
BelldanduHey guys01:23
Belldandu^ that has to be a bug01:24
BelldanduThere is no way thats right. Especially since lets encrypt has been out for a while and im pretty sure that doesnt happen on debian since my domain uses lets encrypt and i've never had that issue before.01:26
BelldanduNope im wrong01:45
Belldandupeople are incorrectly configuring lets encrypt on their sites01:45
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marlincI noticed zul, I wanted to say that the Debian package info still points to https://github.com/lxd/nova-lxd as homepage. I can't find the Debian package files in the new repo05:04
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Xinlol why is like 90% of the ubuntu server minimal install selecting locale stuff06:38
toshywoshyI get wsrep errors when starting up mariadb up with mariadb-server + galera packages, is there some other package required to enable galera function08:07
exxianyone using kvm/qemu ?08:27
jamespagerbasak, hey - are you around? I'm still struggling to wrap my head around this nested directory rename issue in ceph if you have time to help me think it through08:31
toshywoshydoes mariadb-server have galera extentions built-in ?08:55
rbasakjamespage: o/09:06
jamespagerbasak, good morning!09:06
rbasakjamespage: I would look through the implementation of dpkg-maintscript-helper.09:08
rbasakjamespage: then try to find something that is simple but still works for your case.09:09
rbasakIt will be a hack but I think that's the best we can do.09:09
jamespagerbasak, yah that's the best I could think of as well09:16
ShekharReddyhello, http://kopy.io/JyG6e is this an incorrect configuration09:48
bekksTest it using apachectl configtest09:52
jamespagerbasak, http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-ceph/ceph.git/commit/?h=ubuntu-yakkety&id=b65513d8bcc4a63e91f72df1139693b36f849f04 quick second pair of eyes before I upload that to a PPA? I did somet esting with a smaller test-ceph fake package to avoid the 2 hr build lags...09:58
* rbasak looks10:00
ShekharReddybekks:  how can i test that, I am lill new to apache2 serve10:00
bekksPlace that config somewhere it gets evaluated by apache, then run the command given.10:01
ShekharReddywhat i want to ask is do we require to say explicitly using the Listen statement at the top10:03
ShekharReddyis it required ?10:04
bekksYou need to tell your webserver which port you want to use.10:05
ShekharReddyI said that in <VirtualHost *:3000>  bekks10:09
bekksIF you want your Virtualhost to be listening on port 3000, you need that.10:10
jamespagerbasak, its bascially the dpkg-maintscripts-helper thing adapted to deal with the directory nesting...10:11
rbasakjamespage: what if I had modified /etc/default/ceph/ceph before to source /etc/default/ceph/foo?10:11
rbasakjamespage: I don't see any way of fixing that, but I would want to preserve /etc/default/ceph/foo, perhaps in /etc/default/ceph.dpkg-remove/foo.10:12
jamespagerbasak, hmm so check for anything other than ceph in the dir and abort the removal if found?10:12
rbasak(or dpkg-old or something)10:12
rbasakjamespage: I was a little surprised that you were renaming to /etc/default/ceph.dpkg-remove. Let me ponder this.10:13
jamespagerbasak, tbh the likely hood of that is minimal - this only exists since xenial release, and all of the users of /etc/default/ceph source that file, not the nested one...10:13
jamespagerbasak, so I wonder how far I really need to take dealing with the unknown here10:14
jamespageI suspect that most users may have created their own /etc/default/ceph10:14
jamespagehmm - now I probably should with that or maybe dpkg might do that anyway10:14
jamespagelemme check10:14
jamespagehmm but they can't because of the dir...10:15
rbasakjamespage: how about in the preinst you rename only /etc/default/ceph/ceph to /etc/default/ceph/ceph.dpkg-remove if the md5 matches. Then in the postinst, rename /etc/default/ceph to /etc/default/ceph.dpkg-old, rename /etc/default/ceph.dpkg-old/ceph to /etc/default/ceph if it exists, remove /etc/default/ceph/ceph.dpkg-remove if it exists, then remove /etc/default/ceph/ceph.dpkg-old if it is empty?10:16
jamespagethat's slightly neater10:16
rbasakjamespage: I agree about dealing with the unknown - I'm just keen on preserving a customised file rather than deleting them even if a user still needs to fix up.10:17
ShekharReddybekks:  http://kopy.io/nLW9Y  i get this error when i restart the server10:17
ShekharReddyafter adding the line listen 300010:17
rbasakjamespage: with my logic above you'll also need to fix up postrm to reverse the dpkg-remove in the subdirectory only.10:17
bekksShekharReddy: So did you do what the message tells you?10:17
RoyKShekharReddy: se the error log10:18
rbasakjamespage: perhaps also file a bug against dpkg-maintscript-helper asking for support of your subdirectory use case :)10:18
rbasakjamespage: it might be worth explaining in a commoent or the changelog or something why you aren't just using dpkg-maintscript-helper. Also, do you need any consideration of version numbers for Debian?10:19
jamespagerbasak, no10:19
jamespage(debian version numbers)10:19
jamespageyes - comments10:19
ShekharReddyRoyK:  http://kopy.io/Lirlh  what does this mean ???10:22
jamespagerbasak, reworked - http://paste.ubuntu.com/17287347/10:23
* rbasak looks10:23
RoyKShekharReddy: (98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:300010:23
ShekharReddy(98) ?? what does this mean10:24
RoyKShekharReddy: something else is listening on that port - check netstat -lnop --tcp10:24
jamespageoh wait thats not quite right...10:24
jamespagerbasak, no that does not work because of the new incoming /etc/default/ceph file...10:24
jamespagerbasak, I think I'll just preserve it in a different way10:25
rbasakjamespage: ah.10:25
rbasakjamespage: in that case, maybe rename /etc/default/ceph to dpkg-old in the preinst, then rename it back in the postrm rollback if necessary?10:26
rbasakI guess that's what you were doing before, sorry.10:26
ShekharReddyhttp://kopy.io/phuie i don see anything listening on port  3000 RoyK10:27
jamespagerbasak, ok take three - http://paste.ubuntu.com/17287431/10:30
ShekharReddybekks:  hello, can u also look into that issue i mentioned above10:31
bekksShekharReddy: Did you define another VirtualHost for port 3000?10:33
ShekharReddyI added the line Listen 3000 to already existing on e10:34
ShekharReddyi.e the one which i have mentioned earlier10:34
bekksShow us your exact config please.10:35
jamespagerbasak, that approach will preserve foo in /etc/default/ceph during an upgrade10:35
bekksAnd show us the output of "apachectl configtest" too.10:35
jamespagejust tested that10:35
jamespagerbasak, so close10:37
jamespage cannot remove old backup config file '/etc/default/ceph.dpkg-old' (of '/etc/default/ceph'): Is a directory10:37
jamespagedpkg-old confuses dpkg...10:37
ShekharReddybekks:  http://kopy.io/vjGyw conf file10:37
jamespageas it should be a file or link, not a directory10:37
jamespageI might have to use dpkg-backup10:37
ShekharReddybekks:  http://kopy.io/tVd1t  apachectl configtest  output10:38
bekksShekharReddy: Either use port 3000 in line 1 or in line 2.10:41
rbasakjamespage: ah, I didn't realise dpkg would touch it again after a rename, sorry.10:41
rbasakjamespage: yeah, dpkg-backup should be fine10:41
jamespagerbasak, yup - works ok10:41
jamespagerbasak, just thinking I should actually remove it if there is noting in the directory post move10:42
rbasakjamespage: agreed10:43
rbasakrmdir appears to have an --ignore-fail-on-non-empty10:44
Xinany mysql guru's in here?10:44
rbasakProbably not POSIX but shouldn't matter for Debian10:44
bekksXin: Depends on your question.10:44
XinI need to make my mysqld accessible ONLY to local network devices10:45
bekksWhich is the default configuration.10:45
Xinoh yeah?10:45
bekksYeah, look at the config.10:45
Xinsurprisingly easy answer haha10:45
sarnolddouble-check it with netstat10:45
Xintrue, good tip!10:46
Xinhmm, nah doesn't seem to be10:47
Xinwhats its port number by default? like 3309 or something?10:48
bekksLook at the config :)10:48
XinI looked at everything in /etc/mysql and /etc/mysql/conf.d but there didn't seem to be anything except it pointing to a .sock file10:50
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ShekharReddybekks:  should the document root be set to myproject/public10:50
Xinbut even that file had like 20 lines10:50
ShekharReddyis it compulsory  that a public folder be there ?10:50
bekksShekharReddy: Depends on how you want to setup your webserver.10:51
Xinwat is this lol10:51
ShekharReddyi mean i don have the public directory in the repo10:51
bekksXin: An empty config section.10:51
Xinbekks; the mysqld.cnf in the folder above that just includes this folder10:52
Xinoh hang on10:52
Xinyeah wtf lol10:52
Xinok found it haha10:53
Xinthat was utterly needlessly overengineered10:53
bekksWhat exactly are you talking about?10:54
Xinyeah default setting is localhost only as I suspected10:54
bekksYou did not suspect it, I told it to you ;)10:54
Xintheres a full 3 folders of cnf files, some that just include other folders that only have empty config sections etc10:55
Xinfor what is, in the end, like a 100 line config file10:55
Xinhow did you tell me that? :|10:55
XinXin> I need to make my mysqld accessible ONLY to local network devices10:55
Xin<bekks> Which is the default configuration.10:55
Xinlocal network as opposed to internet..10:55
Xinnot local host10:56
bekksConfigure your firewall then.10:56
Xinnah, found it, set the bind-address, just gotta restart hopefully10:56
sarnoldalso configure your bind or listen addresses appropriately10:56
sarnoldbelts and suspenders and so on10:56
Xinroot@dev:/home/swim# service mysqld restart10:57
XinFailed to restart mysqld.service: Unit mysqld.service not found.10:57
Xinwat is this10:57
Xinok its just mysql10:57
ShekharReddybekks:  i want to configure this locally https://github.com/ShekharReddy4/atlas-mock-id which is a mock auth for an app i am gonna develop10:58
Xinhmm no port 3306 as per the config in my netstat10:58
Xinhm hm hm10:59
ShekharReddythe problem is when i login as said in the readme in the above link i always redirected to the same page again which is login page10:59
bekksXin: Because it is using a socket.10:59
Xinit is capable of doing both10:59
ShekharReddyi mean i am kind of in a loop (login page --> i enter the credentials --> press the login and---> login page )11:00
ShekharReddyguys this is irritating me  from yonks11:01
bekksXin: Yes. Either port or socket.11:01
ShekharReddybekks:  did u get my problem ?11:01
XinNo theres no reason it cant support ALL IPC methods simultaneously11:01
Xinlike any db server11:01
Xinbut, what setting would you propose I change except the bind-address11:02
bekksXin: Well, if you know better, I am out.11:02
Xinthere doesnt seem to be a lot here11:02
sarnoldI think mysql lets you add new lines as needed, right?11:03
ShekharReddysarnold:  can u also please  look into my issue ?11:04
XinI just added an iptables rule to allow it11:05
Xinbut that wouldnt have been the issue anyway11:06
sarnoldShekharReddy: sorry, I've never heard of atlas before11:07
ShekharReddyhey atlas is my project, i feel it is something related to config11:07
jamespagerbasak, I'll do a little conditional check first prior to removal11:07
jamespageok uploaded to ppa for xenial testing -thanks for the reviews...11:08
Xinoh dope you can use % for chunks of the ip addr11:08
ShekharReddyseems u din get my problem sarnold , i will explain it again, i setup the server locally for the above mentioned project11:09
ShekharReddyand when i ran it, is working fine , but i am unable to move out of the login page11:09
Xinstilllll no entry in netstat for mysql OR 330611:09
Xinhm hm hm11:09
Xinohh the recommended way is apparently to ssh in11:11
XinI wonder how that works with php etc..11:11
Xinoh, if I try to connect to it11:16
XinI get; ERROR 1130 (HY000): Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server11:16
Xinnot sure why it wouldnt show up in netstat though11:17
bekks10.0.0.3 isnt localhost11:18
Xinthats the vm I just tested it from11:18
bekksCan you pastebin your config then?11:18
XinI can, but all I have done as of right now is comment out the bind-address line11:18
Xinwhich supposedly makes it bind to all interfaces11:18
bekksAnd which port?11:19
bekksThe default is a socket ;)11:19
Xinfrom that error though11:19
Xinit is contacting the server11:19
Xinits just not allowed11:19
Xinso I need to use some form of GRANT line11:20
Xinwhich I have nfi about11:20
Xinapparently I cant do  CREATE USER 'username'@*11:27
XinCREATE USER 'username'@'*' seemed to work11:27
sveinseHow can I disable mdadm? I get "W: mdadm: /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf defines no array". mdadm is installed, since the ubuntu-server packages depends on it. 16.0411:27
XinI can only guess thats the correct syntax11:28
Xinnah that didnt work either11:29
Xinthis is starting to annoy me11:29
ShekharReddyhow can we change a file mode in a project11:33
ShekharReddydoes that effect the installation of the project in anyway11:33
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bekksShekharReddy: ?12:02
ShekharReddybekks:  i am unable to get out of that login page12:03
bekksShekharReddy: So check your logs.12:03
ShekharReddybekks:  http://kopy.io/K106E12:09
ShekharReddybekks, what is undefined index12:10
bekksA not defined index.12:11
ShekharReddycan u provide a solution or some guidance on how to resolve it12:12
ShekharReddybekks:  ^^12:12
bekksNo. I have no clue about which project you are using there nor how you configured it upon installation.12:13
jamespagecoreycb, ddellav: I think the b1 announce is good to go...12:16
ShekharReddybekks:  atleast ideally what is the cause of this error ??12:17
bekksShekharReddy: I have no clue about which project you are using there nor how you configured it upon installation.12:17
ShekharReddyhttp://kopy.io/1iVsR  error ?? any hacks on how to resolve this12:41
sarnoldare there errors? I see three notices and one warning12:43
dasjoesarnold: I think it's a hopeless case, they are assuming we would be doing their job of configuring Apache, MySQL and PHP13:08
sarnolddasjoe: all things I've gone out of my way to avoid using.. :)13:08
ShekharReddyhttp://kopy.io/i6cDs facing this error, any help ?13:36
bekksShekharReddy: What did you do before?13:38
ShekharReddyremoved the mcrypt from php.ini13:38
bekksWhy did you remove it?13:38
ShekharReddyi get a warning, googling made me remove it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21923534/php-warning-module-mcrypt-already-loaded13:39
ShekharReddybekks:  ^13:40
ikoniaroll on php 7.113:40
bekksSo what exactly did you remove?13:40
ShekharReddyin php.ini i removed the extension13:40
ShekharReddyextension = mcrypt.so something like that13:41
sarnoldShekharReddy: please explain why you think that is an error.13:42
ShekharReddyit says module mcrypt is already loaded so i thought that might be the issue of redundancy13:45
bekksShekharReddy: Did you remove something else?13:45
ShekharReddysarnold:  ^13:46
ShekharReddybekks:  no13:46
ShekharReddyi added a line in the code but that is related to unidentified index13:47
Xinhey peeps I asked in #ubuntu hours ago but we didnt really get anywhere14:03
XinI have an ubuntu server box and a xubuntu box14:03
Xinthe xubuntu box can ssh into the server box14:03
XinBUT only using its IP14:03
bekksSo fix your DNS.14:03
XinBUT, the server box pings fine14:04
Xinnah dns works on every other box, and resolves fine for pings14:04
bekksObviously it doesnt work that fine.14:04
Xinohh unlesssss14:04
sarnoldiirc ping includes its own resolver code and doesn't use the nss resolver14:04
XinI installed a dns server on my ubuntu boxxx14:04
Xinhow do I uninstall that14:04
bekksHow did you install it?14:05
Xinmarked "DNS Server" in the net installer14:05
bekksCheck if bind is installed, uninstall it.14:06
Xinno bind :(14:06
bekksSo check the services running, and uninstall the DNS server software.14:07
sarnoldtry dpkg -l bind914:08
Xinsarnold; nice work14:08
Xinrebooting and hopefully thats all good14:09
Xincant believe I didnt remember that before14:09
bekksNo reboot needed.14:09
Xincant hurt :P14:10
bekksIt kills kittens.14:10
XinIf I made an OS14:11
Xinid call it Putin14:11
XinComputin the putin bootin14:11
dr4c4ndoes anyone know how to do ip aliasing on the new ubuntu server 16.04?17:00
maswanas in more than one address per interface?17:00
dr4c4nI've tried the old method with the :0 or :117:00
dr4c4nbut it's not working17:01
dr4c4nin /etc/network/interfaces17:01
maswanjust add multiple address lines to the interface def17:01
dr4c4nso it would look like:17:04
dr4c4niface eth0 inet static17:04
dr4c4naddress x.x.x.x17:04
dr4c4naddress x.x.x.x17:04
dr4c4ntried that it's not happy with me17:05
dr4c4nso I have: iface enp3s0 inet static17:05
sdezieldoesn't work for me either17:05
maswanI don't have all my good prompts with me right now to cut and paste from our production machines right now17:05
sdezielI'm used to add additional IPs with a "post-up" line17:05
dr4c4nand it doesn't show the additional address aliases when I type in ifconfig a-17:07
maswanmultiple iface defs17:08
dr4c4nbut not  using the :'s right?17:08
maswanno, not the :17:08
dr4c4nso I have tried : auto enp3s017:08
dr4c4niface enp3s0 inet static17:09
dr4c4naddress x.x.x.x17:09
dr4c4niface enp3s0 inet static17:09
dr4c4naddress x.x.x.x17:09
dr4c4nand it says nope17:09
RoyKtry adding "up ip addr add x.x.x.x/mask" at the end17:09
RoyKand btw iproute2 isn't "new" it's 10+ years old17:10
maswanyeah, but people are still using :1 and that's ifconfig syntax17:10
dr4c4nwell the last time I configured aliases, I did it with the :'s and it worked17:10
dr4c4nand I was happy17:10
RoyKdr4c4n: and now you're dreadfully unhappy because someone wrote a better interface? ;)17:11
dr4c4nbetter is questionable17:12
dr4c4nand I don't like change17:12
RoyKjust piss off, ok? we don't need complaints about what's better or worse17:12
dr4c4nthanks for their help17:13
jellydoing it in an up line is a hack, I think setting an address and a netmask is supposed to work17:13
maswanjelly: yeah, it's supposed to work, but I don't have access to any of my xenial machines right now to test, so, well..17:13
RoyKjelly: it's not a hack, it's the new way17:13
jellyRoyK: it's a hack that existed before ifupdown 0.717:14
RoyKjelly: sometimes things improve, like going from LILO to Grub to Grub2 etc17:14
jelly(0.7 is when ifupdown switched to iproute as backend)17:14
* RoyK installs minix on jelly's box17:14
jellycalling an arbitrary command is not improvement17:14
dr4c4ndoes anyone know where the documentation for iproute2 is?17:15
* RoyK gives up17:15
maswanyeah, but configuring multiple addresses without fake-naming the interfaces :n is an improvement17:15
maswandr4c4n: that debian wiki page is the best one I've found17:15
jellydr4c4n: you don't want iproute docs, you want ifupdown docs, ie. interfaces(5), to see what syntax is actually supported before resorting to calling ip manually17:16
dr4c4nthanks a lot jelly17:17
jellyRoyK: I've had a for loop with ip a ad... in an up line back in 2003 on... sarge, maybe?  Yeah it's a hack, and not a new one17:18
RoyKperhaps we should create a registry like windows with all the configuration stuffed into a database and make jelly and all happy17:20
dr4c4nmaswan: link?17:21
maswandr4c4n: https://wiki.debian.org/NetworkConfiguration[6~17:22
maswandr4c4n: https://wiki.debian.org/NetworkConfiguration17:22
jellyRoyK: I'm not sure you're getting the point, {pre-,post-,}{up,down} are workarounds by definition, being able to run an arbitrary command is left as a fallback option when you can't configure something any other way17:22
dr4c4nmaswan and jelly: I found this as a really good reference, but my question is: how do I make the ip address add permanent other than modifying the /etc/network/interfaces file?17:24
jellyno other way17:25
jellywell, I'm lying a bit there.  Technically, there's systemd-networkd, and there's NetworkManager too and its nmcli, but the support you're going to get in ubuntu 16.04 for those may vary.17:26
jellypicking any of those basically means abandoning /e/n/interfaces17:27
dr4c4nis there a legacy mode for keeping the ifconfig method because the manual approach is retarded17:28
maswanwell, you *could* write your own custom init script that does an "ip addr add" command once the interface is up, to make it permanent. but that seems an unnecessarily complicated way of diong an up-hook.17:28
dr4c4nwhy change what was working??!?!?!17:28
maswandr4c4n: the :n stuff didn't really work, it never worked for ipv6 addresses for instance17:29
maswandr4c4n: but if multiple instances with the same name doesn't work, like it shoudl from the debian wiki instructions, I think that's a bug.17:29
jellydr4c4n: the ifconfig method was never permanent, either17:29
dr4c4nso i followed the debian wiki example exactly.17:33
dr4c4nand I get cannot assign requested address17:33
jellydr4c4n: show your work: pastebin the complete file, and pastebin the output of "ip a" after boot or after "ifdown someiface; ifup someiface"17:34
coreycbjamespage, ddellav: for my ci shift today I pushed cinder updates for newton, uploaded python-oslo.policy 1.9.0 to yakkety (fixes keystone), and uploaded python-oslo.concurrency 3.7.1 to mitaka (sru fixes nova/keystone failures)17:34
LJHSLDJHSDLJHhow to shutdown ubuntu server without having to login if I decided to do so at the login terminal17:34
LJHSLDJHSDLJHit's seems very stupid to login just shutdown the server17:35
jellyLJHSLDJHSDLJH: personally I don't like unauthed personnel to be able to shut down a server17:36
LJHSLDJHSDLJHsuch a person offered a login terminal can unplug the power the cables17:37
sdezielLJHSLDJHSDLJH: if you can send an ACPI signal to the machine it should obey to it17:37
patdk-wkthat should be simple17:37
patdk-wkjust make a poweroff user that runs poweroff :)17:37
patdk-wkor, why not just have it obay the power button?17:38
patdk-wkone press should start the poweroff scripts17:38
sdezielpatdk-wk: yeah, the power button should send the proper ACPI signal17:39
coreycbddellav, is bug 1587589 tested?17:39
ubottubug 1587589 in keystone (Ubuntu Wily) "[SRU] liberty point releases" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158758917:39
coreycbwould be nice to release that17:39
jellydr4c4n: you shouldn't have both auto and allow-hotplug for the same interface17:44
jellydr4c4n: forgot the output of "ip a" after attempting to configure17:45
jellydr4c4n: I'd remove or comment out the allow-hotplug line17:46
dr4c4njelly: ip a shows that I have .201 and .20217:46
dr4c4nI will remove that line17:46
dr4c4nthanks :)17:46
dr4c4nsays 201/8 and 201/24 and a 202/817:46
jellyremove the /8 manually before trying again, or reboot17:47
* jelly runs away17:48
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Strykarhi, new install and user here. doing "service radvd start" appears to start it and then exits. radvd appears to work in non-daemon mode with /etc/radvd.conf  how do I figure out what's causing this?18:23
Strykarsudo systemctl list-units|grep radvd     radvd.service                                                                                               loaded active exited    LSB: Router Advertising Daemon18:24
ddellavcoreycb sorry, yes, it's tested and passed no problem.18:47
coreycbddellav, ok18:47
coreycbddellav, in that case can you request a promotion to liberty-updates from beisner or jamespage?  then we'll be done on our end with that task.18:49
ddellavcoreycb beisner jamespage can one of you guys promote ceilometer and keystone point releases to liberty-updates. The updates have been tested successfully.18:51
naccStrykar: does journaltl or systemctl info tell you more?19:03
Xinthanks sarnold for your help earlier20:08
Xinand bekks20:08
Xinit was the dns server20:08
Xinall working now, with nat and bridging20:08
Ergo^hello, im trying to provision a VM using packer with a preseed file, and ive tried various ways, but i have no idea how to set a hostname properly20:51
Ergo^my host gets a weird ip-192-168-1-X as hostname20:51
=== prince is now known as Guest95291
naccd-i netcfg/get_hostname string $myhostname21:25
naccin your preseed file21:25
Ergo^nacc: but that seems to be ignored if dhcp is used21:29
naccErgo^: your resulting VM, does it have a /etc/network/interfaces file? what is in it, if so (paste.ubuntu.com)?21:30
Ergo^nacc: https://friendpaste.com/45Az0a7zF1WYTCHqCwLE7u21:33
Ergo^nacc: is it possible to set this on boot at kernel level?21:36
Ergo^I tried setting hostname=foo-bar but it seems to be ignored21:37
Ergo^i have in my preseed21:39
Ergo^d-i netcfg/get_hostname string unassigned-hostname21:39
Ergo^d-i netcfg/get_domain string unassigned-domain21:39
Ergo^d-i netcfg/hostname string foo-bar21:39
Ergo^everything seems to be completly ignored21:40
naccErgo^: are there any files in /etc/network/interfaces.d/ ?21:42
naccErgo^: well, you can pass the above preseed value during the boot to the installer21:43
Ergo^nacc: those valies i pasted ARE from my preseed21:47
=== Guest95291 is now known as prince
naccErgo^: is your VM recognizing the other values in your preseed file? i don't really konw what packer is22:34
Ergo^nacc: packer is just a tool to provision VM's (packer.io) - yes it is recognizing them22:34
Ergo^im running another build i think that: d-i preseed/late_command string in-target hostnamectl set-hostname...22:34
naccErgo^: hrm22:34
Ergo^might solve it for me22:35
Ergo^will now soon22:35
Ergo^not sure if that affects /etc/hosts too22:35
Ergo^argh... installer reported that this command failed :(22:35

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