
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest99325
cooldharma06hi all06:15
cooldharma06i am using lubuntu 14.0406:15
cooldharma06is there anyway to upgrade to 16.0406:15
hateball!ltsupgrade | cooldharma0606:15
ubottucooldharma06: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.06:15
cooldharma06ubottu thansk for the info, is there any way to do manually or it will make any issues06:17
cooldharma06just to know or i ll wait. :)06:18
ubljudakHi, I got problem with xorg... it bassically uses 12-15% CPU while eveything is IDLE, when using something - Google chrome/youtube .. everything lags and freezes. This begun to happen with the new kernel 4.4.x., With old kernel 3.x.x.x. i had no such issues.08:23
ubljudakworst of all .. it happend randomly, sometime i turn on laptop... it lags, some time it doesn't.08:26
ubljudakmy current solution is restarting lightdm, which helps SOMETIMES.... wondered if there is any possible long term solution ?08:27
=== Guest99325 is now known as IdleOne
=== dldurk_ is now known as dldurk
MeorNetSearch results turn up two sites for lubuntu - .net and .me. Which one is official? I'd like a secondary source to back it up, too.20:15
wxllubuntu.me, MeorNet20:15
wxl.net is maintained by the original creator of Lubuntu and it doesn't always keep pace with development like .me does. those of us who actually do the heavy lifting came up with .me20:16
MeorNetDo they carry the same software? Do you still work with the original owner?20:16
wxlyes and no. .net references the same project, but the links are almost always behind the curernt release20:17
wxlas for the original creator, he's not really involved in the development of Lubuntu at all20:17
wxlin any way20:18
MeorNetOk, thanks. I'll see you on Lubuntu! (windows 7 slows this not-really-old sucker down to its knees)20:18
n-iCeboth sites own the same isos?20:18
wxlneither of them "own" the isos20:18
wxlthey both reference isos on the canonical servers20:19
n-iCeI see20:19
n-iCeso both are the same20:19
wxlexcept .net usually references old isos20:19
MeorNetthe "linking" from piracy sites argument comes to mind20:20
wxlcurrently it seems up to date but that's not always the case20:20
MeorNetalso, one more question: does lubuntu work with Rufus?20:21
wxldon't know what/who rufus is.20:21
lynorianMeorNet, I don't think we test with that20:22
wxlwe use default ubuntu tools, though we've been exploring something new someone in our community has developed20:22
wxli'm having a brain fart. what's nio's thing called, lynorian ?20:23
MeorNetit says it works with ubuntu, and i've had amazing luck with every ISO, so i'll give it a try and report back20:23
lynorianbut maybe mkusb20:26
lynorian mkusb20:26
wxlyes that20:27
wxl!mkusb | MeorNet20:27
wxlaw darnit20:27
wxli thought we had a factoid for that20:27
n-iCewxl: do you actually use lubuntu?20:33
wxln-iCe: at home, yep.20:34
MeorNetmkusb isn't for windows, which  is where your prime switching target it probably20:35
n-iCewxl: and, at work?20:36
wxln-iCe: kubuntu20:37
wxli argued for lubuntu to be our standard desktop but our IT manager was a little bit more inclined towards fancier graphics and more cruft :/20:37
wxlhe felt that users would prefer it (given that we switched from XP, i doubt it, but whatever)20:37
n-iCeI see20:38
MeorNetis the OS you're on now linux?20:38
n-iCeWhy always ubuntu?20:38
n-iCewhy not fedora? debian?20:38
wxlMeorNet: yep20:38
MeorNetn-iCe: in my opinion, user-friendly, very supported20:38
wxln-iCe: primary reason is the community.20:39
MeorNetwxl: then there's no reason not to20:39
wxlMeorNet: oh i could switch any time i want, but it's a matter of dogfooding20:39
MeorNeti'm talking bout with the manager20:39
wxlyeah he still doesn't want ot hear it :)20:40
MeorNetanyway, i'm going to install lubuntu, and check back20:40
n-iCeLinux nice 4.4.0-22-generic #40-Ubuntu SMP Thu May 12 22:03:46 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:40
n-iCeIs that I use.20:40
n-iCeI think that's the last lubuntu kernel20:41
wxllast released is:20:41
wxl!info linux-generic xenial20:41
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 11 kB20:41
wxlcurrent is:20:42
Unit193wxl: Xenial is default, mate.20:42
wxl!info linux-generic yakkety20:42
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (yakkety), package size 1 kB, installed size 11 kB20:42
n-iCesoo, I'm out of date20:42
n-iCeI just did upgrade20:42
n-iCedist-upgrade was missing, to get linux-headers-4.4.0-2420:42
n-iCeHostname: nice - OS: Linux 4.4.0-22-generic/x86_64 - CPU:  - Processes: 195 - Uptime: 4h 16m - Load Average: 0.20 - Memory Usage: 2162.89mb/7893.35mb (27.40%) - Disk Usage: 22.00gb/234.41gb (9.39%)20:47
n-iCe[Kernel: 4.4.0-22-generic] [Uptime: 4:16:58] [CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2520M CPU @ 2.50GHz 858.691 MHz] [Load average: 0.20 0.60 0.82] [RAM: 2 GB of 8 GB used] [Swap: 0 KB of 8 GB used] [Disks: 188 GB of 221 GB free] [Network: 960 KB received, 960 KB transmitted] [Audio: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)] [Video: Intel20:47
n-iCeCorporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integr20:47
n-iCeated Graphics Controller (rev 09)]20:48
n-iCelubuntu runs very well here20:48
MeorNetYou were right wxl - Rufus doesn't work. Is there anything I should use on Windows 7?21:01
Unit193LinuxLiveUSB creator, last I knew.21:01
wxlMeorNet: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#Creating_a_bootable_Ubuntu_USB_flash_drive_from_Windows21:02
wxlthough it oddly does mention rufus21:02
* wxl doesn't do windows (except in virtual machines)21:02
MeorNetI do graphics as a hobby, so I have to use windows.21:02
MeorNetgod damnit adobe please linux21:03
swift110_hey all21:19
wxlswift110_: ok21:30
swift110_hey how are you wxl21:35
wxlswift110_: ummmmm. ok :)21:38
swift110_good wxl21:51
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