bazhang | isnt popcorntime pretty much a warez only program | 00:44 |
seednode | yes | 00:46 |
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest99325 | ||
phunyguy | all in favor of stevendale permaban say "AYE". | 04:14 |
elky | oh boy what now? | 05:07 |
elky | the pinging people? | 05:36 |
ubottu | In #lubuntu, cooldharma06 said: ubottu thansk for the info, is there any way to do manually or it will make any issues | 06:17 |
ikonia | phunyguy: just get rid of him, he's another one who adds no value | 08:07 |
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Myrtti | maybe I need to tone down my snark. Sorry. | 11:09 |
ikonia | I don't think so | 11:09 |
=== Guest99325 is now known as IdleOne | ||
phunyguy | elky, yeah the constant join and ping | 14:32 |
Myrtti | I wonder if I still remember how to do factoid edits | 16:18 |
Myrtti | there, fixed | 16:22 |
Pici | woo | 17:29 |
k1l_ | dax: he is right. ethOS is not giving out the sourcecode. so they are violating the gpl there. | 20:22 |
dax | did you buy it and then contact them and ask for source? | 20:23 |
dax | they don't need to proactively make it available to non-customers | 20:23 |
dax | anyways, the email I gave him is the correct place to report it assuming they are in fact not distributing source at all | 20:23 |
k1l_ | afaik they need to give it out even if you dont pay for it. that is all the sense behind the gpl. | 20:24 |
genii | I'm sure someone at Canonical will figure it out. Their lawyers always seem ready to leap out of the bushes. | 20:25 |
dax | k1l_: oh, sorry, yes, you're correct about that | 20:26 |
dax | so, i wonder if they make "a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code" to people who buy and download it ;) | 20:27 |
dax | in general, cryptocurrency people are idiotic enough that i highly doubt they did, but who knows. and yeah, it's big-C's problem really | 20:27 |
dax | (does FSF even do GPL enforcement for coreutils and other GNU stuff these days?) | 20:28 |
hggdh | dax: used to, until recently (at least). There was a site where they would show violations of the GPL, and results | 21:57 |
hggdh | yes. and | 21:59 |
hggdh | and I remember FSF being active on violations (for a somewhat undefined "active") | 22:00 |
dax | is the latter actually an FSF project? | 22:01 |
dax | or, like, actually FSF affiliated | 22:01 |
dax | b/c the compliance work i've seen recently seems to mostly be FSFE and Conservancy | 22:03 |
hggdh | I remember Harald's work from a few years ago. He/They helped a lot (mostly in Germany) | 22:04 |
hggdh | but -- just checked -- and the mailing list host seems to be down | 22:05 |
hggdh | so... since you have to have the copyright owner complaining... GPL violations are iffy. For the FSF packages, they do follow up | 22:06 |
hggdh | for others... <shrug/> perhaps Canonical, Red Hat | 22:06 |
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia |
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