
pittiGood morning05:58
seb128good morning desktoper06:02
seb128hoi pitti! had a good w.e?06:02
pittiseb128: bonjour ! oui, samedi était calm, et le voyage à Athens aussi06:03
seb128oh, tu es en Grèce ?06:03
pittiseb128: ogra et moi avons regardé le match hier soir :)06:12
pittiseb128: oui, kernel/foundations/security sprint06:12
pittithere are worse places indeed06:12
pittithere's just almost no internet06:12
ogra_well, it slowly drips through the wire(less) ... just a matter of patience06:13
seb128pitti, well done on winning your first match yesterday ;-)07:12
ogra_well ... it wasnt pretty though07:12
ogra_(but yeah, the result counts in the end)07:13
sil2100I heard we also won our first match07:15
seb128hey Sweet5hark, how are you? had a good w.e?07:57
Sweet5harkNice weekend, saw a good soccer game yesterday ;)07:58
willcookegood game Sweet5hark08:02
willcookemorning Laney08:04
Trevinhomorning people08:07
Sweet5harkwell, the best thing about the game was that there had been some rightwing nutjob ranting about players with immigration background along the lines of "nobody wants boateng as a neighbor". The whole net exploded with "Neuer (our goalie) is very happy to have boateng as neighbor" memes when boateng did his magic defending the goal ...08:07
willcookehey Trevinho08:07
Laneyhi willcooke08:07
Laneywhat up08:07
Trevinhoback to EU, at least... In London, so maybe still UE for just two weeks more :'-(08:07
seb128good morning u.k08:07
seb128oh, Trevinho already up?08:08
* Trevinho feels uk too08:08
willcookeSweet5hark, Bringing on Schweinsteiger at 90mins only have him score 1 min later was great fun08:08
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, for a while too :)08:08
Trevinhoseb128: although I'm already back on the correct timezone08:08
seb128good, aligned on the european, keep it this way!08:08
Trevinhonot sure how long it will last08:09
seb128how was the hackweek?08:09
seb128did everybody had a good w.e?08:09
seb128we had a nice sunny saturday08:10
Sweet5harkwillcooke: oh, yeah. his first goal in a national game since 2011. Go in, make a goal with the first ball contact, game over.08:10
Trevinhonice, on friday we also di the "run unity8 in your desktop now" session, and we got some nice stuff working including telegram app, file manager and other stores apps... plus libertine stuff08:10
seb128which is good because this weeks is going to be rainy08:10
* Trevinho doesn't see sun since two weeks08:10
Trevinhoor well, real sun.08:10
willcookeTrevinho, saw that - excellent!  I have a plan though.....08:10
seb128Trevinho, well, telegram&co ... the touch or desktop versions?08:10
willcookeTrevinho, lets get xmir working in mir on x, and then fire up u7 :)08:10
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, touch versions08:10
seb128why wouldn't those work?08:11
seb128on unity808:11
Trevinhowillcooke: yeah, that was my plan too :-D08:11
seb128they are built for it08:11
willcookeTrevinho, \o/08:11
cimiTrevinho is at Cimis now :P08:11
seb128it's the new London office? ;-)08:11
Trevinhosoon andyrock will join too08:11
Trevinhoso... Mini sprint at cimis :-D08:11
cimiI can kick him out of the wifi if he doesn't behave D08:11
Trevinhoseb128: wanna join?08:11
seb128Trevinho, that would be nice :p08:12
cimiI have faster internet than the office and much better coffee B)08:12
cimiyou guys are welcome08:12
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, they do work... but.... Desktop and phone experience might be different, so.... Not everything always went ok in stock mode08:12
Trevinhoseb128: and there are various crashes, or things bringing down the entire shell... So, things to do.08:12
seb128I can imagine08:13
cimiI have a telegram click for amd64 if anyone wants08:13
Trevinhobut overall, things are growing... So...08:13
seb128upload it to the store!08:13
cimiyeah sprint was positive08:13
Trevinhocimi: do that08:13
cimireally good08:13
ciminice vibe08:14
Trevinhoand best food in a sprint ever08:14
cimiprague 2010 excluded08:14
cimithat sprint had excellent food08:14
Trevinhoyou were young.. a freshment sprint for you... you'd misunderstand for sure :)08:14
cimiit set the bar way too hight :)08:15
cimiand then the following year we had Dublin :')08:15
cimiseb128, you might remember dublin08:15
Trevinhoah, seb128... back in topic... I just remembered we didn't land https://code.launchpad.net/~azzar1/gtk/lp-1574693-shadows/+merge/293082 yet.08:16
cimiafter a couple of days I thought they were just freezing and then defrosting the food we didn't eat, so one day left a mark on a slice of cake and found the very same slice the day after :)))08:17
Trevinhoseb128: as for the USD thing I was waiting some gsd reviews, but upstream isn't much in the mood of approving the whole thing, so I'd just land our side for now08:17
* Trevinho has to improve a patch, though08:17
seb128Trevinho, k for landing usd, we can always improve things later after review, and that would unblock some SRUs08:19
seb128cimi, I remember Dublin, not sure about the food being the best though08:19
seb128oh, you said the good food was Prague, indeed :p08:20
cimiseb128, it was the worst08:27
alexarnaudHello world !08:42
willcookemorning alexarnaud08:48
alexarnaudwillcooke: how are you ? Could you reply to my mail please :) ?08:49
willcookealexarnaud, did you resend it?  Cos I still dont have it08:50
alexarnaudwillcooke: really? Yes, I can.08:51
willcookealexarnaud, send it to my other address, I'll msg it to you08:51
willcookealexarnaud, got it!08:54
alexarnaudwillcooke: thanks you. I've re-send it.08:54
willcookealexarnaud, got it to my Canonical account as well this time08:54
alexarnaudwillcooke: nice08:55
willcookeLaney, when you get a mo, please could you take a look at this review?  https://code.launchpad.net/~willcooke/ubuntu-themes/progress-bars/+merge/29716909:50
willcookeI think I got all the niggles out now09:50
willcookewould be nice to have that in 16.04.109:50
Laneyit's on my list already09:54
Laneybut thanks for the poke09:54
willcookeoh nice one, thanks Laney09:55
willcookeI was thinking about making a PPA for some wider early testing09:55
willcookewhen it comes to version numbers for the PPA - should I use something like "14.04+16.04.20160415-0ubuntu50"09:56
willcooke(I've never made a PPA before)09:56
willcookeoh, reading a bit more, sounds like "3" would be wiser09:57
willcookeah, https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/BuildingASourcePackage09:57
happyaronseb128: hey, I wonder what's the status of nm-applet's 1.2.0 SRU? cyphermox said he uploaded something, but it's not in -proposed yet10:01
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln
seb128happyaron, hey, the SRU queue is public, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=11:28
seb128but yeah, the SRU team hasn't reviewed much past week it seems11:28
seb128I can't really help there, maybe try to ping the SRU member of the day from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Publishing11:29
willcookeanyone seeing issues alt-tabbing or alt-graveing between Nautilus windows?11:38
seb128not me11:44
seb128what sort of issues?11:44
seb128but I don't use the by-app switcher11:44
willcookewhen copying files from a USB drive I can't alt-tab to the copy progress dialog11:44
willcookeI'll start a fresh session later a open a bug if it's real11:45
seb128that's bu g#157545211:45
seb128that's bug #157545211:46
ubot5bug 1575452 in unity (Ubuntu) "Copy/move dialog cannot be switched to" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157545211:46
willcookeoh, indeed it is11:46
seb128I showed it to Trevinho and andyrock in Prague :-)11:46
willcookewonder why I couldnt find it in LP11:46
willcookethanks seb12811:46
willcookeand I even added it to trello11:46
seb128well, you run the import script11:46
TrevinhoIt was a "feature"... :-)11:47
seb128that's what you said in Prague indeed :p11:47
Trevinhonot that I like, eh... it just that there's even some custom code in order to have that behavior, although, maybe alt-tab should be skipped11:51
Trevinhoor everything11:51
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
qenghog'morning, all.11:54
willcookehey qengho11:55
seb128Trevinho, unsure what was the rational but I think in Prague you agreed it was wrong excluding the copy dialog from the alt-tab list?11:56
seb128hello qengho11:56
jbichaI believe bug 1573052 needs to be re-opened12:11
ubot5bug 1573052 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "[packaging] gnome-software provides a broken symlink of /usr/lib/gs-plugins-9/libgs_plugin_xdg_app_reviews.so on Ubuntu 16.04" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157305212:11
hikikoseb128, ping :)12:22
hikikocould you help me a little with the ppa again?12:22
seb128hikiko, contentless ping pong12:22
hikikoI think I've done something wrong when I built the packages12:23
hikikobecause when I try to run the dput command12:23
hikikoI get this error:12:23
hikikoI don't have a .sig or .asc12:24
hikikoI used this command to package compiz for example:12:24
hikiko$ dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -S -nc -d12:24
seb128hikiko, do you have a gpg key associated to the email you used in debian/changelog?12:25
hikikooh, no :) my launchpad key is associated to my gmail and I used the @canonical.com in changelog12:25
hikikoso, what should I do? create another key or change the email?12:26
seb128well you can debsign -k<keyid> *.changes12:26
seb128to sign12:26
hikikoonly the .changes file?12:26
seb128that does sign the .changes and .dsc12:26
hikikoor the dsc/tarball too?12:26
seb128the tarball is not signed12:27
seb128but its md5 is in the changes12:27
seb128you can also use the -k option on the dpkg-buildpackage line12:27
seb128but not need to rebuild the source to sign only12:27
hikikoright, but it's good to know for next time12:27
seb128hikiko, oh, also you used "-us -uc" in the command you gave, which are the explicit options to not sign12:27
hikikocopied that from a tutorial12:28
seb128that's good for local builds12:28
seb128but if you want to upload to an archive/ppa you need to sign12:28
hikikodpkg-buildpackage -k <myid> is ok?12:29
hikikoor should I add other options too?12:29
seb128hikiko, you need the -S" if you want to build a source12:32
hikikomaybe I should remove -nc too to build the whole tree12:33
hikikoand -d12:34
seb128you could yes12:36
seb128but not needed12:36
hikikommm I had this line in .devscripts: DEBSIGN_KEYD=<keyid> but dpkg-buildpackage ignored it :/12:36
hikikoanyway :)12:37
hikikoalso seb128 one final question:12:37
hikikothere are instructions on how to delete/add packages to ppa but I wonder if there's some way to update the existing packages next time I have a change (or I just dput the new ones when I have a change?) and if there's any tool local or lp side that can show the ppa changes12:39
Trevinhohikiko: just dput the new one with increased changelog version12:39
hikikofor example the changelogs of each package in each commit or something that would help me to see what I push everytime12:40
Trevinhohikiko: or you can delete the old src from ppa web ui12:40
seb128hikiko, try DEB_SIGN_KEYID12:40
hikikothanks :)12:42
hikikobtw how can someone track the changes in the ppa? for example if I update it every week, is there any tool that could show me something like ppa "snapshots"12:43
hikikoso that I keep track of the progress in this ppa?12:44
hikikoweek 1: package 1 state, package 2 state, package 3 state12:44
seb128I don't think so12:44
seb128hikiko, the tool used to update the changelog is "dch"12:45
seb128you usually "dch -i"12:45
seb128or -v if it's a new upstream version12:45
seb128then rebuild/sign/upload12:45
hikikoso I can update the changelog and then use it to track the changes :)12:46
Trevinhoseb128: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1482 works for me, so when you want you can hit the publish button12:47
hikikoseb128, thank you very much :)12:47
seb128hikiko, yw!12:47
seb128Trevinho, want me to give it a try?12:47
Trevinhoseb128: if you want to double-check..12:48
Trevinhoseb128: mostly the screensaver parts, but they seem to work fine here12:48
seb128Trevinho, I'm unsure how to test those12:50
Trevinhoseb128: things like that when screen is locked there's no auto-mount12:51
Trevinhoseb128: or well, check where screensaver or session-manager proxies are used. I tested most of them, but if you want a quick check too, feel free12:52
jbichapitti: I don't know if this is still your area, but do we still have a reason not to have poppler-data on the DVDs but install it after install?13:14
jbichasee bug 159152813:14
ubot5bug 1591528 in poppler (Ubuntu) "Merge poppler 0.44.0-3 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159152813:14
happyaronseb128: ok, pinged infinity13:55
seb128happyaron, thanks14:00
seb128happyaron, seems it worked ;-)14:13
willcookethanks seb128 happyaron14:17
seb128willcooke, yw!14:17
willcookehappyaron, would you reply to Chih-Hsyuan's email?14:28
willcookehappyaron, just to say its in progress14:28
happyaronok will do14:29
happyaronwas always wondering how to reply his emails...14:29
happyaronseb128: yeah14:30
willcookehappyaron, I think just a "it's in progress" is fine14:39
jbichaseb128: could you mark bug 1573052 as triaged? the fix isn't in Ubuntu yet (or in attente's PPA)14:49
ubot5bug 1573052 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "[packaging] gnome-software provides a broken symlink of /usr/lib/gs-plugins-9/libgs_plugin_xdg_app_reviews.so on Ubuntu 16.04" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157305214:49
seb128changed to fix commited14:51
seb128which we usually use when there is a fix in upstream git14:51
jbichathanks, that's an annoying bug because g-software isn't bugfree yet and a lot of people see that error and think it might be responsible for whatever problem they're having14:53
andyrockback to stockholm :D15:06
andyrockthis city wants me here15:06
seb128did the u.k refuse you?15:07
andyrockseb128: nope i never left :D all swedish SAS pilots are basically on strike15:10
andyrocki'll try again tomorrow :D15:10
attenteseb128: do you know what debian/outfile is? dh_make seems to output it, but i'm not sure what it's for15:47
seb128attente, no idea sorry15:47
seb128just delete it? ;-)15:47
seb128or ask Laney, he knows those details usually15:47
Laneynot heard of that one15:49
seb128sounds like it could be a bug15:49
Laneydon't see it as a string in dh-make either15:49
seb128like it's supposed to be a variable15:49
LaneyI call shenanigans15:49
* Laney stares at attente 15:49
attenteit's definitely producing debian/outfile...15:51
seb128Laney, attente, https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/dh-make.git/commit/?id=ec6863b4ad75e83bab2c5720aca122c1a6e4ca0915:51
seb128attente, what dh-make version do you have?15:51
seb128I guess could be that bug/fix ^15:51
attenteseb128: 2.20160415:52
seb128that's it then15:52
seb128update to 2.20160515:52
attenteso that should be debian/source/format?15:52
seb128we should probably SRU that update to the LTS15:52
seb128if you want to do it... ;-)15:52
attentesure :)15:54
Laneyseb128: any chance you can make me an admin of ubuntu-desktop?16:00
Laneyor make a gtk320 ppa16:00
seb128Laney, enjoy your new admin rights ;-)16:00
Laneyleaving the dmb has some downsides16:01
attenteseb128: do we sru the version in yakkety or just the one commit?16:01
seb128attente, depends if the other changes are SRU worth16:02
seb128Laney, yw!16:02
attenteseb128: what do you think? https://paste.fedoraproject.org/378560/83376414/16:02
attentedon't know enough about packaging to know what's important or not16:03
attentei can look into it a bit later16:04
seb128attente, depending how much you want to bother, I would probably SRU 20160516:04
seb128the SRU team is going to want a bug with testcase by logical change16:04
seb128so depends if you want to create some extra ones16:05
seb128it's a bit on the too-much side to my taste16:05
seb128but it enforce testing things rather than including a bunch of fixes to figure out later than one has a regression16:05
jbichaLaney: if you're using GTK 3.20, you'll need to rebuild webkitgtk, webkit2gtk and aisleriot16:08
LaneyThat's the tip of the iceberg16:13
Laney(I've been using it for a while already)16:13
jbichayou haven't been using the gnome3 staging xenial ppa?16:15
jbichaand it needs firefox 48 Beta (or the patched FF 47 in the staging ppa)16:28
jbichalibreoffice-gtk3 needs to be fixed but it's not installed by default16:29
Laneybe calm16:33
Laneythere's going to be time to fix things, no need to brain dump now16:33
Laney(will certainly appreciate help!)16:34
desrthi #u-d!16:39
desrthackfest is going awesome so far16:40
seb128hey desrt!16:40
seb128nice to read16:40
seb128what are the topics?16:40
desrtthis morning was really useful16:40
desrtwe came up with a plan for gtk416:40
desrt...and gtk5, and gtk6, and gtk7...16:40
desrti'm gonna write a blog post soon16:40
seb128going to bump the major version on regular timelines?16:40
desrtonce per two years16:41
desrtand gonna have like 4.8, 5.8, 6.8, etc as "forever stable" versions, fully parallel installable16:41
desrtcaveat: 4.0 → 4.2 → 4.4 → 4.6 are going to be unstable (but we do soname)16:41
desrtbut we are going to be very upfront about that and basically say "this is for gnome -- everyone else use the stable one...."16:42
desrtif a gnome app following unstable starts getting unmaintained then other gnome people can step in and fix it...16:42
attenteseb128: is there a way to sru a new package for xenial? https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snap-desktop-links for lp:158074016:50
seb128attente, yeah, I think uploading a new package is fine17:06
seb128attente, see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text= as another example17:06
willcookedinner, bbl17:06
attenteseb128: thanks17:07
tsimonq2qengho: hey, I was told to ping you regarding the chromium-browser package in Ubuntu. In Debian, the chromium package is at 51, but in Ubuntu, it's still at 49, and 50 is FTBFS. I would like to help with getting the chromium-browser package in Ubuntu working again and updated to 51. Would it be wise to fix the FTBFS then update the package to 51, or vice versa if applicable? dobey on19:48
tsimonq2#ubuntu-devel said that you would be the one to ping19:49
qenghotsimonq2: Hi!19:49
tsimonq2hey :)19:49
tsimonq2oh, but to clarify, Xenial has 50, but with security updates19:50
tsimonq2and that passed fine19:50
dobeyi was about to say. i'm pretty sure i have 50 installed :)19:50
qenghotsimonq2: I upload to a PPA here and test and copy. It's going okay for all except Y. I hoped to fix soon. https://launchpad.net/~canonical-chromium-builds/+archive/ubuntu/stage19:51
tsimonq2yeah, I'm on Yakkety, I've been using saiarcot895's PAA for the dev branch19:51
tsimonq2oh okay19:51
qenghotsimonq2: If you can figure out that build error on Y, it will be easy. https://launchpad.net/~canonical-chromium-builds/+archive/ubuntu/stage/+build/985210419:52
tsimonq2qengho: so do you have it under control or can I help?19:52
tsimonq2oh okay :)19:52
tsimonq2qengho: then can we get 51?19:52
qenghotsimonq2: I would be happy if you discover it. If not, I'll get to it soon.19:52
qenghotsimonq2: Yes! :)19:52
tsimonq2qengho: awesome :)19:53
tsimonq2the offending line fwiw: dh_strip.pkg-create-dbgsym: strip --strip-debug --remove-section=.comment --remove-section=.note --enable-deterministic-archives debian/chromium-browser/usr/lib/chromium-browser/obj/net/libnet_extras.a returned exit code 119:54
tsimonq2qengho: how would you usually update releases? do you do it automatically or is it all manual? if it's the former, I'd like to try locally to see if it builds19:56
qenghotsimonq2: https://code.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/yakkety-working19:57
tsimonq2OH I see19:57
qenghotsimonq2: Note that the X (yay!) and Y (FTBFS) debian/ are pretty much the same.19:59
tsimonq2qengho: well how do I build it locally? the README instructions aren't working20:01
tsimonq2let me be more specific, hold on...20:01
tsimonq2make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'get-packaged-orig-source'.  Stop.20:01
tsimonq2that pretty much sums it up ^20:01
qenghotsimonq2: "bzr bd"20:01
tsimonq2\o/ thanks20:02
qenghotsimonq2: If it works on your machine but not on the build servers, then you are in the same place I am. :)20:02
tsimonq2qengho: so is the README outdated or am I just reading it wrong? :)20:02
tsimonq2qengho: maybe I'll upload to a PPA and try then20:02
tsimonq2because if it works in a PPA, maybe it just needs a rebuild in the server20:03
qenghotsimonq2: Nice. Beware it might be too large for a private P A. And rebuild didn't work. And all architectures failed.20:03
qenghotsimonq2: I hope I'm not scaring you off. :P20:04
tsimonq2qengho: totally fine, I've dealt with worse :)20:04
tsimonq2and hey, I'm happy to be working on a package that I use and know how to use quite a bit :)20:05
tsimonq2qengho: while I'm waiting for this, I might as well mention that in Chromium, there is a PR pending that only keeps support for supported releases and adds Yakkety in src/build/install-build-deps.sh20:07
tsimonq2that i authored20:07
tsimonq2so I'm sorta familiar with the Chromium workflow, not entirely20:07
qenghoOh, for upstream? Nice.20:07
tsimonq2yep :)20:08
tsimonq2O_O I ran out of space on my /home partition20:09
* qengho passes tsimonq2 the liquor.20:11
tsimonq2qengho: I can't, I'm 14 ;)20:11
qenghoOh man.20:12
tsimonq2qengho: but I appreciate the thought :)20:14
tsimonq2stupid me, I was building in a tmpfs... :/20:21
tsimonq2working fine now! :P20:21
Laneydesrt: what do you think distributions are going to ship in your new scheme?20:23
Laneyif we ship an 'unstable' gtk and then want to update it, that's an abi transition post-release20:24
Laneyor does each unstable one still get normal point releases?20:29
tsimonq2qengho: ...I'm still getting the "Cannot write: No space left on device"20:34
tsimonq2error, but df -h shows: /dev/sda2             130G   65G   59G  53% /home20:34
desrtLaney: you will ship all of them20:34
tsimonq2* *shrug*20:35
desrtjust like there is gtk2 and gtk3 now, there will be gtk2/3/4/5/620:35
larsuwill there be a 7 as well?20:35
desrtlarsu: you can make a difference.  please give generously.20:35
* larsu looks around20:35
Laneydesrt: I mean the 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.620:36
Laneywe can only have one of those20:36
desrtyes.  you will ship the latest.20:36
desrtwell, you will do it like:20:36
desrtlibgtk-4-dev, plus libgtk-4-0, libgtk-4-2, libgtk-4-4, etc20:37
desrtin the usual way that soname transitions happen... you keep the old non-"-dev" package in the archive until everything is rebuilt20:37
Laneyeverything has to be rebuilt20:38
desrtyes... that's what i'm saying.20:38
desrtbut the soname will help with that... you can rebuilt over time20:38
Laneyfor debian and ubuntu these will be blocked in unstable or proposed until that's complete20:38
Laneywhich means everything depending on those gets backed up too20:39
desrtseeing as those things that get backed up are going to be gnome programs, and gnome releases on the same schedule as gtk anyway, that seems pretty reasonable20:39
desrtnew gnome release = of course you have to build it20:40
desrtfwiw, smcv was an active participant in this discussion20:40
Laneyi'm worried that it will not be this neat in reality20:42
desrtso are we20:42
Laneylike if the build fixing person is on holiday for a bit20:42
Laneyor random developer needs a new feature20:42
desrtwe are pretty deeply concerned about bus factor20:42
Laneybut isn't on your schedule20:42
desrtboth in terms of upstream maintainer and package maintainer20:42
Laneyare stable releases still normal?20:42
desrtyes.  of course.20:43
Laneybecause doing that in a stable release would be fucked20:43
desrtand once we hit 4.6.x we will probably just keep doing micros there20:43
Laneyso, good :-)20:43
Laneythe rest of it is still scary20:44
desrtthis is why i wrote this "caution" paragraph20:44
desrtin practice this is gonna be pretty fine for gnome.... we have a release team too...20:44
desrtas for the others: probably better if they stick with the stable.... if they don't, you can choose not to package them20:45
Laneyi don't control all the "you"s20:45
Laneywe would need some policy that says that this shit is quick to remove20:45
desrtsmcv's take on this is interesting20:45
desrtsuggestion is: don't do it20:46
desrtbut if an individual package maintainer wants to put themselves on the line as the "person responsible", then they can20:46
desrtand if upstream disappears, it falls to the package maintainer20:46
Laneydo what?20:46
desrtship independent projects using unstable gtk20:46
desrthis words "a bus factor of 2 is twice as good as a bus factor of 1"20:47
desrti think most people will probably just want to avoid the pain... unless they have a very compelling reason20:47
desrtall in all, we'll see how it goes... people will figure out how it goes... policies will be made.... it'll work itself out20:48
Laneyyou won't get to random DD that's found cool-project-of-the-day and uploads it20:48
* larsu hugs Laney20:48
desrtimho, that's a debian policy problem20:48
Laneythat's what I said, we would need a policy that lets us remove that stuff20:48
desrton the other hand, (again, channelling smcv), cool-project-of-the-day, when it stops building, will be marked as having a release-critical bug and dropped from testing20:49
Laneywe can't have an Ubuntu release (milestone, whatever) blocked by that20:49
* Laney snuggles larsu 20:49
* desrt joins the snuggles20:49
* larsu giggles20:49
desrt...this is getting weird20:49
* flocculant is off now ... 20:50
larsubecause we're in the same room?20:50
Laneyfrittata time20:51
* Laney periscopes himself cooking dinner20:51
desrtLaney: *hug*20:52
desrtit's all gonna be good :)20:52
Laneyi've had years of poppler and eds transitions20:52
Laneythese things are sad20:52
Laneyhope yours are less so20:52
desrtin some ways they will be worse20:52
desrtthe first transition is going to _suck_20:52
desrtwe'll get better at it20:52
Laneythis is something which is quite fine in the flatpak world20:54
desrtthis is nothing new for the distro world either20:55
larsuLaney: I think you meant to say snappy20:56
Laneyit's not new, but it is a pain point20:57
Laneylarsu: oh yeah, schanppi too20:57
ochosioh, late evening everyone :)21:00
Laneyahoy ochosi21:08
ochosiyeah, surprised to see you around at this hour :)21:08
ochosii just read the gtk4 post and now i'm skimming through all kinds of channel history to read some of the comments :)21:09
ochosidesrt: this is all very interesting. with xfce we waited for a series of gtk3 releases without too many API breaks and then with gtk3.18 it felt like that had come around and then came 3.20 :)21:14
ochosibut good to know it's really going to be 3.2621:14
desrt3.26 is an estimate21:14
ochosijust wondering whether we should suspend our porting efforts until then21:14
desrtit could be 3.24, 3.26, 3.2821:14
desrtbut when it happens, you will know which one it is21:14
ochosihaving a moving target is just extremely painful (and ifdefy)21:14
ochosiand xfce doesn't have the manpower anyway21:15
desrtif you can wait, i'd consider waiting21:15
desrtat the same time, not _much_ will change in terms of app-facing API21:15
desrtwe still follow the same basic rules that we've been following this whole time... we're not going to start going crazy with gtk 321:15
ochosiyeah, i supposed so21:15
desrtso if you want to spread out the work over time, it makes sense to start now21:16
ochosiwe'll probably have to do that21:16
desrtyou may have to redo 10% of it or something, but that's maybe nicer than saving 100% of it for later... particularly if you'll have the same manpower problems at that time21:16
ochosii would've just hoped not having to target a single gtk3 version for the next xfce release (ya know, we only release every two years ;))21:17
ochosiany suggestion from your side on that? originally i was thinking of 3.18 or something, but now it seems targetting below 3.20 doesn't make too much sense21:18
ochosi(which means we have to redo at least all the included css :'()21:18
LaneyI hope the theme API stays stable21:19
* Laney cries21:19
ochosiand the worst part for xubuntu as a distribution is: possibly we can ship xfce in gtk3 for one release, but not the next (if ubuntu main decides to go with the next gtk3)21:19
* seb128 is not going to comment in that discussion ;-)21:19
ochosisimply because xfce upstream won't be able to keep up21:19
desrtLaney: lol.21:20
seb128nobody is really21:20
* ochosi pats Laney on the shoulder knowingly21:20
seb128I've been Cced on eclipse discussions speaking about going back to gtk2 as default because they can't keep up with gtk3 issues between series21:20
desrtonce we have 3.26 or whatever, it's stable forever21:20
desrtseb128: tell them that gtk3 will be stable "soon" =)21:21
larsuseb128: that's what we're trying to fix21:21
larsuseb128: hi seb128 :)21:21
seb128hey larsu21:21
Laneyyou get to rewrite all of the theme every 2 years instead? :P21:21
desrtbetter than once per 6 months21:21
seb128larsu, well, you "fix" it only if you maintain old series which I doubt is going to happen in practice21:22
seb128if you don't you just force everybody to move over or be screwed21:22
seb128so in practice you don't fix anything21:22
seb128but let's see21:22
ochosiso in practice everybody is gonna be screwed? :p21:22
desrtseb128: you just said that people are planning to go back to gtk2 because they like that better21:22
ochosilarsu: do you miss all of this already? ;)21:23
desrtwe're about to give people a gtk3 that's just as stable as gtk221:23
desrtwhy are you bitter about that?21:23
seb128desrt, yeah, they like it better but it sucks21:23
seb128it's not touch friendly21:23
seb128when you report bugs against it you get laught at21:23
desrti'm sorry... you can't have it all21:23
desrt"new features!  fix stuff!  change everything!"21:23
desrt"... WHY DID YOU CHANGE IT?!"21:23
seb128somewhat other platforms manage to move forward while not breaking in incompatible ways21:23
seb128ask didrocks to tell you about what google does next time you see him ;-)21:24
desrtother platforms have an order of magnitude or 2 more developers....21:24
seb128right, I'm not saying it's easy or doable21:25
seb128just that other platforms do it21:25
seb128and we are not going to win devs if we screw them21:25
seb128having good reasons or not21:25
desrtat worst, this policy just aligns us with what Qt does21:25
desrtnew incompatable (but parallel installable) major releases on a timeline measured in years21:26
seb128though 5 to 10 years is a better timeframe to break things21:27
seb128more frequently than that is not going to get you appdev sympathy21:27
desrt...and then you get people complaining that gtk2 is stable, but too damn old21:27
desrtand it's not like we really break you once per two years.  you can stay with the old one forever.21:28
seb128yeah, but nobody is going to fix bugs on those series21:28
desrtgtk is a free software project in which people do work that they think is valuable21:28
desrtif people want to step up to fix bugs on stable releases, because they think it is valuable work, we would welcome them with open arms21:29
desrtnobody has really done that, though21:29
desrtso apparently nobody really thinks that it's valuable enough21:29
seb128somewhat true21:30
seb128though in practice some people do21:30
seb128but their patches never get reviewed21:30
seb128and they go away21:30
desrtwe should get better at that21:30
desrti'll admit21:30
desrt(we're talking at the hackfest now about how to fix this)21:32
ochosidesrt: i appreciate all your efforts and that you're a small team - and sorry to get back to "my problems" :) - but what would your advice be now for a small desktop like xfce?21:35
ochosiwhich version can we meaningfully target with a stable release - obviously maximizing the hope that distros can ship it with "some gtk3 version" without major breakage?21:36
ochosii'm still focused on the present situation ("road to 3.26" or so), not the overall long term strategy21:36
ochosiwould you recommend to just target 3.20 (and exclude all distros that ship something below) or even try to target 3.22 already (knowing that it'll take a few more months until we're release-ready)?21:37
desrtwe're talking about your situation in the room21:38
ochosi(atm we're caught in <=3.18 | >=3.20 ifdef hell)21:38
desrtopinion: start porting now.  release in a year.21:38
ochosiand target whatever is around until then? :)21:38
desrtwe're not going to be able to commit to a specific gtk version being the "last 3 stable" until the gnome release team gets involved21:38
desrtmore or less, ya21:38
ochosithanks for discussing this21:39
ochosiseb128: how invested is ubuntu desktop in gtk anyway atm? i thought you guys were moving towards qt with convergence?21:41
seb128ochosi, we try to keep up with upgrades as best effort thing21:42
seb128Laney stepped up to redo the them and update to 3.2021:42
seb128if he didn't do that I think we would probably have stayed on 3.18 for some cycles21:43
ochosiwhat, so 16.10 is definitely going to go 3.20?21:43
ochosiLaney: did you really think that through? :]21:43
seb128ochosi, don't make him think too much21:44
seb128I think the guy is slightly crazy21:45
seb128but let him run for it, he might get us there ;-)21:45
ochosi(sry, don't have time to follow your discussions during the day because of $dayjob and the last i heard was you had put off 3.20 for at least another release)21:45
ochosiwell i've looked at what's to do there (and i likely will have to do it myself for xubuntu), it's definitely not nothing21:45
ochosii think rebasing on top of adwaita is the only feasible way21:46
seb128I don't know21:49
seb128but Laney has been head down full time on the theme for like 10 days21:49
seb128we don't see him much on IRC anymore21:49
seb128he seems to have it mostly done now though21:49
ochosiwow, nice21:49
seb128unsure how much impact it has on other things and other flavors21:49
ochosiwell, same impact it had on you21:49
seb128we can't really land screwing other flavors21:49
seb128and I doubt he's going to want to port your theme as well21:49
seb128so dunno what happens to the landing then21:50
ochosihaha, meh ;)21:50
ochositbh it's not just that21:50
ochosiall applications that have some css embedded (and quite a few do) will need updates as well21:50
seb128most are GNOME code though21:51
seb128and they fixed their stuff21:51
ochosihah, you'd think21:51
seb128well, most of non GNOME don't use gtk3 :p21:51
ochosii know of at least two apps off the top of my head which are not21:51
ochosiyeah yeah21:51
ochosii helped port lightdm-gtk-greeter to gtk3 and it has custom css21:51
ochosithen there are some xfce apps that i worked on where i tried to be "modern" and keep up with gnome21:52
ochosianyway, if we know in advance, maybe we can get most of that fixed / ifdefd21:52
ochosibut still, it'll boil down to how many ppl want to sit and code in their free time during the summer21:52
ochosii gotta get some sleep now21:54
ochosithanks for the discussion though21:54
ochosinight everyone!21:54
ochosiand thanks for the advice, desrt, we'll see what model we'll end up with...21:55
desrtochosi: thanks for hanging in there ;)21:55
desrtwe're trying to get better.  this new system is the first big step.21:55
ochosiwell what i can already tell you as a positive feedback is that now at least there seems to be an announced longterm roadmap21:56
ochosiso that is helpful either way21:57
desrtthanks for the feedback =)21:57
ochosii'll try to be more communicative about all this, just don't have enough free time these days21:58
ochosianyway, off to bed now21:58
robert_ancelljbicha, did you file bug 1592001 upstream?22:13
ubot5bug 1592001 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) ""OS Updates is now installed" is bad English grammar" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159200122:13

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