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ogra_sil2100, foo06:27
sil2100ogra_: ok, it seems to work for now!06:29
ogra_yeah, in small drops06:29
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ackewhat apps do you run from libertine?06:51
ogra_any that you install inside the libertine container06:51
* ogra_ hasnt seen any limitation yet ... 06:51
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ackeogra_, i cant run firefox or chrome, not skype, not banshee, not evolution, so what to use it for? :)07:07
ogra_i run firefox, evolution, inkscape, vlc (audio only) in it07:09
ogra_and a bunch of other things07:09
ogra_acke, i guess you might be using it wrong07:11
ackeogra_ yes, i mount drive r/w to install applications, and then i run them from the scope. ill got vlc working, evolution will not install due to missing package. chrome installs, but crashes when i try to launch. :)07:13
ogra_thats 100% the wrong way07:14
ackeogra_ ooh.. :/07:14
ogra_(if "remounted r/w" is in your sentence it is *always* the wrong answer)07:14
ackeogra_, sorry.07:14
ogra_i think chrome doesnt work for some reason, but all other packages should just work07:15
ogra_sorry ? it is your system ... dont say sorry to *me* :)07:15
ackethanks, good that you believe. then i dont give up hope.07:15
ogra_(if the internet here wouldnt be so crappy i could actually give you a link with proper instructions)07:17
ogra_ah, now i got some bytes dripping through the line ...07:18
ogra_acke, http://notyetthere.org/installing-more-puritine-apps-on-the-m10/07:18
ackeogra_, yess the firefox works on my meizu.. :D07:19
ogra_well, follow the instructions above to create a libertine container in the RW space07:20
ogra_and use that one07:20
ackeogra_, awe3some, thanks for the link!07:21
ogra_np :)07:21
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marklyford_just got my ubuntu phone that I brought from eBay loving it so far :)11:58
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peat-psuwitIf I want to port to new device, should I use Android 5.1 or 4.4 as base?12:29
lotuspsychjepeat-psuwit: did you take a look at the porting guide?12:41
peat-psuwitlotuspsychje: Yes, I had a look. But that document is out for a while now, and Android 5.1 tree for Ubuntu Touch seems to be available now. So, I'm not so sure if Android 5.1 tree is stable enough for a port.12:50
lotuspsychjepeat-psuwit: perhaps the XDA forums could be usefull for you?12:50
dobeypeat-psuwit: i'd say use 5.1 if you can12:57
peat-psuwitdobey: Which branch? personal/w-ondra/phablet-5.1.1_r36?13:01
dobeymardy: hey, so, if we get rid of the secret migration code, and still call storeToken, how exactly is that supposed to work? IdentityInfo only has setSecret, which only takes a string. am i supposed to just call storeCredentials() with no args?13:02
dobeypeat-psuwit: i have no idea :)13:02
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mardydobey: it's not supposed to work, that's the problem and the reason why I started working on the account plugin code13:06
dobeymardy: ok, then i don't think we're going to be able to land this for ota1213:06
mardydobey: that's why I wrote 16:47 < mardy> dobey: I thought about removing that, but the only solutions which I could think of are either by adding new public APIs or by making the account plugin talk directly to signond13:08
mardydobey: unless you accept the secret migration code as a temporary solution13:08
dobeymardy: but keyring.cpp is talking directly to signond! why can't it do whatever it is you would make the account plug-in do?!13:09
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mardydobey: because clients don't have access to authentication plugins' data13:10
mardydobey: well, there is actually another solution13:10
mardydobey: like we have in the OAuth plugin, mostly for testing purposes13:10
dobeymardy: which data do we not have access to exactly?13:11
mardydobey: we could add a way to let the client inject a token into the identity13:11
mardydobey: the credentials record in signond is username | password | plugin-data <- we miss this last one13:12
mhall119mariogrip: I'm off today (recovering from weekend conference) do you mind if we move our call to tomorrow?13:13
dobeymardy: but we can recreate a PluginData object13:13
mardydobey: what we could do, is that if AuthSession::Authenticate() is called and the session data contains all the data for a valid token, that gets stored in the identity13:13
mardydobey: it's still a bit hackish, but OTOH such a functionalicy could be useful for testing purposes too13:14
mariogripmhall119: sure, no problem :)13:15
dobeymardy: so how do i make it store the token exactly?13:22
dobeymardy: can't i just make the signon plug-in store the token?13:22
acke_is there any plans or ways to use windows OWA on the touch device?13:46
dobeyoutlook web access?13:47
acke_dobey, exchange support?13:53
dobeyacke_: exchange and OWA are somewhat different things. but i don't know of any explicit plans to support either one13:54
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dobeymardy: ?14:31
mardydobey: sorry, didn't her the pings :-)15:02
mardydobey: in the signon plugin ::process() method, you can have it emit the store() signal right at the beginning, if token data is present in the sessionData15:03
dobeymardy: but that doesn't actually store the token does it?15:03
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dobeymardy: otherwise we wouldn't be having a problem, since we're already emitting store() signal?15:07
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mardydobey: when the plugin emit store(), signond saves the stored data on the identity15:15
mardydobey: the problem we have now in my the signon-plugin-part-2 branch, is that the identity is not there, when the plugin emits store()15:16
mardydobey: first we need to create a Signon::Identity and save it, then all the store operations will work15:16
mardydobey: that branch is creating an AuthSession not bound to any stored Identity, and therefore nothing is saved15:17
dobeyi'll see if i can make it do that after lunch then15:19
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tedgHow does one copy text out of the Ubuntu Terminal app?17:13
sergiusenstedg read with your eyes, it should get copied to your brain. You can paste in any form from then on17:15
* sergiusens took a stance at a joke17:15
tedgsergiusens: that is a lossy copy, looking for something loseless17:16
tedgOr a lousy copy :-)17:17
pmcgowantedg, long press for slection mode17:17
tedgAh, yeah, I was in selection mode but didn't realize you needed to hit the "X" in the corner17:21
=== marklyford_ is now known as marklyford
ROPAHi all, I'm interested in the ubuntu phone, but have zillions of questions.....I'm concerned that it might not be somewhat like android, except packaged under a new name.17:53
ROPADoes the owner have full sudo privileges??17:53
ROPACan the owner totally avoid google services and their data gathering practices?17:54
ROPAIs all the software for it open source?17:54
ROPAAre the technical details of the phonmes construction available, for ijnstance can I locate the GTPS chip and permanently disable it if I wanted to??17:56
ROPAIs there a mailing list or other internet based outlets for user to user info sharing?17:57
dobeyit is not like android17:57
ROPAhi dobey17:57
ROPAu own one??17:58
dobeyi don't own a retail ubuntu phone, no. i have a nexus 4 and a nexus 5, both running ubuntu17:58
ROPAaaaahhhhhhh.........really?? ubuntu can be installed on phone previously made for android??17:59
dobeyit can be installed on any device it's been ported to18:01
ROPAok, ty.18:02
dobeywe have to use the kernel and some system services from android, to make the hardware work. but all the necessary android bits are running inside their own container.18:02
ROPAI sure wish I could use it in my present phone, an S3.18:03
dobeyit's a minimal set of things,18:03
ROPAnice....hopefully the android resources don't compromise security or privacy, but the ubuntu phone sounds like a winner.18:04
ROPAsoftware open source?? I don't mind paying for software, but I won't have it if it's not open source!18:05
dobeywell, the binary drivers and firmware blobs and such aren't open source, but we have no control over that18:05
dobeyand there can be proprietary apps in the store, just the same as on normal ubuntu18:06
dobeybut it is ubuntu18:06
ROPAi see....18:06
ROPAso far so good!!!!18:06
ROPAdo you use sudo, and have access to all the normal commands any other ubuntu user has?18:07
dobeywell, sudo works fine18:07
dobeybut it is a phone, with elements of security for a phone. so you can't (shouldn't) just install any arbitrary package in the root filesystem18:08
ROPAso, there's no restrictions regarding root access????18:08
dobeythe / partition is quite small18:08
dobeyi'm not sure what you're asking18:08
ROPAomg, yes, I understand about installing arbitrary filesystems::>18:08
dobeybut you can easily make a chroot in the data partition, or on an sd card, and install CLI tools inside the chroot to use18:09
dobey^^ like this18:09
ROPAwell, in ubuntu desktop, we can access configuration files, delete or modify system files etc....can we do it on the ubuntu p[hone too?18:10
dobeyalso, now there is libertine, for running legacy X11 apps, which is done inside an lxc container18:10
dobeywell, you can do whatever you want to ubuntu on the phone, sure. but if you break it, you get to keep both pieces :)18:10
dobeythe phone is totally hackable, but i wouldn't reommend going around screwing with system config files and such18:11
ROPAi understand about using caution and restraint when messing with system files....but the ability to do so is desirable!18:12
dobeywell, as a developer even, i've pretty much never needed to really touch system files18:12
ROPAso, there is no google services or processes running...unless the user desires to have them run?18:13
dobeyreally only have to sort of do so on my nexus4 as a means to testing builds of things i'm working on or such; not as a general usage thing18:13
dobeyi'm not sure what you mean by google services or processes18:14
dobeycalendar/contacts don't sync with google unless you add a google account and tell it to sync them18:14
ROPAsome google services run in the background by default in android. Hopefully google services and processes can be avoided in the ubuntu phone.18:15
dobeyandroid requires you to have a google account for the phone to be "useful"18:15
ROPAYES!!!! EXACTLY!!! Can the ubuntu phone run without google account(s)??18:16
vitimitiOr to be outright usable, some times18:16
dobeyin ubuntu, you need an ubuntu one account to buy/install apps, and receive push notifications from services that support ubuntu push notifications18:16
dobeyyou don't need a google account to use an ubuntu phone, no18:17
ROPAI have my rooted S3 running without google.....it's amazing, the battery lasts for 4 days with light use!!! More then 5 days if the phone isn't used at all.18:17
ROPAwow, that's all good news dobey. Ho to vitimiti !!18:18
ROPAMy s3 has only 10 running processes. It can function just fine without google::>18:19
ROPAdobey, are you a developer for ubuntu phone?18:20
ROPAoh, NICE!!!!!18:20
ROPAMaybe I can get my S3 running on ubuntu!!!! I'd be thrilled now that I know ubuntu phone doesn't have android mandated security and privacy restrictions!!!!18:22
dobeythe security model on ubuntu phones is closer to how iOS works than Android18:23
ROPAvitimiti, did you have stability issues when you ungoogled your phone???18:23
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vitimitiROPA, hah, yes18:23
vitimitiROPA, or when I couldn't upgrade, too18:23
ROPAI slowly eliminated google services and checked as I disabled or froze google processes and apps in my phone. Mine is stable however. There is a google process that manages to run intermittently on mine, I keep shutting it down manually::>18:26
ROPAdobey, is there an online forum about google phone, similar to the xda developers for androiud??18:27
ROPAother internet resources for ubuntu phone info?18:28
dobeyROPA: there's an ubuntu section on xda developers i think18:28
ROPAomg, wasn't aware of that!!!! TY so much dobey18:29
dobeyROPA: there's the ubuntu-phone mailing list you can subscribe to as well18:29
ROPAreally??!! I did not find the mailing list when I googled for it!!! Actually I use duckduckgo as a search engine. I'll look for the resources you mentioned!! MANY THANKS for your support of ubuntu phone and for taking the time to answer my questions!!!18:31
ROPAgot it, ty./18:32
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dobeymariogrip: hey. how's the 5.1 build coming along?18:54
ROPAI subscribed to the mailing list dobey, ty info. Going to check ubuntu-phone on the xda-developers forum now. Again, many thanks.19:08
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gre412How to develop for Ubuntu Touch on Arch Linux? I cannot find any package, or download20:12
gre412or on win? mac? Does Ubuntu Touch SDK only work on Ubuntu?20:12
dobeyyou'll have to build all the necessary tools for your platform, or run an ubuntu vm and install the sdk in it20:15
gre412dobey: so agian, the same what iOS and MS Mobile does: Depend on a platform?20:16
dobeythe source is available20:17
dobeybut we can only reliably maintain binaries for our own platform, given our limited resources20:18
dobeyif you want to use it on another platform, you're free to take the source code, and get it working on that other platform20:19
gre412dobey: I understand that ressources are limited. But how should developers should get attracted to Ubuntu Touch then? Nobody wants an system just for developing for devices with yet very low market share^^20:20
dobeyinstalling ubuntu in a vm and running the sdk in it is trivial20:20
dobeyif we were going to support developing on win/osx, then the distribution would literally be a VM image with the sdk pre-installed20:21
dobeybecause anything more than that would cost too much in terms of maintenance20:21
OerHekslow market share for now, but surely a high demand, that is if you can run a container20:23
gre412dobey: Thanks for your informations, I will see if I start developing for Utouch20:24
* saavento says Hi!22:17
ROPAWhat networks accept ubuntu phones??22:22
troyreadyROPA: should be able to get one that works with any of the GSM-based providers. I don't know about the cdma ones23:06
ROPAthanks troyready, I have a cdma, hopefully I can use ubuntu phone without buying a new phone!!!23:08

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