mohitdaga05 | I wish I could repare that | 00:00 |
YankDownUnder | Erige, Not quite sure of the you mean swap space? | 00:00 |
Erige | Oh yeah forgot to mention that, lol. | 00:00 |
mohitdaga05 | and use this | 00:00 |
mohitdaga05 | YankDownUnder: that is also a nice question. | 00:00 |
mohitdaga05 | I have an addon | 00:00 |
YankDownUnder | mohitdaga05, Erige : | 00:01 |
mohitdaga05 | I have a 1TB hard disk here I have installed ubuntu 14.04 | 00:01 |
OerHeks | mohitdaga05, check the bios, is there a ac97 mode for your soundcard? ugly solution, but might solve it for now | 00:01 |
Erige | I am on that page, but 3gb seems obsessive when I hate yet to see it use more than a couple mb | 00:01 |
mohitdaga05 | YankDownUnder : I have 16 GB RAM and a 120 SSD. Can I make ubuntu use 120 SSD as virtual space. (I use in memory calculations) | 00:02 |
mohitdaga05 | like redis and spark | 00:02 |
YankDownUnder | OerHeks, I've also suggested that he disable COM ports to free up the IRQ' I've had to deal with that on some laptops (as of late) | 00:02 |
OerHeks | disable sata and buy NVMe too | 00:03 |
* YankDownUnder jokes "Disable EVERYTHING! Yay!" :) | 00:05 | |
* mohitdaga05 YAWNS :P | 00:05 | |
mohitdaga05 | 5:35 am here | 00:06 |
mohitdaga05 | go to sleep | 00:06 |
mohitdaga05 | probably will reinstall the IS | 00:06 |
YankDownUnder | 10:05 AEST here...time to get more coffee! Yeah! | 00:06 |
mohitdaga05 | *OS and install DMKS and follow everything here | 00:06 |
mohitdaga05 | good day YankDownUnder | 00:06 |
mohitdaga05 | and thanks for all the patience | 00:07 |
YankDownUnder | mohitdaga05, Just something I've learned to do - especially in doing "laptop" setups/migrations for clients - I check and test things under a liveUSB/CD, and then, before I even do the installation, I disable LPT and COM ports - and pretty much anything else in the BIOS that might require an IRQ or memory address that affects devices (like wireless/network cards), and then check again with the liveUSB, and then do the | 00:08 |
YankDownUnder | installation...mostly because I hate doing troubleshooting AFTER the OS install...does that make sense? | 00:08 |
mohitdaga05 | YankDownUnder: sure it does. | 00:08 |
mohitdaga05 | Even I would do that in future for new systems. | 00:09 |
mohitdaga05 | YankDownUnder: One last thing. When aussies visit us for the Test match they will not win a single game. :P | 00:09 |
YankDownUnder | Test match? Is that Footy? (joking...I hate all sports...ALL sports...and the sports that aren't included, I hate them, too) :) | 00:10 |
mohitdaga05 | good bye all | 00:10 |
erasmus | Hello, I'm trying to boot off a usb thumbdrive on a macmini 2,1 with no working DVD drive. | 00:23 |
erasmus | I keep getting this Error: Not found from LocateDevicePath | 00:23 |
erasmus | (x 9 times) | 00:23 |
erasmus | Error: Load Error while (re)opening our installation volume | 00:23 |
erasmus | The firmware refused to boot from the selected volume. Note that external hard drives are not well-supported by Apple´s firmware for legacy OS booting | 00:23 |
=== plop is now known as plop_its_ellie | ||
OerHeks | erasmus, | 00:31 |
OerHeks | something about "booting via a USB port Does not work. | 00:32 |
plop_its_ellie | ok so i got a question | 00:32 |
plop_its_ellie | is it safe to run an lxc container with the host network instead of its own private network? | 00:33 |
OerHeks | bridged or nat, it is a choise. | 00:33 |
plop_its_ellie | well theres an option to set the network configuration to none and it just uses the host's network | 00:34 |
OerHeks | the purpose of a container is safety concerns .. | 00:35 |
plop_its_ellie | i show you what i mean | 00:35 |
plop_its_ellie | | 00:35 |
plop_its_ellie | where it says none | 00:35 |
OerHeks | none would be core level indeed, and unwanted | 00:37 |
OerHeks | but a good piece of info, even it is gentoo's | 00:37 |
plop_its_ellie | yea i was thinking that, i want to run a web server inside lxc on one of my servers | 00:39 |
tgm4883 | I setup bridging for my LXC containers | 00:41 |
tgm4883 | plop_its_ellie: is the web server a public web server? | 00:41 |
plop_its_ellie | tgm4883, that was the plan | 00:42 |
tgm4883 | plop_its_ellie: I'm not sure how exactly that's supposed to work with non-bridged networking on LXC | 00:42 |
=== Finetundra_ is now known as Finetundra | ||
plop_its_ellie | hmmmmm, im still figuring this out too lol | 00:43 |
plop_its_ellie | seems to be a bit of a pita when you want to do something on the public internet | 00:44 |
tgm4883 | plop_its_ellie: perhaps. I thought I read somewhere that you basically map a port on the host to a port on the LXC container, but I may be thinking about some other container technology | 00:46 |
tgm4883 | plop_its_ellie: in the end, it was far easier for my use case to just bridge the network | 00:46 |
plop_its_ellie | tgm4883, i was reading about it earlier, you have to forward each port to each individual ip address | 00:47 |
plop_its_ellie | ive just been looking for an easier solution | 00:47 |
plop_its_ellie | the bridge you think is a better solution for that? | 00:47 |
plop_its_ellie | i have it bridged on my local machine | 00:47 |
tgm4883 | plop_its_ellie: well forwarding each port to the ip address is the better way to do it and shouldn't be too much work since you should only need to forward 1-2 ports right? (80, 443) | 00:49 |
tgm4883 | plop_its_ellie: bridging is the easier solution, but then you'll need to configure the firewall on each of the containers | 00:50 |
Era | sudo -i cd #1 && cp /usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions/ NO WORK | 00:50 |
Era | HElp please | 00:50 |
dratzsterz | you can change anyone's passwd with root after initializing root right | 00:50 |
Era | LiveCD | 00:50 |
tgm4883 | dratzsterz: you can change anyones password without initializing root if you have sudo privs | 00:51 |
Era | Any help please | 00:51 |
plop_its_ellie | tgm4883, yea i dont think it will be many, the port forarding would probably better option tho | 00:51 |
tgm4883 | !patience | Era | 00:51 |
ubottu | Era: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 00:51 |
OerHeks | Era, that would only work on a real install | 00:51 |
Era | and lovecd? | 00:52 |
plop_its_ellie | Era, what are you trying to do o_O | 00:52 |
plop_its_ellie | dratzsterz, sudo passwd root | 00:52 |
plop_its_ellie | tho i recommend keeping the root account locked | 00:52 |
plop_its_ellie | sudo should be fine for most things | 00:52 |
tgm4883 | plop_its_ellie: no, we don't recommend that | 00:52 |
plop_its_ellie | tgm4883, oh really, why? | 00:53 |
tgm4883 | !root | 00:53 |
ubottu | Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 00:53 |
tgm4883 | plop_its_ellie: Likely for the same reasons you don't recommend it either :) | 00:54 |
plop_its_ellie | tgm4883, oh lol | 00:55 |
erasmus | OerHeks thanks, it's driving me nuts. | 00:56 |
Prime__ | i have installed lubuntu - my first linux os....and i need help with updates and applications | 00:56 |
erasmus | it's like I get a step closer and closer and it annoys the hell outta me knowing that with such an old machine so many people have done this before | 00:56 |
erasmus | and yeah here I am hacking away at it | 00:56 |
erasmus | I could get $100 from ebay for it but I think I'd rather bash it with a hammer. | 00:57 |
StrivE^ | Hi all, I have a question | 01:06 |
StrivE^ | what is the difference between apt-get and aptitude? | 01:06 |
pvsharov | I prefer aptitude | 01:07 |
Era | How to make comman: sudo cd && cp | 01:07 |
Era | How to make command?: sudo cd && cp | 01:07 |
StrivE^ | Ok pvsharov, but what is the difference? | 01:08 |
pvsharov | just different tools for apt. | 01:08 |
StrivE^ | I see | 01:08 |
plop_its_ellie | Era, cd changes the directory you are in | 01:08 |
StrivE^ | thank you.. | 01:09 |
plop_its_ellie | for example if you wanted to go to your documents folder you would use the command cd /home/<username>/Documents | 01:09 |
Era | no work | 01:09 |
plop_its_ellie | or cd ~/Documents | 01:09 |
plop_its_ellie | cp copies files and folders | 01:09 |
StrivE^ | first, type pwd (print working directory) to see what your current location is in the filesystem | 01:10 |
plop_its_ellie | sudo is for doing something as root like adding/removing programs | 01:10 |
StrivE^ | plop states valid points | 01:10 |
Era | cd '#1' && sudo -i cp './#1/' '/usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions/' | 01:11 |
Era | no work | 01:11 |
Xin | good | 01:11 |
Xin | flash is garbage | 01:11 |
plop_its_ellie | yea flash is garbage and really isnt needed much these days | 01:12 |
Era | How to use sudo + 2 commands? | 01:12 |
plop_its_ellie | tho if you need flash you can install google chrome or install it from the repos | 01:12 |
Era | SEE: sudo -i cd #1 WORK sudo -i cd '#1' NO WORK | 01:13 |
Era | bugs | 01:13 |
plop_its_ellie | Era, what are you trying to do???? Install flash?? | 01:13 |
Era | Yes | 01:13 |
winston2k | chrome still available for 32bit systems? | 01:13 |
Era | Script | 01:13 |
plop_its_ellie | winston2k, i think they stopped supporting 32bits | 01:13 |
winston2k | thanks plop i thought so | 01:14 |
Era | How operand for stop cammand? | 01:14 |
pvsharov | sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 01:14 |
plop_its_ellie | heh i didnt know ubuntu had pepper flash in the repos now | 01:15 |
pvsharov | this pachage already contain flash-player | 01:15 |
plop_its_ellie | yea the ubuntu-restricted-extras has codes, flash and java | 01:15 |
plop_its_ellie | *codecs | 01:15 |
Era | Hey? | 01:17 |
Era | How to? | 01:17 |
pvsharov | what? | 01:17 |
Era | SUDO CD HOW? | 01:19 |
pvsharov | what for? | 01:20 |
plop_its_ellie | Era, the command pvsharov gave you will let you install flash which you are trying to do it seems | 01:20 |
plop_its_ellie | you dont need to sudo cd | 01:20 |
OerHeks | Era, what guide are you following? | 01:21 |
Era | What command? | 01:21 |
plop_its_ellie | Era, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 01:22 |
OerHeks | that would be awesome .. on a live-cd | 01:22 |
oaulakh | my mouse roller not working in ubuntu and sometime clicks stop working too, but mouse works on windows fine | 01:25 |
dbz2k | is it possible to have firefox nightly and stable installed at the same time? | 01:25 |
Era | sudo cp "#1/" "/usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions" Work | 01:27 |
Era | Why u no said? | 01:27 |
pvsharov | it's no ubuntu way ))) | 01:27 |
Era | sudo cp '#1/' '/usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions' Work | 01:28 |
Era | sudo cp #1/ '/usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions' NOT WORK | 01:28 |
OerHeks | strage name for a folder /#1/ | 01:29 |
Era | Why? | 01:29 |
pvsharov | what's next, Era? | 01:29 |
OerHeks | try sudo cp ... | 01:29 |
Era | sudo cp /#1/ /usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions | 01:30 |
Era | No work of cose | 01:30 |
OerHeks | but what guide are you following,.. this is useless on a live iso i guess. | 01:30 |
Era | no file | 01:30 |
OerHeks | yeah, keep repeating | 01:30 |
CyberThink | Hi is anyone here? I got a problem with ubuntu | 01:31 |
Era | sudo rm -Rf /* --help | 01:32 |
CyberThink | It turned black screen when booting | 01:32 |
CyberThink | I used to add apic=off but it doesnt work this time | 01:32 |
pvsharov | Era - it's troll i think | 01:32 |
CyberThink | I have Lenovo Z575 | 01:32 |
Era | OerHeks yes | 01:32 |
CyberThink | It has two video cards | 01:33 |
CyberThink | Is ther anyway to fix it? | 01:34 |
sh0t | hi guys how do I make hbo work on firefox /ubuntu? I followed this: but doesn't work | 01:35 |
plop_its_ellie | you need flash | 01:36 |
sh0t | yeah I followed this too: | 01:37 |
sh0t | | 01:37 |
sh0t | but can't get it to work | 01:38 |
plop_its_ellie | you dont need pipelight | 01:38 |
plop_its_ellie | just flash player which should be available in the ubuntu-restricted-extras | 01:38 |
plop_its_ellie | sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 01:38 |
plop_its_ellie | then restart your web browsers | 01:39 |
sh0t | ubuntu-restricted-extras is already the newest version. | 01:39 |
sh0t | any ideas, plop_its_ellie ? | 01:40 |
=== Hulk is now known as Guest18663 | ||
somsip | !find xfs_growfs | 01:41 |
ubottu | Found: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 13 others)§ion=all | 01:41 |
plop_its_ellie | sh0t, hmmm, what happens when you try to view a move? | 01:41 |
plop_its_ellie | cuz all you need is flash for hbo go | 01:41 |
plop_its_ellie | I was just helping a customer at work with this same issue | 01:42 |
sh0t | hob now actually..but what happens is: | 01:42 |
JohnnyCashew | hallu hallu, johnnycashew in need of halp scripting a script. I've made an executable word file, but it doesnt seem to work. I'm on Kodibuntu and this is what I have writte down. #!/bin/bash -> sudo su -> echo -> wondershaper wlan0 4000 -> xset -dpms ->xset -s off -> echo | 01:42 |
sh0t | just keeps loading | 01:42 |
sh0t | and nothing ever shows | 01:42 |
sh0t | (once i clicked on the video ) | 01:42 |
plop_its_ellie | what browser? | 01:42 |
sh0t | well on chrome there is no hope for now as far as i i am using firefox | 01:42 |
plop_its_ellie | sounds like a flash issue | 01:43 |
sh0t | i think so too | 01:43 |
=== ken is now known as Guest23317 | ||
plop_its_ellie | i remember it being choppy for the customer i was helping, tho her laptop was low spec with a failing hdd | 01:43 |
sh0t | mmm | 01:43 |
plop_its_ellie | sh0t, your machine is decent spec? and you have a decent internet connection? | 01:44 |
sh0t | yes | 01:44 |
sh0t | and yes | 01:44 |
sh0t | i actaully had it working | 01:44 |
sh0t | but then i upgraded something | 01:44 |
sh0t | and now it's not working anymore | 01:44 |
JohnnyCashew | hallu hallu, johnnycashew in need of halp scripting a script. I've made an executable word file, but it doesnt seem to work. I'm on Kodibuntu and this is what I have writte down. | 01:44 |
plop_its_ellie | what did you upgrade? | 01:44 |
sh0t | ehhh wish i remember...i just run apt-get upgrade | 01:45 |
sh0t | i don't always check what i upgrade | 01:45 |
Guest23317 | what | 01:45 |
Guest23317 | ? | 01:45 |
Era | What Flash Folder are? | 01:45 |
sh0t | Era are you talking to me? | 01:45 |
Era | To all | 01:46 |
Era | yes to you | 01:46 |
Era | Where you have flash lib? | 01:46 |
pvsharov | Are you troll? | 01:46 |
Era | please | 01:46 |
Era | Livecd | 01:46 |
sh0t | i don't know Era | 01:46 |
Era | where flash library for firefox? | 01:47 |
OerHeks | !flash | 01:47 |
ubottu | To install Flash see - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 01:47 |
plop_its_ellie | pvsharov, i dont think Era speaks fluent enlglish | 01:47 |
Era | hey? | 01:47 |
plop_its_ellie | Era, flash lets you view some multimedia content on the web like videos... | 01:48 |
Era | no work /usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions | 01:48 |
plop_its_ellie | but its being phased out | 01:48 |
Era | what folder need use? | 01:48 |
OerHeks | no work on live iso, right. | 01:48 |
Era | ЦЩКЛ | 01:49 |
Era | WORK | 01:49 |
pvsharov | че ты хочешь от нас, блин? | 01:49 |
JohnnyCashew | lil halp? O_>O? | 01:49 |
Guest23317 | what's this? | 01:49 |
somsip | pvsharov: english only here please | 01:49 |
somsip | Guest23317: it's a support channel. Do you have a support question? | 01:49 |
JohnnyCashew | how many pylons do we need? | 01:50 |
Era | где папка флэш? | 01:50 |
somsip | JohnnyCashew: is this an ubuntu question? Give more details | 01:50 |
somsip | Era: english only here | 01:50 |
JohnnyCashew | hallu hallu, johnnycashew in need of halp scripting a script. I've made an executable word file, but it doesnt seem to work. I'm on Kodibuntu and this is what I have writte down. | 01:50 |
somsip | JohnnyCashew: you're asking nonsense questions. | 01:51 |
JohnnyCashew | :o | 01:51 |
JohnnyCashew | umm, does this irc help with scripting questions on ubuntu? | 01:52 |
somsip | JohnnyCashew: Kodibuntu is not supported here, and you're talking about a bash script mot a "word script" | 01:52 |
pvsharov | Era, join ubuntu-ru | 01:52 |
JohnnyCashew | yes. i need help with a bash script. | 01:52 |
somsip | JohnnyCashew: try #bash or whatever suport for kodibuntu | 01:52 |
JohnnyCashew | :o thanks. | 01:52 |
sh0t | guys any idea how can I make hbo now work on firefox ? It just keeps loading the video without showing anything...i already followed /googled the tutorials on this topic but it still doesn't work. | 01:52 |
plop_its_ellie | sh0t, you tried it in chromioum> | 01:53 |
plop_its_ellie | ? | 01:53 |
sh0t | yes but it doesn't work I read around and there is still no support for it. BUt i was ok with firefox :) just wanna watch a got aepisode | 01:54 |
sh0t | :) | 01:54 |
oaulakh | my mouse roller not working in ubuntu and sometime clicks stop working too, but mouse works on windows fine | 01:58 |
Era | How to install flash from livecd? | 01:58 |
pvsharov | no way | 02:00 |
Era | umri:) | 02:00 |
Era | How to make folder into folder by one command? | 02:02 |
Era | mkrid a/b not work | 02:02 |
Era | pomojeshb? | 02:02 |
pvsharov | mkdir /folder/new_folder | 02:03 |
Flannel | Era: mkdir -p /makes/all/of/the/parent/folders/too | 02:03 |
Era | thx i see in gugl ^^ | 02:03 |
Era | ottebyatolkunol | 02:04 |
Era | obidelasb?ok | 02:05 |
pvsharov | what? | 02:06 |
OerHeks | !ru | 02:07 |
ubottu | Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 02:07 |
kris___ | hello, how do i adduser to the sudoers file? | 02:25 |
=== kris___ is now known as kitoy | ||
pvsharov | visudo | 02:26 |
kitoy | visudo: /etc/sudoers: Permission denied | 02:27 |
pvsharov | sudo visudo | 02:27 |
Bashing-om | kris_: See: . | 02:27 |
kitoy | for example if i added this account and i wanted to add this to the sudoers file | 02:28 |
kitoy | i accidentally added this one without sudo permissions | 02:30 |
kitoy | kris is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. | 02:30 |
pvsharov | kris ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL | 02:30 |
pvsharov | man sudoers | 02:31 |
abhishek | hi | 02:34 |
abhishek | any suggestions on this one | 02:34 |
pvsharov | install pulseaudio | 02:34 |
pvsharov | !pulseaudio | 02:35 |
ubottu | PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See for information and installation instructions | 02:35 |
kristhian | hey what was the link again? | 02:36 |
kristhian | to grant persmission to all users to sudo access | 02:36 |
kristhian | cat /etc/sudoers <- | 02:37 |
kristhian | is that it? | 02:37 |
zykotick9 | kristhian: you can add users to the "sudo" group by default. | 02:38 |
pvsharov | sudo visudo, then put "kris ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" | 02:38 |
kristhian | well i acccidentally added kris without a sudo persmission | 02:39 |
kristhian | ah | 02:39 |
mjh75 | Hello. I had a power outage today and I have a server that will not come back up. I booted off of an Ubuntu CD and the file system looks intact, but /boot does not have any kernels. The cd install does not seem to want to bring the network up. Any ideas? | 02:40 |
kristhian | # Allow members of group sudo to execute any command | 02:40 |
kristhian | %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL | 02:40 |
kristhian | kris ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL | 02:40 |
kristhian | is that correct phschwartz? | 02:40 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest77891 | ||
kristhian | id like to confirm it before i save it | 02:40 |
ceibal | hola | 02:41 |
Guest77891 | hii | 02:41 |
ceibal | gvgv | 02:42 |
ceibal | gfeeecerxdcvgrtxt | 02:42 |
pvsharov | yeah. right | 02:42 |
somsip | ceibal: enough | 02:42 |
kristhian | ok | 02:42 |
kristhian | thanks | 02:42 |
ceibal | hola como andas | 02:42 |
somsip | !es | ceibal | 02:42 |
ubottu | ceibal: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 02:42 |
ceibal | holaaaaaaa jajajajajajajajaja} | 02:43 |
ceibal | gelou | 02:43 |
ceibal | bv | 02:43 |
ceibal | hola hay alguien | 02:44 |
ceibal | hola gelou | 02:44 |
ceibal | gghhhvg | 02:44 |
ceibal | kjhjj | 02:44 |
ceibal | k | 02:44 |
ceibal | k | 02:44 |
ceibal | k | 02:44 |
ceibal | hola amigo como te va | 02:45 |
kitoy | thanks a lot pvsharov | 02:47 |
kitoy | it worked | 02:47 |
pvsharov | fine | 02:48 |
sin_ | hello | 02:48 |
ceibal | gelou | 02:48 |
sin_ | is there anyone? | 02:49 |
nfnty | What's the difference between booting Ubuntu in BIOS mode from the ISO on a USB stick and when installed to an HDD? Nouveau works perfectly while trying it out from the ISO. But after KMS starts during the boot process when booting from the HDD the HDMI signal is lost. Running on Nvidia GeForce 9300 GE. | 02:50 |
ceibal | hellou spanill | 02:50 |
ceibal | alguien abla spanill | 02:51 |
nfnty | Also works perfectly on Arch Linux. | 02:51 |
ceibal | holabo en spanill | 02:51 |
=== ken is now known as Guest99947 | ||
Guest99947 | any body in there? | 02:54 |
mjh75 | Hi | 02:54 |
valvazork | autoset | 02:57 |
valvazork | iset | 02:58 |
Strykar | I installed a pkg (smokeping) via apt-get, how do I get it to autostart with systemd or check if it's already seutp | 03:04 |
SchrodingersScat | !systemd | 03:07 |
ubottu | systemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see | 03:07 |
valvazork | iset | 03:08 |
Zurok | --- Any fix for this? Can't install nor uninstall. | 03:09 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1480247 in mumble-django (Ubuntu) "package mumble-django 2.10-2 failed to install/upgrade" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 03:09 |
sdhg | ellsga | 03:09 |
=== alexandr2 is now known as alexandros_c | ||
Strykar | SchrodingersScat, thank you | 03:40 |
nfnty | What's the difference between booting Ubuntu in BIOS mode from the ISO on a USB stick and when installed to an HDD? Nouveau works perfectly while trying it out from the ISO. But after KMS starts during the boot process when booting from the HDD the HDMI signal is lost. Running on Nvidia GeForce 9300 GE. Works perfectly on Arch Linux. | 03:44 |
Danielh90 | Can you make your own commands in ubuntu server? for a example if I type in crash in my ubuntu server console it will run following things. I have setup for it? | 03:46 |
somsip | Danielh90: yes - usually either a bash script, or an alias | 03:48 |
Danielh90 | somsip, is there any tutorials out there? | 03:48 |
somsip | Danielh90: many. This gives some examples | 03:49 |
Danielh90 | somsip, Ty | 03:49 |
somsip | Danielh90: more simple | 03:49 |
shamis | Hey guys. I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS trying to setup a display mode to be able to project my laptop onto my HD TV, however seems a bit lacking and I'm having trouble figuring this out. | 03:52 |
shamis | I managed to use xrandr --verbose to snag the EDID and various other pieces of display information but I'm having trouble setting up a proper modeline. Can anyone help please? | 03:52 |
asif | what is elementary channel link | 03:54 |
somsip | !alis | asif | 03:56 |
ubottu | asif: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http | 03:56 |
junk_ | theCzar: sup | 03:59 |
Era | patch=$(dirname $0) && mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/.mozilla/plugins && cp $patch/ /home/ubuntu/.mozilla/plugins && firefox | 03:59 |
Era | Now work | 03:59 |
pvsharov | ok | 04:00 |
Era | мог бы сразу сказать как делать | 04:00 |
Jordan_U | !ru | Era | 04:02 |
ubottu | Era: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 04:02 |
Era | нет проблем | 04:03 |
Invisius | having some trouble getting the livecd to boot past grub, even with nomodeset/nouveau.modeset=0. can anyone help? | 04:06 |
plop_its_ellie | Invisius, what gpu? | 04:11 |
=== PandaBob_ is now known as PandaBob | ||
Invisius | plop_its_ellie: GTX 980, it's an ASRock X99 desktop platform and standard 16.04 image | 04:12 |
plop_its_ellie | Invisius, and you are trying to boot the live cd? | 04:12 |
plop_its_ellie | if you are using the livecd then you neeed nouvea | 04:13 |
Invisius | plop_its_ellie: right, well a liveUSB made by Rufus. I tried both GPT and MBR modes, but both just give me this | 04:14 |
Danielh90 | Also I have a bash file that I would like to keep in a folder but would like to make it work in other folders to? how do I do that? | 04:14 |
plop_its_ellie | Invisius, in the grub options, try removing splash and put text | 04:15 |
fi_ | theCzar: sup | 04:16 |
Invisius | plop_its_ellie: so where it sys "quiet splash ---" I replace all that with "text"? | 04:17 |
plop_its_ellie | Invisius, you can just replace splash | 04:18 |
fi_ | theCzar: you there? | 04:18 |
plop_its_ellie | with text | 04:18 |
Invisius | plop_its_ellie: OK thanks, I'll give that a shot now | 04:19 |
plop_its_ellie | Invisius, lemme know if it works | 04:21 |
plop_its_ellie | nouveau should work with that card (tho with no power management) | 04:22 |
InvisiusM | same thing unfortunately | 04:22 |
plop_its_ellie | hmmmm, you dont have another nvidia card around? | 04:22 |
InvisiusM | with nouveau.modeset=0 it's just completely black. not here, just older AMD | 04:23 |
plop_its_ellie | InvisiusM, dont put that | 04:24 |
plop_its_ellie | you put that with text? | 04:24 |
dani_ | ello | 04:24 |
dani_ | i hope you can all hear me | 04:24 |
InvisiusM | I also tried on some older 1080p monitor in case it didn't like the 3440x1440. Not this time plop_its_ellie | 04:24 |
InvisiusM | just meant before when I tried it | 04:25 |
plop_its_ellie | oh, and what cpu are you using | 04:25 |
InvisiusM | Intel 5820k | 04:25 |
InvisiusM | UEFI mode with CSM of too | 04:26 |
plop_its_ellie | alright, another thing you can do is take the nvidia card out and boot with the intel graphics | 04:26 |
plop_its_ellie | and once it boots, then install the nvidia drivers | 04:26 |
plop_its_ellie | then put the card back in and it should just work straight away | 04:26 |
InvisiusM | This chip doesn't have the igpu unfortunately | 04:27 |
InvisiusM | Same with the asrock board | 04:27 |
plop_its_ellie | you said you had an old amd card? | 04:27 |
InvisiusM | Yes 6970 I think | 04:27 |
plop_its_ellie | try booting with that, do the ubuntu installation with it | 04:28 |
plop_its_ellie | once it installs and reboots, install the nvidia driver | 04:28 |
plop_its_ellie | then put the gtx 980 back in | 04:28 |
InvisiusM | OK thanks, ill have to grab it from my storage unit tomorrow | 04:29 |
plop_its_ellie | oh you dont have on you atm? | 04:29 |
InvisiusM | in the meantime, any other grub commands that might help? | 04:29 |
plop_its_ellie | InvisiusM, yea, i will give you the command to force it into vesa | 04:29 |
plop_its_ellie | | 04:30 |
plop_its_ellie | i will test it out right now as well | 04:30 |
=== ovroniil is now known as Ovroniil | ||
InvisiusM | nothing happened, same colored dots :( | 04:33 |
plop_its_ellie | oh wow, thats weird, i have a maxwell card as well and it boots for me tho the fans start going crazy | 04:34 |
plop_its_ellie | and thats your only machine? | 04:34 |
InvisiusM | I have a gigabyte brix and thinkpad, but this is it for desktops | 04:35 |
InvisiusM | Do you think the 1080p monitor plus this command might help? | 04:35 |
InvisiusM | I had a feeling it didn't like the 3440x1440 screen | 04:36 |
plop_its_ellie | InvisiusM, yea try the 1080p monitor | 04:36 |
plop_its_ellie | yea i dont think nouveau will work at that high of resolution tho it should have downgraded your resolution | 04:36 |
plop_its_ellie | but another thing you can do is take the drive out of your desktop, put it in one of your laptops | 04:37 |
plop_its_ellie | then install ubuntu on there and the nvidia driver, then put the drive back in your desktop | 04:37 |
InvisiusM | sounds like a good idea, would a usb dock work with that method? | 04:38 |
plop_its_ellie | usb dock? | 04:39 |
InvisiusM | yeah like an external hard drive dock | 04:39 |
dani_ | im here with you | 04:40 |
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InvisiusM | no luck on the 1080p, will have to try the swap trick | 04:45 |
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=== ZeekHuge_ is now known as ZeekHuge | ||
drowsygenius | Hello | 05:06 |
drowsygenius | hi any humans out there | 05:06 |
nicomachus | yes | 05:06 |
nicomachus | do you have an ubuntu support question? | 05:07 |
drowsygenius | i do. On Ubuntu 16.04 mate - how do rotate the 7 inch touchscreen with raspberry pi 3? | 05:07 |
dani_ | drowsygenius, i am here for you | 05:08 |
nbros652 | Does anyone know of a replacement for pamusb in 16.04? I can't seem to find anything helpful online. | 05:09 |
nfnty | What's the difference between booting Ubuntu in BIOS mode from the ISO on a USB stick and when installed to an HDD? Nouveau works perfectly while trying it out from the ISO. But after KMS starts during the boot process when booting from the HDD the HDMI signal is lost. Running on Nvidia GeForce 9300 GE. Works perfectly on Arch Linux. | 05:16 |
malachi | =) | 05:24 |
=== athairus is now known as afkthairus | ||
salamandyr | going to build a dedicated ubuntu machine.. best mobo manufacturer for z170 / h170 support? | 05:34 |
hateball | salamandyr: ##hardware should know | 05:36 |
Strykar | do I need to install fonts for thai characters to show up on apache2 pages? charset=utf8 | 05:47 |
somsip | Strykar: viewing them or serving them? | 05:48 |
Strykar | serving | 05:48 |
somsip | Strykar: I haven't needed to | 05:49 |
Strykar | yea you shouldn't, I'm wondering why apache won't | 05:49 |
somsip | Strykar: custom font in the CSS that's missing? | 05:49 |
Strykar | no, thai text in a utf-8 config file to use as a label for an rrd | 05:51 |
Pingula | oy vey | 05:58 |
=== sins-_b is now known as sins- | ||
frib | i have gpt partitioned disk with ubuntu 14.04 and a windows 7 installation. I can't get update-grub to detect the windows installation? How can I fix? thanks! | 06:13 |
TariusWork | frib: If you can not detect windows partition automaticaly you can edit group boot menu manualy by command line or by gui program. | 06:16 |
guest-jpEMNC | hey | 06:17 |
frib | TariusWork, how do i do that? | 06:19 |
nbros652 | It would appear that pamusb is no longer in the repos since 16.04. Does anyone know of a decent replacement that provides usb authentication? | 06:21 |
u0_a101 | hello | 06:24 |
TariusWork | frib: Easy way for customise group is using gui. Use group-customizer utility .. read here Try this | 06:28 |
frib | thanks TariusWork | 06:30 |
john_KE | hi guys, i am having trouble setting up a cron job using crontab on my web server, the script works fine when invoked manually but its not running automatically , i have tested it locally and it works even in automated mode not sure why its not running in the webserver tips | 06:31 |
TariusWork | frib: or you can manualy edit /etc/groub.d files and /etc/defaults/group files ... and after that run command for group update. | 06:32 |
ducasse | john_KE: can you tell if the script is not executed at all or if something fails? | 06:32 |
somsip | john_KE: usually this is due to environmental vars or paths that are not available to cron. Paste your script | 06:33 |
TariusWork | frib: But for beginers is better using gui tool it is very simple. Add your partition with windows to boot list. | 06:33 |
john_KE | @ducasse how can i check the logs @somsip let me paste it | 06:34 |
somsip | !paste | john_KE | 06:34 |
ubottu | john_KE: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 06:34 |
ducasse | john_KE: make sure you use the full path to the script in crontab | 06:35 |
john_KE | | 06:36 |
ducasse | john_KE: is your user really called 'myusername'? | 06:37 |
john_KE | ducasse: nope i am using my correct username ... thats just a generic version | 06:38 |
DustyNuts | Any good icon theme packs? | 06:38 |
ducasse | john_KE: do you use the full path to the script in crontab? | 06:39 |
john_KE | by full you mean /usr/local/bin/ ? if so yes | 06:40 |
ducasse | john_KE: set the MAILTO variable in crontab, or check syslog | 06:41 |
sevenup__ | do you guys know if there's an official and stable ppa for Cinnamon desktop? | 06:42 |
ducasse | sevenup__: the only official cinnamon is in the repos. | 06:42 |
sevenup__ | you sure about that? | 06:43 |
sevenup__ | thank you | 06:43 |
ducasse | sevenup__: yes. | 06:43 |
john_KE | ducasse: ok in a few | 06:43 |
john_KE | then will get back | 06:43 |
somsip | john_KE: change your cronjob to tee all output to a log file and see where it fails | 06:43 |
sevenup__ | ducasse, anyway, I want you to know there's an official ppa but it's unstable | 06:44 |
sevenup__ | | 06:44 |
sevenup__ | this belongs to the main cinnamon developer | 06:44 |
sevenup__ | so it's official | 06:44 |
ducasse | sevenup__: it might be official by the cinnamon people, but not by ubuntu. | 06:45 |
sevenup__ | and that's what I'm looking for | 06:45 |
sevenup__ | but something stable | 06:45 |
sevenup__ | if I were looking for something just only ubuntu thinks it's official | 06:45 |
sevenup__ | I wasn't asking, right? | 06:45 |
ducasse | sevenup__: then you should ask the cinnamon people. | 06:46 |
sevenup__ | I think I can also ask people using Ubuntu + Cinnamon | 06:47 |
john_KE | somsip@ i will check that in a few and revert , how would i set the env variables if they arent set corrctly for crontab | 06:47 |
sevenup__ | According to you, no one should ask anything | 06:47 |
ducasse | sevenup__: we only support software from the repos. | 06:47 |
sevenup__ | and ... you're speaking in name of the channel? | 06:47 |
ducasse | !ppa | 06:48 |
ubottu | A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 06:48 |
somsip | sevenup__: he is correct - no ppas supported here | 06:48 |
john_KE | ducasse: do i have to set the maito, or is it for logs in this case ? | 06:48 |
ducasse | john_KE: with MAILTO set you will get all output via email | 06:48 |
somsip | john_KE: loads of ways of doing that if you dont want to do it in the script, eg: | 06:49 |
sevenup__ | somazero, ducasse, I think no one of you is allowed to speak in name of the channel, as you can see Cinnamon belongs to universe repositories | 06:50 |
sevenup__ | I guess not universe or multiverse will be considere official | 06:50 |
sevenup__ | or in case they are, you will say they have not support | 06:50 |
sevenup__ | xD | 06:50 |
ducasse | sevenup__: yes, and we support the version in the repos | 06:50 |
somsip | sevenup__: ppas are not supported here. official repos are. There are no official ppas | 06:50 |
sevenup__ | And which one are the official one? | 06:50 |
somsip | !info cinnamon | 06:50 |
ubottu | cinnamon (source: cinnamon): Innovative and comfortable desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.6-1ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 306 kB, installed size 1205 kB | 06:50 |
somsip | that one | 06:50 |
sevenup__ | ok | 06:50 |
sevenup__ | Then help me with this | 06:51 |
sevenup__ | Cinnamon 2.8.6 (the official one in repos) has a big bug with name | 06:51 |
sevenup__ | when you change the view list in nemo and you close it, it crashes | 06:51 |
sevenup__ | and then your desktop icons disappear | 06:51 |
sevenup__ | Do you know about this bug? | 06:51 |
sevenup__ | it seems only cinnamon 3.x fix it | 06:51 |
sevenup__ | but I bet you will say this has not to do with Ubuntu | 06:52 |
sevenup__ | it's about Cinnamon | 06:52 |
sevenup__ | thanks for your help ;) | 06:52 |
sevenup__ | I want you all to know | 06:52 |
john_KE | somsip: cool let me try that | 06:52 |
sevenup__ | if it's in my hand, I don't care what distro or program you're using, if I can help, I will | 06:52 |
somsip | sevenup__: that's supported here, but if you're going to stamp your foot and whine, don't expect any help at all | 06:52 |
sevenup__ | this subject has ended | 06:53 |
john_KE | ducasse: does it matter where the .sh file is placed by the way ? just wondering or is tehre a preferred location ? | 06:53 |
ducasse | john_KE: where in the fs? no. | 06:53 |
somsip | john_KE: /usr/local/bin would be the preferred location | 06:54 |
frib | how can I add windows 7 to my grub menu on gpt partitioned disk ? | 06:54 |
sevenup__ | update-grub should do that task for you | 06:54 |
sevenup__ | at least it did with my windows 10 | 06:55 |
frib | sevenup__, i tried, but it doesnt :( | 06:55 |
ducasse | frib: is it possible windows was installed in legacy mode? both ubuntu and windows need to be installed in either legacy or uefi mode. | 06:55 |
OerHeks | !info os-prober | 06:56 |
ubottu | os-prober (source: os-prober): utility to detect other OSes on a set of drives. In component main, is optional. Version 1.70ubuntu3 (xenial), package size 18 kB, installed size 100 kB | 06:56 |
frib | ducasse, I think it was | 06:56 |
sevenup__ | I'm not sure windows 7 support EFI mode | 06:56 |
frib | ducasse, is there no way to boot it with efi? | 06:56 |
frib | sevenup__, it does | 06:56 |
sevenup__ | 8, 8.1 and 10 does | 06:56 |
sevenup__ | ok | 06:57 |
frib | sevenup__, it comes with efi files | 06:57 |
sevenup__ | then you're right, sorry | 06:57 |
plop_its_ellie | 7 supports efi | 06:57 |
frib | no worries i just need help because i've been sitting here for 20 hours | 06:57 |
ducasse | frib: both need to be installed in the same mode, i think. | 06:57 |
john_KE | somsip: i will post the log from syslog in a few | 06:58 |
john_KE | ducasse: | 06:58 |
frib | ducasse, does that mean this installation is no good? | 06:58 |
john_KE | logs coming up | 06:58 |
ducasse | frib: unless you convert it to the same mode as windows. | 06:58 |
frib | because when I tried to install directly to that partition it told me cannot use GPT partition .. | 06:58 |
frib | ducasse, I want to convert windows to efi (if it even needs converting) | 06:59 |
sevenup__ | I didn't read the entire article, but this maybe help, frib, | 06:59 |
ducasse | frib: don't know how to do that, maybe ask in ##windows. | 06:59 |
sevenup__ | xD | 06:59 |
waxhead | ok dumb question, but when installing 16.04 server, I don't want to use DHCP during the setup, I'm trying to set the fixed IP address for the server.. but when the install finishes, there's no setup for the networking... | 07:00 |
sevenup__ | ducasse, this is what I meant, it's always possible to address the question to another channel, ##windows or ##grub, right? xD | 07:00 |
rhett | hi, I'm trying to start a custom service on ubuntu 14.04 | 07:00 |
rhett | i just made a myservice.conf file in /etc/init/ do I need something in /etc/init.d/ | 07:00 |
somsip | !upstart | rhett (some guidance here IIRC) | 07:01 |
ubottu | rhett (some guidance here IIRC): Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: | 07:01 |
waxhead | or do I just leave he dhcp setup to time out? | 07:01 |
ducasse | sevenup__: that was a windows question, so i directed him to the people who are likely to be able to help. | 07:01 |
waxhead | ironically the server I'm setting up becomes the network dhcp server... | 07:01 |
sevenup__ | it's not a windows question, because we're talking about grub, and how to edit the entry to let you boot windows | 07:02 |
sevenup__ | let's say it's half windows question, it's half linux question | 07:02 |
somsip | sevenup__: it's a windows question " frib> ducasse, I want to convert windows to efi (if it even needs converting) | 07:02 |
sevenup__ | but keep in mind that the program will do that is grub | 07:02 |
plop_its_ellie | you have to reinstall windows ._. | 07:02 |
plop_its_ellie | and boot it in efi mode | 07:02 |
somsip | sevenup__: c'mon - you're not usually this pendantic about nothing.... | 07:02 |
sevenup__ | ok, sorry | 07:03 |
rhett | ubottu: I don't see the answer to my question in the thousands of pages of documentation you linked to | 07:03 |
ubottu | rhett: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 07:03 |
plop_its_ellie | idk why that needs to be done tho | 07:03 |
frib | i'm operating in ubuntu modifying grub in ubuntu, only using windows because ubuntu can't do what I need to do | 07:03 |
plop_its_ellie | you would have to do the same on the linux side as well | 07:03 |
plop_its_ellie | dual boots on the same drive, especially with mbr is quite messy | 07:04 |
john_KE | Jun 13 07:17:01 Time-Attendance CRON[30252]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly) | 07:04 |
john_KE | Jun 13 08:17:01 Time-Attendance CRON[30397]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly) | 07:04 |
john_KE | Jun 13 09:17:01 Time-Attendance CRON[30537]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly) | 07:04 |
somsip | !paste | john_KE | 07:04 |
ubottu | john_KE: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 07:04 |
=== soul is now known as Guest27637 | ||
john_KE | opps sorry somsip thats my log | 07:04 |
sevenup__ | I have dual boot using mbr and it was easy | 07:04 |
sevenup__ | the hard part was make the windows 10 bootable in legacy mode | 07:04 |
plop_its_ellie | why not just delete the windows partition | 07:05 |
somsip | rhett: you will have to do some reading yourself, but try from here | 07:05 |
Obiwantje | Hi guys - running 16.04 with kernel 4.6.2 - whenever in nautilus I click on of the mounts that sit under /media nautilus will open these in a new window - this did not happen for me in 15.10 - anything I can do to prevent this from happening? | 07:10 |
dkorras | hey all. please can you assist me. I have just installed virtualbox from the repos. However when I want to add a script to startup, i get the following error: insserv: Service vboxdrv has to be enabled to start service | 07:12 |
dkorras | how do i enable vboxdrv ? | 07:12 |
rhett | i made a service my /etc/init/myservice.conf , i can start it with sudo myservice start | 07:13 |
rhett | but it doesn't start on boot | 07:13 |
plop_its_ellie | rhett, what in the world are you doing? | 07:14 |
plop_its_ellie | are you the one who was trying to dualboot? | 07:14 |
rhett | no | 07:14 |
rhett | i want a program to start on boot | 07:14 |
plop_its_ellie | oh | 07:14 |
plop_its_ellie | which program? | 07:14 |
rhett | a custom one | 07:14 |
somsip | rhett: have you looked in that very-comprehensive guide I linked to? | 07:14 |
plop_its_ellie | i thought ubuntu had a "startup applications" program | 07:15 |
Amit__ | Hey guys | 07:15 |
somsip | rhett: and paste your conf in a pastebin | 07:15 |
Amit__ | I corrupted my ubuntu 14.04 by uninstalling all packages that have gnome in their name, and now installing 16.04 with live usb | 07:15 |
rhett | | 07:16 |
Amit__ | Will choosing the "upgrade ubuntu to 16.04" option fix it, or should i erase and reinstall | 07:16 |
somsip | Amit__: I'd suggest erase and reinstall if that's an option. I killed my 14.04 recently and pieced it together, but it's not quite right | 07:17 |
Amit__ | Ok | 07:17 |
Amit__ | Will that handle the partitions automagically? | 07:17 |
Amit__ | I think i had /home on seerate or something | 07:17 |
somsip | Amit__: you will need to state what goes where during install | 07:18 |
Amit__ | Then i think i should select "something else", right? | 07:18 |
plop_its_ellie | just erase and reinstall, back up important data first | 07:18 |
ducasse | Amit__: if /home is on a separate partition make sure not to format it if you want to keep your data. | 07:19 |
rhett | did you see it somsip ? | 07:19 |
somsip | rhett: does this depend on redis? | 07:19 |
Amit__ | I had very little data which i already backed up (also some on windows but I will make sure not to touch that) | 07:19 |
rhett | yes | 07:19 |
plop_its_ellie | ok | 07:20 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit__, oh you are dualbooting? | 07:20 |
Amit__ | Yeah | 07:20 |
somsip | rhett: so maybe you should start on redis, like this chap | 07:20 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit__, on the same drive? | 07:20 |
Amit__ | Brb connecting from comouter, right now im from phone | 07:20 |
Amit____ | OK im here :D | 07:21 |
Amit____ | you said something about drives? | 07:21 |
jeffrey_f | Is it possible to create a login and logout script to be run by a regular user without a password. The intention is to have a server stop when they login and restart it when they logout. It needs to be in the background and transparent. | 07:21 |
rhett | somsip: but why isn't it starting on boot? | 07:21 |
somsip | rhett: my question again in more detail - does this depend on redis server to be running? | 07:22 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit____, I was asking if both windows and ubuntu are on the same hdd | 07:22 |
jeffrey_f | not server, but a service | 07:22 |
waxhead | OMG.... how the heck do you setup networking on a new srever install these days? | 07:22 |
Amit____ | I think they are... How do you check? | 07:22 |
waxhead | installation didn't configure it... :-/ | 07:22 |
somsip | waxhead: static IP, yes> | 07:22 |
waxhead | somsip, yeah... | 07:23 |
waxhead | set during the install... | 07:23 |
somsip | waxhead: like this | 07:23 |
waxhead | now post install and can't set it! | 07:23 |
waxhead | reading that now... | 07:23 |
waxhead | each time I start it.... I get IPv6 | 07:23 |
waxhead | not ipv4 | 07:23 |
Amit____ | plop_its_ellie: you here? | 07:24 |
somsip | waxhead: if you need to disable ip6, disable ip6. | 07:24 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit____, do yo have 2 hdds in your system? | 07:24 |
Amit____ | plop_its_ellie: how do you check? | 07:24 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit____, you installed it on a desktop or laptop? | 07:25 |
waxhead | somsip, ok.. it's up now... | 07:25 |
Amit____ | laptop | 07:25 |
somsip | waxhead: sorted then? | 07:25 |
waxhead | might have been missing some info in the interface definition | 07:25 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit____, ok well most likely you only have 1 hdd in your system | 07:25 |
oniris | italian? | 07:25 |
waxhead | yeah, now to install zfs and see if I can import my pool! | 07:25 |
Amit____ | i guess | 07:26 |
somsip | !it | oniris | 07:26 |
ubottu | oniris: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 07:26 |
Amit____ | how do I access my old home with live usb? | 07:26 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit____, boot a live usb | 07:26 |
plop_its_ellie | and it will show up in the file manager | 07:26 |
Amit____ | I am in one rn | 07:26 |
plop_its_ellie | out of curiosity why do you need windows? | 07:27 |
Amit____ | to run games and stuff | 07:27 |
Amit____ | and because windows won't let you do apt list | grep gnome | xargs sudo apt-get remove | 07:27 |
plop_its_ellie | what games? | 07:27 |
Amit____ | minecraft <3 | 07:27 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit____, o_O minecraft works fine on linux tho | 07:28 |
Amit____ | i think 14.04 isnt supported by java O.o | 07:28 |
somsip | Amit____: it's fine - running it here on 14.04 | 07:28 |
celticsaxon | any ranger users here? | 07:28 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit____, it works fine | 07:28 |
jnhghy | Hi, I have a fresh install of ubuntu 14.04 and I constatly lose network connection, it works for about 5 minutes some times 10 other times less then 5, if I do an ifconfig eth0 down and then ifconfig eth0 up then it works again any idea what can cause this?> | 07:29 |
somsip | jnhghy: wireless or wired? | 07:29 |
somsip | jnhghy: oh - eth....sorry | 07:29 |
ducasse | jnhghy: bad cable? | 07:30 |
plop_its_ellie | it could just be your wifi | 07:30 |
Amit__ | it stopped letting me send msgs for some reason O_o | 07:31 |
Amit__ | anyways how do u mount a usb? | 07:32 |
Amit__ | cuz I wanna copy .profile and .bash_aliases, and you can't do it with GUI, they are hidden | 07:32 |
somsip | Amit____: CTRL H usually unhides | 07:32 |
Amit__ | how do u open nautilus in current terminal direcory | 07:33 |
somsip | Amit__: type nautilus & probably | 07:33 |
somsip | Amit__: type "nautilus &" probably | 07:33 |
Amit__ | that opens at home | 07:33 |
waxhead | holy smokes!!! ZFS installed, the pool was found and imported! | 07:33 |
hateball | Amit__: nautilus $(pwd) & | 07:33 |
somsip | Amit__: no idea | 07:33 |
Amit__ | ye i tried, it gives an error or something... maybe permissions... | 07:34 |
somsip | Amit__: dont use sudo... | 07:34 |
plop_its_ellie | theres an option to show hidden .files in the settings | 07:34 |
Amit__ | why not? I think you need sudo to move those files anyways | 07:34 |
somsip | !gksudo | Amit__ | 07:34 |
ubottu | Amit__: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 07:34 |
somsip | Amit__: don't use sudo to run nautilus... | 07:35 |
Amit__ | unable to locate package gksudo | 07:35 |
plop_its_ellie | you dont need to do that | 07:35 |
frib | is it possible to add windows 7 to ubuntu on a gpt partitioned disk? | 07:35 |
Amit__ | oh its gksu | 07:35 |
Amit__ | erm... still unable to locate O.O | 07:35 |
plop_its_ellie | there is an option in the settings to show hidden .files | 07:35 |
jnhghy | Hi, me again from my mobile, as I said my network is acting bad, any clue why it diaconnects me but works after an eth0 down and then up? | 07:36 |
Amit__ | kk found it | 07:36 |
Amit__ | jnhghy: I had that, but when my wifi crashed it didn't come back until a reboot | 07:36 |
Amit__ | jnhghy: I think the problem was with power saving options or something like that | 07:36 |
hateball | jnhghy: anything interesting when running dmesg ? | 07:36 |
jnhghy | running now 2 sec hateball | 07:37 |
cbfmc | can someone help me out with directx on wine | 07:38 |
cbfmc | it doesn't open | 07:38 |
plop_its_ellie | cbfmc, what game? | 07:38 |
Amit__ | ok how do I get to my sudoers.d? I forgot the path, I wanna back that up | 07:38 |
cbfmc | <plop_its_ellie> postal 2 | 07:38 |
ducasse | Amit__: it's in /etc | 07:38 |
plop_its_ellie | cbfmc, | 07:39 |
plop_its_ellie | winehq is our friend when trying to run stuff in wine | 07:39 |
Amit__ | no permission... urgh | 07:39 |
plop_its_ellie | *your | 07:39 |
plop_its_ellie | why do you need to get to your sudosers file??????? | 07:40 |
Amit__ | back it up | 07:40 |
Xin | I WIN | 07:40 |
cbfmc | plop_its_ellie : thank you. Do i download the patch file? 1.337? | 07:40 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit__, for what? | 07:40 |
Amit__ | for backup reasons? I don't wanna lose it lol | 07:41 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit__, you made changes to it? | 07:41 |
Amit__ | I added a file to sudoers.d | 07:41 |
plop_its_ellie | cbfmc, doesnt look like its required, it seems like patching it to that version works | 07:41 |
jnhghy | hateball dmesg shows eth0 link becomes ready and nfs status ok but ping sais Network unreachable, I started guessing this is a ipv4 / ipv6 issue could it? | 07:41 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit__, what file? | 07:42 |
plop_its_ellie | why are you touching sudoers.d? | 07:42 |
cbfmc | plop_its_ellie : I'm lost can you help me out please? | 07:42 |
Amit__ | is it ok to sudo cp? | 07:42 |
plop_its_ellie | cbfmc, what happened? | 07:42 |
celticsaxon | Does anybody know how to set ranger's rifle.conf to use options such as 'mplayer -vo fbdev' rather than just mplayer to open video files? | 07:42 |
Amit__ | ok now I'm thinking if there is anything else I should back up... Hmm. (Btw in the sudoers I just made some commands with NOPASSWD like chvt and shutdown) | 07:43 |
plop_its_ellie | you shouldnt put things in NOPASSWD if you dont know what you are doing o_O | 07:44 |
Amit__ | how much harm can it do really? OMG A MALICIOUS PROGRAM IS GONNA REBOOT MY COMPUTER NOOOOOOOOOOOOO | 07:44 |
plop_its_ellie | well its not a good habbit | 07:44 |
plop_its_ellie | to put stuff in there | 07:45 |
Amit__ | amit ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown amit ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/reboot amit ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /bin/chvt amit ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /bin/fgconsole amit ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /bin/openvt amit ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/deallocvt | 07:45 |
Amit__ | not anything harmful really | 07:45 |
cbfmc | plop_its_ellie : can we talk in private? how do I printscreen to you | 07:45 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit__, but you dont need root to shut down | 07:45 |
Amit__ | hmm, you sure? | 07:46 |
somsip | !pm | cbfmc | 07:46 |
ubottu | cbfmc: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. | 07:46 |
plop_its_ellie | cbfmc, you can take a screen shot and upload it ot copy paste it to pastebin | 07:46 |
Amit__ | well whatever I will figure it out later | 07:46 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit__, yea theres a shutdown button ._. | 07:46 |
codenamepod | My computer is not booting to a Windows bootable USB while it boots Ubuntu LiveUSB easily. Why is that? | 07:46 |
plop_its_ellie | codenamepod, what did you use to make it? | 07:47 |
Amit__ | how do you even get windows usb? aren't they all disks? | 07:47 |
cbfmc | plop_its_ellie : I've got the game but when I click onto the postal.exe file it says that I need to run directx. I've installed directx but it still gives me that same error that I still need directx to run this game | 07:47 |
somsip | codenamepod: if the problems concerns windows, it's not an ubuntu issue. Go to ##windows | 07:47 |
waxhead | well, looks like the clean install will be fairly painless! | 07:47 |
plop_its_ellie | cbfmc, install play on linux | 07:47 |
waxhead | of course if I haven't spoken too soon... | 07:47 |
plop_its_ellie | sudo apt-get install playonlinux | 07:47 |
cbfmc | plop_its_ellie : I have already but how do I run the exe file? | 07:48 |
Amit__ | I think you open it with wine cmomand line | 07:48 |
plop_its_ellie | cbfmc, so open playonlinux | 07:48 |
plop_its_ellie | click the plus button labeled install | 07:49 |
cbfmc | plop_its_ellie : ok trying it now | 07:49 |
Amit__ | plop_its_ellie: can you help me with "something else" option in the installation with partitions? I can maybe pastebin my partitions? | 07:49 |
plop_its_ellie | cbfmc, go to games and search for postal 2 | 07:49 |
codenamepod | I used etcher for both | 07:50 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit__, yea | 07:50 |
Amit__ | what is the command to get the partitions ? | 07:50 |
cbfmc | plop_its_ellie : ok give me a sec | 07:50 |
plop_its_ellie | wait what are trying to do | 07:50 |
codenamepod | Tried Rufus too (from a windows pc) | 07:50 |
Amit__ | I don't trust the erase and install thing because I have several partitiosn | 07:50 |
andrea | hi guys | 07:50 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit__, you can use gparted | 07:50 |
=== andrea is now known as Guest70921 | ||
Cyriuz | Hi, I'm having some problems installing linux on a Samsung laptop. I have tried ubuntu, arch and mint but the install stops at grub and failes. any ideas? | 07:51 |
waxhead | what dhcp server is recommended? | 07:51 |
cbfmc | plop_its_ellie : the game is already installed though. All I did was I downloaded from a website and unzipped to the home folder | 07:51 |
codenamepod | I am trying to install windows. plop_its_ellie | 07:51 |
cbfmc | plop_its_ellie : ive tested the game out on windows 7 and works flawlessly | 07:51 |
plop_its_ellie | cbfmc, no thats not how you do it, go into play on linux > plus buttom lablled install > go to games | 07:52 |
plop_its_ellie | then search for postal 2 | 07:52 |
Amit__ | | 07:52 |
plop_its_ellie | then select postal 2 complete | 07:52 |
plop_its_ellie | and follow the wizard | 07:52 |
plop_its_ellie | it will guide you through installing | 07:52 |
cbfmc | plop_its_ellie : really? thats awesome. | 07:53 |
Guest70921 | bye | 07:53 |
plop_its_ellie | cbfmc, its a windows game of course its going to work out of the box, this is linux, you can use wine wo run it using the method i igave you | 07:53 |
Amit__ | so plop_its_ellie, what now? | 07:54 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit__, you are trying to delete your ubuntu installation? | 07:54 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit__, clicl complete postal 2 | 07:54 |
Amit__ | I am reinstalling | 07:54 |
plop_its_ellie | and follow the wizrad | 07:54 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit__, open up gparted | 07:54 |
Amit__ | | 07:54 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit__, i cant do anything with that cuz i dont know which partitions belong to which os | 07:55 |
Amit__ | ima screenshot | 07:55 |
plop_its_ellie | can you open gparted and show me that? | 07:55 |
Amit__ | yea | 07:55 |
Amit__ | i am sudo-ing a gui :OOO | 07:56 |
cbfmc | plop_its_ellie : Error in POL_System_wget | 07:56 |
cbfmc | POL_System_wget failed: Server issued an error response | 07:56 |
cbfmc | --2016-06-13 17:55:38-- ( to (||:443... connected.HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved PermanentlyLocation: [following]--2016-06-13 17:55:39-- | 07:56 |
cbfmc | en1installer0Resolving ( to (||:443... connected.HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden2016-06-13 17:55:39 ERROR 403: Forbidden. | 07:56 |
plop_its_ellie | cbfmc, in the wizard what happened? | 07:56 |
plop_its_ellie | you dont need to download it | 07:56 |
Amit__ | | 07:56 |
plop_its_ellie | if you have a copy, just click choose a file and choose the exe file | 07:57 |
codenamepod | somsip Nobody is replying there. People are just joining and leaving | 07:57 |
somsip | codenamepod: er...what are you referring to? | 07:57 |
plop_its_ellie | sorry codenamepod im trying to help 2 people at once... | 07:57 |
Amit__ | I also have /dev/sdb | 07:58 |
codenamepod | somsip I joined ##windows for the help. But they are as inactive as one irc channel could be | 07:58 |
Amit__ | I think thats the live USB though | 07:58 |
cbfmc | plop_its_ellie : ok doing it again. Round 2 | 07:58 |
somsip | codenamepod: that's still nothing to do with ubuntu | 07:58 |
Amit__ | plop_its_ellie? | 07:59 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit__, delete /dev/sda7, ./dev/sda8 and /dev/sda9 | 07:59 |
plop_its_ellie | those are your ubuntu installation | 07:59 |
Amit__ | can I do that inside the installer? | 07:59 |
plop_its_ellie | just delete it in gparted | 07:59 |
codenamepod | somsip That's funny. | 08:00 |
Amit__ | ok | 08:00 |
ducasse | codenamepod: just wait there until someone can help you. | 08:00 |
cbfmc | plop_its_ellie : it did the exact same thing.. It came up that I need directx | 08:00 |
plop_its_ellie | cbfmc, you went through the wizard? | 08:00 |
Amit__ | ok now thats a big unallocated chunk | 08:00 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit__, yep | 08:00 |
OerHeks | codenamepod, sure it is funny, you paid for it. | 08:00 |
plop_its_ellie | and click apply | 08:00 |
plop_its_ellie | the checkmark | 08:00 |
cbfmc | plop_its_ellie : yep | 08:00 |
plop_its_ellie | codenamepod, what are you trying to do | 08:00 |
Amit__ | all operations completed | 08:00 |
somsip | plop_its_ellie: it's windows | 08:01 |
plop_its_ellie | cbfmc, and how are yu opening it? | 08:01 |
plop_its_ellie | somsip, hes trying to make a windows usb | 08:01 |
plop_its_ellie | ? | 08:01 |
Amit__ | theres a (!) sign on /dev/sda3, what does that mean? | 08:01 |
somsip | plop_its_ellie: he can't boot a windows live cd | 08:01 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit__, ignore it | 08:01 |
Amit__ | kk what now | 08:01 |
somsip | codenamepod: unless you have some other, ubuntu related issue? | 08:01 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit__, go into the installer now | 08:01 |
lanoxx | when I use jhbuild to build a package, then since today I always get an error during configure, when I use option 4 to open a shell, the shell opens in some .cache directory instead of the source directory, does anyone know how to fix this? | 08:01 |
c|oneman | if I install a package from source, how can I tell which version it is? | 08:01 |
plop_its_ellie | codenamepod, what did you use to make the windows usb? | 08:02 |
c|oneman | once it is installed. | 08:02 |
plop_its_ellie | if you used yumiboot then theres an option to boot the windows installer otherwise you might have to boot it with efi | 08:02 |
signthesky | Hi folks. | 08:02 |
signthesky | Militaries | 08:03 |
plop_its_ellie | hi | 08:03 |
cbfmc | plop_its_ellie : i clicked on install, then postal 2, use a setup file then i just clicked on postal.exe from my harddrive? | 08:03 |
signthesky | This word has a red line under it indicating that the dictionary in my Ubuntu doesn't recognize it. | 08:03 |
signthesky | Also some other words aren't in the dictionary. | 08:03 |
plop_its_ellie | cbfmc, yes | 08:03 |
Amit__ | | 08:03 |
Amit__ | which one should I choose | 08:04 |
Amit__ | I guess first or last | 08:04 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit__, first | 08:04 |
Amit__ | f you continue, the changes listed below will be written to the disks. Otherwise, you will be able to make further changes manually. The partition tables of the following devices are changed: SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) The following partitions are going to be formatted: partition #7 of SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) as ext4 partition #8 of SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) as swap | 08:05 |
Amit__ | is that good? | 08:05 |
plop_its_ellie | its fine | 08:05 |
cbfmc | plop_its_ellie : i tried to donwload another game duke nukem and it gave me another forbidden error msg and failed to donwload | 08:06 |
Amit__ | kk #hypeIncoming | 08:06 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit__, not trying to be mean, i love seeing people tinker and learn but after you get it installed you should not be running random commands in the command line, especially as root | 08:06 |
somsip | cbfmc: please stop discussing the pirating of games in this channel | 08:06 |
plop_its_ellie | cbfmc, huh, you were suppose to choose the option of using a setup file | 08:06 |
plop_its_ellie | then chosing your postal2 exe file | 08:07 |
plop_its_ellie | somsip, i think he said he bought it in gog | 08:07 |
cbfmc | plop_its_ellie : i did that but it comes up that i need directx and ive installed directx many times | 08:07 |
plop_its_ellie | cbfmc, oh you did that and the wizard finished | 08:08 |
Amit__ | plop_its_ellie i was trying to uninstall gnome desktop environment >_< | 08:08 |
somsip | plop_its_ellie: fair enough - I saw "downloaded a game" twice and maybe assumed | 08:08 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit__, gnome isnt installed on ubuntu | 08:08 |
plop_its_ellie | only ubuntu gnome has gnome | 08:08 |
plop_its_ellie | ubuntu has unity | 08:08 |
=== marklyford_ is now known as marklyford | ||
Amit__ | i installed gnome xD | 08:08 |
Amit__ | i installed like 5 desktop environments | 08:08 |
Amit__ | and settled on xfce | 08:09 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit__, if you prefer xfce, you can install xubuntu which has xfce by default | 08:09 |
Amit__ | whatever I can install it myself right? Also installer already started | 08:09 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit__, yea you can after it installs | 08:10 |
plop_its_ellie | no | 08:10 |
plop_its_ellie | you must wait for the installer to finish | 08:10 |
Amit__ | yeah | 08:10 |
Amit__ | well its downloading packages | 08:11 |
Amit__ | installation finished. no error reported. | 08:13 |
Amit__ | dats gud | 08:13 |
Amit__ | ok I chose continue testing | 08:14 |
Amit__ | so basically ubuntu should be good now? | 08:14 |
plop_its_ellie | yea reboot | 08:15 |
Amit__ | kk | 08:15 |
cbfmc | plop_its_ellie : ok im liking some of these game on the website. If I buy these games and install them from playonlinux.. do all these games work perfect? | 08:15 |
plop_its_ellie | cbfmc, you can search it on winehq | 08:15 |
plop_its_ellie | | 08:16 |
plop_its_ellie | in the search box on the top right | 08:16 |
Amit____ | i am back ^_^ | 08:16 |
Amit____ | so, what is the most secure way to install xfce and uninstall unity, I don't wanna mess up too much | 08:16 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit____, install xubuntu | 08:17 |
OerHeks | secure would be a fresh install. | 08:17 |
plop_its_ellie | thats the cleanist way tbh | 08:17 |
Amit____ | is that the only difference between ubuntu and xubuntu? | 08:17 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit____, pretty much | 08:17 |
Amit____ | ok I will install xubuntu... xD | 08:18 |
plop_its_ellie | it has xfce, no other desktops and different set of default applications | 08:18 |
Amit____ | xenial xerus? | 08:18 |
daGrevis | hello! I'm trying to downgrade firfox. what am I doing wrong? apt-get install firefox=46.0.1 it says version for firefox not found | 08:18 |
daGrevis | 16.04 | 08:18 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit____, you can use that or trusty (14.04) but xenial (16.04) is the newest | 08:18 |
OerHeks | daGrevis, odd, firefox is standard available | 08:18 |
daGrevis | OerHeks, maybe the version number is off. is there a way to see all available versions? | 08:19 |
dryblow | Hello Guys, someone have been problems like slowly shutdown with tty1-9 closed? Ubuntu-gnome 16.04 | 08:19 |
OerHeks | daGrevis, and current is 47.0 | 08:19 |
daGrevis | well yes it seems to not work with selenium | 08:19 |
daGrevis | hence I try to downgrade | 08:19 |
daGrevis | oh I know I will check out my update log | 08:19 |
Amit____ | 13 minutes remaining :D | 08:20 |
nfnty | What's the difference between booting Ubuntu in BIOS mode from the ISO on a USB stick and when installed to an HDD? Nouveau works perfectly while trying it out from the ISO. But after KMS starts during the boot process when booting from the HDD the HDMI signal is lost. Running on Nvidia GeForce 9300 GE. Works perfectly on Arch Linux. | 08:20 |
OerHeks | daGrevis, 46 is removed. | 08:20 |
daGrevis | :/ | 08:21 |
daGrevis | maybe I have old package in some cache? | 08:21 |
Amit____ | plop_its_ellie: what tool should I use to create live USB for xubuntu? | 08:22 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit____, what did you use for ubuntu? | 08:22 |
Amit____ | rufus on windows | 08:23 |
plop_its_ellie | Amit____, ubuntu has a usb creator tool, just use that | 08:23 |
Amit____ | ok | 08:23 |
plop_its_ellie | | 08:23 |
plop_its_ellie | algiht g2g, night | 08:24 |
Amit____ | bai | 08:24 |
OerHeks | nfnty, old systemfiles vs up2date ubuntu, but you could have found that answer yourself | 08:25 |
Xin | hay guise - is there a nice gui for a lamp stack? | 08:25 |
Xin | or atleast apache | 08:26 |
exxi | anyone using qemu/kvm ? | 08:27 |
dryblow | join #english | 08:28 |
bekks | exxi: What if? | 08:32 |
exxi | bekks, i am running qemu but can't find libvirtd daemon | 08:37 |
exxi | thus while using virt-manager complains about libvirtd daemon is not running.. | 08:37 |
bekks | !libvirt | 08:37 |
bekks | Hmm. | 08:37 |
ducasse | !libvirt-bin | 08:38 |
ducasse | !libvirtd-bin | 08:38 |
ducasse | hmmm. | 08:38 |
lyze | !find libvirt | 08:38 |
ubottu | Found: libvirt-bin, libvirt-dev, libvirt-doc, libvirt0, libvirt0-dbg, nova-compute-libvirt, python-libvirt, gir1.2-libvirt-glib-1.0, libvirt-glib-1.0-0, libvirt-glib-1.0-0-dbg (and 34 others)§ion=all | 08:38 |
lyze | !info libvirt-bin | 08:38 |
ubottu | libvirt-bin (source: libvirt): programs for the libvirt library. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.1-1ubuntu10 (xenial), package size 2398 kB, installed size 11421 kB | 08:38 |
lyze | ducasse, ^ | 08:38 |
bekks | exxi: Install libvirtd. | 08:38 |
ducasse | thx :) | 08:38 |
bekks | Or that :) | 08:39 |
toshywoshy | does the standard mariadb-server have galera support in 16.04 lts? | 08:39 |
exxi | bekks, installed | 08:39 |
exxi | bekks, package not found | 08:40 |
bekks | exxi: Indeed, the package is named libvirt-bin | 08:40 |
exxi | i have that installed though.. | 08:40 |
exxi | but don't have libvirtd daemon | 08:41 |
manish_ | how to use conky themes ? | 08:41 |
OerHeks | i know conky scripts, but themes .. 2325 pages with conky scripts, longest tread i know on the forum | 08:45 |
OerHeks | | 08:45 |
Xin | hey peeps can I set my dpi higher somehow to make stuff smaller? | 08:45 |
OerHeks | xin monitor settings > scaling | 08:46 |
nfnty | OerHeks: Yes, already tried 14.04, 15.04, 16.04 and latest mainline kernels. | 08:54 |
nfnty | 15.10* | 08:54 |
toshywoshy | is there galera module built into the standard mariadb-server package | 08:59 |
ivanlomba | hi! | 09:01 |
bazhang | #maria <--- try there toshywoshy | 09:01 |
toshywoshy | bazhang: I am also there, but given that it works on other distributions I figured it would be an ubuntu related issue, thanks | 09:03 |
bazhang | ok | 09:03 |
bazhang | just a suggestion | 09:04 |
blut | Hello, I'm working with the preseed configuration. I want to make it use a custom shell script for partitioning. Is a there a way to use that directly instead of the udeb work around? | 09:07 |
jatin30 | Hello! I am using a dual OS (linux(100gb)+ windows(900gb)) is there any way to realocate disk space without going through the whole procedure of booting again and backing up? | 09:13 |
jatin30 | I want my hard disk division to have 400gb linux and 600 gb windows | 09:13 |
blut | jatin30: so you are currently running linux and want to reduce the ntfs partition, and then increase the ext partition without rebooting? | 09:15 |
bazhang | jatin30, no backups means its not worth keeping | 09:15 |
jatin30 | blut, yes | 09:17 |
jatin30 | if by ntfs you mean windows c: | 09:18 |
ducasse | jatin30: you can reallocate disk space, but you would be a fool to do it without backing up first. | 09:18 |
blut | jatin30: | 09:19 |
jatin30 | ducasse, i want to backup | 09:19 |
blut | and then resize2fs for ext2,ext3, and ex4 | 09:19 |
jatin30 | but ubuntu backup I am not getting as it does not require an external disk it seems | 09:19 |
bekks | jatin30: You need to backup to a second disk. | 09:19 |
Xin | hai guise how do I enable root for ssh? | 09:20 |
ducasse | jatin30: backup on the same disk is not a backup :) | 09:20 |
bekks | !root | Xin | 09:20 |
ubottu | Xin: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 09:20 |
blut | also you should most definately restart into windows once or twice to let it adjust it's boot parameters | 09:20 |
Xin | lol I enabled root already | 09:20 |
blut | before adjusting your linux size | 09:20 |
jatin30 | ducasse,can you give me a link to backup my whole system (ubuntu) ? | 09:20 |
bekks | Xin: Root never was disabled. | 09:20 |
Xin | well I reset the password | 09:21 |
bekks | Xin: Only password login for root is disabled by default. | 09:21 |
Xin | well I can su up to it | 09:21 |
Xin | just cant ssh in | 09:21 |
bekks | Xin: you should use sudo. | 09:21 |
bekks | Xin: ssh as user, then use sudo. | 09:21 |
Xin | yeah I understand your reasoning | 09:22 |
Xin | but its not what I need | 09:22 |
ducasse | jatin30: install backintime, lucky backup or something similar. there are plenty of guides online. | 09:22 |
jatin30 | I am not having a bootable pendrive/ live CD so is it possible to resize my hard disk without that? | 09:22 |
blut | jatin30: yes | 09:22 |
jatin30 | I'll be back after I am done backing up my system | 09:23 |
jatin30 | and you guys know I have windows+ linux right? | 09:23 |
ducasse | jatin30: you should resize windows from windows. | 09:24 |
john_KE | hey team, looking for a good documentation on installing kali so that i can dual boot with ubuntu i have a separate unformatted partition where i plan to install kali | 09:24 |
jatin30 | because in evrything I found online they suggested to use gparted which required going through the whole installing linux and windows again | 09:24 |
bekks | Which is not true. | 09:24 |
bekks | gparted resizes things, you dont need to reinstall anything. | 09:24 |
jatin30 | Ok so first I need to make a backup of both linux and windows and then how do I resize? | 09:25 |
bekks | You need to do that from a live medium, but you dont need to reinstall. | 09:25 |
=== zach is now known as Guest93839 | ||
lionking | ???? | 09:33 |
lionking | 这个怎么玩? | 09:33 |
bazhang | !cn | lionking | 09:34 |
ubottu | lionking: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw | 09:34 |
lionking | /join #ubuntu-cn | 09:34 |
lionking | 啥情况?怎么没人说话??? | 09:35 |
ZLarth | Hello, I have a problem with ethernet in ubuntu 16.04 | 09:37 |
ZLarth | When i try to connect with the "Automatic Ethernet", it detects the connection but I can't use internet anyway | 09:38 |
lionking | hello laowai | 09:39 |
ZLarth | Hello, can you help me please? | 09:39 |
lionking | i think i can`t | 09:40 |
lionking | I only speak chinese ,can you ? | 09:41 |
ZLarth | No sorry, I can't speak Chinese | 09:42 |
somsip | lionking: "/join ubuntu-zh" - no space | 09:42 |
somsip | lionking: "/join ubuntu-cn" - no space | 09:42 |
lionking | what are you from? | 09:42 |
somsip | lionking: 16:34 < lionking> /join #ubuntu-cn (was " /join #ubuntu-cn") | 09:43 |
ZLarth | Italy | 09:43 |
lionking | ok | 09:43 |
lionking | english is very well | 09:44 |
lionking | someone asks me to #ubuntu-cn ,i`m leaving | 09:46 |
lionking | i`m coming | 09:49 |
lionking | 我胡汉三又回来啦!!!! | 09:50 |
ShekharReddy | hello, is this an incorrect configuration ? | 09:50 |
manofthefik | hello | 09:50 |
manofthefik | guys | 09:50 |
manofthefik | how do isearch for locally installed packages ?? using apt | 09:51 |
manofthefik | and sync repositories also?? | 09:51 |
manofthefik | and after searching how to figure out the locally installed version? and also the sync repository version? | 09:51 |
Triffid_Hunter | manofthefik: dpkg is the tool you want | 09:51 |
manofthefik | i know apt-cache policy | 09:51 |
useraa | lionking how u inoput Chinese like that? | 09:52 |
k1l | lionking: english only in here. use #ubuntu-cn for chinese | 09:52 |
manofthefik | apt-cache search pkg , this searches installed locally or the repo list? | 09:52 |
Triffid_Hunter | useraa: google has tons of tutorials on installing pinyin keyboard support | 09:52 |
manofthefik | ok | 09:53 |
manofthefik | say i want to find out the repo version of flightgear vs the localy installed version of flightgear? how do i do it? | 09:53 |
manofthefik | say gparted since it is famous and i have it | 09:54 |
bekks | manofthefik: apt-cache policy flightgear | 09:54 |
useraa | ok, i'm istalling Chinese language syupport, used to be able to inout Chinese, but kinda rusty now... hang on... | 09:54 |
manofthefik | ok | 09:55 |
manofthefik | also | 09:55 |
manofthefik | so how do i search locally using dpkg?? | 09:55 |
lionking | <useraa>fictx | 09:55 |
longstrider28 | hello, is it possible to keep single user session on startup? i removed Guest Session now i see my user and 'Other...' i want to remove that as well please | 09:56 |
lionking | <useraa>are you chinese? | 09:56 |
useraa | sorry lionking, i'm new to chat, what u mean by fictx? | 09:56 |
k1l | lionking: please stick to ubuntu support in here. | 09:57 |
manofthefik | so how do i search locally using dpkg?? | 09:57 |
useraa | well, my parents are if that's what u mean, but I grew up in Australia, kinda rusty reafding/writing chinese, but i know pinyin | 09:57 |
useraa | think it might be intersting chATTING IN cHINESE | 09:58 |
bazhang | useraa, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic | 09:58 |
useraa | well, language support is ubuntu-related | 09:59 |
bazhang | manofthefik, did you mean dpkg -l | 09:59 |
bazhang | useraa, thats not the case here though | 09:59 |
k1l | manofthefik: comm -23 <(apt-mark showmanual | sort -u) <(gzip -dc /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz | sed -n 's/^Package: //p' | sort -u) | 10:00 |
lionking | my english is poor ,i`m leaving | 10:01 |
lionking | ..... | 10:01 |
manofthefik | k1l do you know bash scripts?? | 10:08 |
k1l | manofthefik: the guys in #bash know bashscripts best | 10:09 |
lerner | please add the following kernel boot parameter and then either attach a log or picture of the screen: debug=y < what do they want me to do? # 20 | 10:14 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1589109 in linux (Ubuntu) "I have to unplug the cable to turn xubuntu 16.04 off" [Medium,Incomplete] | 10:14 |
EriC^^ | lerner: in grub press e over ubuntu, add debug=y in the line that says linux /boot/vmlinuz .... quiet splash and press ctrl+x | 10:15 |
EriC^^ | then take a screen shot when it debugs | 10:15 |
lerner | EriC^^, I access GRUB pressing f2? esc maybe? | 10:16 |
EriC^^ | lerner: usually shift, sometimes esc | 10:16 |
blut | Hello, I'm working with the preseed configuration. I want to make it use a custom shell script for partitioning. Is a there a way to use that directly instead of the udeb work around? | 10:18 |
=== markus2 is now known as lindbergio | ||
neia | como se pone el modo dios con ubuntu? | 10:21 |
neia | sabeis los comandos? | 10:22 |
k1l | !es | neia | 10:22 |
ubottu | neia: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 10:22 |
lerner | EriC^^, in GRUB, will I see "quiet splash"? | 10:23 |
EriC^^ | lerner: most likely yeah | 10:23 |
neia | sorry , how can i put god mode? | 10:23 |
lerner | good | 10:23 |
EriC^^ | lerner: it's probably a good idea to remove them too | 10:23 |
k1l | neia: god mode? | 10:24 |
neia | yes | 10:24 |
k1l | !sudo | neia i guess you mean this | 10:24 |
ubottu | neia i guess you mean this: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: | 10:24 |
lerner | EriC^^, forgot to ask: do I have to reboot xubuntu to access grub or can I just go to ttyl6 and grub from there? | 10:25 |
neia | yes sorry i refered sudo | 10:25 |
EriC^^ | lerner: you need to reboot then hold shift | 10:25 |
lerner | ok, good... and what do you mean with "it's probably a good idea to remove them too" ? | 10:26 |
EriC^^ | if you remove them it'll show the boot process instead of the purple screen, not sure if adding debug=y also does the job | 10:26 |
EriC^^ | removing them won't harm i guess why not | 10:27 |
lerner | EriC^^, im sorry, but, what do you want me to remove? "debug=y"? "quite splash"? | 10:27 |
EriC^^ | quiet splash | 10:27 |
lerner | o ok | 10:27 |
lerner | thnaks!!!!!! | 10:28 |
EriC^^ | lerner: no problem | 10:28 |
jackcom | i want connect pc that is in external network with ssh, then how can i type it instead of ‘usrname@’? | 10:32 |
bazhang | jackcom, is that computer yours | 10:33 |
jackcom | yes | 10:33 |
jackcom | mine | 10:33 |
jackcom | bazhang: | 10:33 |
bazhang | jackcom, so why the need to do it so differently | 10:34 |
jackcom | then how can i do it? | 10:34 |
bazhang | jackcom, did you see my question, yes or no | 10:35 |
jackcom | no | 10:35 |
k1l | jackcom: the 192.168.. ip is internal network. you will need the external ip form that pc | 10:36 |
jackcom | usrname@external ip? k1l | 10:36 |
k1l | jackcom: yes, whatever that ip is. | 10:37 |
EriC^^ | jackcom: you mean you currently use 192.168? | 10:37 |
EriC^^ | you want to put user@host instead? | 10:37 |
jackcom | if router have 5 pc, then usrname@external is required port number? | 10:38 |
k1l | jackcom: no. then you need to make sure the router forwards to the right internal pc | 10:39 |
jackcom | k1l: if 5 pc have ssh | 10:39 |
neia | how can i see the properties of the equipe | 10:40 |
neia | ? | 10:40 |
jackcom | router have 5 pc | 10:40 |
jackcom | and 5 pc have ssh | 10:40 |
bazhang | sudo lshw neia | 10:40 |
k1l | jackcom: then change the ssh ports of that pcs to unique ones and forward that ports from the router to that unique pcs. | 10:40 |
jackcom | router port : 2003 ——> pc1 port : 22 | 10:42 |
jackcom | router port : 2004 ——> pc2 port : 22 | 10:42 |
jackcom | router port : 2005 ——> pc3 port : 22 | 10:42 |
neia | it apear like im not autorized | 10:42 |
neia | why? | 10:42 |
Triffid_Hunter | I usually prefer to allow ssh to only a single hardened pc in the network, then ssh from there to other machines | 10:42 |
bazhang | neia, use sudo | 10:42 |
jackcom | then i must connect to pc 3, then i must type ‘ssh@public address : 2005 | 10:42 |
neia | yes im using it | 10:43 |
jackcom | k1l: | 10:43 |
Bomber4Chats | WiFi hell here, I'm not sure what tests can help figuring out what issue I actually have. WiFi won't connect, that's all I know for now | 10:43 |
k1l | jackcom: yes. | 10:43 |
jackcom | k1l: yes? | 10:43 |
Bomber4Chats | Wired connection (through phone) works | 10:43 |
hateball | Bomber4Chats: what wifi chipset do you have? run lspci | 10:43 |
jackcom | ssh@public address : 2005 <—— this is right to connect to pc3 ssh? | 10:43 |
jackcom | k1l: ? | 10:44 |
Bomber4Chats | Oh, right | 10:44 |
jackcom | Bomber4Chats: me? | 10:44 |
Bomber4Chats | Qualcomm atheros ar9485 | 10:44 |
jackcom | :( | 10:44 |
Triffid_Hunter | jackcom: you need to forward a port through your router then ssh -p portnumber user@your.public.ip.address | 10:44 |
Bomber4Chats | I belive it may be the problematic 802.11 | 10:45 |
Triffid_Hunter | jackcom: ps: won't work from inside your network with most routers | 10:45 |
k1l | jackcom: no, you need to name the port with -p. see the manual to ssh | 10:46 |
jackcom | ssh -p portnumber user@your.public.ip.address | 10:46 |
jackcom | Triffid_Hunter: ssh -p 2005 user@your.public.ip.address <— to connect to pc3 ssh? | 10:46 |
k1l | jackcom: yes | 10:47 |
jackcom | oh | 10:47 |
jackcom | thanks k1l :) | 10:47 |
Triffid_Hunter | jackcom: after you forward port 2005 to internal.ip:22 in your router, yes | 10:47 |
jackcom | and Triffid_Hunter :) | 10:47 |
lerner | how do I get a log from GRUB? I took the picture, but id still prefer to upload plain text | 10:47 |
k1l | lerner: its not about the grub picture or grub log. its about the kernel debugging info. see in /var/log | 10:48 |
lerner | k1l, im now in /var/log and I don't know what or where to lok for | 10:49 |
bekks | lerner: What are you looking for then? | 10:50 |
lerner | grub logs I assume (im a total noob), but there is no such file name | 10:50 |
bekks | lerner: What do you expect to find in a "grub log"? | 10:50 |
lerner | bekks, the contents of the picture I just took | 10:50 |
lerner | in plain text format | 10:51 |
k1l | lerner: the issue you linked is not about grub isues | 10:51 |
=== Mob is now known as MobGod | ||
bekks | lerner: I have no clue what your picture contains. | 10:51 |
=== MobGod is now known as Mob | ||
k1l | lerner: the "debug=y" should make extended output on the screen when shutting down. since that is the issue you reported in that bugreport you should picture that | 10:54 |
nschoe | Hi all! When I write "Depends: my-pkg | my-pkg-production" in my custom package's control file, and I install it without either 'my-pkg' or 'my-pkg-production' installed, will apt fetch the first one specified? Where is it documented? | 10:55 |
lerner | k1l, but the output is going most certainly going to be bigger than one screen, meaning ill have to record... | 10:55 |
k1l | lerner: i dont know where the debug=y puts the logs to. maybe look into the syslog | 10:58 |
nschoe | BTW, my question is similar to this one: but it's not answered | 11:00 |
lerner | I now realize syslogs are 270MB big | 11:00 |
ikonia | lerner: I'll ask you the question I asked yesterday | 11:00 |
ikonia | have you shutdown the box without the gui ? | 11:00 |
Admin__ | how to enable single click in 16.04 | 11:00 |
lerner | ikonia, no, I forgot the command | 11:02 |
ikonia | "sudo shutdown -h now" | 11:02 |
lerner | thanks | 11:03 |
jackcom | ssh -R 9000:localhost:3000 | 11:05 |
jackcom | something is wrong? | 11:05 |
jackcom | 90000 is router port | 11:05 |
jackcom | and 3000 is pc port? | 11:05 |
cage | Hello, i think i managed to corrupt my xorg.conf file.. First I was in the login loop, after which I tried to create new one with sudo Xorg -configure -> it created files in /home/user/ and something about system settings being /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d | 11:08 |
cage | I then replaced /home/user/ to /home/user/xorg.conf with no effect | 11:09 |
akik | cage: xorg.conf is not read from your home dir | 11:09 |
cage | after which I moved /usr/share/xorg.conf.d to /usr/share/xorg.conf.d.backup, after that my mouce or keyboard didnt work in the login screen | 11:10 |
cage | yeah i thought i was suppose to be in /etc/X11 | 11:10 |
=== anonymous is now known as Guest13627 | ||
cage | so any pointers how should I go about restoring the working xorg.conf? | 11:15 |
akik | cage: try to first undo the changes you did | 11:17 |
cage | i recon it would be easier to just remake the file, got in the trouble first place with it when i used the nvidia save x configuration file | 11:17 |
akik | cage: there's no /etc/X11/xorg.conf by default after the installation | 11:18 |
akik | cage: it is read though if it exists | 11:18 |
cage | hmm, what about the xorg.conf files in the directories i mentioned above? | 11:18 |
akik | cage: you should move the xorg.conf.d.backup back to its original name | 11:19 |
cage | with that i was able to get my mouse and keyboard working in the login screen but i was still stuck looping in it | 11:21 |
lerner | hi, how do I get this information as plain text? | 11:22 |
akik | cage: if you can not undo all your changes, one easy solution is to create a new user | 11:24 |
akik | cage: if you changed some setting in your home dir, i mean | 11:24 |
cage | ye i think i messed up something there and new user would be viable choice since its quite fresh install anyway | 11:25 |
cage | thanks | 11:25 |
akik | cage: of course if the problem is in /usr/share/X11, that's for all users | 11:26 |
cage | if the problem is there, what would u recommend then? | 11:26 |
k1l | lerner, as i said several times now. its not about that information form grub | 11:26 |
k1l | lerner: you have a shutdown issue. and the information needed is "what is going wrong on shutdown". | 11:27 |
lerner | k1l, there is no output on shutting down | 11:27 |
nfnty | Why does HDMI stop working when using grub but not syslinux with nouveau during framebuffer handover? | 11:28 |
damex | hi, how can we make stock 16.04 network manager to disconnect from wireless on wired connection? | 11:33 |
Admin__ | error occurred extracting: parsing filters is unsupported | 11:34 |
nathan | hi | 11:35 |
nathan | tolles linux | 11:35 |
nathan | bestes system | 11:35 |
jackcom | i type ifconfig, so result is ‘’ then localhost == == ? | 11:35 |
lerner | wir können kein Deutsch hier | 11:35 |
nathan | raspberry pi 3 best computer | 11:35 |
john_KE | Hello peeps need assistance with forticlient (vpn client for fortinet firewall) configuration and set up etc | 11:36 |
Admin__ | jackcom, yes | 11:36 |
john_KE | on ubuntu 14.04 64 bit | 11:36 |
jackcom | oh Admin__ thanks :) | 11:36 |
catphish | for some reason, my do-release-upgrade isn't seeing xenial :( | 11:36 |
ShekharReddy | what is a filemode and if it is changed, will that affect the installation of a repo locally | 11:38 |
catphish | i think the problem might be that xenial is missing from but i'm sure it worked before | 11:39 |
BluesKaj | Hi folks | 11:40 |
mikael_ | hii.. | 11:40 |
Myrtti | catphish: if you're on 14.04, then that's normal behaviour | 11:40 |
catphish | Myrtti: i am, why is that? | 11:40 |
catphish | isn't 16.04 the current supported upgrade path from 14.04? | 11:41 |
Myrtti | catphish: because LTS's have always been and are now getting the suggestion for the LTS upgrade only when the first point release (16.04.1) is released in July | 11:41 |
ikonia | it's a good practice | 11:41 |
catphish | Myrtti: thank you, that makes a lot of sense | 11:42 |
Rovanion | I can't get nvidia-settings to switch to the nvidia card on my laptop. It always switches back to Intel in the Prime settings tab. This is on 16.04. | 11:42 |
catphish | Rovanion: what version of nvidia? | 11:43 |
mikael_ | i can't install chrome, could you help me? | 11:43 |
catphish | Rovanion: i had all sorts of problems before pushing all the way up to 364 | 11:43 |
Rovanion | catphish: 361.42-0ubuntu2 | 11:43 |
akik | mikael_: download the chrome deb, then use "sudo apt install ./chrome.deb" | 11:43 |
mikael_ | could you give me link? | 11:44 |
mikael_ | akik? | 11:44 |
catphish | Rovanion: not sure people here will agree with me, but you might want to try 364 from the ppa, it's unsupported by ubuntu and might break everything though | 11:44 |
akik | mikael_: which part are you having trouble with? | 11:44 |
ikonia | catphish: why would you randomly suggest that | 11:45 |
ikonia | what is the problem with what he has got ? | 11:45 |
mikael_ | i can't connect to server.. | 11:45 |
Rovanion | catphish: Which ppa specifically? | 11:45 |
akik | mikael_: ? | 11:45 |
Rovanion | catphish: ? | 11:45 |
catphish | ikonia: only because i just got a new laptop with a prime card and it only works properly with 364 | 11:45 |
ikonia | catphish: yes "you" did | 11:46 |
ikonia | you don't know his chipset, you don't know hte problem, you don't konw his config | 11:46 |
ikonia | yet the answer is to randomly throw an unsupported PPA | 11:46 |
catphish | and my prediction came true | 11:46 |
jackcom | i type then result is ‘Unable to connect’ what’s wrong? i want to die now. | 11:47 |
jackcom | help me | 11:47 |
ikonia | jackcom: what exactly are you typing | 11:47 |
ikonia | and I do mean exactly | 11:47 |
Rovanion | Hi ikonia, I'm using ubuntu 16.04, I've got a NVS 4200M and I can't select my nvidia card using prime-select or nvidia-settings. | 11:47 |
catphish | Rovanion: yes, that ppa, however as said, this is not supported, so i'd suggest asking about your specific card first to see if there's a more supported suggestion | 11:47 |
Xin | hey guys I have a ubuntu box called 'dev' by hostname, I can ping dev but ssh dev fails | 11:47 |
ikonia | Rovanion: catphish have you done anything like looked at the xlogs to see what's going on ? | 11:47 |
Xin | it might be timing out because im using NAT | 11:47 |
ikonia | see if there is anything in the syslog to see if it's trying to swap but failing | 11:48 |
ikonia | you may well need the PPA - but it should not be the first point of call and it should not be blindly used | 11:48 |
jackcom | i type on firefox then result is ‘Unable to connect’ what’s wrong? i want to die now. ikonia | 11:48 |
ikonia | jackcom: what EXACTLY did you type on the command line | 11:48 |
ikonia | as is not a valid command | 11:48 |
catphish | the Xorg log and kernel log would be a place to start, to see if the nvidia module is loading in both | 11:48 |
jackcom | i type it on firefox | 11:48 |
jackcom | ikonia: | 11:48 |
ikonia | jackcom: are you running a web server on your local machine | 11:49 |
Rovanion | ikonia: Well that would get jackcom to localhost. | 11:49 |
ikonia | Rovanion: no it wouldn't | 11:49 |
ikonia | Rovanion: it would do nothing as an invalid command | 11:49 |
Rovanion | ikonia: He typed it in _firefox_. | 11:49 |
Xin | this is weird.. but I want it fixed.. I dont want to have to use bridged networking for 6 vm's | 11:49 |
ikonia | Rovanion: he's only just said he's using firefox | 11:49 |
jackcom | ikonia: yeah i want run web server on my pc | 11:49 |
ikonia | jackcom: ok - is your web server configured to listen on | 11:50 |
ikonia | look in the apache config to confirm | 11:50 |
Rovanion | jackcom: See what sudo systemctl status apache says. | 11:50 |
Rovanion | May have to append .service to apache in that command. | 11:50 |
jackcom | apache.service | 11:51 |
jackcom | Loaded: not-found (Reason: No such file or directory) | 11:51 |
jackcom | Active: inactive (dead) | 11:51 |
jackcom | Rovanion: | 11:51 |
Rovanion | jackcom: Do you have apache2 installed? | 11:51 |
jackcom | :( | 11:51 |
jackcom | i don’t know | 11:51 |
jackcom | :( | 11:51 |
catphish | Rovanion: ikonia is right, you're using a quadro card, so your configuration is nothing like mine, sounds like for some reason the nvidia module won't load, or it won't switch on the power for the nvidia card, im not sure what module does that when not using bumblebee, definitely check the 2 logs (kernel and xorg) | 11:51 |
Rovanion | jackcom: Then check. | 11:51 |
jackcom | how? | 11:51 |
Rovanion | jackcom: dpkg -l | grep apache2 | 11:51 |
jackcom | nothing happened | 11:52 |
jackcom | :( | 11:52 |
Rovanion | jackcom: Then it's not installed. | 11:52 |
jackcom | then how can i install it? | 11:52 |
catphish | thanks all :) gotta run before i start talking to jackom | 11:53 |
jackcom | apache2 | 11:53 |
Xin | lol catalase | 11:53 |
teward | jackcom: apt-get install apache2 | 11:53 |
teward | jackcom: or rather, sudo apt-get install apache2 | 11:53 |
jackcom | teward: thanks :) | 11:53 |
Rovanion | jackcom: Google has good answers to simple questions like that one. | 11:54 |
jackcom | simple? | 11:54 |
jackcom | lol i m too young | 11:54 |
jackcom | :( | 11:54 |
Rovanion | jackcom: yes, simple | 11:54 |
jackcom | Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page <—— it appear when i type ‘’. it is right? | 11:55 |
teward | jackcom: that means Apache is now on your computer and running | 11:55 |
jackcom | lol | 11:55 |
jackcom | thanks teward :) | 11:55 |
jackcom | and Rovanion | 11:55 |
Xin | ok so, I have 2 vm's. One uses bridged networking to get its own ip (dev), one uses NAT (frontend) | 11:57 |
Xin | frontend can ping dev | 11:57 |
Xin | frontend can connect dev's mysql server | 11:58 |
Xin | but frontend cannot connect via ssh | 11:58 |
=== marklyford_ is now known as marklyford | ||
Xin | however, the host OS which also has its own ip, CAN ssh in using putty | 11:58 |
charlytavu | Bonjour la dedans ! Je me retrouve dans la panade après avoir essayé d'installer une Ubuntu 14.04.4 à côté d'un Win 7 préinstallé sur un ordinateur Dell. Après le boot, je me retrouve à booter uniquement sur Ubuntu et plus moyen d'accéder à Win 7. J'ai essayé boot-repair, j'ai essayé de créer une entrée à la main dans 40_custom.conf,etc.. mais rien ne marche :/ Quelqu'un aurait une piste ? | 11:59 |
teward | Xin: is there a reason you don't have both set as Bridged, so they go out over the network rather than having to hop around through NAT on the host machine? | 11:59 |
akik | !fr | 11:59 |
ubottu | Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 11:59 |
Xin | teward; because ill be running 6 vm's on a single host ;(( | 12:00 |
Xin | thats a looot of bridging adaptors | 12:00 |
Xin | lol | 12:00 |
Rovanion | Xin: Is that a problem? | 12:00 |
teward | Xin: erm, a lot of hypervisors run like that heh | 12:00 |
Xin | so only my server vm should be bridged | 12:00 |
Xin | the rest I want to use nat on | 12:00 |
Rovanion | Xin: But why? | 12:00 |
Xin | I just dont get why like 3/4 of the services run, and this ONE fails | 12:01 |
Xin | but I know that I can connect to ssh from remote hosts | 12:01 |
Rovanion | Xin: It's reasonable that you have SSH running on the host machine which then means that the port is already occupied on that IP. | 12:01 |
Xin | nah I dont, the host is windows | 12:02 |
Xin | Unless windows uses port 22 for something | 12:02 |
Xin | hmm | 12:02 |
Xin | nah nothing in netstat /all | 12:02 |
Xin | well nothing for port 22 | 12:03 |
Rovanion | Xin: Well, support for Windows as a VM host is probably not a topic for this channel I'm afraid. | 12:03 |
Xin | Windows is the side that's working correctly. | 12:03 |
Xin | this is only a problem with an ubuntu vm | 12:03 |
Rovanion | Xin: Not neccicerily. | 12:03 |
Xin | a windows vm works fine | 12:03 |
jackcom | lol | 12:03 |
jackcom | i got it | 12:03 |
jackcom | i have success of ‘port forwarding’ with help of #ubuntu guy | 12:04 |
jackcom | lol | 12:04 |
jackcom | great | 12:04 |
jackcom | :) | 12:04 |
jackcom | it is very easy concept | 12:04 |
Rovanion | jackcom: Please don't use the enter key as punctuation. Write entire sentences and don't spam the chat. | 12:04 |
jackcom | ok because i m very glad so i did it | 12:05 |
Xin | even if I change it to bridged, the error persists | 12:05 |
Xin | it says connection refused, not connection timed out etc | 12:05 |
Rovanion | Xin: Have you checked the basics like: Is sshd running? Is it listening to the port you are trying to connect to? | 12:06 |
Xin | yeah as I say I can connect from a windows vm or the windows host to the ssh on dev using putty without issue | 12:06 |
Xin | just this ubuntu vm that wont connect | 12:07 |
bekks | how are you trying to connect? | 12:07 |
Xin | 'ssh dev' | 12:07 |
Rovanion | Xin: From where? | 12:07 |
Xin | from an ubuntu vm called frontend | 12:07 |
bekks | and which ip does "dev" have? | 12:07 |
Rovanion | Xin: host dev | 12:08 |
Xin | the backend (dev) is running ubuntu server | 12:08 |
Xin | dev has the ip | 12:08 |
Rovanion | Xin: Run the command "host dev" on the machine you are ssh:ing from. Make sure that it matches the output of "ip addr" on the machine you think is dev. | 12:08 |
Xin | and the vm is like | 12:08 |
Xin | Rovanion; let me try | 12:08 |
bekks | and you are using bridged adapters? | 12:08 |
Xin | I am now, yeah | 12:09 |
bekks | So doublecheck all ip addresses. | 12:09 |
Xin | Rovanion; still connection refused | 12:09 |
Xin | no connection refused is an active refusal | 12:09 |
Xin | so its getting to the sshd | 12:09 |
Xin | and being refused access | 12:09 |
Rovanion | Xin: Not neccicecrily. | 12:09 |
Xin | but putty works fine | 12:09 |
jackcom | i can’t use ‘port forwarding’ with LET? | 12:09 |
Rovanion | Xin: Again, it can be refused at some earlier point. | 12:09 |
jackcom | LTE? | 12:09 |
Xin | theres no hardware on my network that would do that | 12:10 |
Xin | and neither of the hosts is already using port 22 at all | 12:10 |
Rovanion | Xin: Your VM host can refuse the connection. | 12:10 |
jackcom | i can’t use ‘port forwarding’ with LTE? | 12:10 |
lipanXJ | maybe because port is not allow | 12:10 |
bekks | jackcom: Please elaborate :) | 12:10 |
Rovanion | jackcom: That question doesn't make sense I'm afraid. | 12:10 |
jackcom | i set ‘port forwarding’ as webserver, and i can’t connect web server with LTE on my phone? | 12:11 |
bekks | jackcom: that doesnt make any sense. | 12:12 |
jackcom | why? bekks ? | 12:12 |
bekks | jackcom: where did you configure portforwarding from what to what? | 12:12 |
jackcom | bekks: it works well at wifi | 12:13 |
jackcom | but it don’t works at LET | 12:13 |
bekks | jackcom: what works well with wifi? | 12:13 |
jackcom | LTE | 12:13 |
Rovanion | ikonia: I think I found something which can be cause of the issue. Perhaps it's that I'm running a 32 bit system: Because there is nothing in the xorg, syslog or kernel logs that mention nvidia. So nothing concerning the proprietary driver is ever logged. Perhaps because the configuration fails. | 12:13 |
bekks | jackcom: Please be specific | 12:13 |
jackcom | external ip : 9999 ——> it to to internal 80 port | 12:14 |
bekks | jackcom: external ip of what? | 12:14 |
bekks | jackcom: start to be specific please. | 12:14 |
seby | hi | 12:14 |
ikonia | Rovanion: why do you think the 32bit system is the problem | 12:14 |
Rovanion | ikonia: A hunch really. Since update-alternatives are looking for a 32-bit library which doesn't exist. | 12:15 |
Xin | Rovanion; but its only doing it selectively | 12:16 |
jackcom | it set port forwarding 9999 port to 80 port, when i connect it at external wifi. it works well. but when i connect it at LTE. it don’t works. | 12:16 |
jackcom | bekks: | 12:16 |
Rovanion | Xin: Still: Have you checked the things I asked for? | 12:17 |
jackcom | bekks: what’s wrong? | 12:17 |
Xin | lol well yeah I checked them by connecting to the ssh server... | 12:17 |
Xin | remotely | 12:17 |
bekks | jackcom: So you have a router, which you configured for portforwarding from its external ip on a specific port to a specific internal ip/port? | 12:17 |
Rovanion | Xin: Please follow my advice in troubleshooting or don't ask for my advice in troubleshooting. | 12:17 |
Xin | oh wait | 12:18 |
Xin | you mean the host command? | 12:18 |
Xin | yeah I did that | 12:18 |
ikonia | Hmmm Rovanion can you get the gl libraries | 12:18 |
jackcom | bekks: 9999 ——— > 80 | 12:18 |
jackcom | i m too hard now | 12:18 |
ikonia | Rovanion: seems a logical find, well done | 12:18 |
jackcom | :( | 12:18 |
Xin | worked fine, as I say I can ping dev | 12:18 |
Rovanion | I need lunch. Will probably return at some point. | 12:19 |
Xin | kk same, except I need dinner haha | 12:19 |
jackcom | Rovanion: help me | 12:19 |
jackcom | i set port forwarding 9999 port to 80 port, when i connect it at external wifi. it works well. but when i connect it at LTE. it don’t works. | 12:19 |
jackcom | what’s wrong? | 12:19 |
Rovanion | jackcom: Sorry, this man needs food. Please listen to the other users and read up on what a router is. | 12:19 |
jackcom | port fowarding don’t support LTE? | 12:20 |
Rovanion | jackcom: Read this article: | 12:20 |
bekks | jackcom: Can you answer my laste question with a yes or no please? | 12:20 |
bekks | *last | 12:20 |
jackcom | bekks: what question? | 12:20 |
Rovanion | jackcom: You need to understand what NAT means: | 12:20 |
bekks | Ok, maybe someone else is willing to help you. | 12:20 |
Rovanion | jackcom: Read those two wikipedia articles. | 12:21 |
nfnty | Why does HDMI stop working when using grub but not syslinux with nouveau during framebuffer handover? | 12:21 |
jackcom | thanks Rovanion | 12:21 |
Ubotto | Jackom your problem is that your server or whatever is hosted locally. That is why you can access it via wifi and not lte | 12:21 |
bekks | Ubotto: And thats why he setup portforwarding. | 12:21 |
jackcom | yes | 12:21 |
jackcom | i did it | 12:21 |
jackcom | what’s wrong? | 12:22 |
Ubotto | ah right ok. | 12:22 |
bekks | Ubotto: He just doesnt answer questions. | 12:22 |
Admin__ | jackcom, why you want to access by LTE? | 12:22 |
Ubotto | bekks I see lol. | 12:23 |
jackcom | Admin__: i test all thing | 12:23 |
l1meon | Hello. I have a task and want to know if it can be acomplished the way I need it to be. So I have buyed some VPN's and need to setup with multiple openvpn clients on one machine then to install squid and add the vpn's ips to squid so I cand open multiple browsers with different ips each. Is it possible/OK this, or is there an easier way of opening multiple browsers with different ips from vpn? | 12:23 |
jackcom | :( | 12:23 |
jackcom | port fowarding don’t support LTE? Admin__ ? | 12:23 |
bekks | l1meon: You cannot assign an IP to a browser. | 12:23 |
bekks | jackcom: LTE and portforwarding are unrelated. | 12:24 |
l1meon | bekks, thats why I thinking of setuping squid so I can use own proxies in browser | 12:24 |
jackcom | bekks: but wifi and portforwarding are related then? | 12:24 |
Admin__ | jackcom, port forwarding is in router, LTE is computer <----> 4G Tower | 12:24 |
bekks | jackcom: No. | 12:24 |
jackcom | oh | 12:25 |
jackcom | Admin__: thanks | 12:25 |
jackcom | :) | 12:25 |
jackcom | Admin__: then how about 3G? | 12:25 |
bekks | jackcom: The same. | 12:25 |
jackcom | bekks: :( | 12:25 |
bekks | jackcom: Did you read the wikipedia articles given? | 12:25 |
jackcom | not now | 12:25 |
bekks | Do it now. | 12:25 |
jackcom | but i will read it | 12:25 |
jackcom | thanks bekks and especially Admin__ | 12:26 |
jackcom | :) | 12:26 |
Ubotto | Guys... Anyone here installed a system using mini.iso before ???? I need a bit of advice. | 12:28 |
bekks | Ubotto: A lot of people did. | 12:28 |
lotuspsychje | Ubotto: do you really need ubuntu mini? | 12:28 |
mdanielk | what is mini.iso? | 12:28 |
bekks | mdanielk: a minimal iso :) | 12:28 |
mdanielk | ooh | 12:28 |
Ubotto | ok lol. Well.... | 12:29 |
Ubotto | Using ubuntu mini.iso I want to install only openbox and my desired applications. Apart from xorg, xinit, network-manager & gdn, what other utilities will I need to install ???? | 12:29 |
Admin__ | jackcom, what IP are you trying to connect to using LTE? | 12:29 |
jackcom | external ip? | 12:29 |
jackcom | Admin__: | 12:29 |
lotuspsychje | !mini | Ubotto | 12:29 |
ubottu | Ubotto: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want. The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See | 12:29 |
Admin__ | | 12:30 |
jackcom | | 12:30 |
Ubotto | lotspsuchje: I have used the mini.iso before, but only ever to install an actual desktop. I just need to know what extras I need to install to go along with openbox. | 12:31 |
Admin__ | jackcom, LOOKS DEAD | 12:31 |
jackcom | lol | 12:32 |
jackcom | i reset it now | 12:32 |
jackcom | because of security | 12:32 |
l1meon | So nobody know about how I can do my task? | 12:33 |
^}^ | hello | 12:34 |
^}^ | anyone know how to enable trim on MacBookPro with Ubuntu 16.04 | 12:35 |
Xin | LOL nice nick!! | 12:35 |
bekks | !trim | 12:35 |
ubottu | Many Solid State Drives support TRIM, which allows the drive to do garbage collection and improves performance. Ubuntu 14.04 activates it by default. For older versions, see for information on activating it. | 12:35 |
Xin | !define | 12:36 |
^}^ | thank you | 12:36 |
^}^ | !xfce | 12:36 |
ubottu | Xfce is a lightweight and configurable desktop environment used by !Xubuntu. Read more at | 12:36 |
^}^ | !desktop | 12:36 |
ubottu | A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), !LXDE (lubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors | 12:36 |
lotuspsychje | !msgthebot | ^}^ | 12:36 |
ubottu | ^}^: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". | 12:36 |
Xin | I restarted everything just to be sure but still can ssh in from 1 vm but not another | 12:37 |
Xin | OK\ | 12:40 |
Xin | thats weird | 12:40 |
vlad3 | hello ! | 12:40 |
Xin | I can connect using the ip address but not the host name | 12:40 |
Xin | but, when I do ping dev | 12:40 |
Xin | it gives the correct ip?? | 12:40 |
l1meon | Another question, can I use openvpn as proxy? I mean if I start openvpn client on port 1234, and another client on port 5678, then in firefox set proxy settings with one of this ports | 12:40 |
l1meon | ? | 12:40 |
lotuspsychje | l1meon: perhaps ##networking is more for you? | 12:41 |
jackcom | Admin__: can i open it again? | 12:41 |
Xin | I mean its working now but id like to know why | 12:41 |
l1meon | lotuspsychje, ok, thanks | 12:42 |
Admin__ | jackcom, sure? | 12:42 |
jackcom | ok | 12:42 |
jackcom | connect it now plz Admin__ | 12:43 |
Admin__ | jackcom, dead | 12:43 |
jackcom | :D | 12:43 |
Rovanion | ikonia: Wrote up a bug on the issue: | 12:52 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1591979 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu) "prime-select nvidia tries to use nonexisting folder lib32 causing failure to switch graphics card" [Undecided,New] | 12:52 |
lerner | ikonia, you may want to know that your command reproduced the bug as well | 12:53 |
ikonia | lerner: explain what happened please | 12:55 |
ikonia | Rovanion: lovely | 12:55 |
ikonia | Rovanion: can you get the 32bit gl libs ? | 12:55 |
lerner | ikonia, well, I executed sudo shutdown -h now and got a blankscreen with no output | 12:56 |
Rovanion | ikonia: I assume I already have them installed since I'm on a 32-bit system. But are you referring to ia32-libs? | 12:56 |
ikonia | Rovanion: the missing 32bit gl lib that it was failing to link against | 12:56 |
ikonia | lerner: so you get the same problem if you do "sudo shutdown -r now" | 12:57 |
lerner | ill try with the r ikonia | 12:57 |
Rovanion | ikonia: apt-file search /usr/lib32/vdpau/ turns up nothing, so I'm not sure how I would get them. | 12:57 |
ikonia | Rovanion: looks like it should come from the nvidia binary package | 12:59 |
ikonia | | 12:59 |
ikonia | not arch=amd64 | 12:59 |
Bmw-01 | | 12:59 |
ikonia | note | 13:00 |
Rovanion | ikonia: Yeah, apt-file find tells me that it is in nvidia-361, on the path: /usr/lib/nvidia-361/vdpau/, which I do have installed. | 13:00 |
ikonia | there is 32bit equiv | 13:00 |
Rovanion | ikonia: apt-cache policy nvidia-361 tells me that it's the i386 repo my package is installed from. | 13:01 |
ngomes | Jun 13 12:56:04 ngomes-OEM kernel: sd 5:0:0:0: [sdc] No Caching mode page found | 13:04 |
ngomes | Jun 13 12:56:04 ngomes-OEM kernel: sd 5:0:0:0: [sdc] Assuming drive cache: write through | 13:04 |
ngomes | how can i get rid of this messages while booting 16.04 ? | 13:04 |
ngomes | its about a usb disk | 13:04 |
ngomes | they not really an error, just an warning | 13:05 |
lrss | Hey, i removed my tCMOS battery to check for faults. now its working but my hardware clock is weird. How do i synch it? | 13:06 |
ngomes | lrss, ntpdate | 13:06 |
ngomes | lrss, or use ntdp | 13:06 |
ngomes | lrss, or use ntpd | 13:06 |
hateball | lrss: you can set the hwclock from systemclock with "hwclock -w" | 13:06 |
lrss | ngomes, Thanks, did this also change in bios? | 13:07 |
ngomes | lrss, yes, i think so | 13:07 |
Rovanion | ikonia: Now the question is: Where does it get that lib32 path from? Because /usr/bin/prime-select is a python file with no mention of this path. | 13:09 |
=== marklyford_ is now known as marklyford | ||
ikonia | Rovanion: now that is the big question | 13:13 |
haasn | How come ubuntu's kernels spend a good 1-2 seconds on every boot benchmarking raid6 recovery algorithms even if I am not using raid6? | 13:14 |
Rovanion | ikonia: I mean, all it does is invoke update-alternatives with a bunch of different arguments. | 13:14 |
haasn | google seems to suggest this is due to btrfs being compiled in instead of loaded as a module, is there nothing I can do about this? | 13:14 |
ikonia | Rovanion: again, thats the big question, I'd expect it to just manage the path, but who knows | 13:15 |
designbybeck | what am I doing wrong with DD?....It keeps messing up my USB drives: sudo dd if=xubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=8M | 13:15 |
ikonia | designbybeck: what do you mean messing up | 13:15 |
Rovanion | designbybeck: It is not nicknamed disk destroyed without reason. | 13:16 |
designbybeck | ikonia, it only takes 5secs or so to write....which at 1GB I think that is a little fast, but then it doesn't boot, and I can see contents on the USB, but if I try to open the readme, it seems corrupt | 13:16 |
designbybeck | i've tried 3 drives | 13:16 |
Rovanion | designbybeck: Could it be that the ISO you are writing is corrupt? Have you checked the checksums? | 13:17 |
ikonia | designbybeck: why are you writing in 8m blocks | 13:17 |
designbybeck | well yes I know that Rovanion ...just seems like sometimes it works, some times it doesn't.. but when it does this, I can't even format or delete the parition in Disks | 13:17 |
designbybeck | ikonia, why not? | 13:17 |
hateball | designbybeck: do you let it finish writing before you unplug the drive? run "sync" to make sure everything is flushed to disk | 13:17 |
ikonia | designbybeck: block alignment | 13:17 |
designbybeck | hateball, I goes back to the command promote | 13:17 |
designbybeck | HHmmmmmm | 13:18 |
designbybeck | ok, how do I get these USB drive useable again? ... I think one time I did something with dd to write all 0's ? | 13:18 |
ikonia | designbybeck: just format them | 13:18 |
ikonia | you don't need to write zero's | 13:18 |
designbybeck | ikonia, I can't | 13:18 |
ikonia | why not | 13:18 |
designbybeck | ikonia, | 13:19 |
moos3 | question I have a racoon,quagga running. I have a host with a public iface and a alias for 192.168 network for host to host networking. I need to route my vpc vpn traffic for to the node running quagga bgp and forward it up to the vpc, ideas on how to make the route use the gateway ip of 192? Also i am on linode, so I have no access to switch fabric | 13:19 |
designbybeck | this happens to my USB drives | 13:19 |
ikonia | designbybeck: looks like the sizing is off | 13:19 |
ikonia | just overwrite the first 512 bytes of data | 13:20 |
designbybeck | ikonia, not sure how to do that | 13:20 |
Rovanion | designbybeck: Have you tried using gparted? It does partitioning really well. | 13:20 |
designbybeck | Rovanion, let me try | 13:20 |
ikonia | bs=512k count=1 | 13:21 |
lotuspsychje | moos3: perhaps something for ##networking ? | 13:21 |
designbybeck | ikonia, is that with dd? | 13:22 |
ikonia | yes | 13:22 |
designbybeck | ikonia, so ..."sudo dd bs=512k count=1 of=/dev/sdc" | 13:23 |
ikonia | if=/dev/zero | 13:23 |
designbybeck | ikonia, ....where zero = my drive? ...sdc? | 13:24 |
=== coy is now known as Guest42800 | ||
soLucien | hi guys ! does anyone have a one-liner for renaming key-value pairs ? | 13:24 |
ikonia | zero=/dev/zero | 13:24 |
Rovanion | designbybeck: if means input file, of means output file. | 13:24 |
designbybeck | ikonia, how does it know to use the USB drive and not my HDD? | 13:25 |
ikonia | designbybeck: you give it the write device name | 13:25 |
ikonia | you told me of=/dev/sdc | 13:25 |
ikonia | I'm trying you to know sdc is your usb | 13:25 |
designbybeck | yes sdc is my USB drive as shown in lsblk | 13:25 |
soLucien | as in i want to perform the following operation: change GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="elevator=noop" | 13:25 |
soLucien | in the /etc/default/grub file | 13:25 |
hateball | soLucien: so change it, sudo nano /etc/default/grub | 13:26 |
soLucien | what it should do : if the ky exists, overwrite its value | 13:26 |
hateball | and then sudo update-grub | 13:26 |
soLucien | in the command line, hateball | 13:26 |
soLucien | i am creating an unattended linux box setuo | 13:26 |
soLucien | if the key exists , overwrite the value .. if it does not create it | 13:26 |
soLucien | this is a very common operation | 13:27 |
soLucien | i am sure someone has a sed one-liner somewhere | 13:27 |
soLucien | i am sure some people around ere don't go around sudo nano-ing all the time . Especially for these kind of operation | 13:28 |
pesari | soLucien: check out augeas | 13:28 |
EriC^^ | soLucien: sed -i 's/toreplace/replacewith/' /etc/default... | 13:29 |
designbybeck | sudo dd bs=512k count=1 of=/dev/sdc ...... ?? | 13:30 |
bekks | designbybeck: sudo dd bs=16M ... | 13:30 |
designbybeck | bekks, I tried 8M and that seemed to mess things up | 13:30 |
bekks | designbybeck: Why do you want the first 512k? | 13:30 |
soLucien | EriC will it handle the case where the key is not present ? | 13:30 |
designbybeck | bekks, so now I'm trying to repair the USB drive | 13:30 |
bekks | And what does "mess up" means in that context? | 13:31 |
soLucien | or when the line is commented out ? | 13:31 |
designbybeck | bekks, ... | 13:31 |
bekks | designbybeck: And what do you expect from dd at that point? | 13:31 |
Myrkur | hey guys | 13:32 |
designbybeck | bekks, to fix my USB drive so I can try to burn to it again another ISO | 13:32 |
Myrkur | i'm having a lot of network problems on my ubuntu servers | 13:32 |
bekks | designbybeck: dd doesnt fix anything - what do you want to achieve using that particular dd command? | 13:32 |
cruiser | Hello. I did an upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 and now it wont automatically setup/mount my luks encrypted disk. I have to manually boot into recovery, mount it and then init to 5. How do i fix this? | 13:32 |
Myrkur | I'm getting an adress from the DHCP server, but after that, I'm still not connected to the server | 13:32 |
designbybeck | bekks, from that error, it seems I can't format the drive, nor can I use anything else to burn to it | 13:33 |
designbybeck | when I try dd it messes up my USB drives | 13:33 |
bekks | designbybeck: And that particular dd command will not change that behaviour. | 13:33 |
designbybeck | bekks, this was the command I tried: sudo dd if=xubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=8M | 13:33 |
bekks | designbybeck: And what is "messed up" at that point? | 13:33 |
designbybeck | bekks, I still get this error when trying to format from Disks: | 13:34 |
jinxi | what is a good alternative to Adobe illustrator? | 13:34 |
designbybeck | so I can't format it to try the othe rdd command or unetbootin bekks | 13:34 |
designbybeck | jinxi Inkscape | 13:35 |
designbybeck | jinxi, | 13:35 |
bekks | designbybeck: you are trying to delete a partition there, not creating a filesystem. | 13:35 |
bekks | designbybeck: What is messed up after using "sudo dd if=xubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=8M"? | 13:35 |
designbybeck | bekks, when I did that, it just finishes in about 5 secs, then I can see the file sturcture, but when I try to open diskdefs or the like, it seems corrupt and will not boot off the laptop | 13:36 |
ShekharReddy | facing this error, any help ? | 13:36 |
designbybeck | i've tried multiple USB drives bekks and this has happened on other ISOs as well | 13:36 |
bekks | designbybeck: thats not how things work. | 13:36 |
designbybeck | lol bekks I'm guessing now...because it breaks | 13:37 |
bekks | designbybeck: unmount the usb thing, use "sudo dd if=xubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=8M" and reboot. Then boot from the usb. | 13:37 |
ubuntu-mate_ | :D | 13:37 |
hateball | designbybeck: that's why you should use sync after dd, to make sure everything gets written | 13:38 |
hateball | dd whatever && sync | 13:38 |
hateball | wait for it to finish | 13:38 |
designbybeck | bekks, ...this seems to be taking longer this time ...maybe I didn't umount first? | 13:38 |
bekks | designbybeck: Yeah. | 13:39 |
* zykotick9 notes "sudo cp xubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso /dev/sdc" followed by "sync" is less typing than using dd | 13:39 | |
designbybeck | yes sorry hateball I forgot to type that back in | 13:39 |
designbybeck | ...still trying to learn this | 13:39 |
designbybeck | I'm guessing it was because I didn't umount first is all ican think of...looks like it is going right now...hasn't returned to the promote yet | 13:40 |
BluesKaj | designbybeck, a 1.3GB iso takes about 5mins with dd | 13:41 |
designbybeck | gotcha BluesKaj thanks!...*looks at clock* | 13:41 |
EriC^^ | designbybeck: sudo pkill -USR1 ^dd | 13:42 |
BluesKaj | of course 8M might be faster | 13:42 |
EriC^^ | in another terminal | 13:42 |
designbybeck | EriC^^, what does that do? | 13:43 |
EriC^^ | lets dd report the progress | 13:43 |
designbybeck | oh it just finished | 13:43 |
eirikrrrrrrr | heyo :) I am trying to add an applications browser to plank and since I don't seem to find one, maybe someone in here can tell me how to open the apps lens from command line? so i can make it myself | 13:43 |
designbybeck | 148+0 records in | 13:43 |
designbybeck | 148+0 records out | 13:43 |
designbybeck | 1241513984 bytes (1.2 GB, 1.2 GiB) copied, 289.832 s, 4.3 MB/s | 13:43 |
hateball | EriC^^: these days one can also supply status=progress to dd :) | 13:43 |
EriC^^ | hateball: ah nice, good to know! | 13:44 |
designbybeck | bekks, I'm back to the prompt... do I need to do anything else before I take the USB out? | 13:44 |
hateball | EriC^^: not sure it's supported across platforms etc, but it works in dd in ubuntu 16.04 at any rate :p | 13:44 |
bekks | designbybeck: Since you want to boot from it, you dont need to unplug it. | 13:44 |
designbybeck | hateball, is that on the same command or && | 13:44 |
hateball | designbybeck: which? | 13:44 |
Bomber4Chats | Hi, back again. Still trying to connect to wifi | 13:44 |
designbybeck | well I want to use it on another device bekks | 13:44 |
designbybeck | dd "INFO" && status=progress | 13:45 |
designbybeck | or dd "INFO" status=progress | 13:45 |
hateball | designbybeck: the latter | 13:45 |
bekks | designbybeck: Ah :) | 13:45 |
designbybeck | kk | 13:45 |
EriC^^ | designbybeck: use sync | 13:45 |
Bomber4Chats | I have a Qualcomm Atheros AR9485 adapter | 13:45 |
EriC^^ | before unplugging the usb | 13:46 |
Bomber4Chats | It previously worked, but for some reason now it doesn't | 13:46 |
designbybeck | Woohoo! Thanks bekks ikonia BluesKaj hateball EriC^^ Rovanion | 13:46 |
EriC^^ | Bomber4Chats: maybe it doesn't work with the newer kernel? | 13:46 |
hateball | designbybeck: so it'd be "dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/null status=progress && sync" to show progress and then sync to be sure | 13:46 |
designbybeck | I'm trying to get it right! I've learned to unmout before I write to it! | 13:46 |
EriC^^ | Bomber4Chats: which ubuntu are you on? | 13:47 |
designbybeck | ...and the progress! | 13:47 |
designbybeck | I'm writing this down | 13:47 |
Bomber4Chats | 16.04 | 13:49 |
EriC^^ | Bomber4Chats: try booting the older kernel | 13:50 |
Bomber4Chats | Ubuntu mate | 13:50 |
Bomber4Chats | K | 13:50 |
EriC^^ | also might check dmesg for any errors | 13:50 |
eirikrrrrrrr | nobody who knows if there is a command to open the dash search thingy? | 13:52 |
EriC^^ | eirikrrrrrrr: the super (windows) key | 13:52 |
AMit-_________ | hey, apparently #linux hates me, and #bash is dead, so whatever, I will ask here | 13:52 |
bekks | AMit-_________: #bash isnt dead at all. | 13:53 |
AMit-_________ | well nobody talks there ._. | 13:53 |
eirikrrrrrrr | EriC: yes that i know, but i am trying to have a button for it on plank you see | 13:53 |
=== AMit-_________ is now known as Amit__ | ||
bekks | Amit__: Nobody talks there because you joined a few seconds ago only. | 13:53 |
EriC^^ | eirikrrrrrrr: can't you assign it a key instead of button? | 13:54 |
ikonia | Amit__: as you didn't even talk in ##linux it would seem you are not being honest | 13:54 |
EriC^^ | eirikrrrrrrr: maybe you could use some program that emulates pressing the dash button and use it for the command.. | 13:54 |
EriC^^ | like xdotool | 13:55 |
TheMontyChrist | how to tweak sysctl params from command line | 13:55 |
TheMontyChrist | can do this in freebsd | 13:55 |
Amit__ | thanks for the analysis bekks and ikonia . | 13:55 |
TheMontyChrist | w/o having to modfiy sysctl.conf | 13:55 |
eirikrrrrrrr | EriC^^: I will look it up | 13:55 |
bekks | Amit__: you're welcome. | 13:55 |
Bomber4Chats | EriC^^, I'm receiving an error about /usr/sbi/NetworkManager | 13:56 |
EriC^^ | !paste | Bomber4Chats | 13:56 |
ubottu | Bomber4Chats: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 13:56 |
eirikrrrrrrr | EriC^^: then i have to figure out what the key names of super-A is , anyhoo.. thanks. cool tool anyway.. | 14:00 |
sh0t | guys how come whenever i try to go on gmail with chrome or firefox it gets stuck | 14:01 |
sh0t | ? | 14:01 |
EriC^^ | eirikrrrrrrr: you could use xbindkeys to bind them to 1 key | 14:01 |
zykotick9 | eirikrrrrrrr: fyi, "super" is the "windows" key | 14:02 |
eirikrrrrrrr | i know | 14:02 |
zykotick9 | eirikrrrrrrr: ahh, sorry. | 14:02 |
therealtbe | hello when installing 14.04 LTS from the livecd, does it use LVM Version1 or Version2 ? | 14:03 |
bekks | therealtbe: LVM2. | 14:03 |
bekks | therealtbe: LSVM1 is dead for ages. | 14:03 |
bekks | *LVM | 14:03 |
eirikrrrrrrr | EriC^^: ok.. thanks.. i will look into it :) peas in the middle east! | 14:03 |
Bomber4Chats | Ok I restarted to the latest and the previous version of 16. 04 and I'm not seeing the error message I mentioned anymore, but I still cannot connect to wifi | 14:04 |
therealtbe | bekks: I have created an install using 14.04 LTS and LVM (Version2), and I cannot make a clone of it using clonezilla. Clonezilla states "LVM2 (LVM version 1 is not) under GNU/Linux is supported." However it says ""The LVM Physical volume setting was not found. Unable to save LVM image." | 14:06 |
therealtbe | bekks: "LVM Physical volume setting" is this some sort of flag that I can enable on a partition? | 14:06 |
bekks | therealtbe: clonezilla does not support lvm. | 14:07 |
Bomber4Chats | I've tried resetting the network-manager service, but to no avail | 14:07 |
bekks | therealtbe: Use another software for cloning. | 14:07 |
therealtbe | bekks: yes it does it says right on the homepage. | 14:07 |
therealtbe | bekks: "LVM2 (LVM version 1 is not) under GNU/Linux is supported." | 14:07 |
sh0t | i tried to disable all the plugins but it still crashes | 14:09 |
nickanon | I am having a problem in ubuntu 16.04. I am notified that there is an update but when I click software updater icon, it disappears with no response.I am currently installing updates using terminal. How can I deal with this issue? | 14:11 |
bekks | nickanon: sudo apt update | 14:11 |
bekks | nickanon: No need for a query. That command fetches the information wether there are new updates available. | 14:13 |
sh0t | HI guys I am having problems with: Google Chrome 51.0.2704.84/ubuntu 15.10. It crashes/hangs every time I go on gmail or youtube or I think active pages in general...I think it depends on flash plugins but I am not sure how to fix it. | 14:15 |
lyze | sh0t, gmail / youtube doesn't use flash. | 14:16 |
lyze | and google installes a in built flash player, so it should work fine | 14:16 |
lyze | * google chrome | 14:16 |
sh0t | ok lyze. But it doesn't work fine | 14:16 |
lyze | sh0t, open chrome via the terminal ... i think it outputs log to it | 14:16 |
sh0t | so let's just say i don't know on what it depends. | 14:16 |
bekks | sh0t: Does it work on other pages containing flash? | 14:16 |
sh0t | bekks, as lyze pointed out I don't know where flash is used if you could point me at page that does i'll tell you if it works or not :) | 14:17 |
lyze | sh0t, | 14:18 |
tgm4883 | seems pointless to check that since you mentioned 2 sites that don't use flash that it breaks on | 14:18 |
bekks | sh0t: | 14:18 |
sh0t | bekks, lyze that page tells me it is installed | 14:19 |
sh0t | properly | 14:19 |
sh0t | "Flash Player is pre-installed in Google Chrome and updates automatically! | 14:19 |
sh0t | You can skip the steps below. See Flash Player with Google Chrome." | 14:19 |
lyze | sh0t, can you define crashing? Does it dplsay a "aw snap" error or does chrome get closed? | 14:20 |
sh0t | lyze: by crashing I mean that it doesn't allow me click anywhere. After I will the "aw snap" window pops up... | 14:21 |
sh0t | *after a while | 14:21 |
lyze | sh0t, have you tried disabling all plugins? | 14:21 |
Bomber4Chats | I don't have nm on my system. It's that normal? | 14:21 |
bekks | Bomber4Chats: Thats normal for lubuntu | 14:22 |
lyze | sh0t, or better, try to create a temporary new profile (the button right next to minimize, maximize...) and see if it works there fine w/o installing plugins and stuff, also don't login there with a google account | 14:22 |
sh0t | lyze yes I did. By doing that I can go on youtube for instance it doesnt crash the videos seem to load but they are not played. | 14:22 |
Bomber4Chats | bekks for ubuntu mate too? 16.04 | 14:22 |
sh0t | ok i'll try that lyze | 14:22 |
bekks | Bomber4Chats: Then you uninstalled it earlier, did you? | 14:22 |
Bomber4Chats | I'm just following instructions to try to fix my wifi issue | 14:22 |
bekks | Bomber4Chats: Which instructions? | 14:23 |
Bomber4Chats | Maybe I autoremoved it | 14:23 |
Bomber4Chats | | 14:23 |
sh0t | by doing that lyze and going on youtube and clicking on a starts loading it but then crashes... | 14:23 |
jbbeaudet | salut | 14:24 |
lyze | sh0t, hmm ... ok then ... close chrome ... open a terminal and type there "google-chrome" ... it should open chrome but also log stuff into the terminal ... go to youtube, load a video and send the logs | 14:24 |
sh0t | lyze, this is part of the output on the terminaL | 14:24 |
sh0t | | 14:24 |
sh0t | (when i tried another user with another user without logging in google accounts) | 14:25 |
lyze | sh0t, ls la /home/gpierto/.config/ | 14:25 |
lyze | sh0t, sorry, ls -la | 14:25 |
designbybeck | Ok the DD command finally worked andd I was able to install xubuntu on an older Dell 64AMD. Everything seemed to install correctly, however, even when hardwired to eth I can't get internet | 14:25 |
designbybeck | I did have it when installing and it saw the network then, but not after install. And I don't see anything to do with eth in the Addtional Drivers | 14:26 |
sh0t | it shows me the stuff i have in that dir | 14:26 |
sh0t | lyze, | 14:26 |
lyze | sh0t, send me the output please c; | 14:26 |
lyze | it looks like you've borked some permissions | 14:26 |
sh0t | lyze, yes i agree .. | 14:27 |
lyze | sh0t, hmm ... that's weird ... well let's fix it: chmod -R gpietro /home/gpietro/.config/menus | 14:28 |
lyze | sh0t, chgrp sudo chgrp -R gpietro /home/gpietro/.config/menus | 14:29 |
sh0t | the first command you told me doesn't work | 14:29 |
lyze | what's the output? | 14:29 |
sh0t | lyze, chmod: invalid mode: ‘gpietro’ | 14:30 |
lyze | ah sorry chown ... not chmod ^^ | 14:30 |
lyze | sh0t, ↑ | 14:30 |
sh0t | allright | 14:30 |
bekks | sh0t: sudo chown -R gpietro:gpietro /home/gpietro/.config/menus/ | 14:30 |
sh0t | restarted chrome but it still doesn't work | 14:31 |
Bomber4Chats | Bekks, I'm trying this now: | 14:31 |
lyze | sh0t, any other errors? | 14:32 |
sh0t | lyze, i tried to use another "person" on chrome and go to youtube/gmail: | 14:33 |
lyze | sh0t, [1:6:0613/] Out of memory. size=4194304 | 14:34 |
sh0t | yeah i see that :/ | 14:34 |
lyze | How much memory do you have? | 14:34 |
lyze | and how much is in use? | 14:34 |
bekks | sh0t: Can you pastebin "dmesg" please? | 14:34 |
sh0t | lyze, bekks i also hve this: about memory: this is dmesg: | 14:36 |
DarkPsy | Hello everyone, when I connect my iPhone 6 to Ubuntu 15.10 it automounts it and I can see the file system, after upgrading to 16.04, it doesn't mount at all and shows only the camera folder, any idea why it's the ability to automount? | 14:36 |
int-main | Can someone give me default /etc/systemd/logind.conf file? | 14:39 |
int-main | I deleted mine and I sort of need the default one (I know it is uncommented) | 14:39 |
Bomber4Chats | K, that didn't work... | 14:39 |
sh0t | bekks, lyze sorry to disturb: any ideas? | 14:40 |
lyze | sh0t, can you take a look at the taskmanager while you are opening chrome and go to youtube? look how much memory it uses c; | 14:41 |
sh0t | task manager? you mean like top/htop? | 14:41 |
lyze | Yeah something like that, or gui alternatives ... whatever ^^ | 14:41 |
bekks | sh0t: Try rebooting, you have several stack traces in your dmesg output. | 14:42 |
sh0t | lyze, I cant see anything weird about mem/cpu consumption. | 14:43 |
Bomber4Chats | Do I need to change the mode of my wifi adapter from "managed"? | 14:43 |
lyze | hmm ... then try rebooting ^^ | 14:43 |
sh0t | bekks, lyze rebooting is not going to help i think. I already trie it | 14:43 |
sh0t | but ok i 'll reboot | 14:43 |
sh0t | ttyl | 14:43 |
Hulio | hi guys, how can i install xcaht in ubuntu? | 14:44 |
Hulio | i can't seem to get it working with 'audo apt-get install xchat' | 14:44 |
bekks | Hulio: Install hexchat instead, since xchat upstream is abandoned. | 14:44 |
Hulio | with: E: Package 'xchat' has no installation candidate | 14:44 |
lyze | !info hexchat | 14:44 |
ubottu | hexchat (source: hexchat): IRC client for X based on X-Chat 2. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.10.2-1ubuntu3 (xenial), package size 330 kB, installed size 932 kB | 14:44 |
Hulio | i like xchat | 14:44 |
XB23 | yes hexchat is brilliant | 14:44 |
XB23 | :D im using it right now | 14:44 |
XB23 | lol | 14:44 |
lyze | Hulio, hexchat is a fork of xchat c; | 14:44 |
Hulio | so there is no way to get it? | 14:44 |
bekks | Hulio: Which doesnt revive upstream. Just use hexchat. | 14:45 |
lyze | Nope. it's abandoned. hexchat is looks exactly the same but is worked on | 14:45 |
soLucien | grub-install: error: More than one install device? | 14:46 |
soLucien | what does this mean ? | 14:46 |
soLucien | i am trying to do something like this | 14:46 |
lyze | soLucien, you need to specific where you want to install grub | 14:46 |
Hulio | is Nero 4.0 for linux is way better (easy to use) then the k3b ? | 14:47 |
soLucien | | 14:47 |
soLucien | the commented out version didn't work , so i tried the grub-install | 14:48 |
soLucien | the copy/move task could not find the files | 14:48 |
soLucien | any idea how i can fix this? | 14:48 |
bekks | Hulio: No. | 14:49 |
soLucien | this is the last step in my box creation. Every time i run this, it takes 5-10 mins to get feedback | 14:49 |
soLucien | so i could REALLY use a hand from you guys | 14:49 |
julian-delphiki | soLucien: what's the issue | 14:49 |
sh0t | lyze, bekks don't know why but it's working after reboor | 14:50 |
sh0t | *reboot | 14:50 |
sh0t | thanks | 14:50 |
DarkPsy | Hello everyone, when I connect my iPhone 6 to Ubuntu 15.10 it automounts it and I can see the file system, after upgrading to 16.04, it doesn't mount at all and shows only the camera folder, any idea why it's the ability to automount? | 14:50 |
soLucien | the issue is: in order to be able to boot up a generation 2 hyperV VM , i need to have this boot loader in that folder | 14:50 |
bekks | sh0t: you're welcome. | 14:50 |
soLucien | | 14:50 |
soLucien | the issue is explained better in the blog post | 14:51 |
soLucien | so i tried both options : first one was cp/mv - which is commented out | 14:51 |
bekks | soLucien: Why do you need to install grub manually at all? | 14:51 |
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Bomber4Chats | Still lost. | 14:52 |
soLucien | because the virtual machine won't boot unless i have content in | 14:52 |
soLucien | /boot/efi/EFI/boot/ | 14:52 |
bekks | soLucien: Which should be generated automatically. | 14:52 |
bekks | soLucien: Which hypervisor do you use? | 14:52 |
soLucien | it is generated in /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/ instead | 14:52 |
Bomber4Chats | What kind of tests can I do to check that my drivers / hardware / configuration are all good? | 14:53 |
DevAntoine | hi | 14:53 |
soLucien | hyperV gen 2 | 14:53 |
soLucien | it says in the documentation that in order to be able to boot from hard drive, i need to do this | 14:53 |
Bomber4Chats | I keep losing the list of available wifi | 14:53 |
soLucien | move the /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu into /boot/efi/EFI/boot | 14:54 |
soLucien | and rename shimx64.efi to bootx64.efi | 14:54 |
soLucien | the issue si the following : if i perform cp/mv , it is not able to find the files to rename. If i use the grub-install, i get the error message grub-install: error: More than one install device?. | 14:55 |
soLucien | Now if i log in to the machine, i am able to successfully copy and rename the files | 14:56 |
soLucien | what the hell is wrong ? | 14:56 |
kristhian | '/usr/bin/kvm-spice': No such file or directory | 15:01 |
kristhian | got any ideas on this guys? | 15:01 |
ThePendulum | 'lo | 15:06 |
ThePendulum | I just installed (L)ubuntu 16.04 and installed kodi, and I keep getting a message like /dev/sda1: clean, 908443/38690816 Files, 44176803/154733312 Blocks | 15:06 |
ThePendulum | apparently since 16.04 it's normal to see this during boot, but atm it's flashing through the kodi interface, which doesn't seem right | 15:07 |
ThePendulum | I'm not sure if/how I can suppress this in my fstab | 15:07 |
bekks | You cant, and that is quite normal. It is a message from the mount process. | 15:08 |
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ThePendulum | bekks: right, something must be wrong though, it's impossible to use kodi atm because that message keeps flashing through | 15:09 |
bekks | ThePendulum: Can you create a screenshot or something? | 15:09 |
ThePendulum | bekks: I can try, brb for dinner, will come back to this if the issue persists | 15:12 |
ThePendulum | bekks: well I'd probably have to film it, it's flashing over time, but I'll demonstrate it in a bit | 15:12 |
sadsagfjg | Hi | 15:15 |
sadsagfjg | What is gubuntu? | 15:16 |
sadsagfjg | How to install that? | 15:16 |
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k1l | sadsagfjg: there is no gubuntu | 15:16 |
sadsagfjg | k1l: ? | 15:17 |
sadsagfjg | ? | 15:18 |
m1dnight_ | Guys, I just installed 16.04 and when it boots it reports a problem with the unity-settings-daemon. It takes a few minutes in the login screen before my mouse and keyboard work. Anything known about such an issue? | 15:18 |
m1dnight_ | Can't find much on google.. | 15:18 |
k1l | sadsagfjg: do you mean ubuntu gnome edition? or what do you mean with "gubuntu"? | 15:18 |
sadsagfjg | k1l: I mean google ubuntu | 15:19 |
k1l | sadsagfjg: you mean "goobuntu"? that is just internally used in the google company | 15:19 |
sadsagfjg | k1l: yeah | 15:20 |
sadsagfjg | k1l: How to install that and download that? | 15:20 |
k1l | its just for google employes. you cant have that | 15:20 |
sadsagfjg | k1l: ok thanks | 15:22 |
sadsagfjg | k1l: And can i install chrome os? | 15:23 |
k1l | sadsagfjg: that is not based on ubuntu. better ask in ##linux | 15:26 |
Bomber4Chats | Still looking for wifi help... | 15:26 |
sadsagfjg | k1l: I think this is base on chromiom os and ubuntu | 15:27 |
k1l | sadsagfjg: its not an official flavor. so seee their support for help | 15:27 |
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sadsagfjg | k1l: ok | 15:28 |
sadsagfjg | k1l: Very thank you | 15:28 |
Bomber4Chats | Not sure why my wifi is not able to authenticate properly.. | 15:29 |
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=== FullRetard is now known as precise | ||
for_work | hello | 15:38 |
vo_id | g'day | 15:38 |
for_work | how is how? | 15:38 |
vo_id | just installed ubuntu, trying to understand how it work hehe | 15:42 |
StrivE^ | vo_id, | 15:42 |
StrivE^ | Awesome basics course by Dave, good guy | 15:43 |
ThePendulum | bekks: I put kodi in window mode and it disappeared entirely, now just showin the text all the time | 15:43 |
StrivE^ | You will learn more than enough with him | 15:43 |
ThePendulum | bekks: not 100% sure whether it has halted boot, but I think kodi is just running 'behind' this | 15:43 |
bekks | ThePendulum: You switched to console, more likely. | 15:43 |
bekks | ThePendulum: TRy switching the virtual terminals, using Alt+Fx | 15:44 |
ThePendulum | bekks: this was flashing through the interface earlier without input | 15:44 |
ThePendulum | well I guess I could try that; this isn't really a full tty either though it seems | 15:44 |
ThePendulum | bekks: if I switch to a tty it confirms that the actual OS has booted, and this is overriding the display | 15:46 |
ThePendulum | bekks: I see the console for a second before this text pops up again | 15:46 |
cscf | StrivE^, that seems more like a CLI guide than an Ubuntu guide. | 15:49 |
StrivE^ | Sorry | 15:50 |
=== Capt_Jack_Sparro is now known as Capt_Sparrow | ||
brian_ | How do I add a PPA on a headless server? I don't have "apt-add-repository"... | 15:52 |
antonio_ | Im a sudo apt-get guy and Im ok .I sudo apt-get all night and I sudo apt-get all day | 15:52 |
brian_ | Googling tells me I need to add "python-software-properties", but that doesn't make sense to me. (But then again, I am often confused) | 15:53 |
bekks | brian_: It makes sense. The script apt-add-repository is part of that package. | 15:53 |
teward | brian_: sudo apt-get install software-properties-common | 15:53 |
teward | brian_: then use apt-add-repository | 15:53 |
teward | (in 14.04 and later, it's in software-properties-common now) | 15:53 |
teward | bekks: ^ | 15:53 |
teward | erm | 15:54 |
teward | add-apt-repository * | 15:54 |
brian_ | Ok, that makes sense. | 15:54 |
teward | :) | 15:54 |
brian_ | I wasn't seeing why "python" | 15:54 |
nickabbey | does someone have an example of looping over a dictionary to generate blocks in a template? I don't have one and was looking in the docs but didn't find anything I could use as a start point | 15:56 |
brian_ | So, I see it also adds "unattended-upgrades"... Do I need to leave that installed? (I prefer to manually update things...) | 15:57 |
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nickabbey | ugh... nevermind. | 15:57 |
nacc | brian_: that's a recommends | 15:58 |
nacc | brian_: depends on what tool you're using whether recommends get installed, i think | 15:58 |
nacc | brian_: also, i think unattended-upgrades by default only installs security updates (iirc) | 15:59 |
brian_ | apt installed it, but I think I'll leave it, and just make sure it's config is doing what I want | 15:59 |
brian_ | nacc: yep | 15:59 |
nacc | brian_: yeah, that could be an `apt` vs. `apt-get` difference | 16:00 |
ThePendulum | <-- does anyone know what might be causing this screen to override all other display? I understand it's normal to see this on boot, but it doesn't go away; the rest of the UI can be pulled up but it will get overridden almost immediately by this image again | 16:00 |
cscf | ThePendulum, is it counting up or stopped? | 16:02 |
ThePendulum | the blocks? | 16:02 |
ThePendulum | I think it's static, let me check to be sure | 16:02 |
ThePendulum | hasn't changed since I took the picture almost an hour ago | 16:03 |
ikonia | lerner: what happened with the shutdown -r | 16:07 |
lerner | ikonia, as soon as I finish working and turn it off and on again ill let you know | 16:07 |
jhave | Hello | 16:13 |
jhave | I use the default kernel image "linux-image-server" | 16:13 |
jhave | and it use kernel 3.13.0-88-generic | 16:13 |
jhave | is possible to roolback to a older kernel ? | 16:14 |
nicomachus | jhave: yes, it is. You can do it from Grub by selecting "Alternate boot options" or whatever it is. | 16:14 |
matrixx0 | If there was a spell that would put your mother in your girlfriend's body and your girlfriend in your mother's body, and to disable it you would have to have sex with one of them, who would you do it with? | 16:17 |
nicomachus | !ot | matrixx0 | 16:18 |
ubottu | matrixx0: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 16:18 |
matrixx0 | ok mr nichomachian | 16:18 |
nicomachus | also, not appropriate. | 16:18 |
magnum | why cant i connect to pidgin with my facebook? | 16:19 |
ikonia | is pidgin not dead ? | 16:19 |
k1l | magnum: i am not sure facebook still allows that. i thought they dropped the support for external messengers | 16:20 |
teward | k1l: 95% sure they did | 16:21 |
magnum | k1l, but i can sti|| use messenger | 16:21 |
omerta | Hello | 16:23 |
jhave | I have 2 kernels installed 3.13.0-88 and 3.13.0-79 its possible to use 3.13.0-79 but follow the default kernels later ? | 16:25 |
jhave | so when there come an upgrade its upgrade it ? | 16:25 |
=== precise|lunch is now known as precise | ||
nicomachus | Yes, you'll continue to get kernel upgrades as they are released. | 16:35 |
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K209 | good evening | 16:36 |
K209 | is it possible to "tell" a service to use ipv4? | 16:37 |
K209 | when i do lsof -i -n it shows this service running, but type only set to ipv6, which is useless for me | 16:38 |
kristhian | my ubuntu just crashes when i download virtual box | 16:40 |
kristhian | there is no terminal | 16:40 |
tgm4883 | K209: likely. What service? | 16:41 |
kristhian | unity laucncher gone as well | 16:41 |
tgm4883 | K209: don't PM people unless they say you can. You should keep everything in the channel so everyone can benefit from it | 16:43 |
K209 | @tgm4883 sorry, i thought u were also pm'ing me | 16:43 |
K209 | so it is no standard service but a filesharing client, which is accessible via web interface | 16:44 |
=== precise is now known as precise|snek | ||
tgm4883 | K209: I'm assuming that the web interface is listing on IPv6? | 16:44 |
K209 | yes, it seems like so when i run lsof -i -n | 16:45 |
K209 | but i dont think that should be the case | 16:45 |
tgm4883 | K209: with it running, can you give us the link to 'netstat -tulpn | nc 9999' | 16:45 |
K209 | because i cant access it atm | 16:45 |
K209 | yes, one sec | 16:45 |
K209 | | 16:46 |
tgm4883 | K209: what port does it listen on? | 16:47 |
K209 | 56000 | 16:47 |
K209 | and 56001 for https | 16:47 |
tgm4883 | K209: interesting. What application is this again? | 16:48 |
K209 | airdcppd | 16:48 |
=== precise|snek is now known as precise | ||
K209 | weird enough i had it running yesterday just fine, also with ifw configured | 16:48 |
sgen | So renaming a file found via in nautilus crashes nautilus | 16:48 |
K209 | *ufw | 16:48 |
sgen | seems like a bit of an oversight | 16:48 |
sgen | anyone have a link to the nautilus issue tracker? | 16:49 |
ubuntu116 | help | 16:50 |
sgen | not renaming specifically but renaming within the search view then attempting to click on another item within that same search view | 16:50 |
sgen | ... but only some of the time | 16:51 |
tgm4883 | K209: Is there a config file for it somewhere? I would have thought that you could do it there | 16:51 |
K209 | tgm4883: so i just tried accessing the web interface locally, wouldn't work either | 16:51 |
K209 | tgm4883: you mean i have a bad config? | 16:51 |
tgm4883 | sgen: that seems to work fine for me | 16:52 |
sgen | tgm4883: I just tried to reproduce and its not crashing | 16:52 |
tgm4883 | K209: well normally I would have expected the app to listen on either IPv4 or both IPv4 and IPv6 | 16:52 |
sgen | might be unrelated | 16:52 |
tgm4883 | K209: any errors when you start it? | 16:53 |
K209 | tgm4883: no, it says it's running just fine | 16:53 |
K209 | tgm4883: config file has 3 lines only: ports, user, pwd | 16:53 |
=== bogdan_ is now known as Bogdar | ||
tgm4883 | K209: well yea it would, but during startup it might say something about not being able to listen on ipv4 or something | 16:54 |
orkid | hello, i seem to have lost /dev/dri using 16.04. I'm running kernel 4.4.0-24, all latest updates. what might be the problem? | 16:54 |
tgm4883 | K209: IDK, it's kinda out of the realm of our support. You could try disabling IPv6 on the box and restarting it, otherwise I'd try hitting up their support forum | 16:54 |
K209 | tgm4883: yes, true, but there is no indication | 16:54 |
ptnecniv | hi, i changed from the neuveau drivers to the official nvidia ones on 14.04, now i cant login. | 16:54 |
orkid | i915 is loaded | 16:54 |
ptnecniv | every time i try to login, it kicks me back out to the login screen | 16:54 |
K209 | tgm4883: sure, no problem. thanks a lot for your time :) | 16:55 |
ptnecniv | (i can log in to ttys) | 16:55 |
daemon__ | hi there! | 16:55 |
ptnecniv | any advice? | 16:55 |
tgm4883 | ptnecniv: switch to TTY1, login, check .xsessions-errors | 16:55 |
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sadp3nguin | qq all | 16:55 |
tgm4883 | ptnecniv: that would be in your home dir | 16:55 |
sadp3nguin | do yo speak russian? | 16:56 |
Guest35558 | hi. radiotray fails to run with OSError. anyone knows a workaround ? | 16:56 |
tgm4883 | !ru | sadp3nguin | 16:56 |
ubottu | sadp3nguin: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 16:56 |
K209 | tgm4883: maybe one thing: when i ping the box from my local network it only resolves to ipv6. might have to with the dhcpd? | 16:56 |
tgm4883 | K209: can you paste 'ip a' | 16:56 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Lost authority to access your /home ? Who owns .Xauthority and .ICEauthority ' ls -al /home/<username> ' ? | 16:57 |
K209 | tgm4883: | 16:57 |
tgm4883 | K209: so you can't ping from your other lan hosts? Anything in syslog about network issues? | 16:59 |
K209 | tgm4883: indeen, box is unreachable when i ping .92 | 16:59 |
K209 | tgm4883: i will look into this | 17:00 |
Dev_ | Hi, its safe to install MIR on Ubuntu 16.04 and try to watch a movie in VLC or play a Steam game? | 17:02 |
Dev_ | | 17:02 |
sh0t | hi guys, i am running Ubuntu 15.10, should I update to 16.04? | 17:02 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: i own .Xauthority still | 17:02 |
ptnecniv | tgm4883: gnome-session (Unity) main process (1877) terminated with status 1 | 17:03 |
ptnecniv | and a bunch of similar things being killed by TERM signal | 17:03 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Then next is a GUI driver loaded ? ' sudo lshw -C display ' Is the display claimed ? and in the configuration line .. is a driver listed ? | 17:03 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: two devices listed (intel integrated controller and my nvidia GTX 960M). both list *-display UNCLAIMED | 17:05 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: and i dont see a driver listed | 17:06 |
LJHSLDJHSDLJH | can anyone help me make fix the bridge connection on vmware workstation player 12? | 17:06 |
LJHSLDJHSDLJH | both the host and guest OSs are ubuntu | 17:06 |
LJHSLDJHSDLJH | it works fine when I choose NAT ... the PC has no wired connection and connects to internet via wifi | 17:07 |
ShekharReddy | how do install tmux is there anyone using it | 17:09 |
codfection_ | Guys | 17:09 |
codfection_ | how to change nick name | 17:09 |
codfection_ | without re logging in | 17:09 |
ShekharReddy | what is the irc client you are using | 17:09 |
ShekharReddy | codfection_: ^^ | 17:10 |
codfection_ | HexChat | 17:10 |
Ploks | "/nick *" | 17:10 |
ShekharReddy | did anyone here installed tmux before | 17:10 |
codfection_ | CodFection ##linux :Cannot change nickname while banned on channel | 17:11 |
codfection_ | Ploks, | 17:11 |
codfection_ | this error | 17:11 |
=== styles_ is now known as Guest34228 | ||
codfection_ | Any help? | 17:11 |
K209 | tgm4883: so i disabled ipv6 and the box is pingable again, but still no success | 17:12 |
squinty | ShekharReddy, sudo apt install tmux | 17:13 |
foormea | hiya. what encyrption method would you recommend to encrypt a vfat/ntfs external hard drive that contains my backup? it'd need to be accessible by both windows and linux | 17:13 |
tgm4883 | K209: you also restarted the app? | 17:13 |
K209 | tgm4883: problem seems to be on the side of the app | 17:13 |
K209 | tgm4883: yes :) | 17:13 |
tgm4883 | K209: can you pastebin 'netstat -tulpn' again? | 17:13 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: K, then we need to install a driver . Hybrid graphics . let's see what is presently installed ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' in a pastebin . | 17:14 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: cant pastebin because i cant copy and paste xD | 17:14 |
K209 | tgm4883: | 17:15 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: i'm in a tty. i'm talking to you via a different computer | 17:15 |
tgm4883 | ptnecniv: 'dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia | nc 9999' | 17:15 |
ptnecniv | k | 17:15 |
ptnecniv | i'll have to go dark for a minute. only one ethernet cable | 17:16 |
ptnecniv | brb guys | 17:16 |
K209 | tgm4883: but even when i try accessing the interface locally, it does not respond | 17:16 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: we have a way around that ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia | nc 9999 ' but from the affected system . | 17:16 |
tgm4883 | K209: ipv6 is still enabled and that is what it's listening on | 17:16 |
ptnecniv | wait | 17:17 |
ptnecniv | i just got it working | 17:17 |
ptnecniv | i followed this thread: | 17:17 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: A rebbot ? to load the driver ? | 17:17 |
K209 | tgm4883: yes, very weird. see ip a: | 17:17 |
K209 | | 17:17 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: i followed that thread, which had me install bumblebee. idk if that did it or what | 17:17 |
ptnecniv | but it seems to be working | 17:18 |
K209 | tgm4883: no ipv6 assigned | 17:18 |
tgm4883 | K209: yea that's weird. I'd try killing that app, making sure it's dead, then starting it again | 17:18 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: thanks for the help though! (and you, too tgm4883) | 17:18 |
K209 | tgm4883: yap. but thank you for your kind help :) | 17:18 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: actually, i seem to have one remaining issue: my second display is not being detected | 17:19 |
ptnecniv | but now lshw -c is noting that the nvidia card has a driver loaded and is claiming the display | 17:20 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest78544 | ||
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Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Maybe for the second display ,,, see what you can do from " nvidia-settings " .. but I do not know . | 17:21 |
=== mist is now known as Guest9318 | ||
monster_ | having some issues with ubuntu 16.04, su / sudo su is hanging | 17:28 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: ok, well i have some related questions then. should i be concerned that lspci | grep VGA only lists my intel chip? | 17:28 |
monster_ | pastebin of strace su ubuntu from root | 17:29 |
monster_ | | 17:29 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: related: when i open nvidia-settings, i can only access "Application Profiles" and "nvidia-settings Configuration" | 17:31 |
=== Guest35558 is now known as cerion | ||
nacc | monster_: you're the root user and attemping to `su ubuntu`? | 17:32 |
monster_ | correct | 17:33 |
h-dawg | I'm on a thinkpad x2200 with xubuntu 16.04 and I can't detect my wifi networks | 17:33 |
monster_ | going from ubuntu and doing sudo su does the same hang | 17:33 |
monster_ | @nacc ssh -vvv shows a hang @ debug1: Entering interactive session. | 17:34 |
nacc | monster_: wait, are you doing a `ssh sudo su` ? | 17:35 |
monster_ | no different command entirely | 17:35 |
monster_ | I see hangs, just sshing into the box | 17:35 |
monster_ | and hangs with su and sudo su | 17:35 |
nacc | monster_: also, i don't think one should normally run `sudo su`; IME, you do `sudo -s -H` to switch the user (or some other combination of flags as appropriate to sudo) | 17:36 |
Vuurdraak_ | hi everybody, i installed a new sound card audigy 2, and got things going in alsamixer etc, only one small problem, every time i open "sound mixer" from the unity top bar, it switches from anaolog to spdif, what package do i need to re-install to re-install "sound mixer" ? as i hope this might fix things | 17:36 |
monster_ | then hang in the strace is right around "ppoll([{fd=4, events=POLLIN}], 1, {24, " | 17:36 |
nacc | monster_: ok, so this is a remote machine that you are experiencing this on? | 17:36 |
monster_ | correct | 17:36 |
nacc | monster_: and three different commands hang? ssh; sudo (run on the remote server? how are you running it? over ssh?); su (same questions) | 17:37 |
=== cerion is now known as cerion_ | ||
monster_ | yes over ssh | 17:37 |
monster_ | heres the flow | 17:38 |
monster_ | ssh -vvv ubuntu@ip | 17:38 |
nacc | please explain (as you just said ssh hangs :) | 17:38 |
monster_ | hangs at debug1: Entering interactive session. | 17:38 |
monster_ | once I am in the server | 17:38 |
monster_ | sudo su | 17:38 |
monster_ | hangs for 10-15s | 17:38 |
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monster_ | then I did an strace on su ubuntu | 17:39 |
monster_ | also hangs and captured that output | 17:39 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: while debugging, i stumbled on an old thread you're on, haha | 17:41 |
nacc | monster_: a hang is indefinite; so you mean there is a delay? | 17:41 |
monster_ | delay is aroun 10-20s | 17:41 |
nacc | monster_: did you do something funky with ubuntu's .bashrc or .profile? | 17:41 |
monster_ | I can double check them | 17:41 |
nacc | monster_: i'm confused though, you ssh in as ubuntu; 1) why are you running `sudo su`? 2) why are you running `su ubuntu` ? | 17:41 |
monster_ | just to reproduce the issue | 17:42 |
nacc | monster_: ah ok | 17:42 |
monster_ | sudo su to get to root, then I can strace back | 17:42 |
nacc | so i'm just guessing, but i think it's probably a configuration issue, if ssh has that significant (and reproducible) of latency | 17:43 |
Vuurdraak_ | re-installed gnome-control-center, booting see if it does anything o/ | 17:43 |
monster_ | .profile .bashrc and sshd_config were default | 17:44 |
monster_ | i changed 2 things in sshd_config to see if they helped | 17:45 |
monster_ | ChallengeResponseAuthentication no | 17:45 |
monster_ | UseDNS no | 17:45 |
mnathani | how can I figure out which disk grub is installed on? | 17:45 |
monster_ | I am thinking maybe file descriptor limit, or maybe thread limit | 17:45 |
tgm4883 | ah ok | 17:45 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: - lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' - to see the 3d device . I no nothing of activating a 2nd display, can not help there . | 17:45 |
monster_ | @nacc whats weird is on a fresh reboot it is fine, and then after about 5m is slow down | 17:46 |
monster_ | I am running gitlab on this server in production so a bunch of clients are hitting the ssh protocal | 17:46 |
monster_ | =\ | 17:46 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: ok, that lists the nvidia card | 17:47 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: yeah i'm basically going through this thread now: ... and just got to the part where you ran out of ideas, lol | 17:47 |
nacc | monster_: is your server overcommited possibly (top's loadavg may tell you) and swapping? | 17:47 |
monster_ | no swapping load is around 0.3 | 17:48 |
nacc | monster_: do you have physical access? is your network saturated ( you mentioned above that ssh is being used by a bunch of clients simultaneously) | 17:49 |
monster_ | AWS m4.large | 17:49 |
monster_ | its sized correctly | 17:49 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Yeah I do recall THAT ^ one .. Was and is a pain . Just goes to show what I do not know . | 17:50 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: do you remember how it ends? it's like 15 pages of combing otherwise | 17:51 |
FredUbuntu | hi everybody | 17:51 |
ptnecniv | it is marked solved... | 17:52 |
ptnecniv | and based on the first few pages i have the exact same issues but a newer card / driver | 17:52 |
FredUbuntu | i need some help to configure a little local network | 17:52 |
nacc | monster_: i'm not sure, sorry. Does every command hang over ssh? or only those related to the ubuntu user? | 17:53 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Nope, solution not given .. and I do not recall how it ended . Bear in mind .. each system is different and rarely is any one solution a solution for all . | 17:56 |
ptnecniv | yeah | 17:56 |
ptnecniv | sigh | 17:56 |
PCatinean | how does one register a new upstart service in ubuntu 16.04? | 17:57 |
PCatinean | initctl does not work apparently | 17:57 |
FredUbuntu | Hi , i need some help to connect my pc to a multimedia device via a router | 17:57 |
Vuurdraak_ | \o/ problem fixed, i needed to completely remove "gnome-control-center" including configuration files & reinstall, now all is fine and i can enjoy my new soundcard without needing to switch output every time i open "sound settings", i guess something jammed in the config files ;) | 17:58 |
h-dawg | I am trying to install a non-free wifi driver but I can't find the inf file for ndiswrapper | 17:58 |
h-dawg | | 17:59 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: As you have a funtioning display on one monitor .. I would assume there is a GUI tool to set up that 2nd display . Also .. be aware that 'BumbleBee' is deperciated in favor of nvidia-prime to control the graphic's sets. Also there can be but one controller; one or the other .. not both as then a conflict will exist . | 17:59 |
PCatinean | any1? | 18:00 |
h-dawg | it says it needs this driver | 18:00 |
xangua | h-dawg: you don't find the inf file on ndiswrapper, you find it in the windows driver | 18:00 |
Vuurdraak_ | PCatinean, i only know where the auto start directory is to start up a prog at boot | 18:01 |
h-dawg | xangua: I unzipped the windows driver and it did not have an inf file inside | 18:01 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: i tried swapping out bumblebee for prime and then i get back to the login loop | 18:01 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: 16.04 default is systemd . maybe see: . | 18:02 |
h-dawg | it says it cant find the package linux-firmware-nonfree | 18:03 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: And .. did you purge BumbleBee .. and is the intel chip set turned on in bios ? '- lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' - should show both graphic sets . | 18:04 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: yes and yes | 18:05 |
designbybeck | Xubuntu 16.04 works fine on a LiveUSB, and I can get on the internet via eth port. but after install, which seems to go just fine, I can't ge on eth It doesn't even show up. This is an older Dell Inspirion 1721 AMD64 Athlonx2 | 18:06 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: We can look at X's log file .. see if the hardware is identified , and if the driver builds . | 18:07 |
PCatinean | Bashing-om, I tried reading it but it makes no sense, I added my script to /etc/init/bla.conf and since them I'm stuck | 18:07 |
computer | people, anyone can direct me to a channel for pymol? i am not sure if there is an IRC pymol channel | 18:08 |
TGVoid | How do I restore a backup from a drive image? | 18:08 |
zykotick9 | !alis | computer | 18:08 |
ubottu | computer: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http | 18:08 |
monster_ | nacc: sorry meeting, no commands hang really, just the su command and the initation of ssh | 18:08 |
TGVoid | The image is corrupted, but I want to salvage what I can | 18:09 |
monster_ | the initiation of ssh is the big one because it effects git over the ssh protocal | 18:09 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: Ouch .. X looks to /etc/X11/Xorg.conf and perhaps alterations on the directory /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d . Do not thing you want to drive X from init . | 18:10 |
Bashing-om | think* | 18:10 |
PCatinean | wut? | 18:10 |
Mishari | how to program ubuntu aps, I mean, in what programming language ? | 18:10 |
designbybeck | computer, check G+ I've seen a few pymol style groups that might help...I'm not sure about on IRC | 18:11 |
cscf | Mishari, nearly any language you like, so long as it has bindings for gtk or qt. | 18:11 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: sorry wires crossed .. | 18:11 |
Mishari | aha | 18:11 |
FredUbuntu | Hi , can someone help me to share a folder over a (small) local network | 18:11 |
Mishari | thanks cscf | 18:11 |
FredUbuntu | ? | 18:11 |
bekks | FredUbuntu: Where are you stuck at? | 18:11 |
mnathani | whats the best way to fix a broken dual boot setup | 18:12 |
mnathani | Ubuntu and Windows 10 | 18:12 |
bekks | mnathani: Depends on why/how it is broken. | 18:12 |
FredUbuntu | I have my PC (ubuntu) connected to my router (adsl box) connected to a multimedia player | 18:12 |
mnathani | I can boot into Ubuntu, but not Windows 10 | 18:12 |
Vuurdraak_ | mnathani, reinstall grub | 18:12 |
Bashing-om | PCatinean: I do not run 16.04 - yet - so I do not have the experience to advise further . | 18:12 |
mnathani | Ubuntu was installed while the windows disks were disconnected | 18:12 |
mnathani | also I think EFI is enabled for Windows, but not for Ubuntu | 18:13 |
bekks | mnathani: Then you need to reinstall Ubuntu, with UEFI enabled. | 18:13 |
Vuurdraak_ | mnathani, normaly reinstalling/reconfiguring grub should find windows, not sure about efi | 18:13 |
BluesKaj | what about legacy mode ? | 18:13 |
FredUbuntu | i can't access anything on the pc from the multimedia player | 18:13 |
computer | designbybeck: what do you mean by G+? | 18:14 |
Vuurdraak_ | mnathani, i'm not sure about the efi part how ever, as i got dual boot with windows 7 | 18:14 |
bekks | FredUbuntu: Which protocol is the multimedia player using? | 18:14 |
designbybeck | computer, Google Plus | 18:14 |
FredUbuntu | windows protocol i think | 18:15 |
bekks | FredUbuntu: Which multimedia player do you use? | 18:15 |
FredUbuntu | asus hdpr1 | 18:15 |
h-dawg | I need to find the ubuntu equivelant of the debian package firmware-realtek | 18:15 |
Mishari | general question: how to be a professional in ubuntu ( in all kinds ) ? | 18:15 |
mnathani | Vuurdraak_: can grub be reinstalled while booted into Ubuntu, or do I need to Liveboot with a disk? | 18:15 |
bekks | FredUbuntu: It supports DLNA only, no windows file sharing. | 18:16 |
Bashing-om | Mishari: Use 'buntu for 10 years . | 18:16 |
Vuurdraak_ | mnathani, you should be able to do it from ur current running ubunut | 18:16 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: how does one do that | 18:16 |
Mishari | Bashing-om, ubuntu itself has many platforms, lol. | 18:16 |
Vuurdraak_ | only if ubuntu doesn't boot at all u need a live cd | 18:16 |
bekks | FredUbuntu: | 18:16 |
Mishari | Bashing-om, in terminal first ? | 18:17 |
callmeMark321 | Hi | 18:17 |
callmeMark321 | Is there anyone with experience configuring clearpass onguard and onboard? | 18:18 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: ' cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc 9999 ' see what I can decypher . | 18:18 |
callmeMark321 | I managed to install it, yet there is no profile | 18:18 |
Bashing-om | Mishari: As in any operating system .. the terminal is where the power is . | 18:18 |
callmeMark321 | Hence it gives the error cannot connect to server | 18:18 |
ThePendulum | 'lo | 18:18 |
Vuurdraak_ | mnathani, grub-install /dev/sdX (where sdX is ur boot drive) & update-grub (got this from ) | 18:19 |
callmeMark321 | I already tried editing the agent.conf file | 18:19 |
FredUbuntu | bekks, are u sure i need that ? i want only the mediaplayer to access file on my PC hard drive | 18:19 |
ThePendulum | I installed lubuntu 16.04 and installed kodi, but now it keeps prompting this disk check message that should disappear after boot | 18:20 |
bekks | FredUbuntu: Yes, I am. | 18:20 |
ThePendulum | It does seem to have fully booted and I can open up a tty, but it will immediatelly override it with this message again | 18:20 |
FredUbuntu | ok, thank U ! | 18:20 |
bekks | FredUbuntu: Without it, you cannot access your computer from your media player. | 18:20 |
FredUbuntu | samba won't work ? | 18:20 |
FredUbuntu | bekks, samba won't work ? | 18:21 |
bekks | FredUbuntu: No. | 18:21 |
FredUbuntu | ok, bekks, thank you ! | 18:21 |
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bekks | FredUbuntu: - look at "Features". | 18:22 |
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ptnecniv | Bashing-om: | 18:23 |
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Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Reading ,, back in a spell . | 18:23 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: thansk! | 18:23 |
FredUbuntu | ok bekks thx | 18:24 |
Vuurdraak_ | mnathani, i just read you need to do extra stuff when working with efi, this article ( ) says you need to install ubuntu first and windows X seccond for windows to respect the ubuntu boot partition | 18:24 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: A quick one ! so far .. you are booting " nomodeset " .. all bets are off .. as this boot parameter defeats loading any proprietary driver . | 18:26 |
Vuurdraak_ | mnathani, so to get in to win X you might need to use the windows cd to repair windows, not sure if it resects the grub boot stuff | 18:26 |
Vuurdraak_ | respects* | 18:26 |
bekks | Vuurdraak_: It totally ignores grub, since Windows has no clue about the existence of grub. | 18:26 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: ah | 18:26 |
ptnecniv | i needed that when i was running neuveau | 18:26 |
ptnecniv | let me try without | 18:26 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Both card sets are identified ! | 18:27 |
bekks | mnathani: did you reinstall Ubuntu with UEFI? | 18:27 |
mnathani | bekks: no | 18:27 |
mnathani | I had a lot of issues installing it in the first place | 18:27 |
bekks | mnathani: Then you will have a very hard time to get it working at all. | 18:27 |
mnathani | took like half a dozen attempts to get it working | 18:27 |
mnathani | I can disconnect the ubuntu drive if needed and boot windows that way | 18:28 |
mnathani | this whole uefi / efi business confuses me | 18:28 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: " (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0) " end of story .. we see what is installed .. and I bet purge and reinstall .. what release of ubuntu is this ? | 18:28 |
bekks | mnathani: you will have to switch from Legacy to UEFI before it will be working. | 18:28 |
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bekks | mnathani: At every boot. :) | 18:28 |
bekks | mnathani: So switch to UEFI and reinstall Ubuntu. | 18:28 |
Strykar | where do I start if a service (radvd) from apt just exits upon starting but works fine in debug mode | 18:29 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: 14.04 | 18:29 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: if i boot with nomodeset then i get to the login screen and everything is black (i can tty) | 18:29 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: K .. the recommended driver I bet ( going to recheck ) is 361 .. and that driver is not in 14.04's repo .. get it from our trusted PPA . | 18:30 |
callmeMark321 | What are the rules with regards to repeating a question ;) | 18:30 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: k, i have access to it via ppa. i was using 364. i'll try 361 | 18:31 |
callmeMark321 | How much time should there between it? | 18:31 |
Vuurdraak_ | callmeMark321, as long as it is not too spammy you can repeat, i would asume if the question disapears of the screen you might reask it ? | 18:31 |
monster_ | @nacc still around? I made some progress in diagnosing it. | 18:31 |
h-dawg | I can't instal this package | 18:31 |
nacc | monster_: yep | 18:31 |
callmeMark321 | Ok thanks | 18:32 |
monster_ | @nacc auth.log shows pam_systemd(sshd:session): Failed to create session: Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.login1': timed out | 18:32 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: confirming 361 | 18:32 |
callmeMark321 | I was hoping that someone has experience with configuring clearpass onguard | 18:32 |
monster_ | and systemctl restart systemd-logind.service seems to cause it to fix it, not sure if its temporarily | 18:32 |
monster_ | probably not since reboot fixes it for only a little bit | 18:32 |
Vuurdraak_ | callmeMark321, not me sadly sorry :) | 18:33 |
callmeMark321 | I managed to install it, but I have no clue how to configure a profile | 18:33 |
nacc | monster_: | 18:33 |
nacc | monster_: seems very similar | 18:33 |
callmeMark321 | Thanks for the reply vuurdraak | 18:33 |
Vuurdraak_ | lol xD | 18:33 |
monster_ | exactlly, that where i found the command to fix it | 18:33 |
mnathani | is there a different installer for uefi ? | 18:34 |
callmeMark321 | Nacc is that in reply to me? | 18:34 |
mnathani | or is it the standard 64 bit installer | 18:34 |
monster_ | now just need to find a way to permanently fix it ;> | 18:34 |
Vuurdraak_ | i solved my own question when i came in, while waiting for a responce :D | 18:35 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: I do not see that the card wwas pocked up by X .. show me - lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' | nc 9999 - to confirm the driver . | 18:35 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: well i just tried 361 and it puts me in login loop | 18:36 |
nacc | monster_: yeah that seems like a workaround for now, though, at least | 18:36 |
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nacc | monster_: reading the bug | 18:36 |
Obiwantje | Hi guys - running 16.04 with kernel 4.6.2 - whenever in nautilus I click on of the mounts that sit under /media nautilus will open these in a new window - this did not happen for me in 15.10 - anything I can do to prevent this from happening? | 18:36 |
nacc | callmeMark321: no | 18:36 |
nacc | monster_: it seems like a systemd issue with many ssh connections (which would be your case) | 18:37 |
monster_ | exactly, I have a ton | 18:37 |
monster_ | gitlab recommended 16.04, that seems to be a mistake now upgrading from 14.04 | 18:37 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: | 18:37 |
monster_ | lol | 18:38 |
h-dawg | this page says my wifi works out of the box but that is not true | 18:38 |
nacc | monster_: yeah, until they figure out the issue in debian, you may want to just run that restart daily (for the login service) | 18:38 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: And back to .Xauthority and .ICEauthority .. do you own and are you the group ? ? did you remove the old /etc/X11/Xorg.conf file ? | 18:38 |
Vuurdraak_ | callmeMark321, i can only find this: not sure if that is what ur looking for | 18:38 |
nacc | monster_: also, i wonder if this is an upgrade issue (14.04 -> 16.04) | 18:38 |
love3 | Awe that is not true try ndiswrapper | 18:38 |
nacc | monster_: did you upgrade? or fresh install? | 18:38 |
monster_ | frest install | 18:38 |
love3 | With a Windows driver | 18:38 |
nacc | monster_: ok | 18:38 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: i own the authority files | 18:39 |
monster_ | ill create something to monitor for that error and restart it | 18:39 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: /etc/X11/Xorg.conf does not exist??? | 18:39 |
monster_ | thanks for your time nacc ;> | 18:39 |
Nowayz | I'm running Ubuntu MATE on RPI, so tell me if this doesn't apply. I'm booting with "single" argument in the kernel arguments which I believed to be using and emergency.service, but changes to the files don't seem to affect anything. Anybody have any tips? | 18:39 |
nacc | monster_: yeah, that seems like the best option; you might consider filing an ubuntu bug, if there' isn't one and indicating the debian bug | 18:39 |
Nowayz | also greets to all | 18:39 |
love3 | Greets back | 18:40 |
monster_ | yeah that is a good idea | 18:40 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Ohwe .. Nvidia says 367 ! . I do not know at this time we have that driver ! | 18:40 |
nacc | monster_: given systemd is the default in ubuntu, it's possible it'll get more attention | 18:40 |
ptnecniv | great | 18:41 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: That config file is a must with hybrid graphics . | 18:41 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: well why dont i have it, lol | 18:41 |
Vuurdraak_ | Nowayz, you mean the changes are not there at boot time ? As you need to update grub normaly to effect boot param changes | 18:42 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Let me see what is in our PPA .. and we get this system cleaned up .. and see what we can install .. and if we have to .. generate the system config file . | 18:42 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: ok | 18:42 |
Nowayz | I'm updating the cmdline.txt directly, so I don't have grub running | 18:43 |
Vuurdraak_ | ah okay then i dont know sorry | 18:43 |
Nowayz | I'm seeing the boot param effects its just | 18:43 |
Nowayz | I'm changing the emergency.service file and it ignores my changes basically | 18:44 |
Nowayz | so I think it must be running something else | 18:44 |
nacc | Nowayz: do you rebuild the initrd after doing that? | 18:44 |
nacc | Nowayz: i'm assuming you'd need to (not sure, though) | 18:44 |
Nowayz | I didn't, i'm using systemd | 18:44 |
Datz | Hi, I'm looking for a way to set font size in apps like firefox and the file manager caja. "Appearance" doesn't seem to control everything. | 18:44 |
chipmadness | what peripheral uses two block types? | 18:45 |
Nowayz | I'm pretty sure i ran "systemctl daemon-reload" | 18:45 |
nacc | Nowayz: not sure the init-system should matter for that requirement | 18:45 |
nacc | Nowayz: but that would just reload the daemon conf files from your existing system | 18:45 |
nacc | Nowayz: you need to (I think) put the updated init-script control files in the initrd | 18:46 |
love3 | My dubstep sounded better on my Ubuntu 15.1, but house like daft punk sound alright, and bon Jovi sounds the same, should i downgrade? | 18:46 |
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Vuurdraak_ | Datz, you normaly set a font size in the aplication preference of the aplication it self that you are using | 18:47 |
monster_ | hmm it seems pam_systemd is optional | 18:47 |
chipmadness | love3 go download redhat seawolf | 18:47 |
monster_ | I wonder if I can uncomment it without breaking stuff | 18:47 |
monster_ | or comment it out rather | 18:47 |
Vuurdraak_ | Datz, in Firefox go to: preferences -> Content to alter the font size | 18:47 |
monster_ | nacc: | 18:48 |
ubottu | Debian bug 770135 in systemd "systemd: ssh logins considerably delayed (until PAM timeout) when systemd is upgraded but the system not rebooted" [Normal,Open] | 18:48 |
love3 | An RPM distribution that's a lot of change for me | 18:48 |
monster_ | comment 81 | 18:48 |
callmeMark321 | Vuurdraak thanks for the link, I've read it today and seemed to me as very much server based and not agent based, but maybe I should read it again more patient | 18:48 |
chipmadness | love3 yes and it runs kernel 2.7! | 18:48 |
chipmadness | WOOT WOOT! | 18:48 |
Vuurdraak_ | callmeMark321, yeh i dont know the program my self, it sort of looked like a usefull link | 18:49 |
nacc | monster_: yeah, i'm not sure -- i don't konw what all might break w/o it | 18:49 |
nacc | monster_: I did see that as another option (and makes sense, if it's a pam <-> systemd issue) | 18:49 |
love3 | It only supports 64gb of physical RAM | 18:50 |
love3 | I'll not sacrifice 32gb of RAM for better music, even with the awesome kernel support | 18:51 |
Vuurdraak_ | love3, did you use some sort of equalizer on your previous install ? | 18:51 |
Datz | Vuurdraak_: I can't see any setting for caja | 18:51 |
love3 | Oh that's it i forgot about that | 18:51 |
love3 | It was vlc | 18:51 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Good news the 367 driver is available in our PPA .. so .. next is what PPA are you using to obtain that old 361 driver ? Do we need to change the PPA ? | 18:51 |
Datz | Vuurdraak_: The ubuntu file manager of mate. Also, it seems annoying to have to set the font size for every application | 18:52 |
Datz | There should be a system widw way | 18:52 |
Datz | wide* | 18:52 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: likely. i do not see it listed. i added a couple while searching for solutions. how do i list ppas again? or figure out which one a package came from? | 18:52 |
Vuurdraak_ | Datz, i dont know caja, maybe you can not change its font size, there are magnifying aids in ubuntu though if you realy have problems with small letters | 18:52 |
love3 | Lol i have 3200x1800 native on my 13.3" | 18:53 |
Datz | Vuurdraak_: I don't like that idea.. lol | 18:53 |
Nowayz | nacc: I may be off here, as I'm newish to using systemd. But I think the initrd is loaded then mounts the root fs as specific in the kernel arg "root" then executes systemd Am I missing how it works? | 18:53 |
nicomachus | Could anyone point me to a good resource to set up a config for urlwatch? | 18:53 |
nicomachus | I'm coming up short with my google-fu | 18:53 |
Vuurdraak_ | Datz, i have never setted a font size for all in ubuntu idk how to do that if it's possible sorry | 18:53 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: ' cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list ; tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ' . There can be but ONE driver PPA active . | 18:54 |
z4c_ | Does anyone know how to install php 7.1 on ubuntu? | 18:54 |
Datz | I see. Looks like firefox has started using a decent size font after resetting some stuff, I think there is a bug.. Caja must be using size 7.. | 18:54 |
bekks | !info php | 18:54 |
ubottu | php (source: php-defaults (35ubuntu6)): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (default). In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.0+35ubuntu6 (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB | 18:54 |
nicomachus | current version in the repos is 7.0, bekks | 18:54 |
nicomachus | !info php7.0-cli | 18:55 |
ubottu | php7.0-cli (source: php7.0): command-line interpreter for the PHP scripting language. In component main, is optional. Version 7.0.4-7ubuntu2.1 (xenial), package size 1295 kB, installed size 4002 kB | 18:55 |
Vuurdraak_ | Datz, maybe caja has some config file it reads stuff from that can be altered ? | 18:55 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: xorg-edgers was the last one i added | 18:55 |
Nowayz | nacc: or are the systemd targets generally part of the initrd? | 18:55 |
nicomachus | php 7.1 is still in alpha 1 | 18:55 |
nicomachus | | 18:56 |
Vuurdraak_ | Datz, i found an article that says to use the unity-tweak-tool | 18:56 |
z4c_ | nicomachus, yeah i know wanna try it out | 18:56 |
Vuurdraak_ | Datz, | 18:56 |
nicomachus | z4c_: I would start on that page. You'll probably have to build it from source | 18:56 |
lordmauve | Is there any way to upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 today, damn the risks? | 18:56 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: That PPA is depreciated .. we want " " as our source . | 18:56 |
h-dawg | It seems like my wifi is supported by the kernel but the physical switch is turned off | 18:56 |
h-dawg | and the windows hotkeys to toggle the physical wifi switch obviously don't work in ubuntu | 18:57 |
callmeMark321 | vuurdraak, I checked the link.. But in the introduction it already states: | 18:57 |
callmeMark321 | It DOES NOT describe how to install the certificates on the many different flavors of Linux. Please consult directions on your Linux supplicant on how to install EAP-TLS certificates. | 18:57 |
nicomachus | z4c_: see here for downloading the tar: | 18:57 |
Vuurdraak_ | callmeMark321, ouch | 18:57 |
Datz | Vuurdraak_: thanks, but unfortunately, I'm using Mate. I'll have to look into it later. | 18:58 |
nicomachus | z4c_: that tarball comes with an install script and a README | 18:58 |
callmeMark321 | :( is it possible to read the contents of a p12 file? | 18:58 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: ok, will install 367 now | 18:59 |
callmeMark321 | And from the same range a p7b file | 18:59 |
newbuntu | Hey, I could need some good advice on how to resize my partition. I would like to resize my root partition. On my hard drive is 70GIB free. I started a ubuntu from a USB stick. I opend Gparted. I selected the right drive. I selected the root partition. But.... after clicking the option "move/resize" I cant choosing to make the partition bigger... Some advice? | 18:59 |
MonkeyDust | callmeMark321 is this useful | 18:59 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: i added that ppa, nvida-367 is not present | 19:00 |
EriC^^ | newbuntu: what's after the root partition? you need to have free space before it or after i think | 19:00 |
Nowayz | newbuntu: You need to make sure there's free space | 19:00 |
newbuntu | *choose | 19:00 |
callmeMark321 | I will read the article monkeydust! | 19:00 |
Nowayz | newbuntu: If you can't resize it means there are things taking up the space, look at the other partitions on the drive | 19:00 |
newbuntu | EriC^^: not free space... | 19:01 |
Vuurdraak_ | newbuntu, not all empty space can be resized , some space might be unmovable stuff from an OS | 19:01 |
EriC^^ | newbuntu: that's a tough one, paste "sudo parted -l" | 19:01 |
nacc | z4c_: will need to build from source | 19:01 |
callmeMark321 | Monkeydust, maybe I missed it, but I didn't seem to contain the answer I was looking for | 19:02 |
nacc | Nowayz: i'm not 100% sure, but i would try it and see if it changes anything? :) | 19:02 |
Vuurdraak_ | good night all , i hope everybody finds a solution to their problem o/ | 19:04 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: It is it is ! " nvidia-graphics-drivers-367367.18-0ubuntu0~gpu16.10.3 " listed . | 19:04 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: seems i cant activate that ppa. after i add it and run apt-get update, nvidia-graphics-drivers-* are not showing up | 19:04 |
newbuntu | EriC^^: post it where ??? | 19:04 |
EriC^^ | newbuntu: | 19:05 |
newbuntu | EriC^^: | 19:06 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: I am not at your terminal . I have no idea of what all you have done ,, or what needs to be undone . Your results can be from many causes .. a conflict in sources ? a conflict in drivers .. no authority .. where do you want to start in cleaning the mess up ? | 19:06 |
zykotick9 | newbuntu: you might want to try "sudo swapoff a" and see if that changes anything. | 19:07 |
newbuntu | EriC^^: its on Number 11 | 19:07 |
EriC^^ | newbuntu: you can resize another partition, and use the space to make a separate partition and mount it as /home or /usr | 19:07 |
newbuntu | EriC^^: is there no way? | 19:08 |
EriC^^ | newbuntu: you can resize either partition that's right next to it and then resize it, but what do those partitions do? windows might not boot anymore | 19:10 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: it seems update is ignoring a bunch of PPAs. is there a way to list which ones are ignored more explicity (the default message doesnt really say which ones) | 19:10 |
EriC^^ | newbuntu: the first idea is the same thing, it's a good idea | 19:10 |
atombler | Hello everyone. One of the most missed things of mine while using Ubuntu is the fact that I can't figure out how to move my text cursor to the beginning and end of a line. What am I missing? | 19:11 |
atombler | I'm using a MAC keyboard, and running Ubuntu inside of VmwareFusion, btw | 19:11 |
EriC^^ | atombler: home/end or ctrl+a/ctrl+e | 19:11 |
newbuntu | EriC^^: how would I config ubuntu to mount the new partion every time @ some path... | 19:12 |
EriC^^ | newbuntu: /etc/fstab | 19:12 |
atombler | EriC^^: I'm not talking about in the terminal. | 19:12 |
EriC^^ | !fstab | newbuntu | 19:12 |
ubottu | newbuntu: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and and !Partitions | 19:12 |
EriC^^ | atombler: home/end | 19:12 |
atombler | ctrl+a is select all on most systems | 19:12 |
atombler | @EriC^^ using a macbook pro keyboard (no home/end) | 19:12 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: K .. we start there for my thought process .. show me the sour list(s) ' cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list | nc 9999 ' tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | nc 9999 ' . | 19:13 |
feneco | any good method to increase scrolling speed? | 19:13 |
newbuntu | EriC^^: ok.... ext4 the best choice? | 19:14 |
wad | This morning, I turned on my primary desktop machine (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, 64-bit, full-disk encryption), updated the OS, rebooted, and it came back broken. `dmesg` shows thinks like: ata1.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED". Looks like the drive crashed? It booted-ish, with RO filesystem. Do I need to reformat? I tried `fsck /dev/sda3` but it doesn't do anything. | 19:14 |
EriC^^ | newbuntu: yes | 19:14 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: | 19:14 |
MonkeyDust | feneco in the mouse preferences: accelleration/senisitivity | 19:15 |
EriC^^ | wad: did you try running a smart test? | 19:15 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: look'n . | 19:15 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: thanks | 19:15 |
feneco | MonkeyDust: there's only pointer speed, I want to increase scrolling speed | 19:15 |
newbuntu | EriC^^: ok, thanks.... One more question. Would Gnu/Linux Ubuntu care about moving the partion on the drive= | 19:15 |
newbuntu | EriC^^: * | 19:15 |
newbuntu | EriC^^: *? | 19:15 |
wad | I'll try a "smart test". | 19:16 |
EriC^^ | newbuntu: no it'll look for the filesystem uuid | 19:16 |
pennTeller | guys does anybody know if there is a way tu use the gtx 1080 with ubuntu 16.04? | 19:16 |
newbuntu | EriC^^: is there a reason why Windows cant do that? | 19:16 |
EriC^^ | newbuntu: you want to move the whole partition to another drive? | 19:16 |
newbuntu | EriC^^: no | 19:17 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: So far so good .. ya might want to enable the "partners" repo for those extras that the repo provides . reading on .. be back soonest . | 19:17 |
newbuntu | EriC^^: no just moving partions on the same drive.... but maybe i rsyc to an external drive... repartition the main drive..... and sync back | 19:17 |
EriC^^ | newbuntu:i dont know how windows boots, it's picky though, even resizing the partition sometimes might cause it not to boot (so i've heard) | 19:18 |
EriC^^ | ask in #windows about whether or not you can move the partitions | 19:18 |
newbuntu | EriC^^: ok.. thanks again for the fast help. | 19:18 |
MonkeyDust | feneco in in dconf-editor, press 'ctrl f', to find scroll | 19:19 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: We want this one gone ! " /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bumblebee-stable-trusty.list " what we have here is a conflict . | 19:19 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: ok | 19:19 |
MonkeyDust | feneco if you you don't find it there, then i don't know | 19:19 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: deleted it, same issue. nvidia-graphics-* not listed. i did run sudo apt-get update | 19:20 |
feneco | MonkeyDust: there's only mouse speed there | 19:20 |
feneco | | 19:20 |
feneco | but thanks MonkeyDust, I will keep looking for | 19:20 |
EriC^^ | !ppa=purge | ptnecniv | 19:21 |
EriC^^ | !ppa-purge | ptnecniv | 19:21 |
ubottu | ptnecniv: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see | 19:21 |
lerner | ikonia, your edited command did reproduce the bug (shutdown -r) | 19:21 |
ioria | feneco, try this | 19:21 |
feneco | im reading that now | 19:22 |
ptnecniv | EriC^^: thanks | 19:22 |
lerner | if the gui freezes , what command do I have to execute in tty6 to restart it without rebooting the laptop? | 19:22 |
feneco | but i didnt want to use imwheel, i think i used it before and was not that good | 19:22 |
EriC^^ | ptnecniv: sure | 19:22 |
EriC^^ | lerner: sudo service lightdm restart | 19:22 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: You are rushing .. still looking at conflicts .. what is up with " /minium/xorg-server/ " . I do not recognize this PPA . | 19:22 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: fixes this bug: | 19:26 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1220426 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Trusty) "[nvidia-prime]Freeze while using touchpad" [Undecided,Triaged] | 19:26 |
jatin30 | Hi I tried to backup my system (ubuntu 16.04) using the default application but made the backup in the local folder only. So I did it again by using an external hard disk and changing the storage location to a folder in ext hdd. The locally made backup was succesful but It is failing everytime I am trying to use the external HDD | 19:30 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Reading .. playing catch up .. be back soonest . | 19:30 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: k, i appreciate all the help | 19:31 |
MonkeyDust | jatin30 rsync is very handy for backups | 19:31 |
lerner | EriC^^, that will kill all open programs on tty7, correct? I will lose an open libreoffice document... | 19:31 |
EriC^^ | lerner: yeah | 19:31 |
Bashing-om | !info nvidia-367 | 19:32 |
ubottu | Package nvidia-367 does not exist in xenial | 19:32 |
Bashing-om | !info nvidia-364 | 19:32 |
ubottu | Package nvidia-364 does not exist in xenial | 19:32 |
Bashing-om | !info nvidia-361 | 19:32 |
ubottu | nvidia-361 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-361): NVIDIA binary driver - version 361.42. In component restricted, is optional. Version 361.42-0ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 37848 kB, installed size 163365 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf) | 19:32 |
jatin30 | Monkey-dust: thanks! I was performing the backup because I wanted to reallocate disc space from windows to linux (its 900-100 and I want to make it 600-400 now) | 19:33 |
jatin30 | I will have to use a live medium only to do that right? | 19:33 |
MonkeyDust | jatin30 you mean resize partitions? | 19:36 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: basically my computer was locking up. traced it to that thread. they released a patch and minium ported it to trusty, so i installed via his ppa | 19:36 |
jatin30 | MonkeyDust, In this nothing is mentioned about making the backup in external HDD | 19:37 |
jatin30 | MonkeyDust, yes I have a windows C drive (900 gb) and linux (100 gb) I want to make it linux(400 gb) and windows (600 gb) | 19:37 |
MonkeyDust | jatin30 "In other words, rsync is a tool for efficiently copying and backing up data from one location (the source) to another (the destination). It is efficient because it only transfers files which are different between the source and destination directories. " | 19:38 |
MonkeyDust | jatin30 yes, backup first, then boot from live usb/dvd and use gparted to resize partitons | 19:39 |
safrabods | jatin30: Find the free version of this: | 19:39 |
safrabods | easeus partition master | 19:39 |
wad | My computer has been acting up this morning. I've got it running okay now, finally, but "Disk Utils" reports that the drive (WDC 2TB) has a bad sector. What should I do about this? | 19:39 |
jatin30 | Monkeydust, it will be something like sudo rsync -azvv /home *destination path* . how do I write destinate path of external hdd? | 19:41 |
computer | people, do you know a software where i can combine images into a movie? | 19:41 |
nicomachus | wad: backup. get a new drive. | 19:41 |
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nicomachus | bad sectors spread like the flu | 19:41 |
wad | nicomachus, Okay. That's what I was thinking. | 19:41 |
nacc | jatin30: mount the external HDD first? | 19:41 |
MonkeyDust | jatin30 yes, /home is the source, but you need to specify the destination too, i.e. your external drive | 19:42 |
jatin30 | nacc, yes! I gotta do that first thanks | 19:42 |
MonkeyDust | jatin30 'luckybackup' can help, it uses rsync | 19:42 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: And did the patch work ? .. indictions are that was fixed upstream. what version X-server are you using presently ? ' X -version ' . Maybe take a look at HWE ? | 19:43 |
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jatin30 | MonkeyDust yeah I know I am not able to navigate to my external hdd from command line ( I AM NEW PLEASE EXCUSE) | 19:43 |
nicomachus | jatin30: it's usually mounted in /media | 19:43 |
MonkeyDust | jatin30 in the command line, type 'mount' to know where your external is mounted | 19:44 |
wad | Any of you guys ever install Ubuntu 16 using both full-disk encryption, and RAID 1 using md? | 19:45 |
MonkeyDust | wad that's a yes/no question, better ask your real question | 19:46 |
jatin30 | I am getting this | 19:46 |
wad | Sure! Will I hate myself if I try it? | 19:46 |
computer | people, i want to install ImageMagick from apt-get but it cannot find it , even though when i apt search it i can see it. what is going on? | 19:46 |
zykotick9 | jatin30: note that -z in your rsync command will add a lot of CPU usage... for local copying it's probably not necessary. ymmv. | 19:46 |
mhoney | is there a specific channel for ubuntu mate? | 19:46 |
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MonkeyDust | mhoney i use mate, what is your issue | 19:47 |
mhoney | MonkeyDust, have you figure out how to get transparency working in tilde for mate 16.04? | 19:47 |
mhoney | csoft | 19:47 |
MonkeyDust | mhoney you mean tilda? | 19:48 |
mhoney | yah | 19:48 |
Ben64 | computer: sudo apt-get install imagemagick | 19:48 |
mhoney | MonkeyDust, transparency in general seems to be broke no matter which compositor you use | 19:49 |
Anonslu | hello | 19:49 |
MonkeyDust | mhoney moment, installing tilda (again) | 19:49 |
dracconi | MonkeyDust: tgm4883: I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 and nvidia seems to be working :) | 19:49 |
jatin30 | Can someone explain this . Does this mean its not mounted properly? | 19:49 |
computer | Ben64: thanks i got it installed, but it won't open, i think it is currupted, anyway i will use another software | 19:49 |
Anonslu | how do I install broadcom drivers manually | 19:49 |
Ben64 | computer: it doesn't "open" you need to give it a file or something to do | 19:49 |
computer | Ben64: hmmm let me see | 19:50 |
Ben64 | computer: convert bigimg.jpg -resize 50% smallerimg.jpg | 19:50 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: yeah, it worked for me | 19:50 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: X version 1.17.1 | 19:51 |
computer | Ben64: i am looking for a suit that turns a collection of images into a movie, i thought this program would do the job | 19:51 |
MonkeyDust | mhoney i can't even set it to transparent at all | 19:52 |
mhoney | MonkeyDust, yah it just turns to a black background | 19:52 |
Ben64 | computer: it's called imagemagick, not videomagick.... anyway you want ffmpeg or avconv, depending on your version of ubuntu | 19:52 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: HWE ,,, and with the newer driver .. I should expect the touchpad to work . | 19:53 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: HWE? | 19:53 |
Bashing-om | !hwe | ptnecniv | 19:53 |
ubottu | ptnecniv: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see | 19:53 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: ok, so installing that means i can remove the minium thing? | 19:54 |
MonkeyDust | mhoney ok, can't find it and there's not even an entry in dconf | 19:54 |
dracconi | Bashing-om: you said sth about gpg keys yesterday. What did you mean? (max 40) | 19:55 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: You already have HWE .. ( X version 1.17.1 ) .. do not know when you installed the patch .. or if it effects installing the Nvidia driver . | 19:56 |
ptnecniv | installed it on thursday | 19:57 |
mhoney | MonkeyDust, do you have transparency working anywhere in mate? | 19:58 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Let us leave it then as it is a working solution . Next is this sustem lightdm ? what retuns for .Xauthority in /var/run/lightdm/root/ ? | 19:58 |
wad | Okay, so I just ordered a new HDD to replace the one that's got a bad sector. Will I be able to use the dd command to make a bit-by-bit copy, or will that bad sector mess me up if I do that? | 19:59 |
EriC^^ | wad: gddrescue might be able to save the day | 20:00 |
MonkeyDust | mhoney yes, in mate terminal | 20:00 |
MonkeyDust | mhoney i'm typing in it now (irssi / screen) | 20:01 |
dracconi | Bashing-om: you said sth about gpg keys yesterday. What did you mean? (max 40) | 20:01 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: there is one file named `:0' that has the same contents as my .Xauthority | 20:01 |
MonkeyDust | mhoney check out devilspie/gdevilspie | 20:01 |
MonkeyDust | mhoney and mate tweak tool ( i guess you have to install it) | 20:02 |
mhoney | MonkeyDust, will do, thanks | 20:02 |
dougquaid | I have two internet connections, a main one and a backup 3G modem in case the main on fails. Can I setup two default gateways in a way that the 3G modem is only used when the main connection fails? | 20:02 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: we are good .. now back to what us installed . show ' dpkg -l | grep nvidia ' . | 20:03 |
bekks | dougquaid: No. | 20:03 |
bekks | dougquaid: You can have one default gateway only. | 20:03 |
Bashing-om | dracconi: There is a max of 40 keys that the system can maintain . May take me a bit to find the reference . | 20:03 |
dougquaid | bekks: I don't think that's right. I added both default gateways without issue. I just don't know how to make one be used over the other | 20:04 |
bekks | dougquaid: you can add several default gateways, but that breaks networking. | 20:04 |
bekks | dougquaid: In case you get a working setup with two default gateways, I'd be interested in the solution. | 20:05 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: that's empty (i removed nvidia-361 a little bit ago while waiting to install 367) | 20:05 |
dax | Bashing-om: | 20:05 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1263540 in apt (Ubuntu) "Apt-get reports NO_PUBKEY gpg error for keys that are present in trusted.gpg." [Undecided,Fix released] | 20:05 |
celtavigo | how can I tell if I have Nvidia's 32bit drivers also installed? | 20:07 |
Xin | thank you to everyone that provided advice and help earlier | 20:07 |
Xin | it WAS the extra dns server | 20:08 |
chipmadness | when talking about process quotas, that means limitation of cpu and stuff like that? | 20:10 |
nacc | chipmadness: i think it depends on context, which hasn't been given. | 20:12 |
Bashing-om | dax: ^ Thanks , will do to confirm that limit . Did not find the reference I had in mind :( | 20:13 |
gre412 | How to develop for Ubuntu Touch on Arch Linux? I cannot find any package, or download | 20:14 |
MonkeyDust | !touch | gre412 | 20:15 |
ubottu | gre412: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 20:15 |
guest666 | hi, can someone help me? i can't launch steam on ubuntu gnome 16.04 some libGL errors are appearing | 20:15 |
tsimonq2 | so I have an encrypted home partition with ecryptfs, how do I move off of it? I don't want it anymore | 20:15 |
EriC^^ | tsimonq2: make a new user and copy the files there | 20:16 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: so i need to install that nvidia-graphics-driver-367 package but it isnt showing up | 20:16 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: And Bumblebee ,, is it listed ? .. need to purge it before installing the drivr . and as well that all other Nvidia drivers are removed .. and that /etc/X11/xorg.conf does not exist . then in terminal we install the 367 version driver . | 20:16 |
tsimonq2 | EriC^^: would it be possible to tar it all, go to the recovery partition, remove the encrypted /home directory, then untar the backup over it? | 20:17 |
EriC^^ | tsimonq2: i'm not too sure about that, you could delete the user, and recreate it without encryption and copy them over though | 20:18 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: removed bumblebee, no /etc/X11/xorg.conf or other nvidia drivers | 20:19 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: but apt still doesnt seem to be finding that package in that ppa | 20:19 |
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tsimonq2 | EriC^^: so encrypted user is foo, unencrypted is bar - so after I move the files off of foo, can I rename bar to foo (and if I remember it's a...UID?) and make it like it never happened in the first place? | 20:21 |
bjpenn | trying to see how a specific service starts | 20:22 |
bjpenn | but i cant locate any startup files | 20:22 |
bjpenn | like nothing i can find in /etc/init.d/ or /etc/init/ | 20:22 |
bjpenn | cant find anything in /etc/rc.local or /etc/crontab | 20:22 |
bjpenn | or crontab -e | 20:22 |
tgm4883 | bjpenn: 16.04? | 20:22 |
bjpenn | where else can something be hidden? (ubuntu 14.04) | 20:23 |
justsomeguy | timb1tsafk: | 20:23 |
MonkeyDust | bjpenn type locate [part of service name] | 20:23 |
EriC^^ | tsimonq2: move the files off foo to somewhere outside /home, then sudo userdel -r foo , then create foo again with adduser foo , add foo to sudo group,etc. then move the files back | 20:23 |
tsimonq2 | EriC^^: how do I see what groups foo is in? | 20:24 |
EriC^^ | groups foo | 20:24 |
tgm4883 | bjpenn: what service? | 20:24 |
bjpenn | tgm4883: its redis sentinel | 20:25 |
EriC^^ | tsimonq2: maybe rsync the files out of foo's home dir first, i think moving them will actually copy anyways, then move back later | 20:25 |
tgm4883 | bjpenn: /etc/init.d/redis-server | 20:26 |
tsimonq2 | EriC^^: well I mean the foo user is in some system groups, does foo stay in those groups, or when the user is removed, do they get removed from those groups? | 20:26 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: K .. now show me ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade '. | 20:27 |
EriC^^ | tsimonq2: yeah he gets removed | 20:27 |
tsimonq2 | EriC^^: then can I list the groups that foo is in so he can get added back later? | 20:27 |
EriC^^ | tsimonq2: sudo usermod -a -G sudo,adm,... foo | 20:27 |
EriC^^ | yeah, copy the stuff from "groups foo" | 20:28 |
bjpenn | tgm4883: for redis sentinel? | 20:29 |
bjpenn | theres a /etc/init/redis-server and a /etc/init/redis-sentinel | 20:29 |
bjpenn | i want it to start using that upstart file, but the server starts sentinel using something else | 20:29 |
tgm4883 | bjpenn: not sure, I'm piecing this together from other sites | 20:29 |
tsimonq2 | EriC^^: ok I see | 20:29 |
tgm4883 | bjpenn: probably not, looks like it's telling me to create redis-sentinel | 20:30 |
bjpenn | tgm4883: this is what it says | 20:30 |
bjpenn | ~# service redis-sentinel status | 20:30 |
bjpenn | redis-sentinel stop/waiting | 20:30 |
bjpenn | even though its started | 20:30 |
bjpenn | sos omethign must have started it, i just cant locate where | 20:30 |
bjpenn | tgm4883: was wondering aside from where i looked (crontab, rc.local, /etc/init, /etc/init.d/) where else? | 20:31 |
tsimonq2 | EriC^^: thanks :) | 20:31 |
EriC^^ | tsimonq2: no problem :) | 20:31 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: | 20:35 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Look'n . | 20:35 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Ouch .. " The following packages have been kept back:" let's bite the bullet and try ' sudo apt full-upgrade ' . | 20:37 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Got to have the proper kernel header files to build the Nvidia driver . we adress this issue next . | 20:40 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: ran the upgrade | 20:44 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: K .. now show ' df -h ; dpkg -l | grep linux ' . Make sure the image/headers agree and we have operating headroom . | 20:46 |
panina | Hi gang! Anyone here have a good grasp on ubuntu & resolv.conf? I'm having some weird issues with my local dhcp server. | 20:46 |
panina | The dhcp server is sending dns-server adresses to my laptop via dhcp, but they never make it to my laptop's /etc/resolv.conf file | 20:47 |
curlyears | OK, I admit it, I'm being lazy: anyone know if MAKE has released the 64bit version of 16.04 yet? | 20:49 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: | 20:50 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: : look'n | 20:54 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: An un good situation " ii linux-generic-lts-vivid /// ii linux-generic-lts-wily " still look'n .. but what are you presently booting ? show ' uname -a ' . | 20:57 |
Bashing-om | !info linux-signed-image-4.2.0-27-generic trusty | 21:02 |
ubottu | Package linux-signed-image-4.2.0-27-generic does not exist in trusty | 21:02 |
Bashing-om | !info linux-signed-image-4.2.0-36-generic trusty | 21:02 |
ubottu | Package linux-signed-image-4.2.0-36-generic does not exist in trusty | 21:02 |
tgm4883 | curlyears: MAKE? | 21:04 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: | 21:11 |
TheSilentLink | hello when I use apt-get update I get this message N: ignoring file 'getdeb.list.bck' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension. Anyone know how to fix it? | 21:14 |
bekks | TheSilentLink: Rename the file? :) | 21:14 |
bekks | Or remove that backup file. | 21:14 |
TheSilentLink | bekks: but what is it? | 21:14 |
bekks | What is what? | 21:15 |
TheSilentLink | bekks: I never put it there! | 21:15 |
TheSilentLink | bekks: 'getdeb.list.bck' | 21:15 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Curiouser ,,, booting the wily jernel .. but not the latest ; as you have " linux-headers-4.2.0-38 " installed .. Any idea of why not booting -38 ? | 21:15 |
k1l_ | TheSilentLink: seems like you named it (or some script) to it. as a backup | 21:15 |
TheSilentLink | k1l_: ok is it safe to delete? | 21:15 |
bekks | TheSilentLink: You edited the file "getdeb.list", and the backup file "getdeb.list.bck" was created. | 21:15 |
k1l_ | TheSilentLink: grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | nc 9999 | 21:16 |
TheSilentLink | | 21:16 |
bekks | Oh, a Linux Mint. | 21:17 |
k1l_ | TheSilentLink: better ask your mint support about stuff about mint. they handle that things differently | 21:17 |
k1l_ | !mint | TheSilentLink | 21:17 |
ubottu | TheSilentLink: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on | 21:17 |
* k1l_ makes another note on the "mint made an issue where ubuntu doesnt have one" list | 21:17 | |
TheSilentLink | k1l_: ok thanks | 21:17 |
awesomess3 | so 16.04 when using "stop $anything" epic fails. Instead we need to use "systemctl stop $anything" to stop services that are running. | 21:22 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: While on the subject .. is there a reason you keep the vivid kernels around ? | 21:22 |
neredsenvy | Is there an easy way to add an icon to Launcher ? I have a program which is just packaged in a zip with a .sh that launches the GUI any way to avoid starting it from a terminal | 21:22 |
k1l_ | awesomess3: ubuntu switched to using systemd as init system now, together with debian. | 21:23 |
nvt | how safe is ubuntu without having openssh-server installed, I guess it helps quite much with security | 21:25 |
nacc | nvt: are you really asking how vulnerable openssh-server makes your computer? | 21:26 |
nvt | I'm trying to make my ubuntu enough safe without putting super much effort, but I guess the default configuration is just fine | 21:28 |
nvt | and default comes without openssh-server :) | 21:28 |
k1l_ | nvt: there is no ssh server installed on the default desktop | 21:28 |
nacc | nvt: right, it was a confusing question :) | 21:28 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: We are talking over your s;oppyation .. how in the world did you get the 4,2 sseries installed ? Not supported . see:§ion=all . | 21:28 |
k1l_ | nvt: and weak passwords are the highest security vulnerably. known secutity issues are fixed by canonical with the updates. | 21:29 |
neredsenvy | Use sentences for password : )) | 21:31 |
djiw | hey | 21:31 |
djiw | how are u | 21:31 |
neredsenvy | Nay beating that | 21:31 |
nvt | is there anything else you would recommend to do? | 21:31 |
djiw | why ppl still using ubnt , arch is much more amazign | 21:31 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: no idea as to either of those | 21:32 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: i installed ubuntu on this computer last week! | 21:32 |
nvt | what are the other high risks after SSH | 21:32 |
neredsenvy | djiw: Because outside servers Ubuntu is only one worth using | 21:32 |
neredsenvy | everything else is garbage for workstationss | 21:32 |
neredsenvy | Unity as horrile as it is, is still better than everything else offered. | 21:33 |
neredsenvy | And Linux as general has fallen back behind OSX/Windows by miles | 21:33 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Yuk .. on me .. maybe I got a lot to fill in on my wish I know list . A fresh install and the package system is not tracking the 4.2 kernel at headquarters . ouch ! | 21:34 |
k1l_ | neredsenvy: lets stick to actual technical support in here and not mind the trolls :) | 21:34 |
neredsenvy | Is there an easy way to add an icon to Launcher ? I have a program which is just packaged in a zip with a .sh that launches the GUI any way to avoid starting it from a terminal | 21:36 |
k1l_ | neredsenvy: | 21:37 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: so what should i do... | 21:39 |
meway | whats the best way to get the lastest ubuntu onto a flash drive? | 21:39 |
meway | what software is recommended ^ | 21:39 |
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JW92 | you mean the iso? | 21:40 |
xangua | ! USB | meway | 21:40 |
ubottu | meway: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 21:40 |
meway | as a boot device | 21:40 |
k1l_ | meway: load the .iso, then use usb creator, or rufs (on windows) or dd on terminal | 21:40 |
JW92 | ude dd | 21:40 |
JW92 | *use dd command | 21:40 |
JW92 | really easy and works almost everytime as long as it is a hybrid iso | 21:40 |
JW92 | which ubuntu is | 21:41 |
meway | I'm on windows 7, currently downloading the latest iso. I don't want to install ubuntu on this pc. | 21:41 |
meway | is dd a ms command? | 21:41 |
JW92 | no its a linux one | 21:42 |
JW92 | use unetbootin | 21:42 |
meway | ty xangua | 21:42 |
JW92 | you can get that for windows | 21:42 |
k1l_ | JW92: use rufus | 21:43 |
tgm4883 | rufus is the recommended way to put the ISO onto a USB stick on windows | 21:43 |
k1l_ | unetbootin seems to have some issues sometimes, since they change the boot-menue/screen and that could cause issues | 21:43 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: I am think'n . A fresh install .. and a LONG list that the package manager wants gone .. and no idea of how the package manager will cope with 4.2 series kernel . Welllll .. bite the bullet and see what now happens in attempting to build the driver ? | 21:44 |
JW92 | never used rufus, I have had some issues with unetbootin but never with ubuntu | 21:45 |
meway | its saying not to use unetbootin with debian packages | 21:45 |
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k1l_ | JW92: | 21:46 |
Guest71595 | .. | 21:46 |
Guest71595 | exit | 21:46 |
anom | is there a ubuntu shortcut to move window to a secondary monitor and viseversa, without having to use that config app. | 21:47 |
anom | like a default shortcut that exists in ubuntu, because there ought to be | 21:47 |
troupal | Hello! Someone know if it exist a GNU/Linux Distro who had rpm & dpkg & pacman &other? | 21:47 |
meway | k1l_: mean to highlight me? :D | 21:47 |
kristhian | anybody got an idea how to fix ubuntu unity gone? | 21:48 |
compdoc | kristhian, you just get a login prompt? | 21:48 |
kristhian | nope | 21:48 |
k1l_ | meway: ah yeah, sorry, got confused who was asking :) | 21:48 |
kristhian | i am inside | 21:48 |
kristhian | i do not have unity and also i coult not ctrl+alt+t | 21:49 |
k1l_ | troupal: better ask ##linux while its a bad idea to mix all those at once. | 21:49 |
kristhian | to check my terminal | 21:49 |
meway | ty k1l_ | 21:49 |
k1l_ | kristhian: video driver issue? | 21:49 |
kristhian | i installed oracle virtual box | 21:49 |
kristhian | then when i restart | 21:50 |
kristhian | that problem come up | 21:50 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Let's see what results . ' sudo apt install nvidia-367 nvidia-prime ' . | 21:51 |
bekks | vbox doesnt install graphics drivers or such on the host. | 21:51 |
kristhian | any ideas aside re-installing the os? | 21:51 |
OerHeks | kristhian, sounds more like a vbox issue: check the vbox settings for 3d, memory and such | 21:52 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: cant locate nvidia-367 | 21:52 |
tgm4883 | anom: not sure what you are asking | 21:52 |
k1l_ | kristhian: that sounds very strange. vbox install is not known to break the host. | 21:52 |
troupal | Thx k1l_! | 21:52 |
compdoc | kristhian, you might read this: | 21:52 |
anom | tgm4883? moving a window to a different window | 21:53 |
anom | different monitor* | 21:53 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Ouch ! it is there .. lemme think on this .. and the PPA we want is there ? show again ' tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ' . Got to be a reason . | 21:53 |
tgm4883 | anom: hmm. Not sure of a key combo to do that. What do you mean by the config utility? | 21:55 |
tgm4883 | anom: you shouldn't need a config utility to move an application to a different monitor | 21:55 |
anom | well suggests installing compizconfig settings manager | 21:57 |
anom | i was just wondering if ubuntu had a built in command so i didn't need to install it | 21:57 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Oh maybe I see .. the PPA driver build is for 16.04/16.10 .. let's try and see what results ' sudo apt install nvidia-364 nvidia-prime ' . | 21:58 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: this installs | 21:59 |
tgm4883 | anom: I don't see a way to do that OOTB unfortunately | 22:00 |
kristhian | i think this link wont help | 22:01 |
kristhian | because i could not run terminal | 22:01 |
kristhian | even if i ctrl+alt+t | 22:01 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: And a reboot ... is now in order .. see if you come up on the GUI . | 22:01 |
kristhian | nothing happens | 22:01 |
BuenGenio | good time of the day! | 22:02 |
k1l_ | kristhian: ctrl+alt+F1 then run "dmesg | nc 9999" then show the url here | 22:02 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: login loop | 22:02 |
BuenGenio | I seem to be consistently having issues with A2DP | 22:02 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: i bet if i install bumblebee it will fix the login loop | 22:02 |
BuenGenio | Most of the time I'm experiencing brutal lag and audio interruption | 22:02 |
BuenGenio | but I just figured out that it changes depending on where I move the Bluetooth speaker | 22:03 |
kristhian | wait i will write this down first | 22:03 |
k1l_ | kristhian: ctrl+alt+f7 will bring you back to the desktop | 22:03 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Hold that thought .. As I am of the mind formerly there was a controller conflict . nvidia-prime should work . | 22:03 |
BuenGenio | Moving the speaker a few cm here and there can usually fix it | 22:04 |
kristhian | i will write this down first | 22:04 |
BuenGenio | until I move an arm or something | 22:04 |
kristhian | i am on windows | 22:04 |
BuenGenio | anyone else having the same issue? | 22:04 |
k1l_ | BuenGenio: are you sure the speaker works properly? | 22:04 |
BuenGenio | yes | 22:05 |
BuenGenio | k1l_, yes. Tested various A2DP receivers | 22:05 |
BuenGenio | 2 loudspeakers and a headset. Don't have any issues when I boot into OSX (have a MBP here) | 22:06 |
system | привет | 22:07 |
=== system is now known as Guest75506 | ||
Guest75506 | привет | 22:08 |
BuenGenio | o hai | 22:08 |
k1l_ | !ru | Guest75506 | 22:08 |
ubottu | Guest75506: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 22:08 |
BuenGenio | english pls | 22:08 |
BuenGenio | the k1l_ the other issue is that my SD card disappears after resuming from suspend | 22:08 |
BuenGenio | freakin' annoying | 22:09 |
k1l_ | BuenGenio: is it a mac? | 22:09 |
BuenGenio | yes - 12,1 | 22:09 |
FredUbuntu | bekks, I want to thank you again , after 2hours struggling with config files and permissions... I finnally can watch movies from Computer to Tv via mediaplayer with minidlna | 22:09 |
BuenGenio | I've done usbcore debugging and things | 22:09 |
BuenGenio | can't seem to find the culprit | 22:09 |
k1l_ | ah. here are lots of guys with old macs having issues with sdcard readers. try to reload the module. maybe the hardware is not ready yet when the module is loaded | 22:10 |
BuenGenio | all i see is: [ 1120.348139] usb 2-3: USB disconnect, device number 3 | 22:10 |
BuenGenio | k1l_, tried modprobe -r usb_storage|uas and whatnot | 22:10 |
BuenGenio | no use | 22:10 |
BuenGenio | it's like that particular USB port (the SD card reader is apparently connected on the USB bus) becomes invisible after resume | 22:11 |
veleno | is it possible to create a symlink from a unix socket with an abstract name (shown by lsof) ? | 22:11 |
BuenGenio | even if I reboot - still doesn't show up - have to `poweroff` then do a cold boot to see it again... until the next resume | 22:11 |
BuenGenio | veleno, what do you mean by "abstract name" ? | 22:12 |
veleno | BuenGenio: a name that begins with @ | 22:12 |
k1l_ | BuenGenio: sounds like a apple hardware issue. maybe the driver doesnt support it that well. | 22:12 |
BuenGenio | k1l_, well -it's definitely the driver, since there are no issues in OSX, but which one? usbcore? usb-storage? usb LPM? | 22:13 |
BuenGenio | k1l_, and are there any workarounds? passing quirks doesn't work | 22:13 |
BuenGenio | :( | 22:13 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: so what should i do then? | 22:15 |
k1l_ | BuenGenio: sorry dont know. maybe look out if that was solved already by someone with that hardware | 22:15 |
carpediembaby | Hi, I want to scp some files from a machine A. I am on machine C but I connect to the internet through a proxy. How can I setup the scp? I tried using the same command as ssh: ssh A -X -o "ProxyCommand=nc -X connect -x %h %p" with scp but it doesn't work. I also tried this example: | 22:16 |
carpediembaby | roxy-with-one-command-from-local-machine but I don't have a username for the proxy host. | 22:16 |
BuenGenio | k1l_, googled the sh*t out of google and the kernel mailing list :) | 22:16 |
BuenGenio | *sigh* | 22:16 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: actually, i have to go for the day. i will be back tomorrow if you are around | 22:18 |
=== TechnoTrumpet_ is now known as TechnoCats | ||
Cyll | Hi. | 22:26 |
Cyll | I have a question about a bug report I submitted. | 22:26 |
Cyll | In it it states that the mainline build should be tested. Is that something I should do or a bugtester should do? | 22:27 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1591439 in linux (Ubuntu) "Elantech Touchpad Not Detected" [Medium,Incomplete] | 22:27 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: K .. did it come up after the reboot .. and yes, Lord allowing .. I will be here also tomorrow . | 22:27 |
x02 | yo people | 22:28 |
=== x02 is now known as Guest50353 | ||
k1l_ | well, "someone" should do the testing with the hardware that doesnt work. most times its best if you do this instead of waiting that someone other got that exact setup or believing someone will buy that exact setup for testing. | 22:28 |
Cyll | Yeah, well I'm afraid I might do something stupid by accident, I'm not entirely sure how to do it. | 22:28 |
k1l_ | Cyll: so yes: do the testing with the mainline kernel | 22:28 |
k1l_ | Cyll: load the linux image and headers .deb from the mainline page, then install them both, then reboot to that kernel and test them. | 22:29 |
k1l_ | !mainline | Cyll | 22:29 |
ubottu | Cyll: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at | 22:29 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: it got to the login screen but there's a login loop (i log in, then it logs me out). i previously fixed this by installing bumblebee | 22:29 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Yuk .. we persue this later then . If ya want . | 22:30 |
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: yeah, i'll be back tomorrow. thank you for the help today | 22:33 |
=== mist is now known as Guest77605 | ||
ptnecniv | Bashing-om: i'm fine doing a clean install by the way, if that might be easier. i dont have anything of importance on that machine yet | 22:34 |
Bashing-om | ptnecniv: Much faster to take that nuclear solution - and have a clean slate .. but but .. doing so we learn very little . | 22:36 |
Gyyy | #help me | 23:02 |
Bashing-om | !help | Gyyy | 23:04 |
ubottu | Gyyy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 23:04 |
walkfar60 | Any idea what the message playback volume 0 is already present means on boot? | 23:07 |
Sheepolution | Hello. | 23:07 |
teranfamily | como le hago para instalar opengl | 23:08 |
Sheepolution | When starting my computer, I get a purple screen asking if I want to use Ubuntu, Ubuntu with advanced options or system setup. Normally I select Ubuntu and there is no problem. But now it freezes as a purple screen. This might be because of an update I did recently. | 23:09 |
k1l_ | Sheepolution: running the live-system? | 23:10 |
Sheepolution | k1l_: I don´t know what you mean by that | 23:11 |
k1l_ | what setup is this? there is no question what to boot on a regular install | 23:11 |
k1l_ | i know there is that question on the "live system" on the cd/dvd or usb pendrive. | 23:12 |
Sheepolution | Oh no this is an installed version, not cd or usb | 23:12 |
Sheepolution | I´ve been using Ubuntu for 2 years now, never had this problem before. | 23:15 |
kristhian | hello, greetings | 23:16 |
Sheepolution | This also happened after transporting my computer. Maybe something got loose :/ | 23:17 |
joebai | Might want to check all your card connections in your pc | 23:17 |
kristhian | this is the response when i ctrl+alt+f1 "dmesg | nc termbin 9999" -> | 23:17 |
kristhian | this is the response when i ctrl+alt+f1 "dmesg | nc termbin 9999" -> | 23:18 |
samthewildone | So apparently chrome works a whole lot better than chromium. | 23:18 |
Erige | If i want to switch form Xubuntu to Ubuntu-Mate is there any major issues with just installing it form terminal vs fresh install? | 23:18 |
samthewildone | Just installed it earlier today and sites heavy with flash usage works fine; hardware acceleration turned off. | 23:19 |
Sheepolution | God my pc is dirty. Need to clean that thing more often | 23:24 |
Cyll | Hi. | 23:25 |
Sheepolution | I don't see anything wrong. But then again I'm not sure where I'm supposed to look | 23:26 |
Cyll | I tried to install the headers and the image, but the installer said there were some errors, for testing if the bug was fixed with the upstream kernel | 23:26 |
k1l_ | Cyll: what exact error? please pastebin it | 23:30 |
noobwithaquestio | anyone here have experience with getting Ubuntu to work with a 980 Ti GPU? I can install and run fine on integrated graphics and a 750 Ti, but after istalling nvidia-361 I can only boot into the OS via Recovery mode, if I try to boot normally I just get a black screen with a white cursor | 23:31 |
k1l_ | !nomodeset | noobwithaquestio | 23:31 |
ubottu | noobwithaquestio: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See on how to use this parameter | 23:31 |
noobwithaquestio | OK, I'll give it a look. Still kinda new to GNU/Linux. Any advice? I'm on 16.04 LTS if that means anything | 23:33 |
kristhian | k1l_, this is the url on what you have suggested me to do earlier -> | 23:33 |
Cyll | k1l_: I don't have the ability to pastebin it, as I had already rebooted the system and tried loading the Kernel, I don't have that info anymore. | 23:33 |
Cyll | The kernel loads fine but the problem wasn't solved | 23:34 |
k1l_ | kristhian: what ubuntu version is that? | 23:34 |
k1l_ | Cyll: then tell the bug report that it didnt solve testing the mainline kernel | 23:34 |
kristhian | mine is 14.04 | 23:35 |
kristhian | but on the url it is 3.16.0-50-generic | 23:35 |
k1l_ | yes, its the kernel form 14.10 that was the standard on 14.04.2 | 23:36 |
kristhian | i see | 23:37 |
noobwithaquestio | I look over the link you gave ( and came to the section about "/etc/default/grub" and modifying it. At someone elses recommendation I've already tinkered with it and have the following set: "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nvidia-drm.modeset=1" " Would that be correct or do I need to edit the line to something else? | 23:37 |
kristhian | any suggestion on how could i fix back unity and dash as well as the terminal? | 23:38 |
noobwithaquestio | The link you gave shows the line modified to "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset" | 23:38 |
k1l_ | noobwithaquestio: for testin use the "one time" solution. means booting, pressing e on the grub menue to edit it | 23:38 |
k1l_ | noobwithaquestio: remove the nvidia-drm thing and use nomodeset instead for testing | 23:39 |
Cyll | What does " you may need to re-run your boot loader[grub]" mean? | 23:39 |
k1l_ | Cyll: that is just a hint. it should have already run that to put the new kernel to the grub menu | 23:39 |
noobwithaquestio | Alright, I'll change the line to "nomodeset", and then what would you recommend? Following the testing procedure if it doesn't work? | 23:39 |
Cyll | After testing it I removed the newer kernel | 23:40 |
Cyll | It said that as i finished removing it | 23:40 |
k1l_ | noobwithaquestio: its a testing, change it, see if it helps. if it doesnt, dont edit it next time. | 23:40 |
k1l_ | Cyll: then run "sudo update-grub" to be sure | 23:41 |
Cyll | Ooh I found the error it had | 23:42 |
Cyll | k1l_: | 23:42 |
k1l_ | Cyll: that is not an error. its a hint | 23:42 |
Cyll | Oh. | 23:43 |
k1l_ | kristhian: i just see a lot of issues due to an old bios version | 23:44 |
Tin_man | noobwithaquestio, when I installed Ubuntu 16.04 on my HP with NVIDIA I used the information on the (1st) answer on this link. | 23:45 |
Tin_man | | 23:45 |
kristhian | i might try this command - unity --replace | 23:47 |
kristhian | i mean i will try that command | 23:47 |
kristhian | and see how it will work | 23:47 |
k1l_ | kristhian: looks like there are known issues with that older kernels. you could try the new kenrel and xorg form hwe | 23:49 |
Cyll | Might have found the error: Not sure. | 23:49 |
k1l_ | !hwe | 23:49 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see | 23:49 |
Cyll | k1l_: It describes it as missing firmware | 23:49 |
kristhian | it means re installing the system | 23:50 |
k1l_ | kristhian: no. | 23:50 |
kristhian | aw | 23:50 |
k1l_ | see the bots message | 23:50 |
kristhian | ah | 23:50 |
kristhian | ok | 23:50 |
k1l_ | kristhian: but i still dont know why that should be related to the vbox install | 23:51 |
Cyll | k1l_: Just in case you missed it Is the Error, I think. | 23:51 |
Cyll | Or is that a hint too? | 23:52 |
kristhian | ok i will try this one | 23:52 |
xdevnull | Guys, When i log into my ubuntu i recieve pop-up "report a problem" i get it about 4x times. | 23:53 |
xdevnull | How can i actually see the log ?! | 23:53 |
kristhian | but since i could not open terminal, i have to go to tty? | 23:53 |
kristhian | which is just new to me | 23:53 |
kristhian | hehe | 23:53 |
k1l_ | Cyll: try this: | 23:53 |
k1l_ | Cyll: but this is just a warning not an error | 23:53 |
xdevnull | "System program dectected problem" | 23:53 |
k1l_ | kristhian: yes | 23:54 |
kristhian | ok k1l_ | 23:54 |
kristhian | ill try that one | 23:54 |
Cyll | gotcha. Thanks. | 23:54 |
k1l_ | kristhian: you could try a "cat cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log |nc 9999" to get the xorg log | 23:55 |
k1l_ | xdevnull: click on "more information" to see what program was it | 23:55 |
Sheepolution | It might be that my graphics card is not connected. I don't see any info on it in the BIOS | 23:56 |
Sheepolution | It does run when I turn on the computer though | 23:56 |
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