to target a reference that isn't a branch19:24
nacccjwatson: ack, was just curious19:24
cjwatson(Well, it needs to be at least a reference that resolves to a commit ...)19:24
nacccjwatson: yeah, from an actual MR process perspective, branches (or tags, i guess, although riskier) are the best well-defined references, it seems like19:24
naccriskier in the sense they are more likely to move potentially19:25
cjwatsonTargeting tags is probably fairly silly.  LP itself doesn't actually land the merge anyway, and good luck convincing a human maintainer to merge something onto a tag19:25
naccyeah :)19:25
dobeywell, i presume when the drop-down gets implemented, it will probably be a list of branches19:26
hggdhdoes http://feeds.launchpad.net/ubuntu/latest-bugs.atom now require a login to get the feed?22:34
hggdhor did the URL change?22:34
hggdhhum. Works for fuel22:35
cjwatsonhggdh: I think that's a bug.  My guess is that there's something private in that collection that the feed is failing to filter out.22:35
hggdhcjwatson: ah. Even if I try to login (thru the login/register button at the right) it fails because it gets to http://feeds.launchpad.net/ubuntu/latest-bugs.atom/+login22:37
cjwatsonA little difficult to tell what since I don't actually have a way to log into that feed and feeds.launchpad.net doesn't have my usual debugging tools ...22:37
hggdhand this is a 40422:37
cjwatsonHm, the feed *tries* to filter out private bugs.22:37
hggdhit did succeed previously. #-bugs-announce has been feeding off it for some years now22:38
cjwatsonYeah, it will probably work again once data cycles a bit22:39
hggdhgood enough. Last successful feed was at 15:28 UTC, so I am guessing the cycle is a bit larger than 7 hours :-)22:40
cjwatsonMy guess is that one of the bugs in the topmost batch is either assigned to a private team or has a task on a private project22:40
hggdhmwanwhile I will stop looking at the feeder code, and just restart the beast22:40
cjwatsonAh yes, here we go22:45
cjwatsonThere are several bugs in the first batch that are assigned to a private team22:45
cjwatsonhggdh: Could you please file a bug about this?  It shouldn't be desperately hard to fix22:45
hggdhcjwatson: against which package/component?22:48
cjwatsonhggdh: Launchpad itself22:49
hggdhack, on it22:49
cjwatsonlib/lp/bugs/feed/templates/bug.pt should probably have a bugtask/assignee/required:launchpad.LimitedView condition in there and just redact the assignee if that condition is false.22:53
hggdhcjwatson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/159218622:54
ubot5Launchpad bug 1592186 in Launchpad itself "feeds.launchpad.net/ubuntu/latest-bugs.atom choked" [Undecided,New]22:54
hggdhheh, forgot about the bot22:54
mr-khi everyone,23:19
mr-ki want to package my app into a debian package ppa23:20
mr-kcan anyone help me?23:20
mr-ki honestly don't have a clue what do I have to do23:20
naccmr-k: https://wiki.debian.org/Packaging23:23
mr-kyes, but.. it's a bit different23:23
mr-kthe app is packaged with electron23:23
mr-k(a service like node-webkit to build hybrid html5 apps)23:23
naccmr-k: afaict, electron itself is not package in ubuntu23:25
mr-khow webupd8 got it working with popcorn-time?23:25
mr-kpopcorn-time it's a node-webkit app23:25
mr-kmine is electron. almost the same.23:26
naccmr-k: link? i don't see webupd8 in the archives23:26
mr-kwebudp8 mantains a lot of ppa's23:26
mr-kbesides, I think slack also does it23:27
mr-kbecause it's the only way to provide auto updates to our app's23:27
mr-kand slack it's done with electron23:27
mr-kso, there's gotta be a way23:27
mr-k(pd: thanks for replying so fast)23:28
naccmr-k: i don't need a link to their page23:28
nacci need a link to their packages23:28
nacchttps://launchpad.net/~nilarimogard/+archive/ubuntu/webupd8 ?23:28
mr-koh, the popcorn-time package was removed for copyright matters23:29
mr-kbut.. here: https://github.com/raelgc/scudcloud23:29
mr-knevermind, webupd8 was just an example that it can be done. they don't mantain the popcon ppa anymore23:29
mr-kbut look at the github link I just share23:30
mr-ksudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:rael-gc/scudcloud23:30
mr-kthat's the ppa23:30
naccok, reading their files23:30
naccthey are usin dh_python3 to build, afaict23:31
mr-ki see23:33
naccmr-k: meaning the builder just invokes `setup.py install` to know what files to install23:33
mr-kcan you tell me how the ppa works, more or less?23:34
naccis what i'm reading23:34
mr-khmm, electron does have a builder & packager as a npm module23:35
mr-kthat was very helpful, nacc. thank you (:23:35
naccmr-k: i don't see any mention of electron in the PPA's build logs23:35
naccmr-k: i would suggest maybe contacting the ppa owner for details on what they are doing, though (or just read their debian/* files)23:35

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