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ricotzjbicha, :\16:33
jbicharicotz: did I break something for you?16:43
ricotzjbicha, hey, please don't copy packages from a higher series to a former one16:48
ricotze.g not from yakkety to xenial16:48
ricotz"copy" as in "rebuild with same version" or "binary copy"16:49
jbichawhat's the issue? how is that different than backporting which we do often?16:52
ricotzspeaking of "gtk+2.0 - 2.24.30-2ubuntu1~ppa0"16:52
ricotzthe issue is simply the same version here as in the source ppa16:53
ricotzdo you intend to do the same for the yakkety pocket?16:53
jbichaok I think I see, it's better to have a lower version number for a lower series so that those who upgrade are sure to get the right one built against that series16:55
jbichacould you handle yakkety? I'm not ready for GTK 3.21 yet16:55
ricotzyes, remember that -- maybe if I got time -- and a small heads up would have been nice in such a case16:56
jbichaalso Laney's gtk3 dropped installing debian/settings.ini which I think was unintentional - I pinged him about it16:57
ricotzyou fixed that already?16:58
ricotzok, I have read the changelog16:58
jbichano, I was waiting for a reply to the email I sent him16:58
ricotz + Install the settings.ini file to set our themes16:59
ricotzI see16:59
jbichait's still included in the packaging, just not installed17:00
jbichait was previously handled in debian/rules17:00
jbichaI almost did ping you yesterday to let you know I had uploaded to xenial not yakkety17:02
jbicharicotz: also, libpeas ftbfs in the yakkety ppa17:19
jbichaso I didn't upload gnome-builder 3.20 there17:19
ricotzjbicha, glib's fault?17:47
ricotzjbicha, pushed gtk2/gtk3/adwaita to yakkety, hoping this works out17:48
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