
tsimonq2hello :)01:04
elopiosergiusens: that one fails because on the all-snaps image something left an apt running, so the others couldn't install things.01:07
elopioweird. But I just need a  little time to make that error better. Hopefully tomorrow.01:07
tsimonq2elopio: hey, would you happen to have time to look at https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/567 ? I'm working on it right now and I would like some feedback on something.01:09
tsimonq2s/something/two things/01:09
elopiotsimonq2: hey there. I can take a look in ~30 mins.01:10
tsimonq2elopio: alright, I'll be around, thank you01:10
elopiothanks to you01:10
sergiusenselopio is it good to go then?01:13
elopiosergiusens: no, it needs a retry. Many tests failed.
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sergiusensLet me update branch01:20
tsimonq2elopio: because I already knew it would get pointed out that Subversion was not with the other version control systems, I just rearranged it and committed :D01:22
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jdstrandbeuno, roadmr: what sergiusens said-- we don't allow calling snap.app because that invokes the launcher and to be able to invoke the launcher you need to grant permissions to setup the sandbox and if you have the permissions to set the sandbox you can shange your own sandbox05:22
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zygaslangasek: ohhh06:07
zygaslangasek: I see, this is the problem when we fork projects and move them around :/06:07
zygaslangasek: I'll bump the version to 1.0.30 with an appropriate message06:08
zygaslangasek: but we should really move away from lp:ubuntu-core-launcher towards snapcore/snap-confine06:08
zygamvo: ^^ FYI06:15
mvothanks zyga06:18
slangasekzyga: agreed, re: moving; I've already uploaded 1.0.29+2 to Debian unstable including the Vcs-* move to github06:19
zygaslangasek: the +2 version is the onfe from snapcore?06:21
zygaslangasek: I'm sorry if I seem confused, I just woke up06:21
slangasekzyga: yes; I took what was in the snapcore github, threw a 1.0.29+2 version on it, adjusted the packaging to avoid NEW, and uploaded06:28
zygaslangasek: so snaps work on debian now?06:31
slangasekzyga: yes06:36
slangasekzyga: FTR I haven't successfully tested X-using snaps yet, something was wrong with my X forwarding from my VM; will double-check that today06:37
zygaslangasek: was your VM headless?06:37
zygaslangasek: thanks, let's make sure it works06:38
slangasekzyga: I installed it as a base Debian system, no GUI in the VM06:38
slangasekand I'm at a sprint where the bandwidth is not as advertised, so installing a desktop stack in the VM would be a fool's errand at the moment06:38
zygaslangasek: ok, I see06:38
zygaslangasek: I asked if elopio can test this and he's already on it06:40
dholbachgood morning! :-)06:59
ogra_chiluk, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snappy-hub/snappy-systems/files07:03
dholbachCan you snap* people join gitter too? https://gitter.im/ubuntu/snappy-playpen07:56
sgclarkHi all, I hope to upload some KDE stuff to the beta storee today, I here there is some magic snapcraft command to achieve this?07:56
dholbachzyga, can you review http://askubuntu.com/review/suggested-edits/578918? :-)07:56
sgclarkdholbach: I have a a meeting shortly, but if I do not have to show my ugly mug, perhaps after.07:56
dholbachsgclark, https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/build-apps/upload-your-snap/07:57
zygadholbach: looking08:02
zygadholbach: this looks good, I don't know how I can review / approve it08:06
dholbachzyga, oh ok... I thought you could do it... nevermind then. It looks approved now. Maybe somebody else was quicker. :-)08:08
willcookemorning all08:09
willcookejamiebennett, Sweet5hark - hello!08:14
willcookeSweet5hark, can you explain your issue with installing from the beta store again?08:14
Sweet5harkwell, I uploaded a libreoffice snap to the store to beta/edge channels (as it is devmode) and published it (on the canonical account). Unfortunately, it doesnt show up in "snap find" and does not seem to be installable even with "snap install --channel=beta libreoffice".08:16
jamiebennettSweet5hark: what is the exact name of the libreoffice snap, is it "libreoffice"?08:17
jamiebennettlet me have a look08:18
ogra_wohooo !!!08:18
* ogra_ dances08:18
Sweet5harkjamiebennett: "libreoffice" or "libreoffice.canonical"08:18
mvoSweet5hark: might be a store issue, we had similar issues before, once sec08:19
jdstrandzyga: hi! when were you thinking snap-confine would got to 6.04?08:22
jdstranderr 16.0408:22
mvoSweet5hark: I'm asking the store people now, we had a similar issue some days ago where some reindex was needed08:25
ogra_mvo, do you usually just copy-package livecd-rootfs to the PPA or do you do an actual upload ?08:32
davidcalleHowdy, I'm trying to upload VLC to the store and it fails with "package contains external symlinks: lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 lint-snap-v2_external_symlinks", shouldn't snapcraft warn me in these cases?08:34
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mvoogra_: I usually do an upload08:35
mvoogra_: why do you ask? is there an advantage/disadvantage?08:35
ogra_mvo, nah, just want to know, so we use the same process08:36
ogra_(tonights build failed, need to upload the last livecd-rootfs)08:36
davidcallekyrofa: sergiusens, is that to be expected, that a snapcrafted snap builds/installs correctly but is rejected by the store? ^ (same rejection also happens with another one)08:40
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mvoSweet5hark: store people are working on the issue08:56
jdstrandsergiusens: fyi, I like how snapcraft is quieter in the 'snapcraft snap' step, but I think it may be too quiet. I'm snapping a large snap (1GB) and all I have is the spinner and not a progress meter, and so I don't really know what's going on09:02
mvoogra_: iirc you mentioned there is a qemu for pi2? is that packaged yet somewhere?09:14
mvoogra_: would love to use it for image build tests :)09:14
davidcallejdstrand: any advice on my external symlinks issue? ^09:25
davidcalleWhat I'm wondering is: why is it blocking a package marked as requiring devmode, why is it the first time I stumble upon this, I would expect getting a warning from snapcraft09:28
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zygajdstrand: I think that's up to mvo, I'd like to do that in 2.0.9 or .10 maybe09:39
jennymHi, anyone have any experience using ant plugin (for building java projects) and copy plugin?10:05
zygajennym: no, sorry10:17
jennymzyga: Do you know where else I could get some assistance.10:22
zygajennym: yes, stick around a10:23
zygajennym: ask on snapcraft@lists.ubuntu.com10:23
zygajennym: ask sergiusens when he's around10:24
ogra_mvo, i dont think that was me ... there is a qemu hack for BBB that i know of10:50
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jdstranddavidcalle: it indicates that your snap has symlinks pointing outside of the snap that liky don't exist and are dangling symlinks. it isn't a devmode thing. I'm not sure why snapcraft idn't alert you11:59
ogra_mvo, did you turn on proposed for snappy builds ? i see it is suddenly enabled everywhere (and makes builds fail on amd64)12:07
sergiusensjdstrand we will need to patch mksquashfs to get only progress and not the big dump12:15
ogra_it has a --noprogress option iirc ... so it just needs a --only-progress option now12:16
sergiusensdavidcalle you can manually run the reviewer tools, we are not doing that yet as we weren't on par up until a moment ago.12:19
mvoogra_: I did a one-off PROPOSED=1 build on ~saturday or sunday, nothing else12:20
ogra_mvo, weird, that seems to have stuck somehow ... i cant manage to build without proposed at all anymore12:20
ogra_and kernel meta packages being out of sync now make the images fail ...12:20
ogra_https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/xenial/ubuntu-core-system-image/+build/65242 ... (Pocket: proposed) ...12:21
ogra_all i'm currently running is:  ARCHES=amd64 DIST=xenial SUBPROJECT=system-image EXTRA_PPAS=snappy-dev/image for-project ubuntu-core cron.daily-preinstalled --live12:21
ogra_and that shouldnt enable proposed at all12:21
ogra_... i'll try to hunt down infinity to take a look12:21
mvoogra_: when I greped for PROPOSED=1 in the script I am pretty sure it does not store that somewhere, strange indeed12:24
ogra_yeah, very ... you didnt put it indo cdimages ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile either i guess *grin*12:24
mvoogra_: I don't think so ;)12:25
zygasergiusens: please send your contributions upstream12:25
ogra_env also doesnt show the var set12:25
ogra_very strange ... adam is in a meeting though ... once he comes out i'll corner him :)12:25
ogra_mvo, myth solved ... seemingly proposed is enabled globally for xenial now ... we actually need to build with PROPOSED=0 now12:39
* ogra_ adds that to the cron job for the default builds12:39
mvothats interessting (and scary ;)12:42
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dpmseb128, hey12:59
dpmseb128, does this GTK wrapper look similar to the latest work that you guys have been doing with GTK apps' wrappers, or do we need to include any recent changes you've done? https://github.com/dplanella/gtkconf/blob/master/gtk-launch12:59
seb128dpm, howdy13:01
seb128dpm, let me have a look13:01
dpmgreat, thanks13:01
pmphi ogra, I'm getting back to you concerning dtoverlay usage with rpi and a custom kernel snap flashed with current u-d-f.13:01
seb128dpm, how come some of us are doing the same work though :-/13:01
seb128feels like waste/duplication13:01
sergiusenszyga sorry, but what are you talking about? :-)13:02
pmpogra_: my kernel boots - which is nice13:02
sergiusenszyga oh, mksquashfs I guess13:02
ogra_pmp, right ... until the final version of the 16 images is there you will have to mangle the overlays manually13:02
dpmseb128, well, the idea of that is to _remove_ duplication. That's a wiki part that most GTK apps should be able to use13:02
pmpogra_: your last hint was to copy the dtbo files manually to the boot-partition13:02
ogra_specifically on the rpi where you need to create an overlays dir in the vfat13:02
pmplike it is on raspian?13:03
seb128dpm, right, asked differently why didn't we get concerned people Cced on a same email or talking before things got set up/started13:03
ogra_i know niemeyer works on defininng some high level thing soo you caan do that from the gadget snap in the future13:03
ogra_pmp, right, just like on raspbian13:03
seb128dpm, oh well, in any case that seems mostly to be what we used, outdated revision missing some improvement and bugfixes though13:03
zygasergiusens: squashfs changes13:04
dpmseb128, I'm not sure what you mean. We knew about the work you guys were doing with gtk apps and reused that, that's all13:04
seb128dpm, is that going to be including in snapcraft itself?13:05
dpmseb128, it's a part for now that snaps can point to in their snapcraft.yaml file, I'm not sure it would make sense to have a gtk plugin, but sergiusens might have better ideas13:06
seb128dpm, forget about the comment, seems we each have diverging branches with different improvements/fixes but that's not the end of the world13:06
seb128it's just that seeing work duped bothers me13:06
seb128seems like we have several team working on the same things in not really coordinated ways13:06
dpmseb128, I'd say on the contrary: you guys did the heavy lifting with the wrapper, and we're proposing a reusable part before everyone starts copying over that gtk wrapper in their snaps13:08
seb128dpm, yeah, I guess I'm just grumpy because we didn't get involved in how/where that reusable parts have been set up13:08
seb128like you clearly based on a version of our wrapper outdated with bugs13:08
seb128I would have preferred that somebody included us upfront13:09
seb128you also apparently did change to deal with gtk2 vs gtk3 that you didn't send us back/asked us for comment13:09
dpmseb128, there wasn't much to coordinate, to be honest: I just did it this morning, and I thought I'd touch base with you now13:09
dpmand the gtk2 vs gtk3 bit is not yet working (but on the way to, I hope)13:11
seb128dpm, anyway, you miss some fixes but it seems to be mostly good13:11
seb128I also think it doesn't make sense to have a gtk plugin13:11
seb128but most of those hacks should go away over time13:11
seb128like snapcraft/snapd should export the proper env variable13:12
dpmseb128, ack . Where are those latest fixes, so that I add them to the plugin?13:12
seb128rather than requesting every snaps to set e.g the xdg dirs13:12
dpmthat's indeed a pain, yes13:12
sergiusenskyrofa mind looking at https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/563 ?13:12
seb128dpm, same, https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+junk/gnome-calculator-snap13:12
seb128dpm, diff them, I improved some things in commit 7 when I merged back the work from trevinho13:13
seb128dpm, like your wrapper is probably displaying warnings on first start about invalid symlinks or so13:13
seb128his code was not checking for empty dirs and suchs13:13
dpmseb128, cool, thanks. Also, what's the best way to give you guys back changes/bug fixes?13:15
seb128dpm, we don't have a proper project for that, diff via email or pastebined and shared on #ubuntu-desktop I guess13:15
seb128dpm, none of you guys looked at getting translations to work by any chance?13:16
dpmseb128, not yet. I looked at it for qt/sdk apps, but I failed13:17
seb128no worry13:17
kyrofasergiusens, sure thing!13:18
pmpogra_: the dtparam-parameter works, but dtoverlay-commands seem to be ignored, not sure how I should debug this13:26
ogra_hmm, that should just work from config.txt ... we just use the upstream blobs from broadcom ... shouldnt be any different from raspbian13:28
pmpogra_: probably out of scope here, who is merging the device-tree with the overlays, the blobs from broadcom? When is it done? I assume it's done before u-boot boots .. how does the kernel then find the right merged device-tree?13:34
ogra_right, it happens inside the broadcom blob ... there is hope the u-boot feature that just landed to merge dtbs is stable enough to actually use it instead for the final images13:35
ogra_i will look into that next week (i'm at a sprint this week)13:35
roadmrHeya folks! How can I get one of the binaries in my snap to be able to use the "setpriority" syscall? I think it's failing to call another binary in the same snap because of that.13:36
roadmr(it works in devmode, btw)13:36
ogra_likely thought an interface that doesnt exist yet ... zyga or jdstrand should be able to tell you13:36
pmpogra_ et roadmr , there should be a bug on launchpad for that13:37
pmpwe had the same problem13:38
roadmrthanks ogra_ :)13:38
roadmrmeanwhile I'll try to hack the setpriority away from the binary to see if that's the only snag...13:38
pmproadmr: if you're running in devmode you should see apparmor warnings in syslog for all restriction you would see in real-life13:39
roadmrpmp: indeed! that was the only suspicious one I saw13:40
pmpogra_: so, if I understand you correctly, uboot does not, currently, support dt-overlays merging on raspberry-pi. I found this discussion https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux/issues/942 saying exactly this14:00
pmpogra_: could I bypass u-boot and still boot to ubuntu? and will it be happy?14:01
ogra_pmp, nope, all the boot logic in snappy lives in the uboot scripts14:01
ogra_jospoortvliet, congrats on the nextcould release !14:02
ogra_jospoortvliet, where is the snap ? :)14:02
tsimonq2!info xfonts-100dpi yakkety14:03
ubottuxfonts-100dpi (source: xfonts-100dpi): 100 dpi fonts for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.0.4+nmu1 (yakkety), package size 3733 kB, installed size 3971 kB14:03
tsimonq2!info aspell-en yakkety14:04
ubottuaspell-en (source: aspell-en): English dictionary for GNU Aspell. In component main, is optional. Version 7.1-0-1.1 (yakkety), package size 258 kB, installed size 330 kB14:04
jospoortvlietogra_: hahaa snap will be here soon I bet14:10
jospoortvlietkyrofa: must be all over it :P14:10
jospoortvlietkyrofa: now you know what we've been up to...14:11
jospoortvlietwhohoo :D14:11
ogra_hopefully soon :)14:11
ogra_great stuff :)14:11
jospoortvlietfor ppl not sure what the heck we're talking about: https://nextcloud.com/nextcloud-9-available-enterprise-functionality-to-be-open-source/14:11
jospoortvlietyes, we go 100% open source (yay) and the first release already has some 'enterprise' features. Yay for liberating them :P14:11
ogra_nice !14:12
jospoortvlietawesome, right?14:12
kyrofajospoortvliet, awesome :) . Not diverged too much from ownCloud just yet though?14:13
ogra_GRRR ... hotel wifi14:16
ogra_(just kicked me out completely in the middle of commiting something)14:16
dpmsergiusens, is there a cache of some sorts for wiki parts? I've done `snapcraft clean && snapcraft` for an app that pulls a wiki part that I just changed (gtkconf in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Snappy/Parts), looking at the generated snap, it does not have those latest changes14:35
dpmEither that, or `source-branch: devel` in the wiki page is being ignored14:35
sergiusensdpm yes there is, but not in anything from snapcraft. The wiki's webfront just returns old results I believe14:39
dpmsergiusens, oh, so how long in your experience until a change is made in the wiki and the server returns the updated data?14:42
sergiusensdpm 10 minutes or so14:42
dpmsergiusens, ok, good to know, thanks14:43
sergiusensdpm also, might want to start playing with the future https://wiki.ubuntu.com/snapcraft/parts?action=raw14:45
dpmsergiusens, I saw that, but you only wanted to give us a sneak peek, so I'm not sure what to do with it ;)14:46
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tsimonq2elopio: when you have a chance, can you look at my PR again? I think I'm done :)15:03
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sergiusensdpm this all might land next week ;-)15:32
sergiusenselopio I fixed the integration test15:32
pmpogra_: fyi, I succeeded with my device-tree-overlay on raspi15:37
pmpogra_: by integrating the device-tree stuff into the main device-tree15:37
pmpogra_: and then overwriting the /boot/bcm2709-rpi-2-b.dtb15:38
pmpogra_: overwriting the one in /boot/rpi2-kernel_0.snap/dtbs didn't work15:39
sergiusenskyrofa just saw you reviewed as well, nice catches!15:45
kyrofasergiusens, no problem :)15:45
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sergiusenselopio btw, where do you get that `-` is not valid for ranges?15:52
sergiusenskyrofa do you know about that? ^15:53
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kyrofasergiusens, a comment he made in review?15:56
sergiusenskyrofa yeah, but I want to know where the fact that it is not valid comes from15:57
sergiusenskyrofa I would think that 2015-2017 implies: 2015, 2016, 201715:57
kyrofasergiusens, ohhh15:57
kyrofasergiusens, same here. I use commas when it's two years and hyphens after that15:58
kyrofajospoortvliet, https://github.com/kyrofa/nextcloud-snap . Tested and working, publishing asap16:03
elopiosergiusens: FSF guide. Take a look at http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs.git/tree/README#n9916:03
elopioThat statement is what makes the - valid. I don't know, layers are weird.16:03
jospoortvlietkyrofa: whoah, amazingly quick...16:04
kyrofajospoortvliet, I told you, as soon as you had code!16:04
jospoortvlietyou're a man of your word16:06
jospoortvlietreal awesome16:06
sergiusenselopio that actually implies that what I did is fine16:08
kyrofasergiusens, elopio agreed, it seems that hyphens are fine16:09
* sergiusens leaves to pick up his kid from daycare16:09
dpmhi jospoortvliet, now that I see you here... this might be interesting for you too -> https://design.canonical.com/2016/06/the-app-design-clinics-are-back/16:17
jospoortvlietah nice16:18
jospoortvlietguessing that might just need a nextcloud logo ;-)16:18
dpmyeah, I guess the app was created pre-nextcloud :)16:19
kyrofaSweet5hark, https://askubuntu.com/questions/786974/libreoffice-5-2-snap-will-it-use-my-existing-profile16:52
mhall119hi guys, I'm trying to setup another machine to build snaps for me, but I'm getting this on cleanbuild:17:00
mhall119error: Get http://unix.socket/1.0: dial unix /var/lib/lxd/unix.socket: connect: permission denied17:00
mhall119any ideas?17:00
mhall119srw-rw---- 1 root lxd 0 Jun 14 12:52 /var/lib/lxd/unix.socket17:03
Sweet5harkkyrofa: heh, that's an excellent and tricky question to answer ..17:12
sabdfljospoortvliet, welcome!17:15
kyrofamhall119, probably a sergiusens question17:17
mhall119jospoortvliet: got that nextcloud snap in the store yet? :)17:19
kyrofamhall119, it's building now17:19
kyrofamhall119, i386 is the only one completed so far17:20
Sweet5harkkyrofa: http://askubuntu.com/questions/786974/libreoffice-5-2-snap-will-it-use-my-existing-profile/786991#786991 <- answered, I hope that is ok.17:20
mhall119kyrofa: excellent! Is jospoortvliet (or someone from nextCloud) all setup with an account in MyApps to publish them?17:20
kyrofamhall119, not yet, it's in the canonical account. But we can give them the name whenever they would it17:21
kyrofawould like it*17:21
mhall119jospoortvliet: ^^ you want that, so you guys can push updates directly (including use the beta-testing channel)17:22
niemeyerjdstrand: ping for review on spread snap17:23
* svij installed his first snap on archlinux. :)17:26
zygasvij: woot! :)17:26
svijcan we have snapcraft as a snap?17:36
sergiusenssvij soon-ish17:39
beunoolli_, sabdfl, I'll fix freenode perms soon for a wider list of access17:44
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ollibeuno, mind repeating for olli17:45
beunoso many olli's17:46
tsimonq2(maybe just do his cloak?)17:46
olliI was competing with myself  for the nick17:47
=== olli changed the topic of #snappy to: Package any app for any Linux desktop, server, cloud or device. Read how on http://www.snapcraft.io
tsimonq2http://snapcraft.io/create/ <-- this doesn't have instructions for any other flavor yet, it only lists `sudo apt install snapcraft`, and I heard something about Arch?17:50
svijon Arch it's in the AUR, tsimonq217:50
tsimonq2so yeah, it should probably be added to that page, whoever has access17:50
ollijamiebennett, ^17:51
jamiebennettHi tsimonq2. At the moment we are offering the snap runtime, snapd, on other distributions to enable snaps to be run. Supporting snapcraft so that you can create snaps on other distros is being worked on at the moment.17:54
tsimonq2oh okay, thank you jamiebennett17:55
tsimonq2jamiebennett: anything I can do to help, or is it not code related?17:55
jamiebennetttsimonq2: sergiusens and kyrofa are working on that and can comment better on what is needed17:56
tsimonq2jamiebennett: thank you for your time :)17:57
jamiebennetttsimonq2: hey, no problem at all17:57
* svij made a one-line patch to snapcraft before it was cool.17:57
tsimonq2sergiusens, kyrofa: is there anything I can do to help with what he mentioned?17:58
sergiusenstsimonq2 sorry, I cannot follow the chain of thought in the thread, help with what exactly?17:58
jamiebennettsergiusens: we were talking about snapcraft support on other distros17:59
jamiebennettsergiusens: and what it would take to make it happen17:59
sergiusensjamiebennett tsimonq2 we have a plan, but it is not going to be easy, end goal might be to make it a snap as svij hinted a while ago18:00
tsimonq2sergiusens: I think that might be a good option, because on a snap-only system, as far as I know, you can't use snapcraft18:01
jamiebennetttsimonq2: basically snap support in LXD can help us here and that is actively being worked on at the moment18:02
jamiebennetttsimonq2: once that is available we will be able to progress further on the snapcraft cross-distro story18:02
zygatsimonq2: https://github.com/zyga/devtools/blob/master/classic.sh18:02
tsimonq2jamiebennett: okay, thanks18:04
tsimonq2zyga: do you accept pull requests? :)18:04
tsimonq2ahh yes, says so in the readme18:06
zygatsimonq2: absolutely!18:06
tsimonq2zyga: you have a pull request :)18:29
tsimonq2jamiebennett: http://snapcraft.io/ needs a favicon.ico18:31
tsimonq2s/needs/should have/18:31
jamiebennetttsimonq2: Good catch, thank you18:33
jamiebennettI've reported it to our webteam18:33
kyrofajospoortvliet, alright, nextcloud has been published18:42
niemeyerjdstrand: ping18:46
niemeyertyhicks: ping18:46
mariogripthis is awesome! http://news.softpedia.com/news/snap-packages-become-the-universal-binary-format-for-all-gnu-linux-distributions-505241.shtml18:54
tsimonq2mariogrip: yeah! :D19:03
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
ShibeWhat are snappy "realms"?20:31
aisraelWhat's the procedure for installing extra kernel modules on snappy? In particular, trying to get a wireless dongle to work (a ralink 801.11n usb)20:42
marcoceppiOkay, I'm ready to snap, but I have no idea for what to do20:55
carakaIt is totally worth stepping through the tutorials one by one and bulding each of the examples, marcoceppi20:56
marcoceppicaraka: I've tried, the project I want to build has a deb and stuff20:56
marcoceppiit's a golang project20:56
marcoceppinone of the examples really enumerate that, was wondering if there was ane xample like that20:57
carakathere are examples of both incorporating debs and working with go in the tutorials20:57
carakaIf I recall, they are separate tutorials, you'd have to combine the concepts20:58
carakaI'm just working through them all myself20:58
carakasnappy is a work in progress. I know that when I have come here with specific questions, I usually get an answer or a link to one.20:59
tsimonq2caraka: what do you need?21:02
ali1234so..... can i package software from raspberry pi 1 now?21:51
tsimonq2zyga: the note you left on line 30, are you talking about replacing it with $classic, if not, I don't know what you mean, could you clarify?21:55
zygatsimonq2: hey22:03
zygatsimonq2: I like your change, I just want to make it a little bit more generic22:03
zygatsimonq2: everywhere where the script had hard-coded 'xenial' just use a variable ($classic)22:04
tsimonq2zyga: yep, I'm working on the script now22:20
tsimonq2zyga: I'm making it so you can do a lot more with it22:20
zygatsimonq2: fantastic, thanks :)22:25

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