
=== Ovroniil is now known as ovroniil
ashabadikilos hi16:51
ashabadilonely here again?? 16:52
pavlushkaHello everyone!17:10
Kiloshi guys17:27
Kilosjust had dinner17:27
pavlushkaHi ashabadi, :p17:27
pavlushkagot ya17:27
pavlushkaHello Kilos !17:27
Kilosand too cold for me to sit up17:28
Kilos6°c is for fish and penguins17:28
pavlushkaKilos: then lay down with your LAptop!17:28
pavlushkaKilos: and for albino brown bears, :p17:29
Kiloswe had a max of 10°c today17:29
Kilosi was under the blankets all avy17:29
pavlushkaKilos: lucky you!17:29
pavlushkaSo buggy_biobot , how are you?17:30
Kiloshaha why the nick change17:30
pavlushkaKilos: is already telling how is he without asking, :p 17:30
Kilosoh my we chased him17:31
Kiloswb ashabadi 17:31
pavlushkaKilos: nope17:32
ashabadi6* normal for mid june kios?17:32
pavlushkaashabadi: you can just "/nick desired_nickname"17:32
Kilosyes winter in the highveldt can get to -2 on bad days17:32
ashabadihumm both ashabadi & biobot is mine... network failed17:33
ashabadiohh june is hot for BD17:34
ashabadifeeling hungry already... do you guys cook?17:34
pavlushkayep, very hot, and feels like even hotter17:34
ashabadiI bet kios did a lot?17:35
pavlushkaashabadi: yep, I do17:35
pavlushkaand yes ashabadi , you are right about Kilos 17:35
pavlushkaashabadi: you win.17:35
Kilosoh ashabadi when you type a nick type the first 2 or three letters and hit tab17:35
ashabadiso were is my reward?17:35
Kilosit completes the nick17:36
ashabadiI am on mobile. no tab :p17:36
Kilosoh my17:36
Kilosok np then17:36
ashabadisorry for typo man17:36
Kilosno problem17:37
Kiloscall me what you like but dont call me late for dinner17:37
Kilosso where are all the others you guys are inviting17:38
ashabadiyou will never be late for dinner. you are 4hours behind you can always catch a plane 17:38
pavlushkaashabadi: we will equal it when I will win, :p17:39
ashabadiok pavel17:39
ashabadiso what do you guys cook normally?17:40
Kilosi sometimes make curry here17:40
Kilosmostly my sister does the cooking17:40
ashabadiI am fond of steak. then Khichuri (dont know English of it) and omlet17:41
Kiloswb rhct 17:41
ashabadiI love fish but cant cook it17:41
Kilosyes steak is the best17:41
Kilosfish is the healthiest17:41
ashabadiKilos I think you should try Bangladeshi food for some time...17:42
ashabadithey are delicacy... 17:42
Kilosand eggs are good in any dish17:42
pavlushkaashabadi: you can say hotchpotch for Khichuri17:42
Kiloswhat is that pavlushka 17:43
pavlushkakind of a stew of rice veg and even you can add non-veg17:43
ashabadirice cooked with lentil17:44
pavlushkaashabadi: will you please check the https://web.facebook.com/groups/767836696651246/?ref=bookmarks latest post?17:46
ashabadiI shall share receipy some time for you to try Kilos17:46
Kilosyes please17:46
Kilosi enjoy indian foods thats why i like making curry17:47
ashabadiseen it pavel17:47
ashabadiits good but will fail to attract reader/user17:47
pavlushkaashabadi: shared it to ubuntu-bd-fb too, but has not been approved.17:47
pavlushkaashabadi: well ,Its a try17:48
ashabadiyou have made it look like too technical... articulate your articles with story/events involve dummy conversation... 17:49
ashabadiit should be like story telling17:49
ashabadiI shall discuss it in details later.. going for dinner17:49
pavlushkaashabadi: eat for me too, :p17:50
Kilosyou guys eat so late17:50
ashabadiI always eat for two17:50
pavlushkaKilos: not me, I am already full stomach, :p17:50
pavlushka@ ashabadi 17:50
ashabadino normally I eat by 10... today it is late17:51
ashabadigoodnight guys17:55
pavlushkaashabadi: Goodnigh! :)17:55
Kilossleep tight ashabadi 17:55
ashabaditnx you too17:56

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