
tsimonq2mhall119: while you are at it, mind approving me? :P00:15
davidcalleGooood morning o/07:46
popeyGood moaning!07:54
popeyare we planning on having a planning meeting about tomorow, or is that all already done dholbach ?09:32
dholbachit's already done10:08
czajkowskipleia2: one talk is written, and I need to write the other talk, can't wait :D10:37
* popey walks to the shops to get something nice for lunch. ttfn11:26
dpmmarcoceppi, jcastro, who'd be the best person to ping to help us bug 1591968 and unblock ubucon.org deployments?12:02
dpmhm, no bug bot -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/charm-helpers/+bug/159196812:02
jcastroMarco but he's on a plane12:04
jcastroand I will be shortly12:04
jcastroI will see if someone on the team can hop in.12:04
dpmjcastro, I'm worried to add more to Marco's plate, that's why I was asking if someone else could give us a hand12:04
jcastroall the people who know charm tools work for marco anyway, so either way he needs to finish it or delegate12:05
jcastrowhen I see him today I'll make him unblock you. :D12:05
* dpm hugs jcastro :)12:05
dpmshould be an easy fix, the only reason I didn't submit it myself is because I don't quite understand the QA setup in the code12:06
dpmalso dpm <- not a cloud expert12:06
dpmby any stretch12:06
dpmdholbach, I'll be a minute13:01
dpmI'm having some issues getting into the hangouts account13:01
dholbachok, no worries13:02
marcoceppidpm: I'll take a stab at an update13:06
marcoceppidpm: I have a patch, I think I understand the intent, no tests yet, will iterate on that13:35
dpmawesome, thanks marcoceppi14:27
popeypleia2: knome we now have ~ubuntu-wiki-editors for wiki.ubuntu.com and help.ubuntu.com/community for non-canonical non-members. Not sure it's prudent to spread this information too wide, but sufficient people in leadership positions should know. Suggestions for how to quietly spread this information welcome.15:02
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow! :-)15:54
dpmmarcoceppi, is there any way to test your charm-helpers fix? There is no charm-helpers package, is there? I'm guessing _something_ in juju just pulls charm-helpers from a stable branch?16:08
pleia2popey: if you read the recent thread about it on the -doc list, the consensus was that we had to tell people16:29
popeypleia2: ah, i have some mail catching up to do, clearly16:39
PaulW2Upopey: and we also need to tell people what they need to do if they find that they still can't edit either wiki after joining the new group16:43
pleia2popey: Cc:ed you on my latest email to the ongoing thread, since people are eager to see progress17:32
pleia2Subject: Current wiki access status17:32
wxlyou mean we're not going to switch to some new unknown alternative? XD17:47
popeythanks pleia217:56
pleia2popey: I enjoyed your pretty hair17:58
pleia2must be fun to have daughters17:58
wxldepends. when they get to the teenage years..17:58
* wxl has that particular blessing right now17:58
pleia2wxl: haha, indeed, I didn't even like myself when I was a teenage girl! ;)17:59
wxlthat said, i'd still rather have a teenage daughter than a teenage son17:59
wxlactually my daughter's pretty darn awesome. i can't complain.18:00
pleia2I was actually a good kid, but my youngest sister had a juvenile record, so may parents had the whole spectrum18:01
wxli was a good kid, at least in that i never got caught XD18:01
pleia2sometimes I'd sneak out at night ...to go to the park and sit by the ocean18:02
pleia2alone, without drugs :P18:02
wxlyeah i managed to avoid drugs all throughout high school18:02
wxlstill, i hated school18:03
wxland most everything else :)18:03
wxli'd probably have gunned everyone down if it wasn't for irc XD18:03
pleia2heh, I feel that18:04
wxl(not really, for those of you outside the us that think we're nothing but a bunch of gun toting freaks)18:04
wxlactually cleveland freenet's local irc was awesome. we'd have meetups and stuff. it was nice to have found my people18:05
pleia2I still have nightmares about high school and I graduated in 199918:05
pleia2worst time of my life18:05
wxli admit i hated it18:05
wxli don't remember middle school being the terrible thing some people did. i do remember it being uncomfortable, but i think everyone was18:05
wxlin high school i was one of the weird kids, so i had a bit of a time adjusting to that18:06
wxlnow a days, i would have been normal18:06
wxlin fact, i'm still the weird one18:06
wxli actually like to interact with people in person with actual eye contact and real voices XD18:07
wxlas opposed to working through the guise of snapchat or facebook or whatever18:07
pleia2I was weird, and not cool weird, like actually socially stunted and shy weird18:07
wxlyeah me too18:07
wxlbut i think i became cool weird because i decided the only way to not be shy was to be ridiculously outgoing18:08
wxli think only i thought i was really cool XD18:08
pleia2I wore my love for cartoons and video games very openly and literally, before it was ok to do so as a teenager or adult18:09
pleia2I'm proud of teenage me for doing that, but at the time I didn't realize it was one of the things that made me so unpopular18:10
wxlyeah that's how i was with computing in general18:10
pleia2I didn't even realize I was doing it, I was just me18:10
wxli remember freshman year i had it all planned out how i was going to finally fit in and got all the coolest clothes and then got ridiculed for them. then i decided i was just weird and that i might as well embrace it18:10
pleia2I just kept to myself18:11
wxlpleia2: re: cartoons, you a comic reader?18:11
pleia2wxl: yeah, but not those kinds of cartoons, disney full length animated features are my jam18:12
pleia2walked into sophmore year chemistry class with this notebook: http://princessleia.com/images/journalpics/102011/high_school_binder.jpg18:12
wxlpleia2: oh wow. that's serious. :)18:12
pleia2because obviously the thing you do before starting the year is make disney collages on your school notebooks18:12
wxlthe strangest thing about me was that i was obsessed with skate/surf culture. i was in cleveland.18:13
pleia2also, I liked star wars http://princessleia.com/images/MyImages/Photos/bedroom/pl2sswsshelf.jpg18:14
wxl(needless to say, i still am, but now live in a more reasonable place for it)18:14
pleia2I worked a lot through high school to support my habit18:14
wxlthat's awesome18:14
pleia2it is now! it wasnt then!18:14
wxli was mostly obsessed with music. and nothing like anyone else liked.18:15
pleia2I mean, I always thought it was awesome18:15
wxlthere was a point, after high school, mind you, where i'd literally spend my entire pay check on new music18:15
wxlshortly after i had to move back home with my parents XD18:16
wxlso maybe not that nice, but hey18:16
popeypleia2: hah, thanks :)18:18
wxloh god18:19
wxli shouldn't even show this18:19
wxli'm sure you'll have no trouble guessing which one of those people is freshman me18:20
pleia2that is epic18:20
pleia2I didn't do dances/proms18:20
pleia2the night of my senior prom a few of us instead went to an internet cafe in the city and then to an independent movie18:20
wxlby sophmore year i started to get a little freaky http://www.monkeyview.net/id/990/memories/ihs/_high_school_pic.jpg18:20
wxland yes, that is a glow-in-the-dark halloween necklace-- even though it wasn't halloween18:21
wxlthis was junior year.. sporting a french braided mohawk and my girlfriend from another high school (we met on irc) http://www.monkeyview.net/id/990/memories/ihs/_blake_ihs_dance.jpg18:22
wxli am still not sure why i went to all the dances18:22
wxlthat totally wasn't my thing18:22
pleia2when I graduated: http://princessleia.com/images/MyImages/Photos/pl2/pl2graduated.jpg18:22
pleia2I also always liked animals, with my pet rat! http://princessleia.com/images/MyImages/Photos/pl2/pl2wrat.jpg18:23
wxland then there was graduation-- i had blossomed into a full-fledged freak-- http://www.monkeyview.net/id/990/memories/ihs/an_in_background.jpg (two people behind me are also irc friends from other high schools)18:23
wxlawww cute18:24
wxli had 13 cats at one time :)18:24
pleia2and pretty much the clothes I wore every day (I'm in the middle) http://princessleia.com/images/MyImages/Photos/pl2pd11kelly.jpg18:24
pleia2oh the flannel shirts18:24
wxlvery sensible18:24
wxlyep i had my fair share too18:24
pleia2I pretty much dress the same now, haha18:25
pleia2mostly swapped flannels for hoodies though18:25
wxlyeah i mostly haven't changed either18:25
wxlexcept i wear shorts more often18:25
wxli guess i'm a little less gloomy looking18:26
popeypleia2: what I enjoyed about having my hair done, was my 12 year old daughter telling my 40+ year old hairdresser sister the difference between French and Dutch plaits :)18:26
pleia2in high school I had a thing for bright colored jeans (green, orange, etc), more borning now18:26
pleia2popey: aww, that's awesome :)18:26
wxlyeah i'm way more colorful now18:28
wxlkind of funny18:28
wxlpopey: so what is the difference? :)18:30
popeyover or under18:31
popeyi forget which is which :)18:31
wxloh so it's like the difference between a latte and a macchicato :)18:31
popey(I don't know that either)18:32
wxlthe difference between them is the order the ingredients go in18:32
wxlfunny that i know that as i don't drink either18:33
tsimonq2popey: I saw it too ;)19:00
tsimonq2I prefer to keep the same haircut, I think I've had the same sort of style since I was like 9 (5 years ago :P)19:01
tsimonq2I never did mohawks or anything like that, I've always kept it clean and neat19:01

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