
nityanandiHello. I would like some help installing wireless network in Ubuntu 16.04 please00:35
nityanandiTP-Link Archer T8E using Broadcom 4360 chipset. The proprietary drivers allow connection to router but no internet service is available.00:36
dobeynityanandi: #ubuntu is the help channel01:29
pittiGood morning06:02
seb128good morning desktopers06:38
pittihey seb128!06:43
seb128hey pitti, wie gehts?06:44
seb128how is your team week going?06:44
pittiseb128: it's going quite well actually!06:45
pittiapart from having shoestring and yoghurt can internet06:45
seb128but you have some sun right?06:45
pittihalf of my week's TODO is done06:45
seb128can't have it tall!06:45
pittiplenty :)06:45
seb128oh, nice06:45
seb128what do you focus on this week?06:46
pittiseb128: working with cking on arm64 kernel FUBAR, with cyphermox on network yaml, with tdaix on java testing automation, discuss some boot speed isuses, etc.06:47
seb128oh, boot ... do you guys plan to optimize back the desktop start? it has been a while we didn't look at that06:48
pittiseb128: for 16.10 this is just about some low-hanging fruit06:53
pittiwe found two06:53
pittifwupd takes two full seconds in "early" desktop start, that seems very expensive06:53
pittiand gnome-software could probably start later, rather than slowing down the desktop start06:53
pittiand in QEMU cloud images we should ues MODULES=dep, speeds up kernel boot time by a second (1.5 s -> 0.6 s)06:54
pittieverything smaller than that is post-16.10, and needs some proper infra for gating on boot speed regressions06:54
seb128pitti, right, I pointed out the gnome-software start-with-session thing before 16.04 when we added the service07:10
seb128but it was late in the cycle and people were still fighting with landing features07:11
pittiseb128: I don't see a bug for it yet, I'll file one07:14
pittialso need to find what this "fwupd" thing is07:14
seb128yeah, I didn't file one, I just argued against gnome-software to be a permanant service07:15
seb128it's the service handling firmware updates07:15
seb128superm1 is maintaining it, best to talk to him when he's online07:15
pittifiled bug 159267807:21
ubot5bug 1592678 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "gnome-software starts very early in the session, slowing down boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159267807:22
seb128I should get a bootchart on my box just to have a look07:25
seb128mvo, hey07:32
mvohey seb12807:33
seb128mvo, attente was looking for somebody to sponsor his snap xdg-open package, I think you already did the code review, do you think you could sponsor the package as well?07:33
mvoseb128: sure07:34
seb128mvo, bug #1580740 has the package, but let me do a pre-NEW type of review first, no point uploading if there are things to fix to let it in ;-)07:37
ubot5bug 1580740 in Snappy "[SRU] Cannot open a browser link from a snap that provides a link" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158074007:37
mvoseb128: ok, I prepare the upload now (testbuilding in a clean env etc)07:38
mvoseb128, attente: uploaded to yakkety07:39
seb128mvo, thanks!07:39
seb128yeah, looks fine for new07:41
seb128mvo, is snappy going to use it already today if installed?07:42
seb128or does it need integration in snapd of some way?07:42
seb128ah, attente wrote what is needed on the bug07:43
seb128the xdg-open script on the core image07:43
mvoseb128: a new os snap is needed, if you do "sudo snap refresh --channel=beta ubuntu-core" it should work07:43
seb128you might it's already in the os snap I just need to refresh today?07:44
seb128or I need to refresh once it's in there but that's not the case yet?07:44
mvoseb128: its already in the os snap in the beta channel but not yet in stable yet07:44
seb128hey Laney08:01
seb128wie gehts?08:01
pittiheey Laney, good morning08:01
Laneyhi seb128 and pitti08:04
Laneyi'm depressed by the weather and the news08:04
Laneyneed some emergency kittens08:04
Laneyhow are you?08:04
seb128what's in the news?08:04
willcookemorning all08:04
seb128hey willcooke08:04
seb128I'm going! though weather is unfriendly here as well08:05
willcookeThe old people are going ruin it for us08:05
seb128and we have workers in the building fixing the roof which is noisy08:05
seb128I wonder if I'm going to relocate to some outside location to work08:05
* seb128 sends some tea and kittens to Laney08:07
willcookethanks for a start up info pitti08:35
willcookeand the bug08:35
pittihey willcooke08:35
willcookelooks like something we should take more of a look at08:35
willcookeThe fwupdate bit especially, since it's also causing issues with usb mice08:36
pittiwillcooke: we identified some low-hanging fruit here, and that seems to be one08:36
seb128pitti, do you have a reference chart up somewhere?08:39
pittiseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/bootchart-xenial-qemu.svg08:39
pittiI thought I added it to the bug08:39
sarnoldyou did :)08:40
seb128pitti, sorry, I didn't read the bug, just the title on irc08:40
sarnold(I was curious, since apparmor is often blamed for slow boots, I just wanted to see how much it affected your current situation... I was quite happy with what I saw :)08:40
pittithere's still dozens of "little papercuts"08:41
seb128Laney, did you want to sponsor the gnome-software SRU for attente or should I try to have a look to that today?08:41
pittibut before we address lots of little optimizations we need some better infra, and 16.10 is not the time for that08:41
sarnolddefinitely the fwupd and gnome-software blobs look like huge papercuts :)08:41
pittiand these two are also new regressions in x08:42
pittiand total overkill from an engineering POV08:42
Laneyseb128: I didn't get asked to, did you?08:48
Laneyis there a package?08:48
seb128Laney, he has updated bug #1590508 several times this week08:48
ubot5bug 1590508 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "SRU more minor fixes to GNOME Software" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159050808:48
Laneyhow do you know which one of those is final?08:49
LaneyI mean I wouldn't have known at #6 that #7 was coming, or #8 or #9 - is there going to be a #10?08:50
Laneysaying that I'm happy to sponsor it if only I get asked08:51
seb128let's wait for attente to get online and sort it out08:52
seb128any of those versions was good to upload afaik08:54
seb128it's just that attente is on the overcautious side and never clearly claim "let's upload that one"08:54
seb128and he got pinged a few times for more fixes08:54
Laneyattente: I'll upload what is there now if you give me the nod08:54
seb128so he included those08:54
Laneyat some point we need to cut over to the next upload08:55
Laneyand get what is stacked pushed out08:55
dpmSweet5hark1, I've had LO's toolbar looking too dark to actually use it for a while, do you know if there is any workaround for that? It looks like this atm -> http://i.imgur.com/ZzEoTre.png10:33
andyrockmonring guys10:33
Sweet5hark1dpm: install libreoffice-style-human or -sifr and select that in tools->options->libreoffice->view instead of breeze?10:39
willcookehey andyrock10:40
willcookeandyrock, which country are you in?10:40
dpmthat did it, thanks Sweet5hark1!10:41
Sweet5hark1dpm: yw!10:42
ricotzSweet5hark1, hey10:45
ricotzSweet5hark1, could you do a 5.1.4~rc2 ppa upload?10:46
Sweet5hark1ricotz: yes, will try to get that still today.10:46
andyrockwillcooke: uk :D10:48
andyrockwillcooke: I'm in london right now :D10:49
andyrockwatching Marco cleaning dishes10:49
seb128hey andyrock!10:49
seb128you guys had fun?10:49
seb128I saw some pictures of a row of italians waiting for pasta to be served ;-)10:50
andyrockhey seb12810:50
andyrockyeah quadrispro cooked for us :D10:51
Laneythe italians are invading!11:00
ogra_better brexit quickly then !11:01
Trevinhoseb128: ahah, yeah... Pasta all'Amatriciana... So, tomato, and looooots of lardons :-D11:15
flexiondotorgattente, I hear you worked on adding Snap suuport to gnome-software.11:16
flexiondotorgattente, Is there an API/library others can use to add Snap support to other software "centers".11:17
willcookeflexiondotorg, snapd has a lovely REST API11:17
TrevinhoLaney: we're here for a a campain... To prevent the UK to do the mistake of leaving our "beloved" EU... (or maybe we're giving a reason to?)11:17
willcookeflexiondotorg, looking it out now...11:17
flexiondotorgI lead Ubuntu MATE. We have a little Software Boutique application and are very keen to add Snap support.11:17
flexiondotorgwillcooke, Thank you :-)11:17
willcookeflexiondotorg, https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/docs/rest.md11:18
flexiondotorgwillcooke, Thank you!11:19
willcookeflexiondotorg, nw, please let us know if we can help.11:19
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flexiondotorgwillcooke, Will do.11:19
flexiondotorgwillcooke, Is the implementation for gnome-software in gnome-software?11:21
flexiondotorgOr another package?11:21
willcookeit's in gnome-software and a plugin11:22
willcookelemme see11:22
willcookeflexiondotorg, sorry, got lost down a rabbit hole of cgit11:35
seb128willcooke, flexiondotorg, https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-software/commit/?h=wip/rancell/snaps&id=82b15e9a34dc1cbce7da24e0771a9c7a259ff15d11:35
willcookeflexiondotorg, https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-software/commit/?h=wip/rancell/snaps&id=82b15e9a34dc1cbce7da24e0771a9c7a259ff15d11:35
willcookethat's amazing :)11:35
seb128Trevinho, u-s-d landed as you probably noticed from the merge emails11:38
Trevinhoseb128: yes, thanks11:38
seb128time for some SRUs11:38
seb128unsure if we should do one or several rounds11:38
Trevinhoseb128: well, I can verify some issues, so we can have things quickly in11:40
Trevinholaney too I guess11:40
flexiondotorgwillcooke, seb128 Our Trello is updated. Thank you :-)11:40
willcookeflexiondotorg, very exciting stuff :)  shout if you need anything11:40
flexiondotorgWill do. Just information gathering right now.11:41
seb128Trevinho, yeah, it's just that the more we include the higher the chance of an issue and the need of a respin11:41
seb128Trevinho, I would probably let the screensaver/proxy changes out for a first SRU11:45
seb128Trevinho, do you want to have a look to the SRU or should I?11:46
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Trevinhoseb128: if you want proceed without silo you can do that I guess, or, if silo is needed I can do that12:19
seb128unsure about silo, I did the previously without one because it was easier12:20
seb128oh and because bzr push lp:unity-settings-daemon/16.04 was failing and I couldn't be bother debugging why that doesn't work12:20
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attenteLaney: hiya, i'm not going to add more changes to the sru, so that debdiff in comment #9 should be uploaded13:52
Laneyhi attente13:53
Laneydo you have a tarball handy?13:53
attenteLaney: i'll push it to the ppa13:56
seb128hey attente, how are you?13:58
attenteseb128: i'm good, how about you? just catching up on the backlog13:58
seb128I'm good thanks13:58
seb128sorry for mentioning your nick a few times13:58
seb128I should use Laney's underscores technic!13:59
attenteno worries :)13:59
* attente adds a highlight for attent_e13:59
attenteseb128: so the xdg-open thing is in y now?14:00
seb128but m_vo said only the beta channel has the os snap with the needed changes14:00
flocculantlots of desperate hope to not ping people going on here :)14:01
attenteLaney: https://launchpad.net/~attente/+archive/ubuntu/gnome-software-stable/+files/gnome-software_3.20.1+git20160614.1.edcffc1-ubuntu-xenial.orig.tar.xz14:02
Laneygimme a bit14:09
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mhall119hey guys, I'd like to see Software support a snap:// kind of URL, so I can get the design team to make us up some "Get the Snap" kind of button upstreams can put on their website, like they have for Android and iOS, where should I file that wishlist bug?14:53
ogra_in launchpad15:04
willcookemhall119, me & seb128 were talking about this exact thing this morning :)15:04
seb128not exactly15:05
seb128but related15:05
willcookemhall119, please drop a comment here:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software15:05
seb128mhall119, willcooke, the distro|format-neutral/recommended url scheme is https://www.freedesktop.org/software/appstream/docs/sect-AppStream-Services-UrlHandler.html15:06
mhall119seb128: that expects the appstream name though doesn't it?15:18
desrthello, hackers!15:18
mhall119I can do appstream://org.gnome.Cheese or something like that and it works15:18
mhall119but I can't do appstream://krita and get the snap15:18
seb128unsure if the appstream thing can work for snap15:19
seb128it's a backend thing, but maybe it only makes sense for applications with a .desktop15:19
seb128Laney or attente should know better15:19
Laneyi don't15:23
willcookeseb128, do you know if we could stop trying to build  krb5 on ppc64el ?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/krb5/+bug/159284115:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 1592841 in krb5 (Ubuntu) "FTBFS on ppc64el, blocks updates of all packages depending on krb5, for example CUPS" [Critical,New]15:24
Laneyno way15:25
Laneylook at reverse-depends src:krb515:25
* willcooke looks15:26
willcookeLaney, any ideas who might be able to try the suggested "-O2"?15:27
willcooketkamppeter, ^15:27
Laneywillcooke: tkamppeter could15:29
LaneyYou can turn on ppc64el for PPAs.15:29
seb128willcooke, it's likely a 5 liners in debian/rules and locusofbourg pointed tkamppeter to a similar diff done to another package and told him how to test in a ppa15:30
seb128see #ubuntu-release15:30
willcookeah, another conversation is happening15:31
Laneyyou could probably try to fix that warning directly too15:32
tkamppeterseb128, willcooke, I have seen the changes on cowdancer, I can apply the same changes on krb5 and attach a debdiff to the bug.15:33
seb128please do then15:33
willcookethanks tkamppeter15:33
Laneytkamppeter: test it in a PPA15:33
tkamppeterseb128, willcooke, would this help?15:33
seb128you can also test in a ppa15:33
Laneythen you will know15:33
seb128yes, but please test as well15:33
seb128just enable the arch in your ppa15:33
seb128and upload there15:33
tkamppeterLaney, how to activate ppc64el in my PPA?15:34
willcooketkamppeter, click "Change details" on the PPA screen15:35
willcookethen there is a tick box15:35
tkamppeterwillcooke, thanks.15:40
Trevinhoseb128: for your pleasure https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/unity-settings-daemon/kbd-toggle-ret-value-fix/+merge/29747915:45
Trevinhoseb128: i'd setup a landing with the queue signal patch too15:45
seb128Trevinho, thanks15:45
Trevinhoseb128: ah, fyi, tested here, it does crashed actually when kbd backlight was turned off15:46
seb128Trevinho, why did you remove the GError definition? error is still used no?15:47
Trevinhoseb128: no, is a different function... and gcc didn't build it15:48
Trevinhoseb128: also upstream got rid of those15:48
Trevinhoseb128: https://github.com/GNOME/gnome-settings-daemon/blob/master/plugins/power/gsd-power-manager.c#L26215:49
seb128Trevinho, again you mixed unrelated cleanups with actual changes, which confused me :p15:51
seb128the first chunk has nothing to do with the fix15:51
seb128it's just remove unused variables15:51
Trevinhoseb128: eh, I could have done two branches... but it was just 2 lines ...15:52
seb128right, it's fine for this time15:52
seb128and it's removals15:52
seb128so it doesn't mess up much with blame15:52
xnoxhappyaron, heya15:52
happyaronxnox: hey15:52
Trevinhoseb128: they're in two different commits though15:52
Trevinhoseb128: so annotate will see them15:52
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seb128Trevinho, approved15:53
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Trevinhoseb128: I've approved the other too, if robert has something against it, he can still speak up later15:53
Trevinhobut to me is sane15:53
Laneyi broke eeeeeeeeeeeeeeverything16:22
Laneyfirefox, gnome-terminal, my laptop16:23
seb128what did you do?16:28
seb128time for some exercice here16:29
seb128I'm probably going to at least read backlog when I'm back16:29
* davmor2 calls the exorcist and sends him to Laney 16:30
seb128but have a good evening for those who call is a day16:30
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willcookesee ya Laney17:35
tkamppeterLaney, willcooke, seb128, tried the cowdancer method but did not work: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/265534248/buildlog_ubuntu-yakkety-ppc64el.krb5_1.14.2+dfsg-1ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz17:45
tkamppeterLaney, willcooke, seb128: Probably too old deb package build method, did not yet find out yet from where the -O3 is coming here.17:46
LaneyYour patch didn't work17:47
tkamppeterLaney, this is the problem. the build method seems not to support the variables which control the edit of CFLAGS.17:55
tkamppeterLaney, can I somehow remove this package from my PPA to not need to waste a release number for each attempt?17:57
LaneyNot easily18:02
Laneytkamppeter: I think you need to pass the DEB_ variables to the $(shell ... dpkg-buildflags)18:03
Laney$(shell ... DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_STRIP="${DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_STRIP}" DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND="${DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND}" dpkg-buildflags --export=configure ...)18:07
Laneyor something like that18:07
Laneyyou know, in this case it's probably easier to fix the function to sidestep the warning in the first place18:07
Laneyreally gone now18:07
robert_ancelldesrt, are you working on gsettings/snap stuff?21:59
desrtit got pushed when i started working on relocation22:16
desrtbut ya22:17
desrti understand that the interim solution involves just letting everything read the user's dconf database for the time being22:17
desrtrobert_ancell: at the hackfest right now... will be able to talk more next week22:43
robert_ancelldesrt, ok22:43
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