
MooDoomorning all07:06
davmor2Morning all08:13
MooDoomorning davmor2 SuperMatt Switches08:19
davmor2MooDoo: morning me owld mucka ow am ya08:20
MooDoodavmor2: yeah i'm good thanks :) you?08:21
davmor2MooDoo: tired but good thanks08:22
MooDoodavmor2: know that feeling, tried to install ubuntu last night on my new server as I was going to play with juju, it failed lol08:28
davmor2MooDoo: you didn't pray to the god of rock and roll instead of installs again did you?08:29
davmor2MooDoo: how did it fail?08:29
MooDooinstalled it, booted to a grub rescue prompt, didn't look into it....was a bit late08:33
JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Monday, and happy Sewing Machine Day! 😃09:31
* zmoylan-1i was looking at antique sewing machines in antique shop over the weekend...09:33
davmor2JamesTait: pick any old singer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RW3nDRmu6k09:35
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
Myrttiooh. Does that mean I can buy an overlocker today?09:38
davmor2Myrtti: technically I guess it is a sewing machine so I see no reason why not :D09:41
JamesTaitMyrtti, I agree - just don't say I told you to! 😝09:42
Myrttiwell I was given an ok to get one from eBay but it's a lot of money still even if it's secondhand09:43
davmor2JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=999ph8iRT4o09:46
zmoylan-pii had to step around the sewing machines and typewriters to pick up these little beauties...  https://twitter.com/angryearthling/status/74229189582143488109:47
davmor2Myrtti: https://www.sewingmachines.co.uk/products/janome-8002dx/257?gclid=CLzx97zcpM0CFfMW0wodfb4IEg09:47
Myrttidavmor2: http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/WucAAOSw9eVXXCLi/$_57.JPG close-by, not much used, £9909:49
MyrttiI'm still hesitant :-|09:49
davmor2Myrtti: wifey does trust the new singers, prefers janome and I forgot the name of the other one.09:50
davmor2Myrtti: Elna maybe09:51
popeyzmoylan-pi: those binoculars look like they were theived from an opera or theatre :)09:55
popeyspeaking of which, I'm off to the opera at the weekend \o/09:55
popeyonly 2nd time in my life going to opera09:56
zmoylan-piaccording to the box, which they came in they are folding opera glasses. but also sports glasses.  idea for small compact binoculars for my bad eyes09:56
popeythey look quite natty09:57
zmoylan-pithey are a neat little gizmo that i will appreciate...09:58
davmor2popey: Rock Opera's don't count :P09:59
zmoylan-pii walk by the sea front a lot and like to look at ships and boats in dublin bay09:59
popeyshut your face they do10:02
popeylast opera i saw was in vienna10:02
popeyi had no clue what was going on :)10:02
davmor2popey: yeap that sounds like the opera mostly in a language no one else speaks, you have no idea what they sing about you just piece it together from their actions :)10:05
zmoylan-piread the programme for the plot all geeks know how to read the programme... :-)10:09
popeyuh, yeah, in vienna it wasn't in en_GB10:10
popeyalso https://www.amazon.co.uk/Tronsmart-USB-C-Standard-Female-MacBook/dp/B011BASJQ410:10
popeyi like the photos of that product - 6 pics from every angle10:10
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:10
popeydavmor2: tried one of those cables on turbo?10:11
Seeker`popey: how are the plaits?10:11
davmor2popey: Nope I just use the lead provided but haven't ever connected anything other than the pc to it to be honest10:12
davmor2popey: I've not had much joy with anything that is mac specific connector wise though.10:13
Myrttipro tip: Netflix has Bob Ross' Joy of Painting :-D10:14
popeynah, i dont think its mac specific10:14
zmoylan-picouldn't you just google the plot of the opera...10:15
zmoylan-pibut then you'd be the rude opera goer with a bright light annoying people around you...10:16
popeyone of my co-workers did exactly that10:17
popeysat and read ebooks through the entire thing10:17
popeyuncultured swine10:17
zmoylan-picould have been reading joyce's ullysses...10:18
Seeker`cow-related word would be better than swine for cow-orkers10:18
* popey sings Uly-seeeeeees10:18
zmoylan-piuly-seeeeees 31...10:18
bashrccowsay cow-orkers10:18
davmor2no one else can to the things you do now10:19
popeyi have the dvd box set here somewhere10:19
zmoylan-pifan flippin tastic cartoon...10:19
zmoylan-pijapanese animation which they had to change half way through as the lawyers thought it looked too star wars...10:20
davmor2popey: I still preferred battle of the planets, don't know why, but it was a good show10:20
zmoylan-pig-force \o/10:20
zmoylan-pionce upon a time... space10:20
davmor2oh and starfleet10:21
popeyyeah, i used to build lego space ships that looks like the crafts from BOTP10:21
popeythe blue one especially as I had a lot of blue lego10:21
zmoylan-pii built a very very good stingray... in yellow technic lego... which i had a fair bit of10:22
knightwiseGforce = Awesome10:29
knightwiselove the music from BOTP10:30
zmoylan-pithat's a *lot* of nokias... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2016/01/26/the-20-bestselling-mobile-phones-of-all-time/nokia-1100/10:52
daftykinswow, i'm impressed by post... got this new iPhone 6 screen already O_O11:47
zmoylan-pihopefully in a package marked 'do not bend, fold'11:48
daftykinsbut i thought curved screens had become all the rage!11:50
zmoylan-pididn't someone show a bendy phone recently. a nice idea, wear a phone as a bracelet then straighten it out when you want a phone/tablet11:51
zmoylan-piyou'll be trying to watch tv/movies on wonky non straight screens...11:51
zmoylan-pigreat for sub titles or small text on web pages11:53
daftykinssuch odd gimmickery11:53
zmoylan-pii can see myself making a small tablet with a pi in next year or two and replacing phone with that11:53
daftykinsi did see an acquaintances' 40" curved samsung at his home the other day, huge room and a tiny thing - i'd advised against 4K at the time but the sales folks persuaded him11:53
zmoylan-pigive him a tonne of media in super low res... >:-)11:54
daftykinsso cruel11:57
zmoylan-piit's what i do... :-P11:57
daftykinsso i need some help cloning today sir, we have the xbox event at 5:30pm and then the Apple WWDC at 6pm11:57
daftykinscan i handle two streams at once with mute button toggling? we shall see11:58
zmoylan-pisome sort of radical recording device...11:58
* daftykins strokes his chin11:59
zmoylan-pifind a microblog someone is updating live from the event so you can have 2 text feeds in front of you with all the info11:59
daftykinsthere's that, but they tend to be so overly verbose and skip the relevant bits11:59
daftykinsho-hum, hours to decide ;)11:59
zmoylan-pithen you can ignore the waffle and only switch to video and sound when something interesting happens.  _if_ something interesting happens11:59
zmoylan-pino new hardware at the apple jobbie allegedly12:00
zmoylan-piso all about how exciting it will be to offer subscriptions for apps on ios12:00
zmoylan-pirent an app12:00
daftykinsand renaming the OS since they finally realised it'll be version 10 forever12:01
daftykinsalways good to watch the enemy though12:01
daftykinshaha, this iPhone 6 home button came off with the smashed glass pieces from around it12:01
zmoylan-pino fingerprints for them...12:02
daftykinsnah it keeps working fine as long as you keep the original12:04
daftykinsdid quite a number on the bottom edge12:04
daftykinsthis is why they can't have nice things!12:05
zmoylan-piand yet i could find no one to repair a damaged nokia... :-)12:05
daftykinsi'd have had a go!12:06
zmoylan-pii might still have it here somewhere... it stopped a skip with it's screen.  the phone is fine.  the screen is broken.  if i plug it into windows pc running nokia software i can access it's sms, pics and use it via the software...12:07
zmoylan-piprobably still has a charge... :-)12:08
daftykinsugh Apple make their toys so horribly12:14
daftykinsdifferent length screws in symmetrical positions just to throw you12:14
daftykinsnot sure why i expect any less!12:15
zmoylan-pithey don't want non apple people fixing them12:16
daftykinsa mate in the NY area was telling me that even with their applecare insurance they charge you $75 to change a screen12:17
daftykinsi bought this one for £28 about12:17
zmoylan-pithey aren't sitting on a huge pile of money by giving stuff away12:18
zmoylan-pithe number of people i see going around with smartphones with huge cracks in the screen is just silly12:20
zmoylan-pibut no no, i can't stand using a case...12:20
zmoylan-pione of the reasons i use a dumb nokia.  the universe has to wear case to protect it from the nokia... :-)12:21
Switchesrofl, best thing so far today http://www.appy-gamer.com/Web/ArticleWeb.aspx?regionid=1&articleid=6645734812:27
daftykinsjust got a phone call with my favourite two words together, "printer" and "wifi"12:44
popeyI was quite chuffed over the weekend I had to do some photo scanning. Lobbed them all in the hopper and ran Simple Scan, it just found the scanner and sucked in all the pics12:46
popeyCertainly helps to buy the right (supported) printer in hte first place12:46
popeyGood _lord_ http://www.theverge.com/2016/6/13/11920072/microsoft-linkedin-acquisition-201612:47
foobarrymamma mia12:49
daftykinspopey: very true that, this lady just mentioned using a CD, but she wants it on her iPad... :D12:51
daftykinspersonally i go down the static IP route with printers to reduce the automagic nature, otherwise you get folk having the things IP hop and hope by hostname12:51
popeyyeah, same12:51
popeyrouters at 1-9, printers at 10-20 and dhcp from 100 up12:52
popey(in my house)12:52
daftykinsthe routers our telco put out oddly start IP addressing from or thereabouts, quite odd12:55
daftykinsat least it means no reconfiguring scope before allocating a static device or 100 ;)12:55
diploI really don't get that aquisition, but good luck to them :P13:01
knightwiseTime to upgrade to "Career 10"13:14
foobarry~deep learning?13:15
foobarrylinkedin is the biggest privacy issue we don't talk about13:16
foobarrybecause it is voluntary in the hope that one day you might be headhunted13:16
knightwiseFor me its a pretty important network.13:25
knightwisethere is a LOT you can do on linkedin businesswise13:25
popeyright, if you're a freelancer / contractor it can be useful.13:28
popeyor if you don't have a good cv or body of work (like github) you can point to13:29
popeybut there's a lot of bullshit on linkedin13:29
foobarryi am actually looking for a job atm, but have a CV now13:29
popeywe're hiring :)13:29
foobarryi checked13:29
foobarryit seems mostly openstacky13:29
foobarryshame that the jobs that seemed availabel about 2yrs ago were really suited to me13:30
foobarrybut i decided to continue here for a couple of years.13:30
foobarryi dislike changing jobs and often try to fix whats broken uinhouse for too long before moving13:34
Switchespopey being a "recruitment" officer :p, Don't you do enough already matey?!13:36
SwitchesAs for MS buying Linkedin, well it kinda makes sense for the "cloud" part atleast Linkedin has that "Share" thing for collaboration. Pair that with what Office 365 offers and you have a pretty compelling "professional" offering.13:41
davmor2Switches: popey is doing his job, he's a community manager he saw someone with a need in the community and tried to help out with it :)13:45
SwitchesI know, I'm only messing around. He does a hell of a lot for Canonical/Ubuntu which is much appreciated :)13:46
SwitchesHmm http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NEMO-UX-Goes-Commercial very "minority report"13:54
foobarrywhats the best filesystem for enterprise SSDs14:28
daftykinswhat do you mean enterprise? i thought those tended to be utilised in a cache context to larger volumes14:32
foobarryenterprise grade SSds should fail safer14:35
foobarrymaybe fail read only14:35
foobarryand last longer14:35
foobarryi think14:35
foobarrythey will be in RAID114:36
foobarrybut i wonder if journaling is good for wear14:36
TwistedLucidityI'm not expert and I guess it will depend on exact usage but Ext4 is meant to be OK, have the partitions aligned (should be easy these days) and (if ultra-paranoid) don't have swap on there.14:45
TwistedLucidityMost advice you'll find in ~4 years old and no longer really applies to SSDs. Even consumber ones should last year; unless one does something monumentally silly.14:46
foobarrygonna have a prod postgres DB on there on mirrored SSD14:46
TwistedLucidityIf uyou fancy life on the edge, use BTRFS. :-)14:47
foobarryprod :P14:48
TwistedLucidityAs ever, the ArchWiki has some good info: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Solid_State_Drives#Choice_of_filesystem14:49
gingdoes anyone know how to get show manual login to work for lightdm on ubuntu 16.04 ?14:49
TwistedLucidityAs for Prod...I have a customer testing in Prod. Then asking how to clear the test data as it's messing up their actual Prod.14:50
* TwistedLucidity starts sobbing14:50
gingthe lightdm config seems to do nothing, and it says at the top if you have AccountService installed on your seystem then lightDM will use this instead14:52
gingAccountService seem to be installed by default and i can't find a lot of details on how to configure it14:52
daftykinsfoobarry: hrmm i'm no use then really, don't do anything db14:52
gingand removing it seems to just break logins entirely14:52
TwistedLucidityging: You mean your install is automatically logging in as a user?14:57
TwistedLucidityAnd now you want that to stop?14:57
foobarrygonna do the defult ext4 with maybe trim14:57
gingi want it to allow me to enter a username14:57
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: Use periodic trim, not continuous14:57
daftykinsfoobarry: sounds good to me, that's the way i'd lean - although i don't think you need to do anything in fstab for TRIM anymore, isn't it all perfectly fine to leave kernel based?14:57
gingthere is a setting for show manual login14:58
gingbut i can't make it work on 16.0414:58
daftykinsi have no idea what you mean by manual login15:05
foobarrydiscard (TRIM) is disbaled by default15:07
foobarryTwistedLucidity: why do you say periodic?15:07
daftykinsnah i've definitely heard or read that it's a periodic maintenance task done by the kernel regardless of adding discard to fstab15:08
daftykinsif you did TRIM constantly you'd trash IOPS for the db15:08
foobarrygot any links to support that ?15:08
foobarryto show my colleagues15:08
daftykinsno, sorry15:08
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: Read the warning on that ArchWiki page15:08
daftykinsyou need to save garbage collection for idle time15:08
foobarrythanks guys15:11
foobarrythat was helpful15:12
gingdaftykins: there is a lightdm option greeter-show-manual-login15:12
gingit puts up a text box that allows you to type in a user name, without it you can only select existing ones15:12
daftykinsfoobarry: \o/ no worries15:13
daftykinsah so manual login entry, would convey that a bit easier15:13
daftykinsouch, TalkTalk customers that got hacked who also use TeamViewer are being targeted and having their PCs remotely accessed15:15
AzelphurI was kinda smug when the teamviewer thing happened15:23
Azelphurliterally days before that started happening, I switched to ArchLinux, ArchLinux doesn't run teamviewerd by default, and I only had it running when connecting to other people. I am immune!15:23
daftykinsfriends i help out i tell to do run only and not install it :)15:24
daftykinsand ah-har you've become one of THEM now!15:24
Azelphuryes...I'm one of them now15:24
daftykinsall is lost ;)15:24
daftykinsnah i'd imagine being closer to the bleeding edge helps you immensely15:25
daftykinsfor your work and what not15:25
AzelphurYea, I think both OS's have their place15:26
AzelphurIf you always want bleeding edge, and you want an OS you build from scratch with only the things you need...which means you need to know everything that you need, or you're screwed. ArchLinux is great at that15:26
AzelphurBut for something more user friendly / less setup intensive, Ubuntu is great, I don't think Arch is at all good for servers either.15:27
daftykinssaw too many folk trying to do these 'minimal' installs with ubuntu and very quickly falling on their asses15:27
AzelphurRolling release on a server, because you totally want your server to break all the time ;)15:27
daftykinsdiddledan does!15:28
Azelphurdaftykins: I amusingly do run one server on Arch, but it's for things like Emby, Couchpotato, etc...it's nice to have them in AUR and it's not mission critical if it goes down15:28
daftykinsyeah, horses for courses15:30
* diplo has started using lxc for new stuff15:37
davmor2diplo: lxc or lxd :D15:38
gingah i figured it out, you add the setting to lightdm.conf rather than users.conf and it is no longer ignored15:39
zmoylan-piof course ms would buy linkedin... they think it's a social network... :-)16:24
bashrcis anything happening to linkedin? I rarely use it myself16:25
zmoylan-pims just bought it for $26b.16:25
bashrcheh. When Microsoft buys a company that's usually the kiss of death16:26
zmoylan-pior thats one app in mobile computing16:26
zmoylan-pilinkedin was so uncool they joked about it on 30 rock which ended years ago...16:26
SebthreeBQM10HDCome on Sweden beat Ireland!16:27
dwatkinsfor once I'm happy MS have bought a company16:30
zmoylan-pithey'll kill it within 3 years and you'll never get another email from them again16:30
bashrcthey'll probably just integrate it into Windows, or something like that16:40
zmoylan-piit'll be your outlook contacts... with bells on16:41
zmoylan-piit'll be some real name address book from hell16:42
* popey boots up a mac to watch wwdc17:00
davmor2popey: what would Dave cuss?17:10
daftykinspopey: no capable browser on Loonix? they lifted that limitation last year to HLS capable browsers17:51
zmoylan-pihe didn't want to sully his ubuntu laptop with apple news17:52
daftykinsapples event is mostly "hey look at all those totally niche use-cases that are available only when you're locked into every last one of our services"17:52
zmoylan-pii miss a good psion pda over every mobile device made today17:53
popeyI thought it worked previously17:56
daftykinsjust last year with edge in 10 preview i think, but i don't think any other browser did it yet17:58
=== brmbrmca1 is now known as brmbrmcar
foobarrymeh, no pi zero yet18:43
zmoylan-pior it arrived and landed under the doormat...18:46
foobarryor myherpes are delivering it18:50

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