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dholbachhey hey14:44
dholbachwe're having difficulties updating ubuntuonair.com14:44
ahoneybundholbach: is mhall119 around from that long weekend lol14:50
dholbachyes, he is14:50
ahoneybunone week I would like to be on14:50
ahoneybunwe had issues with Hangout for the last Kubuntu Podcast dholbach14:52
ahoneybunnot sure what caused that14:53
kz6fittycentblame google14:53
mhall119ahoneybun: this isn't a hangout problem, it's a wordpress and/or SSO problem14:53
kz6fittycentyou gonna have to restart apache mhall119 ?14:54
mhall119kz6fittycent: I don't think that'll help, it smells like a config problem14:55
kz6fittycentoh no14:55
kz6fittycentthis is my first time to watch the stream, too. And I have some legitimate questions...dang.14:55
EamonSD5 minutes to go ! http://ubuntuonair.com/14:55
EamonSDkz6fittycent: Wats the problem ?14:56
mhall119dholbach: ahoneybun can be a guest today \o/14:56
kz6fittycentEamonSD, they're having issues with updating the stream14:56
mhall119EamonSD: we can't log in to ubuntuonair.com, something's putting us into a login-loop14:56
mhall119if we can't update it, we'll just post the youtube video URL here14:57
EamonSDright -oh . I believe the calendar is RSS - maybe that's the problem.14:57
kz6fittycentmhall119, you da man!14:57
* EamonSD slides mhall119 a brexit beer.14:57
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ahoneybunmhall119: I also found a bluetooth mouse that works with the N7!14:58
mhall119EamonSD: we brexit'ed 240 years ago ;)14:58
ahoneybunmhall119: can I has a PM with the link to test my webcam and such?14:59
EamonSDQUESTION: If the  RDP-Client is useless in wine - do'ya think with this new Microsoft-company-ubuntu-arching-into open-source shall help the situation, -as it's a real bottle-neck in the wine community ?15:01
dholbachall right - we're going to start in a bit15:01
EamonSDopening ...15:01
dholbachKeep the questions coming.15:01
dragonbiteunless you want to change the message on the top15:02
kz6fittycentI see it15:02
popeymhall119: and look how badly that's gone15:02
EamonSDQUESTION: Do you think that the value of british sterling is affecting the price of Unicorn, Xerius, Goat etc T-shirts in the Canonical store ?15:04
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mhall119ubuntuonair.com is updated now! \o/15:06
tsimonq2ahoneybun: o/15:06
EamonSDCould we have a shout-out to ubports, /r/ubuntuappshowdown on reddit and the iCal-inclusion Ubuntu Touch bug on bountysource ($250) Happy hacking !15:06
kz6fittycentQUESTION: is an official dropbox client on the roadmap for uTouch?15:06
EamonSDQUESTION: Could we have a shout-out to ubports, /r/ubuntuappshowdown on reddit and the iCal-inclusion Ubuntu Touch bug on bountysource ($250) Happy hacking !15:06
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: HUD?15:07
ahoneybuno/ tsimonq215:07
EamonSDqUESTION: Any movement on the hud ?15:07
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: how will the HUD look?15:07
ahoneybunplease just ask your question once, I know you just can't wait for info :)15:08
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: WIth the messaging app and the messaging framework, does canonical plan on supporting other methords of talk other then SMS, I hear talk for XMPP is that just to make sure it can be done well or will there be full XMPP support?15:09
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTIONS: Are there plans to make Ubuntu more colourful?15:09
kz6fittycentQUESTION: will snaps use more RAM compared to traditionally installed applications?15:10
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: New Notifications update?15:10
ahoneybunof course I have messed up audio on my first UOA15:11
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Will we get universal search back, we used to have it in the phone ages ago before the list of scopes update, and we have it in unity7?15:11
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: What are your thoughts about Google Supporting the TPP, and because they do will you change anything you do with google?15:12
ofishyalleeQUESTION: do your have news on new bq phone?15:12
dragonbiteQUESTION: any update on the Ubuntu Phone being carried in the USA?15:12
EamonSD: )15:13
ofishyalleeQUESTION: i am try to play with unity8 but cant install terminal from ubuntu software, how can do that?15:13
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Will an Ubuntu Phone be announced in around an hour? OP3 event is then, and though I doubt it I'd love to see ubuntu as an option on the phone15:14
ofishyalleeQUESTION: how will steam game run on mir?15:14
ahoneybunso sorry dholbach15:15
dholbachahoneybun, how are things going?15:15
kz6fittycentQUESTION: <preface: I can't feel my phone vibrate when my wife calls...that's a problem!!> Will uTouch allow for greater configuration in the future?15:15
ahoneybunnot sure it was working before I moved the audio from my tv15:15
EamonSDBountysource Link : https://www.bountysource.com/issues/30551831-no-caldav-and-icalendar-support15:15
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: If Ubuntu got a majority of the marketshare will canonical beable to tell OEM's what to do? If so could we have a rule saying 1 tree planted for every ubuntu phone sold :315:16
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Coloured Emojis when?15:16
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: colour vs color ;P15:17
EamonSDdragonbite: I believe you can use a nexus unlocked for that - but I may be wrong #USAphone15:17
faenilChloeWolfieGirl: have you seen the g+ post about that? like, a couple of weeks ago15:17
ChloeWolfieGirlfaenil: Yes I have, the use emojione emojis :315:17
ofishyalleeQUESTION: is it possible to move unity8 launcher on the bottom?15:17
faenilChloeWolfieGirl: cool15:17
SebthreeBQM10HDQUESTION: What happended to the fancy default backgrounds, I mean of animals? The Intrepid Ibex, The Hardy Heron, etc.  Really thats been about six years now15:17
kz6fittycentQUESTION: What about a "swipeable" keyboard in uTouch?15:17
dragonbiteQUESTION: any other manufacturers looking at putting out an Ubuntu Phone or Ubuntu Tablet?15:18
dragon77QUESTION:How are Linus and Stallman in person?15:18
ofishyalleeQUESTION: how to install core ubuntu apps on 16.04? unity715:18
SebthreeBQM10HDdragon I saw a RICHARD Stallman talk before,  got to talk to him befily after, he's ok]15:19
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Xbox and Windows are becoming closer and MS paying for w10 exclusives, do you worry about SteamOS and Gaming on Linux?15:19
ahoneybundragon77: he is a very special case and feels very strong about his opionions and beliefs15:20
ahoneybunstallman anyway15:20
dragon77ahoneybun but is he the same off camera?15:20
ahoneybundragon77: same as what?15:20
SebthreeBQM10HDbq hmm15:20
dragon77as he is in front of it.15:20
SebthreeBQM10HDseems they have stopped selling the two phones directly now15:21
ahoneybuna bit off his chair, yes15:21
SebthreeBQM10HDthey should have kept the latest phone for longer I think15:21
kz6fittycentQUESTION: mhall119 on which phone are you currently running uTouch?15:22
ahoneybunkz6fittycent: Nexus 415:22
ahoneybunnp best phone for the USA atm15:22
mhall119ofishyallee: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mhall119/dogfooding-unity8/15:22
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: with whats happened with the Ubuntu instagram scope, is canonical going to look at bringing more opensource options to ubuntu phone or still try bringing some proprietary services to Ubuntu phones?15:22
kz6fittycentahoneybun, yeah. Though mine is feeling it's age15:23
SebthreeBQM10HDQuestion: How to get blue ink off a white/silver phone plastic h eh15:23
ahoneybunkz6fittycent: mines memory module died15:23
kz6fittycentoh no ahoneybun15:23
* ahoneybun agrees a bit15:23
nakanutQUESTION: Which cloud storage apps or webapps do you use on Ubuntu phone?15:23
ahoneybunyea I have a OnePlus One atm15:23
ChloeWolfieGirlI think we show demand by marius porting x'D15:24
DS-McGuireQUESTION: Is the finger print/scanner to unlock the pro 5 an OTA12 target?15:24
music_appHey folks!15:24
PharaoneQUESTION: you will support swift(programming language) in Ubuntu touch?15:24
SebthreeBQM10HDQUESTION:  How hot is it there generally in Florida currently where michael is he seems to always for now have his fan spinning round in the background  do the temperature in degrees c if can I dont know f15:25
music_app[QUESTION]: Spotify service integration it's still on the list for me?15:25
dragon77most games use SDL libraries and SDL support mir ATM.15:25
ahoneybunSebthreeBQM10HD: pretty hot in the summer in degrees F15:25
popeymusic_app: spotify will come15:25
popeymusic_app: we're looking at other services too15:25
popeyworking on it right now15:25
ChloeWolfieGirlpopey +1 what others are you looking at if I may ask?15:26
popeyowncloud and local music playback15:27
popeylike, local lan15:27
dragonbiteinstead of owncloud, may want to look at "nextcloud"15:28
kz6fittycentpopey did you just say that owncloud is getting a new app for uTouch?15:28
EamonSDQUESTION: AS mac airbook,s and Mac book Pros are the developers' laptops seen at most US conferences, and there are videos  on the tubes' exemplifying Ubuntu 14.04 on macbooks when shall ubuntu insights pick-up on this and give a cast-iron method for getting Ubuntu onto MacBook air/Pro for the fan-boys ?  It's TIME.15:28
PharaoneQUESTION: now arte you using unity8?15:28
popeykz6fittycent: i didnt15:28
kz6fittycentpopey oh...I am saddened15:28
dragonbitethe founder and 9/10 developers of owncloud have left ownCloud and forked it into Nextcloud and have promised that even the Enterprise version will be 100% open source.15:29
popeyI mean, it _is_15:29
popeybut I didnt say it15:29
kz6fittycentpopey I think I understand...15:29
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: When will Ubuntu have ALL the market share?15:30
ahoneybunoh boy15:30
DS-McGuirepopey, For the music app will we ever get those rounded corners that we always see in the mockups?15:30
dragonbiteQUESTION: are loco's able to get swag for promoting, and what kind (posters? stickers? USB? etc.)?15:31
EamonSDQUESTION: Aryan What support in terms of physical products did you receive from Canonical for the ubucon; and florida LOCO group, separately ?15:32
EamonSDdragonbite: You beat me !15:32
dragon77ChloeWolfieGirl ofc. it's colour :P15:33
kz6fittycentChloeWolfieGirl, just get rd f ll th vwls...15:33
ChloeWolfieGirldragon77: +1 :P15:33
ChloeWolfieGirlkz6fittycent: plz n15:34
EamonSDAlsio Ubuntu Mate, Xubuntu, kubuntu , Gubuntu wallpapers .15:34
EamonSDWhat folder do they download them to ?15:35
faenilswipable keyboard ---> see Skeyers15:35
ahoneybundragonbite: yes if your LoCo is verfited15:35
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: someone posted on G+ commands to change your background on scopes, have you changed your scope background yet?15:36
faenilI read on landing emails we were working on getting that integrated into Ubuntu Touch, not sure what the current status is though15:36
ahoneybundragonbite: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/TeamVerificationGuidelines15:36
kz6fittycentfaenil, NICE!!15:36
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Michael, how can I convince you to play video games?15:36
EamonSDPharaone: http://community.badvoltage.org/t/1x45-tons-of-it-about/1051315:37
ahoneybunChloeWolfieGirl: I have not tried15:38
dholbachnice questions everyone15:39
ahoneybunyes very cool ones15:39
EamonSDChloeWolfieGirl: He'll just say he's over-worked, and move on ...15:39
SebthreeBQM10HDQUESTION: Microsoft have bught Linkdin for a lot I knew about that already, or that apparnatly they did, but finally the BBC News TV news had it last night,  what do you guys think about that story?15:39
tsimonq2QUESTION: What release and/or flavor of Ubuntu do you run and why?15:40
kz6fittycentmhall119, do you get LTE on you n4?15:40
SebthreeBQM10HDQUESTION: What phones have any of you flashed in general and with what, and why?15:41
EamonSDTHey UPDATED the api - no-one updated it !15:41
ahoneybunChloeWolfieGirl: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/06/instagram-kills-ubuntu-phones-instagram-photos-scope15:41
EamonSDlisten to latest www.ubuntupodcast.org15:41
SebthreeBQM10HDQUESTION:  I know that popey who isnt on the show today has crowd funded things, but have any of you, and when and what if so I wonder15:42
kz6fittycentmhall119, I couldn't get uDropCabin to work...What am I missing?15:43
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION id you see the apple event the other day? f so any features you'd like to see on Ubuntu?15:44
dholbachcheck https://launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+milestone/12 to find out what's planned for ota-1215:44
EamonSDSebthreeBQM10HD: Kickstarter uses flasjh :(15:44
SebthreeBQM10HDQUESTION: What are the general opinions of smart watches and do any of you have one? if so which one and why?15:44
SebthreeBQM10HDEamonSD, Adobe Flash?15:44
SebthreeBQM10HDEamonSD, my question was about putting differnet oses onto phones oneself thats called flashing I belive15:44
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SebthreeBQM10HDQUESTION: Non tech question if still time and for all,  favourite meal and why?15:48
SebthreeBQM10HDEamonSD, whats that link about, I cant just click it on this thing15:49
kz6fittycentQUESTION: As there are several methods for Ubuntu DE to "cast" to Chromecast, is there anything coming for uTouch and Chromecast?15:50
SebthreeBQM10HDQUESTION: Where would the two of you from Florida live if outside of the US and why?15:54
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Whats your favourite types of earphones?15:54
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Will canonical buy whatsapp so people will stop asking for the app?15:55
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tsimonq2dholbach: I'm running Yakkety and it works fine :)15:58
tsimonq2(with snapcraft)15:58
dholbachnice, tsimonq2!15:58
kz6fittycentmhall119, you can install the "hybrid radios" without the ROM15:58
kz6fittycentmhall119, I just don't get LTE on uTouch15:59
mhall119kz6fittycent: sorry, I don't know what the problem with uDropCabin, you'll have to contact the developer15:59
ahoneybunSebthreeBQM10HD: mm I've been in one place outside the US, La Corana in Spain but not sure I could live outside16:00
kz6fittycentmhall119, for your reference: http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-4/general/updated-zip-one-lte-enabler-flash-one-t235893116:01
dholbachthanks a lot for all the questions!16:01
ahoneybunthanks for all the fish people16:02
EamonSDSebthreeBQM10HD: Reddit is fine - it's a good story about elementary OS leader with gofundme.16:02
EamonSDbye guys !16:02
dholbachbig hugs! :)16:02
EamonSDI'm off to therapy !16:02
dragonbiteThank you guys!16:03
ahoneybunthanks everyone16:03
SebthreeBQM10HDahoneybun, were you arraon ? or?16:03
tsimonq2dholbach: so I don't know if you want to update to Yakkety, but like I said, it works fine16:03
dholbachthanks for the feedback tsimonq216:04
tsimonq2dholbach: I just keep on the devel alias, it works fine16:04
tsimonq2np :)16:04
dholbachmaybe I'm getting older ;-)16:04
kz6fittycenthas anyone else had any success with uDropCabin? it seems as if the app is broken or is there some configuration that I've (and others) been missing?16:05
dholbachor rather it's a side effect of getting older :)16:05
mhall119kz6fittycent: check out aethercast, it will let you cast Unity 8 to miracast-capable devices (I think this include Chromecast)16:05
mhall119SebthreeBQM10HD: outside of the US, that's a tough question, I might just be nomadic at that point and see it all :)16:05
mhall119ChloeWolfieGirl: given how much Facebook paid for WhatsApp, I don't think that's probably16:05
SebthreeBQM10HDmhall119, sure, but I meant to live not visit or as such, but yes live, so bye bye TSA  :d h eh16:06
mhall119SebthreeBQM10HD: well I was in Ireland a couple months ago and could definitely see myself there long-term16:06
SebthreeBQM10HDoh whys that?16:06
SebthreeBQM10HDand yes Ireland is quite nice a lot of it16:06
SebthreeBQM10HDnature etc :)16:07
mhall119I don't know if I could survive a winter there though :)16:07
SebthreeBQM10HDmhall119, You were meeting czajkowski there :d ?  yeah Ireland will get a bit chilly etc  in the winter ike UK, but snow is rare16:07
SebthreeBQM10HDsnow is rare for most of uK16:07
mhall119SebthreeBQM10HD: that was part of the reason, yeah, the other part was doing some family history research on my wife's side16:08
SebthreeBQM10HDmhall119, oh16:08
kz6fittycentmhall119, it doesn't support Chromecast specifically...boo. But its a great step16:09
SebthreeBQM10HDmhall119, where in Ireland did you go?16:09
mhall119SebthreeBQM10HD: all over the southern part16:10
SebthreeBQM10HDmhall119, oh right nice :)16:10
SebthreeBQM10HDok only mainp laces?16:10
mhall119we stopped quite a bit in between, but that gives you an idea of the loop we made16:11
czajkowskimhall119: practically a heat wave when you were there!16:11
mhall119czajkowski: I know, and I was *still* cold16:11
SebthreeBQM10HDlast time I went there a few years back was to visit on holiday county claire16:11
SebthreeBQM10HDthat's a nice place16:11
SebthreeBQM10HDand I been to Dublin before many may many ago to as a kid16:11
SebthreeBQM10HDyears ago16:11
mhall119I only found out the day after I left that Ikey D from Solus/Budgie lives in Dublin, missed an opportunity to meet up with him16:12
SebthreeBQM10HDmhall119, yeah weather sucks really now a lot, it's meant to be June now one of the most hottest months of the year in Uk or Ireland, well Europe in general, and actsaully its quite chilly still at times where I am etc16:12
SebthreeBQM10HDoh so someone from Solous/Budge interesting16:13
kz6fittycentLast time I went to Britain, it was July and I was freezing. It was 103F in TN when I got on the plane16:13
SebthreeBQM10HDstill not got round to vm trying that16:13
SebthreeBQM10HDtried to install Budgie into a Ubuntu install before via a ppa I think though, but didnt get very far16:13
SebthreeBQM10HDkz6fittycent, yeah 30 c is a heat weave in Britain really, and thats about as hot as it will ever go16:14
SebthreeBQM10HD30 degrees c16:14
kz6fittycentSebthreeBQM10HD, yeah and I "friend" told me that it'd be really nice, like a warm spring day, so I packed only shorts and short sleeved shirts...FROZEN SOLID.16:15
SebthreeBQM10HDh eh16:15
SebthreeBQM10HDso your from as hot part of the US it seems16:15
SebthreeBQM10HDkz6fittycent, no spring is never usaully that hot16:15
SebthreeBQM10HDand there isnt much of a summer anymore16:15
mhall119TN doesn't usually get as hot as FL, 103F is really quite hot for them16:15
kz6fittycentSebthreeBQM10HD, yeah, it was 96F in TN yesterday16:16
kz6fittycent75F today16:16
mhall119they also get quite a bit colder in the winter than we do16:16
mhall119with snow and everything16:16
SebthreeBQM10HDmhall119, yes idea its rare for Florida to get nautural snow16:16
kz6fittycentmhall119, yeah my sister-in-law lives in Orlando and during November we visited them. They were in coats and jackets, we were in shorts16:16
SebthreeBQM10HDyes indeed above16:16
* SebthreeBQM10HD has been to ORlando before16:17
SebthreeBQM10HDand St Pettersburg16:17
SebthreeBQM10HDthe one in Florida16:17
SebthreeBQM10HDnot RUssia16:17
mhall119kz6fittycent: it was a weird winter this year16:17
SebthreeBQM10HDmhall119, h eh do you ever get bored of Disney etc h eh,  or are you quite far from that?16:18
kz6fittycentso last week popey mentioned that there would be some updates last week for uTouch. I wasn't able to focus on exactly what he was saying (kids) but I didn't see anything major. Are the proposed updates still in the works? I'm excited BTW16:27
kz6fittycentor was a specific channel getting the updates?16:28
SebthreeBQM10HDkz6fittycent, OTA 11 came out about three weeks ago now, so there's some kind of  Microsoft wireless support thing16:28
SebthreeBQM10HDsending the image to a TV16:28
SebthreeBQM10HDpopey had a video16:28
kz6fittycentoh, but wasn't there something about other core apps getting updates?16:29
SebthreeBQM10HDkz6fittycent, and little changes here and there16:29
SebthreeBQM10HDnot updated to ota11 yet myself16:29
SebthreeBQM10HDand it/s libertine I am more interested in than anything else right now  when it comes to that stuff16:29
SebthreeBQM10HDbut in about four weeks I guess we will have OTA 12 :d16:29
kz6fittycentI'm on rc/proposed for bq aquaris. I guess that means I get nuthin'16:29
SebthreeBQM10HDapparantly eveyr six weeks or so and there will be another OTA release :d16:30
SebthreeBQM10HDkz6fittycent, no thats like the dev channel I think rc proposed, but 11 already came out so16:30
SebthreeBQM10HDkz6fittycent, the people in #ubuntu-touch quite a few of them are generally great at finding out more about things16:30
SebthreeBQM10HDkz6fittycent, even the guy whos working on liberitne hangs out there for example :d16:31
kz6fittycentyeah I joined that channel too16:31
SebthreeBQM10HDkz6fittycent, which Aquarius you got?16:32
kz6fittycentI have the nexus 4. I am running the Aquaris channel because of a GPS issue with the stable-branch on n416:32
SebthreeBQM10HDkz6fittycent, oh you dont have an actsaul commercial device hmm16:32
kz6fittycentSebthreeBQM10HD, see here:16:33
SebthreeBQM10HDkz6fittycent, I dont have a Nexus 4 but  would have thought something like that with the name Aquaris in it is for the BQ phones16:34
kz6fittycentSebthreeBQM10HD, no. I am in the US so the only thing I "could" get is the Meizu Pro 516:34
kz6fittycentSebthreeBQM10HD, and I AM thinking of purchasing it...maybe.16:34
SebthreeBQM10HDkz6fittycent, apparatly can buy or weere able to buy the two bq phones outside europe to more recnetly16:34
SebthreeBQM10HDseems bq no longer sell those dericty though uh16:34
SebthreeBQM10HDand I think the tablet will sell  to the US16:35
mhall119GPS takes a long time to acquire on the Nexus 416:42
mhall119even using the Aquaris channel with the Nokia HERE AGPS16:42
mhall119it's been my experience that the AGPS works well in some areas, and not at all in others, which indicates holes in Nokia's data16:43
SebthreeBQM10HDmhall119, he left, but is in the touch channel16:43
mhall119not surprisingly, Google is has much more data and does a better job at this with Android16:43
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