
Bashing-omEnd of session. yall have fun without me .03:46
BluesKajHi folks11:40
lotuspsychjegood afternoon to all12:04
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje12:07
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^ how are you12:07
EriC^^good you?12:08
lotuspsychjegreat here, lot of work :p12:08
EriC^^cool how's it going?12:08
lotuspsychjevery crowdy and big restaurant12:09
lotuspsychjeso its kitchen nightmare :p12:09
lotuspsychjeconstantly working with 3 other guys12:09
EriC^^free food?12:10
lotuspsychjeyep i got 35min break and can choose whatever i like12:10
lotuspsychjeand when the boss not around cold beer in the kitchen :p12:11
lotuspsychjeand ive ordered my VAT number for my business12:11
EriC^^i've bought a laptop for the house recently12:11
lotuspsychjewich brand?12:12
EriC^^lenovo g50-80 i3 2core 2.0ghz, 4gb ram, 500gb hdd12:12
EriC^^it was just $35512:12
lotuspsychjenice deal12:12
EriC^^on my hp laptop the motherboard ate shit suddenly yesterday12:13
lotuspsychjei had a cheap lenovo before with ubuntu12:13
lotuspsychjerunning great12:13
EriC^^it won't boot in uefi anymore, i converted to legacy and it's working12:13
EriC^^it's a hp bug i think i saw lots of youtube videos12:13
lotuspsychjeperhaps a bios update?12:14
EriC^^nope didn't update12:14
lotuspsychjei mean you could check latest12:14
EriC^^it just did it, the efi list disappeared completely O.o12:14
EriC^^even without a hdd and just the live usb it wont boot uefi, it says Hard disk error (3F0)12:14
EriC^^maybe i'll try to update the bios dunno though if it might go kaboom12:15
EriC^^never updated bios before12:15
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: website should explain properly12:15
lotuspsychjesome can with usb or cdrom12:15
EriC^^at first i tried to convert gpt to msdos with gdisk12:16
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: or a windows recovery would that work?12:16
EriC^^i think i've done it before without issues but somehow after that it said disk label not found12:16
EriC^^i put the partitions back from an old paste, but when i mounted the filesystems everything was gone12:17
EriC^^i was lucky that i had backed up stuff a day before so i just made new partitions and copied stuff over12:18
lotuspsychjeperhaps set bios to defaults or so12:18
lotuspsychjeand try bios update12:18
EriC^^its working now i guess i'll just leave it as it is12:20
EriC^^somebody in ubuntu has the nick Ubotto12:22
EriC^^first i thought bekks had lost his mind12:22
lotuspsychjeyeah just following oO12:22
Bashing-om!info X-server wily19:45
ubot5Package X-server does not exist in wily19:45
daftykinso/ you after a metapackage?19:49
daftykins!info xserver-xorg19:49
ubot5xserver-xorg (source: xorg): X.Org X server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.7+13ubuntu3 (xenial), package size 55 kB, installed size 240 kB19:49
Bashing-omdaftykins: Not sure what I am looking for . Working a Nvidia failure to install in the channel . Real hosed up conflicting situation .19:51
daftykinsah, got some mixed package versions or config remnants from a "dpkg -l | grep nvidia" ?19:52
Bashing-omdaftykins: Yeah anong others .. BumbleeBee/nvidia-prime .. strange PPAs .. working through all the crud . See all the fun you are missing ?20:02
daftykins:D indeed!20:02
Bashing-om'nuf here to make a Preacher cuss . Patience Bashing-om ... patience .20:19
daftykins"oh my sweet Tux!"20:31
Bashing-omGettimg there .. S L O W . Just about to the point to see what happens when 367 install is attempted .20:32
Bashing-omNope ^ spoke too soon ,,, kernel headers .20:42
daftykinsis that not a manual website install thing? 0o21:03
Bashing-omBeginning to wonder seriously what the OP has been up too . trusty install with vivid, wily and xenial kernels !21:07
SwitchesThat's a good selection >.> but the drivers and modules love that system21:08
daftykinssounds like time to start over, who knows what HWE there is21:10
SwitchesWell would make it worse if the OP is using that many kernels and hasn't updated Xorg and mesa21:12
Bashing-omOH, I am going to poke at it .. Never can tell what I might learn .. there is more in the book that "I do not know" than is in the book " I know, I know " .21:12
daftykinsmines not even a book, it's a notepad - and someone tore pages out!21:12
SwitchesI just have a piece of tissue and some scribbling... does that count?21:13
daftykinsonly if you have at least 2 colours of biro21:13
Switchesbiro?! its in crayon!21:13
daftykinsah that's ok, but are they in your mouth?21:14
SwitchesNa, only chocolate shortcake biscuits at the mo21:14
daftykinsooh nice21:14
SwitchesI'd still like to work out how this guy was running all those kernels, but managed to skip the dist-upgrades if it's still a trusty install21:15
Bashing-omSwitches: Uh huh ... and see the list of what the package manager wants "autoremoved" ! .21:18
SwitchesBashing-om: I should imagine the package manager is having nightmares with that21:19
Bashing-omSwitches: I am a bit timid to apply .. think'n bout it .. prior to trying and see what happens with the driver install attempt .21:20
SwitchesBashing-om: I'd be pretty cautious, atleast 2 or more totally unsupported kernels for the base system, APT is probably having a heartattack21:21
SwitchesHow has he managed the kernel headers to build modules.. it must be a symlink spaghetti junction21:23
Bashing-omSwitches: Yeah .,.. what I am looking at too : http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-signed-image&searchon=names&suite=trusty-updates&section=all .21:23
SwitchesBashing-om: Holy crap...21:24
daftykinsi'd bet the driver modules would take forever, then be done for the wrong kernels21:24
Bashing-omThis MAY be a real learning experience , huh ?21:25
daftykinsyou're braver than me!21:25
SwitchesIt will be.. just like the old days before dependency resolution21:26
Bashing-omdaftykins: My thouhgts, exactly ... why it has taken me as long as it has to arrive at this point . There are those who say the header version does not matter .. but I have my doubts !21:26
SwitchesBashing-om: Depends on what they mean by "doesn't matter".21:29
SwitchesThe kernel headers are kinda important if your building a custom kernel, modules or have some "not so off the shelf" hardware21:30
Bashing-omBeen my experience, I want the kernel and header and modules all to match, and I want to build a driver on the latest matching combination .21:32
SwitchesAlways the best way, keeps things tidy and controllable21:32
daftykinsme, i want Switches' shortbread21:34
daftykinsmmm i have chocolate mousse downstairs, brb!21:34
Bashing-omOuch .. 4,2 series kernels are installed .. and OP advises a fresh install pf trusty. what gives guys ? That http://packages.ubuntu.com/ does not reflect that ?21:38
SwitchesHmm would have to check if he had the 14.04.4 and the "updates on install" checked21:44
Switches14.04.4 shipped with 4.2 I think21:45
Bashing-omSwitches: Well ,, worth checking out .21:46
Bashing-omSwitches: Yeah .. -wily not be officially supported until the 14.04.4 . so should be good to go .21:49
daftykinsSwitches: yep on 14.04.4 and 4.2, matches my memory at least21:51
SwitchesWell atleast that's one thing sorted :p21:51
SwitchesIf he's running that though and I think you said an Nvidia-prime(?) he probably wont be able to use any of the newer releases of nvidia drivers. I think all the new ones need at least 1.18 xorg where Trusty was only 1.17 (think the last to use 1.17 was the 34x series drivers)21:57
SwitchesUnless ofc he has also built the Xorg and Mesa stacks on the local machine from source.. (in which case I would ask why the hell he needs help in the forums :p)21:58
daftykinsi wonder if "history | grep kernel" would give away how the kernels were installed? either in and amongst HWE install commands or not21:59
Switcheshm possibly that may be worth a shot22:00
SwitchesI just can't get the reasoning for it, unless something was broken and needed a newer kernel for support, why the hell update just on a whim like that.22:00
Bashing-om364 installed .. see what the status is after the reboot .22:02
SwitchesI mean even if he was say a "audio" or "gamer" even that doesn't explain the choices as they would either be "realtime" or "lowlatency" kernels22:02
SwitchesBashing-om: Good luck!22:03
SwitchesI need a coffee and a ciggy, this stuff has me baffled with how some people think..22:04
Bashing-omWell .. I am limiting my intake of caffine, but a smoke sounds reasonabled to me .. back in a bit .22:05

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