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flocculantbluesabre unit<tab> - is there anything new that testing needs to worry about yet? 16:36
flocculantI vaguely know about the gtk3 stuff in ppa, but afaik that's not something people can really look at yet16:38
flocculantPaulW2U: replied and cc'd release team in to it 17:35
flocculantPaulW2U: that's the way do to do it - ask on -release :)17:49
flocculantwe read things - but *we* can't always fix things - like the xfce/intel/lock bug17:50
flocculantpersonally I wish that we were more blunt about not releasing17:50
flocculantgiven that bug perhaps we shouldn't have done so17:50
flocculantmaybe that would make more noise - Xubuntu refuses to release LTS due to intel bug17:51
PaulW2Umy xubuntu install is now on a non-Intel machine17:52
flocculantmy installs are not intel 17:52
flocculanthard one - and if QA had refused, I bet we would have released anyway17:52
PaulW2UA a tester I get quite frustrated when I see little feedback from the main Ubuntu flavour hence my initial email17:54
PaulW2UI know how Xubuntu and Lubuntu work but ubuntu mystifies me at times :)17:54
flocculanthard one :)17:55
flocculantI think that mostly that's done with autotesting - not real people working in the OS17:55
flocculantdavmor2 might be able to shine a light on that - might have EOD'd too 17:56
PaulW2UYes, but Ubuntu 16.04 was still released with some awful bugs that fortunately were fix before the .1 release.17:57
PaulW2UI see that bug 1568604 now has a heat of 980 and affects 199 people :(18:00
ubottubug 1568604 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Mouse cursor lost when unlocking with Intel graphics" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156860418:00
PaulW2Uat least the duplicate reports have slowed down. bye for now. off to watch tv.18:03
davmor2intel drivers would be the kernel and nothing to do with the desktop at all, so the x team and kernel team would be the best places to start18:27
flocculantdavmor2: always hard to tell where 18:30
flocculantdavmor2: then again where the hell are the x and kernel teams :p18:32
davmor2flocculant: #ubuntu-kernel18:32
davmor2flocculant: they are hidden really well ;)18:33
flocculantha ha ha 18:33
flocculantit is holiday week :p18:33
flocculantdavmor2: all that said it *might* be a lock issue with not-gnome18:45
flocculantor kde18:46
flocculantwhichever way you look it at it - not a nice bug 18:46
flocculantmight be that x team and https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94677 is the way to do it, but I know so little about the intricacies I get lost18:49
ubottuFreedesktop bug 94677 in Driver/intel "xorg-server 1.18.2: missing mouse pointer when coming back from screen lock" [Normal,New]18:49
flocculantoff to watch Iceland make Ronaldo look silly now :)18:50
flocculantjust a really simple point here19:59
flocculantI lost all my bookmarks - in fact lost everything 20:00
flocculantI can not find a simple link anywhere in Xubuntu land to add something to meeting agenda20:00
flocculantand if I can't find that - do we hide that deliberately?20:00
pleia2can get to it via wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu20:01
flocculantshould be simple to see pleia2 20:01
pleia2which is pretty standard for most projects in Ubuntu, go to wiki page, find meeting info there20:01
flocculantpleia2: I did normal thing with NO history - looked for Xubuntu20:02
pleia2where do you suggest we put it?20:02
flocculantfound xubuntu.orgh20:02
flocculantno meeting there20:02
pleia2xubuntu.org is our user facing website, we've put all the dev stuff on the wikis20:02
flocculantpleia2: meetings are community not dev20:03
pleia2indeed, which makes it tricky20:03
flocculantnot really :)20:04
flocculantshould be on x.org :)20:04
pleia2then can you suggest a place on x.org for it?20:04
pleia2that's what I'm asking20:04
flocculantpleia2: thinking :)20:04
pleia2see, tricky20:04
pleia2I've searched the website some, maybe on the Contact page? but I'm not sure20:04
flocculantmaybe Contact page?20:05
flocculantheh - similar thinking there :)20:05
pleia2is that where you looked when you were trying to find it just now?20:05
flocculantfirst place I looked20:05
pleia2ok, can you submit a bug so knome can look at it when he's home?20:05
flocculantpleia2: yea ofc - xubuntu-website? 20:06
flocculantk - cool :)20:06
flocculantpleia2: also ofc - atm - stupid position for a wiki - how could Bert add something ... 20:07
pleia2who is Bert?20:08
flocculantif that goes on for much longer - that's a real problem for *buntu20:08
pleia2there's a team that you can ask popey to add people to, discussion is ongoing on the ubuntu-doc list20:08
pleia2can't request to join (flood of spam joins), but you can ask popey directly20:09
flocculantbert is just this guy who realise there's a major issue with a wiki, can't change it, then just wanders off bad mouthing *buntu20:09
pleia2yeah, you want the ubuntu-doc list for this discussion20:09
pleia2there's nothing I can do about it, but folks are talking about it there20:09
flocculantpleia2: I can edit - Bert can't, now thinks Ubuntu is what they say it is :(20:09
pleia2I understand, but telling me doesn't help20:10
pleia2it's a very clear and known problem that's being discussed on the doc list20:10
flocculantpleia2: right - not going there - been down that street before20:10
flocculantdiscussing is great - IS doidn't care about spam till it hurt them 20:11
pleia2anyway, back to work for me20:11
flocculantyou can directly quote me to IS 20:11
pleia2*I* can't continue to be the one responsible for this20:11
flocculantpleia2: yea - sorry xxx20:11
pleia2the group exists that you can ask popey to add people to, the doc team is sorting out joining criteria to make this easier20:12
bluesabreflocculant: nothing from me at this time23:29

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