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kyrofacjwatson, using the LP snap builders, is there a way to automatically upload to a store account not associated with my SSO?15:47
wgrantkyrofa: There isn't. I'd do that by adding my account as an admin on that snap's store page.15:49
kyrofawgrant, go to bed man :P15:50
kyrofawgrant, but that's interesting, I didn't actually realize such things were supported. I wonder why the Canonical shared account isn't set up that way15:50
wgrantkyrofa: It's a relatively new feature, I think.15:50
kyrofaHistorical reasons, I imagine15:50
wgrantkyrofa: It's called "Sharing" in the store UI, but that will be renamed this week.15:50
kyrofawgrant, alright I'll look into that. Also, any idea why requesting snap builds results in a timeout error?15:51
kyrofa(Error ID: OOPS-5abd3fe96a8cc9172e36fd54a178d434)15:51
wgrantkyrofa: That's why I'm still awake :P15:51
kyrofaSorry man15:52
kyrofawgrant, "Sharing" seems to be specific to each snap, correct? And if I "share only with" myself, I'll be able to upload it? The phrasing makes it sound like it's only for letting people download it15:56
wgrantkyrofa: Hence the in-progress rename.15:56
kyrofawgrant, but functionally, it allows me to upload/publish new revisions?15:57
wgrantkyrofa: Yep15:57
kyrofawgrant, great, thanks!15:57
wgrantkyrofa: Should be working now.16:13
kyrofawgrant, now I can't visit the snap itself:  (Error ID: OOPS-1fe2ad5c87d469cf6036bbf7c1a7de4e)16:13
wgrantkyrofa: Ah, heh.16:13
wgrantRequesting the build should work fine.16:14
wgrantOr just submit a no-op edit form somewhere, and things will work.16:14
wgrantOr just wait a few minutes.16:14
wgrant(if you haven't POSTed in a while, you'll be on a slave DB. and given what we just unblocked the slave might take a few minutes to catch up with the fix)16:14
kyrofawgrant, ah ha, brilliant16:18
kyrofawgrant, verified, seems to be working fine now, thank you!16:19
kyrofawgrant, last question: is there a way to "share" a snap that has been registered but has no uploads?16:20
wgrantkyrofa: I don't think so. I believe it's only a name until there's an upload, at least at the moment.16:20
kyrofawgrant, alright, that's what I thought, just checking16:21
kyrofaNow go to bed!16:21
* wgrant obeys.16:21
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